The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, May 11, 1893, Image 3

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11, 1893
moves .
I ni. to 7 p. ni From 7:30 p.
|cr hours from 7 a. ni. to 6 p. m.
bin 12 ill. to 1 p. ni
th clones at 9:50 a. in. Mail
,at 2:30 p. in. and 9 p. in.
a. m train doses evening
L in.
and southern Tillamook mail
I EriscorAi. C hcrch . — Services
lli at It a. in and 7:40 p in,
noi at 9:30 a. in Prayer meet­
ly evenings at 7:30.
Ev. 8. E M knixoik , Pastor
fry Sabbatli at 11 a. m. and 7 p.
f school at 9:30 a. m.
I Rzv J It. H ums , Pastor.
■racH.—Services «very Sabbath
pul 7:30 p. in. Sunday School at
[K kv it. M c K illop , Pastor.
I C hcrch .—Services every Sab-
a m. and 7:30 p. ni Sunday
10 a. m. Y. P. 8 C E. meets
r 30 p. m Prayer meeting Wed-
L:io p m. Everyone invited
H A. D ertos , Pastor.
C atholic C hurch .—Services 1st
nays of eacli montli, Second
>Iary's at Corvallis
[Patrick’s Church on Muddy.
[R ev . T hob . B riody , Pastor
lEeiscorAL Oi vneu —Divine
aernion each Sunday at It a.
[ R ev . W. H. S toy , Pastor.
■i —----- ------- - -------- eu --- ■ ■_
lie Grange. No. 31, P. of H.,
I Hall the first and third Satur-
l month at 10a. in. Visitors
J. T. Jou.v.
. K ins ,
; Secretary,
lie Camp No 128, Woodmen of
Meet first and Third Mondays
lli; visiting brothers cordially
tend Lodge room Third St
JO R ooers , C. C.
B zforii , Clerk
bit No. 9 meets the second and
fday of each month at O. A. R,
¡ion block at 7:30 n. in. AH
She Order.are cordially invited
|r meetings.
L. 8. D owning ,
B ine ,
• Post Commander.
Br all notices announc-
Binmetits Tor which an
, fee is charged, all
natter after the notice
las been given as a niat-
», all resolutions of con-
Rredding notices, cards
I, etc., furnished the
»■Register for publica-
e charged for at regu-
tfsing- rates, 5 and IO
11 and General.
Brownson was expected
iis California trip last evc-
Meminger is in Lebanon
lending the district confer-
lie ball is being treated to
I tbe walls and to a coat of
rtmau will take his father’s
be bank while the latter is
le east.
,Cooper is ill Ashland this
giness connected with the
|G. A. R.
kth writes tliat he will not
loiue liefore May 22d and
[ before June 11th.
»y E. Wright began to ex-
be new brick block at the
tlril and I) streets.
try, who came here from
j located in the office of
Ihodes for the present.
Pagenkopf, a student of the
yesterday to teach a school
k iu Tillamook county.
ah Mills arrived Tuesday
Ingtou state on a visit to
, Mr. and Mrs. Ji. F. Clu-
In Adams and party return-
i Meadow Lake resort yes-
liey report having had a
L Ingle . of Portland will
le Cumberland Presbyterian
[day morning and evening.
kg has been so backward
Felty of seeing anything go-
r quite a crowd around the
bird and D streets the first
|nglos of North Yamhill was
last Friday. It is his opin-
ÌA. Martine did not carry
.money when he left that
Ill be a race meeting of tbe
w district fair association at
hce, June 15, 16 and 17. Ex-
bparations have lieen made
torses will be there.
[B. Whitmore, Mrs. Julia
Its. Adah Unruh, Mrs. W.
and Mrs. Batchelor are in
is week as delegates to the
mt ion of tbe W. C. T. U.
I of grace for paying the taxes
|1 end en May 15th. On that
sriffwill turn the rollover
rk and the delinquent list
kde out; and this will add
There are twenty-five applicants for
teacher's certificates lieing examined
at the court house.
8. A. \oungbus gone to southern
Oregon, where he will spend some time
looking over the country and prospects
O. F. Davidson lias commenced im­
proving ttis residence corner of Second
and G streets, by raising it up, putting
in bay window», etc.
Farmers and horsemen are invited to
call at Gates A Henry's stables Friday
or Saturday and see a two year old filly
by Adirondack,dam by Black Strauger
and Winthrop Knox. She Is n splen­
did specimen of horse-flesh.
The county clerk has received four
copies of the session laws passed at
the last legislature. They make a con­
cise volume of about 1000 pages. Law­
yers can now put in their spare time
posting up ou the amendments to the
code, etc.
Jacob Wortman, president of the
First National bank, will leave for the
East next Monday, accompanied by
Mra. Wortman. They will visit friends
in the middle states for two o( three
uioutlis and go to the fair liefore return­
ing home.
Yesterday the dispatches stated that
A. M. Manchester had been appointed
postmaster at Roberts in this couuty.
This is probably the least important of­
fice iu the county, and is located on
the Star route between North Yamhill
and West Chebalem.
A good share of tbe dirt from the ex­
cavation for Wright’s building is being
used by Jacob Wortman and Frank W.
Fenton to improve their properties at
the corner of First and E streets. The
former will likely build a fine residence
on his property next year.
Monday evening a young man nam­
ed (.’rawford was drowned at Corvallis.
He was one of an excursion party from
Albany, and when tlieparty was board­
ing the boat Cary Crawford and two
other» were crowded off' the gang plank,
resulting in the drowHing of Crawford.
There Is a vacancy in the West Point
military academy and also in tbe na­
val academy at Annapolis, which are
to be filled by young men from this
congressional district. Applications for
examination must be made to Hon.
Binger Hermann, at.Roseburg, before
June 1st.
A. M. Sanders of the Union Hard*
ware Co. is in Dallas this week, look­
ing after the interests of the company
at that place while their manager, J.
F. Clark, is at the bedside of his father
in Spring valley, who was severely in­
jured by an accident in a runaway
Committees for tbe various A.O.U.W
ledges of tbe county met in this city
last Saturday and decided to hold a
picnic at Newberg on the 15th of June.
Several matters of interest to the order
were discussed, and it is tlie intention
of the lodges to hold a picnic annually
A very pleasant surprise party was
tendered Miss Josie Gardner by her
young friends last Friday everting, it
being the seventeenth anniversary of
her birth. The evening was spent in
cards and music. Light refreshments
were served at 11 o’clock and tlie crowd
soon dispersed, wishing Miss Josie,
many returns of the day. Those pres­
ent were, Misses Elvie and Lasira Ap-
person, Stella Patty, Daisy Young, Ina
Cooper, Myrtle Hendersou, Cyntitlin
Fellows; Messrs. E. D. Baker, P. J.
Sharp, Martin Adams, G. A. Barnhart
and John Weisner.
Public School Notes.
Tbe public schools will close oil Fri­
day, May 19th. Appropriate closing
exercises will be held at the opera house.
In the afternoon, beginning at 2
o’clock, the intermediate and primary
grades of the several schools will render
a joint program at tbe opera house.
The entertainment will consist of reci­
tations, dialogues, drills, concert exer­
cises, music, etc. In tbe evening at 8
o’clock, the graduating exercises will
take place. The evening’s eniertoin-
nient will consist of essays and orations
by the classes graduating, interspersed
with vocal aud instrumental music.
Pres. P. L. (Lampbell of the Monmouth
state normal school, will deliver a
short address to the graduates, his sub­
ject being "Right Ideals.” Following
the address will be the presentation of
the certificates to the members of the
class and the exercises concluded by
The patrons of the schools and the
public generally are cordially invited to
attend all of the exercises both after­
noon and evening.
Special Attention.
We call especial attention to our dress
goods, notions, trimmings and shoe de­
partment. In these fines we have un­
questionably the largest and most va­
ried stock to select from.
Just think of a Ince curtain 3 yards
long at $1 per pair, better at $1.25,$1.50,
$2 and $3 per pair. All new this sea­
son. Spring cloaks and blouse waists
all new this season. Very stylish.
A. J. A ppehson .
K ratz -D ielschneidek —In Portland
May 8, 1893, Mr. Will Kratz to Miss
f new water works will cost
Annie Dielschneider, both of this
i reservoir will be built on
city; Judge Cary ofticiatihg. They
$ond the cemetery, giving a
bet and a pressure of 90 feet, took their departure for California'
pipe will be 10 inches lu di- where, if they like it, they will make
their home.
^■aM-y. formerly a resident of
Oat of Sight.
[■and well known throughout
■yr <lied in Portland Monday
The traveling public are now fully
Mbui-i<-<I at Sheridan yesterday, alive to the fact that the Chicago, Un­
■hil was held under tlie auspl- ion Pacific A Northwestern line offers
■ Masonic fraternity.
the very best accommodations to the
■|nl quarterly meeting of La- public from and to Chicago, Omaha
^Bcuit Columbia conference, M. and intermediate points, not only dur­
^■h south, will lie held at Me- ing the World’s fair, but all the year
^Ke on Saturday and Sunday, tlie around.
■1st of May, 1893, at Wright's
■ : D. C. M c F arland , P. E.
Bs. Rudolph, character imper-
Bwill give an entertainment at
Bh house. Tuesday evening. May
Br the auspices of the free read-
Bi. aaaiated by local talent. This I
■ highly endorsed by tbe press
■r tbe country. Admission 50
■tents; reserved seat» without ex-
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
krge. at Rogers Bros.
bain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San purifier, gives freshness and clearness
J Cal., says: “Shiloh's Catarrh to tbe complexion and cures constipa­
L_, 59c
_ ______
and $1.
_ Hold
_ I by How-
iv Is tbe first medicine I have tion.
ort h A Co.__________ ______
bund that would do me any good
Cure foe C om «, Fevm and General Do-
50 ota. Sold by Howorth A Ce.
buaj. S sm U Bile Bean«.
per botuo.
Rhodes A Rhodes are sole agenta for
the sale of lets in Willis addition.
G. 8. Wright, dentist, McMinnville,
If you want your property insured in
a standard company, Rhodes A Rhodes
will be pleased to write you.
Dry oak wood delivered at $3.00 per
oord. Leave orders at J. R. Booth’s
The Earhuff organ is the best at C.
Hats given away at Kuy A Todd’s.
Read tbeir add and go get one.
Call on Rhodes A Rhodes for bargains
in real estate. They will show you
property and give prices with tlie beet
The butcher shop of J. II. Booth
is at all times supplied with the best of
meats. Game ami fish in season, rec­
Parties wishing to borrow money on
improved farm security will find it to
their advantage to call on W. T. Vin­
ton at office of Irvine and Coshow.
Baled timothy hay for sale at $14 per
ton by J. Wisecarver. Good quality,
call and examine.
When yeur $200 watch needs repair­
ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds
of jewelry repaired.
S. Howorth A Co. at the McMinn­
ville pharmacy are closing out their
stock of paints and oils at cost. Call
and investigate.
Rhodes A Rhoues have money to
loan on improved farm property.
When you want prices on lumber get
them of A. S. Briggs as be will save
you money. Any quantity and quality.
Office with Jas. Fletcher.
A full Hue of musical instruments at
C. Grissen’s.
Interesting Paragraph« from our County I.ooklag Arter the Alum and Anunoala For th. We.k Ending Tuesday, May ».
Isei -V. I. Signal Sarti...
Baking Powder.
[Amity Popgun, May 5.]
Hou. Chas. H. Burch still hobbles
about with a erutsh by reason of a
lierse fulllug on and badly crushing one
of his legs many months ago. Tbe
member has been pronounded incura­
ble and uncle Charley is likely to L>e a
cripple the remainder of his days.
[Newberg Graphic, May 5.1
C. B. Frlssell informs-us that tbe
ticket sales at this place during the
month of April Just past, exceeded the
salsa for tbe same period last year by
$50 or more. This is an improvement
of a substantial nature that we are
pleased to note.
N. C. Maris got in late Saturday
night. His stock, which came through
In excellent condition, he drove up
from Portland the first of the week.
He brought through a couple of bar­
rels of sorghum molaases for sweet­
ening purposes. A “Hoosier” who
loses liis desire for sorghum molasses
and pawpaws is no “Hoosier” at all.
[North Yamhill Leader, Muy 5|
Mrs. J. C. MeKern is visiting at the
home of her mother in Marion county,
%eing called there by the severe illness
of a brother.
Mr. 8. E. Craig, of Farmington, is in
this city, and will remain during the
summer, having been engaged to take
charge of the cheese factory.
J. A. Simmons, who lias been con­
fined to his r^em for tbe past week is
improving, and his many friends will
be pleased to learn that lie' will l>e able
to lie at his .place of business again
Mrs. (,'. A. Martine left lust Saturday
morning for Independence, Mo., where
she will reside in the future. She leaves
line Nearly all of Oregou Now ai*«l Want.
many friends here who wish her a
Hie Real..
pleasant trip and a brighter future than
Last Saturday a quiet, but determined tlie past lias lieen for her here.
man from Salem, with blood in his eye
[Sheridan Sun. May t.[
and the rule or ruin air sticking out all
While excavating on the old McCain
over him, walked into Linn county’s
circuit court clerk’s room, and placed farm one day this week some Sberidau
on file the case of D. C. Sherman vs the parties unearthed the skeleton of an
State of Oregon as represented by five Indian about three feet below the sur­
citizens known as the trustees of the face of the ground. Tlie bones were in
Oregon soldiers’ home, which means a sitting posture, and were well pre­
that the further progress of the build­ served, the skull sliowing the original
ing, grounds for which had already owner to have been little more than an
been selected, is to be stopped by an idiot, provided phrenology is a correct
science. In the grave were found a
Tbe grounds for this is the clause in couple of elk horns which formed the
the constitution of tbe state which says: handle to an implement used by them
“That all public institutions of the to dig camas. Also roasted acorns,
state hereafter provided for by the leg­ large glass beads and the remuins of a
islative assembly shall be located at buckskin string; an old-fashioned,
hand-forged pair of scissors and old
the seat of government.”
The results of this injunction, if sus­ tincup, evidently procured during the
tained, not only puts a quietus on tbe palmy days of the Hudson Bay com­
soldiers’ home, but also on tbe branch pany.
asylum iu Eastern Oregon, and also to
remove the state university, agricult­
ural college and the normal schools to
Possibly in tlie near future the consti­
tution, with the aid of Salem’s selfish­
ness, may be able to draw the Portland
and Astoria custom houses, tbe three
land offices, Mount Hoed, the falls of
the Willamette, Mount Jefferson, the
Three Sisters and Crater Lake to the
sent of government, and gather in all
the other snow peaks and soda springs.
However, tbe supreme court may
view tilings somewhat differently
from what selfish Salem looks at them.
Its decision will be anxiously awaited.
The case will be heard in chambers in
Salem on the 23rd Inst.
[Dayton Herald May 5 ]
A bill for an act in relation to the
manufacture and sale of baking pow­
der«, to prevent fraud and preserve tbe
public health has been introduced in
the legislature of St. Paul. The bill is
intended to prevent the adulteration of
baking powders with alum or ammonia
imposing proper penalties to enforce
the law.
Dr. O. 8. Binswanger,professor chem­
istry, etc., medical department univer­
sity of Oregon made an examination
some time ago of the buking powders
found in the Portland stores; the result
of which appeared in the Oregonian.
Dr. Binswanger then expressed him­
self as follows:
“I have just finished an analysis of
the principal baking powders sold in
this market with the following start­
ling results:
"Hercules,” Tills powder contains
Tills powder contains
“Double Quick.” Tills powder con-
talus alum.
“Silver Star.” Tills powder contains
"White Lily." This powder contains
a! um.
“Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.”
This is a pure cream ot tartar powder
and contains neither alum nor ammo­
It will be observed that Dr. Price's
was found by Dr. Binswanger to be a
pure cream of tartar baking powder and
the only brand free from alum, ammo­
nia or any impurity.
Following is a list of the more widely
known brands that Dr. Drew, chemist
for tbe Minnesota state dairy and food
commission, as well as other chemists
ofhigli standing, have examined and
found to contain alum, some of which
contain both alum and ammouia.
Many of the alum and ammonia pow­
ders are labeled and advertised as “ab­
solutely pure,” to mislead the public.
The condemned powdar given in this
list are sold pretty generally through-
Oregon and Washington.
“Calumet,” “Forest City," “Grant’s
Bon Bon,” “Hotel,” “Globe,” “Puri­
tan," “Snow Ball,” “Government,”
“Palace,” “Loyal,” “Columbia,” “Un­
rivaled,” "Home,” “Monarch,” “Chi­
cago Yeast,” “Echo,” "Perfection,”
“White Rose,” “Hatchet.” “Crown.”
In addition to above list there are
many brands sold with a prize. It is
safe to reject all baking powders sold
with u prize as the teste show they are
composed largely of alum and cost but
a few cents a pound. Ake refuse any
baking powder sold for twenty-five
cents a pound or less; they are sure to
contain alum.
Surely nothing but their ehsupuess
could induce the public to experiment
witli these impure powders at the risk
of health. Aside from tlie question of
the health or, wholesomeness of these
condemned powders and viewed from
the standpoint of economy alone, a
pure cream of tartar baking powder,
such as Dr. Binswanger and other high
authorities report Dr. Price’s to be und
from its greater known strength and
unquestioned purity should prove
more economical to the user in every
Saturday, the 6th, was the first
spring day of the season; tlie temjiera-
ture rime from 70 to 83 degrees, and the
sky was clear; the other days of the
week were generally cloudy and raiu
fell frequently, but .the air was consid­
erably warmer. The mean tempera­
ture for tlie week averaged from 50 to
54 degrees, as against 48 to 51 degrees
of the proceeding week. The total pre­
cipitation amounted to over one iueb
in the Willamette valley north of Lane
county aud about Ashland; while in
Lane, Douglas, Josephine and northern
Jackson counties it ranged from .50 to
.70 of an inch. No frosts are reported
The weather has been more favorable
during the past week to the growth of
vegetation and to farm work. There is
yet a comparatively large acreage to be
seeded to wheat and oats , especially
on the low lands. Fall sown wheat on
low lands is somewhat Injured, it was
slightly scalded by tbe hot sun of the
6th; on higher lands it is growing fine­
ly and In places it is two feet high.
Barley Is iu head in parts of Marion
and Linn counties. Corn planting has
been greatly delayed; tlie acreage of
corn will be inereaped over that of last
yeur. Hops are In places growing rap­
idly, while iu others, especially on the
west bank of the Willamette, the yards
have not yet been grubbed and the
weeds are rampant, The hop acreage
is expected
to be considerably
last year. Garden
work is very late, much of the soil be­
ing too wet to work. In Washington
county early sown onions are now
ready for weeding. Grass has a fine
growth and is very luxuriant. Cattle
were in a poor condition, but are now
rapidly improving. Sheep shearing
has commenced and good fleeces are re­
ported. In the northern coast counties
cherries are in bloom. In the interior
valley fruit is generally in full bloom
and the trees are nearly in full leaf.
The petals of tbe early bloom are fall­
ing. Fears are entertained that the
cold, wet weather has been injurious to
the peach und cherry blossoms. Pres­
ent prospects are favorable for a boun­
teous harvest, notwithstanding the
cold, rainy aud baekward season.
Comes the Lumber manufactured at JONES & ADAMS' mill.
It is the Peer of any Lumber sold in the McMinnville market.
Ha« lieen formulated and it is now the cheapest lumber on th*
market all qualities considered. All sizes, kinds and grade»
can be found at the yards in this city at any time of the year.
Its life is longer, it is stronger and is a thing of beauty while
the product of other mills is warped and ready to be renewed.
If you want to build a house at no immediate cost,[call and see
us. We will make you a proposition. This proposition ia
based upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­
hill County we are buildiug up Sones & Adams.
A Complete Stock of Paints. Oils. Builders’ Hardware
Is now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the
people of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by
us are requested to call and get our prices liefore purchasing.
We will guarantee to save them money.
We are in Business and mean Business.
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon.
Continued cold weather, save the 6th
when it was warmer and pleasant.
The rains have been freqnent and oa
tbe night of the 7th very heavy rain
fell. Snow fell in the interior counties
especially Grant, on the 3 and 5.
Sleighs are yet used over tbe moun­
tains from McEwen, Baker county.
The soil is thoroughly soaked and is
too wet for plowing. Considerable
seeding is yet to be done, especially east
and south of the Blue mountains. In
tbe Columbia river valley by another
week most of tbe seeding will be done.
Wire worms are doing damage to the
wheat in parts of Sherman county; in
parts of Morrow couuty the ground
squirrel is very destructive. The wheat
acreage is lieing increased, especially in
Morrow, Gilliam and Lake counties.
Fruit trees are generally in full bloom
throughout the Columbia river valley,
while in the interior the buds are
swelling and are almost ready to burst
forth. Peaches have been injured
about Milton. While the seeding is
late present prospects indicate an ex­
cellent wheat harvest.- The cold sea­
son has been injurious to tbe lamb
crop; in some of the interior counties
the loss iu yeung lambs has been 35
per cent. Sheep shearing is in full
blast in many localities. Poplars are
in leaf in the Columbia river valley.
The grass has excellent growth and
stock are improving.
It is an undeniable fact that there is
more snow in tbe mountains than
there has been at this season of the
year for many years past. A continua­
tion of the present cool weather will al­
low tbe snow to melt gradually and
not cause such a great flood in the Col­
umbia river and its tributaries as it
would should the snow melt rapidly
under the influence of a sudden warm
period. Precautions should be taken
by all liable to be affected by a flood in
the Columbia. From June 15th to 30th
is usually the period of the highest
water in the Columbia river.
B. 8. P aque ,
Family Supplies
Everything within bounds; Everything Trim,
Clean Goods, Neatness, Promptness.
The lady who permitted the publish­
er of this paper, while on his return
from McMinnville on foot Saturday, to
take a seat in the conveyance she was
driving, has our thanks and best
Those living along tbe road from Sa­
lem to McMinnville will avuil them­
selves of tlie local option road bonding
law, and build a good gravel road from
the Wallace fruit farm to McMinnville.
The road from Salem to tbe Wallace
Probate Court.
farm, as almost every one in tills sec­
tion is aware, is one of the best roads in
Guardianship of Wm H Withrow;
the country. After the road is com­
pleted to McMinnville, thecapltlal city third annual account approved.
Estate of Isaiah Waddel; first semi­
of Oregon and tbe capital of Yamhill
will be connected by as good road as annual account approved.
Estate of Orpha A Hagey; inventory
Headache and Dieelne.«--Frequent Cui- there is in the state.
CH of Apoplexy and Paralysis.
Estate of Robert Stewart; report of
[Tillamook Headlight May 4.]
Tlie most recent and profound re­
sale of personal property approved;
Capt. Thomas of the steamer Truckee
searches in tills diaection by specialists,
first semi-annual account approved; pe­
have developed conclusively that the found 23 feet of wateron tbe bar as he
above disorders frequently result in went out last trip. He took the south tition to sell real property filed and
Saturday, June 10th, set to hear same;
death or permanent disability. Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine is the great­ channel.
citation to issue.
est remedy for either of these apparent­
The creamery here is beginning to do
Estate of J H Walter; inventory ap­
ly insignificant causes. Nothing ap­ a good business. The prejudice against
proved; petition to sell a part of person­
proaches it in merit. Mrs. W. E.
Burns, of South Bend, Ind., who had creameries is wearing away, and farm­ al property allowed.
suffered from constant headache for ers are beginning to realize that they
Estate of Alice A Logan; W T Logan
three months, was oured by it. The can get more out of their milk in a appointed administrator with bonds at
daughter of Daniel Myers, Brooklyn, creamery than by making the butter at
$1600; Jacob Wortman, Millie Logan
Mich., had been insane for ten years
and Chas l’almer appraisers; inventory
and was having from 15 to 25 fits a day. home.
Nervine eured her of both fits and in­
James Wilson and Hauxhurst broth­ approved.
sanity. Sold on a guarantee by Rogers ers made .another raid on the sea lions
Estate of Josiah Taylor; will admit­
Bros. Get a book free.
on Netarts rocks last week and got 72 ted to probate; A M Waddel appointed
tails. It is risky business, but the tails executor with bonds at $2000; Willis
Real Estate.
are worth $3 each, according to the late Starr, It W Phillips and John Thomp­
Margeret Grace and husband to Jas state law. They think they have killed son appointed appraisers.
How» This!
r most of them in that vicinity, or scared
T. Leach, 80 acres in section 30,12
3 w;$1600.
them away, as but few have appeared A Wonderful Engine*-Cannot be Sur­
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
tor any case of Catarrh thatcannot be cured
Union Lodge to Mary E Colby, s i since. Lions are very destructive to
by Hall’s Catarrli Cure
salmon, hence the law.
lot 265 in masonic cemetery; 11.00
F. J. C heney A Co Props, Toledo. O.
An engine exerting.surpassing pow­
Wellie undersighed, have known F. J.
We see by the Oregonian that Claude er it always n source of wonder, and
Jane Sbeperd and busband to Wm
Cheney for tbe last 15 years, ami believe
Shepherd, lots 1 and 2, blk 12, North Thayer, of Oregon, is registered at the yet how many are entirely forgetful of him perfectly honorable in all business
Hoffman house, in New York city. the existence within themselves of an transactions and financially able to carry Is the best bred horse in the State of Oregon; of fine
Yamhill; $1.
engine more powerful and enduring ont any obligations made by’tlieir firm.
Wm. Blum and wife to J D Carter, It’s a good place; the editor of this pa­ than any ever invented. Not perhaps West A Truax, wholesale druggists,Toledo, form and finish and remarkable intelligence and kind
40 acres in section 22, t 3 s, r 3 w; $500. per generally stops there when in the until they have experienced irregular Ohio.
He is an unusually sure foal getter, and
Walding. Kinnan A Marvin, wholesale disposition.
Chas J Larson to Christian Larson, metropolis. Mr. Thayer is there to pulse, heart fluttering, tenderness in
druggists, Toledo, Ohio
large and speedy.
Hall's Catarrli cure is taken internally,
10 acres of the David Ramsey d 1 c, t 3 help adjust tbe financial difficulty in asthmatic breathing, weak and hun­
acting directly upon tlie blocs! and mucus
s, r s w; $5.
gry spells, smothering, short breath or surfaces of the system. Price 75c per lx>t.
8. treasury, We wish to suggest to the pain in side, when ite existence is no tic. Sold by all druggists ; Testimonials free.
(Abdallah, 1.
John U Smith and wife to T B Max­
authorities that Mr. Thayer is from longer to be denied, as the possessor
well, 5 acres of the Sidney Smith die,
Tillamook, People from these parts
t 3 s, r 3 w; $100.
seldom get so far away from home.
The clerk.lias issued license to wed to
T B Maxwell to John U Smith, strip When Claude attended the great naval disease fifteen years; bad to hire house
help; lived on liquid food, used Dr.
a> 'Bona Fide, 720, sire<
of land for road purposes, in the Sidney review his only regret was that he Mlles’ Heart Cure and all symptoms the following persons during the week:
A. J. Wilson, aged 24; Rebecca Wil­
of Humbert, 2:28,
Smlth d 1 c; $1.
didn’t have the steamer General Gar- left her. Continued use cured her.
son aged 17.
and Daniel Boone,
W H Hess and wife to J F Bowman field there.
who will give you a doctor's book free.
J. M. Rowlison aged 22; Opal V. Amy M
»ire of Echo 2:27|; kKate, clam of Breeze, <
295J square rods of the W T Wallace d
aged 19.
2:24; Bruno, 2:29[ a (
Nelly M 2:28| and
«lu.tlce Slow But More.
1 c, 13 », r2 w; $111.
Sehool Report.
Young Bruno 2:22J
Susie Owens 2:26.
Cephas Eisenhaur to H P Satchwell,
(Hambletonian, 10.
The trial of James Hards for murder
Report of school district No. 57 for
trarts 26 and 27 in Hurley’s subdivision which he committed twenty-five years
We desire to say to our citizens, that
' Volunteer, 55 sire of St. <
near Newberg; $1400.
Julian 2:1 lj and 2fi oth- (Lady Patriot, by Young Pa-
ago, near Jacksonville, was concluded
King's New Discovery for Consump­
T H Gilbert to C Palmer, 111 acres in Portland on Wednesday, and the lowing are the names of pupils for ex­ tion, Dr. King’s New Life Pill», Buck-
era in 2:30 or better.
riot outofLewi»HulBemar»
cellent deportment and scholarship, len’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters,
near McMinnville; $2300.
Jury brought In a verdict of man­
who have been present every day with­ and have never handled remedies that
Madge. •<
C Palmer to T H Gilbert, lots 2 and 3 slaughter.
Twenty-five years ago,
out being tardy: Grecie, Frank and sell as well, or that have given such
^Abdallah, 15.
college adn to McMinnville; $2300. '
Hards was engaged in a contract of
Willie Newell, Lillie, Iva, Carrie, Bry­
U 8 to J I) Kercherside, 79 acres t 2 s making boards on Big Butt« creek ant and Geòrgie Happiagfleld, Marion, tate to guarantee them every time, anil
/Kate Darling, by Sherman Mor­
we stand ready to refiind the purchase
with his wife's stepfather Mr. Arnold.
r 3 w; patent.
Edward and Fannie Taylor, Verna {nice, if satisfactory results do not fol-
gan, founder of the great Mor­
Neighbors kept down the quarrel, but
and Worthey lady.
Ruclclen’s Arnica Salve.
gan family.
the morning after tbe contract was
M innie P otter , Teacher.
A dirondack is the sire of Annie B, record 2:40; Adrian, 2:44; Ambler
completed, Hards went to Arnold’s
their merits Rogers Bros., druggists. 1
The Best Salve in the world for-Cute, house and shot him with a double-bar­
Following is the report of Mountain
2:44}; Flora T, 3:35, and Ada R, two-year-old record, 2:47; also other»
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Top school district No. 54, for the
which sold at high prices, among them Cicero for $1250.
Fever Sores, Tetter,' Chapped Hands, reled shotgun. He then came to Jack­
Chilblains, Corns and all Sk!n Erup­ sonville to give himself up, and engag­ month ending April 28, 1893. Number
tions. and positively cures Piles or no ed Orange Jacobs to defend him. Mr. days taught, 20; days attendance, 320; I As I have sold out mv busine?s ami tools
pay required. It is guaranteed to give Jacobs, after hearing all the facts in days absence, 40, number of boys en | and stock to Mr Wallin, will be glad to
A DIROND ACK will make the season of 1893 as fol­
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
rolled, 5; number girls enrolled. 15; to­ have all my account« settled by the first of
June. All’ those knowing themselves in­
ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale the case, advised Hards to leave the
lows: Fridays and Saturdays McMinnville; Mon­
debted to me will confer a great favor by
country and never.come back again.
by Rogers Bros.
and settling up with cash or note. days, Sheridan; Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Amity;
Hards was indisted and the indictment Emma Allison and Emma Finnegan. calling
You will find me at the office of Knapp,
The World’» Fair Travelers Will Have It.
8. Eli. L avner , Teacher.
was held against him for twenty-two
Burrell A Co.. or if I am not there Mr.Ford Thursdays, North Yamhill.
will settle with you. as I intend to leave for
The public demand through service years; and Hards, learning that it had
the East by that time
A Million Friend«.
when traveling. It Isold fashioned to been dismissed, returned to take posses­
Mr. C. O. Wallin will do yotf a« good
as can lie done, and I would like all
change cars. On the through solid sion of some property he had left there.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, work
customers to give him a trial. He
vestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union The wife he deserted a few years later and not less than one million people is a old
class horse shoer and a general
Pacific and Northwestern line, from or married Charles Thurman, with whom
have found just such a friend in Dr. good blacksmith and will give you as good
to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate
as any blacksmith. Don’t for­
points, there is no change. This Is tbe she lived happily until bis death, a King's New Discovery for Consump­ get to call and settle with
finest and fastest road.
year ago. She was called as a witness tion, Coughs and colds.—If vou have
never used this great ('ough Medicine,
in tbe trial. Hards has not yst lieen one trial will convince you that it
Artctot Art«««:
M c M innville , May S.
sentenced. Orange Jacobs is now cor­ has wonderful curative powers in all
Having bought the stand of Mr. Booth. I
Go to Montee's and get your photo­ poration counsel for the city of Seattle. diseases of Threat, Chest and Lungs.
like to see all his old customers and
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that ' ! should
graphs taken; the finest In the'city. —Salem Democrat.
public in general. Will treat all the
is claimed or money will be refunded. the
best I know bow and guarantee icy trork
You will always find us ready to please
Trial I Hit ties free at Rogers Bros, drug
our customers. McMinnville. Oregon
store. Large bottles Site and $1.
I McMinnville, Oregon.
Best Local Paper in Yamhill