The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, April 13, 1893, Image 1

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    Look at the Map.
; at tlie Map.
McMinnville, Yamhill County.
Here is tlie County sent. Here is
published THE TELEPHONE-
REGISTER, Monarch of home
newspapers, accorded first place
in all tlie Directories.
ute of Oregon, YitniliiII County,
ere you will timi the most pro­
active section in tlie World,
and la cheap, offering special in-
uceinents to fruit raisers and
Look at the Map.
Look at the Map
Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County.
M c M innville , O regon , T hursday ,
Li’gÄSLi’KÄi’a Consolidated Feb. 1,1889.
M c M innville
LTER & WRfcHT, Proprietors
1» of all description» moved nnd care-
ndling guaranteed. Collections wilt
□de monthly Hauling of all kinds
fating sort on my tongue. 1 was
treated by best local fhysicians^
I ut obtained no rclicj; the sore
gradually grew worse. I finally
5. .S’., and was entirely
cured after using a few bottles!1
C. B. M c L emore ,
Henderson^ Tex.
O regon .
renovating tht
entire eystem, eliminating
all Poisons from the IIload,
whether of scrofulous or
malarial origin, this prep­
aratian has no eaual. . .
1». BAKER,
on Blood and Sldn
Diseases mailed free.
T he S wift S pkcific C o .,
ffice Upstair» in the Garrison Building.
Atlanta, Ga.
Office, Rooms 1 and 2 Uuion Block.
Kcialty of surgery and diseases of women
U nion B lock
M c M innville . O b .
Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks,
Sick Headache and Coaatlpation. 40 in
each bottle. Price 26c. For sale by
Picture “7,17, 70” and sample dose free.
J. r. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK.
, '88.
and Jeweler.
____ _
Better In All Kinds ol Watches, Jewelry. Pleted Were
Clock» »nd Spectacles. MCMINNVILLE. OR.
Gates & Henry, Props.
An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC.
Sold by Druggists or sent l>y mail. 25c., 50c.,
and $1.00 per package. Sample? free.
MA The Favorite TOOTS PO Will
JkW H.V for the Teeth and Breath. 25c.
Livery, Feed and Sale !
Everything New
And Firstclass.
’’My weight wiu
F v lb«., now It It 1W< ibt., »
duction ot 152 lb«.. and 1 feel to much better that I would not take
|1,000 and be put back where I was. I am both surprised and proud
of the change. I recommend your treatment t-> nil sufferer« from
obesity. Will answer all inquiries if stamp is inclo»ed for reply.”
and with n» starving, inconvenience, or bad effects.
Special Accommodations for Commercial For Harmless,
particulars address, with 6 cents in stamps,
si. o. w. r. ssrott. r«icurs trestei . cnicsso . ill
Corner Second and E Streets, one block
from Cooks hotel. .
The Sower
McMinnville, Oregon,
Paid up Capital, $50,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business,
Deposits Received Subject to Check
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­
fer» on New York. San Francisco and Port­
Collections made on all accessible points.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m.
Haa no recon d chance. The
first supplies his needs — If lie
takes lu? wise precaution of
Ferry’s Seed^J
Ferry’s f eud Annual« for
contains all the latest and best ’
Information about Gardens and
_ Gardening, it is a recognized
authority. Every planter should,
have it. Kent free on request.
!». M. FERRY «fc CO.. Detroit. Mich.
Farm for Sale
Two miles north of McMinnville, a farm
of <15 acres, all in good cultivation and good
house and barn ; all kinds of fruit; 30 acres
in graiiix-a bargain if sold soon. Address:
L. H. D owning ,
McMinnville, or at the farm
Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster­
ics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness,
Hypochondria, Melancholia, In*
cbrity, Sleeplessness, Diz*
Speaking of patent medicines, tlie
judge aays: “I wish to deal fairly
ziness, Brain and Spi­
and honorably with all. and when
nal Weakness.
I find an article that will do what
it is recommended to do, I am not
ashamed to say so. I am acquaint­
ed with Dr. Vanderpool (having
bee'll treated by him for cancer),
and have used his blood inodicine,
known as the S. B. Headache and
Liver cure, and while I am seven­
ty-five years old, and have used
many pills and other remedies for
the blood, liver and kidneys, I
must say that fora kidney tonic in
Bright's disease, as an alterative
for the blood, or to correct the ac­
tion of the stomach and bowels it
is a very superior remedy, and
beats anything I ever tried.
This medicine Jias direct action upon
the nerve centers, allaying all irritabili­
ties, and increasing the flow and power
of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless
and leaves no effects.
A Valuable Book on Nervou«
LULL Diseases sent free to any address,
r K r r and poor patients can also obtain
I ||LLi this medicine free of etiargo.
This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend
Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wr.yue, J nd., since 1876. and
1«now prepared under his direction by the
KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, lit
Sold by Druggrista at t?l per Bottle. 6 for ®5»
Larze Size. 3M*"”*
for NMh
Scientific American
Agency for
J. B NELSON. Yakima. Wash,
At 50 cents a Bottle, it is the poor man’s
friend and family doctor.
Sold by Rogers Brothers.
trade marks ,
For Information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America,
livery patent taken out by us is brought before
the publio by a notice given free of charge la the
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, 9.3.00 a
Kir: $1.50 six months. Address JllNN A CO„
bumherb , 361 Broadway, New York City.
S hi L ohs
has cured thousand».and will erna vov if
taken in time. Sold by Dniegista on a guar­
antee. For a Lame Il»k or Chest, use
edy l»»nmnin-
Injector free.
•. T VIR
J BIZ iflMBtHfntf A«r«i. a <>f
w a
A MHI. uur «uthvrtB^l aceau»
VOL. V. NO. 11
business he transacts is mostly of a se­ provided that clerks shall give to the The messengers, when not otherwise
cret nature. He may know long in substitute a certain portion of the pay, employed, made the pens out of goose
advance whom the president has chos­ usually amounting to about 56 per cent. quills. Readymade envelopes were a
TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND HOLD en fora cabinet officer, or what war­ ■By thus hiring a substitute, a clerk novelty, and letter presses for copying
ship are about to be sent to threaten might retain bis place in the service of had only just been invented.
the cities of a foreign nation. If he the government for ten years, though
Himself blind, paralyzed anil confined
Million» are Willing to Take Their To- tells anybody and the information gets
out his indiscretion may have upset a to ills bed. In all cases of sickness a
•ItloM aipl 1’ny— K»eu their Marriage»
policy and disarranged a comi>lete se­ physician’s certificate is required. Not
Keguiated by Department Rule».
ries of moves which Uncle Sam is try­ long ago the treasury department made
ing to carry out. Happily betrayals of a rule to the effect that such certificate
The recent attempt by the house of secrets by government clerks have must always state the nature of the
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
representatives, dfeated in tlie senate, been very rare.
complaint. But the local medical so­ Th© Mad Scheme of a Trio of Virginian« to
in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard.
to lengthen the working hou ra and cut
Though one-half the applicants for ciety resolved ill formal council that Wreak Vengeance on a Whole Division
down the vacations of the employees place in tlie department are women such a tiling was out of the question,
of Northern Cavalrymen—All Three are
in tlie department, was inspired by a only one person of the gentler sex Is and so that regulation fell to the
meet the great army of Htoneiuan with
Burled Together, Not Far From Floyd as little fear as did old David to battle
sentiment which 1» widespread in the api>olnted for every seven men. There ground.
True to the Dream» of hl. Youth, he
west. All over that part of the coun­ is a prejudice against female clerks for
with the mighty hosts of the Philis­
Muny clerks are perpetually haunted Court House.
Spends hl. Last Dollar In a Social Way.
try the farmers, while deriding the several reasons. Nevertheless some of­ by a dread lest they are watched by de­
tines. When within a stone’s throw of
army and navy, most especially do ob» ficials have discovered that they oss tectives of the secret service. This sort
In a swampy country grave yard five the front of the oolumn they entered a
He had the twinkling eye of youth,
jurgate the clerks at Washington. often get a woman for $900 a year vyjao «(.thing is sometimes done but only miles from Floyd court bouse, Virginia field thickly grown with bushes. The but bis hair ¡was gray and the hand
They imagine that these servants of is more capable than a $1200 man. Be­ rarely and on request of u superior of­ are buried William Bordunlx, John march of the three men was watched that held his glass as he stood before
Uncle Sam are so many luxurious fore the war the employment of women ficial who suspects that something is McMaster« »nd Owen Lewis, on the with interest by the inhabitants of the the bar shook as though he had the pal-
idlers, fattening at the public trough. as clerks lay tlie government was al­ wrong. If a man who occupies a re­ spot where Union bullets laid them town, who had turned out in full force There was an obvious effort to appear
Tt was they who struck this blow at most unknown, though they some­ sponsible position gets to drinking and low. Their graves have sunk and are to see the army pass. They had no to be one of the boys, a “good fellow’’
them through congress. Very likely times got copying to do at home. Tlie playing the races it may lie thought almost concealed by rank eallmos idea the boasts of the men were more to the last. He had Iteen quite a plung­
tlie attempt will be repeated. The best first woman regularly employed was worth while to have him shadowed for weeds. Cut on the face of one of the than idle threats. After entering the er in Itis time, but now, to look at him,
thing for the officeholders to dd is to put on the rolls of the navy department awhile, with u view to finding out headstones which have almost fallen field Rordunix halted ills men and after an absence of fifteen years from
form n union for defensive purposes. thirty-five years ago. She was a young what liis habits are. if a government over the neglected graves,says the Phil­ greatly to the amusement of the federal his native town, he appeared like a
There are 23,099 of them here, and widow. It was u grave question wluit employee is dissipated Ills boarding­ adelphia Prrxx, Is the following inscrip­ troops put them through drill. They man who had run the race too swift and
their combined influence would be suf­ should be done with her, and it was house keeper, his washerwoman and tion:
were greeted with good natured eries was about to fall over in the last quar­
ficient to defeat any bill which might thought best to isolate iter, as she were tradesmen are apt to suffer, and they
“William Bordunlx, born January from the soldiers, giving the rebel war ter. At one time money had flowed
affect their interests injuriously.
cry of "Yip, yip, yah!’’ Finally Bor- like water, and he was thought to bo
contagious. An attic room was given do not hesitate to address complaints 16, 1840. Died May 24, 1865.”
An act of congress making such a her and she received and returned iter to tlie department. If such appeals
The two others had similar inscrip­ dunix gave the order to alm and then one of the best hearted fellows in the
change as was proposed would lie an copying by u messenger. Today there come in so frequently as to be annoy­ tion.
to fire, at the same time suiting the ac­ world. His coat was threadbare, but
absurdity, because any secretary can are KAKI women in the treasury alone. ing an investigation may follow.
In that isolated mountainous coun­ tion to the word. The amazement of be held his head up and talked in a
by a simple order increase the working They and others in different depart­ Oddly enough, the clerk who misbe­ try, forty miles from the nearest rail­ the Unionists can be imagined when reminiscent mood, recalling the times
hours of the clerks to any extent which ments are efficient as accountants, cor­ haves in such a way is usually not a road, their names are famous. They two ¡of their number fell seriously of old. Did they remember when he
ho thinks desirable. He is an auto­ respondents, linguists, draughtsmen, new man, but an old hand who feels were the last men slain in tlie war of wounded. Before they had fully recov­ had spent $700 in one night? Ah,
crat, even controlling matrimony typesetters, etc.
ered from their surprise another volley when he was in ¡Detroit there was a
the rebellion.
sure of his place.
among his subordinates. No two em­
Forty-three clays after the surrender was fired, wounding others, The three lively crowd. Money came fast and it
Not a few clerks are always panicky
In 1861 the coined money belonging
ployees of the treasury can become hus­ to the government gave out and con­ lest they are being followed by detec­ of Lee they gave their lives on the altar men hastily retreated. The town was went fast, but there was always more
band and wife and both retain tbeir gress authorized the issue of legal ten­ tives. If a money counter in the treas­ of the dead confederacy. Nor Is It the searched, but they were not found, as forthcoming. But those times were
places. As a penalty for mating the der notes payable in gold. These were ury gets a glass of beer i n a saloon lie fact that they were the last men killed they had gone farther down the road. nothing to the days in the Windy City
woman must resign or be discharged, the original “greenbacks.” They came imagines that the man who picks his in the rebellion that has made their The army moved forward and one mile where he had been ever since.
because it is held that one family ought in sheets from the bank note compan­ teetli on the other side of tHe screen in names famous In that community. His­ from town was again fired upon, this
Then the crowd jollied the old fellow
not draw two incomes from the govern­ ies, with blank spaces for tlie signa­ the doorway is lurking thereto watcli tory does not record the battle in time front ambush. The order was along, and he swelled with pride as he
ment. John Sherman first made this tures of tlie register and the treasurer. the motions of his elbow. If the which they were killed. The engage­ given to capture them alive, and they stood there and heard them recall
rule. One day he summoned a pretty It was necessary to cut them apart young lady who helps hash the worn- ment took place May 23, 1865, or forty- were charged by at least 600 men, but memories of his greatness as a rounder.
clerk and said to her:
with scissors and triin the edges, no out bills in the redemption division in­ three days after the closo of the great were not taken as they knew the coun­ The aged sinner chuckled and his eyes
“You are employed in the treasury machine having ns yet been invented dulges in a flirtation nt an evening conflict. It was a most daring attack try well.
sparkled; and you would have thought
while your brother is in the war de­ for that purpose. General Spinner party, it is with a faint, though linger­ of rebel soldiers on the northern troops.
Another mile and three more Union that his pockets were still lined, had
partment as general of the army. suggested tliat women should be em­ ing anxiety lest the cockeyed violin It was also disastrous to the entire at­ soldiers fell under their aim. Two not the shabby coat removed that im­
Which of you is going to rftsign?
ployed temporarily to cut aud count player may possibly be observing her tacking party, everyone of them being miles further on three others fell out of pression. He thrust his hat back on
The girl looked grave for a moment. tlie notes. A number of them were at so much an hour; drawn on vouch­ killed.
tlie ranks and were carried to the road­ his head in a jaunty manner and bath­
Then, gladcing up with a sparkling eye hired and after they had cut «00,000,000 ers from the secret service fund. If the
After General Stoneman’s return to side to await the arrival of the ambu­ ed his soul in the remembrance of those
she replied:
wortli of paper, congress authorized youth who does up silver in bags of Greensboro, from his successful Knox­ lance. The three avengers hastened days of folly and iniquity’. “Just open
“Mr. Sectetary, you are employed in another issue, at tlie same time mak­ $1900 each, invests $2 In poker chips, ville expedition, he was ordered to take forward and found concealment in a a bottle,” he said, and he took a bill
the treasury while your brother is In ing the employment of women perma­ he cannot help suspecting that the command of Thompson's cavalry and grave yard beside the highway. Here from his pocket and tossed It carelessly
the war department as general of the nent. Some of these very women are newly introduced acquaintance on the advance eastward and destroy the Vir­ they waited again for Stoneman’s army on the bar in the manner of a man who
army. Which of you is going to re- still at work in the treasury, where opposite side of the table, who keeps ginia and Tennessee railroad, now the The troops were ordered to fire if an­ knew where plenty more such green­
their sex is intrusted up to the present straddling tlie ante so provokingly, is Norfolk and Western. On March 20th other assault were made. They ad­ backs were coming from. He threw
Mr. Sherman did not answer the time with the counting of tlie money. an officer in disguise detailed to shad­ he started on his expedition but turned vanced nervously for the fifth time. down the wine In the twinkling of an
question, but lie seemed greatly amus­ From this starting point women grad­ ow Jiim.
Nortli at Boone, N. C. Entering the Suddeuly the crack of three rifles was eye, and a crowd of hangers on drank
ed. The pretty clerk is still ill the em­ ually made their way into tlie other
One gets a vivid notion of the mag­ valley at at New river, in Virginia, he heard* and the roar of 500 muskets an­ with the old fellow.
ploy of the treasury; her brother was departments.
nitude of tlie departments from the captured Wytheville and continued swered it. The mad Virginians fell,
It was bis last bill. His vanity bub­
not interfered with.
A great many young men secure vast quantities of ice and coal which along the railroad, destroying it nearly riddled with Lullets and were buried bled over, and he found a sinful happi­
Propiniquity Is said to be nature’s places in the department merely for the are required to quench the thirst of the to Lynchburg! On this raid he laid where they fell. This was the last ness in standing there listening to the
chief matrimonial agent. Neverthe­ sake of supporting themselves while clerks and keep them warm. The treas­ waste miles of udjoiningVountry. As blood shed in the war.
crowd. He told story after story.
less on account of the regulation quoted they are studying in the great schools ury consumes a ton and a half of ice this had been tlie first invasion of
What a wicked old rascal he was, but
marriages between government clerks of law and medicine. Matters arc so daily, takiug an average the year northern troops into Floyd and Wythe
The romance of Gen. Kirby Smith’s his iniquity only called forth shouts of
rarely occur, In ninny instances they arranged at these institutions that a around. An equal quantity is used in counties, the inhabitants of them were life had its origin in the first battle laughter! .Several cigarette smoking
have lieen kept secret for years To be clerk who stops work at 4 p. m. can the war, state and navy building. But very bitter against General Stoneman, of Bull Run, where he was badly young men gazed at the old fellow as
found out means immediate discharge get dinner and be on hand for the the department of the interior is the The more the raid was talked of the wounded, a musket ball passing quite though he were a true prophet of the
for the woman who has committed the evening lectures which begin at 6. Af­ consumer of ice. Including the pen­ more bitter became the spirit of the through him from shoulder to shoul­ living, and it was nice instruction that
offense of signing other than her law­ ter being graduated the young physi­ sion office it gobbles up from five to six people and many were the threats that der. He lay helpless on the ground these callow youths derived from him.
ful uame to the pay vouchers. How­ cian may practice and yet stay in of­ tons every twenty-four hours. The were made against Stoneman and his until some soldiers, attracted by the Then, having indulged his vaftity 'for
ever, the secretary is not restrained by fice, becoming wbat is known ns a quantities utilized are variable. Each troopers. William Beadcn, who gave whinnying of his horse, which stood the last time, the old man went out.
the civil service law from dismissing “sundown
doctor.” The medical department makes its own contract for tho writer the facts while standing at over him, came and bore him to shelter. His money was gone; like Timon of
without cause any employee. The rule schools of the Georgetown college and ice, bids being advertised for annually. Bordunix’s grave, said that a secret or­ He was then taken to Lynchburg, Athens, he had no friend to turn to in
mentioned is not applied in ull of the the Columbia university are of the No definite amount to be provided is ganization whose object was to be re­ where he was nursed by a Miss Selden, his hour of need; the penalty of his
departments. Secretary Tracy did not highest rank. In tlie army medical agreed upon. Tlie contractor gets so venged on Gen. Stoneman, was formed who brought him back to health and life lay upon his weak old shoulders.
approve of it, and several weddings museum the finest medical library in much for supplying the frozen water directly after tlie surrender of General soon afterward became his wife. In He went to a cheap loding house that
took place under his regime.
the world is accessible. Justices of the required, whatever it may be. All the Lee of all the young men who had not later days at Shreveport, in 1804, Gen. night and the next day applied for ad­
The throwing together of thousands United States supreme court and great departments together, with their previously takjeu active part in the war Smith could be seen hoeing a little mission to the county house.
of young people of both sexes in the de­ medical officers of the government are branches, consume 24,900 pounds every and of rebel soldiers home on leave of. patch of ground to raise vegetables for
---------- -----------------
partments necessarily give rise to a cer­ members of the faculties of these and day.
bis wife, who had become an invalid,
Among the Kansas products to bo
tain amount of irregularity as tomorals. other learned establishments at Wash­
The ice is delivered in great blocks
In the meantime Stonenian contin­ and that same year he sold his faithful exhibited at the World’s fair-will be
Naturally the prohibition as to mar­ ington.
from carts at the department each ued on his raid, which ended at Salis­ horse, which he loved next to his wife, some choice specimens of grasshoppers,
riage does not exert a good influence In
The clerks in the departments are morning. Messengers chop it up in bury, N, C., a rebel prison canip, three in order to procure food for her. Gen. in the production of which the bleed­
this regard. However, the condition very fond of speculation. They buy sizes to suit. Each room has a water­ days after General Grant’s victory. In­ Smith was a man of conspicuous hon­ ing state is 'without a rival among
of affairs is very much better than it and sell stocks in small quantities, cooler or pitcher, which must be kept stead 8f remaining in North Carolina, esty. When the war ended and he American commonwealths.
was before the civil service law was en­ while among themselves they make up filled with cold drink from 9 a. m. to 4 as he had been ordered by General was a fugitive on his way to Mexico,
acted, when pretty women too often financial syndicates or pools for the p. m. The messengers fill buckets Sherman, lie left and entered Jonesboro he borrowed a dollar here and there to
Joan of Arc has not been canonized
held their places through the influence purpose of co-operative gambling. Real with the chopped fragments, and earry in the eastern part of Tennessee April obtain means to send his family home, by the Pope, as various contemporaries
which their charms were able to exert estate agents get fat by iiersuuding the buckets from rooni to room, distrib­ 18, where he received the news of Lee's though he had with him at the time allege. She has been beatified, which
upou officials in authority. Circum­ them to buy houses on what are called uting to each cooler or pitcher its surrender.
$10,000 Ingold lielonging to the Con­ is a preliminary step to canonization,
stances seem to have emancipated the “easy terms.” This usually implies .proper supply. In the cellar of each
All this time the ranks of the secret federacy.
but it may be a century before the hon­
female clerks from many of the con­ paying for the dwellihg about 25 per building are big refrigerators which organization in Floyd andWythe coun­
ors of saintship are conferred.
ventions of social etiquette. For ex­ cent more than it is worth, and when are filled with a reserve stock. Noth­ ties had been considerably increased in
If the onion is ever glorified, it is in
ample, custom approves of their receiv­ as commonly liap]>ens, the purchaser ing is put into them except ice. The numbers by the enlistment of dis­ that state in which it exists in a cream
A freight car thirty-six feet long has
ing male visitors in their private rooms falls in a payment, the holder of the clerks are not even allowed to keep charged soldiers from Lee’s disbanded soup. This delicious mixture as made been built of steel in Manchester for
at the lioardlng houses where they live. inevitable} cast-iron mortgage swoops bottled beer or milk for their lunch in army. When the news arrived that by French housewives calls for half a the Mexican railway company. It is
Of the lax ways of the "good old down and gobbles the property. On them.
Stoiienum would pass through Floyd dozen white onions, a pint of milk, four said to I m * no heavier than a thirty-four
times” referred to not a few odd stories the other hand nearly ail of the real es­
The department of the interior is county on his way to Washington, wis­ eggs, a cupful of sweet cream and sea­ foot wooden car and will hold nearly
are cold. Chief Clerk Hogg of the navy tate agents of Washington are ex-gov- likewise the largest consumer of coal, er and older heads tried to prevail on soning. The onions should be peeled, throe times as much.
department relates an anecdote of a bu­ ernment clerks. Likewise many of using 19,000 tons of this fossil fuel an­ the young enthusiasts to abandon their cut in very tilin slices as for frying
reau now extinct which was conducted the most solid citizens financially are nually. The navy yard burns up 5,000 plan of revenge, but with little or no ef­ with steak, and fried a light brown in
There are only alxrut thirty members
by a gallant naval officer. On« day graduates from Uncle Sam’s employ­ tons yearly; the state, war and navy fect.
a tablespoonful of butter. Add to the left of the once mighty trilie of Choc­
about two o’clock in the afternoon, the ment. They are astute persons who building, 3,500 pounds; the eapitol
On May 18th Stoneman with (¡000 fried onions a pint of sweet milk, quart taws near New Orleans.
latter stepped into the office of his as­ saw the future of the town years ago. 3000 tons; the treasury, 2000 tons; the cavalry, 10,000 infantry and twenty- of boiling water, a saltspoon of white
sistant and said:
When they had saved $100 they bought bureau of engraving aud printing 2000 three guns, started on a 100-mile march pepper, a teaspoonful of sugar and a
In South Russia a drink resembling
“Billy, here Is a draft of a very im­ land and the "unearned increment” tons; the government printing office, over the mountains to the Virginia and pinch of mace. Cook slowly an hour, brandy is obtained by distilling the
portant letter that I am extremely anx­ did the rest
1500 tons, and the postofflee depart­ Tennessee railroad at Christianburg, to strain through a puree-sieve and add juice of the watermelon.
ious to dispatch by the afternoon mall.
four eggs beaten to a froth, the cupful
The house voted to reduce tlie an­ ment 1000 tons. At the eapitol hard embark for Washington.
Please make me a clean copy of it as nual vacation of the clerks from thirty coal is used exclusively; three-fourths
Of Tnterent to Hop Grower«.
Mounted couriers of Floyd county’s of cream and a tablespoonful of corn­
soon as possible.”
to fifteen days. Undoubtedly many of of that consumed elsewhere is soft. little army were immediately dispatch­ starch, moistened with cold water.
Good tools are essential to the suc­
It lieing so late in th .■ afternoon the government employees do abuse Government inspectors examine every ed from different sections to inform the Stir till the soup comes to a Imll. Serve
“Billy” was resting, He looked up the present privilege which allows ton of coal delivered to see that it is of recruits in outlying districts of the with croutons of bread.
cessful cultivation of hops. No argu­
sleepily and replied:
ment is needed to prove this. Neither
them thirty days’ sick leave each year satisfactory quality and correct weight. movements of Stoneman's army and to
“Why, commodore, I have already in addition to the regular month of ab­ The merchants are obliged to pay 20 notify them to gather at Floyd court­
Artists and others who have pictured is there need of argument to prove
written two letters t<«iay.
sence. It Is reckoned that one out of cents a ton for such inspection. They house under arms. It was the inten­ the Southern negro angling with lient that we have the finest line of hop tools
“Well, then, Billy, never mind, To every six of them gets in as many as make little or no profit, being satisfied tion of the foremost in the scheme to bin, a piece of twine and a clothes pole In the market. To see them is to be
morrow will do just as well.”
thirty days of illness per annum. Per­ with the advertisement which they secrete the men in different parts of the will be surprised to learn that the fish­ convinced. Our assortment comprises
Clerkships in the department of state sons of this class always have their va­ get from their contracts with Uncle town and at the apjiearance of the ar­ ing tackle of some Southern negroes is disk cultivators, spring tooth cultiva­
are considered the most desirable. To cations figured out for a year in ad- Sam.
my to lire upon them from their places as fantastically ornamented as are the tors, solid tooth cultivators, all with
begin with the incumbents are never vance. Ry having things thus sched-
An odd story is toid of the late L. Q. of concealment and thus harass the war clubs of cannibals or the weapons steel frames. Also 3-gang plows, ad­
discharged without being provided uled they are able to turn their leisure C. Lamar. When he was secretary of northerners for a distance of ten miles of Alaskan Indians, and is oftentimes justable beam, and stationary beam
with a consulship or some other place. to the greatest advantage. For exani- the interior he wanted a clerk, and the on each side of the town. Early in the made in a manner to excite the envy oi one-horse plow. We have selected
Their employment carries a certain pie, whenever there Is a legal holiday civil service commission sent him three morning of May 22<1 200 ex-confederate the moat enthusiastic northern sports­ these with much care, and Itoughl
them direct from manufacturers. De­
amount of social position with it. The there is usually a half holiday on the names in the usual manner. None of soldiers and recruits had arrived at the man.
most conspicuous of the young swells day previous. The clerk takes the them was familiar to him, but one of town. As the day advanced and no
scriptive circulars sent on application.
A strange case is reported from Ix-w- Be sure and sec them before purchas­
in Washington are employes of the for- working part of tliat day off. This the candidates recommended was called new arrivals were reported they became
U nion H ardware C o .
| eign office, as they call It. Beaux be- gives him two days clear. But, on the Rudolph Pickney.
disheartened and desertions were num­ iston, Me., of a man named Whitman ing.
i ing greatly in demand here, they have day before the half holiday lie goes to
"Randolph,Pickney is a mighty good erous. Another hour passed and the who possesses wonderful power at his
more invitations than they can accept the chief of his bureau and asks per­ name," said Mr. Lamar. “I guess I advance guard of Stoneman's army finger tips. When be holds his arms Headache and Diesine««—Frequent Ca««-
ea of Apoplesy and Paraly«!«.
With small salaries and no prospects mission to leave at 2:80 p. m. so as to will choose him. Presumably poverty was reported within ten miles of Floyd at an angle of 45 degrees he becomes a
they would he considered as “detri­ catch a train. Thus the single days’ has compelled this scion of a distin­ court house. By the time the informa- Samson in strength. He easily lifts
The most recent and profound re
mentals In other cities, but here they holiday is expanded into two days and guished stock to seek a place in the was received about 100 men ail that cows, toys with fat men on tables as ^■arches in this diaection by specialists,
I have developed conclusively that the
! are at the top of the swim. Good nun- a half. The ingenuity with which employ of the government.”
remained of the bold liand, were con­ though they were but feathers, shifts above disorders frequently result in
> ners nnd the fact of wearing panta- such things is managed is said to be
The successful applicant pre*nted cealed along tlie highway. But as soon pianos and does many other wonderful death or permanent disability. Dr.
, loons constitute satisfactory claims to something wonderful. Legal holidays himself the next day for duty.
as the federal column hove in sight the things. Strangest of all, he lias been I Mlles’ Restorative Nervine is the great-
| recognition in local society. They get are not subtracted from the thirty
“You may imagine my astonish­ self appointed protectors of Floyd county offered enormous salaries by museum I est remedy for either of these apparent
I their dinners at other people's houses, days leave. Likewise, no account is ment,” said the secretary to a friend, deserted—except the three men whose managers and has declined them be­ ly insignificant <au-< *. Nothing ap
?roaches it in merit. Mrs. W. E.
cause of modesty.
see all the plays that are going without I | taken of the holidays that are granted "on discovering that Mr. John Ran- graves I have described.
turns, of South Bend, Ind., who had
paying a vent, and enjoy excellent op­ when ex-secretaries die. There were dolph Pickney was as black as my
suffered from constant headache for
Nerved by drink and a sense of in­
portunities for marrying the rich girls ' five holidays of this latter sort in De- hat.”
months, was cured by it. The
jury they boldly entered the town and
; who fairly swarm at the capital. They oember. However, it should be ex-
Up to 1829 there were only two de­ with oaths boasted that they would no less than 25,226 carloads of fruit out­ daughter of Daniel Myers, Brooklyn,
Mich., had Iteen insane for ten yean,
are not even expected to send a hou-1 plained that two-tbtrds of the depart- partment buildings in Washington, exterminate the whole of Stoneman’s I side the state during th« past year.
anti was having from 15 to 25 fit« a day.
------------ s-ae------------
quet In acknowledgement of the enter­ ment employees rarely take a day of They were heated with hickory wood, army.
I Nervine cured her of both fits and la
tainment they receive.
From experiments made by English ' sanity. Sold on a guarantee Ity Rogers
the sick leave allowed them.
In that year the business of the gov-
In another hour the head of the col­
The work of a clerk in the depart­
If a clerk is absent on account of ill- ernment was transacted by less than umn appeared at the outskirts of the scientists it appears that camphor and ' Bros. Get a book free.
ment of state implies no little responsi­ nesa more than sixty days in any year, 60(1 clerks. There were no very strict village. By this time the three men I oxygenated water are the most ener­
Prevent and sure Con., ipetlon and Sick-
bility. A wrong word in his transcript j he or she must pay a substitute. TTie | rules. If a man did bis work be could were crazed by liquor, and in marching getic excitants of growth, not only as H.'..l»< he. Small Blh- tleana
! of a diplomatic paper might place this civil service commission provides all make his office hours what he chose, order, with Bordunlx in the lead act­ regards the acceleration of germination
I government in a false position. The the substitutes that are wanted. It is | steel pens were then almost unknown. ing a« commander, boldly advanced to but as affecting the vigor of plants.
“ A' or right etn menths i-
(Office over Braly’s Bank.)
ìnn ville ,
april 13,1893.