L’HE telephone - reoisteb THE NEW GAME LAWS. NEWS RETOLD. CASES DISPOSED OF. I selling liquor without license. Verdict not guilty. 72— State of Oregon vs Lar* Gregor- 6, 1893 , pril son; Jas McCain dist atty; moving 28 Circuit court adjourned Tuesday diseased sheep without permit from In­ [Amity Popgun. Mar. 31. | Tlie new game laws are so numerous I'OHTOrritE HOURS. T. White Is councilman in plnee of morning. The following cases were spector, Plead guilty, fined *50. and embrace so many conditions that 73— State of Oregon vs Samuel Davis; I From 7 a m. t< 7 p. ill From 7:30 p, It will l>e difficult for hunters to keep H. B. Buft'um, resigned, and T. J. Jel- disposed of during the week past. Im to 8:30 p. m. 1— Chas Huudley vs Ellen Jackson, Jas McCain dist atty; rape. Fined|*100; lison takes the place of 1. L. Martin as track of them. The following is a sum ­ I Money1 order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Thos H Tongue atty for deft; Equity. paid. I Sunday from 12 m. to 1 u. m mary < tbe salient points of all the city treasurer. | Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail 74— State of Oregon vs Erank Butts; hew game laws. " • At the ¡practice of the McCoy gun Continued. ■north closes at 2:30 p. in. and 9 p. lu. 2— A F Rinser 4 Co vs V B and Em­ Jas McCain dist atty; burglary. Plead The game law makes an open season club last Saturday, Fletcher riled his I Mail for 5:45 a. ni. train closes evening [before at!) p m. of two and one-half months, from Sep­ previously sparkling record. Out of 25 ma J Latliam’3 B Husten atty for plff', guilty; fined *50. | Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail 70—-State of Oregon vs George F tember 1st to November 15th, for pheas­ shots each the score ran: Teeling 17; Ramsey 4 Fenton attys for deft; suit to [closes at 11 a m. Christenson; Jas McCain dist atty; forg­ ant, grouse, quail and China pheasant, Steward, 14; Peterson, 14; Walker, 12; set aside a deed. Continued. 4— Jos Wagner 4 Co vs Thos W Per­ ery. Plead guilty; sentenced to 2years but permits the sale of these birds only Thompson, 11: Fletcher, 10. CHURCH NOTICE». ry; Emmons 4 Emmons attys for plfl', in penitentary. one month—from Octolier 15th to No­ A petition is being circulated asking Ramsey 4 Fenton attys for deft; action I Mrruoatn E piscopal C hvbch ,—Services 78— J M Moyer 4 Co vs Allison 4 vember 15th. I every Sabbath at 11 a. m and 7 :40 p m, the school directors of Amity district to for money. Verdiet for deft; Judgment Sanders; Irvine 4 Coshow attys for plft' | Sunday School at 9:30 a, in. Prayer meet- It is unlawfill to hunt ducks with a call a meeting and ascertain the senti­ | ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. action for money. Settled. sink box, or to build a blind more than ment of the voters on the ldeu of l«ond on verdict. R ev . 8. E M kminuf . ii , Pastor 5— J E Hazeltine 4 Co vs B F Morse; City of McMinnville vs J W Cowls as 100 feet from the shore of uny river or Ing the district in the sum of eight [ CVMBSRl.AXO PSESBYTERIAN C h VUCH — I Services every Sabbath at 11 a. ni. and 7 p lake or to shoot with any gun other thousand dollars for the erection of a Davie 4 Frazer attys for plffs; action treasurer of the city of McMinnville; I m Sunday School at 9:30 a. nt. for money. Dismissed by court for alternative; writ of mandamus filed, re­ Persons deslriug horse bills are re­ than can be fired from the shoulder. school house. R ev J R. H ume , Pastor. want of prosecution. turnable March 31 at 0 a. m. Demurrer It is unlawful between one hour after lUrTiHT C hvbch .— Services every Sabbath quested to call at this office and look at 0—P Selling vs Laramie Mayer; F W overruled and writ made peremptory. at 11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. tn. 8unday School at our stock of horse cuts. It is tlie larg­ sunset and half an hour itefore sunrise [Newberg Graphic Mar. 3!.] 9;55a. tn. R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor. Fenton atty for plff; action for money. 79— E Quackenbush vs F Barnekoff; to fire off any gun, build any fire, flash C hristian C hurch .— Services every Sab­ est in the county or on the west side. Tax «lie people one year to open Ramsey 4 Fenton attys for plff; con­ bath at 11 a in. and 7:30 p. in Sunday If you want samples of our cuts write any light, burn any powder or other in­ drains on the sides of the streets and Continued. 7—Elijah Osborn vs John Cresson; firmation. Confirmed. School at 10 a. in. Y. P. S C. E. meets and we will mall them to you. flammable substance, upon the margiu then allow the property owners to nil Williams, Cary 4 McNary attys for Sunday at 6:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wed- or in tbe vicinity of or upon any lake, 80— D P Stratton vs Chas F Butler; I newia.v at p. ‘‘ 7.30 ’ r m. Everyone invited If you have chronic headache you them up the next season with old rails plff; action for money. Dismissed for II A D enton , Pastor. Irvine 4 Coshsow attys for plff; action should see Dr. Lowe and have him test pond, slough, swamp or other feeding and good rich soil. Great city govern­ want of prosecution. S t . J ames C atholic C hurch .—Services 1st grounds frequented by wild ducks, for money. Error. ami 3td Sundays of each month, Second your eyes. Properly fitted spectacles geese, swan or other water fowl, with ment we have in Newberg. 9— Stow 4 Brower vs Geo W Dickson 82—Eli Branson vs H flee; J J Spen­ I Sunday St. Mary’s at Corvallis Fourth will In many instances relieve it entire­ The Arlington has changed hand», a et al; Ramsey 4 Fenton attys for plff; cer atty for plft, Irvine 4 Coshow for I Sunday, St Patrick’s Church on Muddy. tbs intent thereby to shoot, kill or dis­ ly as more than one of our citizens will gentleman named W. H. Mears, of forelosure. Decree on pleading. Rxv. Tiios B riody , Pastor . deft; suit for damages. Judgment for testify. Remember, Dr. Lowe will turb tliem. Goldendale, Wash., having traded for 10— A Schilling 4 Co vs W E Kutch deft; costs and disbursements on plead­ It is unluwful to ship either game or McMinnville Orange. No. 31, P. of H., only remain till tbe 13th of April. it, and will take possession at once. Irvine 4 Coehow attys for plff; action ings. fish outside the state, even during the I meet in their hall the lirst and third Satur- Tha body of Kenneth Blugham, age open season. He traded a farm near Goldendale for for money. Settled. I day of each month at 10 a. in. Visitors State of Oregon vs John Lamar and I cordially invited. J. T. J olly . two years, son of George Bingham of 11— G L Baker et al vsYambill coun­ Bobt Roberts, selling liquor to minors; It is not lawful to kill deer from Au­ the property. Mas. M. E. K uns . Master, Salem, was brought here for burial Sat­ gust first to December first of each year Secretary, A taxpayer sent 140 to McMinnville ty et al; Irvine 4 Cosnow attys for plft’; both fined *75. urday night. The funeral was held by bls brother to pay bls and a neigh­ Janies McCain, dist atty, and Ramsey State of Oregon vs John Lamar and McMinnville Camp No 128, Woodmen of from tlie residence of Mrs. W. H. Bing­ but the carcass must be preserved or bor’s taxes, but it was 'found the 4 Fenton attys for plff’; injunction. De­ Bobt Boberts; selling liquor to minors. sold for food. the World—Meet first and Third Mondays of each month; visiting brothers cordially ham Sunday, Rev. Stoy officiating. Tbe open season for catching trout amount only paid about half his own murrer to complaint overruled; decree Lamar plead guilty, fined *50; Roberts invited to attend Lodge room Third St. Death was caused by cerebral fever on for one’s own use is from April first to to say nothing about his neighbor’s for want of answer as prayed for in the dismissed. Union block. J. (). R ogers , G. C. Friday the 31st. T. J. B bidgefobd , Clerk November first of each year, but they tax. It is well for jieople to commit to complaint. State of Oregon vs John Lamar and 14— Titus Smith vs Amanda Smith; Bobt Itolierts, selling liquor to minors. The formal opening of the free read­ must not be taken with any other de­ memory the text “grill and liear it,” Custer Post No. 9 meets the second and ing room was held Monday evening. vice than tbe hook and line, and can before they make any inqurles about O H Irvine atty for plff’; divorce. Con­ Dismissed. fourth Saturday of each month at G. A. R, tinued. bull in Union block at 7:30 7 :.'W P. m. All Tbe room is in the Union block, lieing only be sold during the months of Sep­ their taxes t his year. State of Oregon vs Geo Sauter; selling members of the Order.are < cordially invited the one lately vacated by Dr. S. A. tember and October. 15— Sarah A Likens vs Simon F Lik­ liquor to minor. Plead guilty; fined *50 to attend our meetings [Lafayette Ledger, Mar. 31.) ens; Jno J Spencer atty for plff; di­ Young. The exercises were lield in pGulls cannot be killed at any time, Same as above. L 8. D owning , the opera house and the program was a except for scientific purposes, each of­ B F Cl.l'BINE. Post Commander. As spring has arrived we think it vorce. Default; referred to C E Magers State of Oregon vs Chas Woods; rec­ Adjutant. to report law and facts; report of refer ­ good one Tbe room is all that is re­ fense punishable by a fine of from *5 to about time to talk motor line from Day­ ognizance. Dismissed. ence modified as to allowance of costs quired in a citj- of this size. *25. ton via Lafayette to McMinnville. 07-Statc of Oregon vs Joseph DMon- NOTICE. All trapping, netting, snaring or de­ Do not forget the lecture under the Judge O. N. Denny shipped quite a and disbursements; divorce granted to tliyon; Jas McCain dist atty; H Hurley lot of furniture to this place last Tues­ plff without costs or disbursements; re­ J F Caples attys for deft; larceny by al­ Hereafter all notices announc­ auspices of the G. A. R. post of this struction of nest eggs is prohibited. Ducks, geese and swan can be killed day and will soon move bis family up port otherwise confirmed. city, on the 19th of this month by Rev. tering tbe marks on »¡heifer, the prop­ ing entertainments for which an 17 -Surah A Mackie vs C F Mackie; erty of Andrew Wright. Dismissed. from September 1st to March 15th. from Portland. admission fee is charged, all Gue, of Portland. Remember that be W M Ramsey atty for plft’; divorce, Jack snipe can be sold from October 68- State of Oregon vs Joseph D Mon- Messrs. J. M. Kelty and J. W. Mar­ obituary nuttter after the notice is one of the best speakers in the state 15th to November 15th; ducks, geese tin were elected delegates of Lafayette nonsuit. upon almost any topic, and he was In thyon; Jus McCain dist atty; H Hurley of death has been given as a mat­ 17—Damon E Sawyer vs Mary R J F Caples attys for deft; larceny of a and swan during November and De­ Lodge I. O. O. F., to attend tlie Grand ter of news, all resolutions of con­ the late war. His lecture will be on cember. Sawyer; F W Fenton for plft’; divorce. cow. Dismissed. personal recollections of tbe struggle. Lodge, that convenes in Eugene city dolence, wedding notices, cards Default; referred to J W Hobbs to re­ It is unlawful to go upon any one’s next month. 70-State of Oregon vs Joseph D Mon- Eli Branson was defeated in ills case of thanks, etc., furnished the port law and facts; divorce granted to tbyon; Jas McCain dist atty; H Hurley land whether posted or not, without Telephone-Register for publica­ against Mr. Gee for damages sustained permission. It is also unlawful to plff without costs. J F Caples attys for deft; larceny by al­ [Sheridan Sun. Mar. 23.1 tion will be charged for at regu­ while Mr. Gee was supervisor. While shoot on or from the public highway. 20— D C Coleman vs U S Banking tering marks on a steer, property of the decision of tbe Judge is no doubt in Mrs. Haworth died at tlie residence lar advertising rates, 5 and IO Co; F W Fenton atty for plff; action for The elk law is very stringent and keeping with the law it is evident that of N. A. Newbill, near Grand Ronde, money. Default judgment with order GordonjNelson. Dismissed. cents per line. provides that no elk shall be killed 69- State of Oregon vs Joseph I) Mon- the law is an unfair one aHd should be last Wednesday, aged about 65 years. to sell attached property. thyonj'Jas McCain diet atty; H Hurley repealed. If a person lias a property from December 1 to August 1. The Sha was buried at the Tharp cemetery Local and General. 21— A Schwab vs U S Banking Co; J F Caples^attys for deft; larceny by al­ right he should be able to keep persons minimum fine is *50 and the maxi­ on Friday last. W M Ramsej atty for plff; action for tering the marks on a heifer, property Hats given away at Kay 4 Todd’s. away from it, and if tbe county wants mum *250, so that in any case the sher­ The grist of divorce suits on tbe cir­ money. Same as above. ofJS Hibbs. Dismissed. Read their add and go get one. material for roads it should pay for it iff will receive *125 for his trouble, for cuit court docket is unusually big this 23— R L Churchman vs U S Bankiug the law provides that whosoever se ­ E E McKinney &'Co vs C H Neal; Mr. M. M. Banister, of the Centralia the same as it lias to do for the other cures tbe conviction of a breaker of tbe term. Much of this senseless litigation Co; F W Fenton atty for plft’; action for confirmation. Confirmed. supplies. Saturday was in the city on Nett’», game laws shall receive one-balf of tbe would be avoided provided young men money. Same as above. E Poppleton vs A Klosterman and A last. Robert, youngest son of R. A. Stew- fine imposed. and women waited till the glamour 24— J C Porter vs U S Banking Co; A Klosterman; continued by con­ art, fell down stairs Friday night and is being Masonic lodge room and tinsel of their teens is past. They The F W Fenton atty for plft'; action for sent. ■ Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San meet at a dance; she turns her mild, money. Same oh altove. fitted up with inside blinds. Other sustained a shock from which he rous­ Stowe & Brower vs W T Shurtleff; Diego, Cal., says: “ Shiloh ’ s Catarrh improvements are contemplated in the ed Tuesday. It was in tbe night after sheepy eyes upon him; they meet his 26—George Moor vs Yiunbill Land Nonsuit. everyone iiad retired, when tlie noise Remedy is the first medicine I have vealisli orbs; they dance together; lie Co and M Fisk; F W Fenton atty for near future. J D Carter vs Lucretia Long; confir­ ever found that would do me any good proposes; she accepts; in a fortnight plff; action for money. Settled. Hon. P. H. D’Arcy, ex-mayor of Sa­ of his fall was heard. When picked mation. Confirmed. Price 50 cts. Sold by Howorth & Co. they get hitched; they spend a brief 30- Wm Millsap et al vsH Clay Burch lem, was in the city over Sunday. He up lie was unconscious and for a time honeymoon; soon she gets homesick et al; Irvine 4 Coshow attys for plft- Headache and Dizzine»s--Fre4uent Caus­ Notice to Taxpayers. tame to attend the funeral of Geo. G. he was thought dead. He had proba­ es of Apoplexy and Paralysis. bly started down stairs for a drink of and he dictorial; she skips for “maw”, foreclosure. Continued. Bingham’s little son. water in a sleepy condition. His Notice is hereby given that the tax and he, after sulking around like a 31 — A F Arthur vs Wilbur Cook; Ir ­ The most recent and profound re­ The city of Corvallis lias a police .recovery is now assured but lie is still roll of Yamhill county, state of Oregon choked calf, finally pllcH up the dirty vine 4 Coshow attys for plff; action for searches in tills diaection by specialists, force consisting of one man, and he considerably dazed. for the year 1892, is now in my bands dishes in a heap, locks up the house money. Default judgement witli order have developed conclusively that the »igns notices as chief of police. What above disorders frequently result in Sheriff’ Warren is busily engaged in for collection. That part of the state and goes to work for “paw.” Thus to sell attached property. a load of dignity he lias to carry. death or permanent disability. Dr. receipting for taxes. The people do law, which heretofore required the t. Dock»! Cl.au«! up. Quiet Will Helen for Six Months. Exchanges. Now in Force I.* Oregon. OMmuom Comes the Lumber manufactured at JONES & ADAMS’ mill. It is the Peer of any Lumber sold in the McMinnville market. A NEW SCHEDULE OF PRICES Has been formulated and it is now the cheapest lumber on the market all qualities considered. All sizes, kinds and grades can be found at the yards in this city at any time of the year. ITS BEAUTY AND FINISH IS INCOMPARABLE; Its life is longer, it is stronger and Is a thing of Iteauty while the product of other mills is warped and ready to be renewed. WE MAKE PROPOSITIONS. If you want to build a house at no immediate cost, call and see us. We will make you a proposition. This proposition is based upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­ hill County we are buildiug up Sones & Adams. A Complete Stock of Paints, Oils, Builders’ Hardware Is now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the people of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by us are requested to call and get our prices before purchasing. We will guarantee to save them money. We are in Business and mean Business. Sold hy Howorth A Co. JONES & ADAMS, Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. WALLACE & WALKER, PROVISIONS, REASONABLE TERMs) Family Supplies Everything within bounds; Everything Trim. Clean Goods, Neatness, Promptness. 1 PRICES AT THE BOTTOM. McMinnville, Oregon. The finest line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC, Bedrock prices] Buy for Cash! Sell for Cash! Light Expenses! No bad accounts to lose! No Bookkeeper to pay! I can and will sell you goods CHEAP FOR CASH C-^T^ZL -A-ZtTZD ADIRONDACK Is the best bred horse in the State of Oregon; of fine form and finish and remarkable intelligence and kind disposition. He is an unusually sure foal getter, and his colts are all large and speedy. PEDIGREE. (Abdallah, 1. Hambletonian 10(Rys- ' [2:41 dike’s) »ire of 41 2: 30 (Chas Kent mare, perforjners. & "Bona Fide, 720, sire' of Humbeat, 2:28, (Bellairs. and Daniel Boone, sire of Echo 2;27|; Kate, dam of Breeze, < 2:24; Bruno, 2:29$ a ( Nelly M 2:281 and Young Bruno 2:22j Susie Owens 2:26. Hambletonian. 10. "Volunteer, Julian 2:lliand 26oth- (Lady Patriot, by Young Pa- ers in 2:30 or better. riot outof Lewis Hulse mare Î o M A- CD .Madge. < ^Alxlallab, 15. Nelly (Kate Darling, by Sherman Mor­ gan, founder of the great Mor­ gan family. ADIRONDACK will make the season of 1893 as fol­ lows: Saturdays and Mondays. McMinnville; Tues­ days and Wednesdays. North Yamhill; Thursdays and Fridays. Sheridan. D. A. SHEPARD. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOR THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER Best Local Paper in Yamhill