muraré and Catös in virtue; SUMMONS , Apòllo® in giace, ■11 •« Ven "I , ' use« , in beauty, him by the hand said; “Old man. I've I already met the enetuy and lie is their»." ■H Uieïuiüauces ot »he Nile vüley »u¿ u,d the ***'■ III UttHUUMUVW We .wv-,---- --- „ ••Yen," replied Gilbert, -it will lie dif- in vigor , anti genuine American made up my mind, We will stay here, the Hesperidemi gardens. Snchdbilas Dianasin rigor, the rir. nit . on, i ,,i t|lt. . and irreaiatibleueax. or In Leia and L Yes, don't look so amazed. ' fereut here. In the care of the Indian I ADVISES poured out that marvelous display of ; I women WOIueI1 in in lovlinesx lovlit Yamhill cou ni v *<| he was introduced to a xt range and un ­ Freedom, peace, protparity and rratowu, A VETERAN JOURNALIST i 1 mean it. I am going to run this town l> Wright, I'laiiull’, rrnits and vegetables at gbich w* nave obedience to latv, anil reverence for God known beverage that drowned his sor­ myself after this and give it a boom." vs I 'j HIS BROTHER EDITORS. jnst gazed, crushed into silence by fifty- i and the right ahull fill all thin majestic Win T. Wright rows aud liutde him forget his woes; N'.im v Pierce looked blank for a moment. pound watermelons, eleven-pound blope, as the waters fill the xea and the Wright. C. .1 l and but here, for ages, they nave distilled :o on ; lh ,) j But, confound it, after we’ve taken Address of C’ulwuel F. Dunsu Before th« | bunches of grape»—recalling the script­ his wife. Mrs. c. ,1 I irsoiq all this trouble to save your »kin yon liquors «ml drank them, ami they can ■tan of glory fill the »ky ! ural story of the vale of Eschof — eight ­ and Hymn Mill- q. 1 Orrtfon Press Assuriation at th® To roll in thix resplendent era, gentle- want to remain here and go through it make good liquor too. They have never IMcndants.' pound potatoes, twopound apples and known iin excise law wr an internal llrt-ritt Meeting at The Halles. i men, brethren of the Oreguu pre.*—of To William T. Wriglii. Xanc, all over again?" half-pound iliums, single stain of to ­ revenue bureau, ¿mil. like all human (CUNTIM'Klt.J Coast press, is the tnissiou, J. Larxott and liis wife, X|r, ( “W; ‘•No; there will lie Jio trouble. Be­ bacco weighing thirty pounds, and single the more and Byron Mill-ap, tlm sides I want you to stay here for awhile blessings, because it is free to all. none Your pen«, pen», more In short, dear brethren, not to impose peanut plants with A full pound of the work pefore yon. Your : You and • at h of you'J1*! care much f< r it. In all my stay here potent far than magic wantbt, can, by fendants (a year or so, old fellow, eh?) and get ui>on your afficted attention a longer list “goobers" ifangLmr from their roots, ' ------ *- by notified to be and appear 'in n ’ c-OAPVzçzzr grand, united, persevering effort, fulfill efftitleil into oar ways. You'll like the place. 1 have not seen drunken men except of these needed reforms, make journal­ »nit in |lu .lla>v»*,M whose harvests Wonderful trout fishing, splendid snipe iqsju tin’ day of the attack oil my ism a business, hush the denunciation of It has wheat fieMs by Monday, n,. the mission, do the work, achieve u mag­ court shooting, fine climate. Oh, you'll enjoy house, and they d;auk then <>uly to fire each nth -r, cork up the meaningless puff­ already—agd nificent destiny for your state and due of Mar. h, A. It . Iso:. i||.u ? S of production first day of the next t. rm .,f , a ' I themselves to desperation. While tho it, I know.” region, untold good for the country and lowing the expiration .it »ix ww ia ery that discredits the puffer without ,k,. Then, growing earnest, he outlined his introduction of letter liquors might be­ crediting the puffer. Tell the truth and the world, the world, and an immortality of grati ­ out, HH<1 lilt? noun hour wks iijkih them tion ot this summons, au.| answ trl L h ’ CHAPTER Xlll. flying the Hags of hal before be bad finished Meanwhile the plan to Pierce. It was, in brief, to di­ get a higher taste, I don t fear that they shame the office Beelzebub. Pay for the globe, aie lyùq» th® Cd!bm- tude for yourselves. Generations yet plainaol the above mune.l plaintifrsJ are hotv lyi. M4TTF.K or FIX 4M 1C. suit in said court, and y.,n art 5 other two men had grown tired and vide about fifty thousand dollars among will be harmed by rum. what you get anti demand and exact pay awaiting citfrhe* of Oregonian unbçrn shall rise up to call you blessed, said Wai fiver ____________ _ notilled that if you fail u, aiower tu? •■If yonr plans do not miscarry they the men who had been hired for the ex ­ and your memory shall be sweet through withdrew to the camp. 1 hen it was that for what you do. Wear no perpetual rtrui» Tf has hundreds qf tpons- complaint filed against you, M .¡* < golden grain. It Eric took Pierce more fully into bis con­ pedition, ami retaining Whitley and will soon be drinking champagne like partisan lialter or blind bridle. Be in­ and» of square miles of paithrt paSlUft- Umds, all the ages, a» the summer dews tluit quired, for the a ant tlier.-.,f t|„. ¿J* t'fff, W. 1>. WriL'h-. will apply fidence ami made his eyes fairly bulge ¡Sheriff Woodruff dismiss them all. Other bloated capitalists," added Pierco dtpendent. Support uo scoundrel or fenced gently fall on Hermon's bedx of thyme. tciaau .....j »j . m *. .mridon, where <>My by the far librjgoti, cult court for flic relief praved fi,t ¿J1 ' Al. with an account of the vast treasure He would then call together the chief .s he lighted his pipe. "And as we have ■couudrelisiu, no fool or foolery, no the floqkx ami - - herds Godspeed the time when a fearless, ot half th. WorIn within the city, but he had scruples men of the city and form a Ixiard of some in our commissary wagon, suppose matter what party, sect or section in­ rtiight feed. It lis nidÙntaiM ribbed ontspoken, right-loving and wrong-hat­ mantled in -aid • ompl.ont, p in fa\or of said |'laiiitiirun'a1'’ hard to overcome, which made it diffi­ directors under his own presidency, lay­ we drink a health to the new- departure. ’ dorses lii’tt or it. Be just, honest, free, with every precioqs óre and mineral, ing press, wearing the dog collar of no decree the defendant-. Win. 1 Wrightau/B Now began stirring times. Besides tho aud fearful only of doing Wrong. Stand ing before them a scheme of manage­ cult to bee bis title to the hoard, aud party, section, sect or faction, ehaB Wright (or the prim ip .l .u,„ „( , * i ment which he was sure would inure to usual spring sowing the people were together, shoulder to shoulder anil heart except tin.!—veritable treUlire red and fifty dollars , |n thebe were shared by Pierce. the gods, bursting ont With gold, silver, prove itself the regenerator, the savior coin busy all the time discussing the new anti interest on said -um at the benefit of all. I After their noon meal they resolved to to lieart, an invincible, irresistible pha­ copper, iron, manganese, lead. I of the republic! And, when that time ten per centum per annum from tuj features of their social ami political life The city would simply l>e a great go to the city and confer with Iklapel lanx, in everything that concerns the come«, may some ot the proudust (lav of October lsisi. until the both upon this matter and the general stock company, capitalized from its own to come. It was amazing how earnestly welfare ami honor of your’own glorious oetl; while marble, gypsuui, salt and trophies of the onward aud upward tbe decree, less the sum O| It,,au- are plenty ax sands in the great effect of the new arrivals upon the city « priestly savings, and its earnings would they entered into all the plans of Erio fraternity. And the newspaper milleu- oil march of the struggle, of the labor, cf terest on said deinaml and for J»i„! welfare. In passing along to the temple be divided among the jieople. There and Iklapel, and witii what implicit con­ iuui will 1» close at hand. The country Sahara or scrap beggar» in politics. It the triumph, deck the knightly lances of Ileys' fees, and for costs and tlislm.-sai Gilbert noted carefully the faces of the were rich mines to be worked, and fidence they predicted the great future will be retleemetl, .exalted and purified. has room ami homes, this wonderland of my true-hearted, generous and patriotic of said suit, ami for a ‘l''<'ree I. u Z l mortgage deed imule by ,„i.l people, and was glad to observe a cheer­ which alone would make the people of the city. Nothing now was too new Aud the editor—he who makes the poli­ creation, for 101,000,000 of industrious brethren of the Oregon Press associa­ the Wright anil Nancy Wright.'on t|le .m- ful temper appareut. While there was wealthy; ill fact, the more lie thought or too vast to deter them. They were tics anil politicians of the land, who and enterprising people. As thickly of October, lH'JO, upon No. tlireeq ¡Mpulateil as England. Oregop alone tion! block No twenty-nine .«), of Oak? mourning, he knew, in several houses, of it the more feasible it seemed, and be eager to enter upon the new era. Eric had selected his board of direct­ leads every forward ami upward move­ would give habitation to over 80,udP,000 u.ldition to the town of McMinnville vj he could see uo evidence of an ill feel­ grew enthusiastic at tho prosjiect. Shiloh ’ s Cure, the great cough and ment of humanity — may ere long be as bill county, state of Oregon, said iU0J Although Pierce was not so sanguine, ors with great care, and day after day respectable as a peanut peddler, stable and Washington to more than 20.00d.001. ing, and he hoped that the crisis was lung cure, is for sale by us. Pocket deed being described in said . onipSH fifty years ago this vast and Riatch- over and the deaths of the most violent he still felt that with unknown millions they detained the wagon train until boy, secretary ot state, circus clown, having been made to secure tlie pay> size contains 25 doses, only 2i5c. Chil ­ and powerful leaders had ended all trou­ "in liank almost any scheme could be car­ their plans were perfect. More than a foreign minister, pickpocket or presi­ leee region W4s a savage and unexplored of several sums of money, and for an« Wilderness. Leas than twenty years dren loveit, H. Howorth A Co. ried out, aud he felt like trying the ex­ month elapsed before Erio could say, dent. ble. for the sale of said real premises to ago Canby was mnasacretl in the Modoc funds with which to -aid 3 They found old Iklapel at the temple periment. He looked dubious, however. “We are ready to proceed," but finally TlieTEi.Ei ’ HONE-llEarHTEK hastuade Brethren of that illustrious craft sunt» <>f money, costs, di'lciraegsg3 lava beds. Tu-day the surface dirt of “Understand me,” added Eric. ‘T the day came. aud many priests around him. He had wich is said to use the pinions qf one, accruing costs, ami fore, losing and arrangements with all the prominent Everything was completed, three of its infinite resources and capacities ha. just finished a wise and forcible sermon, mean business. It is not all pure philan­ to spread the opinions qf another, Scarcely been scratched by prospector’» palters and periodicals in the United the rights, interests an.I. laitn. of in which he had outlined the many bene­ thropy by any means. 1 know we will the wagons were secretly loaded with gtxise the above named defendants of, in, J fits which would accrue to the nation have to buck against ignorance, super­ gold l>y night and stood ready to depart. these reformatory steps caunOt be ta^eh pick or shovel. Its incomputable treas­ States whereby they can be obtained in upon sai.l real pretui.......... any partihj too soon: this pusliiug of our prqfessioh iA'ia wan watching them. ill the manner provided by iav;, atrfl ures are to be opened up. Its valleys and from following Eric’s plans, accusing stition and fear; also there will bea rush Pierce was to convert the metal into As Eric found himself a few minutes Cbalpa s memory bitterly and with great of outsiders, speculators, land grabbers currency and act as financial agent in to tbe lofty and mighty posinon it plains, with tlieir very wantonness of connection with this piqier at less than such further relief in the premises as J later standing among a group of cheer­ force as the causoof all discord. He had and others lien- that must be checked. the great operations to follow. Supplies should, and is inevifbly destined to productiveness, are to be broughtfuader the publisher’s price. Our old stili.serib- seem to the court meet with etiaity 1 conscience. ing white men, with his hand in that of deprecated the craving for jiower and The government will perhaj* interfere; of all sorts in immense quantities were hold, calttot be too speedily effected. the plow and harrow of husbandry. that ers or new subscribers can have the good This summons is served by public^ Pierce, and hearing his own tongue place which had caused all the trouble, the state certainty will. Wo will need to be bought—an electric light plant, Never iu our new-world history his ■hall transform them into ever-blooming lieneiit of this reduction and no trouble thereof for the period six,weeks,by as* .poken by all about him, it seemed to awl had drawn bis hearers by his power­ all our wits and more to manage things, mining and milling machinery, horses, there Iteen such need of an enlightened true gardens of the gods. Millions of on their part. When you want to sub­ it.v til the order of Hoti George II | him as though he bad awakened from a ful logic and noble oratory to a recog­ and even the success of the plan may be fine cattle and other stock, farming im­ ■nd patriotic press, rising to the highest cattle ure to be pastured where today scribe for the J .ad ice Home Journal, nett, circuit judge of the third judi ia| j jaaj dream. Pierce was unchanged. These nition of the truth—that civilization our undoing, for when they are all edu­ plements, looms, clocks—everything, in possible dignity, ami wielding the great­ the wilti deer graze nnscared. Minee Century. Seribnert, Examiner, H’orlil triet of tile state of Orogmi, dated - ' usua 20, 18tl3. llsusKY ,,, R amsky ,t A I' est esioj were the same profane, adventurous and would, if adopted at once without re­ cated twenty years hence other interests fact, that civilization conld furnish from est possible power and influence. In are to lie worked, whose riches shall Attys for Plainlia or other pa|terx, cull and get our prices. armed westerners with whom lie was serve, place them upon an equality with will perhaps be more powerful." addition to all the responsibility that its plenteous store was to be procured eclipse all the glittering marvels of familiar, tlieir horses standing about in rests upon the journalists of the country Aladdin and liis genii. Thriving vil­ rest of the world and prevent the “And therefore it would lie wise,” and brought to them. dusty disorder, giving the place the air the in connection with the general weal and miserable decadence which would surely The task was great, but Pierce felt of a l amp or milling town. It all seemed ensue if they continued in their old interposed Pierce, “for us to place away his blood glow as he thought of it. As advancement of their kind, special du­ lages and towns are to be sown broad­ In some good, solid securities a, few mil­ cast in a thousand Hpots where,the so natural and civilized, especially the customs and beliefs. lions forthe nseof original charter mem­ the greatest buyer upon earth, the rep­ ties anil obligations of the vastest mo­ silence aud solit title of sixty centuries profanity, that he'liad to turn ami look ment devolve upon them as Americans Then, following upon the old priests resentative of unheard of wealth, he into-Ills doorway upon Leia standing words, Eric stood liefore them aud told bers, as it were, in case the board of di­ would fairly rival Monte Cristo, if lie —American editors. To them is largely are as yet unbroken. Great cihesx-the rectors is voted out of office some time New Yorks. Philadelpliias. Bostotb and there liefore he realized it all. Pierco them simply and carefully of the liis- in did not eclipse him, and in the building entrusted the fate of the grandest Pittaburgs of the Pacific Coast—afe to the future." was introducing Cale Whitley aud tho tory of other nations. For two hours he governmental fain r. our earth has ever so." Eric answered, "ami Ikla­ of a railroad across the desert, one of be raided, like magic- exhalations, on sheriff, warmly praising them aud tlieir addressed them—and the gathering of pel “Just himself would say tho same. At the first enterprises to be launched, lie •eeti. The destinii-sof the American re­ many a noble harbor, by many a lake eondiwt of tlio search. He did not know priests grew to a great multitude ere lie public are. under Guil it! a great meas ­ a most interesting and exciting pro­ Si riverside, in many a mouutaiu liow tinielv bad lieen bis arrival or he had ended—telling them of Greece and least it is no more tliau other discover­ saw ers ami conquerors have always done." ject, which alone was worthy of any ure, in tlieir hands—a republic con­ g., Where now the hardy backwoods- would have termed it a rescue. ceived in the hearts aud brains of pa ­ Rome; of England and America; of “Only they took all there was in man. What more noble ambition could a’j cabin or the fisherman's hut are The eves ot Is>th Cale and the sheriff Peril and Mexico, and of the race of In­ triots, heroes and sages: bunt with the he ever have desired than this eminently oily Batpfatidh. Tllbndands on thou­ had been roving over the city anil cal­ dians dying off the face of tho earth lie­ sight,” said Pierce, "and we propose to proud Dechuatiou of Independence, and bap ­ one? And now they were ready. culating its strength and riches. To cause civilization is too powerful for take only a small percentage. Are Each step in the great undertaking care­ tized in the lire and blood of the revolu­ sand qf mires of railroads and canals are to be Mlft. Steamboats ami steamships for Infant« and Children them, from where they stood, it present­ them to resist, awl they are too weak to Whitley and Woodruff in this at all?" “Perhaps it is lietter that they remain fully considered and planned, nothing tion- the republic of Washington. Jef­ are t. be laupched. Universities, col­ ed merely the appearance of a pueblo, accept its customs. When he had fin­ ferson, Henry. Hancock, MadisoiLatid remained but to act. outside—for the present anyway,” Eric leges and libraries are to be established Castori» cures Colic, Constipation, with the general makeup of which they *4 Cast or 1 a Is so well adapted t o children that behold, Knlcan arose, and raising answered, laughing. Leia stood on the threshold as the line Adams: which for fourscore years and endowed. Cathedral» and churches Sour Stomach, Diarrho*a. Eructation, were too familiar to expect to discover ished, I recommend it as superior to any prescription Kills Worms, gives sleep, and pruiuot« di­ his hands cried: guarded, with ceaseless vigilance and of wagons filed past, with drivers and That night the inhabitants of Atz- are to be reared. The wildernesses aud known to me.” II. A. A rcher , M. D., tuticli of art or treasure. They were gestion. brethren and friends, our (Quet­ lan in a great, meeting elected Gilbert escorts waving their hats in farewell sa­ jealous care, at home and abroad, oil the solitary places must be made to re­ Without injurious medication. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. somewhat disappointed with its com­ zal “My speaks wise words. 1 fear he will their governor. The voting was by ac­ lutes; Eric and Pierce in the rear, ex­ land and set. the liberties of the hum­ joice and blossom as the Astorian rose. monplace mid in parts almost ruinous leave us if we are stubliorn and head- blest citizeu: rendered'us the freest na­ The thunder of mighty mill wheels must “ For several years I have recommtoiM "The use of *Castoria* Is so universal and appearance, and felt their hopes rather •trong, and we want him with us. Do we clamation, ami the whole proceeding changing last words of caution and ad­ tion outfit globe: and gave us peace, be heafti on all the beautiful Streams your ‘ Cantoria, ’ and shall always continosi* did not take fifteen minutes. He was vice. When they reached the house its merits so well known that it seems a work .lashed as they observed no golden domes do so as it bus invariably produced beneficili of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the not? ” He was answered with shouts of power anil prosperity, that taade us the Eric dismounted and grasped Pierce's summoned and made A speech to them, results.” of this unknown land of a generation aud glittering palaces rising in the midst intelligent families who do not keep Castorla envy and admiration of the world. within easy reach." ___ E dwin F. P ardi «, M. D., of green gardens. But they bad fpunil hearty volume awl feeling. “Now that unfolding his ideas in the simplest man­ hand, with moist eyes: ago; the hum of prosperous induatries Caithos Miawx, D. D . Chalpa is gone front us there will be no Within the last few years a deluge of “ Now, goodby, Harold. God bless ner so that they comprehended his •‘The Winthrop," l?5th Street and 7th Ata, must resound through all its fertile the object ot tlieir search and eat lied the o New York City. more trouble, awl I feel that if Quetzal evil has surged against it and over it. you! Be careful and remember you scheme readily. They were quick to see New York Citj. taM Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. reward, which was a comforting reflec­ ami alongall its picturesque moun­ Dissensions anil hatreds have crept into Vales tion to turn to after al!. They gazed were our governor we would be prosper­ the advantages of the plan, although hold us ail in yonr hand." tain sides; and the white incense of ous knd content. 1 desire not the office; its high council halls. The clash of “ Don't worry, my dear boy. You ’ ll they had no monopolistic corporations rather curiously upon tiie bearded man Tl» ClSTAUR COMFAMV, T? MCRRAV STBOBT, NiW You. steam must asceud from thousands of in the strange, nil-American costume us it ill befits me, for 1 am loo easily influ­ ax examples to teach them the power of hear from me very soon, and let me tell fratricidal bayonets has been heard over altars of thrift aud progress, as a glad ' enced this way and that. You want a the very ashes of its founders, and the you, ” he added, with an effort at face ­ combination. Blit he laid great stress he stood before them with the confused thana offering to heaven tor a new and 1 look in liis eve» of Ilin -sleeper awaking. wise mau, a great father like our Quet­ upon the difficult nature of the task, and tiousness, “there will lie a lot of news­ horrid gurgle of fratricidal blood has in­ glorious empire redeemed from savagery zal, who knows the men of all the earth paper men here inside of ten days, mark carnadined its pellucid waters. Wrongs again and again laid before them the ne ­ Leia was watching them with a wom­ and added to civilization. an's curiosity. Already she hail*noted awl their tongues and their wily ways, cessity of constant toil, ceaseless vigi­ my words, and they will give you some­ and abuses have intrenched themselves In that Wonder-Time to come, the that he may protect us from them and thing to bother about. And liesides in its sacred citadel. Giant corruption, lance and tireless patience. all tlieir faces and compared them with Peftless Maritime Metropolis of the Oc­ guard us from the ew iny who comes in they'll establish a mail service for you, like the unclean beast, the abomination “ Most of all, above all, work, work, her ideal yet real lover, mid much to of desolation in prophetic vision, perch?» cident will sit enthroned, as a commer­ their disadvantage. Bite had lieen con­ forms w<‘ know not. Let us haveagreat work," he cried. "It is the soul, the life depend upon it. Goodby, goodby.” meeting in the estnfa tonight and hold He mounted and galloped away. Eric on its loftiest altars and Itespatters with cial queen, at the mouth of the mighty of the world; the aim and end of living fident that there were no men like him, another election. Go now and tell all — aye, 'tis life itself, ” led liis wife to t he lionsetop. They could corroding filth the robes of its priest», Amazon of North Amerioa. A city mill now she was assured. When Erio the people.and think well upon Iklapel ’ s see the train wind along the river until the togas of its senators and the ermine greater aud grander than London or ’ The next day the wagon train came invited them within she greeted them words and Quetzal ’ s and mine, the least it disappeared behind the canyon ’ s out- of its judges. Its deepest foundations Paris or Pekin, will stretch in unbroken into tho city, and the Atzlans crowded graciously and with the liimmer. of a of you all.” reaching spurs, and then she turned to in the hearts and confidence of the lines of fourteen story palaces, from about tho canvas covered wagons, filled princess. She sisike to them with a from Tongue Point and Tansy Beach to They dispersed, awl Eric led Iklapel him, with a great, hopeful look in her people are shaken. with mingled curiosity and fear. The L vj L ¿1 brave effort, in their own tongue, with a into tiie temple awl seated himself be­ Fort Canby and 11 Waco. Ten thousand eyes, and kissed his lips. Together they horses terrified them by their every ac ­ To the editors of the laud, more than curious blending of modesty and pride, side him, Pierce standing outside looking It is a wondf-rfiii remedy, "which is alike benefi­ trains a day will run into its mile-square tion; the wagons amazed them; their stood there, the morning breaking rich­ to any other class—perhaps 1 should be and her voice fell tiptin tlieir cars with nnion station—trains from Bt. Peters­ down with curious eyes upon the city. ly and warmly over the red cliffs, when eyes were tired before the day passed safe in saying more than to all oth?r cial to you and your c ’ Such is Scot’s Emulsion aqueerly foreign intonation unlike any­ Eric opened at ouoe upon the subject with staring at the marvels that were Iklapel emerged from below and stood classes—is committed the holy task, on burg, Vienna. Constantinople, Cairo and thing they had ever heard. Wearing a of Pure Norwegian <'od Liver Oil and Hypophos­ Jerusalem, Houg Kong, Yang Tse Ki­ white lamb's wool gown, flowiug freely of the treasure, telling him frankly liow displayed on every hand. Many of them beside them. His eyes were full of a them devolve the mighty trnst and labor ang and Yokohama, by way of Bering's much it was valued by the rest of the great fire as he gazed down the canyon made most advantageous bargains, ex ­ of repairing all these breaches, healing phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the ■bout her perfect figure and encircled Strait Tunnel and the Alaskan ahd Van­ at the waist by a wide gold licit, «lie ’ world and to what mad extremes men changing gold and silver ornaments, where the dust still rose above the trail of all these enmities and righting al! these couver Air Line;—and trains from Pat­ would go for a tenth or a twentieth of children and produces sound, healthy flesh. It keeps the wagons. Then he turned toward the mere baubels, for the rare things the wrongs: of restoring the grand govern ­ stood scanning each face nnd form, a it. He told him its worth, but succeed­ strangers brought. Their greatest de­ city and stood silent, regarding it for a ment of our torefathers in deed and in agonia, Buenos Ayree, Rio Janeiro and picture of queenly beauty and grace. them from taking co! ! anil it will do the same for you Chimborazo, by way of the Isthmus of Pierce bowed before her in reeiiect ed only in dimly impressing it upon the sire was for the axes, hatchets and hunt­ long time; then raising his arms like a truth: re-ceiuenting the shattered bonds Darien, Popocatepetl aud Shasta Light­ priest, but Iklapel realized keenly the prophet of old he cried out : ing and isx'ketknives. But some queer of union: re-establishing the constitu ­ »nil almost reverence, so surpassingly Scott's Emulsion cures Coagha. “Rise up, O City of the Sun! Behold, tion: bringing back the days of peace, ning Express Route. Corporation tools lovely she looked inher archaic cost nine. evils that would follow a repetition of trades were made. One aged chief had Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and and lobbyist« will be swept out of the the scenes of Corlez or Pizarro ’ s plun ­ the day has come; the seipent is dead! obtained a pair of eyeglasses and was plenty, freedom, fraternity anil glad ­ He noted her fair hair, bine eves and all Anaemic and Wasting DiMasca. national senate, botch engineering and perfect mouth in sincere, unqualified ad­ derings as depicted by Eric. He heard beside himself with delight at the res­ Behind you, O city of my fathers, lie the ness, when labor strikes were unknown, squanderons Prevents wasting in children. A»- contractors will be things the latter through without saying ’ ” tich toration of his vision, while another rev ­ untold eons of superstition, of blood and and the cry of "Bread or blood" had ■nast as palatable n« rn:tk. Cetoniy miration, marveling that thix conld real­ until Eric finally said: of the shameful past, and all the barriers darkness, reaching back, back to man's eled in the possession of a compass and never bee:: heard in our streets; reas ­ the genuine. Prepare.! by Scott .'. ly be a savage. Five minutes later lie “Now, my father Iklapel, you are the spent his time showing the unerring first feeble steps! Men came and men serting evervw here beneath the sun the that now hinder the flow of thisimi>erial Bowne, Chemist■, Notz York I I . was willing to swear she was it New went away, hut thou hast remained. O dignity and glory of the American river will be torn away forever 1 The all Druggists. Yorker whom fate bad buried here in oldest here. You have said the treasure needle to his astonished friends. mine, but it is yours and your people’s Eric hail cautioned them not to lie too hoary city of the past, look up and see name, and extending the wings of Co­ mighty Columbia will roll like a resist­ tiie wilderness for Gilbert to unearth, is the light! B< fore you the future stands, lumbia's bald-pated eagle over the last less flood from the mountains to the sea. and then some little action or accent to hold or to give away. Tell me now, liberal in their dealiugs with the white As unknown space illumined by an un- foot of soil am. the last drop of xvater, It Will be dug out deep enough for ocean men, and also tried to prevent their be­ filled him with a new feeling, and lie what say you as to its disposition?” “You have told me many things,” he ing swindled, and endeavored to prevent speakable glory. In its beauty it is coni- from Bellring's straits to Terru del Steamer navigation from Cathlamet to was wondering again. The others simply realized that she began. “You have made my heart soar too palpable swindling on his men's part, | iug to be thy bride. I hear its voice; I Fnego: till the star-spangled banner Kootenai and Pend d'Oreille: and a Bhip was a wondroualy liemitiful woman— and my cars burn with wondrous tales but it wasnearly impossible. The temp­ hear its approaching footsteps. Oh, that shall once ntors be hailed the wide-world canal from there across to the head­ K0LD in H& Eric's wife, as they supposed—and gave of your great people awl their cities. I tation was too great on both sides to be my eyes may see its glory and my lips I around ns the proud, unsullied symbol waters of the Missouri and on into the no thought to the wonder of her appear­ yearn to see them. I long to witness restrained, and it was curious to see the taste its sweetness! I have said it—it is i of all that is great aud good, pure, Mississippi will enable us to ship Ore­ these wonders, but I am old, and I grow complacent sense of satisfaction and the good." powerful, beneficent ami free in national gon and Washington ninety-bn«hels-to ance in that desert realm. Besides tlieir He turned to his only hearers, and his character and national faiue. the-acre, wheat, ten-pound potatoes, live thoughts were on revenue bent; they feeble. But my people are young; they realization of clever business tact beam­ are your brothers now. Why should they lit this glorious work, gentlemen of whales anil aurora* borefills to New Or­ longed to see the treasures of Atzlan and ' not see awl have these marvels? You ing in the faces of those of the Atzlans voice grew low ami sweet as he looked at Erie and said : who had made good bargains from an divide them. They felt as Pizarro s fol­ the Pacific Coast, press—of the Oregon leans and Havana. Omaha, St. Paul “And so it has liegun, O my brother, press—yours will Is- no ignoble share; and Chicago will be but snack stations lowers must have felt as they saw the tell me that we have the wealth of many Atzlan point of view. They knew they 1 nations, and that wealth does all things. bad outwitted the newcomers and got­ aud to you we owe it. Y'ea. I see it be­ and when it is done, and well done, no on the great fifty track air line railroad Inca's treasure» uliuost iu tlieir grasp— millions upon millions—for in spite of Wh v cannot you bring these wonders ten something for nothing, and they fore me plainly, the story of this great laurels of hero or sage will be brighter between the New World Metropoli at here? Need yon leave ns if you can t (’ream Ilalmu not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into ........ . were mightily pleased with themselves. city, for it will be greater than ever be­ or more worthily worn than those which the mouths of the Columbia aud the Pierce's caution some inkling of Eric's _ qoirkly aktorbed. It cleaner» the itnrti, allaye inflammation, heule — * In the evening Knlcan came to Eric fore. Its story will go out before men, garland your patriot brows. But be­ Hudson. We will have bred a race of Cfln message had circulated mining the men, eonimand these things? Need you go the eoree. Hold bu druagiete or eent by mail on receipt of price. |s|M and they will wonder at it ages hence, yond—and. if possible, above—all this, men and women at least ten feet in ÖUC ELY BROTHEfiStüß Warren Street NEW YORK. J Up aud they dreamed of millions for all away if you can bl ing tlien/here to ns? and said: Thus we can at one bound overleap the "Brother, tomorrow 1 shall hand over and it will be told to the children and lie high and sacred duties that are pecu­ heiglit-s-Xlje^leji all Golishs in strength, hands. Their impatience was so mani- - -IX- , ------- - ------------------------------ sung by the poets, aud the world will liarly your own, duties arising from fest in their looks and remarks that gulf which separates ns from the New to you the office and its powers." World and be equal in wealth and knowl ­ "But, ” interrupted Eric, “ before yon marvel at it, for 'tis the work of a god!" your location and surroundings. Pierce, after a short talk with Gilliert, “Nay,” said Leia as she threw her called them together and addressed edge and power to any city of the earth. do so yon must perform a ceremony— Here, in the richest and grandest part "We are not dull; we learn readily, one upon which 1 have set my heart. arms about her husband's neck, “ 'tis them: and you will lie proud of yonr people You must wed ns, Leia and me. ns the the work of man. and it is begun by a of the continent, where every pulse “Now. boys, our search is ended. man. and. Io. be is mine, my Quetzel!" beats high with hope and youthful What there is in this place for ns no one before another decade passes. Here in last act of your tenure of office.” “It shall lie so!" cried Knlcanwith de­ THE END. I vigor, is yonr field: and the omniscient knows yet. bnt it will rest with Mr. Gil­ this city von can plan new enterprises, and omnipotent God conld hardly have bert «s to what we shall have. He han put in practice your theories of govern­ light. “lam glad it falls tome! In­ given you a more glorious one. Here, Powder i'tifftoe enough to pay yon all well for yonr ment, and make of this ancient Atzlan, deed it repays me for the loss of tbe Tho world used to sav that all Ameri­ side by side, tlieir faces aglow with the WITH SXuSCTTtlC STTSiFEl'TSOTVZ’. tronble, but there will be no looting so full of al! the memories of past ages, great dignity of lieing governor, which of the setting sun. lie the im­ this village: wliat yon can obtain by a new and mighty city—a monument to lox», believe me. does not sadden me at can women powdered, just as they say splendors perial commonwealths of Oregon and your wisdom forever. I leave it in yonr The Crowning Triumph in Medico-Electrical Science! all. In truth. 1 confess to a feeling of now that they smoke cigarettes. In the fair trade is one thing and wholesale ----------- Washington: ami. linked with them in It cures all diseases curable by Electricity. robbery another. If any man is detected hands, oh, my Quetzal; 'tis yours to take relief at the thought t hat ill becomes tny old days there was a bottle stuck in some indissoluble bonds, sisters in interest corner of her beel. stepi>ed forth the bride and bridegroom urally be caught in prominent part« of iu the proudest days of the Csesars: a or part of the body. go into cantp her« and «wait further “Yon can make the law.” domain iu which the world-conquering in their dignity and lieanty. the face or sunk into ¡>et dimples. orders from Mr. Gilbert." “But not enforce it, my old friend. Before the citizens had recovered from But today to make up a face properly France of Napoleon would have been The tuen withdrew, leaving Pierce, SuSerins from Nervous Debility, Seminal W the mb. Money may rnle where their wonder they heard Kulcan pro- is to master an art having elementary little more than a cow lot in a sky- Drains. L«9es7B«rvoiism-M. Slwpleesnesa, Laine Beck, Kim r „fbrata Whitley «nd th« sheriff with Eric, There's it is feared or worshiped, bnt here, nonming the simple marriage ceremony, rules as exact as those of a science. Per­ bounded prairie: q realm, on the face of eror, but he conld hold it oulv sixty- til now he had scarcely known how much I ■ powder has b»?en superseded by brunette, of wonders and glories and riches it is! ' Our SOO p*«e book ••Three Classes of Men,” shoutd be read by pa to obtain a hold njx.n the offices, and six days. Then another and abler Roman, room they occupied in his heart, and he ) j blond powder and natural complexion God Almighty seems to have broken all all other Electric roan«, m lddle-o««l and old man, mt Msikxl, free. It explains our plan o£*r«» an account ot hi« attempt npon Eric Severn», defeated and lieheaded him. determined to give the whole energy of | ! powder, all of which are used by direc­ th« choicest treasure boxes of the uni­ gives testimonials from people In all .tattoos In life and from all parts ot i,„m. Belts combined. was long ago. bnt the lesson re­ his life to them and their needs. very many In New York City, whom we have cured, thin showing our marvelous wor» s tion of the druggist, who tells the expec­ verse over it and upon it. and of Chalpa's death, leading np to th« That Do not delay writing tor IL It will cost you nothing, and may be tho means of renewln» 1 mains. All wonders and glories ot scenery! [ ------------------------------------------------------------ --- After this came his investment in the j tant fair one exactly what ¡»owder will Hrmml health._______________________________ action of the previons night, when the "Truly,” answered Iklapel; "yet I governor's robes, the presentation of the 1 give a fair imitation of what has been The Rocky mon-fains wall it on the tiring had attracted the attention of the think yon have the ability to manage ancient seal and staff of office, and a i or should l»e. The eyebrow pencil over- j east, ana the Pacific mean laves its The Greatest Boon on Earth is f" Health end Vigorous Strength. It hrings wealth, happiness and fruitful marring* reamers camped in the canyon. people. They love yon and perhaps prayer by Iklapel to the great G••* ocMo«. «re ; »in« poor bait I h >wv had a oaw A. T. Han ¿«n. Dear Sir:— Yearn of exp If al! the locomotives in th? I’nitcd • panse suggest« infinity rolled flat: lakes 1 mm of lit. I now emjoT lifahMtwr tha 1 haww for tan rear* paat. I hawatha the Dr. strain ensued a festival of festivals. The day coining from the jar of an engine, gav “ never* c««eon»® bgC|, gold and silver, which h« thonght per , Itmn-t c nfidanca in your treatment, toucan publhh this atatrmant. also have from which I nuSered for «even year*. 1 was «o bad that I could not b*nd .V-idee« H* hape had belter be equalIv divided am- aig | an immense success, bnt it is fnll of was given to joy and merrymaking, and State* were couple«! together they blue as the «kies, that «mile ta see them­ I others write or cal! on me Truly yours, R. A. BQ WEN, Sand S Turk Stteat. UeejdldoubkPl up with it. 1 bought ox*, of yonr belts. two days, and I continue«! to wear it for four month*, being j>erfe< tly the Katun cakes, the < nrrant wine anil would make a train al»out ffot» miles selves «o besutifnlly mirrored in the RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CUNEO. tbe men. Thia arrangement h« felt tronble and probably danger." WAS two years a«re, and I am a “ It may he so." said the old priest. 1 the bakeii meats were brought forth. long. The pussenger cars wouul make | crystaline depths; rivers like rolling | Dr. A. T. Raadan. DearfMr—I cot one c f your Mto^wrkoa^^^rtwwmS' belt welt, md I kn w Iota of r>->ople who hare b*ed cored by it. , M*nTi2irt*re®«N would reward them liberally, in addi- ) nnd if they would try it they would find it tbe satr.e ae 1 mile® I "Gilbert. I was about to say this fathomless wonder«, and cataracts that to-day ie feel jere bettor lb», th»i 1 ., •n< .— C I SmsSn«! find my bo If twice as rioorrma ae before. Ji y memory a now nearly K Pierce now regaled Eric—and Leia as long. :.» dn.L.UsM^-iRrrenpgn . — .r^teuy. LÜTTkT | .. .... d.-,.,. i.ererr p«n Tvnr.sert.raUr, OEOJ LTFTX ‘ Meh dor »hows for the bet ter I f el much stronger than before wrr»g thj aot leave yon. Iklapel. We will bnihl morning that, in the contact of these see Niagara, and go it hundreds on hun­ well—with a resume of political and nr. ISnnden'a KleeSrl« ■«•* — •••- ------- - — Dr. BenAva'a Fleetriv B.IS with iMRrevaa Kleetrte Boat up Atilan and make it a great city — the Youre tmly, HENKY .«CUV«* SVlrt/l lute lien CVrry nurht 1 dreds of dizzy feet higher. people with the whites, the usual remedy Torn other evanta which had occurred iu the wonder of the world. " «»■».I— ant it to cure ,ny nt the above weak nema, and ------ to enlarge enlar».\ñZ; n.^. ■>->- ----------- ever I mm viven Ue weak Ther "•»•• --- Area »« erer U» are Kra , ,(1< . ■■■M n ae e , and to shrunken limb« 1« or tlie part*, or teat Money Kefnnded. of savage races—rum—would be their Wtvfc annMe Tnrpxl luverx. ric. • p i l’otite All wonders and riches of resources' tir in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cure the wont cases in two or three months. world from which Gilbert had been shut ou bre^k at Prvrrnt anti care Cnn.ttr.tlon and Sick* Mhat He went out to Pierce, and taking . worst foe. 1 now realise that tbev have j Brad., It has tens of million« of acres, whose tin, i-nnll Bile Beam. fertility make; tame and commenplacs SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First Street, PORTLAND, ORECON. THE EDITOR’S WORK. CASTORIA Scoff* Emulsion fX kRWl HAY-FEVER UCOLDHEAD_ DR. SARDEN’S ELECTRIC RELT J ■