the «incili D ocket . one» who plant thing» when tin- - —■' nifxin Is right, ami depend upon the'al-1 lilanae for tlie weathe.. Slowly the’ HARDING L HEATH. Publisher«. people of this state are living educated to .the benefits of the bureau, judging 1— Chas Handley vs Ellen Jackson,' SUBSCRIPTION BATES. from the gradual change In thiaaection. Titos H Tongue atty for deft; Equity. Copy. p.r yaar. in.J.anc.......... People who read the weekly rejiorta of I 2— A F Kisser * < 'o vs V B ami Em­ o>aCapy,aia advanea. the bureau published in the county I ma J Latham;S B Huston atty for plft', papers have got into tlie habit of i-om- Ramsey A Fenton attys for deft; suit to Entered at the postolfiee at McMinnville ing to town and asking tlie loanal I «et aside a deed. Bregón, as aecond-clami matter. weather official alwnit the weather 3— Byron Millsap vs W T Wright et RuoLl'TlO!.« or CoSIHII.RXi r *SI> «1.1. O bit - when they contemplate cutting their al; Irvine A- Coshow nttys for plfl'; nary Poetry will I* charirel for »1 regular hay or doing other work t lint would be equity. advertising rates. spoiled by a change in the weather. I— Jos Wagner A Co vs Tlios W Per­ N amflk O f T he T bi .BPW onk -IU gi *- These persons appreciate the bureau ry; Emmons A Emmons attys for pltl', tek will be mailed to any person in the United Blates or Europe, who desires one, through the money it has eared them. Ramsey A Fenton nttys for deft; action Let everyone take advantage of tbla for money. free of charge 1«. P. Fisher. Newspaper art, address the I'lulud States for money. paper in kept on file iu his oft Ice. Weather Bureau, Portland, < Iregou. II— P Selling vs Laramie Mayer; F W All tabicribert who ilo nut receive their Fenton atty for plfl'; action for money. paper regularly Hill confer a favor by irnA THINK ABOUT IT 7— Elijah Osborn vs John Cresson; mediately reporting the tarne to thia ofice Williams, Cary A McNary attys for T wuxtv - six mills . plft'; action for money. Thursday, March lß, 1893. Think of it. Think ubout it. 8— T W Perry vs T C Buckingham; That is tlie amount of tlie tax levy Ramsey A Fenton attys for plfl; action INTERPRETATION OF LAW. for tlie year 1892. The taxpayers of tills county will have to pay 2.6 |>er for money. !)—Stow A Brower vs Geo W Dickson The Amity paper in tlie following cent on every dollars wortli of prop­ words contests the circulation of the erty owned by them. It is made up as et al; Ramsey A Fenton attys for pltf; official papers of this county: “A* we follows: State tax, 7 mills; u-ltoel tax, forelosure. 10— A Schilling A Co vs W E Kutch are ill doubt as to n liicli pajieis have 5 mills; Indigent soldier tax. .»2 of a Irvine A Coshow attys for plft'; action the largest circulation we therefore mill; county tax, 11.98 mills. for money. wish to contest and hereby ask the A total of Twenty-six mill.«. / 11— G I« Baker et al vsYamhill coun­ court to proceed according to law to as­ What is the reason of this large levy? certain which paiiers have tlie largest is the question lieing asked by nine out ty et al; Irvine A Cosüow attys for plft'; circulation thereby entitling them te ten taxpayers. L-t us give one of the Janies McCain, «list atty, and Ramsey A Fenton attys for plfT; injunction. WOHLD’M FAIR COMMISSION. the amount proscribed by law for the reasons. Flower atty. 12— In the matter of the estate of w printing of tlie same." 57— Tlios Vanscoy vs W L Warren; The large cuunty indebtedness that S alem , Or., Marell 10, 1893. Houxr, Sign, and Ornamental Piii|v| Tlie court complies with tills request has accumulated »¡nee the i*ff»cnt I Westerfield, insolvent; Ramsey A Caples, Hurley A Allen attys for plft'; To the Citizen» of Oregon : Fenton attys for estate. and places upon the docket an order re­ managenwnt of county afta ira went Irvine & Coshw attys for deft: action The Only Sign Writer in the Couaty. I The Oregon World's Fair Connnis-; 13— A C Martin vs Jauo E Martin; for money. quiring nil p«|iers of tills county to into effect. Ramsey A Fentan attys for pltl', Mc­ Homes fitted up in the Neatest and lul sendin sealeil statements of their cir­ 58— Wm Hoft'knelcht vs W L War­ sion lias been legally organized. Its I When Judge Galloway went into Artistic Style. I Cain A Magers attys for deft; divorce. ren; Caples, Hurley and Allen attys for officers, superintendents, assistants. I culation Is'fort* the April sesssion. office he informed several of tlie citi­ .. \ Designs furnished for Decoration, | 14— Titus Smith vs Amanda Smith; plfl', Irvine A Coshow attys for deft; ac­ and agents have been chosen, and ; The contest of the Amity paper is a zens of this county tliat the indebted­ ( 'an Supply All Yónr’^eed» In little previous. According to the rul­ ness of the county exceeded the limit (> H Irvine atty for pltt'; divorce. Remember Paper Hanging and Inside F q ,,] tion for money. they are now actively engaged in the 15— Sarah A Likens vs Simon F Lik­ nlshing a Specialty. ing of tlie county court tlie offi­ imposed by the constitution seine $10,- 59— Wm Ball anil J no T Fouls vs G preparation of an exhibit of the rich Work taken by Contract or by the Day. gd cial pa]ters of this county must Itcap- 1 «M1, or in other words tine county was ens; .Ino J Spencer atty for pltl; di­ W Sappington et al; McCain A Magers and varied resources of Oregon. t<> perienced men employed. vorce. poiated at tlie January session of each in debt some $15,e of warrants ordered drawn by the money. for money. kept constantly on hand at lowest living I this commission the more successful, 21— A Schwab vs lT S Banking Co; present county court we will quote county court from December 1, 189], to 64— Stuart A Thompson vs WH Cain; prices. DERBY & BOYER, W M Ramsey atty for pit!; action for I which will add not only to 2............................. 2718.81 money. for money. To this end. therefore, all persons i 631.97 23— R L Churchman vs 1' S Banking county, wliicli sltallstate tin- names of February.......... 66— W D Wright vs W T Wright ct who liave prepared individual exhib- 1 3180.90 Co; F W Fenton atty for ]>lfl'; action for all claimants, the article or service for March al; Ramsey A Fenton atty for plft", Ir­ its, all societies, organizations, or April .3703.59 money . which payment is elainietl in each May............................ SEE OUR GOODS BEFORE PURCHASING. 5299.29 vine & Coshow nttys for deft; foreclos­ associations of any kind whatever 1 24— J C Porter vs V S Banking Co; ure. bill, Hie »mount allowed if ordered i J»ne............... 2192.30 Express Tyains Leave Portland Dail» that have prepared exhibits of any paid, or whether tlie claim has been ! July.............................................. 4961.00 F W Fenton atty for plft'; action for LEAVE. I ARRIVE. 67— State of Oregon vs Joseph D M011- I August.. Portland. .. 7.00 p m SanFrancisco 8.1.*>an .......... 1060.95 kind for the coming exposition, are continued or rejected; provided, tliat money. San Fran. . 7:00 p m'Portland 7.35sin thyon; Jas McCain dist atty; H Hurley Heptember............ .. 4592.55 tlie I'ounty court shall not be required October.. 25— CJC Linden vs I1 S Banking Co; J F Caples attys for deft; larceny by al­ urged to at once place themselves in I Above trains stop only at following it, ........................... 4471.11 tions norjh of Roseburg: East Portland, to publish >ny claim for which th« November........... „ Irvine A Coshow attys lor plft'; action ......... 3969.66 tering the marks on a heifer, tlie prop­ communication with tlie heads of the ' Oregon Citv, Woodburni, Salem. Albany, December............... 831.94 for money. salary or fees are provided by law." several departments, as organized by Tangent, Sliedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Jun­ erty of Andrew Wright. January, 189.3 ______ 3917.55 In another section of tlie law the fol­ 26— George Moor vs Yambill Land ction city, Irving, Eugene 68— State of Oregon vs Joseph D M011- this commission. You may be able Itoaelnirg Mall Daily. lowing appears: “Tlie court shall at $43475.71 Co ami M Fisk; F W Fenton atty for thyon; Jas McCain «list atty; II Hurley to judge to which department your DEALER IN LEAVE. ARRIVE the January session of each year, select Warrants retiirnvd to clerk I plft'; action for money. J F Caples attys for deft; larceny of a exhibit belongs by reading what fol­ Portland . . 8 :()5 a in Roseburg. Roseburi ..' 5:40 p 4 one newspaper publislied within the paiopiilation two newspapers having To this should be added the Irvine A Coshow attys for pltl; action For accommodation of second class passen­ thyon; Jas McCain dist atty; H Hurley Oregon in any of the exposition ! rock erusher that has been delivered gers attached to express trains. largest circulation shall I»« selected, for money. J F Caples attys for deft; larceny by al­ buildings. WEST SIDE DIVISION and the county clerk shall furnish hut not yet paid for which is $880 30— Wm Millsap el id vsH Clay Burch Tlie Oregon exhibit will be collect- : Between Portland and Corvallis. such paiiers selected each a copy of lb*- more, making a grand total of indebt­ et al; Irvine A Coshow attys for plft'; tering marks on a steer, property of Gordon Nelson. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. ed and displayed under tlie following | edness of $4,">,279.24. The actual in­ foreclosure. proceedings and a list of claims.” LEAVE. I ARRIVE 71— State of Oregon vs W H Bentley headings: The law further states that the com­ debtedness is more than this for there McMinn’ ___ 10:10 _ am 31— A F Arthur vs Wilbur Cook; Ir. Portland.. 7:30 am_______ nnd W I! Franklin: Jas McCain dist is a considerable amount in county or ­ McMinn ’ . . .10:10 a in Corvallis . 12:10p Tlie department of agriculture, pensation for the almv« service shall vine A Coshow attys for plfl'; action for Corvallis .. 12:55 p in McMinn' 2:Mpn atty, Ramsay A Fenton attys for defts; not exceed the sum of 51» cent» for ders of several years standing that money. forestry and forest products, and live McMinn’... 2:56 p in Portland . 5 -30 pa selling liquor without license. each square of ten lines of l>ro«ier type, have never been drawn. 32— GJW Jones atlmr vs J W Gil" stock, W. F. Matlock, superintend­ At Albany and Corvallis connect with 72— State of Oregon vs Lars Grcgor- A conservative estimate would place baughjJIrvine'&'Coshow atlys for plfl', trains of Oregon Pacific. or its equivalent. The limit of price is ent. The department of horticulture, son; Jas McCain dist atty; moving _8 .Express Train Daily, except Sunday. tlie indebtedness nearer $50,000 than action.forjmoney. just one-half the i«gi»lar advertising LEAVE. I ARRIVE diseased sheep withoutjpermit from In­ including floriculture and viticulture, rates of the pajters that liave had Ilia $45,000. 33— In the matter of the assigiunent Portland. 4:40 p miMcMnn .. 7.25 pm Dr. J. R. Cardwell, superintendent. spector, A greater degree of business sense is of R >S Conner, an insolvent. honor of lieiug the official papers of the McMinn’... 5:45 a in; Portland. 8:20 73— State of Oregon vs Samuel Davis; Tlie department of mines, mining, an absolute necessity for the county county for the past year. 34— Cohen Davis A Co vs W II Cain; and metallurgy, C.W. Ayets, super­ commissioners and county Judges of Irvine A Coshow attys for plfl's; action Jas McCain dist atty: ra]>e, The above is the law. I 74— State of Oregon vs Frank Butts; intendent. The department of fish­ In ol>eying thls.hiw tlir court de­ the future, EAST AND SOUTH. for money. Jas McCain «list atty; burglary. it is ruinous to elect men to office For tickets and full information regard ing and fishing apparatus, manufac­ creed that Die proceedings should not 35— B Taylor vs WmT Raleigh; Irvine ing rates, mans, etc., cull on the Company’’ 76—State of Oregon vs George F tures, electrical and mechanical in­ lie published; that the claims should who lack the qualifications for it. It is A Coshow attys for plft'; action for agent at McMinnville. Christenson: Jas McCain dist atty: forg­ not lie pul’lishoti in an itemized form. not rigid and proper that the taxpay­ money. ventions. Geo. T. Myers, superintend­ R KOEHLER, E. 1’. ROGERS, ery. Manager. Asst. G F. A P Agt This is an easy way In which to keep ers of Yamhill county should pay 36— 1! Jacobson vs Isaac Daugherty; ent. The department of woman's 76—State of Oregon vs L II Reeves; from tlie taxpayers of this county $1*0,000 a year for the privilege of liave Irvine A Coeliow attys for pl fl'; action work, comprising the fine arts, [ .la» Mc('ain dist atty; larceny. item* of expenditure that the court does ing GaHnway, Perry and Henderson at for money. household economy, and tlie pro­ the Liead of ¡«flairs. The rate of taxa ­ not want tlieni to know. The law di- I Prom Terminal or Interior Points th Homes nt the World’s Fair. 37— Wnt Cain vs Emil I’lafl'; Kainsey I ducts thereof. Mrs. M. Payton, su­ reetiy says tliat tlie article or service for tion is about $14 per head for every A Fenton nttys for plft'; action for | There is no reason why anyone perintendent until July, 1. 1893, and ; which payment is claimed in each hill man. woman and child in the county. money. Mrs. E. W. Allen, superintendent' Let the court call a halt or the taxpay­ «hall lie publislied. 38— John D Edwards vs Jacoh Wirtz ’ should I mj deterred from visiting tlie I World’s Fair by reason of possible in- from July 1. 1893. The department, No wonder the court desires to keep ers will. E E Scipb atty for plft; ejectment. the county expenditure« away from j 39—George Moor vs Warner Spooner 1 convenience and uncertainty attend" of education, including educational the taxpayers. OF NO ACCOUNT. : and M Fisk; F W Fenton atty for plft'; (ing the securing of satisfactory hotel exhibits, literary, special, general, ‘ accommodations. Through their sound management is the Line to Take music, etc.. E. B. McElroy, superin­ action for money. That Desirable ami Most Beautifully’JLocated Property Known as The caption of this article expresses Yamhill county is $.70,01.1 |i. debt at The Northern Pacific railroad will in tendent. Tlie department of civil 49—M Fisk vs Mrs Joaniiiib Hayes; the opinion of the T klepp . one -R eoi 8- Ramsey A Fenton nttys for plft': action due time publish low excursion rates to Ibis moment. government, including state and No wonder t lie court tlewres to keep tei : as to the state board of equalization for money. Chicago and return for this occasion, It 1« the DININ6 CAR ROUTE. It runt county. Geo. W. McBride, superin­ The work performed by the last Iwiard tlie county expenditure» away from Through VESTIBULED TRAINS 41— Henry .Schenk vs George Sauter; while its double daily passenger train tendent. Every Day in lhe Year to on the assessment of 1802 is of but little McCain A Magers nttys for plfl', action service, including through sleeping tlie taxpayers. Persons wishing to make exhibits All this nonsense ai»>ut high charges value as far as it concerns the equaliza­ for money. cars of both classes (Standard and i in any of the departments enumer­ for publication tliat has appeared in tion of tlie Yamhill county assessment. 42— RS Conner vs W E Cox; Me-j ! Tourist) to Chicago, will as usual lie at Small Imvs could figure better. (No Change of Care) the column« ef our eontenqwraries has Cain A Mager« nttys for plft': action for the head of the list in every particular, ated. will please communicate with Situate ami adjoining the BAPTIST (JOLLEGE and Park; Only five For instance: Ixen done fora pnrpoee anil we are j To help you in fixing in advance the superintendents of tlie depart­ money. minutes walk from the main street of McMinnville; By taking into con­ Composed of D!M\G CARS In the matter of swino the county j fully satisfied that it Jha« I>ceii instigat­ (unsurpassed) 43— lloxanna White vs Henry Dun­ ' upon your place of resilience while at- ments in which they wish to make sideration the Fine Avenues and Streets, the Sightly Situation and Love­ ed by the court in order that they can Isiurd turned over to tlie state board a- stan ct al: Ramsey A Fenton attys for teuding the World’s Fair, we have entries. Yours truly, PULLMAN BRA WING ROOM SLEEPEU ly Surroundings Pleasant Home addition furnishes the grandest and Iw looked lip Io by the people »« » care­ total valuation of *14,380. To this) plft'; foreclosure. placed in the offices of the company at (Of Latest Equipment,) t C. B. I rvine . See. most convenient property for those desiring a beautiful home. Pleasant amount tlw state board attempted to; 44— 11 L Sabin vs J R Sander* Jr et al; 121 First Street, Portland, Or., compil- ful and economical laxly. Home is subdivided in four acre-blocks and is sold on reasonable terms TOURIST SLEEPING CARS The Indebteilness of $5(1,(iw now star­ add 75 per cont, but failed to do so. j Ramsey A Fenton attys for pltl', artion . I ed by perfectly' trustworthy parties, Best that can be constructed and in Farm for Sale lor information apply to WM. F. BRIEDENSTEIN, Sole Agent The valuaMou of swine in YantMlI I for money. ing the taxpayers ef tlii« county in tbe ! «-ailed “Homes for Yisitors to the which accommodations are for hol­ Two miles north of McMinnville, a farm Cor. Third Streetjtnd Railroad. McMinnville, Or. ders of First or Second-class Tick­ county as equalized bv the state In aril ’ lace puts a different light upon the .. • ,------------ —j 45—R Livingstone vs Emil Platt'; FW i I World’s Fair.” This little book, which of 65 acres, all in good cultivation and good ets. and is $10,785, just 7- ■> pen ent ot the original [ j.'enton n)Id \y yf Ranisev nt tvs f<»r pl ft'I | you can purchase for fifty cents, con­ house and barn ; all kinds of fruit; 30 acres I ■natter. in grain—a bargain if sold soon. Address: ELEGANT BAY COACHB The TTa-CLMlna. JK.evi.te. While the court was attempting to valuatien, a reduction of 25 per «w»t-' foreclosure. tains a list of aliout 9,900 private fami­ L. 8. D owning , A Cantlnuous Line connecting with *0 McMinnville, or at the farm economize by not allowing and cutting In order to make their figures correct- lies who will accommodate visitors in 40—Henry Anson vs W H McDon­ linee, iffordiug direct and unin­ down publication bills of $2.50, and it is necessary to add the tw« anrennt* ald; Ramsey A Fenton nttys for pill’; Chicago during the time of the fair, terrupted service. submitting $15 worth of printing to which would make the total vnlnntion. confirmation. viz: May 1st to October 30th; gives Pullman Sleeker reservation, can besecur _ blds they were contracting indebted­ of swine In Yamhill county 825,M5t In ed in advance through auv agentof thoron their names and addresses anil number UNION 10 ebnts per double roll. Send 2-cent stamp 47—J F ijearles vs ('yrus Vaughn ct nt'l SCOFIELD A MORGAN. ness in the sum of $3,373 for a read Other iwrd«..through the work of the , ^.'¡^’„^'^mon Through Tickets Mefc of rooms eacli will have to spare. The for samples. , tysfor plft'icou- k.uini .»♦ >.,1 *...»4 __ »_•«» i 1 PACIFIC •Ji 192 Third st. Portland. Or. state tenant of A.., equalization Yamhill roller, $880 fora rock crusher without «itntu book also gives a list of the hotels and Bnd Europe can be purchased at any ticket I firmation. enmity escapes taxation on $142400. E. W. HADLEY, RECEIVER. 0 vCeu°f I*“1 conmany. allowing competition. 48— Henry Schenk vs George Sauter; their locations; lias twelve ftill-pagc Full information concerning rates, tinif Another instance: The county Judge in a newspaper ar­ McCain A Magers attys for plft': action large wale maps, eacli representing a of trains, routes and other details furnishee The county Ismrd of equalization es-i for money. ticle invited tlie fullest Investigation of on application to any agent, or WILSON &. HENDERSON. Prop*. ■ section of tlie city, so tliat witli this in- A D. CHARLT0X. the county commissioners record. An tablisheil the value of the Portland and . 49— The McMinnville Building anti ■ formation before him the intending °«neral Passenger Agent investigation of tlie record woubl not Willamette Valley railroad »<$2/iM)per I Improvement Co vs D C'anuto and G visitor himself can, at leisure, select tlie rTAVa^ «f»acom»„y. Waktageow, Fartead. o»1 disclose all the acts of the eourt as a mile, the value of the Oregonian rail-i W Jones; W M Ramsey and F W quarter of the city in which he would rHBOVOH conaiiieral’ie portion of them doe« not read at $2500 per mile and the value of; Fenton attys for plft's; action for prefer to stop, corres|»ondLng in ad­ EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS. »p|*ar of record—for instance thecoun- the Oregon A California raflrond at. > money. DAILY- vance witli one or more families in that LATEST STYLE RIGGS i termand of the road roller by Judge $1300 per mile. In the figures used by I 50— Frank B Tipton vs Joel A Bryan locality witli regard to rates and tlie AND APPOTNTMENES. i Galloway without tlie oilier members the state board of equalization these and Julia A Bryan; SF Harding and accommodations desired. ''Leaving Portland, 8:45 A. M. Special Attention Given to of tbe court knowing about it. tigum appear at $4000 per mile for the«; Emmons A Emmons attys for plft'; ac. • A. D. C harlton , Boarders. first two roads anil $4560 for the last ,1' lion for money. “ “ 7:3d P. M. As«t. Gen. I’. A., N. P. R. it. mentioned road. To these figures thei THE WEATHER BUREAU Third Street. Between E and F. McMinn­ BETWEEN WILLAMETTE VALLEY Portland. Oregon. 51— M Fisk vs Melotte Brothers; Cle­ ville, Oregon. Mate board added 10 per cent. Work, j land A Cleland attys for plft': action for How« This! POINTS AND SAN FRANCISCO The second biennial report of the like this makes it very difficult for the ’ money. We °!*.r w- furnish furnl.h an exn ex< n,l« Oregon Weather Bureau has Iwen re- county officers to make a levy. The! i/J‘ ti.1 i.*1.1 r°" ,r"- . 1« it « costs ”'• notliim » to Wo offer One Hundred Dollar« Reward i 52 — Miranda Smith vs Miranda Kim. hZlnW' win "■’•*« !">“ w,i:' ,<4 ceived. Tlie report was compiled by returns from the state board and the! b>r any ease of Catarrh that cannot beenreil ciac I 2T.L’ordinary wbrm ¡W' berlin ami Lucy D Kimberlln; John U 1 t»v Hall'« Catarrh Cure Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Lessee.) the careful bauds of IL S. Pague and 1« assessment of Yamhill county pins tIre | ,,n fi»« •• "“d "o* *• 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, F. J. I iirx«T A Co Props. Toledo. O. Smith atty for plft'. W M Ramsey atty or Hine. Any one any wl>”» amass of information of benefit toevery rate per cent added by the state Iswril I Ocean Steamer Sailings. We the undersiglrel. have known F J L m &TEST TIÎTE for deft«: equity. '* ,’?ll,r* • Month. Xo C1.H S’ Cheney for the last 15 year- and believe | 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, pcraon in the state. This report not will not balance. Tlie T elkfiioxe -I 8. 8 WILLAMETTE VALLEY "*“* world are making io much money Two Through Trains Daily. •8»—Dilla B Fenton vs J L Heiubrre him |>erfei tiy honorable in all business I only furnishes data for every farmer in K eoisteh and every citizen who has a., •» work for u>. BU.lof Leaves San Francisco .March 14. tran«artion« and tinan< iallv able Io earn-1 M 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and anJ etux;FW Fenton atty for pill: fore- ' r*y honorable, ami poya bolter t‘,aa Leaves Yaqnina March ttt a) tletennlning the lies* |«rt of tlie year desire to see state matter* carried on. | any obligations made bv tlieir lirm , 12 45pJ 6 2.'»p(lv Minneapolis ar SSil "4—F. N Forti v« Lars Gregor-on;, Ohio es data to the scientist, the doctor, the "work. Welding. Kinnan A Marvin. »Iioloalc 10 15a 4 15p lv Duluth ar 11 4Oa] I’vaiXM.Mja. a®.d To-Ärlat rniri mo. 'oh'if °~'y-d faithfully, will brink Rauisey A Fenton atty« for plfT: action r?rov. w'11 *n7 «•>-' buxinw« 1» druggieo, Toledo. Ohio 1 50p| 7 25p lv . Ashland . ?r 8 20 m River Steamers. «leapwra Fr«, Mwcllxi-1 eugineer and the person who is con­ wiyaot? You can do to Hall'« Catarrh cure is taken internally 1 for money. 7 15a| 9 5Q;i ar Chicago Iv .5 47p] '¿¡Mir, »TT1’' “ work for »’• *•••«••“* Steamer "Hoag" Icatic, Portland. Wed­ r c,r“’ templating removal to Oregon. Peo- acting direvtly upon the blood and mucus I Captain Sweeacy, f. s, a .. San “muhfct ,ot abeolule aoceow 55— William Holl vs W T Hhiirtleff surfaces of the system. Price 75<- per hot-1 Tickets sold and baggage < becked through nesday and Saturday atn a ni pie who are not well informed upon Diego. Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh IresTo .11 A1*1“« -Tory particular 1« esot et al; F W Fenton atty for piti: action tie. Sold by all druggist« ; Testimonials free. | to all points in the Fnited State« amt Cana­ **tOTn,*,i°n ran on! tree to all. l*lay not In nd ml for it. II. ('. Dav, Gen Agt., the benefits to lie derived from the Remedy is the first medicine I have da: Clo»e connection inaile in Chicago with GKOhej»: STi«ie