thing as she has done, I entreat you. Tt I ABOUT FRUIT GROWING. will bring yon only disgrace and misery. “Oh, never fear. I have no fancy for B oihv lulereslliia I’olnls on ibis Greal 1 elopements. What I do I care not who Industry, knows. It is too late for any to prevent it now anyway. The last trunk went It gives the observations of one who from that room,” pointing to a dosed has made the study of fruit a specialty door, “since yon have honored me with for ninny years, not only in Oregon but your espionage. “Allow me,” with a scornful, defiant also Illa knowledge of the business ex­ air, even while a shudder of disgust tends to our sister state California. First, when we enter into tlie fruit passed over her, “allow me to introduce 50. for a cask it will not cure . Q you to Mrs. Jacob Varney, a million­ business !l raising of fruit) we should Anasrwnblo Laxativs and aire’s wife, madam! Not ^piite so win­ not expect to set our trees out in small Sold l>y llriiKiristser «ent'T “‘«fl; some a husband as Stella's, perhaps, but holes dug just large enough to receive an>l »100 per package, bample* free, AI À Tbe Favorite TOOTS roWDll I shall have all that money can give. So tlie bent up risits of the trees ami then ■s'«*, flUforthoTuolhandllrvatb.SOc. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, * * C ast or I a ¡3 so well adaj >tcd to child ren t hat Hour Stomach, Diarrhcea, Eructation, what matter’s it?” I recommend it as superior to any prescription turn our attention to some other indus ­ Kill« Wonus, gives sleep, and prmaot»» di­ “Ah, Maud, my dear child! What gestion, known to me." H. A. A rcher , M. D., Without injurious medication. have you done? How could Varney try, leaving the trees uml weeds to Ill Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. countenance such an act under the cir­ light it out, ex|K‘cting our trees to come out first best, till, no! Mother “ For several years I have recommended cumstances?” evoeite . “The use of ‘Uostoria’ is so universal and your ‘ Castori», ‘ and shall always continue u “What have I done? Why, found my­ Nature prompts the spontaneous its merits so well known that it do so as it has invariably produced bcuetteial of suDererogation to endorse it. ’ e» are tne self a princely home when my father's growth of weeds mid grassese, but it is OPEN ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER I8TH. intelligent families who du not keep CaMorla reaulti.” E dwin F. P ardi », M. D., folly or crjme—call it what you please not natural for trees that have been re­ within easy reach." ‘ C arlos M artym , D.D., Just dosed till-most prosperous year in “ The Winthrop,” 126th Street and 7th Ave., —has cast me out from this. What has New York City. its historv. Wide rangs of studies, 'i hor- moved from their location in tlie nurs ­ New York City. Varney done? Why, proved himself a iAte Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. ough instruction. Business course added. fooll Has he not for more than a year ery row, where they have had careful Tuition free. Entrance fee, »10. Board tormented me? And I during that time nursing ami thorough cultivation, to and lodging at reasonable rates in the ele­ T ub C sntauu Coaraxx, 77 M ubraï S tbxit , N ix Y ou . treated him with open, undisguised con­ take root mid grow in the grassy sod. gant new dormitory and boarding hall on the campus, where students will receive tempt. And yet when I went to him Plant young trees as you may and let personal supervision. yesterday and told him boldly we were them go uncultivated for one or two JOHN W. JOHNSON, bankrupted and disgraced; that Stella, seasons and I would not give first cost P resident . the vile creature, had robbed me of all I of the stock for the orchard. Select had—oh, it makes me laugh to think from Terminal or Interior Points 11 m how the toothless old dotard blubbered your fruits, plant tlieui right ami take THE THAT over my hand!”—and with a gesture of care of them for three years ami you bitter loathing she tossed her hand awav will have mi orchard worth at least THE SHASTA ROUTE from lier—“promising me a trousseau from three to five hundred dollars per —'OF TIIE— Ida chair, Ida head reeling on the next week that should outvie any in the acre. marble pillar, teas Le Ilarron." The shadows of vexation and sorrow— city, together with a princely settle­ To all who want to be in the tide of Express Tyains Leave Portland Ilaily. I ALL OTHERS almost doubt—again crossed Rose’s brow. ment, if 1 would consent to marry him fruit growing that’s bound to sweep that very hour. Why, an immediate LEAVE. ! AllllIVK. Is the Line to Take As Eustace’s dark eye sought her lover's over our state and country, I would marriage was just what I was deter ­ Portland .. 7.00 p m SanFrancisco 8.16m FOLLOW. for a moment it had in its calm dignity a San Frail. . 7:00 p miPortland 7.35am like to say, take warning lest you fall meaning she could not fathom, and lier mined ou! And it is done,” said the Above trains stop only at following sta- 1 heart beat wildly when she saw Jasper's mserable girl, throwing herself on the by tlie wayside. Orchards require tlie tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, It 1« the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs quail* before it. What fear restrained sofa, exhausted by the shameful recital. same cultivation that n cornfield re­ Oregon Citv, Woodburm, Salem, Albany j Through VESTIBULED TRAINS Mrs. Nowton went to lier caressingly, quires. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Jun- I lier natural impetuosity from demanding Every Day In lhe Year to TRAINS ction city, Irving, Eugene while lier tears fell fast. a solution at once? All lands intended for fruit should be Roseburg Mail Daily. “Oh, Maud! You do not love this well drained ami be plowed and sub­ In reply to Jasper s question Eustace Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. ARRIVE LEAVE. simply shook liis head, but her father man! How, then, can you endure the soiled at least 20 inches, harrowed 5:50 pm “ “ 7:30 P. M. Portland . X:3O a m Roseburg... Roscburj (No Change of Cars) partly reassured her by the calm and ap­ h6me you have sold yourself for?” I Portland ... 4 :.‘X) p m Roseburg. 7:00 a Dl “Love him! Oh, no! I have ever down level, then laid out to row nicely, parently unsuspicious manner in which Albany Local, Daily. Except Sunday. Composed of DINING CARS lpatlied him. I had once some romantic, especially north and south, exactly by he answered: (unsurpassed) LEAVE. ARRIVE. “We will settle all details when wa tjotjons aQout marrying for love and es­ the compass (wbat'a lieautiful sight in Portland .5: p in Albany......... 9: pm PULLMAM DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Albany.......... 6:30 a in Portland 10:30a iu return. Now we must attend to the caping from such a home as this has al­ after life to see a valley all planted to (Of Latest Equipment,) ways been. more pressing wants.” fruit and all rows running one way) “But that is all past! When once I now and then. After tlie orchard Is In the course of the ride Mrs. Newton Quickest to Chicago, and TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be constructed and in asked Eustace how Maud appeared when get my promised trousseau and settle­ laid off with small stakes take a ten or The East. which accommodations are for hol­ taken to lier parents and compelled to ment, I shall allow myself to be very lit­ Second Class Sleeping Cars twelve foot board, cut three notches, ders of First or Second-cptss Tick- tle troubled witli old Varney’s society, I witness all the horrors of that scene. Quicker to Omaha and Attached to all Through Train.« “Oh, my dear madam! Your ques­ assure you. That would be intolerable. one at eacli end mid one in tlie middle, * U an l ELEGANT DAY COACHES. WEST SIDE DIVISION. Kansas City. tion reminds me that I have not given X have ljved thus far without love and put the middle notch over tlie stake for Between Portland and Corvallis. A Continuous Line connecting with all the miserable girl a thought since I en­ can continue to do so, while I now have tree, have two other stakes, put them Pullman and Tonrist Sleepers. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. lines, affordiug direct ana unin­ tered that room! The sight that met a position in tho most fashionable society down through end notches, go on Free Reclining Chair Cars. LEAVE ARRIVE terrupted service. my eyes at first bewildered me, and as high as wealth can command. Why through tlie row this way ami after Dining Cars. 10:10 a ni Portland ... 7 ;30 a in McMinn’ Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secur­ McMinn’.. .10 : 10 a in Corvallis . 12:10 p m when I could rouse above it my whole do you weep and look at me bo sadly? you have tlie row all end staked you For rates or general information call on ed in advance through auv agent of the road :55 p m McMinn ’ 2:5(1 p m Corvallis. .. 12: attention was so engrossed by immediate What would you have me do?” she cried or address, 5 30 p a necessities that—well, excuses are use­ wildly. "Go out to service? Starve in may take your team and plow a deep W. H. HFRLBITRT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. Through Tickets al^ McMinn’... 2 :56 p m Portland . At Albany and Corvallis connect with the streets—or worse? My mother’s folly furrow, plowing up the middle pegs, less. It was cruel negligence.” «nd Europe can be purchased at any ticket 2M Washington St., trains of Oregon Pacific. P ortland , O regon office of this conmany. “No, Eustace, ydu blame yourself and my father’s shame have barred all save tliejiegs, now turn another furrow Express Train Daily, except Sunday. Full information concerning rates, time needlessly. It was a most natural over­ other chances for a home but the one I the other way and you can proceed to LEAVE. i ARRIVE. of trains, routes and other details furnished Tlie T o - civl I xio . lionate. sight. She was requiring no attention, have chosen or rather accepted as a last plant your trees by placing your board Portland. . 4:40 pm McMnn ... 7 .25 p iu on application to any agent, or and unless hi sight and taking some part resort.” McMinn’... 5:45 am , Portland. . 8:30 am A. D. CHARLTON. buck over the pegs, setting the trees in Asst General Passenger Agent. I do not wonder you did not think of •‘Oil, no! no! my poor girl! A loving the middle notch; all you will have to General Office Of the Company, NO» Ill Through Tickets to all Points in heart was at your command, and you her.” Efret Bt., Cor. Wahing^o^ J’pyttp^A Qjf< “She was not iu the room, 1 am sure, scorned it, threw it aside for the golden do is to draw in dirt to fill up around for I have no recollection of seeing or chain that now binds you and which will the tree until you can turn the furrows Can be obtained at lowest rates from fl. A. back. hearing her again aft«- one glimpse of eat like a canker into your soul.” Wilco.x, Agent. McMinnville. Scientific American For market I would recommend in “No. I never scorned Ernest Sher­ that terrible scene. I now remember the R KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS, Agency for remark she made about keeping her own wood, never! My whole heart was liis. apples nothing but Baldwins, Ben Da­ Manager. Asst. G F. A P Agt counsels as closely as her sister had done, But how was lie received? Turned from vis, Northern Spy, Spitzenburgs and to which I then attached little impor­ the door by harsh words from my moth­ Red Russian or McBee’s seedling. The tance, but which now I fear may have er and bitter insults from my father, former are nil standard winter apples, been painfully significant.’' while I was jeered at daily for my low (Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Lessee.) When they reached the house, they tastes and Estella's foreigner held up be­ while tlie latter is tlie very earliest red apple known, being very early and the were met by Dr. Shelby and Mr. Austin fore me as a god.” LATEST TEXTE CARD TRADE MARKS, tree a very thrifty grower. In pears and informed that they were ready for •‘But, my dear Maud, when you saw DESIGN PATENTS, an inquest, waiting only for Duqbai's the state of your father's affairs, if you I would plant Bartletts. Who would BETWEEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY Tuo Through Trains Daily. COPYRIGHTS, etc. evidence, and then would be ready to re­ must so hastily seek a home, why not let not like to own a fortune? Well, if you For Information and free Handbook writ© to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCO move the body to another apartment to Ernest know your troubles?” Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. will plant out ten or twenty acres of 12 45p 6 25p lv Minneapolis ar Every patent taken out by us is brought before be prepared for tlie grave. She started quickly to lier feet. “Let Bartlett (tears, you can say after the pubiio by a notice given freo of charge in the ar 1 25 p 7 15p Iv . St Paul After a long and earnest consultation him know the deep disgrace that had 10 ,’JOa 4 0.5p lv Duluth ar Ocean Steamer Sailings. with reference to Mrs, Le Barron the fallen? Tho loss of property lie would four or five years careful handling that 1 45p W 05P li­ Ashland ar you are the happy possessor of a fortune. 7 15a 10 05a Iv ar < Chicago doctor suggested that the wisest plan not valuo, but the shame! Tell Ernest S. S. WILLAMETTE VALLEY Largest circulation of any scientific paper in tho Would be to remove her to some quiet Sherwood that my father was a dishon­ Don’t be afraid of the market, buyers Leaves San Francisco.............. July 11. 21, 31 Tickets sold and baggage checked through world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man ehould be without it. Weekly. 83.00 a to all points in the United States and (’ana- retreat or asylum as soon as possible. ored man—a forger—liable any mo­ will find us when we get something to Leaves Yaquina............................. Lilly 5,16, 26 fear| |1.60six months. Address MUNN & CO* da. Close connection made in Chicago with Inquiries were then made for Maud. ment to public arrest? Do you think I sell. In prunes I would plant only This company reserves the right to change UBUSHEiu, 361 Broadway, New York City. . all trains going East and South. Neither the doctor nor Austin had seen could do that, or do you know me so lit­ Petite, Italian ami Golden. sailing dates without notice. For full information apply to vour near­ her, and such bail been the excitement tle as to suppose I would shame my est ticket agent o,r to JAS. C. I’ONI), The future of our county, as 1 have Kiver Steamers. Gen. Paso, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, 111 and confusion her absence was unno­ womanhood by offering myself to one I said, depends wholly on our fruit inter­ Steamer “ Hoag ’ ’ leaves Portland, Wed ­ ticed. respected—that I loved? If you but knew HA BE on file In Philadelphia On asking for the young lady one of me, you won Id not wonder that I bate the est; then why not make a big stir in nesday and Saturday at6 a. m. I H|o HAr Enat ,,u‘ Newspaper .vb,r 122222 I C2JE2 s tlsing Agency of Mewux 11. D ay , Gen. Agt., the servants said she thought she had parents that have robbed me of all that that direction; don’t lose track of our N. W. AYER A SON. our authorized agents. Salmon Street Wharf, Portland. not returned. I ever valued! I leave within the hour, winter apple and Bartlett pear iudus- D. 11. V avc . hn , Gen. Agt,, ’•Returned?” said Mr. Newton. and once outside the gate I will never see tfy- Witli our present shipping facili­ San Frnncisco. “Yes, sir. I guess she was sort of them again—never!” ties every men should put out at least R. E. MULCAHY, Gen l Supt., frightened as soon as she saw her father, From theso passionate words her five to ten acres of pears. Corvallis, Oregon. and she noticed him liefore Mr. Dunbar friends suspected she had no knowledge did. Miss Maud never thought much of of the terrible state of things below. A lier mother, nor of lier father, either, for few words revealed the fact that she that matter, only she could always have simply supposed her mother was in one her way with him, jsior mail! And with­ of those stormy fits she had often wit­ That Desirable anil Most Beautifully Located Property Known as out speaking she slipped right out of the nessed and lier father, as usual, allow­ room and out of the house too.” ing the excitement to wear itself out % “Do yon know whore she went?” by silence, though she acknowledged “No, Innin, not sure; lint Thomas that she was frightened by his appear­ here thinks lie drove her out to old Var­ ance. When she fully understood tlie V\ ney’s.” truth, she was at first greatly shocked, “Thinks he did? Why, Thomas, don’t but lier own selfishness soon rose above yon know whom you took there?” all other considerations. Situate and adjoining the BAPTIST COLLEGE and Park; Only live “Why, sir. my young lady came to “If I liad but known this sooner! Oh, me from master’s room all whitelike and Ernest! Ernest! Blit it is all too late!” minutes walk from the main street of McMinnville; By taking into con­ called me out of doors, then told me to It is useless to prolong the Beene. The sideration the Fine Avenues and Streets, the Sightly Situation and Love­ r put one of the horses into the gig that unhappy girl resisted all efforts to per­ ly Surroundings Pleasant Home addition furnishes the grandest and the servants use anil drive her maid out suade her to show at least common in­ most convenient property for those desiring a beautiful home. Pleasant to Elmwood, old Varney’s place, to do spect and tarry till her father's body Home is subdivided in four acre-blocks and is sold on reasonable terms. an errand. Before I could come round should bo laid to rest and lier mother For information apply to WM. F, BRIEDENSTEIN, Sole Agent, with the gig a woman met me at the back placed in some asylum, and when from Cor. Third Street and Railroad. McMinnville, Or. gate all mnfHed up and acting as though the window she saw a superb equipage Riders of Victor Pneumatics carry an extra inner tube she was afraid of being seen. She spoke dash up to tlie door she abruptly said low and strange and said lier mistress “farewell,” and with a face in which all to be used in case of accident. By simply removing a punc­ wanted me to take her on an errand. of her ill governed passions were war­ tured inner tube through a hole in the rim, repair is But, your honor, Miss Maud’s maid don't ring witli a better and tenderer mood she effected in five minutes by replacing with a new one. wear diamonds and is uncommon will­ rushed down stairs, and without accept­ ing to talk with an honest lad and to ing the aid of her unfortunate and su­ If you are going to ride why not ride the best? show her face too.” perannuated husband she sprang into the “Well. Thomas, your young mistress carriage, and witli the partner of her fol­ has sorrow and trouble enough and may ly was soon borne from their sight. BOSTON, well feel the need of advice.” WASHINGTON, DENVER, SAN FRANOISOO. That same afternoon Mrs. Le Barron “Yes, your honor, but young ladies was quietly taken to the retreat selected ain’t generally willing to seek advice and the next day her husband's remains, from an old lover to whom they have in tho simplest and most unostentatious 1 often said ‘nay,’ ” replied the cook. manner, consigned to the grave. Wishing to stop further revelations of Duncan remained till the servants were 9 tne family secrets. Mr. Newton inquired: dismissed on the following week, tlie What la th» eondltton of voura? la your hair dry, harah, “Where is Miss Le Barron's maid?" house safely closed and the key placed hrittler Dota L(W I*’ bottle; • for S3.00. Soap. 30c. pet IiegUtered Maud's apartments. All was silent, but dre I>unms, which decidedly antedate 6,775 FINE IMPORTED FIlEy'H OPERA GLAUSES, MOROCCO BODY, BLACK I ATT A a VTVL'h ACHROMATIC A a "TT n/-,»r « rrrrr. .' ’ 48,873 00 BLACK KNAMKT. ENAMEL TIHMXflWbi TRIMMINGS, GUAKANTEEb I after a few moments' |>ause they knocked them. ___ __________ 23,100 iy«^iTEvK?£!Sl*A1’ BVCKHORN HANDLE, FOUR BLADED ’’THE SK00KUM ROOT HAIR GROWER CO. '•t at the door. She was there and hade Khl ES.................................................................................................... 23,100 00 Bay Earl, of New London, Conn., is them enter, but when her father’s liest anxious to liet »100 that he can walk 115,500 BnlirlF® GOLD WATCH CHARM ROTARY TELESCOPE TOOTH 57 South Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 1 it ................................................................................. .......................................... 57 750 00 friends stood before lier she started in from that plaee to < hicago in 42 .lays. 11 5,500 ™ SiinrU.’uX1 'if128 lnehe,> IN ELEVEN COLORS, for framing, alarm and made a movement for a hasty He is 80 years old, and must have do ad vert i»i ng on them............................................... 7. 28 875 00 retreat. But suddenly checking herself, missed the ads anil reading notices 261,030 prizes , amounting to..................................................... iffrs^sd'oo before Mrs. Newton could speak, she about the half-fare excursion trains rtEAnhpin'i>TeS.rl!2ea WJn «Ustrtbuted, by ronnllea. among parties who chew SPEAK turned on them with the wildest fury de­ now run to the fair. HEAD Plug Tobacco, and return to us the TIM TAUM taken therefrom. picted on her face and almost shrieked: We will distribute 2?0 of these prize» in thin connty a» follow»: “Why are you here? I will not hear a To TS?e?ARTY ®£"dlnK 1,9 Lhe number of SPEAR HEAD word. Leave my room instantly. You TAGS from thia connty we will give.......................................................1 flOT.D ATTH. T° ^ hpf ’ ar S?2he “«tKreatewt number of come to exult over our fall. I can still, . J? HEAD TAGS, we will give to each, 1 OPERA GLASS. ...5 OPERA GLASSES. for a few hours at least, claim a right to To the TWENTY I \RTIES sending us the next greatest number HEAD TAOS, wegwl!l givo to 1 P?XJCET my own chamber. I bid you begone!" “But iny dear child," said Mrs. New­ It is a xvon y r srr.i dv, 'thich is alike benefi ­ To IhetlNE HI NDI;"D PARTIES wndl.ur na 'the nwt create«? ton. “listen to me a moment. We come ■umber rf spf. R READ TAGS, we will rive to1 in all love. Do trust ns. We lose all as cial to you and yoi;r< H ren Such is Scctt's Emulsion ROLLED .OLD WATCH CHARM TOOTH I’ll K............................ 100 TOOTH PICKS. well as you. Then why should yon im­ To the ONE It NDRED PARTIES aendlnrr u. tbe neit creauat ■umber of SPEAR HEAD TAGS, n mil «In toiSh i of Pure Norwegian (Jod l.ivcr Oil and Hypophos­ agine we mean anything but friendship L arge picture in eleven colors T t ..^*............ ioo picture ?. Set*. _ and tendered sympathy?" phites of Lime anc Soda. It checks wasting in the S0cta,and^^H Total Number of Frizea for tbla Couaty, 226. "I do not believe yon—do not trnst j »1.00 per Bottled children and product ..ound. healthy flesh. It keeps yon and will not. Who told yon we One cent a dose. needed any sympathy? I for one have Tma Caaxr Cornu them from taking < . ! ..n J .[ will do the same for you no desire for it." “Mr. Dnnlwr came at Dr. Shelby’s re­ Scotts Etr.ulàtcn cure., nurbs. quest to bring ns here. and. my dear C o M r , Consam;ti«n. S raf&ia f ÎÎ ji ui giïFÏÏ* Che’t^ura Maud, let ns in some way comfort you.” ! A trial will convince ..e most skeptical of this fact. It is the lareest «.liZr n/ anv ■imilar all Anaemic and pr^-aara. shape and style on earth, which proves that it has caught the popular taste and DlpaM s the “I tell yon I want no comfort from SHILOH’S SttLLADQNNA PLASTsftjZSc. IJX'i niZe •it s U’ ak '£¥11?,heJ”?A. 85»ftoTA!?? ereraata wasting :a arlors. It disgust« me to think of her inhuman, selfish ways. But it may !>« that she did not realize the terrible tragedy enacting around her." “Don’t linger," cried Rose. “This suspense is dreadful.” “I will be as brief as possible. It seems no thought had been given to Es­ telle's absence during the night, but Maud in tho morning had ordered her attendant to bring some ornament or ar­ ticle from her wardrobe, which could not lie found. On examining further her jewelry ami most of her choice ;>osses- sions were missing. Then lier maid hinted that Miss Le Barron had been ‘going on strangely’ »•<’• day before, and all the servants remarked it, lint the madam had l>een so bad they hail liaduo time to give it attention. But now would Miss Maud please go into her sister’s room and see for herself and not lie say­ ing disparaging things to a poor waiting maid? I judge front tlie accent of both mistress and maid that Maud, becoming furious at the spoiling of her go.sis, had visited her wrath on the one nearest to her. On entering her sister's chamber it was vacant, the wardrobe and bureaus empty, and on the table lay an o|>ennote to her mother of the most insolent and heartless character. “She said that, seeing inevitable ruin coming upon the family, and having no disposition to share it with them, she had at once sought her dear Victor, and not wishing to reveal their misfortunes had simply informed him that her father had lieremptorily forbidden her to hold any further copimunication with him, ss he pretended he had received advices from abroad to liis discredit, which she did not believe, bnt this cruel father's coniniands compelled her to Mly farewell. “ 'Of course.' the unfeeling girl con tinued. I knew dear Victor would not listen to that idea for a moment, but. as I exited. Iieggcl for an immediate marriage that very hour, before I re- tnrtied to my parents. When I was once his own, I could quietly collect all my jewelry and wardrobe, and we would leave at once, making our bridal tour a pleasant voyage to his native land. He was sure father would soon recall us when he found resistance was of no avail. Of course «he could not refuse so elegant a lover. They were married within the honr, and as this haste gave her no time for a bridal trousseau befit- Ulionaire's daughter dM was l«ar mother ami sister would . r for ihaking free with their nd such ready money as she found in their purr's and her father'« »4c»etoire. (Ubhin. the foothov, had takeh her tninks away, «he said, and issuing to incur his master s displeasure would not return. H»r maid also v-nld of cofirse go with her.” The family had listene,! to Eustaces naiTatir» thus far withqyt interruption, overwhelmed with sorrow and amaxe- pubushing C o . liient, but Mr. Newton now exclaimed: “Why, this is far beyond the most un­ scrupulous selfishness I ever imagined could be found iu one so young.” “Ah, hut Maud will far outmatch her, I fear. I once thought her more gentle and amiable than her sister. But the bitter hate ami vindictiveness she mani­ fests are fearful. The loss to herself and the impossibility of reclaiming was all she seemed to think of. Her father’s danger and her mother's uncertain con­ dition hardly excited an emotion. As sqon as Austin and I could interrupt Maud's excited recital of her own mis­ fortunes I alluded to the strange sounds I heard on entering. “ ‘Kqa'w! tpat's nothing,’ said Maud, ‘mother lias kept the house in an uproar all night. 1 kept myself out of the way, I assure you, and left father to take care of her as best he might. He deserves it h 11 and more for bringing this great shat^e upon us.' “ ’Have you seen your mother this morning? ’ I a«ke HEADS SAVE THE TACS. [?SKOOKUM BOOT HAIR GROWER»! Y. $173,250.00 SPEAR HEAD TAGS. S hi L oh s eHlLOH’SyVCATARRH “Oh. Maud! Man.1! Do no sne? Scott’s Emulsion DOS T sns MY 06$ IEFOM »