Look at the Map. Look at the Map. State of Oregon, Yuniliill Comity. Here you will And the moat pro­ ductive section in tlte World, iAtud is cheap, offering spec lui lu. diicenienta to fruit rnlsera mid dairymen. ttt Look at the Map. McMinnville. Yamhill County. Here is the County seat, Here 1» published THE TELEPHONE- REGISTER, Monarch of home uewspapers, accorded first place in nil the Directories. Look at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , may REGISTER Eatabllthed Augu.t, 1M1.\ TELEPHONE Eslahllthed lune, ISM. is , 1893. VOL. V. NO. 16 TRADES UNIONS. body to accept. People are constantly laxes, the declinations and right ascen­ sending In requests^to.'.tbe efleet that a sions of all stars at all hours, und all ElTsct on American Boys and Au.sileau postmaster shall be appointed at this sorts of other such astronomical puzzles. Labor. Watchmaker SOME THAT ARE TOO FULL OF or that out-of-the-way «pot, but no one They are paid from $700 to $900 per an­ and Jeweler. is willing to take the place. There are num. There is a situation at tlie army DANGER. Shall American boys be permitted to Otsler Is All Kindt ol Watch««, low.lry, Pitted Ware ninety-seven resignations of jiostiuaH- medical museum which requires a thor­ Cleckt and Spectacle«. McMIMMVILLE. OR. learn trade«, und having learned them, ough knowledge of both Chinese and ters now on file from the state of Wash ­ Duty Aboard the Phantom Ship Not De- ington alone, and there are applicants Japanese. It was kept open for a «hall they lie ]>ermitted to work at •ired—•Moonnhine Detective* Scarce-— I. W.COWLS, LEE LAUGHLIN E. C APPERSON for only a few of these positions. Hun­ long while before any oue could be them? These are apparently simple these and every kindred disease arising President. Vice Preddent. Cathler Thousand* of Vacant Poatofltees. dreds of postoftices have to be discon­ found to fill it. The Balary of the in­ questions, und the auswering of them from Impure blood successfully treated by apparently simple mat­ that never-failing and best of all tonics and tinued every year læeausenobody will cumbent has recently been raised from is an medicines. Offices that go begging. It would take charge of them. There are 10,000 $1000 to $1200.- If such posts were cre­ ter. Most persons thus interrogated The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. hardly lie supposed that there were any poetoffioes which pay to tbe incum­ ated specifically for experts it would would reply at once: “Certainly they McMinnville, Oregon, Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. such, judging front tlie swarm of place- bents less than $20 a ypar. Whenever be J necessary to attach respectable should. Why een committing ment that upon every one of those pub­ here and possess the field, there are |>een treated by him for cancer), and this is all that many of them are such a shape is their cabin shelter such government property. lic reception days Mr. Cleveland has many thousands of others who come in recent years. And have used his blood modicine, waiting for. When asked how they It Is somewhat hard to find suitable transformed by frost and the accumula­ gone to his bedroom and there quietly here in every busy season, work while known as the 8. B. Headache and expected to travel “Brocky" Manning, officers of the army and navy to oc­ Although all the sugar bounty pay ­ Liver Regulator and Vermifuge combined tion of snow. For months together Liver cure, and while I am seven­ '’lires Dyspe|isis,Constipation, indigestion they are cut oft’ from all the rest of cupy tbe positions of military and na­ slipped into his pocket a revolver, and that season lasts, and return to their ment have not been completed, enougli a twelve year old Western Union boy ty-five years old, and have used Billiousncss and Malaria, also removes ail mankind. The conditions on Pike's val attaches to the United States lega­ hen descended the stairs to tbe east homes when it is ended. It will be have been settled, to enable the govern­ replied: parlor. Moreover, the throng of visit­ worms front tlie system without many pills and other remedies for common "Under de cars. You don’t t’lnk de peak are quite similar. Professor Har­ tions in foreign countries. To satisfac­ ors who flock to these public receptions shown that while these “harvesters,” ment to estimate with reasonable cer­ tbe aid of other medicine». the blood, liver and kidneys, I Sold by all druggists. rington recently excused himself for torily fill the duties of these poets, is kept at some distance from the presi­ as they are called, are admitted to the tainty that the total amount needed to boys are green enough to pay for some- must say that for a kidney tonic in having kept a disreputable person in plenty of money is a necessary requisite. dent as he stands in the doorway which unions and are given work on equal meet tbe claims this year will be in the t'ing what dey can get for nothing, do Bright’s disease, as an alterative charge there, on the ground that he A man attached in such a capacity to serves os an exit for those who pass terms with union members, the union neighborhood of $9,000,000. Already you?” for the blood, or to correct tbe ac­ “Brocky «aid he was going to travel could not get any more desirable indi­ the embassy at Paris or at London him. This is done by a cordon of serv­ authorities refused American boys as $8,450,000 has been paid or allowed, and tion of the stomach and bowels it vidual to accept tbe job. When the needs a private fortune to keep up with ants of the bouse, who counting merely apprentices and journeymen on the there are enough claims still unsettled with “Tip" Grant, a boy who has been The Sower Is a very superior remedy, and weather bureau was absorbed by the the social requirements of the situation. the doorkeepers and messengers, en­ ground that the labor market is crowd­ to bring the total very close to the fig­ working out at the race track and who II¡13 no second chance. Tho first supplies iiis needs — if he had visited Chicago a Couple of years beats anything I ever tried. department of agriculture, its observers He must move in the most richly gild­ tirely outsido of the clerical foree in ex­ ed, and the interests of labor will be ure mentioned. takes tne wise precaution cf J. B N b IJBON Ynltinia. Wash, ago. were classified under the civil service ed swim, and must meet all sorts of un- ecutive offices, number at least twenty. harmed If Americans are allowed to I At 50 cents a bottle, it is the poor man's Tip is onto all the moves of “de east­ The product of pig iron in this coun­ law. Thus their pay liecame from sual expenses. It is expected of him The visitors string by tbe president in come in. friend and family doctor. In tbe earlier days of tlie republic the try has very greatly increased during ern guys” and can jump a train going I Sold by Kogers Brothers. that he shall live like a gentleman of $1,200 to $1,600 a year. Previously they I’erry’s >ecit Animal,a>r is Indian file, and as they pass, receiving conlulusall me iHiest no.I best received only the remuneration of ser­ rank and wealth, because the attaches each one a shake of the hand, they American mechanic was everywhere the past few years, while that of Eng­ . twenty miles an hour. “He’s no ehaw Ir.rormatlou about Claulens and known as the sturdiest representatives land has largely decreased. American with the pasteboards either and I guess at the legations of other nations are Gardening. It Is a recognised geants in the army—$34 a month, with pass also a most pleasant but determin­ of American character. He was an pig iron is rapidly displacing British we can get along.” authority. Every planter abould rich and noble. A clear understand­ nave IL Sent tree on requfW. rations and clothing. ed looking man standing exactly op­ l> M. t'FKKV A CO.. IKtrs.l. MIsh. During tbe recent pleuropneumonia ing of these fact would lessen the num­ posite Mr. Cleveland. The people do honest man, a good workman, a loyal pig iron in the Canadian market. A Mantelpiece 0,000 Years Old. faithful citizen. To-day he is almost ber of applications tor these positions, excitement the agents sent out by tbe not know it,but this man is also armed. an extinct species. As a nation we I Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San department of agriculture to inspect which arc sent In by young officers to It is seldom that woed grown more lead the world in mechanical skill, yet Diego, Cal., nays: “Shiloh's Catarrh cattle and slaughter diseased animals, the departments of war and navy at than 4,000 years before the Christian Twenly-Seven Centuries Old. Remedy 1» the first medicine I have we are tbe only nation in the world whether the owners were willing or Washington. They desire the appoint­ that has almost ceased to produce its ever found that would do me any good era is used in the construction of a pres­ not, found their occupation a very haz­ ment for the sake of the agreeableness The great Russian engineer, Melni- own mechanics. We not only take the Price 50 eta. Sold by Ho worth A ('o. ent-day residence, and this really hap­ ardous one. They were frequently re­ of the duties and tbe social prestige be­ kofY, writes from Odessa to the Smith­ pened recently in Edinburg, where a . great mass of ours from other countries ceived with pitchforks, brickbats and longing to them, not realizing that sonian Institute describing the ruins of It Is alleged by the life insurance mantelpiece was formed from wood Ì ROAD WAT, NBW YORK. bulldogs. Some of them were badly they could not keep up appearances an ancient canal discovered in the Cri­ but we accept their poorest specimens, companies that the average length of said to be 6,000 years old. An oak tree Turinj? patents in America, ■vary taunt taken on. by M l. brousbl botorn and having accepted them, we allow hurt. Consequently it was hard to decently on their puy alone. We sebueïy n nouse «Ivsu trseoi cbar»s luths mea, which he regards as one of the human life in this country has increas­ was found in a sandpit at Musselburgh There are placet in several of tbe de­ wonders of the world. It is certainly them to control the field against our procure veterinary physicians to do ed from 41.9 years 25 years ngo to 43.9 thirteen feet Itelow the surface. Pro­ own sons. The consequences of this this work for salaries of $1000 to $1600 partments here which commonly re­ twenty-seven centuries old and among fessor Gelkle, of the geology ehair of years at the present time. main vacant for a long time after the similar ancient objects of historic inter­ policy, already momentous, are des­ per annum. the university of Edinburg, after per­ tined to become more so as time ad ­ incumbents have died or resigned be ­ For the small wages paid the navy According to the report of Director sonally examining tbe strata in which est is second in age only to the great vances. We are not only bringing up department has difficulty in retaining cause persons competent to fill them pyramids. Whether it was a water­ General Davis to the National World’s this oak was found, said the tree, which the experts employed to handle the cannot easily be found. Occasionally way in tho olden time and the path­ our sons in idleness, not only depriv­ fair commission, $33,243,930.55 has al­ was live feet nine Inches in diameter, high explosives at the Newport torpedo one reads in the Washington newspa­ way of ancient commerce between the ing our experiment in popular govern- ready been raised for the fair. Notice to Creditors. must lie at least 0,000 old and described statloa. These men manufacture dy­ pers an advertisement issued by the Black sea and the sea of Azof or a ' ment of the invaluable support of a it as a relic of neolithic maa. It was I NOTICE is hereby given that the nnder- great body of conservative citizens of Tusk, a pioneer mule who crowed the in a fine state of preservation down to namite by mixing nitro-glycerine with civil service commission announcing means of defense for people living in its l»igne*l has brrn appointed by the ( onnty ' American birth, but we are accepting ft’oart of Yamhill ('onnty. State of Oregon plains during the civil war.died at Car­ tbe sand, and was easily workable. infusorial earth. They turn in ordi­ that on a certain day a competitive ex­ vicinity Is a question which wise men ! in place of such a body one that 1» com­ sole executor of the last will and testament nary lathes chunks of nitro-glycerine, amination will be held for the purpose supposed te know ail about antiquities, rollton, Mo , a few days since, aged 34 ot G W Goucher. late of said county. de posed of and controlleil by men of for­ years. i which is the most dangerous of all of filling a situation which requires fa­ cannot explain. ceased, and that he lias qualified as snch The official account of tbe cholera la eign birth, whose instincts and charac- executor. . known explosives, into shapes for load- miliarity with plane and spherical Austria shows that the disease followed Therefore, all persons bavins claims i' ing shells. Also they chop it up with trigonometry, differential calculus, tbe Twelve of the thirteen original states the course of the rivers. It Is said to Ismail Pasha, the famous ex-khedive , ter are not merely un-American, but against tlie estate of said decedent are hereby required to present them to me at i chisels. While undergoing these opera- science of calculating tbe centre of of Egypt, now aged sixty-three, lives ’ sometimes anti-American. This body, now have democratic governors. have entered Western (ialicia by way my office in McMinville. in said county, ' tions the stuff is kept saturated with gravity of heavy ordnance,three or four in regal splendor in his palace on the , acting frequently as a unit throughout 1 of the Vistula aud lAstern < ialieia by with proper vouchers therefor, within six , i the country, is able to paralyze all bus- rutuplnnent watcb-shapedbrrttlae,sugar ' water. If by an wident it got a little European languages, typewriting and shores of tbe Bosphorus. His wealth months from the date of this notice. the river Zbruck, and ¡In Hungary to Dated April 39. liW. , iness and industry, and to bring the orated. Small Bite Beam. He. por boti le. dry It would blow the factory to pieces. stenography. The fortunate candidate amounts to about $25,090,000. have followed the course of tbe Dan­ E. E. GOUCHER nation itself almost to the brink of so­ R amsey & Fssros. Executor. It is in the postoffice department is promised an appointment at $900 or ube and its affluents. cial revolution and industrial war. Is Attys for said Estate. In Malaga workmen are allowed fif­ that offices go begging by wbolsalc. $1000 a year. it not time that Americans began to 10 ebnts ner double roll. Semi î-cent stamp There are thousands of fourth-class To al 1 Dlsrstfc.n take one 8> m B BUS Baas In the AntmficoZ Almanac there are teen minutes' leisure everv hour to Ooe Sanali Olir Orsn ererr nicht for a HÎ OFÎKLT»* MORGAN. after entlns. ZS< |*er txittl«. for »ampli*« think seriously of these things? Havo «erk anxiKTorpM l.tverv 2Sc. par bottle pootofflees which it k bard to get auy- men employed to calculate tbe parai- smeke cigarettes. yy. F* DIELSCHNEIDElt, ULCERS, CANCERS, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON & OFFICES GOING BEGGING. D*PRICE’S Powder ELSIA WRIGHT W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE « YW . HARNESS BiteBe&ns Small THE COMMERCIAL STABLE ! Livery, Feed and Sale! Th V mn JUDGE NELSON’S LOZENGES Jnotifie ^LPREACä WALL PAPER, 20 1«? Third st. Portland Or.