The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 13, 1893, Image 4

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    home everyone loved her as tlieir bene­
I Th« Ai
X t Rrgulatlng the Msiiiiracliiie «ml
Sale or What We Eat.
Mudent Life in rarls*
East and Sou
Hum«* »I the World'* Fair.
It is nothing short of a national ca­ There in no reason why anyone
lamity that student life in Paris sliould sliould be deterred from visiting the
be so cointiletely shut out frout the in­ World’s Fair by reason of tiosslble in-
fluence of accomplished women win? convenience and uncertainty attend­
K,|'riEAV«yain" '•"l,Ve |,,,rll«n'i:,
lead decent lives. The student whose ing tlie securing of satisfactory hotel E< W. HADLEY, RECEIVE».
Portland .. 7 .00 p n. Hanf’raiJEj,
family doesjiot live in Paris only sees, accommodations.
Han Fran.
7:00 p in Portland * J
when lie wants to aasociate with tier-
The Northern Pacific railroad will in
Above trains stop only nt Mil— ''
tions north of Roseboro f .I o I ui I
sous of the other sex, tlie worst sort of due time publish low excursion rates to
Oregon City, Woodburn?,' Haiim .
emancipated damsels. They unfit him | I Tiicago and return for tills occasion,
Tangent, Hlieilds, Halaey 11» S?1
for conversation with],ladles in whose while its double daily passenger train
ction city, Irving, Eugene
presence be^mifst hide what is gross in service, including tlirougli sleeping
Ilosebiirg Mall |(a||-
his nature—in short, tlie hoofs und cara of both classes (Standard and
8:06 am uoscburj.
Rowbuw r, •
horns of the Satyr. awkward, or Tourist) to Chicago, will as usual be at BETWEEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY -------
«1:3) a m PorthnJ'
as he says, gen«1 in their presence. The the head of the list in every particular.
Albany L ocb I, Dally, e.c.,1
reserved manner lie cultivates for draw­ To help you in fixing in advance
I« in Albany U
ing purposes is a mere mask to hide his upon your place of residence while at­
Albany......... 5: a ni Portland
incapacity to ebat witli ease, without tending the World’s Fair, we have
Ocean Steamer SiiiliiiK*.
Pullman Buffet Sleepen,
deserving a rebuke. On the other hand placed in the offices of the company at
a lady cannot indulge in harmless flir­ •121 First Street, Portland, Or., compll
Tourist Sleepia.
tation, than which there is no better ed by perfectly trustworthy parties, Ix-avM
March }< 24 For «ccoimuodation of second tli?
gers attached to expre**
exercise for the feminine mind. Should called “Homes for Visitors to the UavesYaquuia
she take a fancy to con vers«.' freely with World’s Fair.” This little book, which This company reserves the riglit to eb.i'S®
Between Portland and Csrvu
any gentleman of her circle, who is not you can purchase for fifty cents, coh- sailing dates without notice.
Mail Train Daily, except^
River Steamers.
a Methuselah, «lie must begin liy hav­ talus a list of aliout 9,000 private fami­
Portland .^7 :^ a m McilÄ
ing an intrigue. This may lead to lies who will arcomniodate visitors in Steamer “Hoag” leaues Portland, Wed­
McMinn’ . 10:10 a in
m Corvalli,
< orvallu ’ ■
friendship of n platonic character; und Chicago during the time of the fair, nesday and Saturday at6 a m
Corvallis •12:55
. I2:5.T p ni
in McMinn
Mi Minn' ’ « ,
it also may not. The free love liubits viz: May 1st to October 30th; gives
•> •rw. p
I> in
111 Portland,
> " • j
Salmon Street Wharf. Portland.
(and no other) which are contracted in tlieir names and addresses and number
At .Albany and Corvallis cun»,
D. it. V avohx , Gen. Agt.,
trains of Oregon 1‘acific.
San Frnncisco.
tlie Quartier I<atiii explain, taken with of rooms each will have to spare. 'I lie
Express Train Daily, eiceptg»
C C. IlOGCE, G. F. .tP A.,
the too easy divorce law, the deca­ book also gives a list of the hotels and
Corvallis, Oregon.
dence which we see in French pol I ties. their locations; has twelve full-page
Portland .
4 .40 p in McMnn
McMinn’. . 5:45 a ni.Portland, g
large scale maps, each representing a
A recent article in a New York Illus­ section of the city, so tluit with this in­
trated periodical represented young formation before him the intending
(Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Lessee.)
men lounging about Chicago hotels in visitor himself can, at leisure, select the
tiwe c - a -^.0
For tickets and full informition
buffalo skills and other furs. It seems quarter of the city in which he would
ing rates, inaiis, etc., cull onthctc
that in St. I’aui, once a market for prefer to slot1, corresponding in ad­
agent at McMinnville
Two Through Trains Daily.
such hides, but one solitary buffalo vance with oneor more families in tliat
E. P. ROG]
Asst, li p.,
skin was sold last year, and tliat was locality witli regard to rates ami tlie
12 45p 6 25p Iv.Minneapolis ar norm 4 15p
purchased by an Englishman, as a cu­ accommodations desired.
-- S 30a 3 41 Ip
1 3Qp 715p iv... St Paul. ur
riosity, for *200. But few Buffalo re­
10 1.5a ♦
" löp Iv... Duluth . ar 11 40a 6 50p
A. I). C harlton ,
« 20a 3 .'Mlp
1 50p 7 25|> iv... Ashland
main in tlie west, and their pelts are
Iv S47p 10 45p from Terminal or Interior h
Asst. Gen. P. A., N. P. K. II.
7 15a (I «»a ar
among tlie rarest of articles of com­
Portland, Oregon.
Ticket* sold and baggage c hecked through
Il _ points !--
LJlnlnu nini
to all
ill the IT,.,*,,,1
I'nited States
and I
( ’llllll
ana- —
Sliiloli’s Cure, tlie great cough and da. Close connection made in Chicago witli
Tlie T ei . ephone -R eoistek lias made
trains going East and South.
lung cure, is for sale by us. Pocket ail For
full information apply to your near­
arrangements with all tlie prominent
size contains 25 doses, only 25c. Chil­ est ticket agent or to JAS. ('. POND,
patters and periodicals in the United
Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, III.
dren love it. S. Howorth & Co.
States whereby they can be obtained in
is th: Line to Tak,
connection witli this paper at less than
tlie publisher's price. Our old subscrib­
ers or new subscribers can have the
benefit of this reduction and no trouble
Through VLSI Ibi’lED TR*r
on their part. When you want to sub­
Evcry Day in tlie Year ti
scribe for tlie I m <II ch Home Journal,
Century. Serilmeim, Examiner, IJ’orZd
or other papers, call and get our prices
(No Change of Can)
Southern Pacific J
. For early spriug the .«ilk blouse is'
w«rn w itli a liolero jacket, aud exquis­
Tlie new dairy ami food law as pass­
I itely fashioned little affairs they are.
ed by the last legislature of Oregon,
fruiti Wheat and makes it unlawful for any jierson to
If ,«« »iHllkel .Kil you Should lirait Some are made of a delicately tinteil lieti fork. «1 » front.
broadcloth, embroidered witli gold or Clover. Kxperlenro of a Successful sell or ext«ose for sale any unwholesome
Till* I’oluoin*—Ifuur I.*«ly Kesdrr hs*
sliver threads. Others are of black, Uree,1er. Some Oregon Farmer tainted and disease«! foods or medicines
a Comment tu Make on Ih» Faalilous or
heavily beaded, to lie worn with n viv­
of any kind whatever, Should any
Custom* of Ilia lla.v, «ami It [I» for till* id scarlet blouse. Then there are Orien­
adulterated fissi, drink, medicine or
tal jackets made of Persian embroidery
Column—Help lu Make It lnt«re*tlng.
fertilizer lie sold, it must be plainly
It has long been argued by many marked to distinguish it from the
and passamenterie which blend well
true artiele. All public «lining rooms
It is a fateful day for bangs. They with any colored waist.
and fattened here on wheat. To dis­ using adulterated foods or drinks must
are trembling in the balance, so to
Miss Jessie A. Ackerman, Hie worlds prove this theory we call attention to state the fact on tlie bill of fare in the
speak. And they lmve not yet decided
articles in tlie Hural New Yorker of same sized type as tliat used in the
whether to turn backward or forward. uiisaiouury of the W. C. T. IT., varied
Marell 11, which is printed below:
body of the bill of fare. If no bill of
The majority of the cabinet women,
headeil by Mr». Cleveland, wear their for that organiz.ntion on a recent trip The article is from a contributor in fare is used a printed notice to the smile
hair roundly back, In what is designat­ from Australia to Singapore. The Ohio, and it contains matter which effect shall lie posted in a conspicuous
ed this year by tlie liair dressers as tlie steamer stoppeel two days among the should have the attention of hog breed­ place. When cows are kept for dairy
Clevelanil roll, To accomplish it the («carling grounds, where thirteen hun­ ers throughout Oregon. Wheat, for purposes, el Hier for butter of cheese, or
side hair and tlie erstwhile hang are dred men were working. Here Miss tlie main article of food, is our great for the production of milk or cream and
curled fastidiously. All is then comb­ Ackerman put on the diving dress and crop, and we may easily provide the arc kept in stables they shall be allow­
ed over back and drawn into tlie gen­ went down sixty feet to the ocean’s bed timothy and clover pastures so neces­ ed 800 cubic feet of air ami shall not be
eral knot. The loose front hair, if too and saw for herself the wonders of the sary for growing hogs. The eorreiqiond- confined facing each other, when «'loser
long to stay back of its own accord, is deep. She is the first woman to make ent rejiorts the result of his visit to the together than six feet, unless separated
fastened here ami there with small the experiment ami much relief was farm of O. A. Cory, 111 Ross county, by an air tight partition four feet high.
hairpins, with bends set witli turqulse felt when she returned to tlie boat in Ohio. Asked how lie bad been grow­ All stables shall lie well veutilated and
ing swine, Mr. Cory replied:
—the fashionable spring gem. The safety.
kept in a good healthful condition. If
"I have made it a specialty for 17 any cow is suspected of disease notice
hair is fluffed a very little around tlie
fare with the hands to give tlie roll ef­ A silk that possesses all tile virtues of
must lie sent to the state dairy mid food
the storm serge in addition to several tention for only eight years, more par­ commissioners who inform the state
peculiar to itself lias made its appear­ ticularly as to the adaption of food and veterinarian, ami if th«' dairy Is found
The London modistes have brought ance. It is “silk homespun.” It is getting two crops a year. Tlie pasture to lie in an unhealthy condition the
out a novelty called the Elizabethan made of pure silk curded and spun into I use is elover and timothy. Hereto­ commissioners may notify tlie propri­
fiettleoat, intended to keep out the low­ threads. It is a rather rough surfaced fore in one field my pasture lias been etors to have their premises put in a
er part of the dress, as is now demand­ fabric of great strength and durability, Alsike clover and timothy, which healthy condition within three days. If
ed by fashion. By adopting it there Is is indigo-dyed and is warranted to makes a better growth than the com­ this notification is disregarded the com­
no neo«i to have recourse to crinoline or stand sun, storm ami salt water. Ami mon red. In tills field 1 feed oil' my missioners may employ other persons
wires of any description, its object is —crowning glory—it is inexpensive, fall pigs. In a box at the outlet of u to do tlie work and tlie proprietors must
to obviate the difficulty that will be ex­ costing only 60 cents a yard ami lieing tile drain they get water that never pay tlie expenses.
freezes, except in very cold weather. I
perienced, as tile season advances, of 27 inches wide.
The punishment for a violation of
also avoided uuy contagious disease by any of the provisions of the law is a
lining thin materials, such a« crepon,
«light silks, etc., witli horsehair stiffen­ The crinoline baby is here, but she is
fine of not less than $25 nor more than
ing. This petticoat lias a deep silk not really made of crinoline. Site Is stream tliat flows through my farm $100, or imprisonment for not less tlian
liaml in front, terminating witli a flut­
30 days nor more than six months.
ing of horsehair. The pleated back is blood ami sweetness as any other baby, by stock dying above iny place*. My Justices’ courts shail.have jurisdiction
entirely of horsehair. It is light to only she takes up a great deal more
of all eases under this law. Purchasers
Alsike and eominou red clover—tlie
wear, strong and well-finished, and is room.
of articles which are believed to be pure
made in black, white 'ami gray horse­
but which on analysis or test prove to
her look that way. It Is one which a
lie adulterated shall not lie deemed
four-year-ohl might wear on Easter
guilty, provided they pay to the com­
One of the most expensive pair of ■Sunday. It is of English nainsook and age of tell days by giving them a little missioner ten dollars in case of analysis
garter clasps ever made in New York is worn with a gamp. 'Die round neck shelled corn, or, better, wheat, in a or live dollars for each test made and
belongs to Mrs. ('. P. Huntington. The ¡«cut low, back and front, and delined pen to themselves near tlie sows nest. shall mark such articles as adul­
buckles contain two large topaz, stones, with a stiff ruffle of embroidery. This In tliat pen I want a shallow trough terated. The money Collected for tliese
each surrounded by a row of diamonds. rutile is slightly frilled over tlie shoul­ containing a little slop at a tempera­ analyses or tests shall lie (laid to tlie
Composed of
The Union Pacific have published a
On the inner «l«le Is the owner’s mono­ ders, ami yet is arranged witli a decid­ ture of about 00 degree.«. This is made state agricultural college ami become a
ed “1830” droop. The sleeve of the of brown middlings and water. I scat­ part of the state appropriation to defray very neat pictorial World’s Fair folder,
gamp, which emerges from beneath ter tlie shelled corn oil botli sides of tlie expenses of the enforcement of tlie containing colored lithographs of tlie
The delights of being presented to the ruffle, is very full. The entire little tlie trough, so tliat the pigs passing law.
various exposition buildings, bird’s eye
(Of Latest Equipment,) 1
Queen Victoria are thus descrilied by gown is made of a succession of stiflen. over the trough are sure to get into it
An article of lood or drink or medi­ view of tlie grounds, with a complete
Mr. Lalioucliere apropos of tlie second cd embroidery ruffles, which stand out
cine is deemed to be adulterated within map of tlie city, showing location of
Best that can be constructed And
CMtorla cores Colic, Constipation,
drawing room; The crushing ami witli a persistency due to starch. I’ink skimmed milk as I keep but one or two the meaning of tills act when any sub­ the fair, hotels, railway depots, street
* 'Caitorla 13 bo well adapted to children t hat
Sour Stomach, l>iurrho*a, Bnictation,
I recommend it a* superior to any prescription
ders of First or iSecond-c|ass 1
crowding nt the various barriers were ribltoiis are tied around tlie waist and cows, and the milk and kitchen slops stance lias been mixed with it so as to ear lines and city parks. Copy of the
Kill* Worm*, gives sleep, and promotes di-
eta. and
known to me.” H. A. A rcher , M. D.,
Without injurious medication.
worse than ever, and there were some little butterfly bows are perched on go to tlie poultry yard. Experience reduce or injuriously affect its «tuality same may be hud by addressing W. H.
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
violent alteicatiens ami furious appeals eacli shoulder. With this dress is sold witli 15 fall pigs now on baud is to Hie ot* strength, if any inferior or cheaper Hurlburt, Assistant General Passenger
A Continuous Line connecting
•* For several years I have recommended
to tlie bewildered officials. Several la­ a little petticoat which has almost as effect tliat they do as well witli wheat substance lias been substituted, wholly Agent, Portland, Or.
“ The uae ot' Caitoris ’ is *o unlreraol and
lines, affordiug direct and a
Sour * Castorio, ’ and shall slway* continue to
Its merit* *o well known that it seem* a work
as witli corn and slop. This lot never or in part for it; if it is an imitation or
dle* had tlieir trains dashed from their many ruffles.
o so os it ho* invariably produced beneficial
terrupted service.
of Bupererogation to endorse it Few are the
arms, with the result tliat they came in
Tlie crinoline baby has a rival. It is
is sold under the name of another arti­
Pullman Sleeper reservations can I
E dwin F. Psanil. M. D.,
witli tlie train extending in front for tlie small ls»y when dressed in his new
ed in advance tlirougliauv agentoi
C arlo * M arttn , D. D..
cle; It it is colored, coated, jiolislicd or
“The Winthrop,” 125th Street and 7th Av«.,
New York City.
some yards ami two or three narrowly suit of pi«|iie. The boy who lias not just as well asotiiers raised on slop ami l>owdered, whereby damage is con­ 8. D., Lieutenant Schwatka had ail
New York City.
Through Tickets
IAite Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church.
escaped awkward falls. Others had quite reached tlie dignity of trousers corn.”
end Europe can be purchased at anyl
cealed, or if it is made to appear better the ranks, and wlio, like his commanding
office of this conmany.
their ls>u«|Uets utterly destroyed and will wear tills summer a little kilted
In answer to the question as to why or of greater value than it really is; pro­ officer and employer, was subject to oc­
T he C entaur C ompany , 77 M urray S treet , N ew Y ore .
Full information concerning rata,
many entered th« throne room with skirt of white pique. It may lie dotted lie fed wheat, Mr. Cory said:
vided, however, that salt anil annetto, casional sprees. One morning after
of trains, routes and other details fa
disheveled heads, torn veils, broken witli dark blue or red. Over this is an
"It is cheaper than corn, because at or butter color in which annetto is the Schwatka had been sitting up with some
on application to any agent, or
feathers anil crushed sleeves. Some la­ Eton jacket made just like his elder 68 cents per bushel, it is eliea|ier than principal ingredient shall not be con­ visiting comrades he left orders with his
Asst General Pauenni
dies, indeed, presented as lamentable sister’.«, only in miniature. The sleeves corn at 40 cents a bushel. This is how sidered an adulteration when used in servant that he should bo promptly
General Office Of the Compaay. K
EiretSt.; Cor. Wahlnfto^ fr*“1
an appearance as it they had been en­ will have cuffs of pique, witli a stand­ I came to feed wheat. When I can dairy products; butter that contains awakened at 9 o'clock. About noon the
gaged in n free light. Two had most ing up ruffle of embroidery edged witli sell corn at 40 cents to 50 cents a bushel more than 14 per cent water; milk that
palpable bruises oh their arms and an­ dark red or blue.
I can make more out of it than I can contains more than 88 per cent water; called, and opening tlie door leading
from his bedroom to the dining room in
other complained with pardonable acri­
selling wheat at 68 cents. The milk that contains less than 3 per cent the log quarters which he occupied dis­
Then there is a sailor collar, finished
mony that .«lie hail received a severe with a frill of Hie embroidery. Ender main reason now for feeding wheat, butter fat; or less than 12 per cent vol­ covered his servant lying dead drunk on
blow on her neck from the cocked hut the jacket is a vest of white pique, with which I have learned by experience, ume of cream or less than 1.030 specific the floor before him.
of “some savage” who had attempted an embroidery frill down tlie front. Al­ lies in tlie fact that wheat is a more gravity after tlie cream lias been re­
Schwatka raised him from tho floor
to push pnst her. The saloons in together it is very fascinating little tierfeet ration than corn for a young moved.
and shook him as a mastiff would a ter­
That dreaded and dreadful disease!
which company wait were dreadfully suit.
growing animal. I feed dry, whole
The legislature at each regular ses­ rier, exclaiming to him: “You infernal
«•old, for tlie flits (which had apparent­ Cut to make a boy halipy and proud­ grain—not in troughs or in piles, but sion shall elect a commissioner who scoundrel, don’t you know that I ordered
stay its ravages? ThoiLSands
ly l>cen liglitc«! just at flic last moment') er than he will ever lie again in his scattered as thin as for chickens on a shall hold office for two years, and un­ you to wake me at 9 o'clock? Here I
say Scott’s Emulsion of pure Norwegian
were neither numerous nor large, and life just let him try on a pair of tiny floor or grass sward. Tlie object rs to til his successor is elected and qualified.
ment that you would never get under the
it is difficult to under 'ami why, in cheviot trousers instead of his usual compel tlie animal to ¡consume it twice He shall qualify tliirty days after liis influence of liquor while I was on a
cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime
such inclement weather, there sliould kilted skirt. Tlie kind they are selling in mastication. The slow mastication election by taking an oath to faithfully drunk.” The Irishman straightened
cured us of consumption in its first
lie such rigorous economy at tlie palace these days is of soft cheviot, witli bone and the hardness of the grain excite perform his duties. His salary shall be himself up for attention, saluted and
In regard to wood and coal.
a cough or cold acute or leading
an extra flow of saliva, and this is the $1000 a year and his actual traveling
buttons on each trouser leg.
“Yes, sor, but you niver give me no
Most of tlie line gingham dresses are best agent to liberate the sugar from and other expenses incurred in dis­
no delay but take
in Finland, more than in all oilier made to lie worn wirh a gamp, and tlie starch in the grain. Science teach­ charging his duties. He shall lie well
Leaving Portland, 8:45A
Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs,
countries, women enter into the busi­ dainty little affairs they are. Some are es us tliat this is the best known agent qualified in dairy matters anti able to weeks by staying dlirunk yerself, ye
7:30 P.
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
ness of life. They are clerks, doctors, made of nainsook, flHely plaited with for this purpose. I feed corn some­ give theoretical and practical instruc­ Schwatka forgave him.—Chicago In­
and all Anaemio and Wasting
dentists, builders, managers of compa­ feather stitching .between each’ plait. what in tlie same manner, only in the tion in dairying wherever and when­ ter Ocean.__________
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
nies and bank cashiers. For the latter Olliers are all embroidery witli ruffles ear, never feeding more at tlie winding ever opportunity offers. His office will
Children. Almost as palatable as
Good Shoes Nowaday
office they are especially sought on ac­ or bands of insertion,
Get only the genuine. Pre­
up than they, will clean up in IX) min­ be in Portlahd, and upon complaint of
There has probably not been since the
pared by Scott & Bowno, Chemists, New
count of their reputation for honesty.
With the ginghain’dresscsjirejusual- utes. I always want them to lie ready any citizen or without complaint If lie war so little "shoddy” used in Blioes as
York. Sold by all Druggists.
worn a regular country j sun"bonnet. for tlieir feed. I only feed twice a day thinks necessary, lie shall examine in­ now. There are numerous imitations of
The possibility of the lioop-skirt com­ They vary in price from 33 cents to at stated times, as regularly as possible to any case of violation or supposed vio­ calf, kangaroo, dongola, goat, etc., made
ing again causes an electrician to sound $3.65. Tlie prettiest inexpensive ones and not varying more than 10 or 15 lation of the law. Th« commissioner Is from a cowhide, ami by the skill of
Hours Quicker to St. P
forth the terrible warning: ‘‘It is a are made of dimity lawn, witli an em­ minutes. I regard this as iniiKirtant, allowed one deputy in each county mechanism they are remarkably close
Hours Quicker to Chid,
well known fact that any metallic wire broidered ruffle in tlie front framing for 1 have noticed tliat when fe«l at whore duties and Compensation shall imitations, bnt they are generally sold
If brought near another wire carrying a tlie lialiy face. Back of the ruffle tlie regular hours, the saliva will escape be prescribed by tlie commissioner. It
Hours Quicker to Omaha
be classified as substitutes. The pan­
current of electricity will have a cur­ lawn is shirred and finished"with a from tlie mouth at the first or second is the duty of the chemist of the state cake or pasted sole and lieel is still used
Kansas City.
rent induced in it. In a crinoline there cape edged witli embroidery. Such a bile. When fed at unseasonable hours agricultural college to correctly analyze in the manufacture of low grade shoes,
is a considerable amount of wire and it Tlie dimity may lie sprayed witli blue, this is not tlie case.”
any and all substances sent to him by but to a less extent than formerly.
ani Tot
naturally follows Unit if the wearer red or pink dots and then tlie edge of Tlie correspondent then asked Mr. tlie commissioner far Hint pur|XMe. The Leather is bo cheap that a good bntton
Sleepers, Free
comes near an electric light circuit a the embroidery is worked in tlie same Cory how lie secured perfect, health in commissioner and his agents have the boot can be made solid throughout at
lug- Ólxair, Du
charge will be Induced around her and color. There are exquisite sun bonnets the herd while pushing them to mar­ power to enter all places useil for the ninety-five cents and one dollar, and
perhaps less.
the ¡hoopskirt will become a living, niiule of iioint d’esprit lace over a deli­ ket so young. He replied: I
Por rate« or generai inforni*!!**1
manufacture or sale of nil articles of The consumer secures more value than
seething mass <>f wriggling, sparkling, cate silk lining, witli an inside inching
or address,
“I think I can secure it by just feed­ foods or drinks and toopeN all packages ever in the modern medium priced shoes; Ely'» Cream Halm u not a liquid, tnuff or ponder. Applied into the nortrile it ie
electricity, and no one dare imagine of lace and loops of baby ribbon.
9'>'<-kl» abKrrbed. It eleanve the iead, allaye inflammation, heale _ _
W H. IIURLBI RT. Assi. <«en
ing wheat, it lieing a well balanced ra­ containing such articles.
genuine materials are put into every­
what might become of tlie poor unfor­
254 Washington St ,
tion of itself. Experience teaches tliat
In all prosecutions under this act the thing except such low priced shoes that
PonriAX». 0
tunate within. If she has the sang
lleHtli from a NrokenJIlearl.
it cannct I k * done witli corn with tlie fines collected shall go to Hie common it is impossible to make them of actual
froiil to come in the neighlsuhood of
best of slopping. One may do it for a school fund of tills state, provided tliat leather. There is no deception about
these. Manufacturers make no secret
an electric light circuit the awful con­
Do people in.trouble ever really die time or two, but lie cannot keep it up. all such moneys shall lie transmitted to of the fact tliat they are composed of
sequence* that might arise. The rea. of a broken heart'.' The late Sir George Another very important point is that
tlie state treasurer at tlie state capitol pasted soles and heels, split insoles and
Thoaiando of Cures by our Belts are persona who have done so.
s«n why the ancient dames who donn­ Paget, in one of his lectures just pub­ they should have salt "as well a.« ashes
by the officer collecting the same, and the like. Buyers know what they are
ed the crinolines were not ruthlessly lished under the editorship of his son from good sound wood. These sliould
that the state treasurer shall forward a getting.—Bhoe and Leather Reporter.
slaughtered by the thousandsjislieeiuise by Messrs. Macmillan, acknowledges lie given them not once or twice a
duly certified receipt and shall credit
there was no electribity lying around that in the vast majority of cases thus week, but every day. I do not think
all such amount.« to the common school
loose then.”
popularly described there is nothing tliat I could put pigs on the market fund.
W 4,'1' ax
Milk drawn from cows fifteen days
like an actual rupture of the heart; yet when 6.1 and 7 months old weighing
The women of Africa ¡ire taking on he admits that mental affection.« will 225 to 250 pounds, and have them walk before or five days after parturition, «r
The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical Sdt
advancetl airs and trying independent not infre<|iiently cause real disease of to the railroad station, 21 miles, with­ from cows fed on unwholesome food is
It cures all diseases curable by Electfl
«‘xperlment« that rather out-Herods the the liody, und lie mentions an actual out this condiment. I have never yet deemed impure. Calves slaughtered
It is a complete battery, as used by ths
suffragists here. A strike lias taken case of broken heart, cited by Dr. J. K. had one to break down. I do not take under tlie age of four week« nre consid­
most physicians, made into a Belt, 80 Bl
place among tlie women of tlie Aknnn Mitchell, of the Jefferson college, Phil­ a wagon along to haul those tliat give ered unwholesome. Any dairyman
easily worn during work, or at rest. It II1
tribe, unique in plan ami definite in adelphia, Penn,, in lecturing to ills pu­ out, for there are no give-outs.”
soothing, prolonged currents, which CM
using Hie butter lioxes of another dairy
purpose. They protested without avail pils.
carried to any part of the body where tb
It will be observed that Mr. Cory shall be subject to all tlie fines and
against the treatment of the husbands
pain, and will give instant relief, as Elect:
In an early,period of Ids life Dr. Mit-1 does not do much slopping. Although tæniilties for selling adulterated food.
ami fathers. Then they talked it over chell ae«'ompanie«l as a surgeon, a he has splendid arrangements for tlie Persons selling oleomargerine, butter-
permeates the entire system with a n*t
with the preliminary ef organization, packet tliat sailed from Liverpool to purpose lie does not practice it to any­ ine or any imitation of butter, must
glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak«
with no constitution and by-laws and one of the American ports. The cap-1 great extent in connection witli his keep a liook containing an account of
or part of the body.
api’enle«! to another trflie witli whom tain frequently conversed with liim re­ present system of feeding. He does all sales of those articles, togetliei' with
tlie Akonas were not on goo«i terms. specting a lady who.had promised to not think there is much profit in feed­ tlie name an«l address of tlie purchaser
This trilie agreed to take in all the dis­ | lieeonic 111.« bride on his return from the ing a hog great quantities of water with ' every railroa«! and other tran«|>ortatiqn
or >«
8enenl1111 ''««i'h. rreiilUng from ovcr-UMtWy*
satisfied women, and tlie village awak­ voyage. Upon this subject he evinced a small amount of solid mutter. But eomtiany in this state, must, on appli­
■'s' >• m.-nent cmv. |n «hi;
w<lrry “r e’P“8,lr®'wl11 flDd!’?eetU»
- iueotheJ? marvelous invention, which requires but .tret»
ened th« next morning to find ail its I great warnith of f.-eling and displayed he is «-areful to have pure drinking cation of the commissioner or his au-
ou may hi™ indul^ar.«1'11““ r l«"onlnM of effect* or by
women and girls gone and work at a j „,niP «»Uy jewels and ornaments lie water always liefore them. In short he thorized agents, give the name and ad­
- i «4 tlms cuiMorf
y ,draln«‘* your *y*tem of nerve force *nd vll*Uty
elements t hue rtniined, whlekremiiiSr*’r
foree. If you replace Into your*
standstill. The result wn« a ready as- intended to pnaent as bridal gills. On aims in all bis plans to cut down the dress of any shipper of diseased food of
More Belta Made
any kind.
sent to all that the women ra«|U<.*sted leeching bis destination lie was al>- lalior account.
and Sold and
robust hem“ an“ ’
tft?i*raro°f eXpCT'?Cnt’ “
and great rejoicing when the Industrial I nlptIy informed th« lady had married
of thrilling dangers Moro Sufferer«
Every person who manufactures but­
Thr Approaching Solar Eclipse.
e«* « throiighoiit. tins Rtito' will»0??cu.t* f'11**1. "• can >»e shown by h“1--,
Instantly the captain 1
element returned.
I someone else.
ter or cheese in this state from milk and hair-breadth escapes was
Cured than by
was observed to clasp bis ] band to bis I The total solar «vii¡»se of April 15-16, drawn from cows not owne«l by such
m®?dTe^^’Tn“kold^re* CU“«» °f
»hould be
all other Electric
Much is written of Mme. tirvvy.inee breast and fall heavily te the ground. IMS, I« not only one of tlie longest of manufacturer shall report to tlie food the errand the young man
Sy give, testimonials from people tn an^t!ii!i?.ti*e;o’M1'
11 explains our plan ot_
lier «lentil, and probably no woman in ;tP wag taken Up and conveyed to his the century, but it is the last of tlie «'omniissiouer every three months ami was about to enter upon, and
Belta combined.
S; very many In N-w YorkCTty whom J.*»'«! n" ° 21$ aB<1 ,rom al1 P«rtaof the country,I*.
$ Do not delav writing for It. ^it
h«vecured. Unia showing our marvelou* wot«*»
public life was ever more mlsunder- cabin on boatil tlie vessel. Dr. Mitchell century from which we are likely to in ease such manufacturer owns any
lifeund health.
“ willoo«t you nothing, and may be the mean* of rene^««
——— It has l«een «aid that «lie was a waR immediately summ«
■ummoned. but l«e- get snv ««Iditions to our knowleilge of «uch cows from which milk is used in
Boon on Earth is Health and
«wk, washerwoman and menial to her ________________
fore he reached him ___
the j captain was | solar physics. The longiwt duration of conjunction with purchased ndlk the is one of the most powerful
la hnslian«l.
),al,a . 1 \ Mine.
* Grevy
‘ — —— - >>’« s fat
i>.-^ -a was
- .. — .. ai(| - MM]a A poet mortem
>». WHAT «**W*W*«^
examination re­ totality of this eclipse is four minutes report shall state the fact and shall in­ in modern fiction.
—------------- u ' nlüR
tanner, and at hi« dcatli she and iier ' veai^t tli«* cause. His heart was found forty-six seconds, and a« th« path of clude such cows the same as if owned
Make sure you do not miss
. A. T. Raaden, Dear Rtr^Bafor« I
mether came to ParKwbere they made {torn in twain. The tremen- the moon’s shadow lies'to a great ex­ by any other person. The report shall
the aopiaintanee of the voting lawyer, doits propulsion of blood (add* tlie nar- tent on land, 'there 1« a considerable give the name and address of the man­ the opening chapters of
Jules Grevy. P*
J~*---- * *--------------
He determine«!
1« marry rator. consequent upon such a violent choice of jawsible station« with long du- ufacturer and the owner of the cows,
___ — 1
rufinn« --------
the girl, but «• ‘both
lw»th were
were lHMWr
poor thr
the wd.
w«d. I —
«hock forced
-- of -------
. - OYiwxlit
.--------- the number of pounds of milk purchaa-
Two expeditions
«HgUMATI.M AHO lAMMI». cò.„.
" *
«ling was |M~tponed ten years. >hc | mi1<n||,t tissue« .««under ami life was " ill l«e sent from England; one to Af- ed, the total number of pounds of milk
wss a heautiful girl and received many
al| elll|
ricn, the other,to Brazil, the expenses used in the manufacture of butter and (
i ahi to w rfc. Your belt haa placed m« <n
1 ***** no* one who «vanta tniT„L°Ca,ei^ *ier® p-rtn nently, and will
nlh.vou.lit. Iuawolke’iTSubi,
',"1“‘««’“«•bo«« 1:. BOBfRr ¿taREL. E.*U«»r H<a!l
■liters of niarriag«. But sb« remained
-------------------------- -
l«ing defrayed by the Royal society, in making cheese,the number of pounds ,
true to her engagement witli her lover. | It Is averred tliat a sausage ami a|Th«l*nited8tateswillsendanexpedi- of butter and cheese made and amount1
a tale of the Civil War, soon
Mme. Grevy was w»ld in manner, net j slice of bread and butter «-omposii* the [ tion to Chili, and there will probably I sold.
to begin in this paper.
at all interested in politics, and only I prince of Wales' breakfast five morn- lie two or three American parties at
The nation is making progrès« when
happy in superintending tlie prepara- ings out of six. This shows that the Pasa Cura. A Brazilian party will also
Tir. NanBen • Electric Relt vitto Inanrovesl ■»«--- «
Tour» trnly,
real live rebel brigadier like Wade .
tion of clothing for the poor. I Parisians
’ ' '
. blots I of his German forefathers still observe. The bureau des Ixmgitudes, a Hampton
can he appointed to office '
«•all««! her parsimonious and avaricious, ! courses through the vein« of Albert Paris, is «ending a complete expedition without a whoop from the Forakers1
bat the poor |«eople about her eountry Edward.
and < Tark*on’s.
! to Joel, in AMca.
|7. Flrtt «tre«, PORTLAND, GRECO»
Direct Line,
Quick Dispatch,
Low Freight Rates.
Wisconsin Central Lines. Through Tickets to all
Northern P m
ro all Points East II
W R^1
H«f_ _ _
V C oldhead ____
r A
50 c jLYBRfflntmMra'tt; -50c
Hr Perilous Mission
_ .__________ 1ML
»»oSX’Ä&iSrfgg?» ... T
or o,d ■n,n'Ä