----------------------- ----------------- .. . ark-eyed Esther wou the love of one who had the right to choose. All the world has worshipped the night-like lieauty of Beatrice t'enei, and the Bor­ gia» were all dark of hair and eyes. “Against tlie blonde Venus set the queenly Juno, and dark was Dume, wooed by the great god with a shower of gold. Ariadne’s taven tresses witch­ ed the hearts of Dionysius and Theseus Mythology is full of these darkling dar­ lings, lint not more full than story, song aud history. “Joan of Arc veiled her dark beauty in the accouterments of war. Dark were “bloody Mary”and Charlotte Cor- day; Catherine of Aragon and Margaret of Anjou were brunette types, and Scott’s Rebecca, more or Jess historical, was dark as a flight of ravens. Mary, Queen of Scots, had dark eyes and brown hair; and what of Maintenon, Montespun mid Pompadour? “Talk of Lillian Russell, why Ade­ laide Neilson’s brunette loveliness will remain a tradition or the stage as long as Juliet looks in love from her bowcr­ ed balcony. Mrs. Biddons, too, was dark aud tlie later Biddons also. Lady Hamilton, tlie beautiful, was a bru­ nette, and tlie Princess of Wales has dark brown hair. The Langtry is darker than she is fair. Pattl was dark until she tinted up her tresses, and for one blonde favorite of opera beurt'e there are half a dozen brunettes. Aud look at our local beauties. How many are blondes? The fact is, there is nothing to choose lietween tlie tjqies— nothing but love or death.” East and South Homes at the World'* Fair. tlie workofexterinluutioii thoroughly.” »be decided not to have any more hairs AlUiougli there have lieen few deaths | Then1 1» uo reason why anyone I removed. But it only took a moment SEVERAL CASES OF TRICHINOSIS j in the United States us n result of trich­ ' should 1« deterr«l from visiting the and then the hair was all ready to come inosis, It is miverthelet«s true that the World’s Fair by reason of possible In- INTERESTING MATTER EDITED BY right out. It didn’t have to lie pulled I IN CALIFORNIA. American hog Is regarded tbe world convenience and uncertainty attend- out. A MAN K. Express Ty.lns læave over with suspicion, this suspicion lie­ I ing the securing of satisfactory hotel “Ilo women ever come to you with E W. HADLEY» KBCEIVEH. I.XAVX * _____ B_... lug sufficient, so fur as Germany was Portland 7.00 p m HanEraiXj', „ the re«|ue»t to l>e made Imautiful? ” was accommodations. If yuu want the l.«trNt you Mliotil«! Krud ban hrun. 7:00 pm pOi tJan.) concerned, to cause het to get exweil- Tlie Northern Pacific railrgid will in asked. Thl* Column.—If our I.aoly Koader ha« Above train» atop only ut toll«!'*® Ingly "tillfly" during the early eighties | “Yen, indeed. Very frequently their due time publish tew excursion rates to lions nortli of Kosebtug p 7^*1« a i'omment to .Make on tlie Faahion* or in her relations with Unt ie Bam. Oregon City, Woodl.urm, faces don't suit them lit all, and they Chieagu ami return for this occasion, Tangent, ttimdds, Halsey Harr Of 622 sides of American bacon ex­ while .its doubfe daily passenger train ('UBloma of the I>»y. Mon<| It in for thia ask to have them made over, If a ction city, Irving. Eugeim amined ut Rostock in 1873 tAvelve were storvice, including through sleeping woman's moutli is too large they come Column—Help to Muke It Interesting. ■oaeburg Mall Dally. ■ The other duy three Germiius of San found to contain trichina*; of 210 sides to us to have it made smaller. This re­ “*"• I Alia',,. ■ Francisco were taken to the hospital examined «luring the same year at cars of both classes (Standard anti Portia i woman, lovely woman, nature form­ quires a surgical operation of the most su fieri ng with trichlnosts. Two of Gothenburg eiglit were infected; ami Tourist) to Chicago, will as usual be at BETWEEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY Roseburg. 0:20 a in Portlaml' JS’W delicate description, but we have often ed thee to temper man Albany Local, Dally. Eu.pt laa^’W them will recover while the third Is the investigation at Klbing showed tbe liead of the iist in every particular. —Otway. performed it with entire success. The POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCO doomed. The medical men of the that tricliinie were present in one of • To help you in fixing in advan«1 Portlaml S: p in Albany , I The new secretary of agriculture has way we do is to cut the flesh of the «mst are taking u great interest in the every twenty sides examined. A mi­ upon your place df residence while at­ Albany......... 5: u m Portland J j-fd ■ • a most charming wife. He was mar­ mouth both outside and inside, along cases from the fact they are the fifst croscopical examination of 2,000 hogs tending tiie World’s Fair, we have Pullman Buffet Sleepm, I Ocean Steamer Bailing*« placed in the offices of the eompauy at ried when he was sixteen and «he was the edge of the vermilllon border of the that have appeared. at Chiepgo about the same time showed Tourist Sleeping C m | fourteen. Mrs. Morton 1» not unlike up|ier lip at the corners of the mouth. 121 First Street, Portland, Or., conipil H. 8. WILLAMETTE VALLEY "Neither the peculiai «liseuse calls«! tliat 8 per cent were swarming with the late ex-vlee-presldent’s wife ami A »inallj section of this red flesh 1« re­ ed by perfectly trustworthy parties, Leaves San Francisco March 14, 24 For accommodation of second clam trichinosis nor the queer little worm parasites. 20 ger» attached to express traioiil they are excellent friends. Mrs. Ster­ moved by dissection and tlie edges of celled "Homes for Visitors to the Lsavte Yaquina................... that causes it—trichina spiralis it is WEST SIDE DIVISION I ling Morton recalls the Freueh idea of tlie lips are then drawn together at the World's Fair.” This little book, which This company reserve» the right to change named—was ever heard of, so far as I THE SENSES OF OWLS. Between Portland and Corviilli I sailing dates without notice. a model woman, tx-ing dainty, artistic, corners anil sewed, the healing process you. can purchase for fifty cents, n- know, before 1828,” said Dr. William Mail Train Daily, except Sund», I does the rest. River Steamer*. in everything. F. Nutt, of the Bail Francisco hospital. Their Hearing Wonderfully Acute, but taius a list of aliout 9,000 private fami­ LEAVE AHRlvt ’ I “line of our most effectual treatments Steamer "Hoag ” leaue» Portland, Wed- They Can't Smell. lies who will accommodate visitors in Portland.. 7:30 a in McMinn' in u I "According to this book," be contin­ nenday and Saturday at 6 a. in is the removal of wrinkles. It is done McMinn ’ 10:10 a in Corvallis . Paderewski's manager lias come to Chicago during the time of the fair, ued, “and it is quite trustworthy, I Corvallis. . .12:55 p in McMinn' *> ¡2^1 The hearing of all species ¡of owls viz: May 1st to October 30th; gives H. C. D ay , Gen. Agt., the pianist’s assistance to keep tlie girls by electricity. The electric needle is McMinn’ 2:56 p hi Portland, Portland . sjj” think, the history of the trichina is di­ Calinoli Street Wharf, Portland. known to me is marvelously keen; so their names and addresses aud number away. The persistency with which drawn along the line which forms the At Albany and Corvallis counaet ,ul vided into three periods. The first D. IL V avohn , Geo. Agt., keen, In fact, that I know of no way of room» each will have to spare. The trains of Oregon Pacific **] San FrnnoUco. tliey insist ujion waylaying the pianist wrinkle. After this is carefully done comprises the time in which the calci- Express Train Daily, except Sunday. I C. C. HOGCE, G. F. e of the nose to like putrid meat, but they bite it to as­ prefer to stop, corresponding in ad­ at the request of Paderewski, who was agent at McMinnville p"r' Two Through Trains Daily. In 1800 Virchow saw the trichlnie fed certain its condition. They will not vance with one or more families in that forced into some measure of protection suit the whim of the owner. The girl R KOEHLER, E. 1’. ROGERS by him — in the intestine of a dog — ma ­ eat toads or frogs which yield an un­ locality with regard to rates aud tlie Manager. Asst. G F. 4 p y. from the mob of women who have pes­ whose nose has a tendency to ascend to ture, sexual, egg containing creatures. 12 45p 6 25p lv.Minneapolis ar 9 05a 4 15p pleasant odor, but they did not reject accommodations desired. tered and follow«! him everywhere. celestial heights is sure to long for a 1 30p 7 15p lv. . St Paul ar 8 30a 3 40p It was In the course of this year, also, nose of Greek proportions. We can as­ these species until they had tested them Poor Paderewski! 10 1.5a 4 15p Iv .... Duluth ... ar 11 4Oa 6 SOp A. D. C hahi , ton , that in u sonsiderable number of hu­ 1 50p 7 25p lv.. Ashland . ar 8 20u 3 30p from Terminal or Interior Point« lb I sist her in changing noses. .by tasting. Asst. Gen. P. A., N. P. II. R. man corpses numerous capsulated trl- 7 15a 9 59a ar Chicago lv 5 47p IO45p “One of tlie most sensitive of our pa­ They may be ever so hungry, yet One of tlie favorite arguments against Portland, Oregon. chinie were found. The third period, Tickets sold and baggage checked through they do not suspect the presenee of tlie higher education of women is that tients is the red-nosed woman. She is to all points in the Hinted States and Cuna- however, beginning in 1800, Is that in Father (coming home)—Is Carrie out? da. Close connection made in Chicago with food if it is carefully covered so that tlie race will degenerate if woman to a willing to suffer witli any amount of which the greatest progress has been train» going East and South. they cannot see it. This test I have Hopeful—No, but the lamp is. That all For great extent abandons maternity as pain to have that nose made white and full Information apply to your near­ made in the study of the queer parasite, her prime vocation in life. In practic­ this we can do. applied with the utmost care to the Spitkins fellow Is here again.— Btbton est ticket agent or to JAH. C. POND, Up to that year the little worm hud Gen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, III, “We find that women liear the pain great horned, snowy and barred owls. Trwucript. al refutation of this argument one of been consider«! a mere curiosity, which the novel exhibits at the fair will lie a of the necessary surgical operations pa­ The latter are shrewd enough to learn is th' Line to Take | Tlie Salt Lake of Assai, Africa. at best, in common with other set of photographic likenesses of babies tiently. They are willing to sutler to my ways of hiding their food, and parasites, roused a purely scientific in ­ whose mothers are remarkable for in­ be made lieautiful. The successful re­ The French government has Just sold terest. With the exception of Wood, when they suspect its presence they HlatheDININii CAI’ SOUTE. It run I will search in the places where T have tellectual achievement and ability. It sult of many of our ojierations changes to Mr. Chefneux the right to refine and who in 1835 in the London Medloal Through VES ill i..ED TRAINS I has been suggested that these scientific a woman’s entire disposition.. Have export salt from'Lake Assal, one of the previously hidden it, pouncing upon Gazette propounded tile question Every Day in lhe Year to I cherulis Is- christened "Political Econ­ you ever thought hew easy it is for a most remarkable sheets of water in tlie pieces of wrapping paper and poking whether u case of severe rheumatism omy,” “Greek Literature,” “Higher woman to be pleasant when she is per­ world. The lake is in the district of under feathers uml excelsior with amus­ observe«! by him might not possibly Mathematics,” etc., in accordance with fectly satisfied with her personal ap- Obock, east Africa, only n few miles ing cunning. be connected with the trichinae found whatever branch of learning their eru­ appea ranee? (No Change of Cart) j I tested them with the fumes of cam­ from tlie head of the Bay of Tadjourah. embedded in the affected muscles, all "Eyebrows are another source of dis­ The gentleman who has purchased the dite mother« have l>een most disting­ phor, ammonia and other disagreeable Composed of IH.VIMJ CARS parasite in­ satisfaction to women. They are either concession agrees to pay into the col­ hail considered tlie uished. and uusual smells, but they failed to (itnsurpHBNetl) too thick or not clearly defined. We onial office the sum of ?10,000 a year, nocuous, and some had positively af­ show that they pereeived them unless -z/d<- -<< X-» * - V - - ----- b firmed that they produced no disturb ­ njLLMAMhRAWIACROOMSLEEPBI 'Du1 lioo|iskirt was invented over 290 change them to order by means of yie and if, during the fifty years that he the fumes were strong enough to affect (Of Latest Equipment,) ances whatever. All of a sudden the years ¡«go liy Mrs. Selby. Sliw invent- electric needle. for Infant« and Children is to have the exclusive right to export World awoke to a realization of tlie their breathing or to irritate their ¿yes. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS "One of our patients whom we have salt from Lake Assal, the annual pro­ «I it for soni«>ne else to wear and then Finally, I put a eat in a basket and Best that can be constructed and in stoo«i aghast at tlie rapidity witli which treated regularly for years was so satis­ duct exceeds 50,000 tons, he is to pay a truth that a trichina is a death dealing placed the basket between the two Castorla cures Colle, CoasUpatton, “ Castor!* is so well adapted to children that which accommodations are for hol­ Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, ders of First or Second-cpias Tick- | I recommend it as superior to any prescription it was taken up. 11 does not matter I fied with her changed face that she tax of 20 cents (for every ton In excess. creature, when in 1800 Zenker publish­ owls. They were utterly indifferent to Kills Worms, give« »leep, and promote» <11- ed an account of ills inquiry into tiie eta. and known to me." II. A. A rcher , M. D., wrote us not long ago asking if there that tlie fashion may have been devls-1 Witfom? Injurious medication. it until the cat made the basket rock, The government will designate a part Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ELEGANT DAY (OACHtt. ed to cover (lie deformity of some titled wasn't something we could recommend of the lake where the natives may pro­ death of the Dresden servant girl. And when both of them fled precipitately A Continuous Line connecting with ill or «nispicuous person: hitherto there i her to take internally. If we could do cure all the salt they want without tax since that inquiry great progress has and could not be induced to go near “ For several years I have recommended “ The use of * Castoria * is so universal and Deoil made.” lines, affordiug direct ana unli- Sour • Caatorla, 1 and »hall always continue to so much for her externally she didn’t or hindrance. have liecu plenty to «ipy. its merits bo well known that it seems a work the basket again. Although Puffy o so as It has Invariably produced beneficial terrupted oervlce. The girl whose death resulteil in tlie of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Mrs. Selliy «lied in January, 1717, but see why we couldn't give her some­ results." will put a cut to Hight when on his All along the edge of this little lake, intelligent families who do not keep Castoria Pullman Sleeper reservations can lx secur within easy reach.” E dwin F. P xbdbb . M. D., «lie live«l to see tlie article slie devised, thing to take which would prolong her which comprises only sixteen miles throwing of a flood of liglit upon trich­ mettle, Puffy is frightened almost out ed in advance through attv a gen tot therm! C arlo « M artyn , D. D„ ** The Winthrop," ISMh Street and Tth Ave., for reasons other than beautifying, tlie, life and make her invulnerable to sick­ square, is a lied of nearly pure salt ina1 and trichinosis, was twenty years of his wits by them. New York City. Through Tickets New York City. of age and until articted with the new I»ate Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. rage of tlie fashionable world. Its last ness.” A Japanese toy bird, made of a piece about a foot in thickness. The water disease, hud always enjoyeil good end Europe cun be purchased at any uddt revival was about twenty years ago, office of this coninany. of the lake is so surcharged with salt health. She coimneneed to ail at of wood and a few scarlet feathers, was T he C entaur C ompany , 77 M urray S treet , N ew Y ork . Full information concerning rates, tini Have blonde or brunette women had that it is im|M>ssible to sink in it. The when Enqiress Eugenie ma«lo it fash­ eagerly seized by l’uffy, indicating not of trains, routes and other details furnish® ionable Just liefore tin1 deatli of her sou, j most influensc in tlie world, ruling by l*ottom is apparently a l>ed of solid Christina«, 1850, and was forced to only a lack of power of smell, but the on application to any agent, or prinee imperial, who was «lain in Znln- 1 love or force? Tlie New York Sun de­ salt. The heavy waters lave the. bases take her bed on the succeeding New presence of an appreciation of color. I A D. CHARLTON. A sat General Passenger Year. On January 11, 1800, she was cided in favor of tlie blondes a« fol- iand. of Jagged and precipitous mountains have fancied that an appreciation of Saasral Oflee or the Compaay, g removed to the hospital at Dresden, I lows: First St., Cor. Wahlngtog, Port.1 which descend to the edge of the lake, color is also shown by barred owls in where she was treatol for typbiis fever. Though evervlsaiy butthe dresmnak- ■ Til«' fair haired woman, lissome and making it almost impossible to travel their selection of lieecli trees as nesting She was sleepless, without appetite, er is praying that the crinoline may loving, has had her day. Dark-eyed around it. Mr. Chefneux will proba­ places, by great-horned owls in their constipated, afflicted with headache, pass front us, ami though, there is a ; lieauty, framed in dusky tresses, seems bly carry on his work by floating ma­ choice of brown trunked trees and by higli fever and abdominal pains, and probability that tile prayer will I«' ans­ more in keeping witli tlie tall and chinery on the lake and dredging in snowy owls in apparent preference for wered, artists wlio study the gowning queenly type of woman that has of late toward tlie close suffered from intense the salt lied at its bottom, though on gray backgrounds. of women front the standpoint of artist­ supplanted the (H'titc ideal of tlie old rigidity of the muscular system mid ----------- ---------------- the west side of the lake an enormous ic beauty, do not fllid much topraise in «lays. Men say it is lieeause tlie tall profuse sweats. Just before deatli there ODD CAUSES OF DEAFNESS. quantity of salt is in sight when the the "lovely” gowns which now step woman makes such exquisite pictures, were symptoms of pneumonia. Zen­ lake is at its lowest level. One reason why Emulsion of Pure Nor­ from the fashion plates into the streets leaning ami swaying in graceful poses, ker’s autopsy showed that the girl’s iDAtanceg Where it has Resulted from a Very little was known alsnit Lake wegian Cod Liver Oi i iy;»ophosphites of Lime and drawing rooms. They say that because she is Infinitely nicer to make muscles swarmed with trichina1 in all Sudden Mental Shock. RUNNING women are drilling away from a really love to than tlie little woman. Site can Assal until seven years ago. The few forms; some curled, other extended; and Soda has had such ?. large sale is because it is men who had visited the lake were Sir William Dalby, consulting aural artistic style in vogue only a few years cuddle her head up under a num’s chin some immature, others sexually devel­ “Almost as palatable as milk:’’ but the best reason is ago, and each Inch of breadth of height and touch hi.« fa«1 witli her smooth vel­ unable to tell whence it derived its oped. It was found that on the es­ surgeon to St. George’s Hospital, has added toThose protruding sleeves gives vety cheek, while a little woman, even water supply. Tlie'lake evidently had tate where the girl had been employed been noting down some "strange inci­ that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures them it pang. Not only artists exper­ if she stands on tiptoe, only rumples no outlet, apd nobody was able to find a hog had been killed Dec. 21, 1859, dents in practice”—that is to say, cer­ a single stream flowing into it. The the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces ŒŒS-A.I1TS ience the pang. The average male who his shirt front. And when she takes to and Zenker discovered innumerable tain cases within his own experience as flesh and builds up the entire system. has an Idea of beauty, experiences a ordering a man about lie doesn’t feel question was dismissed with the an­ capsulated trichlnie in the hams an«l a medical practioner—which he con J Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. feeling of horror at each new addition so much like a fool as when a little one swer that the lake doubtless had sub­ sausages prepared from its meat. Ule fesses himself unable to account for by Scott’s Emulsion cures Coughs, “ “ 7:30 P. M. to the fashionable woiyan. The quota­ takes on tlie airs of a commanding offi­ terranean affluents, and it was left for also found that every person who hail any course of cause and effect with Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, Mr. Henry Audoti, seven years ago, to tion from .Otway at the head of this cer. partaken of the disease«! (>ork was more which the profession can be said to be and all Anaemic and Wasting solve the mystery and prove that Lake at all accurately familiar. The most column can lie construed to give the or less afficted with trichonisis. Diseases. Prevents wasting In Rut tlie other woman, she of tlie fair children. Almost as palatable as feeling of man toward a |>eranibtilating tresses, of which Browning wrote: Assal was indeed nn exceptional sheet Since Zenker’s famous case there curious have reference to the effects of of water. milk. Vet only the genuine. PnA fashion plate. Women wonder at the “Buch a wonder of flix and floss, fri'slk have been many deaths from the emotion on the various senses. One is pared by Scott A Bowne, Chemists, New lack of great poets at tlie present time, ness and fragrance—floods of it tog Mr. Andon spent several days exam­ strange disease, and the remarkable that of a lady who was standing licfore fork. Sold by all Druggists. but never stop to consider that the mas­ Gold, dioet's fan­ Master. to have been causetl by the trlcliin ic, happened some years later to u young water of the brook was as salt as the Z’xa.llïïxa.xx a.xxd. T’cia.rlat cy, and she could not inspire a Tasso, a the earliest is probably the one in Wur­ married lady who was suddenly Phyrne tlie fair when brought before Sleeper«, Free Heclln- Byron, a Zola or a Grissen. The ideal her Judges, suddenly threw off'her pep­ ocean, and a little while after it was temberg in 1675, reported by Fehr. It brought face to face with her dead hus­ Ing dia-ir Ce.rs, Sluing woman is a fancy, a child of the imag­ lum ahd dazzled the lawmakers with proven beyond a doubt that the ocean occurred in the family of a miserly band at a time when she believed him Ca-r«. ination now. She existed once but, her wondrous lieauty, clad only in the itself is the source of Lake Aasal’a wat­ farmer, and was the result of the con­ to be quite well, and when she was go­ For rates or general information callón like the gods of the Greeks, she is now waves of rippling liair. Men have not er supply. sumption of pickled and smoke«! pork. ing to meet him after a long absence. Ely'» Cream Balmù not a KçtM, tnuff or powder. Applied into the noetrilt it U or address, The Lake is about 401 feet below the a mythical being. Tlie miser and liis son died and several On various occasions Sir William Dal- changed through tlie centuries. Beau­ aheorbed. It Oeaneee the uead, allay, inflammation, heaU _ W II. HURLftüRT, Asst. Gen. Pas». Ad. level of the sea. It is now known that others suffered intensely. In 1834-7 by has noted the remarkable effects ty was then, as now, a woman's best 2M Washington Ht., The beautifying of tlie female face defense. Her pardon was instantly three brooks from the Gubbet el Karab, theae were many deaths from trichino­ produced upon the hearing by emotion­ POBTl.ANB, OntGOS a little land locked bay at the extreme divine has come to lie n fine art in New- granted. sis in Wurzen; in 1851 at Hamburg; al influences, not only by great mental western end of the bay of Tadjourah, York. Il lias many skilled practition­ in 1953 at Breslau; in 1858-62 at Madge- shocks, but by mental strain. He has Paula of Toulouse, whom tlie iienple ers, who under tlie name of "dermatol­ followed in crowds enchanted by her conduct the waters of the Indian ocean burg and vicinity; in 1859-62 at Biank- known not only sudden grief, but also inland obout ten miles to this remarka ­ ogists,” pateli up defective complexions beauty, was a blonde. She complained enburg, and in 1860 at Stolburg, in the overwhelming Joy instantly to make a remove wrinkle« and freckle«, weed out to tlie magistrates of these troublesome ble depression. The salt, which the Harz. It Is now generally believed, person quite deaf. Sir William Dalby unduly thick eyebrow« and otherwise crowds, whereupon tliev in tlielr wis­ natives have gathered, perhaps for too, that the heavy mortality at Wegk- has known the sense of smell to be lost improve upon nature. In a recent in­ dom decreed that »lie should not lie ages, along the edge of the lake is car­ ben, near Quedlinburg, in 1849-50, by very strong emotional influence, terview witli one of these gentry, pub­ thus annoy«!. But as her lieauty, liv­ ried to markets hundreds of miles in­ which was attributed to “English and with this the sense of taste. lished in tlie ll’or/rf, lie »aid to a lady ing a gift of Providence, did not belong tend.— N. 1'. Sun. A remarkable instance of the loss of sweat” or “black death,” was really w ai-Ejcmtxc strsHPSN-somvsr. reporter: to herself exclusively, and the people The new secretary of the interior has the work of the dread parasite, trich­ a fac.ilty is that of a brother The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical Science I "Superfluous liair 1« one of (lie most had a riglit to enjoy it, she was com­ physician who in boyhood found him- ina spiralis, and it is thought, more ­ rendered liis- first decision in a land It cures all diseases curable by Electricity. common disease« we treat. There is pelled to stand an hour every Sunday case. The case involved the question over, that a strange disorder which sel suddenly deprived of the power of It is a complete battery, as used by the fore« nothing a woman dreads more than the afternoon on tier lialcony that tlie peo­ speech. He was a mart of middle age swept over Paris 1828-1» and afterward of tlie right of tlie Southern Pacific most physicians, made into a Belt, so as to b. suggestion of any down tqain the upper ple might eome and gaze upon her and robust appearance. His hearing extended to many other districts of railroad company to land within its easily worn during work, or at rest. It gives lip. The elderly lady you just saw step loveliness. granted limits, and tlie limits of the Fance, was in fact nothing more nor was perfect, and lie could understand soothing, prolonged currents, which can be out of tlie operating chair came here a all that was said, but bis replies were less than trichinosis. Dante's Jieatrice was a litende;Tasso's carried to any part of the body where there is numlier of months ago with a full- Armldcs was inspired tiy the fair and grant to the Atlantic and Pacific rail­ Since Zenker’s discovery in 1870 tlie communicated by pencil and paper. pain, and will give instant relief, as Electricity grown beard. By tlie use of tlie elee- lilonde Elenore d’Este, one of the most road company, The Southern Pacific disease has been observ«! in most One day this physician announced liased its claim on tlie ground that the permeates the entire system with a natural* trle ne«ile we have entirely removed lieautiful and remarkable women of that the power of speech had returned parts of the world, though it lias been latter company never complied with glowing heat, rejuvenating every weak organ it. that epoch, ami one witli whom, of most prevalent in Germany and Aut« as suddenly as it bad originally left or part of the body. “How do women regard the electric course, lie was desperately in love. Tlie the requirement« of its grants in the tria. In 1860 it was epidemic at Gor­ him. He added that he was entirely matter of locating its road and on the needle? Most of them consider it a lieautiful ('Iconice siqiplants all bru­ forfeiture of its grant in 187«. Secre­ bach in Waldeck; In 1861-2at Plauen unable to ascribe tlie recovery to any r- SoffaH ------------------ !------------- blessing and their l>cst friend. How­ nette rivals in th. lieart her royal tary Smith field that the Southern Pa­ in Volgtlande; in 1862 in Ualbe on the cause, and Sir William Dalby confesses Aroint. Weaknem, Impotence 8 Lamo Rack, Kidney or Blad­ ever we had a woman from Jersey not lover when she “veils tier pearly tears Saale; in 1863-4 at Posen, Hettstadt; in that his experience does not enable nr nrrve force, abu^et i health, resulting from over-taxation of brain cific company had acquired no title to leng ago who was an exception to the in the shining gold of her liair.” Venus 1864 at Hanover: the same year at him to offer any explanation.— London rule. Slie came to l>c treated for super­ the goddess of lieauty and love, rises the land in question tinder its grant. Dessau; in 1865 at Gorlitz; in 1870 at New». The decision will open to settlement fluous Iralr upon the cheek. On ac­ from the sen foam with dead gold ------ - -■■■ Lobau in Saxony, and in 1871 at Got­ Mor® Belts Made count of the •xcrui-isting pain she an­ locks. The \irtlies, Faith, Hope and and entry many thousands of acres in tingen. The most severe of tbe latter The Union Pacific have published u Southern < 'alifornia. Dr, Bendon’s EloetHo b I u i uecaud,n““tur»*’’“J’- ThtaUourpl^wdtr-i^L ■nd Sold and ticipated suffering, «lie came well for- Charity, have lilonde liair, and Aurora day epidemics, however, was that in very neat pictorial World’s Fair folder, robust heslth and »Iror. afteraltotat»* wü.°, 5iP?"'Pent’. *“ve restored thousands to tifle«l witli a large l»>ttlc of whiskey. who opens the eastern gates to the day Mor® tufferer* TheTEi.KPiioxE-REoisTEli lias made H«lersleben in 1863, when, out of a containing colored lithographs of the «*«■« throughout '»¡Is State, who unv’iiur led’ V?*n ** •bown by hundreds of This I ple in this country get down to Hurlburt, Assistant General Passenger «“> «"‘T 0«TL««.iwäii. patient. When «he attempt«! to put on their (tart. When you want to sub­ a raw pork basis, comparatively speak­ Agent, Portland, Or. ------- 1 BELOW. CENKRAL OniUTV CURED. ------------------------- -- ------- ------- '"«"R 8KK on her wrap« a large Isxttle half full of "Bali!" «aid a club man when he scribe for the Jxrr/ir» Home Journal ing. In Germany nnd Austria, on the ’ LA*t B*CK ANO RHKUM ati .M CUNEO. Whiskey rothsl out of her |ws-ket onto read this. " Die dark haired women Crnturu. SorUnwr», Nraminrr, World Itucklen ’ « Arnica Salve. other hand, it Is quite common for the fl««or. She caBie Isiek many times, make equally an good a »bowing. If or other prqier», call anti get our prit-es. pork to Iw consumed in a raw or par­ Tlie Best Halve in the world for Cuts, trtBFHt cenfidAoc« in your treatment. You can publish 1 lh* lait never thought It necessary to take the Mary Magdalen waa blortde the di­ tially raw state. I know that from Bruise«, Sores, Ulcen, Salt Rheum, odwnwr.leore.il.. m. Tnl,,«,.. H. *. TOWEN that precaution again. RHEUMATISM ANO LA MEN EBE CUNEO. The Central telegraph exchange at actual observation. There isn’t a bit of Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, vine Mary waa brunette. For your Ju«t to see w liat th«' sensation is like fair Helen take the dark Aspasia. If Paris, Fran«-, is simply a bureau of danger of infection, you know, if the Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Erup­ tiam, from which I ouffrred for revern rear* For th* r?le?n|N «w-m abl to * rk; Your bwit ha« ploewd m, fa «uÄ <1^7* «mssl«. taesTOfe tions. ami positively cures Piles or no the visitor ha«l a liair removed fnsn her blonde Phynte won her liberty by her transmission, and neither directly re- w bl I bar. owd It. I can .UTO lE .'ti’iJ: pork is well cook«!. Intense heat al­ hand. First «I k - firmly grasped the loveline«, Hero’s dark beauty led Le­ c.’ives nor distributes dispatches. ways kill the worms. Ae«s>r«ling to j pay required. It is guaranteed to give LOST VITALITY ANO 1TNKNCTH CURKO. NERVOUS DEBILITY ANO LOSS ^ r JS“' H o ,,? perfect satisfaction, or money refund electrode. The operator held tier hand ander to hi« death. Some people pre­ It transmits 36,250 telegrams daily Feidler’s inquiries n heat of 142 to 155 • ed. Price 25 cents per box. For «ale anil plunged the tiny emi of the elec­ tending to know have pictured t leo- and furnishes employment to 500 degrees Farenheit is ample, and Ger-1 by Rogers Bros. ■K" Ulr... a.. w™.,,. me, wm ------------------ — tric needle into the pore of the »kin pA’ra with gulden treat»«, but to moot men and 400 women. lach places the mark even lower—133 I Or. S».4ea i F.lrrtrir Bell with Imwraww. ■________ Cure for Colds. Fevers n nd General De- from which the hair grew. The mo­ historians she 1» tlie dark-eyed sorceress a wl «. warrant It to rare anr of the ahr^. -.. i TZLZ TT.?*—*rt,! e-eRewaery to the bUity. Small Bi)«* Beam. 25c. per bottle. believe. But it must be understood | rut up in neat wntcb-sh«|wd bottles. «ngar t ■ awth to meet *11 stages of weakness in young shrunken limbs or par». ment it touche«I the |»>re sire felt a of the Nile, as «lark a.« the great Semi coated. v t- buck at once, sent sealed, free. Addiei: "-dd,e a«*l or old men, and will cn!?ui 7ont cases in two o 2?’ TheLBrw <~dedJn Small Bite Deans. X4c. per botik*. that this heat must reach the inner-1 «tinging sensation sc unpleasant that ramis, whose lieauty waa as wondrous 1 most («rts of the meat in order to do| SANDEN ELECTRIC DO., t n ORICON? Dr. Mite*' New Heart Cure at Druggist* PANTALOON TO PANTALET1 OregonPacificRailroad Direct Line, Quick Dispatch, Low Freight Rates. Wisconsin Central Lines. Through Tickets to all PoM EAST AND SOUTH. ’ Northeni Mt I Railroad I ro all Poinis East & Soutbl CASTORIA ST. PAUL ANO CHICAGO ONLY LINE Scott’« Emulsion 3 1 DAYS TO 2 CH ICAGO vz havever C old - head r A 50C ELY^BROTHECTwiSWBW; 50C HAVE YOU TRIED DRUES AND FAILED TO HNO A CURE? DR. SANDEN’S ELECTRIC DELT NOR L O.