It Is now claimed that there Is such a ¡TTiáht ZJta it if you join the army." captain. thing a« electric sunstroke. The work­ drive 'em so fur no ’ th pretty soon that right here. As soon us it is “Why—why, when we were sitting I “Reckon so? darkies’ll hev tostoprunneu away." must set out. Are you sleepy?' recruiten fur Cheatham's er« around electrical furnaces In which on the veranda after you went in. mam- you “Am I? Reckon I ami” "Now dou* yo' believe datso sarteu.” metal aluminum la produced suffer ma ” ---- division. Thar all INTERESTING MATTER EDITED BY "Do you really believe the Yanks can in our division except the artillery n a from them. The Intense light causes “Sitting on the veranda with a couu- CHAPTER VII. whip us?" rigement o’ Georgia and one o Texas In­ painful congestions which cannot be tryman!” exclaimed the lover. A MAN. “De Lo’d hes sent ’em to tote his col­ THE CAMPS AT CHATTANOOdA. “Well, yes; mamma said to invite wholly prevented by wearing colored fantry.” . ored people out o' bondage. ” him up. But I was going to say"— “Whar is yer division? If you w ant the l-ateat ,hu Should Read Mark was satisfied with this prelim ­ glsMes- “Across the river. At Dallas or Poe s, Laura's inventive powers had gained Till. Column.--If eUr Lady Reader ha. time to act by tho interruption—“1 inary examination that ho could trust somewhar up thar. Y' better let me pu iMiflbh’s Vitalizer is what you need the old man. yer down fur my rigement, tlie-----w for dyspepsia. Torpid liver, yellow a Comment to Make on the Fashion, or OORYRIQHT BY AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, 1892 found that he was only an ignorant “ Uncle, I ’ m no Becesh. I ’ m a Union farmer after all, for 1 askeil him how Tennessee.” ... „ Customs of the Hay, Send It ¡In for this guaran­ far the moon was, aud he said ho reck­ man. 1 want to stay with you today “I mought hev ter go way down soutn. skin or kidney trouble. It and travel tonight. Keep me all day, teed to give you satisfaction. Price i.>c Column-Help to Interesting. oned it was a hundred million miles." “No fear o’that jest now." “That doesn't prove anything.” Fitz and I'll go away as soon bb it is dark.” “What makes y’ cal'clate on’t?” Bold by Ho worth & Co. “Fo' de Lo’d. I knowed yo’ wa’n’t no CHAPTER V.- — ♦♦♦ — Hugh remarked. "I don't believe there's “There’s two divisions across now— If you want to improve a btul Com­ sonth ’ n man al) de time. ” GLOlllOUS PERFIDY. BETWEEN WILLAMETTEVl ourn and Withers’. Y’ don’t reckon their Out ot Night. plexion let your face alone, keep out of When Mark went down stairs tbe next an officer in my regiment knows that. “ How?" goen ter cross the river fur the purpose the drug store and don’t doctor. Drink morning, followed by Jakey, they were But it becomes us to be very careful.' “ Yo ’ ain ’ t got de south'n man s way o ’ POINTS AND SAN FR a N ci The commanding general has made it The. traveling public are now hilly o’ marchen south, do y’?” a glass of hot water an hour before din­ invited iato the breakfast room. Laura known unofficially through his staff offi­ talken. Yo’ did hit well enough, but yo’ “Oh, 1 don't know notlien "bout mili­ alive» the fact that the Chicago, Un­ ner. If you are not hungry, work up Fain was there, but her mother was not. cers that he is especially desirous of con­ cain't fool me." tary.” ion Pacific A Northwestern line offers “Well, will you keep us?' an appetite. By work is meant work, Mark looked at Laura, but she avoided cealing his intentions. One spy pene­ Ocean Steuiner Sain» "Waal, will you join us? “ Reckon 1 will." the very liest accoinmodatlons to tlie hia gaze. He asked after her mother. 8. 8.WILI.A.MKTTEVAILt not make believe. Drink wine if you trating for even a day at Chattanooga "Ef y' reckon all the sojers here is goen “ What ’ s your name?" public from and to Chicago, Omaha »jilamiim scarcely ever gets up to might frustrate all his plans. If the can afford it. One glassful at dinner to fight in old Tennessee, I reckon I will. leaves Han Francisco “Randolph's my name, sah. JefFson The abolition army hez overrun our state, and intermediate points, not only dur­ Leaves Yaquina with twice as much witter is medicine bjeakfqst,” slie said as she poured out enemy knew that we are concentrating Randolph. My marst’r said he gib me a for coffee. there, and how weak we are there at ing tlie World's fair, but all the year ■n I want ter see ’ em driv out. ” of the best kind. Sweet milk is excel­ »substitjite This company reserves the ri mighty big name, but hit didn't do no During the meal she said but little, “The way to do it, my good man, is to around. * sailing dates without notice" lent. Lime water may be added to mil that was qbly on commonplace snb- present, ho would or at least he should good. Dey always call me notten but come down with a large force and drive take a musket and help.” Jeff.” make it more digestible. Sour milk is jecii. She seemed to have more on her us south." . River 8tearnei%, “Do ye reckon th’t’s what we're goen Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and “ You ’ re as well off as the presideut of “ Cap, ” he said, “ I be ’ n thlnken I ’ d like gixxi. Every laxly cun drink lemonade; uiinil than the soldier who was taking Steamer “Hoag" leaues A troubled expression crossed Laura's Constipation, Small Bile Beaus. ter do?' . ter jine the army.” the Confederacy in that resi>ect.'' said nesdsy ami Saturday attl a when tart it is prime. Eat fruit after blS. life in his hands, and studiously face. “I tell you that two divisions are al­ At the first sign of dawn Mark awak­ “Indeed!” said Mrs. Fain. “1 was Mark. “I guess we’ll go inside." every meal. Strawberries are excellent avoided looking at him at all. ready across, and 1 happen to know that . H. •'• D ay , Gfn “ Yes, go in dar. Keep dark." ened his companion, who was sleeping not aware of that. Suppose the young Salmon Street Wharf, K for the complexion; eat them by the Ja££yat0.heaitily. Mark noticed him Mark and Jakey waited for tho day to so soundly that it required a good shake all the transportation in the shape of eatiSg'with liis knife and otherwise dis ­ man was a spy." K. \ avghb , (jen cars and locomotives that can be found quart, without sugar. Put cream on “Cameron," said Laura, "1 wish yon pass, and as they had no means of amus­ to rouse him. Jakey sat up and rubbed are bein corraled hyar fur a further THAT them or cafe over them and you ruin playing hisjiumble origin, while ho was wouldn't C. C. HOGCK, talk so to mamma. She will ing themselves it passed very slowly. his eyes witli his fists while Mark looked movement. Come, now, uiy man, stop l|imself eating like a gentleman. He _ ___________ < '• >r vallii, oi> everything. Ripe jieaclies, grapes and taught that it was lucky Mrs. Fain was be suspicious of every poor beggar that Jakey played about the creek for awhile, about him. Ho could see down the river talken and take yer place whar ye oranges are worth their weight in gold. no^t^the table. asks a crust. The man's name was Slack. but both were glad when the darkness for half a mile, where he noticed bluffs oughtcr be. What's yer name? to the water's edge, and thought it was Juicy apples are cheap at uny price. After breakfast Mark followed his There are plenty of Slacks among the came and they could get away. The officer took up a pen. Before settiug out Ou his expedition lucky he had not been forced to land About once a week—the day that your hostess through a door opening into a poor whites about here. 1 have a sick “All right, cap, count mo in. 1'11 jest Mark had carefully studied a map of there. Beyond were the Raccoon moun ­ family of that name on my bands now on the opposite side of the complexion shows bilious brown and (Northern Pacific R. R. Co. the region, preferring to fix it in his tains, while close to the southwest Look­ go 'n git my bundle and be back hyar in not a mile up the road. ” hallifroin the parlor. yellow fever tints—take an early lunch half an hour.” mind than to carry it about liis person. out mountain towered above him. LA.TEST TI1TE C ai “ Has the fellow gone?' asked Fitz “ Miss , Fain, ” hesaid, “ I know too well The captain hesitated. Mark began act*. or a late breakfast of ten courses, con­ After Jakey had completed his fist 50c ts., and station of your family and sont hern Hugh. “I think I would better see him.” Upon leaving Jefferson Randolph's liut to fear that he was thiuking of using Two Through Trains sisting of eight sweet oranges and two the per Bottles' “Gone! of course lie's gone.” said he made direct for the Tennessee river. toilet—the only toilet either made—Mark force rather than let so promising a re­ «1.00 customs not to accept as a gift the hos- One oent a dose. Once there, he knew from his remem­ led off on the railroad ties to Chatta­ slice of toast. Water at meals is very ^ilality you have afforded. 1 can only Laura, with a heaving bosom. Tins O miat C ough ccaa promptly «ires brance of the map that he was not far nooga. Tho railroad soon left the river cruit go. bad. In Paris, the cradle of good liv­ express my indebtedness, and the hope “Where did he say he was going?' Minneapolis ¡ir' where all others fulL Coughs, Croup, Boro 12 45|i ß 25p “Are you sure you’ll come back?' from Chattanooga, and that between bank, and they proceeded in a north­ Throat, Hoarsenest/Whooping Cough and 1 .30|> 7 15p Kt Pimi ing, water is never sent to the table ex­ that some day the war may be over and Hl Paul “To Chattanooga,” said Mrs. Fain. “ Sarten, cap. ” 10 ]5u Aathma, For Conaumptioa it has no rival: 4 15p 1 luliit li “I'll mount and follow him. 1 can him and that place was Moccasin point, easterly direction, striking the town cepting in Auger bowls. Cold water I^gan come down here and show lny has cured thousands, and will CURB TOO if Mark moved away, and it was not un ­ 1 flOp 7 25p A shlanti formed by a bend, or rather loop, in the i from the south. taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar- chills the stomach. Digestion requires gratitude for something of far more easily overtake him on horseback." 7 15fl H.-.O h <'ll iroso A great many tents were in sight as til he had got out of sight tliat ho real­ “Nonsense,” said Laura, with a pout; river, the point putting out southward heat, if it is necessary to drink at moment to me than a night's lodging.” ized he had run a great risk, for ho saw for more than two miles, with a dis­ they passed along, and Mark judged at “ you have kept away from me for a He paused, and then added: that the captain would have detained meal times, aud the liest authority “May I ask a question? Are yon a week, and now you are going ns soon as tance of nearly a mile across its neck. once that there was a large force con­ him had he not believed in his sincerity questions it, have mercy on the inner Union or a Confederate girl?" But ho knew the ground was high on centrated there. He was tempted to all trains going East and Souïh you’ve come.” about enlisting. woman and use warm liquids—weak remedy "Confederate," • “But, my darling, would you have the east Bliore of the peninsula, and he turn and retrace his steps, for he knew Mark went straight to the hotel and JTIftve you Catarrh? This remedy is ffuaran- did not know the proper place to strike already what he was sent to discover, red wine, tea, coffee, etc. Good soup Mark looked at lier uneasily. me"---- paid his bill. He feared the recruiting ^¡Bdtooureyoiu Pricc»60cta. Injectorfrua “I would have yon stay where you are, inland and cut off the distance around but to get out was more difficult than to officer is one of the best complexion foods, but I‘I inferred from wliat you said last might send for him or have him the river's margin. There was no one get in, and he was not willing to risk an and”---- a soup with noodles, dumplings and night that you will not lietray me.” near to inform him, so he kept on by tlie attempt in the daytime, so he entered followed, so without waiting to eat his Mrs. Fain, seeing that some cooing was “ I will not. ” similar pasty things is not goixl. Oys­ river. the town in which citizen and soldier supper he made a packago of his pur­ coming, wisely withdrew. “But you think von ought to." ter soup is goixl provided the oyster's It was late at night when they reached were alike asleep, and without meeting chases. Jakey took his gun and slung “And what, sweetheart?” "I do. ” are saved for the ash cart. < 'andy is a "Tell me what I love to hear." she said a point where the river took a slight a soul walked about till he came to a his powder and shot flask over his Mark stood gazing at her. She was turn to the east, and about a mile from hotel called the Crutchfield house. As shoulder. Then the two left the hotel hard thing to resist, hut, like spices, locking out of the window with a trou­ softly. sauces and ices, it is a foe to beauty. A bled expression. “I’ve told you that so often you should the quick bend around Moccasin point. he approached the door opened, and a to begin an attempt to leave Chatta­ Marx was anxious to enter Chattanooga negro boy with a broom in his hand nooga. Their stay had been only from succulent diet will cure plmplm and “Miss Fain,” lie said, “you may be certainly be tired of it by this time." sunrise to sunset, but Mark had gained Fitz Hugh looked inquiringly into her either late at night or soon after day- stood in the opening. eruptions. On the list are salad greens, doing wrong; you may be doing right. all the information he was likely to ac­ light, hoping to meet few people, that “Can I git a room?” asked Mark. beets, sprouts, tomatoes, onions, aspara­ At any rate you are acting the part of a face as he smoothed back her hair. He his entrance might not be noticed. He “No, sah, not till de proprietor wakes quire and with anxious to get away with was used to these requests to repeat his woman, and this act makes you in my gus and, as the rhylnrg doctors sang of it. True, he did not know where the assurances of affection, but there was cast his eye about for some means of np.” eyes the loveliest woman that lives." old: “My little brother is tired; he must go enemy would strike, but this he would The words were scarcely spoken when a nervous something about his fiancee crossing the river. Noticing a skiff With spinach and leek, not be likely to learn. moored just below a hut, he surmised to sleep at once.” tho muscles of the girl's face contracted this morning that puzzled him. Lily cheeks in a week. BS CONTINUED.] The boy’s eyes opened wide at a dollar His back was toward the window, that the skiff belonged to some one liv­ into an expression of horror. Mark could for Infants and Children. not understand why his speech had so while she was facing it. Suddenly she ing in tlie hut. Going to the door he bill Blipped in his hand. Without a Is Death Ever Instant? Still the doctors disagree on the all affected her. The natural uncertainty of clasped her arms tightly around him. knocked. word he took a key from the rack above important topic of the crinoline. M. his position impelled him to look about “Who's thar?” Cutorla cures Colle, Constipation, a desk in the office, and in a few min­ “Now go if you can!" she said, affect­ “Caatoria is so well adapted to children that Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, “Do you uns own tlie Bkiff on the river utes both travelers were safely lodged, I recommend it as superior to any prescription I lancet is dead against it, but his new hjm for the cause. Glancing out of the ing a playful tone. It is questionable if such a phenom­ Kills Worms, gives sleep, anil promote known to me.” H. A. A rcher , M. D., with no one but the negro having seen enon as instant death is known to the gestlou. “Why, Lafira, what does this meau?" below hyar?" skirts have a graceful flow at the bot­ front window lie saw an officer in gray Without injurious medication. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. “Waal, supposen 1 does?” them enter the town or the house. tom, and have entirely dispensed with uniform on horseback in the act of reach­ he asked, astonished. scientist and investigator. Physicians “I want to cross.” "So far, so good,” said Mark. “Now “Y’ou don’t love me,” she whined. the fan-like arrangement of plaits at the ing down to open the gate “ For several years I hare recommi “ The use of ' Cantoria ’ Is so universal and “What d’ y’ want ter do thet fur at comes the real racket By this time to­ aud surgeons tell us tliat death by gun­ “Love you, pet! You know 1 do.” Sour ‘ Castoria, ’ and shall always confiui back. M. Worth Is preparing flounced Its merits so well known that It seems a work this time o' night?" morrow morning I shall be either safe shot wound is the easiest way of exter­ “Then why do you act so?" o so as it has invariably produced bead ot supererogation to endorse it. Few are the underskirts to be worn with tlie bell­ resuits.” “Father dyen. Just got word a spell across the river again, or I wouldn’t minating life: yet,rapid as such a mode intelligent families who do not keep Castori» “Act how?” within easy reach." E dwin F. P ardu , M. D, shaped dress-skirts he is turning out. “You.never come anymore but you ago. ” give a Confederate bond for my life.” of taking off* must be, the body has lei­ Cxncos M artyn , D. D.. “The Wiilthrop,” 125th Street and 7th in, "What’ll y’ give ter get over?’ These skirts are of stiff'silk, flounced New York City. want to go right away.” After a few hours’ sleep he rose, and sure to feel and the time to reflect, and, Mew York 0?. Late pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “Five dollars.” “But, sweetheart”—a half dozen kisses all the way to the knees with very full calling Jakey they inado a toilet and on rare occasions, even to act. On the “What kind o' shinplaBters?” for exclamation points—“I only intend went down to breakfast. Mark hail pur­ first attempt of one of the adheicnts of ruffles and starched stiff' in the old "Greenbacks.” T hk C bntaur C ompany , 77 M urray S trebt , N ew Y ou being gone a little while.” posely neglected to write his name on the .Spanish monarch to assassinate fashion. The present indication are “Whar d’ y’ git ’em?” “If you once start out to follow some­ the register, and hoped that the land­ that the lioopskirts will lie patronized “From some people ez got ’em traden lord would not notice the omission. But William, prince of Orange, the ball body you don’t know anything about in a cheap sort of way by people una­ you’ll be gone all day, and then you'll be with tho Yankee sojers at Battle Creek." ho did, and the guest.entered his name passed through the bones of his face ble to produce with flimsy materials “All right, stranger, but it’s a sight o’ as Mark Slack, Jasper, Tenn. ordered away, and maybe I'll never see and brought him to the ground. In the effects easily brought about with bad times ter be called tor a man’s door yon any more.” After breakfast he took Jakey and the instant which preceded stupefaction rich fabrics, silk linings and silk petti­ Never was a lover more charmed at at night. You uns go down ter the river strolled around the town, making pur­ however, he was able to frame the no­ such evidence of woman's affection, nnd "n I’ll cover y’ with my gun tel I know chases. He thought it prudent to get tion that the ceiling of n room had fall­ coats of generous fulness, or a profus­ never had this lover less cause to be yer all right.” some of his greenbacks changed for Con­ ion of starched jietticoats, always "I won’t mind a small thing like that federate bills. He followed the sugges­ en in aud crushed him. The cannon charmed at the evidence of his hold freshly laundered, to holdout the dress. upon Laura Fain. Had Captain Fitz ef you’ll put mo ’n my leetle brother tion Jakey had made at setting out and ball which plunged through the head One of the liest methods of introducing Hugh seen what Laura Fain saw from across.” bought some calico and tobacco and and tore out the brain of Charles XII the crinoline is in the form of a plaited Mark and his companion went down the squirrel gun Jakey had modestly did not prevent him from seizing bis the moment she put her arms around flounce nearly half a yard tn depth, him and held his back t® the window— to the river. Pretty soon a wild looking Suggested for himself. Mark was not sword lillt. The idea of attack and the edged with lac ruffles and basted in Mark and Jakey going down tlie walk man, with a beard growing straight out unwilling to have the gun with them, as necessity of defence were impressed on That dreaded and dreadful diseasel to the gato—he would have exclaimed: from liis face like the spokes of a cart he thought it might possibly be of serv­ on the skirt lining. This can be easily his mind by a blow which we would What shall stay its ravages? Thousand wheel, came cautiously down, covering ice in case lie should get hunted nnd “Oh, woman, thy name is perfidy!" removed when it breaks down, as crin­ “Oh, woman,” the departing soldier them with a shotgun a3 he proceeded. cornered; but in that event he counted naturally suppose to have been too tre­ oline will ufter a little wear, (trass say Scott’s Emulsion of pure Norwegian “Got a pass, stranger?” would have responded, “thy name is in­ very little on any means of defense ex­ mendous and instantaneous to leave linen or horsehair cloth are more dura­ “No." cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime the least interval for thought. Another “ Now go4f non can! ” she gold. deed perfidy, but how glorious thy per- cept flight or deception. ble as interlinings, because the line “Reckon they won't let y’ land when “Come, quick!” she said, seizing his Mark was astonished at the number question in this connection is that of and soda where they leave off is less distinctly arm. “No, po! Mamma! She doesn't has cured us of consumption in its first y’ get over thar.” of officers and soldiers he saw in tho probable pain. Although numerous CHAPTER VI. marked. “These army fellers are like a rat streets. He found a new general in instances can be cited in support of the know. Oh, what shall we do?” stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading IX TUB ENEMY'S LINES. trap,” said Mark; “they ain't so partic­ command, of whom he had not heard as Mark took her by the hand anil spoke The toilet toble with modern im­ to her coolly, but quickly. “Call Jakey to consumption ? Make no delay but take ular as to goen in; it's the goen out they a prominent leader, Braxton Bragg. He view that the mind atts in cases of so- provements provided for new hotels for me, and we will both go down stairs don’t like. But y’ better try to strike a made a circuit of the town and an esti­ called instant death, it by no means Scott’s Emulsion euros Coughs, point on the river whar tlier ain’t no mate of the troops, but this was of little follows that the infliction of a fatal aud bridal chambers anil exhibited in and from there to the barn. We can Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, guard.” decorative art shops, lias more china then go out without meeting this officer, value, for upon the arrival of trains blow is attended by the least semblance and all Anaemio and Wasting “Fur how much?" regiment after regiment marched into of pain or a single pang of fear or re­ than anything else. The drapery is for he is doubtless coming in. There is Diseases. Provents wasting in “An extra fiver.” no especial danger. We shall meet plenty camp. Mark stood on the sidewalk hold ­ gret. Unless death results immediate ­ Ohlldren. Almost as palatable am embroidered linen, and on it is a toilet “Greenback?” of soldiers before wo return.” ing Jakey by the hand, looking at the milk. Get only the genuine. Pre­ ly, however, the pain may he as varied sat of three or more pieces. There is a “You ain’t very patriotic. Won’t Ÿ Confederates tramping along under the She flew out of the room to find J akey. pared by Scott & Bowne, Chemists, New as the nature of the injuries. — Phila­ tray for the comb, another for the While she was gone Mark watched the eke Confederate bills?” stars and bars, their bands, when they delphia Record. York. Sold by all Druggists. brush, and a larger one for a variety of approaching horseman. He was a fine Not when I can get green uns.” had any, which was rare, playing dis­ things, I tcsides a plate or two big specimen of a southern man—tall and Y’ ain't a Union man, are y’?” cordantly “Dixie" or "The .Bonny Blue enough for a print of butter, oil which slender, with long black hair, mustache No. But I know a valyble thing Flag.” when I sees it.” pins or burned matches are placed. and goatee and a fine black eye. He “What regiment air thet ’ar?’ asked The night would have been very dark Mark of a soldier standing becide him This toilet table china is fine in quality looked, as he came riding up the road­ way. the impersonation of the southern had it not been for the moon behind the puffing at a rank cigar. and decorated with exquisite taste. The gentleman. clouds. As it was, the boat could only “Eighth Tennessee.” huge cushion has disappeared. Bottles Before ho had dismounted Mark and be seen from the shore when they drew “Whar they all come from?” <>f scent are notas much in evidence as Jakey were on their way to the barn. too near. They pulled up the river west “Tupelo. Come from tliar m’self a formerly. China boxes, with minia­ Laura Fain opened the front door just of Moccasin point, keeping near the spell ago.” ture paintings on the top, 1 sittoin, sides as the officer was coming up the steps. east bank. They could see campfires “Whar y’ goen?” AND “Why, Cameron!” she exclaimed, of guards on the other shore. Once, aud lid, a candlestick and IxHlquet “Only old Bragg knows, and he won’t I.N “ ~ jetting too near a river picket, they tell. Reckon we’re goen no’th to Knox­ holder of decorated glass, a rose jar and “how did you get away? I thought you told me you were to bo officer of the X ’ ere seen and challenged. ville ter foller th ’ two brigades ez went some quaint receptacle for powder are guard today.” “Who goes tliar?" up a spell ago.” An airrreab'.e Laxative and NERVE TONIC I Rly’s Cream Salmis not a liquid, snuff or pmeder. very often seen on n small dressing, handed the wild whiskered ferry “I persuaded my friend the adjutant Mark man “Oh, none o’ yonr business!" said Mark “What troops air all these hyar and S°‘dby Drugglatsorscntbymall. 25c.. Wc the crisp ten dollar note. 5" A QUif kly abwrbed. 11 cleanset the head, allays inflammation, heals ~ * table. and $1.00 per package. Samples free. to detail another man.” jokingly. them ez is comen? ” “Jakey,” said Mark as they passed be­ “Was there a special reason?” “ Pull in hyar or I ’ ll make it some o' “ Waal, thar's Cheatham's and With ­ After title consideration the minister “Certainly. I positively couldn't stand hind trees that hid them from the house. my business.” ers’ divisions, and i reckon Anderson’s. of public instruction has decided to ad­ it another day not to see you. Besides “I don’t like that officer coming to the “Oh, now, see hyar! We can't stop mit women to the beaux arts in Paris. we are momentarily expecting orders to Fain plantation just at this time. There’ll every five minutes to please a guard. I saw Gineral Polk terday, ’n they say Hardee’s hyar. I’m in th’ Twenty­ surely be some mention of ns, and it is Separate studios and classrooms are to cross to this side of the river.” How do you know biit we're on army fourth Tennessee m’self, and thet's possible he may want to have a look at ThouMada of cures by oar XU.H, are -.versons who Have done so. ‘•But you will be nearer to us then, us. You know, Jakey, we're only poor, business?” be fitted up aud a regular course of ar­ Cheatham’s. Lay’s cavalry brigade is “ Well, pull in hyar anil show your pa ­ tistic education organized for their l>en- won’t you?’ hyar. Thet ’ s all the cavalry I knows on. ” modest people, and don't want to lie “I am afraid not. Once on this side stared pers." etit. It Is proposed to lead the pupils at." Mark was amazed. A large southern we'll not stop nearer than Dallas or Meanwhile the ferryman was keeping force was concentrating at Chattanooga, “We ain't got our store clothes on, mainly in the direction of decorative Poe's. We may join Colonel Forrest art, as it is believed that herein the ma­ near Sparta, or wherever he may be, and don't want ter make no acquaint­ the oars moving gently, and the boat and perhaps they would pour into Ten­ turned at an angle with tlie current, nessee or Kentucky by one of the routes METT?" ex - ecteic sxrsFSbTsosrsr. jority will find a more profitable field doubtless somewhere in the enemy’s ances,” Jakey observed solemnly. Mark had noticed Laura Fain's agita­ which was taking the lx>at toward the pointed out to him by his general. It of labor than in the pursuit of higher rear. He seldom troubles the Yankees east shore. “Now pull away hearty,” was a splendid plan, provided the gen­ The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical Science tion when she caught sight of the officer art. However, the principle recognized in front. But you are not listening, my at the gate, anil knew there was good whispered Mark, and the boat shot out eral who was to execute it could keep It cures all diseases curable by Electricity. darling, and yon are pale You are not is this, that the government should af­ reason for it. He did not fear that she of sight of the picket in a twinkling. A his enemy from knowing his intentions It is a complete battery, as used by the ioff” ford art students the same chance to ill?’ would betray him intentionally, but that bullet whistled over their hesals. but long enough to throw an army on his ... most physicians, made into a Belt, so as tot* "Certainly not. ” flank or rear. gain proficiency in their profession she might be led to do so from her very wide of the mark. easily worn during work, or at rest It giw "You are sorry that 1 came?” “Golly!” exclaimed Jakey. ‘What a anxietv to keen his secret. Then in making a circuit of the town that students In medicine and law en- soothing, prolonged currents, which can t* “Why, Cameron, what do you mean? “The first chance we get. Jakey. we'll party tune it sings!" Mark was impressed with the natural J«.v- You know I always want you to come.” take to the woods. We told them we carried to any part of the body where there* They were now off Moccasin point, strength of the position. He gazed over She led the way into the sitting room, going to Chattanooga, and if this ■nd Mark began to look for a landing the plain eastward, his eye resting on pain, and will give instant relief, as Electricity A pistol iluel|lias taken place between from which Mark hail disappeared but were officer takes it into his aristocratic head place. Just above lie noticed a camp­ Missionary ridge, but did not dream of permeates the entire system with a nature! two ladies near Iterlin, four other ladies ■ minute before—a minute is a long to escort ns with true southern polite­ fire, and above this was a place where the soldiers' battle destined to take glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak orp0 acting as seconds. The ladies were not while sometimes. Mrs. Fain entered ness a part of the way he'll expect to find the bank was low, with overhanging place there a year later, when the men or part of the body. autazons, ami owing to their awkward and received the guest most graciously. us on the# Chattanooga pike.'! trees. Mark directed the ferryman to in the Army of the Cumberland, disre­ Captain Cameron Fitz Hugh was a “N’ twonldn't be perlite fo tor git in pull for these trees. He slipped a hand­ garding the plans of their superiors, handling of the wea|>ous the incident kerchief in one of tbe rowlocks—tho would start from the bottom of that had no evil consequences, but it illus­ young Virginian, a graduate of the Uni­ his way." versity of Virginia law school, the son They had gone but a trifling distance only one used in turning the boat into mountain and defeat an enemf pouring trates the progressive spirit of the time 1-ve lore®,, resulting from r-taxationof KJJ of wealthy parents, whose acres and ne­ when they came to a creek flowing—as shore—so as to muffle the oar. The shot and shell down upon them from ■>' I rnunont cure InthS. Tii! Wf!rrr or exposure, will And a "ixedy rellrf for women ¡thus heroically to avenge groes were numbered by thousands. He a wayfarer they met told them — through coast seemed to be clear for a landing, i ivu ths most Rkoi>tiMi n,a ra " io, is Invent Ion, which requires bur atrisl W®* the top. their wrongs. . J >11 may have unauivai.i!Hour i^non,nco °? off ects or by excesx.orexW’F' had known the Fains before the war, Moccasin gap. The road crossed it by but as they drew near they proceeded “Why didn't our generals occupy this ffret a/q ■■ i „„ caused yo" r v Ya'!t •X*“™ of nerve force and vitality-*** Mrs. Fain having been born and reared something lietween a hedge and a cul­ cautiously and listened for the slightest place Moro Belts Made P¡SRVJ,<*t,n19 oniiried, which are reomii^r?. ".clt nf f°ree. If you replace Into your .yrtejs when they could?” sighed Mark. Mrs. Hettie Green, who is worth in the Old Dominion. During a visit of vert. Mark led the way from the road health, strength and vigor YrtUfoltow^Sl&i V,E"ro",*ren«th. X°" »*" remove tbe cau*.", sound. The boat's nose touched without “Now it is too late.” and Sold and some MU,000,OOH, declares that she Laura to his people, shortly before the up the crock and began to climb the noise, and Mark and Jakey got out. i Dr. Sanden’. Eletrtri« “a.“tUnUway' While it was evident to Mark that the J r robust health and vigor, after allnrmJt nO. exPenment, as we have restored thouMM»^ would like to be a society woman if breaking out of hostilities, he had fallen hills, on which there was sufficient More Sufferers Mark handed the wild whiskered fer­ enemy were concentrating for a move i = owes throughout this s’tnte; wl o ¿onM^*'nUn.tL.fa,led' ■« cnn be »hewn by hnndr««« in love with her, had proposed and was she had time. Being rather destitute B s“'”‘8>cUersbo„rtugtestiminytoUK r^,v'ly„ r"!'lfy' ,,nd from m““/ of whom«»*" growth of timber to afford concealment. ryman the crisp ten dollar note, which against the Union lines, there was noth­ Cured than by S. Our gnn nnn-n ,X: rre Iti HAY-FEVER IvJ C old head KO WOttas? HAVE YOU TRIED DRIKt AND FAILED TO FIND A CIIK2 DR. SANDEII’S ELECTRIC BELT __________ xmixs X t SANDEN ELECTRIC CO.. 172 Pi,.* ’ 2 F,rst PORTLAND, OREGON.