Look at the Map. ik at the Map. Stute of Oregon. Yainliill Comity. Here you will lind tlie most pro­ ductive section in the World, latiid is cheap, offering specilli in­ ducements to fruit raisers and dairymen. tev. McMinnville, Yainliill County. Here is the County seat, Herein published THE TELEPHONE- ItEGIHTEIt, Monarch of home newspapers, uecortletl first place in nil tlie Directories. Look at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of any Other Paper Published in Yamhilf County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , august 3,1893. nisTER Established August. 1881 LEPHONE Established June, 1888 V(JL. V. NO. 27 HAY FOR EUROPE. I’ATMFTTO GROG SHOPS |stainP is rolintl al,d hasl,P°n 't 11 “D. I | MICA IS THE STUFF. sei. He lived out the day and night lALMLllW linuil Dllvro. H Traxler, Liquor Uommissioi Commissioner. ” j GOT ENOUGH OF THE SEA. following. When the sun rose the Farmer. Fallins Over Each Other to The hotties are then passed ou to tlie In These Days the World Could Hardly MARK Supply the Demand. next day the heat rendered him un­ PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. other operatives and the state labels Alona Without It. South Carolina ’ s Difficulty With Worry conscious. That afternoon the whaling A Danish Sailor's Experiences are pasted on. ERADICATES BLOOD POI­ The farmers throughout the country LAFAYETTE, OREGON. bark Witch of new Bedford took him the Whiskey System. Mica tills the interstices of modem SON AND BLOOD TAINT. Having been properly sealed, stamp­ have been tumbling over each other in the South Atlantic. oft tlie mast a raving maniac, and it progress. A few decades ago we were an, 21,’88. ed and labelled, the bottles are passed the post few months to get tlie hay -------- •----- - was necessary to keep tlie Dane closely seeking ( practical use mid market for Lawyers are Fighting Over the Constitu­ on to be packed in barrels, The pack-1 which they held over from laat season Mound to u Must t'<>r Three Buy* Without confined for several days. gavaaAL bottles of Swift’» Specilic (S.S S.) Careful the , output of mica mines already found; tionality of the Order and Many ques­ ing department is situated near to the iuto this and other cities for export to ^entirely cleansed my system of contagious blood poison of the very worst type. * Food or Wnter---()n a Dewart Island--- treatment and food finally brought the now we are seeking new mines to sup­ labelliug table, and there is little delay Europe. Tlieoccasion when American tion the Governor’s Wisdom. V. M. S. L oomis , Shreveport, La. man out of the delirium and lie was ply the multifarious uses to which Now He Wants a Job on a Farm. in turning the Irattles over to the pack- ( farmers have been called upon to sup­ b -------- •-------- able after a few weeks to resume labor mica can be applied. Thus the law of era. Each bottle is enclosed in a thick ply foreign countries with hay have The unexpected decision in South ‘ CURES SCROFULA EVEN The brig Electra, of New London, and became a memlier of tlie crew of necessity changes in its relation to all Carolina, declaring tlie dispensary law heavy paper wrapper, and is then been so rare, says tlie New York corre­ 1 IN ITS WORST FORMS. 1)er in All Kinds ot Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware things. Conn., returned yesterday from a two the Witch. unconstitutional, brings] renewed in- 1 packed in sawdust or shavings in com­ spondent of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE, OR. -------- •-------- Ill luck had got to running in tlie di ­ Mica is now us essential to the va years’ cruise for whales in the Routh terest throughout the country in Gov- 1 mon oak barrels. Between seven and that tliis year will prove a phenouenal T llAir scROVll.A in )WU, and cleansed my Atlantic, writes a correspondent of the rection of tlie Dane and lie seemed in a rious uses of electricity as this great eruor Tillman’s statecraft, says tlie ten dozen are packed in eaeli barrel. one ill the lives of the grangers. The ’ ¿ system entirely from it by taking seven i COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN E. C A^PERSON bottles of S. S. S. I have not had any symp­ St. Louis Globe-Democrat. She had fair way of succumbing to it. Six force is uecestary to human progress. Philadelphia Press. President. Vice Presiden!. Cashier Before any barrel can be shipped, how­ first news that Europe was short of toms sine-. C.W. W ilcox , r months after lie was rescued from th« Iu all appliance« for electrical lighting on board a Danish sailor, who, in the ever, it must have printed on it what hay and that the United States was de­ Spartanburg, S. C. The governor is inclined to say little ' past two years, has met with a series of mast he had another thrilling experi­ and power the most important recipro­ it --------•-------- the subject of Judge Henderson ’ s 1 contains and how much, anil the pended upon to relieve tlie distress on adventures that lie says has crushed ence. A heavy storm came up and th« cal agent entering into their mechan­ certificate of the commissioner that it reached here early in May. It did not HASCURED HUNDREDS OF decision. “I want to see the decision ' McMinnville, Oregon, out of him all the ambition that he Dane was sent aloft to assist in furling isms la mica. All armatures are built is intended for a certain county dispen­ spread rapidly and tlie demand was CASES OF SKIN CANCER. before I undertake to criticise or com« a sail. He was at the extremity of a tip witli its insulation, whether fat dy­ ever had to gain a livelihood on the sary. Railroads are forbidde i to haul not supplied. American consuls then Treatise on Blood and Bk’n Diseases mailed meat upon it," said be. One thing is yard when tlie vessel suddenly lurched namos, motors, generators or trans­ Jree. S wift Sriicmc Co.. Atlanta. G*. sea. Fa landed here and at once be­ this or any other liquor iu tlie state began to inquire nt tlie agricultural de­ certain; we will appeal from tlie decis ­ ’W X ✓ X Z AZ KMEVMCV ITT V Z ZZ gan locking for n situation as a farm­ and he lost his hold. He fell into tlie formers. Without its use as an insula­ without this certificate from tlie com­ partment if the hay crop was short transact, a General Banking Business, water; but, being a good swimmer, he tion tlie core of the armature would be ion by tlie quickest way posssble.” hand, declar.ng that in the future tlie Lusits Received Subject to 1 ’heck missioner. here, or if there was a lack of desire to managed to keep afloat, and the next Popular anil executive opinion burned out witli a flash. But by plac ­ interest allowed on time deposits. land was good enough for him. There are fourteen women employed, ship hay abroad. Foreign legations in wave that came swept across tlie deck ing sheets of mica between the thin throughout the Palmetto state is agreed but their salary is only $3 a week, ibis country also began to receive in­ Lil sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ N Tlie story of adventure told by the fon New York, san Francisco and Port­ 9 s man is nn exciting one, and a sear on- of the vessel, carrying tlie sailor witli it sheets of iron, which are secured to the in condemning Judge Hudson’s decis­ while the male workmen get im] cents quiries concerning tlie forage crops. fl. I and lodging him under the lee rail ion and upholding tlie right of the Dar­ a day. When the news at last began to spread his right cheek, that draws his face out with a force that broke one of his legs shaft that runs through the drum of Collections made on all accessible points. lington dispenser to run his business the armature, insulation becomes per ­ At the extreme end of the floor is the that Europe wanted hay, it spread [ Office hours from 0 a. m. to 4 p in. of slui|ie fearfully testifies to a struggle and knocked ills senses completely out fect. Thus armatures of even the larg­ regardless of what tlie Judiciary might sample room. It is small, about ten witli lightning rapidity. It was a sit­ that he had with a giant poulp,or devil of him. est generators can be run for twenty- say. feet long and twelve feet wide, but uation for which thousand« of wily fish, two years ago. Tlie poulp in tlie Once more this ill-starred man was On the other hand it would seem within its narrow confines are found farmers had been waitiug for many waters of the South Atlantic grows to spared and in a few weeks he was able four continuous hours without heating Manufactures and Deals in enormous proportions. Its body is of a to hobble around tile deck on a crutch, them moro than SO degrees Farenheit tliat the lawyers are unanimously bent nearly all kinds of Intoxicating liquors. years. It hail been the custom to send above the temperature of the surround­ on endorsing the Judge’s action, and When it was announced to the world a limited quantity of hay to market in globular form and is covered with thick and in due time resumed labor. A dark-colored leathery skin. It has long short time after that tlie Witch started ing air. By this use of mica the lines all declare that.tjie dispensary law will that South Carolina would go into the the summer and early fall and store of force are dissipated, but do not lose not stand. Attorney-General Town­ liquor business tlie authorities were the rest in the hope that it would be muscular arms and a short, sharp, forborne. The storm must have tried send, when asked by what means the flooded with samples from houses that worth $20 a ton, an increase of from $2 crooked beak, like the beak of a parrot. her severely, for she sprung a leak and, any of their electrical energy. SADDLES, In all electrical safety appliances ease would bo brought up on appeal, wished to make a sale. All of these to $3 over usual rates. On several oc­ It is a vicious creature and does not in spite «fall tlie men could do at tlie BRIDLES, mica also performs an important part replied that it had not been determined samples have been preserved, and con­ casions this has happened; Even in hesitate to attack any thing that comes pumps, tlie wuter gained on them, and WHIPS, as an insulator. To its infusible and and that it depended upon the text of sequently the state is now in jrassessloii their wildest dreams they never hoped in its way. SPURS, they were compelled to abandon the indestructible nature much of the suc­ the decision. He thought that the of a most interesting museum of liquors. to get $30 a ton, and when the news The Dane was a member of tlie crew vessel. BRUSHES, cess of the rheostat can be ascribed. people wanted the dispensaries and The work of shipping was growing that Europe was waitiug for their sur­ of the whaling ship Tristram, that was ROBES, Etc. They took to tlie bouts and fioated This wonderful mechanism, which is that they were going to have them In steadily. Fifteen counties had ordered plus stock reached them their auxiety of Gough's cruising in tlie vicinity about for five days. They suffered applied as a motor starter, a governor all towns. kl sells them cheaper than any other liquor in various counties, but the dis­ to supply the demand can-be imagined. iler in tlie Valiev My all home-made island. One day a whale was sighted from the heat but they had plenty of of speed, a reversing switch andjan au­ Ine’S is till' favorite with all who have The following is the opinion of an gx- pensary claimed to be able to supply Hundreds of tons of hay from Iowa, and chase made for him. A harpoon water and provisions to keep them tomatic safety switch, is absolutely fire­ Id them Give me a call and get prices. the animal, alive. There were three boats. On tlie proof, and can be subjected to a red judge who has made a study of the dis- the demand as fast as it was made. It Nebraska, Wisconsin and such liear-by was fixed in the flesh of t Sigil of the Big Boot. pensarp law and who was at one time was evident, however, that the branch states as Pennsylvania and Connecti­ McMINNVILLE which sounded, dragging the rope after morning of the sixth day they espied a licat without mechanical injury. This employed to fight the case for the bar­ dispensaries that have been in opera­ cut have been pouring into this and him witli terrific speed. In running small island a few leagues away mid is rendered possible by making the re­ keepers: tion since the law took effect were do­ other seaboard cities. Tramp steamers out,the rope somehow caught the Dane made for it. sistance of thin plates of iron packed “I have all along regarded the dis­ ing a very small business, and even if have been loading at some of the around the waist and in the twinkling lOULTER A WRIGHT, Proprietors. The surf was running high on the closely together, but separated by mica. pensary bill as a usurpation of power tlie constitutionality of tlie law is sus­ Brooklyn wharves for several weeks of an eye lie was overboard and being shore of tlie islaud, but tlie sailors looils of all descriptions moved and care- Tims the lines of force operate on the I handling guaranteed. Collections will dragged toward tlie bottom of tlie r ' thought they could land safely and same principle as in the armature. on the part of the general assembly. tained, unless the trade materially im­ and many ships have already been [ landed abroad. Still the cry comes inade monthly Hauling of al kinds with terrifle speed. Tlie sailors carry they, made the attempt, with tlie result Asida from these important uses of The claim that it has been passed in proves, the dispensary is bound to is? a Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair.’ |e cheap. ___ the exercise of the police power is a grand financial failure. that more is wanted. The faet that a knife in their belt and the man strug ­ that the entire number, with the ex­ mica in electrical apparatus, it is also ■eat In the world. the first demand was not made known gled to get hold of liis for tlie purpose ception of tlie Dane, was drowned. He applied to a thousand minor ones, mere pretext, anil when the claim is HIS CAT MOTOR. ^«5.00 00 until several weeks after the lack Of of cutting tlie rope. Tlie whale was got hold of an oar, and after a struggle which make it the constant and wil­ brought to tlie test of judicial arbitra­ ment it cannot prevail. Tlie ground forage throughout Europe grew press­ going down with such speed that the managed to reach land. ling servant of tlie greatest power that upon which tlie bill passed is tlie pow­ A Milwaukee Man’s Ingenious Device for ing, created considerable distress there, »HYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, •3.50 pressure of water against tlie sailor’s The island was a small affair witli a man lias turned to intelligent subjuga­ Generatlug Electricity. er of tlie state to care for tlie uioral and (Office over Bralv’s Bank.) especially in France. In both En­ •2.50 body made it impossible for him to few trees on it. Fortunately for the tion. social welfare of tlie country, and it is gland and Erance the price was fre­ raise liis hand even as far as liis belt. sailor lie discovered a spring of water iIiNNVii.i.E, - • - O regon . •2.25 Mica is also an important factor in "I Lad a large cork and bung factory quently as higli as $50 a ton. He was getting very weak and had among the rocks near the shore. Three many branches of manufacture and art. simply a grim joke to say that the state •2.00 A representative of tho big commis­ about abandoned all Lope of ever seeing months he managed to live there witli Owing to its peculiar elasticity and ean prohibit a private person from sel­ on Grand avenue and needed power to daylight again, when tlie whale slack­ nothing to eat but some sweet berries toughness, qualities in which it is not ling whiskey, when in the same breatli run my machinery. You know, of sion house of Williams A Rickersoa ened liis speed and drawing his knife that he found growing on bushes in excelled by anything natural or arti­ itprovidestli.it the state will itself do course tliat there is ail immense amount says that judging by the way th« the very same thing. It is simply a of stored-up electricity iu a cat. The American farmers are striving to sup­ (URGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC the half dead sailor cut tlie rope. the interior of tlie island. One day ficial, it is used as an absorbent of nitro­ If you want a fin« DRESS SHOE, made In the latest PHYSICIAN. He shot upward and caught sight of while gathering these berries lie was glycerine, and when so used explosions law to create a monopoly in merchant­ problem for inventors lias lieen to in­ ply the foreign demand for hay Eu- styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try my $3, $3.50, $4.00 or able articles to raise a revenue for the vent a way to extract it profitably. In rope would soon have all thnt she thee Upstairs in tlie Garrison Building. $5 Shoe. They fit equal to custom made and look and the light over liis head that indicated bitten on tlie hand by a spider and his by percussion are rendered almost im­ state., and it is a bold abuse of authori­ the rear of my factory I erected a one- needs. “All the hay in the market," wear as well. Ifyou wish to economizelnyourfootwear, where lie would rise to the surface, arm swelled to double its natural size. possible. while at the same time noth­ ty to enforce it as an exercise of the po­ story circular building some sixty feet he said, is last year's crop, None of do so by purchasing W. L, Douglas Shoes. Name and when the water about him suddenly He felt sure that this time lie was go­ M. RAMSEY, ing is lakcn from the energy of the price stamped on the bottom, look for It when you buy seemed filled with squirming reptiles ing to die and for tliat purpose he lay liitro-glyeerine when exploded by ful­ lice power. This I take to be the mean­ in diameter. On tlie floor of this I tills year’s crop lias come iu yet. The W. I*. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mail. Sold by and that instant he felt the «limy arms down under a tree. But lie didn't re­ minates or similar device. For such ing of Judge Hudson's decision and he coiled a glass pipe of six inches in di­ immense quantities coming in here r . jacobson , M c M innville Is correct." ameter. The first coil ran around the show how tlie farmers have held on to of a devil fish enfolding him. Had it alize ills expectations. He suffered purpose tlie plumosa mica is used, or The two principal questions that are outside of the room, tlie coils gradually it. Marketmen who have never here­ not been that tlie line was still fastened fearful pain for several hours and then that in which the scales are arranged ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, to his waist, he would probably have the pain receded and in a few hours lie in feathery form.-U/n'cer/o Inter Ocean. agitating the public now with reference growing smaller, till tlie last, in the tofore paid much attention to hay nre to the decision are whether this decis­ center, was no larger than this table. buying it in this city from $17 to $20 a tfiiinvillo, ... - Oregon. ---------- —--------------- been carried to tlie bottom by the; iero- had fully recovered from tlie spider’s ion is binding outside of Darlington It gave me something like a mile of ton and sending it abroad. We have cious fish. As it was, the men in BACTERIA AND TOBACCO. Office, Rooms 1 and 2 Union Block. bite. county and whether the liquor dealers pipe. The top and sides of this pipe been getting $30 a ton for it abroad, the boat rapidly drew him up The man’s slim diet gradually told may resume business. In answering were lined with rather stiff'hair brush­ and the jiersons to whom it is consign­ Theory That Inoculation May Improve A and when lie came to the surface he on him and ho finally became so weak those questions one of tlie most dis­ es, the bristles being little over an inch ed pay the freight, which is about $10 the Flavor of the Leaf. was slashing at the snaky arms that that lie could hardly drag himself tinguished lawyers in South Carolina in lentil. a ton. This makes the hay cost $40 a were tightening about him. The fish around among the bushes to pick tlie It would hardly be imagined that said that the decison was binding only “At that time Milwaukee was over­ ton, ami by the time the consumers was an unusually large one and had no ' berries. In this condition tlie crew of intention of giving up his prey. When the Electra found him upon going to there was connection between bacteria in the case heard until it was passed run with cats. It was impossible to ' get it the price must reach the phe­ sleep nights. I put a notice in the pa­ nomenally high price of $50. The tlie sailor got so that he could breathe ’ the island for water. By the time the and tobacco, but the progress in the upon by the supreme court. “It is not a precedent binding upon per that I would pay ten cents a dozen cause of tlie scarcity of the foreign crop he regained his strength anil cut and 1 vessel reached this port tlie man's science of bacteriology, which is now stabbed the pulpy mass, but the arms 1 health was restored, but lie wasted no making such rapid strides, has shown another circuit judge,” said he. Judge for prime cats delivered at my factory. of fodder is said to have been tlie dry continued to tighten around him and 1 time in getting ashore. He says his'rel- that sueli is the case. Although some Hudson would very probably decide a I got sixty dozen the first day and weather last year. The same condi- be found that lie was in danger of lie- ’ atives are all on the other side of the bacteria are so deadly, others arc found violation of this particular law to be of stored them in the basement of tbe 1 tion of affairs exists this year. Still Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, sick Headache and Constipation. 40 In ing crushed to death. The sailors in 1 Atlantic, but lie will make no attempt to lie of the greatest possible service to no force, and he would probably direct power house. The motor operated thus 1 in this country no scarcity of forage is each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by the boat were chopping at the hideous ’ to visit them until lie can get to tham mankind. It has been discovered that a jury to acquit a man of a violation of Placing in the outer end an imitation 1 threatened, because this year promises these minute organisms play an impor­ the law, provided lie was protected by rat made of rubber and propelled by an 1 to be big enough to supply every dc- |ve me a call; next door to the cigar fac- druggists. flsli with hatchets and jabbing it with 1 by some other way than by sea. L Will open about June 1st Pictura “7,17, 70” and sample dose free. tant part in determining the quality of a license. interior storage battery I would then 1 mami made upon it.” harpoons. The Dane ’ s arm finally fell J. F. SMITH * CO., Proprietor,, NEW TORE. tobacco. The leaves of the ’ tobacco “This restores Darlington or any place a cat immediately behind it. The A >9tub1>orn Couple. into the grasp of the fish and he be­ plant, before they are worked up into county where he might make a ruling rubber rat would start oil' at a terrible Not Altogether Superstition. came absolutely helpless. All that lie In the vicinity of Sweet Home, in could do was to call to his fellows that Linn county, there lives a female her­ cigars and finally handed over to the tn the same condition as existed prior rate—it was made to go through the Gates Ä Henry, Props. Tlie oldtime superstitious belief that the fish was surely crushing the life mit whose history is as peculiar to the , public, undergo certain fermentative to the passage of the law, and a man­ mile of tubing In from two to three HcMinnville, - Oregon. human beings should sleep with their Ji] I out of him. The poulp gradually world as it is sad to herself. Rhe is over changes. It was formerly supposed damus might be secured to require the minute«—and the ent of course follow­ I ing furiously, thinking to catch the heads toward the north is now believed worked around so that it could strike 60 , years of age. This lady comes oT that the alteration in tbeir condition county treasurer to issue a license." thus brought about was due to purely The business which Judge Hudson’s supposed animal throughout the entire to be based upon a scientific principle. the sailor in the face, and then dug its good , family and has raised a respecta­ chemical changes, but some experi­ Some French savants have made ex­ decision seems to embarrass was not distance. beak into liis cheek repeatedly, tearing ble family of children herself, and the “Gentlemen, it was exciting to watch periments upon the liody of a criminal the flesh into shreds. After a fearful date of her eccentric life began with an ments recently made are regarded by large, but It might properly have been ' who had suffered death, and these tests struggle the fish was so completely event which took place when her chil­ the Courier-Journal as going to show called “a growing one.” The state dis­ a healthy, active eat whip about those go to prove that each human body is in chopped to pieces that it could do no dren ware all grown. Like some other that that these important results are pensary has been in full operation, spirals, with the mechanical rat about further damage, and the sailor, uncon­ thoughtless parents, they neglected to brought about by special micro-organ­ running twelve hours a day and turn­ afoot ahead and going like a camion itself an electric battery, one electrode [al Accommodations for Commercial scious from pain and loss of blood, was record the date of births in their family ism«. In a paper read before the Ger­ ing out an average of from 12,000 to 15-, ball. The cat’s back and sides rubbed lieing represented by the head and the f Travellers. other by tlie feet. The body of the sub­ drawn into tlie coat, where the tenta­ and, feeling their mistake, she and her man botanical society, Suchland gives 000 flasks of whiskey of various kinds, against the brushes ami her electricity er Second and E Streets, one block cles of the fish were torn away from husband decided that, for the benefit an account of his investigations on the as well as gin and other liquors. The was thus extracted. With a storage ject upon which the queer experiments tn Cooks hotel. mentioned above were made was ta­ him in small pieces. It was two of their grown children, they would bacteria found in different kinds of to­ state had gone into business on a large batteiy and by sending a cat through Are warranted to thresh more grain 1 months before the Dane was able to get ascertain as nearly as possible their bacco. He has examined fermented scale and there are probably few, if any, every five minutes, I generated enough ken immediately after death and plac­ in a given time and do it bet­ around the vessel, and he will carry the ages. For tills purpose they set a day tobaccos from all parts of the world other such large establishments in the eleotricity to operate my entire plant, ed upon u pivotal lioard, free to move in any direction. After some little ter than any machine made. horrible disfigurement be received to and summoned some of the neighbors and found that they contain plenty of country. Tlie main dispensary build­ light my factory, and sell power to run micro-organisms, although but few va­ ing is a large one, situated a few yards neighboring passenger elevators and vnccillation the head portion tarned . his grave. whom they had known for years to DECISION. | Three months after this experience meet at their home for the purpose of rieties, as a rule, but two or three dif­ from the state house grounds. With small machinery. It also took all the toward the north and theu remained peaking of patent medicines, the ferent species in any particular brand, the exception of a small office for the yowl out of the cats and gradually the stationary. One of th« experimenters the Tristram foundered during a storm [e says: “I wish to deal fairly Are the latest in the world. Re­ , off the Nightingale island and sank on establishing the birth dates of their and but rarely mlcrococus forms. He railroad commission and an agricultur­ city became quiet. At the end of a took hold of the pivot board and turn- children. The age of the eldest son i honorably with all, and when member large work means large i ed it so that the head pointed south, a shoal. The Dane and two other sail­ was taken into discussion and on his finds that pure cultures of bacteria ob- al journal, the building is wholly de­ week a cat could be caught and used id an article that will do what profits in the threshing business. but upon being freed it almost immedi­ trined from one kind of tobacco and in­ voted to the state’s whisky enterprise. again." _ ___ ors fled for safety to the rigging of the age the man and wife disagreed. Tlie oculated on to another kind generated [recommended to do, I am not KW« ately resumed the first named position The ground floor is used as n storage EDWARD HUGHES, Croquet With Change«. Gen l A9t. Portland. Or. ship, and as she sank and the water rose difference of opinion ripened into en­ lined to say so. I tun acquamt- Maned ftM. —turned until the head pointed north. in the latter a taste and aroma recalling room for liquors as they arrive, as well - about her masts the men went up. mity and was the cause of a separation. kitli Dr. Vanderpool (having The good old game of croquet is witli To prove tliat this was neither accident When they reached the highest yard­ The busband moved to a secluded spot tlie taste and aroma of the original to­ as for a bottling and labelling depart­ i treated by him fol' cancer), PROF. SLIM UM S bacco from which the bacteria had ment. The bottling department situa­ us again, but witli changes which will nor coincident upon muscular twitcli- arm tlie vessel struck the bottom, and and passed the remainder of his life a [ have used his blood modicine. been in the first instance obtained. ted near the rear end, employs about »orely try the careless players. One . ings, as some had suggested, tlie board Mn as the S. B. Headache and Kina of all Blood Medicines, Cures Scrofu­ the three men were perched on the miserable hermit. He never even went This discovery suggests great possibili­ twenty men and boys. Three huge may no longer place his ball between i was repeatedly turned half around and frail support with the sterni raging out nor had any company. Only a tr cure, and while I am seven- la and all «kin Diseases Rheumatism, ; freed, but always with similar results. Diseases, General Debility. Neri oils over them and the wild sea around few years ago he was found in his cabin ties. Thus, it is hinted that in the fu­ tanks havo been erected, each tank the upper stake and the first wicket jve years old, and have used Kidney ture it may be possible to raise the holding about 15,000 gallons. The AHections. and restores Lost \ itality. and begin from there. Balls are now them. Some time during the night after he had been dead several days. ly pills and other remedies for It is a big navy that can afford to one of the men became exhausted and The wife had built a 1 ouse in a remote quality of German tobacco, not so whisky barrels are taken out on an ele­ started from the four corners of the PROF. SLOCUM'S [blood, liver and kidneys, .1 fell into the water. The other men corner of her son's yard and is living a much by careful culture and judicious vator to the second floor, where the ground, partners occupying diagonally lose fifteen ships and 2,352 officers and It say tliat fora kidney tonic in selection of varieties, which has so far heads are knocked out and the fluid opposite points. The first player tries men in thirty years. That is the loss Hit's d ¡souse, ns fin altpr«itiv© I iver Regulator ami Vermifuge combined were unable to give him any assistance similar life. Unimpressionable and de­ proved unsuccessful, as by inoculating flows into a trough and thence through to hit his partner’s liall. If he succeeds suffered by tlie British government in for to release their hold on the mast for Liver void of the milk of human kindness, It he blood, or to correct the ac- Cures Dv-iM pdn.Constipation. Indigestion with pure culture of bacteria found in large pipe« into the tanks. At the bot­ he has two shots in which to reach and the period stated. Millions of pounds Billiousiiess ami Malaria, also removes al an instant meant death to them. The this strange woman is eking out an lof the stomach and bowels it common If he have gone to tlie bottom, partly per­ worms from the system without stqym subsided tlie next morning and existence made miserable by a simple some of the fine foreign tobacco, where­ tom of each tank is an opening through go through tlie first wicket. i very superior remedy, and the aid of other medicines. the sea ran down. The heat of the sun event and known by few outside of her by corresponding fermentative chtmges which the liquor flows into the "bot­ fails the second player tries to hit haps, liecause England lias lieen a pio­ Sold bv all drugmsts. is anything T ever tried. may be induced in the German raw tling machine." This machine ha« six the first one’s ball or his own partner’s. neer in naval matters and has experi­ became almost unbearable, and the family. J.’ll NELSON Yakima. Wash, Slocum's Tape Worm Specific, _ material, and the quality improved ac­ tubes running from it, through which If he hits either he has two strokes in mented with weird craft. With the [iki l ent« a ¡Kittle, it i-M tlie poor man s Slocum's Rational Home Treatment foe men soon liegan to suffer from thirst The Nawab of Ilatnpur, the Hindoo cordingly. It will be highly interest­ the liquor is carried into bottles. The which to make tlie wicket. If he fails evolution of complicated and unweildy i