>k at the Map. lx>ok at the Map. McMinnville, Yamhill County« Here in the County seat, Here I» published THE TELEPHONE- ltEGlSTElt, Monarch of borne newspapers, accorded tirst place in all the Directories. State of Oregon, Yainliill County. Here you will find tlie most pro­ ductive section in the World. Ijind is cheap, oft'ering special in­ ducement« to fruit raisers ami dairymen. Look at the Map. Look at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Publishpd in Yamhill County. VOL. V. NO. 16 MoMINNVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 11,1893. (OWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN K.CAPPERSON resident. Vice President. Cashier1 ■u nntiii bail Sssssssss$ McMinnville, Oregon, id up Capjtal, $50,000. Bnsacts a General Banking Business, prffts Received Subject to Check Interest allowed on time deposits. 11 sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ ió n New York, San Francisco and Port* S Swift’s Specific S S S S S S S S S s s Blood and Skin s s Diseises s A s s s s s s A Tested Remedy For All CONDUCTORS MUST DRAW. MUST DEPICT TRAIN ACCIDENTS. Mr. Fillmore as a Connoisseur of Art and his Sad Thought that Will not Down—llealistlc Reproductions. shadow.’’ That shadow was a difficult thing for the artist. He was equal to the situation. Tracing with a lead pencil sufficed to indicate the portions of the platform that were not harassed with the shadows. The |x>rtion that was, together with the projecting shad­ ow that misled the unfortunate brake- man, had coal dust rubbed into it. There was pleuty of coal dust on the lo­ comotive, aud although coal is such a harassing source of expense to Mr. Huntingtop the artist made lavish use of it. There is no mistaking the shadow even it is but indicated by the written word. Tne brakeman fell u distance of five feet and a box of oranges came tum­ bling after him. Like the man in the play, “he said dam," and used other expletives that sounded worse. The brakeman sketched is a jumbled mass of legs, arms, back and head at tlie side of the track. His moutli is given prom­ inence, und issuing from it so numer­ ously as to form a big circle above the Jumbled mass of humanity urea lot of exclamation points of a sulphurous col­ or. The conductor saw bis fellow workman walk on to the shadow and fall, and lie represents himself us be­ ing bndly frightened. He shows ills hair standing on end und lifting his hat oft’ his head. The box of oranges that had accompanied tlie brukenian in his fall broke open, und according to tlie sketch they would make h Flori­ da orange grower pulo with envy. They are each some bigger than the box tliat held a hundred of them. An idle young mun lounging around the freight yards at Los Angeles tried his hand at coupling cars the other day and got bis hand badly smashed, according to the sketch of the accident. It must have been a good day's work, simply carrying that hand around, for It is huge. As the ears are depicted just us they are about to come together, the hand in the sketch casts a shadow on them, and it is supposed that in the darkness the difficulty of quickly han­ dling so big an appendage to his arm caused the accident. Mr. Fillmore bus not exactly matered the sketch yet, but lie is confident that he will. When another train robbery takes place great things are expected in the way of a sketch by the conductor. In his pleasant thoughts about liis artists and their work, Mr. Fillmore’s musings come to a stop now and then. What if an accident should happen to him while traveling on the road? How would tlie particular artist on tlie train depict him? The thought drives all ideas of art out of his mind for the mo­ ment, and a glance at what has been done makes him shudder to think what may be done. It is suspected that when Mr. Fillmore makes some of his (special fast rides out oil the road hereafter that he will dispense with the services of a conductor and run the train himself. According to his new order he is not expected to become an artist. He is merely a patron of art. SAVED FROM TRICHINAE. THE RECOVERY OF THREE VIC­ TIMS. Th» Intereating Story of their Awful Ex­ perience* While Suffering From Their Indiscretion Told by Walter Nagel. Conductors of the Southern Pacific Walter Nagel, William Hunis and railroad must add another accomplish­ Otto Nagel, three men who were treat­ ment to the education that the railroad ed at the German hospital in San Fran­ Elections made on all accessible points, demands of them. cisco for trichinosis, are almost entirely bftice hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. Heretofore if a conductor was a light­ recovered from the effects of their in­ ning calculator, u mind reader, an en­ discretion in eating uncooked pork. cyclopedia und ’an amateur pugilist, They have returned to their home in with a knowledge of mechanics and the hills east of Rutherford, in this Manufactures and Deals in bookkeeping he could worry along, county, says the Napa correspondent but now he must lie an artist us well. to the Examiner, aud are attending to Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. It is now.u rule of the company that their farm work, thougli they still ull train accidents involving injury to complain of .weukness resultiug from SADDLES, the ravages of the trichlme in their the ]>eople must be sketched by the BRIDLES, systems. conductor on the spot. The new rule WHIPS, Tlie men were visited at tlieir home, is imperative and admits of no excep­ SPURS, where they live together. Their cot­ tions. Mr. Fillmore made bls order on ho W p . BRUSHES, tage is situated oil tlie slope of tlie Do you wear them? When next In need try a pair, they tlie presumption thut his conductors ROBES, Etc. will give you more comfort and service for the money have artistic ability. The tulent may mountain east of Conn valley. It is *- world. I sells llieni cheaper than any other than any other make, Beat In the reached only by a private road, leading be little or great, but be will not admit ler in the Valley My all home-made over the mountain from tlie westerly that It is entirely absent in his train ♦ 5.00 00 jess is the favorite with all who have side. And such a road us it is; rocky, revenue collectors. ■ them Give me a call and get prices. ♦4.00 Some of these sketches are beginning washed by the mountain torrents in 12.00 ♦3.50 mr ladies M c M innville the rainy season, until what was u road to arrive at Fourth aud Townsend ♦2.50 ♦ 2.00 is almost nothing but a rough bed [of a streets. Busy man as Mr. Fillmore is 42.25 ♦ 1.75 dry «¡ream, while the grade is so steep in directing the manifold duties of his FOR BOYS NULTER & WRIGHT, Proprietors tliat a team of horses bitched to a light ♦ 2.00 position day by day, be finds time to bods of all descriptions moved and care­ buggy uscendlng it must stop to breathe carefully collect, udmire, criticise and handling guaranteed. Collections will every twenty yards. The trip to and enjoy a variety of sketches, the origi­ bade monthly Hauling of a 1 kinds from the Nagel-Hunius ranch, with nality of which atone in a great meas­ ■ cheap. Nupu as u starting point occupied one ure for artistic deficincies. He lias a [¿.BREATH & GOUCHER, W. L, Douglas Shoes are made In all the little school of art all to himself, and day und part of a night. Latest Styles. his quaintly icalistie pictures of train And it was over this road that tlie ¡HYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, If you want a fine DRESS SHOE dqn* t pay $6 to $8, three men, suffering the terrible agony accidents are rapidly developing into a try my $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoe. They v/ill fit equal to cus­ of trichinosis, were compelled to travel tom made and look and wear as well. If you wish to decidedly unique collection, says the I (Office over Draly’s Dank.) before reaching the nearest railroad economize in your footwear, you can do so by purchasing San Francisco Examiner. ■iNsvn.i.E, - • • O beoon . W. L. Douglas Shoes. My name and price Is stamped station, Rutherford, on their way to When a conductor makes his sketeb on the bottom, look for It when you buy. Take no sub­ the German hospital in San Francisco. of an accident, he is expected to trans­ stitute, I send shoes by mall upon receipt of price, I). BAKER, “That trip I shall never forget. It postage free, when Shoe Dealers cannot supply you. mit it to Mr. Fillmore’s office, attached was simply terrible, and the pain seem­ W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, M»»». Sold by to a written account of how the person ed unendurable as we drove down the R. JACOBSON, McMINNVILEE was injured. The Bketch is supposed URGEON ANO HOMEOPATHIC mountain side," said Walter Nagel, in to give in correct and graphic detail PHYSICIAN. describing the su fieri ng incident io the just bow the person who is liable to sue Bee Upstairs in the Garrison Building. progress of the trichinie through his the company for damages got hurt. Be­ system. “But even this pain, severe as ing right on the spot when the mishap I M. RAMSEY, it was, could not be compared with the takes place it is presumed that the con­ agony we endured when being convey­ ductor has enough talent latent within IW. FENTON, ed from tlis ferry to the hospital in San him lliat will, when the occasion Francisco. I would rather die at once presses itself upon him, well up from than to go through that experience Ills soul and go to work. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, again.” “We presume every conductor to be Kinnville, - Oregon. The two Nagels are brothers, Otto an artist until he is proved not guilty Office, Rooms 1 and 2 UuiOn Block. being the younger. They were dis­ by his owu sketches," says Fillmore, charged from the hospital cured on “then if he can’t give some idea of how C. MICHAUX, April 19th. Mr. Hunius’ discharge a man got hurt we have the brakeman, was three weeks previous, his attack tlie baggage man or some other em ­ Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, being a much milder one. Otto Nagel •HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in ployee of the train sharpen a pencil at once started for Chicago to witness each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by and give us a picture. But the con­ I.AEAYETTE, OREGON- tlie wonders of the great Columbian ex­ ductors are doing very well, and eve« druggists. position. Therefore he could not be Picture “7,17, 70” and sample dose tree. 1,21, '88. if some of them make a sketch of the J. F. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK. seen to tell how it feels to have the Colorado desert witli a couple of cars ( F- DTELSCHNEIDER, wriggling,writhing worms in every part occupying most of that vast stretch of of the body. sand, they make us see the point in All of tlie men are courteous and in­ their story of straight and curved lines. telligent, and perfectly willing to talk The sketches are for the use of the of their cases. William Hunius, how­ law department in defending suits for In All kinds of Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware ever, cannot speak the English lan­ damages and are used to refresh the locks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE, OR. guage fluently, and simply emphasized memories of traimen when they go on at intervals the story told by Walter the stand as witnesses. They Got the Sexes Wrong. Nagel. A train recently injured a lad up “Tlie way we came to get the terrible near St. Helena. The urchin was be ­ ( I Gates & Henry, Prop#. Pedestrians on Sixth avenue yester­ disease was this," said Nagel, yet thin tween two tracks on which there was a | McMinnville, - Oregon. freight train and and a passenger train. day during shopping time were much and pale from the awful experience, be­ Both began to move slowly for a short puzzled by an old woman who was tween puffs from the pipe, which he distance, and the boy trying to avoid playing a barrel organ at the corher of continually smoked: “You see, ail of contact with the moving freight cars Thirteenth street. On one side of the our hogs died, and on the 11th of Feb­ got too close to the passenger coach and organ was pasted tlie sign, “Help the ruary bought one at the slaughterhouse Are warranted to thresh more grain was struck and knocked down by the Blind." Beneath it appeared this sec­ and took it home and killed it. We in a given time and do it bet­ projecting steps of the passenger coach. ond appeal, “I am the Father of Seven made some sausage and all three of us ter than any machine made. Here was a chance for the passenger Motherless Children,” says the New tasted it frequently during the process, that we might season it Just right. I conductor to send in his first sketch. York Sun. ■Hal Accommodations for Commercial ? Travellers. The old woman wore a pair of green also eat three or four pieces of the raw He burned midnight oil in making it. Kier Second and E Streets, one block Are the latest in the world. Re­ Because tlie lad was;.very bloody from goggles, behind which her eyes were meat, which probably accounts for the Item Cooks hotel. member large work means large his wound he thought it -npropriate to completely hidden. Many a quizzical fact that my case was the worst of the sketch him in red ink prostrate be­ look was thrown at her as the passers­ three.” and a convulsive shudder pass­ profits in the threshing business. tween the two tracks. A pet squirrel by read the inscriptions on the organ, through his emaciated frame at the rec­ M.uXeee, EDWARD HUGGES. the boy hud in his arms when struck and one or two persons said some sharp ollection. Gen'l Agt. Portland. Or. “And, strange as it may seem, we is sketched with a lead pencil, but as words, but the old woman kept on DECISION. talked about the fact tliat raw pork is it got some of the boys blood on its turning the crank. PROF. SLOCUM’S ■peaking of patent medicine», the A few blocks down the street the known to contain trichina- in some furry side, lie again used red ink to in­ Bge aays: “I wish to deal fairly dicate that detail of the Napa valley mystery of the inscriptions was cleared cases. But we laughed at the thought p honorably with all, and when King of all Blood Medicines, Cures Scrofu­ catastrophe. The squirrel is portrayed up. At Twenty-sixth street sat an old that we would beeome victims of the ■nd an article that will do what la, and all Skin Diseases. Rheumatism, as almost the size of an eight-year-old ma« turning music out of n barrel or­ disease, and continued to taste and Diseases, General Debility, Nervous k recommended to do, I am not Kidney gan as dilapidated as the one whose swallow the raw meat. boy. Affections, and restores Lost Vitality. ■amed to say so. I am ncquaint- “We felt no inconvenience for about Tlie step of the coach having struck faint strains could almost lie beard Iwith Dr. Vanderpool (having the lad, is given a prominent part in from up the street. He, too, wore gog­ a week and thought no more of it, but PROF. SLOCUM’S Bn treated by him for cancer), the sketch. It extends so far out that gles and his organ bore this legend, on the 17th of the montli we were all Id have used his blood modicine, it is difficult to understand how it es­ “Help the Blind,” and under it: “I taken with cramps in the stomach, ¡own as the 8. B. Headache and caped being broken off by the freight am the Mother of Seven Fatherless which soon became intensely painful, Liver Regulator and Vermifuge combined train on the other track. It 1« traced Children." per cure, and while' I am sc ven- Cures and upon which the usual household Dyspepsia, Constipation, Indigestion ►five years old, and have used BilHousness A man stepped up to him and said: remedies had no effect. Then we began and Malaria, also removes all with lead pencil, but has dots of red kny pills and other remedies for common worms from the system without ink on to indicate how it was besmear­ “Lonk here, my friend, next time you to vomit incessantly, and the pain was aid of other medicines. B blood, liver and kidneys, I the ed with the lad's gore and some of his go out you had better get the right sign so severe that I thought I should go Sold by all druggists. ■st say that for a kidney tonic in crazy. naturally red hair. A brakeman in the on your organ.” "I wrote to a St. Helena druggist for right's disease, as an alterative The grinder must have guessed what act of seeing the accident too late to b the blood, or to correct the ac- late to prevent it, is depicted as being the error was, for pushing the goggles medicine to give us relief, describing bn of the stomach and bowels it in the threes of horrible agony. He is back from his eyes, he peered quickly the symptoms to the best of my ability. f a very superior remedy, and about to faint in front of the moving up and down the street as if looking for We were all afraid that it was the tri- Has no second chance. The bats anything I ever tried. "tirst supplies his needs — if lie freight train, and the conductor with a policeman. Seeing none he leaned cbinie that was troubling us, and when ------ .----- pi 1 recaution of Lakes ..------- the wise J. B MELSON Yakima. Wash, the medicine sent by the druggist did plantn evidently sincere graphic intent, over and read the sign. At 50 cents a bottle, it is the poor man's “Dod blast the old woman,” lie mut­ us no good we summoned Dr. Dawson, fend* and family doctor. sketches himself as the hero who ar­ Buhl by Rogers Brothers. rived Just in time to rescue the faint­ tered, pushing the goggles over his eyes of St. Helena. Ferry’» Weed Annual, for lmo , “I told him that I thought we had ing brakeman. He catehes him in his and shouldering the instrument to contains all the latest and best Information about Gai dens and become infested with trichinie and he leave, "she ’ s mixed them organs up arms and drags him to a place of safety Sdentino American Gardening. It is a recognised authority. Every planter should agreed with me that the symptoms Agency for in a ditch hard by. They have big lo­ again." ---------------- ♦♦♦---------------- have IL Sent free on request were exactly such as would be caused I». M. FERRY A CO.. Detroit Mich. comotives and cars in the Napa valley American Ships as Good as Any. by the parasite; but he examined por­ liecause the figures of the trainmen in tions of the raw meat which we gave the picture are mere spots in the sketch American citizens may well take him and could not And any evidences as compared te them. pride in the showing our country make of the existence therein of any trichinie Mr. Huntington's railroad lawyers in the review of cruisers, armored and whatever. will use this plctuie in the boy’s forth­ unarmored. There are no ironclad bat­ "A friend of mine who had come up coming suit for damages. COPYRIGHTS, etcJ tle-ships of any flag, and the United to help take care of us, then wrote to Down near I.os Angeles the brake- States enters the parade with nothing one of the nurses at the German hospi­ man of a local freight was assisting to OldMt bureau for securing patents tn America. to be ashamed of. We should have tal and this nurse showed the letter to Brery patent taken out by us Is brought before load boxes of oranges into cars. In the Ua pubdie by a notioe <1 t « o free of charve tn the been still better represented had the the physicians. In respdhse to their course of his work he fell from the plat­ New York and the Detroit been ready request we sent them specimens of form of the freight shed down onto the to join our contingent, but, even as the meat, which proved to be literal­ track and was seriously hurt. There things are, we need not fear compari­ ly swarming with the trichinae when was another conductor's opportunity son with any of the specimens of naval examined. to sketch an accident. According to architecture sent over here from Eu­ “The authorities at the hospital tele­ the picture the man was coquetting graphed us that we might go there for with the earth behind snowy banked rope. Neticeto Creditors. treatment if we desired, and on March clouds, as they moved along, allowing The Duponts of powder-making fame [ NOTICE it hereby given that the under- her to alternately show and hide her have retained to a remarkable degree 12th, just a month from the time we •igned has !»ecn appointed by tlie County Court of Yamhill County. State of Oregon, silvery face. He had had a strong grip after many generations of residence in ate the diseased meat we made tlie •ole executer of the last will and testament on the idea, but it escaped him when this country the physical characterist­ journey. It was a terrible trip. We of G. W. Goucher, late of said county, de­ had arrived at that stage of the disease, ceased, and that he has qualified as such he began to reproduce it, so he labeled ics of their French ancestors Several | executor. each feature In order that Mr. Fillmore ef the family would infallibly be taken ■ trichinie (you see, I have been reading Therefore, all persons having claims need not lie awake at night solving the for native Frenchmen in Paris, and are up the matter and am posted in regard against the »‘state of said decedent are hereby required to present them to mo at riddle. The man cast dark shadows singularly foreign looking in this coun-' to the theory of the disease I when our mv ofllce in McMinville. in said county, limbs were stiffened, swollen and ex­ from the roof and «crows and beyond with proper vouchers therefor, within six try. ceedingly painful to the touch. Even months from the date of this notice. the platform, so seemingly the plat­ Paled April 20. form extended out much farther tbau Mr. Carter's Behring sea speech is to lie on the softest bed was torture, so E. 1. GOUCHER. R amsky ,t F xxtos . Executor. really was the case. These shadows i probably the longest sealskin rap on yen can imagine what we endured in Attys for said Estate. riding down the rough and steep moun­ were the direct cause of physical dam­ record. Í10 ebnts per double roll. Send 2-cent stamp age to the brakeman. In the language tain and over the cobble-stones in San for «ample« St OFIF.I.D * MORGAN. One .Small Bile ne*n every Tors Francisco. I JO l*-2 Third «I. Portland. Or. | of ths conductor, “he stepped on the week *n«.a.T»>rpM ISwn. Sc. psr IxXtm fELSIA WRIGHT IARNESS reliable curs for Contagious Blood Poi3on Inherited Scro­ fula and Gkin Cancer. Au a tonic for delicate Women and Children it haa no equal. Being purely vegetable, is harm­ less in its effects. A treatise on Dlood and Skin Dis- eases mailed free on application. Druygiets Sell II. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ssssssss W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE L uck and dray co ., BileBe&ns Small | Watchmaker and Jeweler. Advance Threshers HE COMMERCIAL STABLE I ■very, Feed and Sale! ■erything New i And Firstclass. The muss TRffl F UDGE NELSON’S MAGIC SEARCHER LOZENGES Scientific American tar ^LPfiEACH WALL PAPER. “Next our faces swelled and we had high fever with a quickened pulse and heavy weakening sweats. My case be­ ing the worst of all, I suppose I suffer­ ed the most. It even pained me to breathe. The trichinie had become so thoroughly scattered through my sys­ tem and such awful pains racked my body that I wished for death to come to my relief. “After some treatment the swelling in my head began to disappear, but was replaced by a similar swelling of the feet. I was now given to under­ stand that my whole system was im­ pregnated with the parasites; that they had reached the extremities of my limbs, my fingers, my toes, in fact that there was not a muscle in my entire body that was not the abiding place of flic horrible worm. From the pain which tlie smallest movement gave me and the agony which racked my body, I could well believe that such was the case. “Then 1 became extremely weak. I hung between life aud death for several days and it was impossible to tell whether I would recover or not; in fact the chances seemed to be against me, but after a while my appetite began to improve, the torturing pains ceased and the muscular pains and swelling began to abate. Yet tlie improvement was wonderfully slow; so gradual that I sometimes thought I never would be­ come myself again. “Ill the course of time, however, we all grew better and were discharged. Mr. Hunius was in the hospital but three weeks, while my brother and my­ self remained over five weeks.” “What treatment was given you at the hospital?” “Well, they beund up our swollen limbs with cool bandages and gave us medicine to act on the stomach princi­ pally. They did not explain the treat­ ment to us any further. We were giv­ en the best of care.” Dr. W. J. G. Dawson of St. Helena, the physician, who was called to at­ tend the stricken men, described tlie symptoms in much tlie same way as Mr. Nagel himself spoke of them. He has no doubt that the men suffered with the genuine trichiniasis. Mrs, Hunius and her four children, who ate only tlie cooked meat, were sick for a few days, but soon recovered. Cases of trichiniasis are extremely rare. There have been none well au­ thenticated in < 'alifornia for from thir­ teen to fifteen years. The disease is generally supposed to be incurable, though instances where patients have recovered are not unknown. D’PRICE'S ÉPowder The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. ble examples. France, that labratory of political experiments, is peculiarly rich in them. The French Protestants received various opprobrious names. They were called Christodians, because they would talk about nothing but Christ; Parpaillots, after a small base coin, and lastly Huguenots, after Hu­ gos, the great hobgoblin of French su­ perstition, because they were supposed to hide themselves In secret places, and only wander out in the dark. La Jacquerie, again, is the name given to some reliellious peasants, and it due to the fact that the tyrannical nobles spoke of Jacques Boil Homme in terms of insolent cruelty. In England dur­ ing the present century there has been only one term of ridicule, namely that of the Adullamites,* applied by Mr. Bright in IMG to a section of the wliigs who stood aloof on a reform bill intro­ duced l>y the government of Lord John Russell. But it was a transient term which vanished with the incident that occasioned it, though the phrase, “A Cave,” is sometimes used to designate the dissentient section of a party. Per­ haps the latest instance of all is the sin­ gular one of the mugwumps in Ameri­ ca. It is an Indian word denoting chief or aged man, and is used in a ver­ sion of the bible made for the Aigon" qin Indians to translate the word duke of the English version.— C. B. Roy- lance, in Macmillan'» Magazine. A SAGEBRUSH GHOST. strange to say, the liody of the buggy was perfectly level. As I pinched my­ self to see if I was still asleep, I saw the strange figure oil the left of the buggy. It reached for the other wheel and took it oft'. The horse*, snorting with terror,dash­ ed forward, but the demon was close alongside, and the Instant lie graspe«! one of tlie front wheels it ceased to re. volve and a second later was wrenched from the axle and hurled into the sage brush. The fact that the buggy was teariug along ou one wheel tilled me with in­ describable terror, but I glanced in the direction of tlie remaining wheel and saw that it hud also disappeared aud the vehicle was now absolutely without wheels. But new astonishments were in store for me, for when I glanced up again at the horse I found I was driving an empty harness. There was no sem­ blance of the steed in sight, but the harness was tilled out Just as if the horse was actually inside of it. Now. as I said before I am not a (believer in supernatural forces, but this circum­ stance, coupled with ths vanishing of the wheels (or uncoupled from it,if yeu like) was calculated to make me won­ der, as they say, whether I was afoot cr horseback. It seems almost too much to expect people to believe, but I solemnly affirm it—the harness was the next to go. The collar went flrst, then the backstraps— at least if my memory does not play me false—then the crupper—yes, the crup­ per went next; then the lines melted from my nerveless fingers and the next thing T knew the buggy w'as gone, and there I was, bowling along the road, the cushions under me and the lap robe over my knees and a rug under my feet. This was all that really held me up. “Quite kind iu you to leave me this” I said to the ghost. The shade made no reply, but floated alongside without taking auy part in the conversation. What struck me as the queerest thing of all was the fact that the whip kept right along in the air, about two feet ahead, although the socket had van­ ished. We seemed to be going along at a pretty lively pace when we reached the gate, and I began to wonder how I should climb down oft the cushion and open the gate, and where I could man­ age to hang the lap robe while I was doing it. While I was figuring out how to manage it I suddenly discovered that I was on the other side of the gate. Any one who has experienced the peculiar sensation of being on the other side ofa gate can easily imagine how I felt. I was carried along to the house, floating as you might say, on the cushion and foot rug, aud I felt so bewildered with the strange sights I had witnessed that I crawled into bed as quietly as possible and concluded not to say a word about the affair. It added not a little to my astonish­ ment in the morning when my wife called my attention to the fact that ths harness which belonged to my horse was lying on tlie floor of the bedroom and my clothes were hung up in the stable. Since I have written some of the sal­ ient points of my adventure (I have been obliged to omit a good deal for fear of straining the credulity of my read­ ers) members of my family have sug­ gested that the story would lack som- pleteness if I omitted to state that the whole affair took place the same night —and morning—that tlie great banquet was given by the Silver party to SeA- tor Stewart, when nearly a tliotlsand dollars' wortli of champagne was con­ sumed by the enthusiastic adherents ef the old political warhorse. I mention the matter by special request, although for the life of me I cannot understand what the banquet had to do with the ghost, unless it was more effectively to clinch the date.— Sam Davl» in Exam­ iner. Of a practical turn of mind and not naturally of a credulous disposition, I have never taken much stock in tales which smack of tlie ghostly aud super­ natural. Indeed, I had always been taught by my mother, who enjoys an excellent reputation for common sense, never to be afraid of ghosts, and to regard all narrations of spiritual manifestations as tales for the edification of marines. Therefore tlie somewhat extraordinary narration I am about to make, is com­ mitted to the press with the hope that The Names of Political Parties. many whose ideas on the subject of the Names of ridicule form tlie first and supernatural I have held in trifling re­ largest class into which party names gard, may consider this history ef my can be divided. They were merely the own experience an apology for my past venomed shafts of vulgar contumely. incredulity. I shall therefore endeavor to make Such were the earliest party names in England. Perhaps the very first of my simple statement of fact and let the these was that of the Puritans. They reader draw ills own conclusions. Even sprang into existence in the reign of should my story not be credited by the Queen Elizabeth and were distinguish­ majority of people, f shall make no ed by their uncompromising hostility protest that my veracity is questioned. to her masterful claims for prerogative I am free to admit that had I not seen in church and state; they were, in it with my own eyes I would not have short, the lineal ancestors of the. Whig believed a word of it. How, then,«an I and Liberal parties. Their enemies expect others to? It was during the month of January, twitted them with aiming at superhu­ man purity and with displaying fastid­ of the present year, when I was driv­ iousness in matters of detail, and ing home one morning about 3,40 from dubbed them Puritans and sometimes the city of Carson to my ranch, which Precisians. That there was probably is about two and one-half miles from ground enough for the charge, no one town. After passing beyond the city limits can doubt. And the Puritans, for good or for evil, have certainly left an indeli­ there is a desolate waste of sagebrush ble mark on the English character to for at least a mile and a half, and as the present hour. With the restoration this road is seldom used at night, ex­ a new set of names sprang into exist­ cept by my own family, it is an exceed­ ence. First, there were the petitioners, ingly lonely way, especially at such an who were always petitioning the king hour. After turning oft' the main road, for something, and tlieir opponents who styled themselves the abhorrers. which leads to Shaw’s springs, I struck Then came perhaps the two most re­ across, the moor, allowing my horse, (a markable party names tliat the world very sagacious animal) to pick along had ever known, not only for their ab­ the road, to which he was well accus­ solute inanity, but also for their persist­ tomed. Suddenly I became aware that the ence and practical importance. These were the words whig and tory, horse was excited and fretful. He held which were originally nothing but his head high in the air, paused and terms of abusive ridicule. Yet they die sniffed, while lie trembled in every hard. They occupy so large a space in limb. I could not attribute bis alarm English history tliat their origin de­ to the wail of the coyote liorne across serves more than a passing notice. the waste, as he was familiar with that They were engendered in the ferment and not in the habit of noticing it. I of a great political confusion when feel­ called his name, tapping him lightly at ing ran high, when the issues in debate the same time, and lie resumed Ills were little understood, and when in the tret. After about fifty yards he stopped words of a contemporary writer, “things were so entangled that liberty suddenly and turned his head back,his of language was almost lost." It was eyes gleaming and bis frame quivering a time of conflict between the court and with terror. I reassured him with my Catholic party, on tlie one|hand, and voice, but his alarm was too pronounc­ the popular party, on the other. The ed to be thus placated; and bis symp­ Duke of York found most ef his sup­ toms of fear seemed rather to increase. x A New Thing for Doctor». porters among the Catholic Irish, and Turning my head ' slightly I almost it was for that reason that the popular fainted, for as plainly as I can see the Here is a new thing for doctors, de­ party, with a rough but graphic touch, white paper on which I write I saw a scribed by a visitor in St. Ixiuis to the styled the whole of tlieir opponents the shadowy shape standing alongside tlie Globe-Democrat, and it may prove an ‘Wild Irish," and the “Bogtretters.” buggy. It seemed a vapory, Intangible important convenience: “It is in the thing, but in the form of a human be ­ A more portable and euphonious name bands of I)r. John H. Murphy, of Cay­ was found in the word tory, a term for ing, and it laid its hand on one of the uga, N. Y. The idea is his own, and the most lawless of the wild Irish. It wheels—the off hind wheel, I remem­ one which the medical men in that vi­ is worth noting, as a remarkable coin­ ber it distinctly—and seemed to hold cinity consider very useful and impor­ cidence, that the Italians use the word the vehicle in a firm grip. Indeed, tant. I)r. Murphy utilizes an ordinary brigand to designate a man who pro­ when the horse [plunge«I forwanl he walking stick to answer the purpose of fesses what were originally called tory was unable to move the buggy, but was the bulky and troublesome medicine thrown back and fell on his haunches. principles. The court partly retorted I had been in a sort of a drowsy state case. The cane is arranged with a re­ with the hardly less opprobrious term versible sliding chamber, where the of whig. It is Scotch in origin, but its from the lateness of the hour and lack requisite numlier of phials are arranged of sleep, but soon I was fully roused, real meaning is lost in obscurity. Its systematically and movable at will. and seizing the whip, I slasheii the fig ­ genesis may be traced to the rebellious An apartment has lieen arrange«! for nonconformist zealots of the Western ure but the whip encountered no resist­ the carriage of small instruments, Lowlands, and it is possible, as some ance. which can lie used In ordinary emer- An instant later the horse plunged have thought, that It was the word ! gvneiee. The receptacle or chaml«r is there used for whey or sour milk, the forward again and I laid the whip hea­ worked with a spring attached to a acid qualities of which were thought to vily on ills flanks. The buggy seemed thumb piece, which opens and clones represent the dispositions of the Round­ to wrench itself away from the grasp of : the chamber at will. It is not an un- l usual occurrence to see the doctor at- head or Puritan party. A less fanciful the figure, and after a mad run of twa ' tending the sick with >11« mysterious deriviation Is from whiggaiu, the cry i hundred yards I pulled the frantic an- ' assistant, dispensing to patients the used to their horses by the Westland ’ imal down to a trot, and finally to a 1 necessary medicines for a cure. It i.« very queer, somehow, to see a medical peasants who went every summer to ! walk. Ixxiking back to see what hail be- man without a case, Walk into a sick buy corn at I^itb. It is, at all events, chamber. Some little objection lias a humiliating fact, that the great his­ ' come of my strange companion, I saw . come and umloubtedly more will, on toric English parties should have been t something w hich caused the chills to that a physician witli a cane and no «-aae lacks dignity. Utility will un- almost indelibly branded [with con- roll over me and iny hair to lift. Tlie wheel of the buggy held by the «ioubted'v conquer In the end and the temptou« names of Scotch and Irish cane become popular. The walking ghost had disappeared. origin. . «loetor, as it iw called, is the subject of The bare axle gli«tene«l In the moon- I more discuoiion than anything else at But if we extend our view to other countries we shall find no lew remarka­ ; light, but the wlieel was gone. Yet, 1 present about Cayuga.”