The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, October 26, 1893, Image 3

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F. W. Fenton was called to Spokane I
O. P. Hatters.
J. E. Magers, Esq., attended the Ore­
ColMf« Note«.
gon bar associatlou In Portland last Saturday by telegram, his brother C.R.
Prospects ure very favorable for the
While In the city last week Judge
Fenton being at tbe point of death. He
most prosperous year in the history of ¡Fullerton promulgated several orders
The Wester» Pedugoyue will resume left ou the afternoon train, but liefere
the college. Over sixty are enrolled! of court concerning the O. P. rail
publication. Tire Issue now Ireing in he could reach Spokane his brother bad
and more continually coming. Fully road, tbe first of which requires Sheriff
passed away. C. It. Fenton was a ris­
half are new ones.
1 Osburn to sell the road not later thau
L m. to 7 p. m. From 7:30 p.
W. H. Logan has moved into tbe ing young lawyer but lately married.
I in.
Some new students were added to December 15th to the highest bidder—
der hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. in. Spencer house, corner Fifth and F
all bids to be accompanied by a deposit
torn 12 m. to 1 p. m
this county,and be has a host of friends our list last week.
Everything is running ill first-class of 1200,000. Order No. 2 authorizes Re­
th closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail
iat2:30p. m and 9 p. m.
Come and have your future destiny who regret ills sudden death. Deatli order and ou schedule time.
ceiver Hadley to make an eastern jour­
was caused by inflammation of tbe ver­
5:45 a. m train closes evening
at the opera house Tuesday
The free class in elocution, together ney to negotiate* with parties concern­
b. m.
with Indian clubs aud military drill is ing the purchase* of the <). P. railroad,
[and southern Tillamook mail evening.
its removal.
a m.
a re»*eat addition to our advantages and while the third mandate authorizes the
Will Kratz and wife returned from
Under the head of “Misfits” the Al­ is highly appreciated by a large nuiaber receiver to bring suit to recover money
California Saturday last. They will
bany Democrat gives the following ru­ of the students. The class is controlled saiei to be due from the Portland Flour­
reside iu thia city.
mor: "Supt. L. R. Fields and the mas­
ing Mills Co. The fourth arranges for
r E piscopal C hv » ch .—Services
Ira and Fred Nelson have a very ter mechanic of the Southern Pacific exclusively by the competent muuuge-
lib at It a. in anil 7 :40 p. ni.
the receiver to provide employes of the
ool at 9:30 a, ni Prayer meet­
have been iu the city today making a
with receiver’s certificates for
ly evenings at 7:30.
doing a good business.
private inspection of the Oregon Pa­ tloa. The students regard it as tbe wages due for the months of July and
Év. S. E M iminobr , Pastor
cific’s property, rolling Block, round most important addition that could August, to be dated September 1, and
>i> P rksbytkhian C hciu 'H —
rv Sabbath at It a. m. and 7 p proprietors of the McMinnville Flour­ house, buildings, wharfs, etc. It is re­
have been made to the college, since to draw eight per cent interest. The
f School at 9:30 a. m.
ing Mills, was in the city Tuesday.
ported, and please do not tell who told the members of the class cau observe fifth and last amounts to the stay of
’ Rsv W H Josts, Pastor.
( ivrch .—Services every Sabbatli
Quite a number of people from tills you, that tlie 8. P. is making arrange­ eveniug study hours so easily gaziug proceedings in the matter of the Farm
>n>l 7:30 p. ni. Sunday School at city attended the exposition in Port­ ments te purchase the road, steamers,
er’s Loan and .Trust' company asking
upon the heavenly bodies.
FK«v C. L. B oxham , Pastor.
Prof. B with his band of lalairers has that the order creating Mr. Joe Simon
I Ciiracit.—Services every Sab- land Friday and Saturday of last week. etc. If true it will materially change
a ill. and 7 :30 p. in Sunday
Editor Graves, ot Newberg, who has the transportation aspect on this part of hewn down some of the fruitless trees referee, until November 13, which will
10 a. in. Y. P. S C. E. meets
and cast them into the eternal lire, come up for hearing on the first day of
in jail here for the last few weeks, the coast.”
1:30 p. m l'rayer meeting Wed-
Tbe state horticultural society has whieh adds a great deal towards the the Renton county court.— ChrvtiUin
130 p. m. Everyone invited
was given his liberty on Saturday after­
H A. D xston , Pastor.
been holding a very profitable meeting looks and beautifying of the campus.
C atholic C' hvrch .—Services 1st
The class in political eooHomy starts
idays of each month, Second
Prof. L. H. Baker has moved his at Corvallis this week. Itseenis that
Mary’s at Corvallis
Fourth family to this elty. Mr. J. M. Mills a larger number of the fruit growers of this week, dropping Virgil and regard­ Vlctory!--The Greatest the World Has
[Patrick's Church on Muddy.
will have charge of the professor’s this vicinity should take an interest in ing him as a thing of the past.
’R ev . T hos B riody , Pastor
The class in zoology is extremely use­
To muuy u man, stricken on the field
fruit interests of the state will be de­ ful as well as instructive.
of battle, the cry of victory has fallen
lie Grange. No. 31, P. of H.,
The water is so low iu the river that veloped. At Corvallis there was great
r hall the first and third Satur-
Animals of any kind or species are greatfully: but even more grateful to an
i month at 10 a. m. Visitors the Toledo cannot reach McMinnville.
individual is a realizing sense that by
enthusiasm aud many farmers attend­ very scarce on tlie campus.
J. T. JoLi.Y,
tile use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv­
ed. Over 1000 acres of prunes are now
L K uns ,
By the instructions of Prof. Forgo ine he has achieved a victory over any
under cultivation in Benton county in the class dissects beetles, crickets, grass­ nervous affliction, such as prostration,
On October 19th the county judge the vicinity of Corvalllis, and it is hoppers,frogs, tad poles,crawfish, snakes, headuebe, poor memory, dizziness,
lie Camp No. 128, Woodmen of
Meet first and Third Mondays granted tbe petition of the executrix of claimed by the citizens that the city will lizards, and everything that chance» to sleeplessness, neuralgia, hysteria, fits,
dullness, sexual debility, irritability,
th; visiting brothers cordially the estate of J. 8. Hibbs to sell real es­ be the great fruit center of the state.
come in their way when they go “bug­ convulsions, spinal irritability, St.Vitus
tend Lodge room Third St.
J O. R ogers , C. C.
Some one who is undoubtedly fer- hunting.” They can truly say tliat dance, etc. Testimonials of thousand
IBFOBD, Clerk,
This is the last week of the Portland ninst the saloons threw a rock at tbe there are no bugs on the college cam­ of such cures are in possession of tbe
Dr. Mlles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
industrial exposition. Tbe attendance plute glass front of the Aetna Tuesday pus.
Restorative Nervine is sold by Rogers
Bt No. 9 meets the second and
night and demolished a costly plate
Our gymnasium is coming to life Bros., the popular druggists on a guar­
fday of each month at G. A. R.
¡¿on block at 7:30 p. m. All owing to the financial stringency.
gift's. This makes twice that plates have again by the recent addition of a lad­ antee. .Xsk fof a book, free.
the Order.are CQrdiaily invited
W. H. Young bad the misfortune to been broken in thesame window in the der. Some of our energetic l<oys realize
IT meetings.
Real Estate.
L S. D owning ,
lose a joint each uft'tlie middle and l ing past six mouths, and in another coi- the necessity of exercise along with
bine ,
Post Commander.
fingers of his right baud at Jones A uin t<*e proprietors otter a reward of their studies. A tug of war will lie Rid­
G W Patty and wife to School Dists
$200 for tlie arrest and conviction of tlie ded in the near future.
Adams’ factory Monday morning.
33 .aud 46, Yamhill and Polk counties,
The Philergian society started some l.J acres; $1.
Warren Delashmutt, a lad of fourteen party who wants to do good so bad
yeare living near Bellevue, was brought that be commits a crime. One thing three weeks ago with flourishing pros­
Wni DeHaven aud wife to Emma
er all notices announe- to the office of Iirs. Galbreath A Gouch­ is certain, if tbe person is found a num­ pects. Six now members were added Lafollet, 152 acres, part of Wm Bran­
iainiuents Tor which an er to have a crushed ankle dressed on ber of the future years of bis life will be to our active list last week and proposi­ son die, near Willamina; $7750.
spent in the penitentiary. Persons tions for membership are continually
1 fee is charged, all Monday.
W A Gardner and wife to H G Si-
have been sent up fer fifteen years for coming in. This society should not be bray, blk 4 and lots 1, 2, 3, in blk 1,
natter after the notice
Nearly all women have good hair,
overlooked as Is too often done by stu­ Gardner’s add to Sheridan: $1.
kas been given as a mat­ though many are gray and few are the same offense in this state.
The books and tlie accounts of J. H. dents attending school. The student
’s, all resolutions of con- bald. Hall’s Hair Renewer restores
Wni Wascher and wife to Leaner
wedding notices, cards tbe natural color and thickens tbe Henderson are in my bands for collec­ whose desire is to get the most benefit Gray,
28? acre»', pt J F Johnson d 1 c,
tion and all persons indebted to him
I, etc., furnished the growth of the hair.
t 4 s, r 5 vo; $8000.
are requested to call and settle at once. the society. It meets regularly every
••Register for publíca­
George A Morris et al to Milton Hea-
Yesterday Duncan Ross caught the
Saturday evening at 7:30 in the society ( cock, 10 acres of the d I c[of S Heater, t
E. C. A pperson .
le charged for at regu-
little finger and the oue adjoining of
tising rates, I» and IO
Shiloh’s Vitaiizer is what you need hall on fourth floor. A cordial invita- 3 . s, r 2 s; $1 400.
his right baud in the cog wheels of a
T J Shadden lo Doein Shadden, 15
Torpid liver, yellow tion is extended to every body to at­
chop machine. The little finger was skin ‘ dyspepsia.
or kidney trouble. It is guaran­ tend, more especially the sludent», for acres,
pt Shaddcir die; $1.
amputated at the second feint.
teed to give you satisfaction. Price 7oc. we know by experience you will be Daniel E Frazier to Wm Frazier, 141
Tbe funeral directors of Oregon and Sold by Howorth A Co
benefitted thereby. The following is acres,
pt Miles Cary .d le, 14 », r 4 w; $1.
Washington were in session last week
the program for Oct. 28:
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
Carlton Improven. ent Co to W T
and special instruction in tbe art of em­
Song, Society ¡address, Prof. Nortliup; Kutch,
blk 9, Carlton ; $115.
with Local Applications, as they cannot
balming were given them. They want reach the seat of disease. Catarrh is a recitation, Mary Rogers; song, society;
Monta Stewart an d wife to T N
blood or constitutional disease, and in or­ essay, E. Million; reading, ('has. Ho­
to make mummies of their subjects.
Laughlin, 15375 equan ’ feet of tbe T C
der to cure it you must take internal reme­
Wni. Price, who for a long time was dies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken intern­ berg; recitation, Lizzie Davis; song, so­ Davis d 1 c, t 3 s, r 4 w; $240.
a resident of this city, died Sunday last ally, and acts directly on the blood and mu­ ciety. Recess.
Geo W Odell and Sar ah McTeer to
cous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not
Debate, Resolved that the world will Albert Odell, 182 acres z>f tbe Elias
in Portland, of consumption. His body a quack medicine. , It was prescribed by
passed through here Monday for Inde­ one of the best physicians in this country never produce sucli another great poet ( Crandall d 1 c, t 4 », r 3 w; $L
years, and is a regular prescription, ft as Shakespeare. Aft'. Mr. Fellows and
pendence. where tlie funeral was held. for
B C M îles and wife to C M Cum­
is composed of the best tonic.s known, com­ Miss Smith; Neg. Mr. Root and Miss
John Fletcher has sold his feed store bined with the best blood purifiers, acting Fellows.
A S tudent .
i mings, lot 0, and north j Joi 5, blk 15,
directly on the mucous surfaces. The per­
to Lee Collard and Wayland Hunsaker fect combination of the two, ingredients is
Newberg; $2500.
It Should be In Every House.
what prodaces sncli wonderful* results in
J C Cochran to M E Coetem, pt of
the firm name of Collard A Hunsaker.
F. J, CHENY & CO. Props., Toledo, O burg, Pa., says he will not be without the south half of tbe A E G aailson d 1
Bold by druggists, price 75 oents.
Mr. Fletcher has moved back on liis
Dr. King's New Discovery for con- c;
1 $7500.
Elijah Hawkins and wife to» GsMteve
West Chehalem News.
ed his wife who was threatened with Hubert, 40 acres, s 36, t 3 s, r 2 w; $5d0.
The meeting of tbe West Side Edi­
I appear in this paper only,
Farmers are busy plowing and seed- Grippe,” when various other remedies
tors’ club will be held in this city on
Flectrie Bitters-
•ould see that you don't
ana several physicians had »lone her no
Friday and Saturday, November 24th ing.
1 miss a number.
This remedy is beeomin'g so well
Sam Brisbane has the best potato good. Robert‘Barber, Cookspert, Pa.,
and 25th. The papers along tlie line of
claims Dr. King’s New Discovery has known
and so popular as i <> n.eed no
the railroad can alone gain member­ crop in tills section of the country.
done him more good than anything he i special mention. All who .have used
Hugh Bartholemew went to Port­ ever used for lung trouble- Nothing Electric Bitters sing the sam e song of
There is no better medicine for family land Monday to attend the exposition. like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at praise.—A purer medicine dot w not e.x-
d and General.
i and it is guaranteed to do a 11 that 1»
Lyceum every Saturday night at the Rogers Bros, drug store. Large bottle» lst
use than Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. Their
50c and $1.
i claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
bles $4 to $12 at <’. Gris- sugar-ceating makes them easy ana West Chehalem Hill school bouse.
diseases of the Liver and Kidn lys, will
The Rev. Elisha Smith, from New­
City Caucus.
remove pimples, boils, salt rhu on and
even agreeable to take, and as they
affections caused by impure
letings are in progress at contain no calomel or other injurious berg, preached at the school house
Notice is hereby that a caucus of the other
blood.—Will drive malaaia fr« «n tlie
drug, they are perfectly safe for patients Sunday. There will be preaching ev­ voters of the city of McMinnville will system
prevent as well as ci u« all
ery Sunday at 11 o’clock by the Friends be held at the opera house Friday even­ malarial and
fevers.—For cure of hea iacbe.
, of the Portland Dinpatch, of any age.
of Newberg. Sunday school at 10 ing, Oct. 27,1893, at 7:30 o’clock, for the constipation indigestion try E teetric
Wanted—Energetic man to travel in
Iroad Tuesday.
Bitters—Entire satisfaction gaura. lteed,
purpose of nominating a «ity ticket.
•niels give the definition this county and secure orders for busi­
or money refunded. Price 50 cts. asd
Miss Slna Jenson, Clara and Bertha
$1.00 per bottle at Rogers Bros. Arug
Mlles’ Nerve and Liver Fills.
jin their ad this week.
Davis were the guests of Miss Beatrice
good salary If suitable. References re­
Ight has moved into bis
Linton Sunday.
Act on a new principle—regulating
quired. Applications considered Nov.
Corner Fifth and E street.
Joe Brisbane, from Portland, visited the liver, stomach and bowels through
Why he Told the Truth.
3, 4, at McMinnville. Address A. B.,
nerves. A new discovery. Dr.
his nephew Samuel Brisbane last Wed­ tlie
I from North Carolina can care T elepiione -R kci lster .
Miles’ Pills speedily cure biliousness,
“I suppose,” said a »Icltor to i '.he
nesday and Thursday then went to bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa­
me opera house Halloween
When a doctor considers it necessary North Yamhill to see his son' Johnnie. tion. Unequaled for men, women, and Washington state building, “that th* we
to prescribe sarsaparilla he simply or­
Mrs. Joel Minier has gone to Pike to children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 apples are but gooseberries coni par ed
has some liams left 12Jc ders a bottle of Ayer’s, knowing full
doses, 25 cents. Samples free at Rogers witli some of the other varieties yi >u
rat Sets, at the Henderson well that thereby he will obtain a surer stay this winter with her sister-tn-law, Bros.
raise in your state?”
Mrs. J. Killen.
B ettv .
Two Hundred Dollar* Ottered.
and purer yreparatlon theh any other
“No, sir,” replied tlie attendan t,
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
anted by a lady as house which the drug store can furnish.
Reward—Two hundred dollars re- “These are the biggest apples I ev< IT
or cook. Enquire at A Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the superior med­
ward will be paid for the arrest and saw taken from a tree in Washington. n
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
B street.
of the party who has twice
“And those pears?”
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Ison and O. P. Coshow re-
“.The biggest that ever came ovi
Frank Davey, of tlie Keeley institute Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, thrown rocks through the plate glass
he meeting of the Baptist passed through the city Tuesday after- Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ front of the Aetna saloon, in the Camp­ the hills or down a pike in Washin
tions. and positively cures Piles or no
W ii . lis & D avidson .
on yesterday.
noou on his way to Forest Grove. He pay required. It Is guaranteed to give bell block.
“And where are you from?”
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
rtbis city have been ¡in­
A Medical Firm 6lies Away Cash.
line weather by getting along the line of the former narrow ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
“Live there?”
J. F. Smith & Co. of No. 255 Green­
gauge, he being the lecturer of that or­ by Rogers Bros.
supply of wood in.
wich St., New York, the manufactur­
“Yes, sir.”
Something About the Weir Gang.
A any crockery or lamp der. He will soon visit tbe lodge in
ers of that favorite cathartic known as
“And you are frank enough to admit
■ythlng in that line, you this city.
Smith's Bile Beans, have adopted a that these apples and i«ars are the big­
M c M innrili .E, O r ., Oct. 20, 1893.
The report of the expert employed to
M cost at J. P. Irvine’s.
novel plan. They ask the individual gest that you ever saw raised in Wash­
U nion H ardware C o .,
Sew England supper will go through the books of the defunct
buyers of Bile Beans to send their full ington?”
M c M innville , O r .;
be opera bouse next Tues- bank of Hamilton, Job A Co., of Cor­
name and address, with an outside
“That’s it.”
I can safely say without fear of con­
br the benefit of the free
wrapper from a bottle of Bile Beans
“That’s a commendable admin lion, I
made his report. He finds that there tradiction that their Weir gang plow is
(either size) to their office, and they must admit.”
was much reckless management and a dandy. It Is ahead of anything in
iders of the Salem lade-
give |5 for the first wrapper received
“Well, to tell you the truth, stranger,
many bad speculations but no inten­ the plow line I ever saw. It gives
¡hat they will spend $10.-
in each morning’s mail, and $1 for the confessed the attendant, "I’m going to
plenty of room for four horses to work
I paper on a paying basis,
2d, 3d, 4th, Sth and flih. Every day move to Oregon next week.”— Chicago
abreast without side draft. I am work­
A New England supper for the bene­
bey would spend it.
$10 in cash is thus sent to their cor­ Herald.
ing it by the side of another gang of
fit of the reading room will be given at
respondents. Ask for SMALL size.
.■ewspapers are discuss-
ordinary principles, and It runs fully
the opera house Tuesday evening Oct.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., Han
hent problem. The new
one-fourth lighter. Four horses handle BUYER»* AND BUSINESS DIRECTOlt.
31st, from 5:30 to 10 p. m. You will be
Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh’s Catarrh
been satisfactory in its
it easier than three will a 14-in. walk­
served by young ladies and gentlemen
30 loaves good bread for $1 at Irvine's Remedy is the first medicine I have
feral counties of the state,
ing plow.
G. J. S hadden .
from the different colonies, dressed in
Take your cash and buy your sup­ ever found that would do me aDy good
glass in Kay A Todd’s ye olden style. Admission with supper
Now is the time to subscribe for the plies in the grocery line at J. P. Ir­ Price 50 eta. Sold by Howorth ACo.
• removed to-day. The tickets, 25cts.
T elephone -R egister . A new story, vine’s big sale.
at up and sent to New-
L. C. Triplett raised on bis farm the “Kiss of Gold,” by Kate Jordan,
School books and stationery at low
"the new brick going up
■oar Carlton a fine lot of potatoes of will appear soon, Critics’call it the eet prices, C. Grissen's.
the Snowflake variety. He left a sam­ fiction of the year and having read the
J. P. Irvine Is now giving some way­
•f our subscriben» llave ple at this office which would have advance sheets we say that it is by far
down prices during bis sale.
•Ives of our offer to sell been a creditable display at the Worlds the best written stery that we have
Orin Skinner has a little more 4ft
frotad to “The Prune In- fair. Six of them weighed ’ever nine­ published. Tbe author is young and
brchanl Work” for tile teen pounds, and tbe largest one four is making a great success with her pen. oak wood for sale at;$2.75 per cord, nlso
The story is published by special ¡ar­ old fir, 2ft, at $3 per cord.
and three-quarter pounds.
J. P. Irvine not only gives a reduc­
rangement with the J. B. Lippincott
to shoemaker, is at work in
From May 1 to September 20, nation­ Co.
tion on what goods are on his bills, but
■I thinl street every day. al t»nks took out $29,000,000 in circula­
everything in his line.
■ant boots or shoes repaired tion. Tbe total national bank circula­
School books and supplies at C. Grie­
to, first door west of I a >- tion is now, in round figures, $204,000 -
Report of school district No. 26, for sen’s.
000. By the law of 1882 national bank tbe month enaing Oct. 20, 1893.
J. P. Irvine says he has no intention
Number days taught, 20; enrollment, I of going out of business because be is
■king' received the other notes cannot be retired in excess of
■•tarts bay a pelican that $3,000,000 ■ month, so that even if the 24; average daily attendance, 18. now selling at such prices at bis sale.
■ ft. 4 inches from tip to banks retired all the $29,000,000 taken Names of those not absent, Katie
Shaved shingles and cedar posts from
tok 14| Inches long. He is out tbe contraction would be extended Johnson. Josie McClintock, Eiener
Dunzer’s shingle camp can lie bought
■ in mounting it.
of Wm. Galloway.
C. Jory, who resides on a farm about spelling, Chrissie Laughlin, Eiener
toat half of the grain crop
J. P. Irvine during his sale is selling <
1 Pedersen. Highest in writing, Delia
■lie river and tributaries has five miles south of Salem, has brought
at bedrock prices for cash and ail good-
bed by the late storms. At into Salem a chunk of iron ore, 4x8
guaranteed to be first class.
Of Interest to Spnrtamen.
■Ince, Gravel Ford, the inches, be took from one of his fields
Exchange—One three year old geld­
Machine had been taken to
M Hammerly. a well-known bnslnesw man
Mr. W. H. Hurlburt, A. G. P. A., ing bay, fine roadster, for a buggy* > of Hillsboro, va.. sends this testimony to
bid just before tbe storm set was taken to a jeweler, who pronounc­
the merits of Ajrer^e Sarsaparilla: “Several
years ajro. I hurt my leg. the injury leaving
■vy rains caused a freshet, ed it ore of tbe best quality. Mr. Jory Union Pacific system, Portland. Ore.,
iore which led to erysipelas. My sufferings
Dry oak wood delivered at $3 per' a were
led the thresher and only has about eighty acres, nearly all of lias just received a supply of books
extreme, my leg. from the knee to the
being a snlM sore, whirh began to ex­
be thresher wm visible above
tend to other parto of the ixxly. After trying
various remedies. I twgan taking Ayer*«
Tbe grain was swept to the stance.
tains a digest of tbe laws relating tn I The belcher shop of Booth A I .am-1 Sarsaiwwilla, and. before ! ha»! finished the
Was nearly a total loss.
first liottle. I experienced great relief; the
A large crayon picture given away
aevou 1 bottle effected a complete cure.” •
game In the western states and territo­ bright Is at all times supplieil with the
¡•ver Root, the new blood with each dozen cabinet photographs ries. Mr. Hurlburt will be glad to
best of meats, game and fish in season.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
™...v^at Mon tee's gallery. Twenty-five cray-1
res freshness .....
and <r
mail you one of the books upon receipt
Preparelby Dr. J.C. Ayer
Lowell, Mam.
When your $200 watch needs repair-
piexion and cures coustlpa- ons is the limit Crayon can he had of
of two cents to cover postage.
ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds . Cures others,will cure you
50c and $1. Sold by How self or friend.
J. W. Montee, I’bo- [
of jewelry repaired.
4 I tegrapteer, McMinnville. Or.
One-Third of the Oregon Crop Hu
been Sold.
Of Oregon’s 35,000 to 38,000 bales of
hops only ulaiut one-third has as yet
been sold. Throughout the Willamette
valley the price has remained very close
to 17 cents. Some choice lots have
been sold for a trifle more and some
growers are holding for 20 cents.
The following is from the Producer'»
Price Current of New York for Oct. 14.
“All the country papers report very
quiet markets throughout the state,
and private mail advices fully confirm
these reports. A few lots of choice
quality have been tuken on English ac­
count at 21 to 22 cents but dealers have
bought fine brewing stock at 20 to 214
cents, paying up to 22c iu a few cases,
and have secured some of the poorer
growths down to 18 to 19c. Growers do
not appear to belli any special hurry
to sell, but there is need of money in
some localities, and reasonably good
bids are not always refused. It is un­
fortunate that the state hops are not
more attractive in appearance. Many
too lots show exceedingly careless pick­
ing, andthe little mold that is scattered
through tbe growth is against the sale.
The richness of flavor will probably be
appreciated mors by our home brewers
later on. From the Pacific coast there
are reports of fair trading at 17 to 20c as
to quality, mainly 18 to 19c. A good
deal of the western stock is arriving,
and the samples shown are exception­
ally fine. The local market is still a
very narrow one. Shippers have not
found much of an offering of fl a« goods,
and the brewers' trade is light, no one
inclining to take much stock ahead.
Prices for the’93 stock are held about
steady, say 21 to 23c, but there have
been concessions on ’92 hopB with a lit­
tle anxiety to sell. Cables from Ger­
many report a higher and stronger
market, but late advices from London
do not indicate any improvement.”
Sudden Death!—That Startling New« Head­
The public is becoming accustomed
to tlie ubove heading, but nevertheless
it always conveys a shock. Sudden
death in a vast majority of cases results
from heart disease, manifested by one
or several of the following symptoms:
Short breath, palpitation, irregular
pulse, wind in tliu stomach, pain in
side, shoulder or arm, under left shoul­
der blade, between shoulders or in bow­
els, irregular or intermittant pulse, op­
pressed feeling in chest, choking sensa­
tion, week or hungry spells, difficult
breathing, swelliug of feet or ankles,
dropsy, Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure
speedily remedies all these. «Sold by
Rogers Bros, on a guarantee, who will
you his elegant new book free.
Blue River Hines.
Joe Wicks, who has been working for
the Lane County Mining Co. in the
Blue Itiver district the past summer,
says the Eugene Reyurter, was in the
city the first of the week. Monday he
left with John Brown for the mines,
and will do some work for the Blue
Itiver Mining company.
The Lane
county company has tunneled 175 feet
into the hill and this summer they
sunk a shaft fifty feet into the hill 150
feet back iu the tunnel. They have a
ledge five feet wide there, and in beat­
ing the ore out in a mortar every pan
shows color.
WVbra Baby was sick, we gave her Caatorta.
Wtaa she was a Child, she cried tor Pastoria
Whensbe became Miss, she clung to Caatori*.
When K» had Children, she gave them Caatori».
In the wet season is a neces­
sity in house construction
In Yamhill County are on
our yards and they are filled
with choice lumber that has
not seen one drop of rain.
When You Want Finishing Lumber
Or shop work during the
wet season don’t fail to ex­
amine our lumber as well as
the product of our Shops.
Jones X- Adams, McMinnville, Oregon.
In calling your atention to our Lamps and Lamp
Goods we wish to remark that our store contains
the most complete line of lamps ever offered in
Yamhill county.
We Keep Everything
In lamps, from the cheapest glass lamp to the
more high art designs.
Our Victor Central Draft Lamps
Need no recommendation. Our large sale of them
in the past season has fully demonstrated their
popularity. There have been many improve­
ments for this season which are bound to keep
the Victor to the front. For simplicity in wick-
ing, r eatness of design and durability there is
nothing we know of to compare with it.
We Request a Critical Examination
Of our goods and prices in all lines which we
handle. Knowing our ability to serve the inter­
ests ot our customers, we solicit your patronage,
assuring you that trade will be highly apprecia­
Very respectfully,
Carriage Licenses.
The clerk has issued license to wed to
the following persons during the week-
W. W. Ketfer, aged 62; Mrs. L. M.
Seatt, aged 55.
Jesse Smith, aged 21, Alice Quenell.
gged Id.
phas. Howard, aged 26; Mitmie Blod­
gett, a^1121*
Samue? Morin, aged 38; Jennie Hall,
Shiloh’s Cure,
8reat ‘““K14 and
lung cure, is for
by us. Pocket
ixe contains 25 dos
26c. < hll-
dren love it. 8. Hoi
We call Especial Attention to our
Stock of
Woolen Goods,
Underwear, Hosiery,
This is the season to look after
your Foot Wear. Select the best
Boots or Shoes to keep your feet
dry and avoid colds.
Our Grocery Department
Wets., and
$1.00 per B
One oenta doeei
T hzb G out
where all other»
Throat, Hoirxmu, Whooping Cough and
Asthma. For ConaumpUon it has no rival;
baa cured thousands, and will cuaa tou tt
taken tn time. Bold by Druggists on a guar­
antee. For a Lame Back or Cheat, use
^Have youtatarrh? This remedy is guaran-
^od to cure you. Price, Wcte. Injector tree.
Kes, your drex», hat, etc., But
how is your Jewelry f That in
noticed as well an your riothen.
Remember Alno,
I)ER carricn the Largent and
Nirent Annortment thin inde of
Portland, and at the lotrent price».
Two Ikoors East of Postofflcc.
Is not subject to such Famines as the “Report­
er" gave you last week. We had not less than
One Thousand Pounds of Sugar in our house
at that time.
stock Mackintoshes, Rubber
Clothing, Boots, Shoes
T bww complete and high enough to satisfy
any one. The rubber companies claim the
rise in rubber goods is due to a Trust, which
in view of the times is a gross misrepresenta-
Uiion on their part. They, like others, trust
less and are more exacting about payments
than ever before.
All Manufacturers and Wholesale Houses have adopted more
stringent rules as to credits, and exact payments of Country
Merchants more frequently and give less time than ever before.
ency of Banka and
The general tend
credits and short-
all is to grant less
do business more
en up time, and
as you go, Cash,
on the plan of pay
labor, time and
. All realize it costs
hesides these duns are
mon< *y to keep books.
debtor class; and it is
annoying to the
to the other class
- equally annoying
they have credit­
- to be cursed after
or more. In order
. ed people a year
will take your
to save all this we
Warrants at their
•City and County
.-____ in payment
-___ for merchandise. We will take your pro­
face value
*A_ value
—1.. « Oxx
( ¡»«Airr/in ia ’ coupons are still good
at a its
to us. The ‘ 'Oregonian'
hen*. The more trade we get the better we can do by all.
S arsaparilla
F of tsfOroatlon and free Handbook writ® to
MUNN * CO.. Ml B roadway ; Maw Y<mr.
bareno for «emiri n< patent« la Amenm.
Every patent taken out by n» I» brought b*f<,re
tbe public by • notice giren free of charge to tbe
Jrieutific ^mttiraii
Lernet rtrmlctk» of any acientlffe paper to tbe
worid. Splendidly fflwtrated. No intelU mu
rianuMi sal araaswar, Hr. rurt otr.