The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 23, 1893, Image 3

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23, 1893
font 7 a m. to 7 p. in From 7:30 p.
|o 8:30 p. tn.
oney order hours from 7 a. m. to fl p. m.
today from 12 m. to 1 p. m
ail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail
ili closes at 2:30 |i. in. and 9 p. in.
ail for 5:45 a. in train closes evening
ire at 9 p. in.
deridali and southern Tillamook mail
ies at II a. in.
I ktiioi 'I i' ErtscoFAL Cunacu —Services
rv Sabbath at 11 a. m. anil 7:00p tn,
iday School at 9:30 a, ill Prat er meet-
; Thursday evenings at 7:30.
R ev . S. E M bminof . ii , Pastor
IvMBEBLAKi» P besbytebian Cnuacn —
■lice, every Sabbath at II a. tn. and 7 p
Sunday School at 9:30 a. in.
R ev J R. H ume , Pastor.
D ftist C hi 'B ch .—Services every Sabbath
11 a. ill. and 7:30 p. lu. Sunday School at
.6 a. m. R ev R. M c K illof , Pastor.
T hbistiam C uvbcii .— Services every 8al>-
th at 11 a in. and 7 :30 p. m Sunday
bool at 10 a. ni. Y. P. S C. E. meets
inday at 6:30 p. tn Prayer meeting Wed-
sda.v at 7.30 p in. Everyone invited
II A. D knton , Pastor.
S t . J ames C atholic C iiubi 'H.—Services 1st
d 3id Sundays of each month, Second
mda.vSt. Mary’s at Corvallis
jnday, St Pat rick’s Church on Muddy.
R ev . Titos B biohy , Pastor .
McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of IL,
eet in their hall the lirst and third Satur-
iy of each month at 10 a. 111. Visitors
irdiallv invited.
J. T J olly .
M bs . M. E. K uns .
McMinnville Camp No 128, Woodmen of
le World—Meet firHt and Third Monday.«
I each month ; visitina brothers cordially
ivited to attend lxidge room Third St.
Inion block.
J. O. R ogers , C. C.
T. J. r.RiiHiEroRO, Clerk
Custer Post No. 9 meets the second and
iurtn Saturday of each month at G. A. R,
all in Union block at 7:30
7:36 n. m. All
lembers of the Order.are c cordially invited
> attend our meetings
L. S. D owning ,
I’. F. Cl.fBtNK,
Post Commander.
Hereafter all notices aunounc-
ng entertainments for which an
idniission fee is charged, nil
ibltnary matter after the notice
if death has been given as a mat­
er of news, all resolutions of con-
lolence, wedding notices, cards
if thanks, etc., furnished the
.Telephone-Register for publica­
tion will be charged for at regu­
lar advertising rates, 5 and IO
i eents per line.
Local and General,
I J. I*. Irvine gives mote sugar for
Itlian any grocery house iu the city.
I Call and see Wade & Co’.s stock of
I bicycles; high grade and reasonable.
Farmers buy your groceries of J. P.
Irvine if you want to save your money.
[ The clerk has issued license to wed
to Mrs. Eva Manning, aged 25; Otto
(Walling, aged 35.
Taylor Chapter of this city has re­
ceived considerable paraphernalia dur­
ing the past week.
J. I*. Irvine pays spot cash for all his
groceries, therefore can sell for less than
those who have to buy on credit.
Remember that you can get your 5
gallon oil jackets filled at J. P. Irvines
for even $1 with act discount for cash.
R. M.Wade & Co. arc manufacturers’
agents for several styles of bicycles, all
of which are high grade and sold ou a
She lieen
Miss Mattie Deilschneider has
while in
quite sick for the past week,
taken with a fainting spell
stock of
church last Sunday.
R M. Wade & Co. carry a
sash and doors, and all who desire esti­
mates on builders' materials of nil kinds
should see them.
Subject of the morning discourse at
the Christian church next Sunday,
“Covering a multitude of sins”; even­
ing discourse, “be not anxious for the
Mr. Stall, who owns property near the
water works that has lieen rented by
thecity to place wood upon, has served
notice upon the city to vacate It. The
city will probably not vacate.
The sheriff will not go to the differ­
ent precincts to collect taxes this year,
owing to the work of the late legisla­
ture. Taxpayers will have to come to
him. See his notice in another col­
B street lias te-eii surveyed prepara­
tory to straightening it. The property
of Mrs. Burnett, some six or eight feet
in the street, has long been an eye sore
te the town and it will be condemned
Elsia Wright is still in the harness
and saddle business, notwithstanding
the unauthorized report to the contrary.
His stere room is well stocked with
everything in his line. See ills adver­
W. H. Fear, manager of the Jarvis-
Conklin Mortgage and Trust company
for Oregon, was in the city yesterday
and drove over tlie country inspecting
property ou which his company has
money loaned.
Persons desiring horse bills are re­
quested to call at this office and look at
our stock of horse cuts. It is the larg­
est in the county or on the west side.
If you want samples of our cuts write
and we will mail them to you.
Apperson’s store was a place of beau­
ty Thursday, Friday and 8aturday of
last week. A couple of ladies were
heard to remark after leaving the store
tliat they had never seen as carefully
selecteil stock of goods anywhere.
“Why,” says one, “yog can get any­
thing you want there. I don’t see the
use of people sending away for goods
w hen you can get as good if not better
right here at Apperson’s and at less
cost too, notwithstanding the circular
letters, catalogues and advertisements
of the Portland houses.” The remarks
quoted give the reader, who is intersted
in the purchase of a dress pattern, a
better idee, of what the store eontelc*
and the way in which it is displayed
than could be done by a lengthy sen­
tence from a man writing tlie display
up. A woman satisfied with looking
at dress [•ttems and the thousand and
one things of finery the ladies love to
decorate themselves with, must cer­
tainly have looked at least a thousand
different styles and qualities.
Karl’s Clever Root, the new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness
to the complexion and cure« >'OU'JIP"'
Hon. 25e, 50c and $1. Sold by How­
arth A lYi.
Chas. Mager i is in Hie city.
I-oiig, the Winner.
Messi's. Fish A ltuft'e left for Wiscon-
Tlie final shoot for the medul offered
sin via Arizona last Thursday.
by the Selby lead company, took place
The McMinnville schools will cele­ ut the shooting grounds in this city on
brate Arbor Day. It fall: Oll Friday, Saturday last and was won by Ed
April 14th.
Long, of McMinnville, his score lief ng
The green was displayed on many a 23 out of u possible 25.
manly breast last Friday. It was St.
> r y. s > p w
Patrick’s Day.
H 3 > B JS »4 g 8 f
A false tire alarm sounded Sunday.
It was caused by closing tlie circuit
■ “---- E - £•:
5 c = 5.
while repairing it.
Fred Stewart is a new member of
B company. He was duly initiated by
tile lioys last week.
Geo. F. Bulks'k de|Kirled for Eugene
X 8
last week. Mr. Bullock is energetic
and Eugene has gained a good citizen.
8 8
Bob King is painting several large
s 8 I o ©
© 8
scenes tor tlie Odd Fellows to be used
© o
in conferring degrees. A team lias
3 © 8
© o
been organized and future candidates
© ©
can rest assured that they will get the
© —
full box of tricks^
— ©
© 3
Messrs. Willis and Davidson have
leased tlie vacant room in tlie Camp­
bell block ami will put in a saloon.
They intend to have a very neat place,
having purchased very expensive fix­
Mr. Long haa lieen considered one of
tures for tlie same.
tlie beat shots in tlie state for years
The Odd Fellows’ lodge of this city past both with the rltle and the shot
has purchased a full set of uniforms for gun. The medul is now his to keep
use in conferring degrees. The lodge To say lie is pleased over the matter of
is said to be the best equipped lodge in course would be stating it rather mild­
the state. This shows well for the in­ ly, but then there is no reason why he
terest of the memliers.
should not be pleased at winning a
Tho 14-year old son son of Ben ltosst medal of its value in competition with
living near Wheatland, broke his leg all the shots of the county and there
Thursday. He was riding a hone aud are some good ones in Yamhill.
while on tlie side of the road it slip[>ed
Rev. G. W. Gue, of Portland, will de­
and fell, breaking the lame of the leg liver an address at the opera house in
between Hie thigh and knee.
tills city on Wednesday, April 19th,
The Carlton Dramatic club will pro­ under the auspices of the Custer Poet
duce the drama “Better Than Gold” at G. A. It. and the Ladies Relief Corps.
Howe’s hall, in Carlton, on Friday, His lecture is entitled [“Reminiscences
March 24th. Prof. Toney’s orchestra of tlie War,” and people who have had
of this city will furnish the music. The tlie pleasure of hearing it pronouuce it
work of the club is well worth seeing. very good. Gue is a natural orator and
Harry Cole, a young man of this as he lias experienced the horrors of
county, aged 22 years, was takeu to the war, having served through tlie rebel­
iusance asylum Saturday last l>y J. C. lfen, he is fully capable of delivering a
Gates and E. 8. Cole. The young lecture full of truth and knowledge.
man has been more or less insane si nee a The admission will be 10, 15 and 25
child as a result of epileptic convul­ cents and it is not the aim of the socie­
ties under whose auspices the lecture is
Some 55 of the young people of this to be given to make anything through
city went to Hillsboro in a sjiecial ear it. They want to give to the people of
Friday to take part in a hard times this city an intellectual and instructive
dance at that place. They undoubt­ lecture and hope to take in enough to
edly took part judging from their looks defray all expenses. The memories of
upon their return. They report a the war are dear to tlie boys who served
through it and it should be said of the
splendid time, everyone pleased.
citizens of this city that they appreciate
James Miles, who has lieen a resi­
their services enough to go and hear a
dent of this county for years and who
lecture given under their auspices by
has been laboring in the vicinity of
one who fought for his country.
McMinnville for tlie past number of
years, was takeu to the insane asylum
Notice to Taxpayers.
Monday. Sunday evening he threat­
Notice is hereby given that the tax
ened to kill Mr. Dorn in the St. Charles
hotel. Spiritualism is said to lie the roll of Yamhill county, state of Oregon
for the year 1892, Is now in my hands
cause of it.
Dr. Charles Francis Wortman, son of for collection. That part of the state
Jacob Wortman, president of the First law, which heretofore required the
National bank of this city, died very sheriff* to visit the precincts for the pur­
suddenly in Portland on Friday March pose of receiving taxes, has been re-
10th. Death was caused by acute pneu­ [icaled. And all taxes on this roll will
monia. He was 40 years of age. He lie collected at my office in the court
left an estate valued at $10,000, of wliicli house, in McMinnville, Oregon.
W. L. W arren ,
his brother. John Wortman, has l>een
Sherifl’of Yamhill Co., Or.
appointed administrator.
Dated this 23d day of March, 1893.
Ata special meetingof the city coun­
Oregon*« Horticultural Kslilhlt.
Dr. J. R. Cardwell, commissioner of Will l>e Held at North Yamhill. A Good
Program Prepared.
the horticultural department of the Or­
egon World's fuir commission has for­
I The Yamhill county local teachers’
mally accepted the elegant exhibit of
Oregon fruits put ul> by the World’s institute will I m * held at Nortli Yamhill
fair committee of the Oregon state hor­ Saturday, March 25. Exerclpes to com­
mence at I L to a. m. Program for tin*
ticultural society for the World’s Co­
occasion as follows: 1st, number work,
lumbian exposition. “This,” says Dr.
led by Mrs. J. 1*. Johnson, McMinn­
Carflwell, “it is but just to say, is a
ville; 2d, mental arithmetic, by C. A.
very generous donation ami will great­
Deacli, Dayton; 3rd, class work in ge­
ly add to the success of Oregon's horti­
ography, by 8. 8. Dunean, Nortli Yam­
cultural exhibit und will enable me to
place a fine collection of our green and bill; 4th, school management, l>y Rev.
dried fruits in the horticultural build­ Hume, McMinnville; 5th, grammar as
ing by the opening day iu an attractive u science, by Mrs. Mntthieu, McMinn­
display, consisting of 600 display glass ville; Utli, arithmetical and geomet­
Jars, ranging from one to three feet in rical progressions explained by alge­
height, filled with our fruits, showing braic methods, 8. 8. Duncan, North
their natural colors, mid so processed Yamhill; 7th, question box.
The above subjects will be discussed
as to keep through the fair. This col­
the teachers and others present, in­
lection has cost $1260'” In addition to
terspersed with songs, recitations, etc.
this the committee have collected over
a thousand pounds of dried fruits, which Let every teacher who can be present
they have placed in the hands of Dr. ami come f prepared to ex press some
Cardwell. ^This, with amounts yet to opinion or relate some experiences
lie collected, will aggregate $1500. To along these lilies of work. Especially
this Dr. Cardwell lias added largely do we desire to see many of the new
by purchase and will make a good ex­ and inexperienced teachers present,
hibit of Oregon’s dried fruits. He lias those who have entered tlie field in
also been successful iu securing several earnest we mean, and who are deter­
thousand pounds of late keeping apples mined not to stop till they have reach­
aud is now making a collection of nuts ed a higher sphere of usefulness, the
grown in Oregon. His superintendent Uve enthusiastic teachers are the ones
Dr. Jay Guy Lewis, lias everything who are to lead iu the future and there
packed and ready for shipment. Tlie is no better place to catch the new in­
drawings and specifications for the fix­ spiration than at these gatherings.
Our meetings have lieen growing bet­
tures in tlie horticultural building, to
be made of Oregon woods, have gone ter and better. I^t us have a general
on for approval. Dr. Cardwell says tlie turnout and a grand good and instruc
horticultural department will not at­ live time this mouth.
Tlie train leaves McMinnville going
tempt its real show until tlie season of
green fruits -berries, cherries, plums, north at 5:4-5 a. in. and returns in the
prunes, etc.- and then if Oregon does evening. It’s no trouble for a teacher
not break tlie record he says “we shall to get out in the morning, especially
lie greatly disappointed and quit talk­ when going to a picnic. Arrangements
will be made for breakfast at North
ing and writing Oregon fruits.”
Yamhill tor all who may desire it.
Additional Cases.
J. B. S tilwkll , Hupl.
77— J I) Carter vs Lucretia Long and
J 8 Ixing; Irvine A Cosliow atty« for
plfl'; confirmation.
78— J M Moyer A Co vs Allison A
Sanders; Irvine A Coshow nttys for plfl'
action for money.
79— E Quackenbush vs F Barnekofl';
Ramsey A Fenton nttys for pill'; con
80— DP Stratton vs Chas F Butler;
Irvine & Coshsow attys for plft'; action
for money.
81— A K Wilson vs F Giltner; action
for money.
¿12—Eli Branson vs II Gee; .1 J Spen­
cer atty for plft, Irvine A Coshow for
deft; suit for damages.
83—F Giltner vs J G Maurer; action
for money.
() O Hodson vs W A Blood; action
tor money.
Aristo! Aristo!
Go to Montee’s and got your plioto-
graphs taken; the finest in the city.
You will always find us ready to please
our customers. McMinnville, Oregon.
Ttie Smallpox Situation.
The smallpox situation nt Clackamas
station is far from encouraging, and
yesterday word was brought totliisclty
that Dr. J. H. Hicknitin, who lias been
attending tlie patients at t hat place has
been stricken down witli the disease.
He Is the only physician there and the
people are somewhat worried over the
probable danger of a spread. < 'ity Phy­
sician Wheeler has been appealed to,
and will take some steps toward pre­
venting the contagion from not only
coming to this city, but from spreading
further in Clackamas.
The disease has .been properly con
trolled in Portland. There are now
only two eases at the pest house. These
are past all danger and will probably
be discharged in a few days. Dr.
Wheeler does not fear any further
trouble unless some case is brought in
from Clackamas county, and that is
what he now proposes to prevent.—O/'-
Misa Jennie Sharpe is visiting witli
friends in McMinnville this week.
Frank Wisecarver of Amity was the
guest of his brother, J. W. Wisecarver,
Mrs. N. K. Sitton and J W Wisecar­
ver attended the Sunday School con­
vention at Amity last week.
Harry Sharpe while cutting wood
one day last week, cut quite a gasli in
his foot.
Mrs. W. B. Sliarpe returned to Port­
land last week.
It is reported that Jacob Wisecarver
is going to build a house on Ills land
known as the Win. Dawson donation
hind claim.
We would advise that young man,
the next time he goes to see his best
girl, to take a halter along, so liis pros­
pective father-in-law wont have to fur­
nish him one.
If Judge Galloway will put on his
specs when he crosses tlie Shadden
bridge he will see that it needs fixing
bad. He might bring a load of gravel
Mr. S----- says the time to sow grain
and make garden is when the grouse
In-gin to boot.
Those two young fellows who were
out Sunday night hud better cross the
creek in the center of the bridge, or
carry a lantern and they would not
have fallen into the creek and aroused
the whole neigliliorliood.
Mont Parker starts next Monday lor
his home in Birmingham, Iowa. The
2G mill tax seared him out.
Joseph Funk is known as Dr. now.
He has a dehorning machine and is
prepared to dehorn anything from an
Oregon ilea to an elephant.
In the beginning God created the
heavens and man also, but he did not
intend that man should tax his fellow
man in such an outrageous manner as
is the ease in Yamhill county, nor for
a set of men to run the county $48,000
in debt. Why don’t the county court
show what they have lieught by item­
izing each article and not call it sun­
dries. If the republican party calls
that reform, we want no more of it^liut
honest work for the people.
About all the legislature did was to
pass vetoed bills over the governor’s
head, tlie only head that contained
good sound judgment for the peoples’
good. The hayseeders will remember
brother Pennoyer when he runs again.
G ordies .
Interesting Paragraph* from our County
[Dayton Herald Mur. 17 ,
One of J. B. Fuson’s short horn cows
gave birth lust week to two tine male
calves. They were exactly alike in
color, etc.
it is possible tliut Cora X Young, the
noted elocutionist of Omubu, may visit
Dayton some time in the near future.
So we are informed by the lady.
Died.—At her home in Amity, Mon­
thly, Marell 13, 1893, Miss Maud For­
rest, aged 17 years and 17 days. Fun­
eral on Tuesday; services by Rev. Cran­
dall; interred lu Amity cemetery. Her
death was caused by efleets of brain
fever some years ago. Maud was a
daughter of James Forrest and sister to
J. W. ForresCof Dayton.
iSheridan Sun. Mar. 16.]
C. C. Linden will teach the next
term of school at this place.
Mrs. Maloney, wife of Hon. H. 8.
Maloney, is still reported sick.
Tlie Wade boys commenced work on
their sawmill at tlie mouth of East
ereek. They expect to have a 64 horse
[lower water wheel running by tlie first
of May. They will run a 52 iucli solid
tooth saw, Hue rollers, uml u three saw
gang edger and a planer. They liavqu
fine body of timber and expect to turn
out 20,000 feet per day.
(kimes the Lumber nuuiufucturetl nt JONES & ADAMS' mil).
It is the Peer of any I.umlier sold in the McMinnville market.
Has been formulated and it is now the cheapest lumber on the
market all qualities considered. All sizes, kinds and grades
can be found at the yards in.this city at any time of the year.
Its life is longer, it is stronger anti Is a thing of beauty while
the product of other mills is warped and ready to lie renewed.
If you want to build a house at uo immediate cost, call and see
us. We will make you a proposition. This proposition is
baaed upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­
hill County we are building up Sones & Adams.
A Complete Stock of Paints. Oils. Builders’ Hardware
Is now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the
[teople of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by
us are requested to call and get our prices before purchasing.
We will guarantee to save them money.
We are in Business and mean Business.
¡North Yamhill Leader, Mar. 17.
Hoyt Bros., jewelers, of this city,con­
template the erection of a two story
business block which will be used for a
store room below and offices above.
Quite a number of the farmers living
near Gaston are desirous of cutting
loose from Yamhill county and joining
Mm. Mary E. Morris, widow of the
late Martin L. Morris, started on last
Wednesday for Texas, her future
J. S. Coutney, of Gaston, informs us
that he Is coming to town to live. He
will buiid on the Edith Perry place,
near the depot.
Mr. West Morgan started te Pendle­
ton last Tuesday, where he will be en­
gaged the present season with a Mr.
Howard, who is a contractor and build­
I Lafayette Ledger, Mar. 17. |
The prospects are very goisl lor La­
fayette to have a bank.
Born.—To the wife of Clabe Bryan,
on Sunday, March 12, 1893, a daugh­
Deputy Sheri If Warren was in town
last Mondap Inviting some of our citi­
zens to uppear. before the grand jury
the 29th. Of course the invitation was
l Amity Popgun. Mar. 17.,
Last Sunday during services at the
Methodist church,’ Austin Howard
fainted from warmth and suffocation.
School began in Henderson’s district
west of the river, last Tuesday morn­
ing. Miss Cave, of Sheridan is teacher. *
The hardware firm of T. Jeffries A
Co., of this city, partially dissolved last
Monday, T. S. JeflHes retiring. The
business will be carried on in the fu­
ture l>y T. JeflYles and J. J. Putman.
Sehool liegan Monday morning with
50 pupils. The principal, Prof. O. 1.
Hetzler, is thus far meeting universal
approval and will no doubt teach a
very successful term. He is assisted
by Miss Stilwell, daughter of Supt.
Stilwell, of McMinnville.
Family Supplies
Everything within bounds; Everything Trim,
Clean Goods, Neatness, Promptness.
cil held Tuesdny night it was ordered
Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San
that notice lie published regarding Diego, Cal., says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh
straightening of B street. Recorder Remedy is the first medicine I have
was ordered to draft amendment to or­ ever found that would do me any good
dinance providing for show license, re­ Price 50 cts. Sold by Ho worth A Co.
ducing amount of license of opera house
to $4 per night and making a rate of $8 BUYERS' AN» BUSINESS BIRECTOlt.
for three nights. Tlie liquor license of
The finest line of
J. P. Irvine wants 500 good 30 day
Willis and Davidson was granted.
U. 8. Booth left Tuesday for Collux, customers. We have more bookkeepers
Washington, where he will take charge than money.
of a branch house for C. H. Dodd A Co. .Baled timothy hay for sale at $12 per
[Newberg Graphic Mar. 17. ]
of Portland. Mr. Booth thinks that he ton. For further particulars see M.
J. L. Hoskins^has been appointed by
will not return to this city .for several Morgan or John Even den.
County Assessor York as one of his
years and has applied for a discharge
A full line of musical instruments at
deputies. Work will begin immediately
from B Company, in which he is quar­ C. Grissen’s.
and it is the intention to have the as­
termaster sergeant. His friends in this
A flue conservatory violin for $20 and
sessment all made by the first of June.
city are pleased to see him receive this a cheap one for $4 at C. Grissen’s book
Win. Morris received severe injuries
position, as they know he lias the abil­ and music store.
that came unpleasantly near being fa­
ity to to perform the duties satisfactory
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
J. P. Irvine lias a few more 5 gallon
tal. While T. B. Cummings and Al­
to the proprietors.
kegs of syrup at $1.50.
len Smith were hoisting ceiling lumber
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Friday morning at 2 o,clock the
Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum,
into the tower at Friends’ church with
Deilschneider is just in receipt of a Bruises,
Chapped Hands,
whistle at the water works sounded its fine stock of shoes. If you are looking Fever Sores, Tetter,
a rope, a bundle of the ¡ilank slipped
irns and all Skin Erup-
alarm note aud tlie people of the city for a good pair of boots or shoes and Chilblains,
from the rope when several feet up and
tions. and positively cures Piles or no
were awakened to find that the dwell­ want to pay cash for them, go to Deil- pay required. It is guaranteed to give
fell endways, strikiug William, who
ing house of I). L. McCabe, a mile or schneider’.s.
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
happened in the building, on tlie head.
ed. Price 25 cent« per liox. For sale
so south of the city, was on fire. The
A very severe scalp wound was the re­
fire department turned out, but the
sult and in the fall down the steps one
distanoe was so great and the fire had that J. 1’. Irvine is still in tlie lead
Orders have been received by B com­
or two ribs were broken. He is getting
such a start that nothing was done. A
pany to furnish measurements of all its
along as well as could lie expected for
All persons knowing themselves in­ members for military overcoats. These
number of citizens started for the fire,
one of his age.
es of Apoplexy and Paralysis.
but before reaching it it died out to
are needed and will )>lace the men in a
J. R. Kelso brought three specimens
such an extent that they returned to are requested to call immediately and better condition for service. A new
The most recent und profound re­ of the early rose variety of potatoes to
their beds. The house and contents settle their indebtedness as all accounts outfit of serviceable uniforms would no searches in this diaection by specialists, this office Monday that were simply
developed conclusively that the
are a complete loss.
immense. The largest of the three
company. The regular quarterly in­ above disorders frequently result in weighs three and one-lialf [touiids and
Eli Branson has brought suit against tor in a short time.
denth or permanent disability. Dr.
Parties wishing to liorrow money on spection and muster will take place at Miles’ Restorative Nervine is the great­ measures eleven and one-half inches
Henry Gee for entering his premises
and leaving fences down so that cattle improved farm security will find it to the armory on the evening of Monday, est remedy for either of these apparent ­ lUIJg,
WU11C the
_ _
long, while
combined WVl^UV
weight Ml
of _
damaged him, also for taking gravel their .advantage to call on W. T. Vin­ March 27th. Privates John Weisner, ly insignificant causes. Nothing ap­ the three is eight nnd three-fourths lOrHl RI1Q. fl II IS 11 ELllu. I*6Hl&l?kâ/bl6 ÎHtSlligOIlCS &lld kind
Fred Ramsey and C. E. Johnson hâve
from his property. Mr. Gee did this ton at office of Irvine and Cosbow.
Burns, of South Bend, Ind., who had pounds.
while acting as supervisor. The grav­
Rhodes A Rhodes have money to been appointed corporals; privates C. suffered from constant headache for
How* Thin!
three months, was cured by it. The
el was for use on the roads. J. J. 8pen- loan on improved farm property.
have been appointed lance corporals; daughter of Daniel Myers, Brooklyn,
cer is attorney for Mr. Branson anil Ir­
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
When you want prices on lumber get
Mich., had been insane for ten years,
vine A Coshow for Mr. Gee. The out­ them of A. 8. Briggs as he will save Corporal C. H. McKinney has been ap­ and was having from 15 to 25 fits a day. for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure
come of this suit is watched by several you money. Any quantity and quality.
Nervine cured her of both fits and in­
lAhlellah, 1.
F. J. C hkxey A Co Props, Toledo. O.
U. 8. Booth discharged. The persone) sanity. Sold on a guarantee by Rogers
We the undersighed, have known F J.
citizens of this county who have iwen Office with Jas. Fletcher.
Ç Hambletonian 10( Rys- ]
aud drill of the company compare well
damaged by the czarlike methods of
I dike’s) sire of 11 2:30 ft'has Kent mare,
him perfectly honorable in all business
Rhodes & Rhodes are sole agents for with any other company in the state.
I performers.
the county court in procuring gravel the sale of lets in Willis addition.
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by’their firm.
All the boys are anxious to find out the
and rock from convenient places with­
West ic Truax, wholesale druggists,Toledo,
G. 8. Wright, dentist, McMinnville, place of the next encampment and the I
of Humbeat, 2:28,
out recompensing tlie owners.
The following is the program for the
veterans, those who have served in
Kinuan A Marvin, wholesale
and Daniel Boone,
County Assessor York ha« appointed be given at the opera
W. Taylor has headquarters at Ix> former camps, fill the raw recruit with house, Thursday evening, March :10th,
sire of Echo 2:274 Kate, dam of Breeze, •’
Hall's Catarrh cure is taken internally,
E. II. Weiser, of North Yamhill, and
the delights of a soldier’s life while on
acting directly upon the blood and mucus
Nelly M 2:28 J and
2:24; Bruno, 2:2®j a f
J. L. Hoskins, of Newberg, deputy as­ gan’s barber shop and is prepared to do
at 7:30, by the I. O. G. T.
surfaces of the system. Price 75c per lot­
Susie Owens 2:20.
Young Bruno 2:22’,;
sessors and as soon as the Popgun can
Opening ode, by the lodge; prayer, C. tie. Sold by all druggists; Testimonial-free.
Mile«* Nerve and Liver Pill«.
shoot its wad of assessment blanks cleaning, whitewashing,window clean­
A. Nutley; recitation, Ora Whitmore:
New Corporation* in 189'?.
tHainbletoninn. 10.
down this way the work of assessing ing and general jobwork.
Act on a new principle—regulating Instrumental music, Mrs, Nellie Bu­
► oiunieer, »>•>
55 sire oi
of r»i.
St. ' <
If _ you want your _ property
will commence. It has been delayed
_ _ insured in the liver, stomach and bowels through chanan; address, Rev. H. A. Denton;
During the year 1892 there were In­
Julian 2:114 and 20 oth- fl,adv Patriot,by Young Pa-
by the non-arrival of the blanks. We , a standard company, Rhodes A Rhodes the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. song, Mias Swanson and Misses l’agen- corporated in the state of Oregon 289
____ i___ et
Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness,
in o.on
2:30 or
better. ._•
riot outof Lewis »»
might mention here tliat either paper will be pleased to write you.
new corporations, with a total capitali­
bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa­
in this city could have furnished the
Dry oak wood delivered at |3.00 per tion. Unequaled for men, women, and tal duet, Mrs. Matthieu, Mr. Grissen; zation of $93,060,250. There were 107
Madge. <(
work to the assessor "tlie next day after port!. I<eave orders at J. R. Booth's children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 recitation, Ethlyn Million; quartette, mercantile and manufacturing compa­
doses, 25 cents. Samples free at Rogers Albert Huguelet, George Flesher and
(^Abdallah. 15.
the order was given instead of over a market.
month. Mr. Hoskins will assess the
Call on Rhodes A Rhodes for bargains I
companies, twenty-three gold, silver
^Kate Darling, by Sherman Mor­
Of Interest to Hop Grower*.
northwestern part of the county com­ in real estate. They will show you
closing ode, by lodge.
anil other mining and smelting eom-
gan, founder of the great Mor­
ing as far south as the Yamhill river at property and give prices witli tlie best
Supper, consisting of oysters, crack­ panles, two coal and iron companies,
Good tools are essential to the ! »UO ers, sandwiches,* pickles, slaw, coffee
gan family.
Dayton, while Mr. Weiser will work | terms.
cessful cultivation of hops. No i argu-
in the northwestern part coming as far
The butcher shop of J. R. Booth nient is needed to prove this. Neither and cocoa will be served at the conclu­ portation companies, six building and
' is at ,[[ time« supplied with the best of is there need of argument to prove sion of the program. Admission free; loan associations, nine Irrigation com­
lr. York
York w
will attempt to ha ret he
( Jnnle a‘fish in
Game and fish in season, rec- that we have the finest line of hop tools supper 25c. Proceeds to lie used for panies and eighty-five miscellaneous
Good Templar work.
— done
---------- by the first of June and
I in the market. To see them is to be
feels confident that the rolls and all
Fleetrlc Bitten.
It Shonld be in Every Homie,
will be complete before the first of No-1
is becoming so well |
veniber of this year.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay 8t.. Sharps­ known and so popular a« to need no I
[ tors, solid tooth cultivators, all with
call and examine.
burg, Pa., says he will not be without special
All who have used!
marrie ».
Any kind of wood in any quantity ! steel frames. Also ."--gang plows, ad­ Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­ Electric mention.
Bitters sing the same song of
justable beam, and stationary beam sumption, cough and colds, that it cur­ praise.—A
can be purebased of Kay A Todd.
purer medicine does not ex-1
KELSF.Y-RonEttTft—Near Carlton, on
ed hi« wife who wa« threatened with
When your $21X1 watch needs repair­ one-horse plow. We have «elected Pneumonia after an attack of “La 1st and It i« guaranteed to do all that is
Friday, March 14, 139:1, Miss Kittie
Bitters will cure all,
wbeu various other remedies
of the Liver and Kidneys, will
Roberts and Mr. Asa Kelsey, Rev. ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds ' them direct from nianufactnrers. De­ Grippe,"
and several physicians had done her no disease«
remove pimples, boils, «alt rhuem and
W. MCcutcheon officiating.
scriptive circulars sent on application. good. Roliert Barber, Cookspert, Pa.,
8. Howorth A Co. at the McMinn­ ! Re sure and see them liefore purehaf- claim« Dr. King's New Discovery has other aneetioas caused by [mpure
The contracting parties are resident.«
Will drivs malaaia from the
done him more goo<l than anything he blood.— and
ville pharmacy are closing out their | Ing.
U nion H ardware C o .
of this county.
prevent as wall as cure all |
ever used for lung trouble- Nothing system
stock of paints and oils at cost. Call
fevers.—For cure of headache,
Shiloh’s Vitalizer is what you need,
like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at constipation
indigestion try Electric
' and investigate.
The celebrated stallion Adirondack Rogers Bros, drug store. Large bottles
for dyspepsia. Torpid liver, yellow.
Bitters—Entire satisfaction gauranteed,!
skin or kidney trouble. It is guaran-
! or money refunded. Price 5tl cts. and
t^‘to ¿v7'^i'satisfaction. Prtee 7.5c in gooil «hape at a reasonable price. coming season. Ixiok at the advertise­
| $1.09 per hattie at Roger« Br™. drug.
Cure for Colds, Fems and General De­
5* Wh A Co________________ nrop a card in the poetoffiee
1 store.
ment in this issue.
fault* . «man Bib- Bmoa. Sc- per favttle.
Bedrock prices! Buy for Cash! Sell for Cash! Light
Expenses! No bad accounts to lose! No Bookkeeper to
pay! I can and will sell you goods
Is the best bred horse in the State of Oregon: of fine
disposition. He is an unusually sure foal getter, and
his colts are all large and speedy.
ADIRONDACK will make the season of 1893 as fol­
lows: Saturdays and Mondays. McMinnville; Tues­
days and Wednesdays. North Yamhill; Thursdays and
Fridays. Sheridan.
Best Local Paper in Yamhill