Look at the Map. Look at ti»o Map. McMluuville, Yamhill County. Here is tlie County seat, Here is published THE TELEPHONE­ REG INTER, Monarch of home newspapers, accorded first place in nil tlie Directories. tet. State of Oregon, Yamhill County. Here you will timi the most pro- pro­ ductive section in the World, laind is cheup. ottering special in­ ducements to fruit raisers ami dairymen. Look at tli<> Map Look at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , REGISTER E»tlbll»h«d August. 1881 TELEPHONE Established June. 1888 VOL. V. march 23,1893. NO. 8 was setting up punch on Wednesdays, I bly those whom* hoofs were not cloven controlling their business is the law of 1 ‘ “ — *. Go­ precedents. Until cause is shown for his I houso would lie besieged by a mob j and which do not chew the eud. ing :i little further, it is;within the re­ Other entertaining is discretiqnary overthrowing a precedent the latter will TOIL AND TROUBLE FOR fcTHE always be adhered to. As a rule it is > with a member of the cabinet. If the gion of itossibility that the almost uni­ COULTER A: WRIGHT, Proprietors dines out each secretary feels versal abstention from eating certain PRESIDENT'S OFFICIAL FAMILY. very difficult to upset a precedent that president | Goods of all descriptions moved and cnW- ful handling guaranteed. Collections will to givq him a dinner. Botli animals may date from that very re­ is firmly established. There is a crying bound I be made monthly Hauling of a l kinds I Cleveland und Harrison have dined mote period when totem worship was need of a “ digest of practice ” in the de- I llov- the Secretarle» I.eurn to Manage the done cheap their official advisers. Arthur prevalent in primitive society, and ' Department»- Social Obligation«* Duties pertinents. As things are now, the with would always dine where there wns a every tribe held sacred the beast, bird («ALBREATH & GOUCHER, precedent in a cu.se usually refers for its • anil Powers of the Member«. these and every kindred disease arising dinner to be had. A cabinet of­ or insect from which its family traiti- authority to the memory of a subordl- good | from Imitate blood successfully treated by that never failing and best of all tonics and who lives in a siuull house and tions recorded it to have sprung.” I A shiver agitates the war ile|>artment. nate, or to unprinted records or Isjtli. ficer I medicines* PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS, “Are not the proscrilx-d and jiermit- Rumor says tliat Lamont’s broom will What might lie termed ’a register of ' w ho is known to bo a poor man need The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. (Office over Braly’s Bank.) s >on aweep the eoitwebs out of it. Or­ precedents respecting tile diplomatic I not do so much. His wife is spared a ted animals specified for greater cer­ Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. deal of annoyunce w hich falls to tainty of observing the Mosaic regula­ dinarily "a secretary in charge of that , and consular affairs has I>een compiled good | M u .M innvii . lk , - • - O regon tions? ” asked tlie reporter. lot of the wife of a rich secretary. branch of the government, being more in a work known as “Wharton’s Digest the I yield in Oregon was -14.2 toils. The “Not only are they classified und need provide no refreshments at or less ignorant of military affairs, is , of international Law," the material of She 1 • / i • I). BAKER, yield must necessarily depend upon Book» on Blood und Skin receptious. This offering of food clearly defined, but in many eases they obliged to rely^upon subordinates, who which was taken almost wholly from her I Diseases free. many things, as variety, distance be­ such occasions, by tlie way, is au are named. run tilings to suit themselves. Thus the unprinted records of the tiepart- on < Printed testimonials Eent on EXPERIMENTS IN ITS CULTIVA­ tween rows, soil,cultivation and season. SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC the whole machinery has come under ment of state. The pension office has i innovation of later days. It was not “All quadrupeds are permitted for use application. Address TION AT THE STATION. Mr. Shaw gives 15 tons ¡»er acre as u PHYSICIAN. before Mr. Cleveland’s first as food which have the divided hoof tlie control.of cliques, being so Interwo- . a digest of laws, rulings ami decisions, practiced | f»« Swift Specific Co., and chew tho cud. As the prohibitive very conservative estimate for the Wil- term began. Tlie people who call ex ­ veil with a system of invisible wires , and so have the land and patent offices I Office Upstair» in the Garrison Building. ATLANTA. OA. some sort of recognion for their list is much tin- shorter I give that. It Can he Produced and at a Price the amette valley und Southern Oregon. In tliat tlie responsible chief finds his own and a few bureaus. Generally s|s-uking pect | and' this is accorded them in The camel, cony and hare are declared Factories Cun AfTord to Pay—-All That 1« Eastern Oregon the uncertainty of the wishes defeated ’without knowing how however, the precedents governing the courtesy, i I? W. FENTON, it happens. Even details for duty and business of the department have not I the sha|a> of a card of the secretary and not fit for food liecause, while they Needed I« the Necessary Capital to Make season renders the ability to irrigate al­ most an essential condition, and if this promotions in tlie start’ are controlled been codified. Accordingly a new sec- I his wife. These cards are sent in en­ chew the cud they do not divide the The State Fieri California. j is met there can lie little doubt that the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. to some extent by these hidden influ­ retary cannot learn to know it all in velopes by carriage or by mall. Many hoof; the swine liecause, while it di­ i yield would even'equal that for the take offense lieeause the sec­ vides the hoof, does not chew the cud. ences. four years, ami so he is compelled to persons 1 McMinnville, ... - Oregon. Bulletin No. 23 of the Oregon agri­ I Willamette valley. "The Mosaic writer specifies no kind retary ’s wife does not return their vis­ But all this is ’ , likely to te changed rely upon his clerks for information, i Office, Rooms J ami 2 Uuion Block. cultural experiment station is devoted Well drained laud is ae<*essary lor before long. Tlie new secretary is ex­ Ordinarily a department will run very it I in person. Possibly she might do so of lisli, but prohibits from use nil that to experiments in the culture of the su­ I the cultivation of the Isset, for it de- have no scales or tins, likewise any liv ­ pected to do awuy with many of the well without any secretary in charge. if she kept a pair of fast trotting horses xy M. RAMSEY devoted her entire time to that ing thing in the water that is not fish. gar beet in Oregon, and was pre|>areeiietrale these were attacked during Ills first nd- , of bureaus and divisions were sick the purpose and nothing else. There are to the station. I u order to successfully and drink well of the soil moisture, the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ministration by President Cleveland, , ojieration of the government machinery many reasons why a cabinet officer finds without any reason for the discrimina­ conduct thejexperlments, arrangements development of sugar not reaching a tion: the eagle, osslfrage, osprey, vul ­ whose accurate knowledge of tlie inside would be seriously impeded. Au illus­ it difficult to live on his salary of $8,000 MoMinnvilio, .... Oregon. were made with farmers in various high per cent in irregular shaped Wtets. working of the’ war department pain­ tration of thia was actually att'orded at i a year. He cannot live In one or two ture, kite, every species of raven, os-t Office: Rooms G ami 7 Union Block. rooms as many congressmen do. To trieli, night hawk, cuckoo, kawk, little parts of the state to cultivate small plats It is essential that the beets lie kept fully nstonished certain officials. His the time of the grip epidemic. of beets from seed furnished them, and close together in the soils of Oregon, or information was’obtained through La- There is no such a thing as a cabinet i support tlie dignity of ids office lie owl, great owl, cormorant, swan, peli­ J I». TURNEY, Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, I I to forward to the station samples of the they will grow to enormous size. Some can, gler-eagle, stork, lapwing and bat. must have a tine house. He must keep Sick Headaclio and Cosstipatlon. 40 in mant, who got it by tlie very simple provided for in the constitution of the “Among tlie lljing insects ]>ermitted beets raised for analysis, the seeds beets weighing as much as ten pounds a number of servants and he is obliged lint original method of soliciting the United States. In the early days of i each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by Used were from imported varieties, and have been received at the station. Such frankly expressed views of the army the government the secretaries were to pay more for everything that he are tlie locust, bald locust, lieetle and SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. druggists. full directions for cultivation were giv­ beets are worthless for sugar and a grasshopper. gets, la-cause he is a public personage. officers respecting tlie management of “7,17, 70“ and sample dose free. hardly more than clerks of the presi- i Specialty of surgery and diseases of women J. Picture en by the station. These directions manufacturer would not take them a- F. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, *EW YORK. "Among what are designated as Washington tradesmen are disgusted affairs in their service. dent. Even now they possess no au­ were taken from the most complete au­ a gift. The sugar [varies inversely as U nion B lock - M c M innville . On. One reform should te made in the thority, except what they derive from Is-cause Secretary Whitney did not creeping tilings, the following are pre- thorities in .this country and Europe. the size of the beet. Beets for the man­ judge-ailvocate general’s bureau, where him. No law obliges him to pay atten­ come back. He would have put life nounced unclean: The weasel, mouse, The analysis made at the station dur­ ufacture of sugar should not attain a I 0. MICHAUX, chameleon, lizard, tortoise, hedgehog, into the business of the florists,caterers, a most peculiar system is pursued witli tion to their advice. At the same time •J • ing 1861 is summarized in the follow­ | weight of more than two pounds. One regard to courts-martial. It is tlie duty political considerations constrain him < etc., here, as lie did lieforc by a scatter­ snail and snake. “An important injunction in the ing table showing the county aver­ of the most important things for the ing of money broadcast. According to of tliat division of tlie department to to pay regard to their wishes and opin ­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEÛN. farmer to understand Is that at all investigate charges tliat are brought ions. Although they form his official their account be was tlie only states­ Mosaic dietary code is that any of the ages: LAFAYETTE, OREC.OV times the root must be kept below the z against officers, submitting each case family he feels compelled to select them man ever reaident here who had no animals described and forbidden as un­ o C ounty . ground. clean. when dead render uuclean any­ fairly and without prejudice to the sec­ with due respect for geographical con­ respect whatever for a dollar. Jan, 21, ’83. This is one of the most jiertiueut thing that comes in contact with retary of war. Instead of doing thut it siderations. It has hap|>ened more questions relating to the subject, audat them, in such cases ablutions for pur­ is customary in eaeli instance to make than once that a member of the cabinet yy F- DIEESCHNEIDER, 39 12.30 74.12 Benton rtiRE5 C onstipation ification arc prescribed and specified.” ('lackamas. tlie accusation as telling as possible, has successfully bullied the president 7 14.55 77.30 the same time is the most difficult oue v p INDIGESTION,DIZZINESS. “Are these restrictions generally ob­ Columbia 1 13.74 66.42 to answer satisfactorily, since there are keeping back all evidence calculated to by threatening to resign. The reverse THE MOST IMPORTANT COMING E ruptions on the sk / n . Watchmaker 9 12.99 73.45 so many factors in the problem. The served to-day by those for whose ben­ Douglas......... mitigate tlie alleged offense. One judge has also occurred, (in one occasion Jackson....... ......... 3 18.93 80.99 question “At what price jier ton can INTO POPULAR FAVOR. and Jeweler. B eautifies ««C omplexion efit they were made?” advocate of the army was recently heard Mr. Tyler, when an attempt was made 16 14.32 79.95 Lane Dealer In All Kind, ol Watch«., Jewelry. Plated Ware "I regret to say that, though modern AnRvroAfible Laxative and NERVE TONIC. to say: “We will have to rake up some to force him to take certain action was 5 13.54 79.91 you afford to raise lieets in quantity?” Linn....... Sold by Druggist»or sent by mail. 25c., 50c., Clocks and Spectacles. MCMINNVILLE. OR. the Mosaic science has fully attested the wisdom Marion ..................... 1 15.99 78.38 was asked on the report blank sent out new charges against somebody; we are roused from his customary mildness to No Cruelty I iivo IA m I in and $1.00 per package. Samples free. 1 14.72 78.08 from the station this year, and of the IF O Wf A The Favorite TOOTH P0WD11 out of meat.” Pleasant feeling tliat for great wrath. I,eaping to his feet he Advantage» of abstaining from such food as the Polk................................. Metliou. hand labor. The agricultural depart­ dietary legislation of old did not apply Tho accompanying »taUmeut Weight 33» lb» m ib- is it» well as inside of his department as to tile departments to be run by the secre­ For manufacturing purposes lieets I of my weight ami meaauro-Bust.... . 43 *■■■- in. 33 -■ in. ■- )<> • in. “Strange, is it not, how the whirli­ to their time and generation. But it is ment of the college failing to keep an mints will show the reHulteof Waist., . 42 in. 3» in. II in. tlie management of its affairs. It is tlie taries, while others interfere more or flve monthH* treatment. I Hip*.... .. 53 ui. 4’J in. 15,0. should contain not less than 12 percent CONFIDENTIAL, same wav witli tlie secretaay of tlie less. General Harrison had a good gig of time brings about results that of­ only a small minority of the scattered sugar; tlie typical tert weighing alsiut accurate record of the experiment ren­ PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. I Harmless, and with atarvtag, in.onven ........ , or ---------------------- nience, bad «tIei.Lt. For ptutlculari add ret i. with 6 cents in «tamps, navy. ’1'he latter has more difficult deal to say about the apisiintmcnt of ten appear impossible and which are of Israel «'ho permit a total relaxation 609 grams having 14 per cent sugar r.nil ders it impossible to give definite data 91 0. W. r. SNYDER. M VICKER S THEATER, CHICAGO ILL from these in junctions. from that source The estimates for buslne.-s to learn Ilian any other heail consuls. Mr. <'leveland i« fond of re­ entirely unexpected.” These were the words with which Everything New “These delinquents would probably a purity of nlsiut 89. An examination the previous season ranged from $11.25 of a department. Even Mr. Hertert, ports. He wants to know about every­ of tlie results reveal tliat the analysis notwithstanding Ids long experience thing that is going on in the depart­ Rabbi Jacob Voorsanger of the temple also regret their departure from the hail a wide range, viz: from 6.77 per to $24.18 per acre, some including har­ And Firstclass. with naval all'alrsjn tlie house of repris ments in order that lie may exercise Emanu El, of San Francisco, answer­ customs of their progenitors did they cent to 22.44 per cent sugar in the juice. vesting and some not, and none in­ Special Accommodations for Commercial sentatives, can have little notion of the general control over the operations of ed when his attention was called to the fully realize their importance to their Of tlie 95 analyses made 8 fell below 10 cluding the cost of hauling to market. Travellers. The statement of »(gentleman from tiN’iinieal details of the service—tlie all branches of the government. He introduction of a bill in the Idaho legis­ well-being. |>er cent; 76 showed 12 |ier cent and 37 California, which covers the question “It is, perhaps, not the least charm Corner Second and E Streets, one block building of guns,* the management of made for himself a reputation as the lature, providing I hat tlie Jewish meth­ over 14 per ceut sugar. An average of from Cooks hotel. ships, etc. The best a man can do in hardest working chief executive that od of slaughtering cattle lie subetituted of the Mosaic laws, so called, that they 81 analyses for Willamette valley shows as fully as possible, is given in the bul­ I letin, and the items given do not, Mr. have sought to evolve the beautiful nnd reap a rich such a position is to rely upon subordi­ the country ever had. A president’s for tlieone prevailing. E. C APPERSON J. W.COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN harvest. They are always reliable, Asked for ail explanation of his ideal of the harmonious blending of the 13.76 per cent sugar and a purity co-etfi- Shaw says, differ far from the same nates, allowing those who understand toil is always severe. President Arthur President. Vice President. Cashier ’ always in (leruaud. always the liest cient. of 77.89; the average beet weigh ­ the work to manage it,;[wliile he con­ did his best to escape from It, but in words, which were uttered with evi­ three elements in human nature, so ing a little over I) pounds, while an items in this state. FERRY’S SEED ANNUAL “A. F. Richardson, two miles from aptly described by that eminent physi­ I l or 1.N93 Is invaluable to every Planter. tents himself with general supervision vain. The members of I lie cabinet dent satisfaction, he said: It in an enryctopedia of the latest farming “Much controversy lias been hail of cian and author, Dr. Parker. The hu­ average of 10 analyses of beets from factory, 11 acres: Plowing and harrow­ information from the highest authorities. and refrains from interfering much. must all work hard. The secretary of Southern Oregon showed 13.38 ‘ per cent Mailed McMinnville. Oregon. It is comparatively easy to perform the treasury has the most toilsome late years regarding the Jewish meth­ man body, he says, is effected by every sugar, with a little larger beet. For the ing. $110; sowing, $»>; barrowing and D. M. FERR DETROIT tlie functions of secretary of state. Any place, with the postmaster-general and od of killing cattle. It has lieen pre­ moral and mental action. The mind entire state the average weight was sowing, $3; 4 days cultivation first time Paid up Capital, $50,000. well informed man witli good common secretary of the interior following in or­ sumed to te productive of cruelty, anil is profoundly influenced by physical 608.5 grams; sugar in juice 14.13; purity at $2—$8; 23 days’,thinning at $1.26_ $28.75; 24’. days’ thinning and hoeing sense can filFthat plnce fairly well. His der as to tbe amount of lalior required the superseusitivc have sought to inter­ conditions, l-'or a perfect system of hy­ 78.08. Transacts a General Banking Business, at $1.2-i—$30.65; 5 days’ hoeing at $1.25 department runs itself. He has three of them. The secretary of agriculture fere with it by invoking the prohibi­ giene we must combine the knowledge Deposits Received Subject to Check There were but few pests reported as —$6.25;0 days’ hoeing at $1.7.5—$15.75; of the physician, the schoolmaster and assistant secretaries, who know all has by fur the easiest time, Mr. Rusk tive power of legislation. Interest allowed on time deposits. “In England, in America, but more the priest; we must train the body, the troubling the sugar beet. The most to ’ days’ hoeing at $1.75—$12.25; 9.1 days’ aliout the diplomatie machinery and has found plenty of leisure for cracking Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ lie feared is, perhaps, Monoxia guttul- fers on New York, San Francisco and Port­ are acquainted witli tlie exact statu» of jokes while distributing seeds and su­ particularly in Switzerland, there lias intellect and the moral sense in a per­ ata, as reported by Prof. F. 1,. Wash" hoeing, second time, nt $1.75—$16.60; land. every international claim in whicli this pervising scientific investigations, con­ been continual anil Hitter controversy fect and balanced order. Then, it our burn, and descrilied by him in bulletin Axing plow, $2.50; two knives, $1.50; 4 Collections made on all accessible points. baskets, $3.50;ltopping and loading, knowledge were exact, and our means country is interested. When he is re­ cerning which lie could know compar­ on the subject. No. 14. There was also sent to the sta­ Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. “tine professional opinion, however, of application adequate, we should have 170.05 tons at 80 cents-$130.05; hauling quired to act on a case all the documents atively little. tion another insect, whicli is said to lie may serve to settle the question so far the human being in his perfect beauty, -qriuAi giS .iGAo pooqjoquSjan Am regarding it are placed before him on at 50 cents $85; plowing up at 20 easts, The members of the cabinet may troubling tlie beets in Clackamas coun ­ ■J 9q9noq ueeq svqejoqj, AjjanooQq; joxtvcl Farm for Sale Ara uj BiopnoM eaop peopui fnjq ojuoj , oa . iox Ills desk. If tlie matter has to do with cujoy the pleasurable consciousness as tlie merits of the Judaic method are as Providence, perhaps, intended him ty. This pest, known as the “flea live- $-14; total, $408.50; yield,170.05 tons, val­ . mqojoo ‘ hojijm ••[»,) ‘eeof Two miles north of McMinnville, a farm B.Sinaoq jots - cj ue, $821.81; net profit, $413.22 net profit a United States citizen who has lieen that they are all possible presidents. If concerned; it is that of Professor Ger­ to be. tie;” is about an eighth of an inch long of 65 acres, all in good cultivation and good uvg ‘P9JT8 nwi tet’ HRjquAea lach, of the Royal Veterinary school of per acre. $37.56." “The existence of the Jewish race to­ house and barn ; all kinds of fruit; 30 acres •SrrilO.Ji’S VT loop» pejjsep tied up nnd^wliippedjin Venezuela tlie Mr, Cleveland and Mr. Stevenson and of a black color. It is found on These results.were .obtained in 1889, in grain —a bargain if sold soon. Address: eqi pwqAfnj') qj Äineoi AipupS ojjm pun jpeAin correspondence on tlie subject up to should die or be disabled for duty the Hanover. He wrote in reply to a re­ day is an eloquent testimony to the radishes, turnips, potato vines, etc. It qoiqM •BTuenuoj osoqj pv jo joq pojno L. 8 D owning , quest for a professional opinion on the conserving influence of these religio- when the farmers were practically un­ tpiqM ‘ oruox GAjo>q oip jo Bonioq omi -juq j [ oot date is put under ills eye. With plen ­ functions of the chief magistracy would McMinnville, or at tlie farm is not likely that it is a serious enemy oqg ’fijnoq omi joj os oq pnw dravio ppio.u Xpoq subject, that his observations have sanitary regulations. Tlielr observance acquainted with the most economical loq osjMjotpo ‘paq nr .ieets for the manu- revealed to congress. For example, the sits at the head of the oblong table, tant features of these rules for the pro­ Liver cure, and while I am seven­ quartz. He says: ¡“As torsion threads tlie disturlied condition of tlie experi­ negotiations preliminary to a treaty are with the secretary of state at his right curation of clean anil healthful food are faeture of sugar: the crop of beets can­ ty-five years old, anil have "used these filters of quartz would seem to lie ments, the results, Mr. Shaw says, are Soitntific American not lie depended upon in some parts of not communicated to the house or sen­ and the secretary of the treasury at hie known and priqierly considered. Al­ many pills and other remedies for more perfect in their elasticity than any doubtless poorer than would have teeft Agency for . the state unless irrigation is practiced; ate, because the publication of them left; then come the secretary of war on low me first to explain a little more the blood, liver anti kidneys, I known. They are ns strong as steel tlie case had the season teen one of would lie like to defeat the end sought. the right, and the attorney-general on fully the advantages of our method of that the success of the farmer will de­ must say that fora kidney tonic in and can lie made of any reasonable more nearly normal conditions. The killing our food animals before enteiing pend more upon skill and Industry Mr. Gresham will act as a sort of man- tlie left. Then the postmaster-general Bright’s disease, as an alterative length, |>erfectly uniform in diameter, results, however, confirm the conclu­ ! aging editor for Mr. Cleveland, editing on the right and the secretary of the upon the general subject. than on the solis, for poorly cultivated for the blood, or to correct the ac­ and, as already explained in the body sion of the previous year tliat Oregon lieets contain a lower |>eroe"ntagc of su­ “ The rabbis, to insure the healthful and printing all decuments which ema- navy on the left; and at the foot of the tion of the stomach and Imwels it of the article, so fine as to lie beyond l>ossesses tlie conditions necessary for . nate from file white home. At the table the secretaries of the interior and character of the meat provided for their gar and purity than well cultivated; is a very superior remedy, and OAVIATM, the power of any microseo|)e yet made. the purpose of lieet sugar manufacture. TRADE MARKS, I I same time lie will direct a corps of re- congregations, require the vital organs large beets do not contain so large a of agriculture. In time of peace the beats anything I ever tried. The tail ends of these threads must lie Seed was sent to 140 fanners, 20 of DESIGN RATXNTS, jiorters all over tlie world, who, as a cabinet are equal, to all intents and of tlie animal to te examined while yet J. It NKI.8ON, Yakima. Wash. OOPVRMHTS, etoJ at least 10,000,000 limes smaller than whom reported absolute failure of crop percentage of sugar as small beets and At 50 cents a bottle, it .is the poor man’s part of thier duty as United States con- purposes. But let war upraise its awfid connected witli the carcass, anil when the purity is lew. Upon no condition spun glass. Of course ltds impossible on account of unfavorable weather, and friend and family doctor. 1 sills, are each required to write up .«ev- front and the secretaries of war and of tht> least defect or least evidence of dis­ should farmers grow lieets to the exclu­ Sold by Rogers Brothers. to manipulate these minute filaments, two on account of insect pests and sion of other crops, but should make th» pufflo b J »nolle» glTon tree or chime la Lho j eral subjects annually for those newsy the navy tower above their fellows to a ease exists the beast is pronounced un­ squirrels. The average of all analyses although there is no difficulty In meas ­ I publications called Consulkr Reports. gigantic stature, wielding, under the fit and is rejected Tlie Jewish killer of uring threads less than the one-thou­ for the state was 15.7 per cent sugar in this a rotation crop, substituting fer i bare fallow, if a factory should lie start­ With the secretary of the treasury it president, the mighty physical forces animals is an officer of the church, sandth |>art of an inch in dinmeter.” the juice with a purity of 78.08 again« is quite different. He must be an ex­ of a nation. Then as soon as hostilities holding a diploma < ' efficiency from an 12.75 per cent and a purity of 77.57 for ed near them; the amount of cultiva­ pert in financial matters. His depart­ are suspended the department of state ecclesiastical trilmual, anil is required tion necessary for lieets In Oregon ren­ f'lianipion .Jump nf Seventy Feet. i last season. Out of the 07 analyses ment is so vast, embracing a multitude assumes the cldef Importance, arrang­ to know a great deal more than how ders it important that no one farmer Ixmg jumping must 1« something made only 11 indicated less than 12 per should attempt to care for more than 15 of unrelated bureaus, that lie does not ing the terms by which quiet shall lie to deftly and quickly kill an animal. i>ent sugar in the juice, and 41 samples He must have a practical knowl­ worth looking on at when the winning attempt to attend to the details of its restored. indicated over 14 per cent, the extremes acres per season; the plants should be busincMi, relegating the management to The social duties of an officer of the edge of animal anatomy and physiolo­ jump is some seventy feet long. That being 9.4 per cent. The averages for left as far apart as possible and not al­ I subordinates. He lias a treasurer to cabinet are very onerous. To begin gy, and particularly of the composition is the sort of thing they have in Nor­ the different natural divlvlsions nf the low the roots to attain a weight of over take care of the money, a director of with, his wife must keepopen bouse on of the vital organs anti of the diseases way, as news from Christiana tells us. I two pounds in order that as much cul­ state were as follows: The champion jumper at the great an­ the mint to make the coins, n chief of Wednesdays. Formerly it was custom­ to which the animal is subjected. • Samples. 1 Per cent. tivation as jtossihle may be done by “In this connection it seems proper nual meeting at Stockholm made a rec­ Willamette valley | bureau of engraving to print the paper ary to hold a reception every Wednes­ .44 14.7 1 machinery; if any state can manufac­ I cash, besides three under secretaries and day, but the wear and tear on the fur­ to touch on the Mosaic law of forbid­ ord by covering seventy feet, and the Eastern Oregon ...11 19.2 ture its own sugar, or any part of if 10 15.1 successfully, Oregon should lie able to other groat officers to collect the reve­ niture and hospitality of the hostess den fowl. Much speculation has lieen , other comnetitors all managisi to come Southern < tregon The bulletin tell>> how the yield i« I do so, since she has all the natural re­ nue, etc. He himself decides imfxirt- has ts-eome so great of late years that indulged in on this subject. The at-1 between forty-four and sixty-six. This ant questions only. Many laws are three or four Wednesdays in a season tempt to identify the Mosaic law with is certainly more exciting than ouri calculated and give» the following av­ quirements. i jmsseil which permit this or that to te are considered enough. The Wanama- pre-existing elementsin the religions of i champion jump of twenty-three feet erage of tons per acre for the several The Union Paeiflc have published a $1.»PV M none nt his discretion, and weighty kers made that their limit. On these Egypt, Persia and India is founded ; ihul a few inches. The Norwegians, It counties: On. cent • don. 33.2 very neat pietorial World's Fair folder, Tmx GXXAT COCWH Ccn. promptly «ure, problems often tax hl.« judgment. Dis­ occasions people come in crowds, stay upon tlie fact that the Mosaic leglsla- | is true, do not jump as We do. The Benton.......... ..19.1 Marion where All others tuL Couch., Croup, Sore 9.3¡ Polk................. 32.0 containing colored lithographs of the Clackamas Throat, Ho»re«n«u, whooping Cough »nd putes ns to customs duties which in­ as long as they please, and eat as much i tion in no instance seeks to account for jump run is down a hill 200 feet high, Douglas . 21.7]l'nion.............. 13.5 various exposition buildings, bird’s eye Atthma. For Con.umpHoo it ta. no nrat volve millions of dollars are referred to as they can. Nearly all of them are un­ ' its prohibitive measures in any other I in the middle of which a springboard is 14.*|Washington. ..12.6 Jackson . hu cured thooaand», and will et na T m < if 2<> 5 Yamhill ... •2ft.lt " view of the ground*, with a complete taken In time, gr id liy pnicgiat» on a guar. him. The treasury is poor now and he known to their entertainer. They come way than that the proscribed object is j set six feet above the ground, and it is I^tne.............. 8HIL0 IT» B8 LLADO NN A PLAtTtft S’ 15.2 map of tlie city, showing lomti.n of ennnot afford to waste a |>enny. One to see what she looks like, how rich she I an ateminatlon, objectionable to the i from this that the jump is taken. Bat. Linn............... 11.7 Josephine.. ..29.2 State average. 23.2 the fair, hotel«, railway eeame known that a cablr.-t officer | roped« enumerated in Rcripfiire: nota- Get New and Steri Hag Fact« at Draggltt«. M c M innville TRUCK AND DRAT CO ULCERS CANCERS SCROFULA SALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON. IT IS NOT A SINECURE. D-PRICE’S Powder I BileBe&ns Small i Purity Sugar. THE COMMERCIAL STABLE I Livery, Feed and Sale! Seeds McMimiLE mm m JUDGE NELSON’S Scientific American ’ TV sææss 2U¿^LM«NNML| Va W« AVE* A VON. our authorired «gear« .