The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 13, 1893, Image 3

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13, 1893
a in. to 7 p. nt From 7:30 p.
p. in.
irder hours from 7 a. in. to« p. m.
from 12 m. to 1 p. m
uth closes at 9:50 a. lit. Mail
CS at 2:30 p. in. and 9 p. m.
r 5:45 a. m train closes evening
P m.
,i and southern Tillamook mail
.1 a ui.
E piscopal C hurch .— Services
bath at 11 a. m and 7:40p m,
ohool at 9:30 a. m Traver nieet-
day evenings at 7:30.
R ev . 8. E M imingir , Pastor
land P resbyterian C hurch —
very Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p
lay School at 9:30 a. in.
R ev J R. H ome , Pastor.
• C hi nch .— Services every Sabbath
i. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday School at
R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor.
ias C hurch .—Services every Sab-
111 a ui. and 7:30 p. ni Sunday
at 10 a. iu. Y. P. 8 C. E. meets
at 0:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wed-
(t 7.30 p m. Everyone invited
II A. D enton , Pastor.
M eh C atholic C hurch .—Services 1st
Sundays of each month, Second
St. Mary’s at Corvallis
, St Patrick’s Church on Muddy.
R ev . T hos B riody , Pastor .
nnville Grange. No. 31, P. of H.,
their hall the first and third Satur-
eacli month at 10 a. m. Visitors
f invited.
J. T. J olly ,
M. E. K uns .
nnville Camp No 128, Woodmen of
rid—Meet first ami Third Mondays
month; visiting brothers cordially
'0 attend Lodge room Third St
JO. R ogers , C. C.
BiDotroRD, Clerk
Post No. 9 meets the second and
Itnrday of each month at O. A. R,
Union block at 7
:30 i>.
p. in.
lit. All
I of the Order.arc cordially
I our meetings
I, S. D owning ,
Post Commander.
liter all notices announc­
er tai nnient a for which an
on fee is charged, all
■y matter after the notice
h has been given as a mat-
ews, all resolutions of con-
a, wedding notices, cards
nks, etc., furnished the
one-Register for publica-
11 be charged for at regu-
jvertlBing rates, 5 and IO
per line.
Local and General.
Earhuff organ is the best at C.
le, cart and harness for sale, En-
t the sheriff's office.
l>s, the tailor, has pulled out. He
a resident of Portland.
Carlin, who has been very sick
te time past, is reported better,
ited—A good milch cow as part
mt on a buggy, hack or bicycle.
e birds and robins have appeared
«cording to signs the weather
. Frank Mitchell of Coe is visit-
>r parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
t> of this city.
l . J. D. Fenton and daughter, of
md, have been visiting in the city
g the past week.
w. Berry, writing from Wilson,
as, does not seem to be greatly
■sseil with the east.
s taxes will be delinquent the 1st
ay. Costs will be added after that,
j. Warren, Sheriff.
iv. Hunsaker has an arm in a
because a cow kicked it. It is se-
ly bruised but not broken.
iss Cora X Young and Miss Myrtle
derson gave a recital at the New-
college Tuesday evening,
protracted meeting will begin at
Christian church next Sunday,
.■ices conducted by the pastor.
he former editor of the North Yam-
Leader once more has control, he
ing purchased the plant last week.
Zhile the son of IL Ungerman was
Ing his father’s horse last Friday
tumbled and fell, breaking its neck.
V. J. Garrison is the proud possessor
1 colt by Oregon. It is a fine one,
; its mother died in giving it birth.
Valter Link returned from Eugene
urday, where he had been visiting a
er that he has not seen for a num-
of years.
i‘. B. Kay and O. P. Coshow went to
lem Saturday, where they attended
stockholders meeting of the Thos.
ay woolen mills.
F. P. Brown, of Glendive, Montana,
id Miss D. F. Dobbins of Newberg
ere married by Justice Rhodes, on
lesday evening.
The lectures at the Christian church
1 Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were very
xxl. They are pleasant talkers and
ic lecture was full of information.
A great public debate on Tariff will
> held Friday night in the Philergian
ciety hall of the college. All parties
i be heard from. Everybody invited.
Karl’s Clever Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the complexion and cures constipa-
tion. 25e, 50c and $1. Sold by How-
orth <t Co.
The examination of Dr. Rowland
was hold before Justice Rhodes Thurs­
day last and he was bound over in the
sum of $300 to await the action of the
grand jury.
The subject of the morning sermon
at the M. E. church next Sunday will
be the “Triumph of a Fixed Purpose in
Life,” and in the evening “Infidelity
and Infidels.’’ All are invited.
Hicks Fenton, M. D., who recently
graduated in Portland, spent Sunday
in this city. He left Tucaday for Spok­
ane where he will practice. He wan
vaiadietariaa of his class, making the
fourth RUCceMiva Yamhill boy who lias
had that honor firom (the medical clasa.
In another column will be found an
advertisement of the Slocum medicine
company, of Oakland, California. Prof.
Slocum is nt present stopping at the
Yamhill hotel, where he can be con­
sulted until Wedneeday noon, April
19. Read the advertisement and if you
are in need of treatment go and con­
sult the professor.
Shiloh's Vitallzer is what you need
for dyspe|>sia. Torpid liver, yellow
skin or kidney trouble. It is guaran­
teed to give you satisfaction. Price 73c
Hold by Ho worth A Co.
The sheriff lias collected some $30,000
as taxc . The state tax will not lie the
first money paid out judging from the
order of the county court to divide the
taxes collected among the different
Persons deairiug hone bills ure re­
quested to call at this office and look at
our stock of horse cuts. It is the larg­
est in the county or on the west side.
If you want samples of our cuts write
aud we will mail them to you.
The Odd Fellows of this district will
celebrate the 74th anniversary of their
order in this city on the 26th. P. P.
Gates, of Lafayette, will lie president of
the day and R L Harris, marshal. The
Rebekahs will give a grand ball in the
evening in the Campbell hall.
Jos. Willis was arrested and liound
over in the sum of $.500 for "being arm­
ed with a dangerous weapon and as­
saulting a person therewith.” The
person assaulted was Mrs. Albert and
the trouble was over a family matter.
Mrs. Albert was severely bruised.
An assessment blank used in Yam­
hill county has been received and duly
mounted in the “rogues’ gallery.” The
county court took bids for printing and
this is what was furnished. It is a
cheap job, though either of the Mc-
Minnvile offices could have made
money out of it had it been known
what style of work was wanted or could
be put off on the county.— HUleboro
Billings & Snodgrass, representing
the Acme Roofing Co., of Chicago, are
in town advertising their new fire,rust,
moss and decay proof composition. Par­
ties having old or leaky roofs, either tin
or shingle, will do well to call on them
at the Hotel Yamhill and gee speci­
mens of their work and obtain prices
per square for the same. For references
enquire of J. E. Brooks. All work
This is to certify that from an inter­
view with Dr. C. W. Lowe, and from
an examination of his diploma, we be­
lieve him to be thoroughly qualified in
his profession, to relieve the various
mechanical defects of eyesight when
the same can be done by the scientific
application of glasses.
D rs . E. E. G ochek ,
8. A. Y oung ,
J. F. G albreath
On occount of delay In some special
work Dr. Lowe is having done iu the
east he will extend his stay till April
21. Eyes tested free. Office witli Dr.
Some of the bloods of the city want
ed beer and cheese after the dance Sat­
urday night and they attempted to get
into the Germania beer hall. The pro­
prietors were in lied and refused to
open when the bloods broke down the
door and entered. Monday the bloods
were engaged in collecting money in
order to settle the matter without an
expose. The boys must have their fun
and all the lecturers and organizations
have but little Influence on the young
man sowing Ills wild oats. People who
rant around and spend all their time
attending to some other persons busi­
ness, would accomplish more good to
stay nt home and teach their children
the straight and narrow path. If more
care was taken of the children there
would be less necessity for the W. C.
T. U. and kindred organizations.
Young men who stay out nights will
probably go home early if requested to
do so by their mothers.
Thr 1 amhlll Uank II. Door. Tu.a-
<lay. Not Much Lu»a if Any.
The North Yamhill Bank ^closed its
doors Tuesday owing to its Inability to
meet demands made upon it by the
Merchants' National bank of Portland.
Several checks on the bank were given
to the sheriff of this county in payment
of taxes and they were cashed by the
McMinnville National bauk of this
city and were forwarded to the Mer­
chants’ National for collection. The
cheeks were sent to the Yamhill bank
and either because of the lack of funds
or the sickness of Mr. Martine were not
paid. This brought matters to a focus,
as the institution was not of a very sol­
id nature and the Commercial National
settled a large overdraft account by
taking a mortgage on the bank proper­
ty. Ho far all demands have been paid
and as near as we can learn there will
lie but little less if any to the deposi­
tors. .Some $1700 was deposited on Sat­
urday last and we are informed that
these depositors have received their
money in full.
Mr. Martine was doing business on a
capital of $2000 and the deposits of the
people. Everyone was aware of this
fact but having confidence iu the man
they deposited their money and from
tlie present appearance of the matter
their opinion was not wrong. Mr.
Marline is, or was, a resident of Kan­
sas city, where be lias held several re­
sponsible positions.
Improvement in ‘Binders.
Knapp, Burrell & Co, have just re­
ceived a carload of the celebrated Deer­
ing binders. Tills machine lias many
improvements not heretofore used, one
of which is tlie jointed platform. By
the removal of two small bolts, that the
farmer can carry in his vest pocket or
in tlie tool box, the platform can be
telescoped to less than half of its work­
ing width and tills can be accomplish­
ed in five minutes by one man unaid­
ed. This patented device is owned aud
controlled by Wm. Deering & Co., and
the Deering binder is the only one us­
ing it. Trucks for moving the binder
are no longer necessary, as when tele­
scope«}, the Deering machine will pass
through any ordinary farm gate and
travel any wagon road. Farmers, do
not fall to see this binder and carefully
examine this and other exclusive feat­
ures before buying. We also invite
your attention to the new Buffalo l’itts
thresher on exhibition at our storeroom.
E. N. F ord , Manager.
Card or Thanks.
To the many friends Who soklndly
assisted in the sickness and burial of
the late G. W. Goucher, and to those
who sent Howers tlie relatives wish to
extend their thanks. Words fail to
express the thanks thaUare felt and if
the future gives tlie opportunity to ex­
press in deeds what is felt the service
will lie extended.
D r . E. E. G oucher .
Notice to Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given that the tax
roll of Yamhill county, state of Oregon
for tlie-year 1892, is now in my hands
for oollœtlon. That part of the state
law, which heretofore required the
sheriff to visit thé precincts for the pur­
pose of receiving taxes, has been re-
jiealed. And all taxes on this roll will
be collected nt my office in the court
To Whom it May Concern.
house, in McMinnville, Oregon.
North Yamhill, Or., April 9, 1893.
W. L. W arren ,
This is to certify that I, Wilson Reed
Sheriff of Yamhill Co., Or.
have been afflicted with tape worm for
Dated tills 23d day of March, 1893.
a number of years and having lieen
treated by different doctors and never BUYERS* AND BUSINESS DIRECTOR.
got any relief, until meeting with Pro­
Hats given away at Kay & Todd’s.
fessor L. M. Slocum^ Within one and
Read their add and go get one.
a half hours after taking his medicine
Call on Rhodes & Rhodes for bargains
was relieved of a thirty foot worm,
head and all complete, without any in­ in real estate. They will show you
convenience or loss of a meal. I will property and give prices with tlie best
gladly correspondjwlth any one regard­ terms.
The butcher shop of J. R. Booth
ing the matter.
W ilson R eeii ,
is at all times supplied with the best of
Fairdale, Yamhill Co. Or.
meats. Game and fish in season, rec­
Officers Elected.
Baled timothy hay for sale at $14 per
The annual election of the Y. W. C. ton by J. Wisecarver. Good quality,
T. U. was held at their headquarters call and examine.
Monday evening and the following of­
Any kind of wood in any quantity
ficers were elected for the ensuing year: can be purchased of Kay & Todd.
Pres,, Mrs. H. A. Denton; 1st vice pres.
When your $200 watch needs repair­
Mrs. Coshow; 2d vice, Eva L. Hoberg;
ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds
3d vice, Miss Etta L Palmer; 4th vice,
of jewelry repaired.
Mrs. Rosa Clark; 5th vice, Mrs. Jennie
S. Howorth & Co. at the McMinn­
Purvine; Cor. Sec., Miss Edith Hogg;
Rec. Sec., Eva L. Hoberg; Treas., Miss ville pharmacy are closing out their
EvafMartin. The following delegates stock of paints and oils at cost. Cal)
were elected to attend the state W. C. and investigate.
J. P. Irvine gives moie sugar for $1
T. U. at Astoria, May 10,11 and 12:
Miss Eva Martin, Mrs. Purvine and than any grocery house in the city.
Mrs. Wolfenden. Adjourned to meet
Call and see Wade & Co'.s stock of
Monday evening, April 24.
bicycles; high grade and reasonable.
City Taxpayers Notice.
Farmers buy your groceries of J. P.
Notice is hereby given to the tax­ Irvine if you want to save your money.
Rhodes & Rhodes have money to
payers of the city of McMinnville, Ore­
gon, that the assessment roll of said loan on improved farm property.
city for the year 1893 has been placed
When you want prices on lumber get
in my bands, and that the same will them of A. S. Briggs as be will save
remain in my hands for the period of you money. Any quantity and quality.
30 days from this date. During which Office with Jas. Fletcher.
time I will be in my office at the Mc­
Rhodes & Rhodes are sole agents for
Minnville National bank in said city, the sale of lets in Willis addition.
between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p
G. 8. Wright, dentist, McMinnville,
to receive and receipt for taxes.
Dated this 6th day of April, 1893.
If you want your property Insured in
J. W. C owls ,
Treasurer of the City of McMinnville a standard company, Rhodes A Rhodes
will be pleased to write you.
Marriage Licence».
Dry oak wood delivered at $3.00 per
cord. Leave orders at J. R. Booth’s
The clerk has issued license to wed to
the following persons during the past
J. P. Irvine pays spot cash for all his
| (April 5—Mrs Mary Sax, aged 53; groceries, therefore can sell for less than
those who have to buy on credit.
John Grant, aged 38.
Remember that you can get your 5
April 8—Estella Mellinger, aged 18;
gallon oil jackets filled at J. P. Irvines
Frank E. Berry, aged 23.
April 11—D F Dobbins; aged 24; F B for even $1 with -Set discount for cash.
J. P. Irvine wants 500 good 30 day
Brown, aged 24.
customers. We have more bookkeepers
Bine-Jays’ E rr . Waatml
than money.
For 10 cents apiece. Other kinds want­
Baled timothy hay for sale at $12 per
ed. Send stamp for price list and par­
ton. For further particulars see M.
A rthur L. P ope ,
Morgan or John Evenden.
McMinnville, Or.
A full line of musical instruments at
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pill».
C. Grissen's.
Art on n new principle—regulating
J. P. Irvine has a few.more 5 gallon
the liver, stomach and bowels through kegs of syrup at $1.50.
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr.
Miles’ Pills speedily cure biliousness,
Don’t forget, if you have any cash,
bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa­ that J. P. Irvine is still in the lead
tion. Unequaled for men, women, and
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 when it comes to low prices.
doses, 25 cents. Samples free at Rogers
Parties wishing to borrow money on
improved farm security will find it to
Ariato! Arista!
their advantage to call on W. T. Vin­
Go to Montee’s and get your photo­ ton at office of Irvine and Cosbow.
A. F Fields will plow your garden
graphs taken; the finest In the city
You will always find us ready to please in good shape at a reasonable price.
our customers. McMinnville. Oregon. Drop a card in the postoffice
G oucheh —At his residence in Amity,
Road |ietltioi> of R L Harris; assessors
on Saturday, April 8,1MKI,Dr. George of damage reported no damage; declar­
Wilson < ¡oucher, of lung trouble,aged ed a public highway; clerk ordered to
72 years. Funeral held from M. E. notify superintendent Dist 6 to open
church on Sunday, Rev. Jos. Hoberg same.
Supervisor ef Dist No 8 allowed a
officiating. Service at tlie grave by
the Masonic fraternity,
The rate of toll ou Nestucca road
Dr. Goucher wus one of the best
known men in the county, having from Hanchetto place to Dolph
practiced medicine in the county since fixed as follows; Hliaep and swine, 1
1864. He was born in West Virgin}« cent each; two wheeled vehicles, 10
on the 26th of August, 1820, where lie cents; four ‘wheeled vehicle, 20 cents;
resided until he reached early man­ horseman, 5 cents; liaise stock, other
hood. For nine years he practiced his than swine aud sheep, 2 ceuts each.
The contract for furnishing the coun­
profession in the southern states, the
greater portion of the time being spent ty lumber was awarded to Brower Bros
in Louisiana. When the Mexican war lumber to be used in districts 1, 2 and
broke out lie enlisted un«l served 3 at the rate of $8.20 per thousand, to
through it, lieing in several bard en­ be delivered ip wagon load lots. To
gagements. In 1849 he embarked for Dorrance Bros for Dist No 9 at the rate
California from New Orleans,anti when of $9 per thousand.
the company of which he was a part
The application of commander of
reached Panama it was found that Kirkpatrick post No 38 for relief was
there was no way in which they could ordered continued for explanation from
proceed to California. The party pur­ relief committee of said post.
chased a Spanish brig and owing to
Commissioner Henderson ordered to
certain laws then in effect it was found investigate the claim of Geo Fresliaur
that she could not be sailed as an Amer­ for aid.
ican vessel, as she was not provided
Deed of land for county road donated
with a keel. This difficulty wus sur­ by Darling Smith and others was ac­
mounted by beaching her and spiking cepted.
on a 4x4 keel. The purty then naviga­
Report of Hup Dist No 1 approved to
ted the vessel to Acapulco, being out 40 March 8, 1893.
days and they suffered greatly for wa­
Report of Sup Dist No 2 approve«! to
ter. Here a portion of them went Jan, 1893.
ashore and walked from there to the
Report of Sup Dist No 5 approved to
gold fields; the others, navigated the Jan 30, 1893.
vessel to the Golden Gate. After the
Clerk ordered to advertise for sealed
usual vicissitudes of the early California bids for the construction of a bridge
pioneer tlie doctor removed to Oregon across the Nortli Yamhill river at Coles
in 1864 uu«l settled in the Chehalem place.
valley in tills county. He has been a
The county treasurer instructed to
resident of tills state and county since. apportion the funds in his hands in ac-
He was ordained a preacher of tlie M. «.■ordanee with »he levy for the year 1892
E. Church south, and for a time was in and to call in outstanding warrants for
charge of what was then know'll as the payment as fast as funds are received
Dallas cireuit. This was not congenial for the payment of same.
to him and he settled down to the
Supervisor of road Dist No 9 ordered
practice of medicine which he lias fol­ to purchase two road scrapers for use in
lowed since without a break. Three his district.
children and his fourtli wife survive
Time for collecting taxes extended to
him. The children are Dr. E. E. May 1st, at which date all unpaid taxes
Goucher, of this city; Mrs. Nora Spring­ will become delinquent and sheriff
er, of Prineville, and Mrs. Lila Muddox ordered to return the roll.
of Portland. One brother is still alive
T D Henderson appointed supervisor
and is a resident of California.
j'oad Dist No 14 consisting of all that
A Wonderful Englne--Canuot be Sur­ part of Baker creek and North Mc­
Minnville precincts not included in the
city of McMinnville.
J W Jones appointed supervisor of
An engine exerting surpassing pow­
er it always a source of wonder, and Dist No 15, consisting of all that part of
yet how many are entirely forgetful of Fairlawn and South McMinnville pre­
the existence within themselves of an
engine more powerful and enduring cincts, not included in the city of Mc­
than any ever invented. Not perhaps Minnville and all roads on the bound­
until they have experienced irregular ary between 14 and 15.
pulse, heart fluttering, tenderness in
The city of McMinnville shall consti­
shoulder and arm, swollen ankles,
asthmatic breathing, weak and hun­ tute the Kith district.
gry spells, smothering, short breath or
Road districts 1 to 15 be allowed $333
pain in side, when its existence is no each. This to be the first apportion­
longer to be denied, as the possessor
must know lie has heart disease. Mrs. ment; no apportionment for district No
LeBar, Fitchburg, Midi., had heart 16.
disease fifteen years; had to hire house
Tlie North Yamhill Leader and Am­
help; lived on liquid food, used Dr. ity Popgun are designated as the offi­
Mlles’ Heart Cure and all symptoms
left her. Continued use cure«! her. cial papers of Yamhill county.
Sheriff allowed stamps to the amount
Sold by Rogers Bros, on a guarantee,
who will give you a doctor's book free. of $5; clerk stamps to the amount of
$1.50; recorder stamps to tlie amount of
No. s items .
Next Sunday is tlie election of offi­ W L Warren's fees late session
cers of our union Sunday school and
circuit court................................ $534.30
everyone in tills neighborhood should E«1 Hendrick’s fees...................... 363.20
I*’ M York, assessors fees............. 61.50
Mr. Ward Wiseearver, who lias been Patton Bros, 270 ft lumber.........
in Portland for tlie last six months, W F Coulter, 25 lbs spikes.........
1 00
has returned home, having finished a Lydia O Ross, witness fees.........
thorough course in the Portland busi­ Mamie A Ross
ness college. Ward is a great fisher­ Lena M Ross
2 50
man and will no doubt take great de­ Elizabeth P Ross “
2 50
light in catching some of the fine ones, B F Rhodes, justice fees in Butts
especially the Minnies.
We are delighted to learn that Mr. In Davis case.................................
Tommie Henderson has been appointed I M Collard
janitor for March...................... 12 00
read supervisor of our district. The
4 00
extra work.................................
county court has shown good judge­
janitor for circuit court........... 10 00
mentin selecting Mr. Henderson, as he
3 00
is a rustler and there should be no dan­ No reason given for deduction .
Allowed...................................... 23 00
ger of any arms being thrown out of
place while our young folks are taking R W McCall, 6 days work wittli
team............................................. 12 00
their evening drives.
Mr. Joseph Funk has purchased J J Johnson, 6 days work with
some very fine chickens. Since prize
fighting is going out of date Joe is go­ St Vincents Hospital
ing to introduce the manly art among 106 days board and medicine for
Christian Strohm.................... 106 00
the banties. He thinks by introducing
the art among the chickens there can F M York, copy of assessment
roll aud plats of school dist... 64 50
be no cry of fowl.
J C Pennington, treasurers sal
50 00
There was a pleasant gathering of
U S Booth, freight........................
young folks at Fred Hibbs' last Friday
City of McMinnville, water and
evening and all who attended seemed
lights........................................... 19 80
well pleased.
GF Earhart, 4000 poles............. 20 00
Mr. John Lockard has been absent J B Long, 4000 assessment slips
from Sunday school for the last two
and 300 reireipts........................ 12 00
Sundays on account of illness. His Chas H Dodd, 1 road scraper... 10 75
troubles seem to be like Job's afflictions. Knapp, Burrell & Co,
Mrs. Jerome Derby has been quite ill 1-12 inch Grub breaker plow
23 00
for the past few days but is up and J.
27 00
around again.
50 00
Mr. Newt Wisecarver has been mak­
ing some improvements on his father's R M Wade & Co,
11 00
farm in the way of fencing. Newt is 1 stove........................................
going into the hog business and ills Stovepipe and damper................
motto is whole hog or none. He is gp- Setting and moving Btove.........
ing to put his bottom in clover and C Grissen
when his hogsTatten he will rejoice all Bottle ink......................................
Box pens........................................
1 qt Ink.................................
1 10
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
2 doz pencils.................................
1 00
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Pocket memo for Galloway.......
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, 8 boxes comb, pens......................
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ 1 R. Legal cap...........................
3 00
tions. and positively cures Pil«w or no 6 pt bottle ink...............................
2 75
pay required. It is guaranteed to give 1 gross rub. bands. .
1 35
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale 1 box “
1 R. typewriter paper..................
by Rogers Bros.
1 75
1J doz pencils...............................
1 10
School Report.
100 indictment blanks...............
Following is the report of the Gepher Ink, penholders, pens, etc .......
valley school, Dist. No. 36, for the
month ending March 24, 1893:
23 25
No. boys enrolled 5; number girls en­ Jacob Wortman, 6 shade trees
1 50
rolled 21; total number 27; number cases J H Henderson, coal oil and
tardiness, one; roll of honor, Flora Pot­
lamp chimney...........................
B lanche M iller ,
Chas H Ifodd
1 12 inch W 8 road plow............. 15 75
The following are the names of pu­ 2 road scrapers and cartage
19 75
■ —- ■
pils in district 57 who are on the roll of
honor for month of school which closed
Harding A Heath
ed April 7, 1893:
Fannie, Marion and Edward Taylor, Publication bids for w«xxl wanted . 400
4 50
Graeie, Fanny and Frank Newell, Lil­ 100 envelopes for clerk
lie, Iva, Carrie and Bryant Sapping­ Claims published March
Claims published prior to Feb 1
10 25
field, Verna and Worthey I^ady.
M innie P otter ,
A Little Girl's Experience in a Lighthouse
J J Henderson
1 days work on bridge
30 lbs spikes...................................
One team 1 day.................. ........
One day ex. gravel bar, etc .......
posters for Dr. Minty ................
4 days April term..........................
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are the
keepers of the government lighthouse
at Sand Beach, Mich., and are blest
with a daughter, four years old. I^ast
April she was taken down with mea­
sles, followed with a dreadful cough
and turning into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated her, but in
vain; she grew worse rapidly, until she
was a mere “handful of bones.”—Then
she tried Dr. King's New Discovery Thos W Perry
and after the use oftwo and a half bot­
tles, was completely cured. They say 4 days April term
Dr. King's New Discover)- is worth its Milage .........................................
weight in gold, yet you can get a trial
bottle free at Rogers Bro«, drugstore. 6
John Martin, assistance to Mrs.
Win Galloway
Judges salary.
Stamped envelopes
10 00
wm from tor Moonm
«0 67
10 90
76 67
H Gee, work ou road
11 00
I) A Wallace, 2 days rd work
3 00
H A Young, ex. Insane
5 00
Road commissioners fees
2 00
Grant Allen.................................
Beu Sparks
2 00
W It Brown, sliar|ieuing road
4 00
TA White, meals........................
6 25
Wm Gunning, two days with
team, taking indigent to Waldo
Hills............................................. 5 00
A B Cockerham, rent for voting
rooms for June and November
6 75
3 25
A B Cockerham, rent June and
Novetriber elections................. 10 00
1 75
J B Stilwell
50 00
1 teachers institute......................
3 00
Postage .........................................
3 00
Cotuee the Lumber manufuctured at JONES & ADAMS’ mill.
It ia the Pt»er of any Lumber nohl in the McMinnville market.
Han beeu formulated and it ia now the cheapest lumber on the
market all qualities considered. All sizes, kinds and grades
can be found at the yards in this city at any time of the year.
Its life is longer, it is stronger and is a thing of beauty while
the product of other mills is warped and ready to be renewed.
If you want to build a’ liouse at no immediate cost,(call and see
uh . We will make you a proposition. Thi« proposition is
liased upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­
hill County we are buildiug up Sones & Adams.
A Complete Stock of Paints. Oils, Builders’ Hardware
T W Smith, 41 days road work
Is now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the
people of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by
us are requested to call and get our prices before purchasing.
We will guarantee to save them money.
$56 00
7 87
Hows Till«!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any euse of C’atarrli that cannot be cured
by Hall’s Catarrli Cure
F. J. C hcniy 4 Co. Props,.Toledo. O.
We the undersighed, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, wholesale druggists,Toledo,
Walding, Kinnan it Marvin, wholesale
druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrli cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood anil mucus
surfaces of the system. Price 75c per hot.
tie. Sold by all druggists; Testimonials free.
We are in Business and mean Business.
Third Street, McMinnville, Oregou.
Interesting Paragraphs from our County
[Amity Popgun, April 7.]
8. T. Likens and wife are the happy
parents of a bouncing boy, who came
to live with them last Monday.
John Walling has sold a half interest
in the livery stock to T. E. White.
They will conduct affairs in the new
barn as soon as it is completed, under
the firm name of White & Walling.
Two cases of scarlet fever appeared
in this city ou Tuesday, the afflicted
ones being Miss Stilwell, the assistant
teacher, and Elsie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. T. Jeffries. As yet no new cases
have appeared and no serious results
are feared,
[Lafayette Ledger, April 7.]
The taxyayers of this county ought
to get together and serve an injunction
on the county to keep them from col­
lecting the present high taxes. This is
an unusually hard year to get money,
and with the unreasonable high taxes
staring tlie people of this county in the
face, it is a hard dose, and will work a
hardship on many farmers in this
county, who have no direct income but
what they get off their farms by the
sweat of their brow. We are informed
Tom Perry, of North Yamhill, wanted
to have the tax levy put up to 30 mills
on the dollar.
There is every indication to believe
that the narrow gauge road will be
widened out to a standard gauge dur­
ing this season. The company is now
at work putting in a standard bridge
south of Monmouth.
The Yamhill river was on the ‘boom’
this week. The river was higher at
this place thia week than it has been
at any time this winter.
fSheridan Sun. April 7.1
Frank Tatom and Geo. Berry will
set out several acres of hops near Ball­
ston this spring.
Amity couples should not do quite so
much public hugging on Sheridan
The bottom , lands of Yambill and
Polk counties will soon be one vast hop
8. L. Hyde, Sheridan,s ouly trapper,
came into town Tuesday afternoon lug­
ging a big otter—the second he has
caught this winter. These animals are
very shy, but it pays to trap them.
They are quoted all the way from $7.50
to $10 in the New York fur market.
An otter can whip a dog with ease, and
is very vicious when caught. The ani­
mal caught by Mr. Hyde had been in
the trap since Saturday. Its teeth
were broken in trying to get away
from the cruel jaws of the trap. The
catch was made about 1} miles from
Sheridan on the Yamhill river.
[Dayton Herald April 6 ]
Some of the quiet eittzens of Lafay­
ette woke up ;long enough to know
that they bad no marshal. Not they
need one, only to be in fashion. When
officer Hamilton of Dayton, called on
them and arrested their marshal or
the charge of destroying property, it
created some excitement. On a hear­
ing before Judge Baxter the prisoner
was fined $10 and costs.
Messrs. R. L. Harris and E. B. Col­
lard have been elected by Yamhill
Lodge No. 20, I. O. O. F., representa­
tives to the Grand Lodge which meets
at Eugene in May.
[Tillamook Headlight Apr. 6.]
James Wilson and two of the Hoxies
recently killed twenty-two sea lions on
the rocks at Netarts.
The physician in charge of Dr. Pat-
chen's case sayB the patient is doing
finely, the paralysis abating in a mark­
ed degree, and all the symptoms as
sumlng as favorable an aspect as could
reasonably be expected.
Mrs. Frank Bertenek, of Cape Mears
died Monday morning in giving birth
to twins. At last actxiunts the mother­
less babes are yet living. It is stated
$19 00 that the family is in a state of ex-
essities of life in that remote and deso­
600 late location.
O. N. Prather, of Cornelius, Or. with
250 E. M. Pizer as witness, filed a mining
3 00 claim yesterday on the gold-bearing
1 50 ledge known as tlie Alder Lode, situ­
12 00 ated in the Wilson river mining dis­
1 80 trict.
Stephen D. Bester was drowned in
$27 70
Wilson river Tuesday evening while
engaged in boating hay acroestbe river.
12 00
A son wa« nearly drnwnetl at the «ame
2 40
$14 40 Dr Mlle«' 3rw Heart Care u brigglet*.
I McMinnville, Oregon. I
The finest line of
Bedrock prices! Buy for Cash! Sell for Cash! Light
Expenses! No bad accounts to lose! No Bookkeeper to
pay! I can and will sell you goods
Is the best bred horse in the State of Oregon; of fine
form and finish and remarkable intelligence and kind
disposition. He is an unusually sure foal getter, and
his colts are all large and speedy.
t Abdallah, 1.
'Hambletonian 10(Rys-
dike’s) sire of 41 2: 30 (Chas Kent mare,
'Bona Fide, 720, sire«
of Humbeat, 2:28,
and Daniel Boone,
sire of Echo 2:27|; ^Kate, dam of Breeze,
2:24; Bruno, 2:29$ a
Nelly M 2:28^ and
Young Bruno 2:22J
Susie Owens 2:26.
Hambletonian, 10.
'Volunteer, 55 sire of St.
Julian 2:lliand 26oth­
ers in 2:30 or better.
Lady Patriot, by Young Pa-
riot out ofTæwi« Hulse mare
Madge. 8
(Abdallah, 15.
FKate Darling, by Sherman Mor­
gan, founder of the great Mor.
gan family.
ADIRONDACK will make the season of 1893 as fol­
lows: Saturdays and Mondays, McMinnville; Tues-
, days and Wednesdays. North Yamhill; Thursdays and
' Fridays. Sheridan.
Best Local Paper in Yamhill.