The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 18, 1893, Image 4

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    Some lalera.llng Facts«
There are 47 Chinese temples in this
If you waul the Lust««I you 'Shoulfl* Head
Title Column.—If eur Lady Reader lias
a Comment to Make on the Fashioue or
Customs of the Day, Send it|in for this
Column-*Help to Makejt Interesting.
<) day. and hour«, your work 1» this,
To bold uia from my proper place,
A little wbile from his embrace.
For fuller gain of after bliss.
That out of distance might ensue
Desire of nearness, doubly sweet;
Aud unto aeeting when we meet
Delight a hundred fold accrue.
— 7’en/i,«/son.
A novel pieee of furniture is a shav­
ing stand, but the bright woman who
lias a cottage where economy of space
has to be considered can use it for a
great many more purposes than that
which its uame indicates.
It is tall
and narrow made of white maple and
trimmed with bamboo.
At the top
there is a mirror which will show a
man just how bis mustache looks and
also on other occasions accurately re­
flect the condition of a woman’s back
hair. Below' the mirror is a place for a
brush, comb and pincushion. Tbeu
there are two rather small drawers. To­
wards the bottom there is a cupboard
for liottles and above this is a place
to be used either for books or for bric-a-
In the live years liefon* 1890 there
were 9225 suicides.
A tree-planting day lias been estab­
lished iu 38 states.
The first »treat railway was laid In
Now York in 1832.
The first omnibus astonished tlieNew
Yorkers iu 1830.
The first iron forge waa set up in
Massachusetts in 1652.
In 1891 New York had 4199 fire alarms
Chicago 4349.
There are 3980 miles of electric rail­
read in this country.
In 1700 the first public library was
opened in New York.
Temple, N. H., first innnufaetured
window glass in 1780.
The first American paper was made
from straw in 1828.
l’eter Coojier built the first American
locomotive iu 1839.
There are 266,549 miles of telephone
wires in this country.
The Masons opened a lodge, the first,
at Boston iu 1733.
Carding machines were first used in
this country in 1786.
Tlie Dutch of New York about 1640,
made the first brandy.
There are 443cities, havingeaeh more
than 8000 population.
The first American tin was made in
Connecticut in 1770.
Mansfield, Conn., made the first sew­
ing silk in 1829.
The Mississippi valley has an area of
1,600,000 square miles.
The United States have had 10 for-
eign or domestic wars.
This country has 9,144,590 men fit for
military duty.
In 1891 the number of books printed
in this sountry was 4665.
The people of this country sent 60,-
000,000 telegrams in 1892.
The first cotton mills were erected at
Beverly, Mass., in 1787.
The United states produce 565,000,000
pounds of tobacco.
The United States produce 510.000
tons of butter and eheese.
The hottest place iu the UnitedStates
is Death valley, 140 degrees.
The cotton crop of the United States
in 1892 was 9,038,704 bales.
In 1672 the whale fishing was Itegun
by vessels from Nantueket
The first water pipes were bored logs,
used iu New York in 1770.
The first American brooms were
made in Philadelphia in 1790.
Ill 1890 24,306,005 gallons of wine
were made in this country.
Over 20,000,000 hogs are annually
slaughtered in this country.
By the Flmancipation Proclamation
3,895,172 slaves were freed.
In 1892 there were 447,591 miles of
post routes in this country.
There tire 369,634 teachers in the dist­
rict schools of the country.
In 1800 there were 82,329 prisoners in
our jails and penitentiaries.
The national debt in 1890 was 114.64
per head of the population.
The Grand Army of the Republic
has a membership ef 406,488.
Parliament established in 1710 a post-
al system for the colonies.
"What war that y' throwed over!”
“Oh, I war only throwen stones.”
“What yer throwen stones that a-way
“Fur fun.”
“Well, y’ just keep away from th’
fence er y’ shan't play in th’ yard at all.
1’11 shet y’up with thetbig brother o’
“Waal, I won’tgotharnomore.” And
Jpkey took a top out of his trousers
pocket and began plugging imaginary
tops on the ground.
Mark hoped that the preparations the
Confederates were waking for the ex­
pected move would cause them to forget
him. He was not destined to be so for­
tunate. The second day after his cap­
ture he was taken before a court martial
held iu a house occupied by the staff de­
partment, to be tried on the charge of
being a spy.
The court was assembled aud ready to
proceed with the case. An officer had
been detailed to defeud the prisoner, but
he bad not arrived and tho court waited.
Presently a clatter of horse's hoois was
heard outside. It stopped before the
door of the house, and in another mo­
ment Mark's counsel entered the room.
Mark looked at him with astonish­
ment. In the tall, straight soldier, with
black hair aud eyes, mustache and
goatee, bearing about him that some­
thing which indicates “to the manor
born," he recognized the officer who had
called at the Fains' on the morning he
had left them—Captain Cameron Fitz
As soon os he entered he beckoned the
prisoner to follow him to a corner of the
room apart from the others for consulta­
tion. It was not a convenient place for
such an important interview, but one
charged with being a spy was uot likely
to get many favors, and the exigencies
of the case did not admit of aught ex­
cept the bare forms of justice.
“Will you give me your confidenco,
guy man, or shall 1 proceed at random?”
"At random.”
“If you think it best to trust me, 1
givo you tho word of a Virginia gentle­
man that I will not betray you, and 1
will do all I can for you. 1 am a Fitz
He said this unconscious of how it
would sound to a northerner. To him
to be a Fitz Hugh was to be incapable
of a dishonorable act. Mark understood
him perfectly; indeed his counsel in­
spired him with every confidence.
“I would explain everything to you,
captain, but my secret is not all my own.
I would be perfectly willing to trust my
fate in your hands if 1 could honorably
do so. You will doubtless fail in your
defense, but I thank you for tho effort
you will make.”
The trial was of brief duration. The
soldiers in whose company Mark was
taken were called and testified to his
having masqueraded as a staff officer.
Knowing now that he was probably a
Union spy, they would have shielded
him, but they had already given up the
secret. Mark was asked where he lived.
He had entered bis namo at the hotel
as coming from Jasper, so ho gave that
place as his residence, but when asked
what county Jasper was in ho could not
tell. Tho maps he had studied, being
military maps, did not give the coun­
ties. Then some Tennesseo soldiers were
brought in—the town swarmed with
them—who testified that they lived at
Jasper and had never eeen tho prisoner
there. The closing evidence against
Mark was given by the recruiting officer
with whom lie had promised to enlist.
Hearing that a spy had been taken, and
suspecting it might lie jiis promised re­
cruit, he went to the courtroom and
there recognized the prisoner. His tes­
timony was sufficient. The court had
made up its mind before tho prisoner's
counsel had said a word.
Captain Fitz Hugh seemed distressed
at not being able to bring forth any evi­
dence in behalf of the prisoner. When
he arose to speak in Mark’s defense the
court listened to him with marked at­
tention and respect—indeed they were
as favorably impressed with the ac­
cused's counsel as they were unfavor­
ably disposed toward the accused. The
captain was obliged to content himself
with warning the court against convict­
ing a man of being a spy because bis
identity was not satisfactorily explained
and on circumstantial evidence. He
asked that the prisoner might have more
time than had been given him in which
to gather evidence in his behalf.
The court denied this request and pro­
ceeded with a verdict. In forty minutes
after Mark entered the courtroom ho was
found guilty of being a spy.
“Have you anything to say why the
sentence of the court should not be passed
upon 7011?*
“No, sir.”
Captain Fitz Hugh interposed once
more for delay.
“I would suggest,” be said, “that inas­
much as some explanation may come to
hand bearing on the case the court fix
my client's punishment to take place on
a day not nearer than a week from to­
“I had intended to fix it for to­
morrow morning at sunrise,” said the
president, "but in deference to the
prisoner's counsel I will compromise
with him midway between a week, as
he desires, and tomorrrow, or allowing
three days. The sentence of the court is
that the prisoner be hanged by the nock
until he is dead on the twenty-seventh
day of August, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two, or three days from today.”
Before Mark was led out of the court­
room his counsel approached him. Con­
sidering the prejndice against the pris­
oner, another man would have suffered
him to go without a word. Not so Cap­
tain Fitz Hugh. He strode up to Mark,
the officers and soldiers present making
a way for him, leaving him alone with
the prisoner by withdrawing to nnother
part of the room, and extended his hand.
“One thing is plain to me.” he said,
"whoever you are, you are a gentleman,
and I believe you have sacrificed your
life to yonr sense of duty. I am sorry
that yon did not trust me with your se­
cret. Then I might have done something
for you. As it is, I have done nothing."
“it would have availed nothing,” said
Mark. “You have done all you could
under any circumstances. Besides, had
I told you who I am, you might have
felt it your bounden duty to yonr cause
to make known the facts.”
“Never,” said Fitz Hugh proudly. "1
owe more to myself, more to my sense of
honor, more to my birth and breeding,
more even to my state than to the Con­
"Captain Fitz Hugh,” said Mark with
a voice in which there was a slight
tremble, “you are of too fine grain. You
are too frank, too trnthfnl. Do not feel
a moment's regret at not having been
able to save me. Mine is but one of
thousands of lives that must go ont in
this great struggle for human liberty.
Mine is an ordinary nature. You are
fitted for nobler work than war. I trust
you will be spared to become an honor
to your state and a reunited country.
From the bottom of my heart I thank
The men clasped hands, and Mark
was led away between two soldiers.
I7ie men clasped hand», <.ud Mark was
ltd away between two soldiers.
Greatness underlying an uninviting
exterior is often called out by circum-
atances. President Lincoln would not
l^vo been the "great emancipator” had
he J^ot been born in the nick of time.
General Grant would not have become
prominent as a soldier had the civil war
occurred before or after he was of fit age
It is to Mr. Labouchere that the idea
to lead the Union armies, and Jakey
of an “anti-wedding present league’’ is
Slack—well, Jakey would not have de­
due. Evidently the after-Easter strain
veloped his ability as a strategist had it
iqioii bis purse aroused the feelings
not been for his friend, Mark Malone,
which led to this idea. But a contem­
and the negro jail at Chattanooga.
porary of Truth points out tiiat not
Jakey was as incompetent to sit down
and think out a plan for his friend's es­
only the wedding guests and givers of
cape as he was to demonstrate a propo­
presents are to be pitied, but also the
sition of Euclid. Ho could neither add
unfortunate recipients of dozens of pa­
columns of two figures nor sjiell words
per kuives, photograph frames, scent
of one syllable; indeed 1m could neither
bottles and the like. This paper sug­
read, write nor cipher, the want of an
gests a “Wedding present reform
ability to read or write beiug a great
leagne," by which prospective donors
disadvantage to lnm in his present re­
sponsible position. But the desire to
would write to the first bridesmaid,
help his friend out of a bad fix having
find out what was wanted and not yet
got into his brain, from the nature of
bestowed, and thus escape the horror
the case it simmered there, and then
of duplicating gifts.
boiled a little, and simmered and boiled
again. Like most people of genius,
All those who believe that an interest
Jakey was unconscious of his own pow­
in intellects! pursuits is the particular
ers, but there was one person in whom,
possession of the nineteenth century
next to Mark, he had great confidence;
that was his sister Souri. Then came
woman should read the accomplish­
the thought that if Souri were ouly
ments of Anna Maria von Rehurmann,
there "she mouglit do n heap.” This
a spinster who lived at Utrecht during
led Jakey up to the problem how to get
the sixteenth century.
She spoke
her there. The problem was too diffi­
Herman, French, English, Italian,Lat­
cult for his young brain to solve, so he
in, («reek and Hebrew with equal ease
got no further until circumstances came
and even understood Syrian, Chaidaic,
to his aid, or may he not have bad the
Arabic and Ethiopian.
germs of reason within him to go fur­
ther without being definitely conscious
geography, philosophy ami thcolegy
of thfim?
were her hobbies, and for diversion she
When he left Mark he went out into
painted, played, engraved and carved.
the jailyard and began to stroll about
And yet she died unwed at the age of
With his hands in his pockets. To a
casual observer lie was simply a boy
with no playmates, who did not know
Mrs. Walden Bell has started a move­
what to do with himself. If any one had
ment to ffiund a house for young Amer­
been near him ho would have seen his
ican art students in Paris, whose ambi­
little eyes continually watching for some
means of communication with the out­
tion and genius exceed their financial
side world.
Occasionally he would
resources. ¡Subscriptions are flowing
wander near the fence, first casting a
in freely, and Dr. J. W. Evans has al­
sly glance at the jail.
There were
About the United State*,
ready placed at the disposal of the com­
cracks between the boards, and J akey
mittee a large house of forty rooms,
was looking out for a good wide crack
Cotton was first exported in 1785.
where the experiment will be tried.
to spy through. At last he found a
Girls who can afford it will Ire charged
place to suit him and hovered about it
The first college was Harvard, in listening for a footstep, and occasionally
five francs a day for their room and
getting a quick glance through the
beard, and arrangements will l>e made 1638.
The United States has 43,060,000 Opening by putting his eye to it. But
lor the accommodation of those who
Jakey knew well that if caught at this ho
are not able to pay so much.
In Boston, 1641, the first rope was would be called into the jail and forced
to .stay there, so he preferred to rely on
Do you know how to blush? The
The annual cost of fencing is f80,- his sense of hearing rather than on his
capillaries which couneet the veins and
sense of sight.
arteries form, particularly over the
The jail was in an unfrequented place,
New Orleans made the first sugar in
and he was not soon rewarded. A man
cheeks, a network so fine that a micro­
went by, but he was too far; then an­
scope is necessary to reveal them. Or­
Yule college used the first telescope
other man, but Jakey studied his face
dinarily the blood passes through these in 1830.
and let him go without stopping him.
vessels iu normal volume; leaving the
In 1891 there were 12,394 business At last an old negro woman passed with
natural complexion. A sudden emo­ failures.
a basket on her arm, smoking a short
tion, however, increases the action of
Philadelphia, in 1811, numbered its clay pipe.
the heart, and the blood is forced houses.
“Auntie 1” called the boy.
through the veins in greater volumes.
"Lo’d a massy! Is de angel oh de
Tn 1791 authracite coal was first dis­
Lo’d speaken to his sarvent from de
This is a blush. Be prepared for emo­ favored.
clouds?” said the old woman, starting
tions and you will avoid thh outward
In 1890, 872,933 persons died in this
and dropping her basket.
sign of them.
"Auntie, hyar at the crack!”
Philadelphia, in 178», issued the first
“Who is yo’ callen? Yo' inns' be a
Miss Braddou, the novelist, was ask­
chile from yo’ voice.”
ed to give her ideas of an ideal holiday,
“Put yer eye close up to de fence and
There are ten active volcanoes in our
she would (boose a "fortnight at Ven­
y’ can see me at the crack.”
ice—the last week in April and the first
The woman drew near aud put her
Umbrellas were imported om India
in May—spent half in a gondola aud
eye to tlio crack. Jakey stood off
in 1772.
half on the islands, with a picnic bas­
a little way, and she could see him
Nails were first made in Rhode Is­ plainly. Meanwhile he pretended to
ket and a volume of Byron, Browning
land in 1777.
have lost something on the ground.
and Shelley.’’ Mrs. Kendall, the act­
Elias Howe patented the sewing ma­
“Why bress my po’ ole heart, honey,
ress, wants to l«e "somewhere with
ef y’ ain’t nothen but a leetle boy in de
chine in 1846.
flowers and sun, a good l>ook and my
The rocky mountain ranges are 300 jailyard. 'T’auglit t’ be null to keep
belongings playing tennis near enough
dem po’ misable po' white east Tennes-
miles wide.
for me to tell who’s winning.”
In 1840 gold pens were first made in sans dar what dey had in de cellar wid-
ont keepen a chile.”
New York.
“My brother's a prisoner, "n so air I.”
Yau should buy a batiste dress for ths
The United States pre luces 46,000,- said Jakey in a melancholy voice.
summer if you have’ut one already. It
000 tons of hay.
“Climb ober de fence, honey, and run
is one of the softest and prettiest of ma­
The United States hail, In 1892, 67,- away.”
terials and comes in all the new shades
119 post offices.
“The fence air too high, 'n 1 ain't a
at thirty-five cents a yard.
Plain dot­
Up to 1861 West Point had graduated goen fur to leave my brother anyway.
ted swiss is also th'rty-five cents a yard
See hyar, aunty, air yon niggers Union
1,966 officers.
It comes in pale green, pink, blue, vio­
Rice was introduced from the East or secesh?”
let and yellow. For 65 cents a yard
“Why, honey, do you t'ink we turn
Indies in 1695.
ag'in ou’ own folks! Ain’t de Yankee
you can bny It, sprayed with flowers.
The United States ha, nearly 200 sojers comen down fur to gib us libera­
It is very effective over silk of the same
active geysers.
color as the flowers.
In 181M> there were 7,380 homicides in
“Ef y’ c’d save a Union sojer from
hangen, w'd y’ do it?”
i this country.
A young woman whose favorite sport
“Fo’ de Lo’d I would!”
In 1616 tobacco was first cultivated
was bear hunting has just died at Olo-
“Then send this hancliiknff to Souri
in Virginia.
nee, Russia. She was a peasant girl
In 1619 the first African slaves ar­
and rejoiced In the title of the “Rus­
“Who Souri Slack!”
rived in Virginia.
“She's my sister. She lives at Farmer
sian Diana.” She was young, l>«auti-
The first currency used here was the Slack’s."
ful and fearless and always returned
Indian wampum.
“Whar dat?”
home laden with her prey. She met
“On the Anderson road, close onter
The Boston JVeuw Lrttrr, 1794, was
her death by the accidental discharge
the Sequatchie river.”
the first newspaper.
ef her gun, which waa surely "landed
While this conversation was going on
for bear."
Jakey continued his efforts to find some­
Cost nt Colombas' Etpodllloo.
thing at his feet. He picked up a stone,
There are woman choristers in three
The cost of discovering America by rolled in the handkerchief and threw
or four English churches.
At St. Uolunibns, says Prof. Ruge, in th Glob- them over the fence.
“What good dat do?" asked the col­
■lames’, Westmoreland street, London, tw, was 1,140,000 marvedis, er about
they wear surplices like those of the 07,290 of our money. The money of ored woman, picking up the missile of
ordinary choir boy, and college cape. Queen Isaliella, of course, had a higher war.
“When Souri gits it she'll know."
At Kllclooney Abby where there are purchasing power than the dollar of
“Will dat sabe de Union sojer's neck?”
about twenty of them, they wear a full today. Of the sum named, Columbus
“Mebbe ’t' mought. 'n mebbo ’t
robe of white linen, tied in at the waist hail an annual salary of $329, and the monghtn't.”
by a white girdle, and a small cap, I two captains each »192 per year. Each
"I cain't go myself—I'm too ole—but
pushed backward «o as to show their sailor, in addition to his subsistence, Ill start hit along. Reckon de darkies'll
received $2.45 per month, or one ducat. tote it.”
She picked Up her basket and was
moving away when Jakey called to her.
Queen \ ictoria will use a key adorn­
TlieTKLEPHONE-REdisTER has made
ed with an opal at the opeulug of the | arrangements with all the prominent
“What, honey?”
new Imperial Institute. The stone is papers and periodicals in the United
“Yer mought git some un to tote hit
the gift of the eoleny ef Queensland, States whereby they can he obtained In ter an old nigger named Jefferson Ran­
from which many ef the best opals eonneetlen with this paper at less than dolph, ex lives up a creek Trant fire mile
eotue. The queen haa not the ordinary the publisher's price. Our old aulwerib- from hyar, near the pike rnnnen that
snpersUUoa cencerniug this gem, hav­ ers or new subseriirar* can have the a-way. Mebbe he’ll pasR hit on."
ing one of the finest collections of opals benefit of this reduction aud no trouble
“Yo’ boy, tharF
In existence.
on their part. When you want to’sub-
The jailer's wife was standing in an
scribe for the Ladin Home Journal, open window regarding Jakey severely.
Mme. Ida Lane Ney, of Vienna, has
| Century. Scribner», Kraminrr, World
“Come away from that ar fence!''
discovered a new use for eigar ribbons. ' or other papers, call and get our prices.
Jakey skipped along toward her. do
On the morning after Jakey's inter­
She made a gown of 3000 narrow yel­
ing a little waltzing as he went
view with the colored woman through
low ones with stripe of plain black
The water in a mine at Ashland,
"Ef that ar boy wasn't sich a chile, the creek in the jailyard fence Souri
dress goads. This gorgeous role was 1 Michigan, is said to be full of evless i Td think he'd b'en up to sumep'n."
Mack was wishing dishes by an open
greatly admired at a soiree in Vienna. fish.
"What war yer a-doen by that ar window in the kitchen, an addition built
M pine boards to one of the united
fence?” she asked when he came np.
houses which formed the Slack dwell­
ing. The sun was shining brightly, and
t morning glory she had trained up to
grow about tho window was fresh with
dew. Souri’» heart felt unusually light
The air was so fresh; the sun was so
bright; the morning glory flowers had
such a companionable look in them that
Souri was very liappy.
Suddenly there came to her a quick
sinking away from the pleasurable sen­
sation. A sense of danger rushed in to
take its place. Surely something hor­
rible was about to happen.
In a moment she heard the clatter of
horse's hoofs coming at a gallop. Look­
ing up the road, of which she had a
view from the window, she saw a liorse
covered with foam tearing toward her,
with a negro Loy on his bare back. In
a moment the rider was at the fence aud
had reined in his horse. Wild with
haste and excitement, seeing Souri at
the window, he called:
"Am dis Slack's place?”
“Whar Souri Slack?"
The boy held up a red handkerchief,
and then jumping off his horse threw
the reins over a picket in the fence, which
he vaulted, and running up to the win­
dow poked the handkerchief at her.
Souri at once recognised the handker­
chief she had given Mark. Sewed on to
a corner she noticed a piece of dirty cot-
cloth on which some one had written
with a pen in blotted letters:
t av ¿A--
“Whar'd y’git this?” asked Souri, her
face white as ashes.
“Dunno. Left wid de niggers at Mr.
Torbut’s plantation. I’ze Mr. Torbut’s
“Who tole y’ ter tote hit liyar?"
"Ole nigger what leabe hit.”
“What’d he say?”
“Nuffen." And the boy pointed to
the corner as if that was sufficient ex­
planation for any one.
Souri could not read what was written
there, but she knew Mark had been cap­
tured, and it was fair to suppose that he
was at or near Chattanooga.
“Waal,” she said, ”y’ niggers hev
passed this ter me; reckon y’ ken pass
me back; I'll go 'th y’. Air / hungry?”
“I’ze rid since oneo’clock dis mawnin.”
“Waal, take yer horse round ter the
barn fur a feed, and then come in hyar.”
The darky showed his white teeth and
did as he was bidden. When he came
in Souri placed something to eat before
him, and then went in to inform her
mother of what had happened.
was up ate a breakfast wliieh the old
man prepared for her. After this ese
out to show her the way to Chattenoogy
He asked no questions. All he know
was that bis efforts were iu do cause
ob fredum,” and that was quite onough.
The old woman who had bro.u8b‘,^“
the handkerchief had told lum where
her cabin was in Chattanooga, aud he
seemed to understand that be was to
¿hide Souri there. She gave him some
information as to a man and a boy at 60cta.e
s 1.00 per Bottle^®
W g
tho jail in Chattanooga. This was all Oue
cent a doee»
116 If TFR\V-
They crossed the river by the regular
th «
ferry, having no trouble in doing so, for
citizens aud negroes were passing all the
while. About ten o’clock in the jnorn-
ingthey reached tho cabin of the old
negress who had started the liandker-
Ocean Steamer Sailing J
“Fo’ de Lo’d!” exclaimed the wotnun.
“How’d yo' git hyar so quick?’.
Leaven San Francisco
\rn. > 1
“Trabel all night,” said tbe pilot.
Leaves Yaquine
“Who dat yaller gal?"
Thia company reserves the riirht to ¡ I
“I’m Souri Slack. Wliar's th jail.
Notice io Creditors.
sailing dates without notice.
The woman led Souri out to show her
the way, and the man left the cabin on
Notice is hereby given that .tliu.1.1‘''’‘'tr’
itiver Steamers.
his way homeward. Souri wob taken to
Steamer “Hoag” leaues l’„riiall(i J
a place where she could see the jail, and
nesday and Saturday ut(i a m
’ W
the woman told her where to find the
H. C. D ay , Gen a * I
Josiah Tavlor. late of said county, ue
crack through which Jakey had con­ of
Salmon Street Wharf. purtfcl
censed, und’that lie has duly qualified us
versed with her.
K. \ AVGHX, Gen Agtl
Souri went to the place alone, and
. c . c . hogckb ®S
nil persons having claims
going to the fence hunted till she found sgainst the estate of said decedent are
Corvallis. Olid
the crack. She peeped in, hoping to see hereby required to present them to the un­ _______________ __
her brother, but Jakey was uot there. dersigned at his residence near Whiteson,
in said county, with the proper vouchers
She waited an hour or more, bnt he did therefor, within six months from tlie «late
uot appear.
of this notice.
“Reckon I'm wastin time hyar, she
Dated May lltli, 1893.
JA. M. WADDEL, Executor.
(Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Lestet
Baid at last. "I’m goen right in ter git
Ramsey * Fenton, Attys for Estate.____
round th' ole woman, ef there is oue.
And she went to the gate and presented
Two Through Trains Daily]
Executor’s Notice.
herself before the sentinel.
“What d’ y’ want?” he asked.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under­
Souri didn't know whether tho jailer signed lias been by the County Court for
6 25p Iv!Minneapolis ar
had a wife or not. but she hazarded the Yamhill County. Oregon July appointed
7 15p lv.
St Paul
Direct Line,
Quick Dispatch,
Low Freight Raid
J ■ ■ * J
Wisconsin Central LiJ
le“£o jailer’s wife tole me tn come in 'n
tote de washen.”
The soldier looked ut her doubtfully
but suffered her to pass in.
She had scarcely entered before sho
saw a party of soldiers conducting a
man from the jail. They passed near
her, aud she recognized Mark. Ho was
going to his trial. He did not recognize
her, darkened as she was, and she was
too wise to make herself known. Jakey
followed his friend and was going to
pass out with him. but wa3 stopped by
the guard.
Souri saw tears trickling down the
boy’s cheeks as ho went back and
strolled about in the yard. She longed
to take him in her arms, but did not
dare to even make herself known to him.
Bhe did not know where Mark was be­
ing taken, so going back to the guard
she asked with apparent idle curiosity:
“Whar dey goen wid dot man?”
“Reckon tliar goen ter try him."
executor of the estate of J. IL Walker, de­
4 lap Iv... Duluth
7 26p lv.. Ashland ar
1 ; „ «
All persona, therefore, having any claims
9 50a ar
against said estate arc hereby notified to
Tickets sold and baggage checked th»
present them to uie. duly verified nt the
nil points
rmintM in tlie
111a United
I'nit».,! State, andS
office of McCain <t Magers, McMinnville, to > all
Oregon, within six months from this 11th da. Close Connection made in Chicaimi
and .South
day of May, 1893.
For full information apply to vour.
D aniela . \\ allei ».
est ticket agent or to
JA.M. C. l'OXn
Executor of Said Estate
Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. I'hicsA’
McCuin A: Magers, Attorneys.
for infants and Children
When the good Sir Thomas Gresham
in tlie sixteenth century promulgated
tine principle that bail money always
drives the good from circulation it re­
ceived small recognition from his own
or the succeeding generation; but its at­
tempted violation by the quackeries of
monetary legislation
brought its own penalty. At length,
however, the world came to recognize
that the principal which Sir Thomas
Gresham modestly advanced was an
immutable law and his own name has
appropriately been given it.
Two great American liners are being
built at Philadelphia. At present the
ships are known as No. 277 and No. 278
but it is understood that the names
which will soon supersede the numbers
have already been selected. The first
of the two steamers launched will be
christened Minneapolis and the other
is,*it is stated, to be named after one of
the larger cities in the far west. Then
will be constructed, in the same yards,
two other monster passenger ships,large
as tlie new boats ef the Cunard line and
as fine in every respect.
«’Caatoria is so well adaptod to children that
I recommend Itas superior to any prescription
known to me.”
H. A. Ancurn, JI. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Caatoria cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kill» Worms, gives sleep, and promoa,
Without injurious medication.
“ The use of ' Caatoria' is so universal and
its merits so well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the
intalligent families who do uot keep Castorla
within easy reach."
C arlos M arttn . D. D.,
New York City.
Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church.
*• For several years I have recomraadri
Sour ’ Caatoria, ’ and shall always continual,
o so as it has Invariably produced beneSehl
E owih F. P ardzs , M. D,
“The Winthrop,'’ 123th Street and 7th An.
New York Cty
T h » C zmtacr C omcast , 7T MonuAT S trut , N zw Y om ,
Are you all run down? Scott's Emul­
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
“IFhar’d y’ (¡It this?” asked Souri.
"Maw,” she said, “Jakey’s tuk.”
“La sakes I” exclaimed the mother with
a scream. “Air they goen ter hang
him? >» ’
“Don’t know. The sojer’s tuk too.
Reckon they’ll hang him, sarten.”
“How’d y’ know?”
During January and February of this
gouri told her about giving Mark the
handkerchief aud its return "in de year 902,032 bunebes of bananas were
imported to this county. More than
cause ob fredum."
Boott’s Emulsion cures Coughs,
“What shall we do?” moar.ed the half of them, or 457,990 bunches, were
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
mother, rocking in concert with her landed at New Orleans. New York
nil Anaemic and Wasting Diseascc.
Prevents wasting in children. Al*
had the next largest number 243,856
most as palatable as milk. Getonly
“I’m goen ter Chattanoogy ter find bunches; Baltimore is third on the list,
the genuine. Prepared by Scott &
with 86,86,400 bunches, and Boston,
Downs, Chemists, New York. Sold by
“They'll hung y', too,” whined Mrs.
all Druggists.
“Reckon not. 1 mought find a way
ter git Jakey outen jail.”
“ 'N th’ sojer too?”
"Air y’ goen jest’s y’ air?”
Souri thought a while without reply­
ing. She would go with the colored boy
of course. He could shew her the way,
and Bhe might pass for some relative.
But that would not do. She was white,
and the boy was black Why not dark­
en her face? The idea was a good one.
"Maw,” she said, “I’m a-goen out ter
find some berries to make me a merlat-
Eiÿ» Cream Balm m not a liquid, tnuff or powder. Applied into the noririU #
An agreeable laxative and NERVE TONIC.
ter,” and before her mother could reply Bol?.,Wj?n,KK’»ts or sent by mail. S5c., Wo.,
quickly absorbed. It cleanses the âead, allays inflammation, heals . a
she was off. When she returned the and $1.00 per packngo. Samples free.
negro boy had finished his breakfast
A.W H.W for the Teeth and Breath, 25c.
She told liim that she would be ready to
go back with him in half an hour.
While she was talking to him he fell
asleep. Then she thought it would be
better to let him sleep all day and travel
it night Time would be lost, bnt there
would be less liability to interruption, so
the aroused him With difficulty and con­
ducted him to an old sofa, where he at
once dropped off again into slumberland.
It was about four o’clock in the after­
noon when Souri awakened the boy.
The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical Sciencel
Seeing a mulatto girl standing by him in ,
It cures all diseases curable by Electricity.
in old calico dress and a sunbonnet on '
It i3 a complete battery, as used by the io«’
Iter head he was astonished.
most physicians, made into a Belt, so as tob«
“Who yo?” he asked.
cas'ly worn during work, or at rest. It givM
“Don’t y’ know me?”
soothing, prolonged currents, which can b*
“Sho nuff!”
carried to any part of the body where there is
“What’s yer name?”
pain, and will give instant relief, as Electricity
“What’s yer t’other name?"
permeates the entire system with a naturu.
“Ain’t got none!”
glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak org®
“I’ m goen with y'
y’ ttovhere
y' started ;
or part of tlie body.
'rem; ; then
2__ __________
I reckon I'll have ter go on
“Ole man dar; he tote y’ furder.”
“Waal, come along. Eat a snack 'n ’
e »r.rce
,ul 111 bealth* «Wilting from over-Ux-tioa
hen we’ll go.”
icntcurem thi,w3rrX or exposure, will find aBpeedy
t’'9 mwtske.iri!--l re^<’,'’.tovenUon'which requires but atrial to«»
When Julius had eaten his fill they*
inav have und„i v' J a /J1 l°“r ¡«norance of effects or by ezeess, or ezyoM
mounted the horse, the girl sitting strad­
«x««" of n^v. fore, and vitality-*!«
dled behind him. Souri, in a common
a vr. toed, wbiclinre reSJreS!V,r • tnf for<*- If you replace Into your «ystM.
Moro Belts Made
TK-preusstrength. you will remove tbeau^a
calico dress and a very large snnbonnet.
• nd Sold and
1 ““»wutonoo au<l In a natural *ay. This 1* our plan m 4
looked for all the world like a u«gro
Dr. Sanden’s IM
Bolt u
Moro Sufferers
rebpst heni'h and vigor°!iror°i^|l* iL"°, exPeriment, as we have restored thouw><j*ff
girl. Julius took her over hills innu­
’»A tbrouahou: tl.S’ Stare' who »XX«*><”"'
merable, and at midnight drew rein near
Cured than by
rest,ff.ony totheir ^re^^
a large plantation. There they both got
»hould be read by ergj
down, and Julius, who bad surrepti­ I all other Electric
tiously taken one of bis master's horses
Belt, combined.
returned it to the stable. Then he led
the way to a row of negro cabins
The Greatest Boon on Earth ia Heaith"»nd Vigorpy , S«ro„k7i. i,
Going to one of them he knocked on the
door. It was opened by the negro with
READ WHAT CENTLEME N~^RITE UG— . Ou MAY WRIT^ Tn w ’ haPPinessand fruWa’
whom Mark and Jakey had staid on
---------------- ■
ths creek between the Fains' and Chat­
lame back ano rheumatism cured .
lire, t—UM, hew. Mhln«. ere , .l”?.
•">• ,«P with .
Dr. A. T. Sandrn Dswr Si»._ «
lv».u Portlnnd Oregon, S^tt^gibW
“Dis de gal.” said Julia.’.
— —rioenrH and hard work, comotn»
«os, gave men Heverr
or ¡an»»
“Goen to Chattenoogy?” ¡shed the ol«l
raa «o bad that I could no
. oUwrewriteorcUoame. Tral, ,o„r.. i TV bowz N »¡Jd’aT'
rheumatism and lameness ¿¡IRED.
F”* twe yornre
-- . .we,,r for fcrar months, being perf
1 b>day as I «ver wan 1 n my
Dr. A. T. SAnl«n, Dear Sir?—I got on« r f
April M 1«^
“I show yo' de way. Go rigli' 08?
"Hab t’ foot hit. Ain’t got no horse *
lost vitality and strencth cured .
“I can do hit.”
w~r1n« ”»v E’liTh««"'!»*» «,"f‘‘{jri
The negro was evidently ready and
expecting them, for without going tmek
*eU“e' 1th* h-iiF
into the cabin he led the way eastward
Souri tramped in his company the rest
Rrowtewt boon ever <lv<*n to
of the night, and at daybreak they were
st his cabin on the creek. There she
took a few hours’ rest, and after the sun
50c ELrMomWwitmVi^W. 51c
Fire, siim