Look at the Map. >k ai thè May. McMinnville, Yamhill County« Here in tlieCounty neat. Herein published THE TELEPHONE- REGINTER, Monarch of home newspapers, accorded first place In nil the Directories. State of Oregon, Ynnihlll Cuuuty. Here you will finti tire must pro durti»’« Meetion in tilt* World, lattiti is cheap, ofleriug special in- iluceuients to t'riilt ralscrs and duirymon. Look at the Map. Look at Ilio Mnp Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in M c M innville , EPH S hi *E,teblished 7u *«. '88« Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. I oreqon , T hursday , VOL. V. NO. 7 march 16,1893. THE JAWS OF DEATH □^PRICE’S epproaehed tlie wliirl|raol tlie black however, by this move, for in the re-||JJTQ smoke that went up from her stack habilitation of our navy the Cramps showed that »lie was preparing for the have been anil always will be an im TOSSED IN THE WILD WHIRLPOOL Anal plunge. Down she went at a RAPIDLY TAKING OUR POSITION portant factor. Constructor Nixon can speed so great tliat tlie fast running OF NIAGARA. doubtless better serve ills country in an AMONG THE POWERS. A Tested Remedy waves could not catch her. She wav institution where his genius will find For All The Owner of rhe Boat Takes Desperate ered as she struck the ever whirring op|x>rtunities for expanding than he The Battle-Ships Indiana, Massachusetts waters, toppled over to leeward as the Chanches hi Order to A void Ills Credit LTER A WRIGHT, Proprietors anil Oregon the Most* I*owerful Afloat— would stagnating behind the four walls twisting torrents met her, and for a of an office in Washington. LBKEATH & GOUCHER, They were Designed l>y a Youug Ameri ors--A Successful Venture. is of all descriptions moved and co re moment It looked as if the engine would It was the intention of tlie navy de ddling guaranteed. Collections will can Graduate of the United States Naval be powerless to drive the boat through; ide monthly Hauling of ail kinds partment to give our battleships a dis A reliable cure for Contagious Academy ut Annapolis. heap. It was on April 1, 1861, that one of | tliat the gallant vessel would be whirl PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS, Blood Poison, Inherited Scro The only Pure Creaiu of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. placement of 8,560 tons and a eoul en the thrilling events in Niagara’s history , ed around on the rocks where the brave fula and 3kin Cancer. (Office over Bralv’s Bank.) durance of 5,000 knots at tlie most eco Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Tlie launchingot the greatjbattle ship As a tonic for delicate Women occurred. Between tlie ('anadian and trio ¡ would meet certain death. The nomic speed. Wiser counsel prevailed, und Children it has no equal. lMlNMVU.Lt, - • - O b EOON. American banks¡of the river there had , little wheel, though, made itself felt,and Indiana, every part of which was con however, and this displacement was Being purely vegetable, is harm ¡ just seven seconds tlie Maid was safe structed of material manufactured in increased to 10,000 tons. The water plied for many years a little steamboat in amount obtained was $8,500. On Sul less in ita effects. D. BAKER known as the Muid of the Mist. Tlie , on the other side of tlie whirlpool, and tills country, is an event that may livan’s creek,tin tbe'same county, in A treutlse on Blood and Skin Dis lino will be protected by a belt of steel ease» mailed free on application. make history for tlie United States. It 18 Inches thick backed by wood and vessel was built on the American side, ¡ in four minutes from the time she start 1849, a twenty-eight pound nugget was Z>rt4(/c/f*ts MS It. certainly marks an era in our naval two thickness of [-inch plates. A ease and all the time it bad floated around ( ed from the falls she had completed the WHAT THE COUNTIES OF CALI picked up by one of tlie pioneers. It UAGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., on tlie rough waters here it never went , most perilous trip made by any vessel progress and merits more than a pass was sold for $7,168. FORNIA HAVE PROCUCED PHYSICIAN. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. ment of oj-lnch armor will shield tlie more than a lialf mile from the spot | before or since. Neither boat nor jrar- Near Maguliu, iu Butte county, on ing notice. vessel above this belt ami prevent the ffice Upstairs in the Garrison Building. Few realize tlie intricate problem that breaking up of projectiles of high ex where it was constructed and launched. , son ever went through these angry Streaks^ of Luck tliat^Made Prospectors August 14, 1850, Ira A.JWillard found the designer of a warship is called upon plosive power. At the end of the belt The reason for this is very simple, says , waters before and eame out alive, and, Kicli—How Oliver Martin Found a For on tlie west branch of the Feather, a W. FENTON, nugget tliat weighed fifty-four pounds to solve. He must be prepared to meet diagonal bulkheads will be fitted to tlie Chicago Herald. It could not move , witli the exception of a man who made tune in|the Graverò! His Partner. ¡ avoirdupois and was worth >10,960. On file antagonistic elements of ettense, protect tlie loading mechanism of tlie upstream because of tlie falls, and it the trip in an iron barrel, no one lias findlug^tids tlie miners quit work for defenae, speed and endurance. He heavy guns. Behind tlie armor belt could not go down further than the ( ever attempted tho voyage since. ATTORNEY AT-LAW, In August, 1859, W. A. Farish, A. I the day audjcelebrateil the event by a must create a vessel that possesses evo on eaeli side there will lie coaling new suspension or foot bridge. If it Just as the good people were lragin- cMinnviile, .... Oregon. ventured too far in this direction it was , ning to stir at Lewiston tlie Maid of the Wool, J. Winstead, F. N. L. ('levering | grand drunk. lutionary qualities of the highest order, spaces. ! Office, Rooms 1 and 2 Uuion Block. liable to get caught in the swift current Mist hove in sight, coming leisurely and Harry Warner,were partners in Iu November, 1854, a muss of gold and yet thoroughly seaworthy. Tlie The main battery will consist of four armor must be so distributed that the 13-insh breech-loading rifles, tlie auxil carried down to tlie whirlpool rapids , down the stream. She steamed to Niaga the Monumental claim near tlie Sierra was found at'f'arson *llill, in Calaveras T M. RAMSEY, “vitals of the ship” will be invulnerable iary of eight 8-lneli and four 4-lneli and then to the whirlpool Itself-ccrtain , ra on tlie lake, at the mouth of tlie river Buttes, in Sierra ¡county. During tlie county that weighed 180 pounds. This and yet there must lie no compartment breech loadiug rifles, There will also death to everyone on Iraard. The ves- . and anchored. When tlie pilot, the last week of that month they discover was tlie largest gold-nugget[ever dis unprotected by the armor iralt which be a secondary battery, consisting of sei was not a success iu a financial way. , owner of the Iraat, grasped tlie wheel ed a huge gohPnugget which weighed covered in California. Another was ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. if pierced in action will destroy the in twenty 6-pounders, six 1-pounder rapid Not as many people visited tlie falls tliat morning as tlie journey was com 1593 ounces tro.v. It was sold to R. B. found at the same place which weighed oMinnville, .... Oregon. itial stability. Every ounce of surplus fire and two Gatling guns. Tlie 13- then as now, nor were there so many menced his liair was raven black, but Woodward, of; Han Francisco, wlio 149 pounds. Another very famous one Office: Rooms G and 7 Union Block. development must lie utilized by tlie inch guns will be mounted in pairs on willing to brave the dangers of n ride when lie stepjrad on laud at tlie end of paid for it >21,636.52 for exhibition pur was known asjiliver 'Martin's nugget. ponderous battery of great guns; in tlie center line ami in turrets protected, on a small isiat in these turbulent wa the voyage it was gray. Tlie men, how poses. It was afterwards melted and It was found ■ near Camp Corona, in P. TURNEY, Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, short, a ship designed to fight in the ters, knowing tliat if the machinery ever, beyond being somewhat bruised >17,655.95;was realized from'Jt. Tuolunnne »utility, and weighed 151 by seventeen indies of steel. Though The biggest nugget of gold ever found pounds and six'ounces. Martin and a Sick Headache and Coaatipation. 40 in line of battle must Ira tlie very acme of the great English buttle ships carry should give way they would lie swept and weak from tbe excitement of the each bottle. Price 26c. For sale by trip, were uninjured. They are all yet in Sliasta eounty was in the^spring of companion named Flower were camped naval science. SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. guns 13} inches in diameter, and ours to destruction, druggists. Tlie builders of the iraat liad never living. Tlie Maid, after a few days, 1870. Onejluy tlireeJFrenchmen. two in a canyon when a terrible rainstorm To the uninitiated, war ships and Picture “7,17, 70” and sample dose free. arc only 13, the latter are much longer Ipecialty of surgery and diseases of women bnttie ships are synonymous. True it have a greater muzzle velocity and can been paid in full. They grew tired of proceeded to Port Dalhousie, where for of whom were nainel Oliver Long- came on in the night. The water in J. F. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK. U nion B lock - M c M innville . O r . is, “all battle ships are war ships, bitt be loaded and tired in almost any posi waiting ¡for tlie ¡balance, secured tlie many years she was engAged in towing champ and Fred Rochon drove into tlie stream arose. The miners attempt the old town of Shasta in ¡raareh of a ed to climb the hill but the flood over necessary papers and were aliout to at on tlie Welland canal. war ships are not all battle ships.” In tion. sjrat to mine. They huppened to have took them and.lrath were carried down tach tlie boat. The owner, however, the event of hostilities between any C. MICHAUX, The 8-incli guns of the auxiliary bat some business withJA. Coleman, a deal tlie stream. Flower was drowned, but COST OF THE WHITE HOUSE. two maritime countries, the opposing tery will be mounted in barbettes, pro got wind of 'lie afluir, steamed over to admirals would distribute the vessels of tected by 10 indies of steel, witli slop tlie Canadian side and anchored there. Description of the Executive Mansion at er in hardware and notions, who was Martin, though seriously,’¡injured, es PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. an oild character. Tlie tliree asked caped. While taping to bury bis com tlie Capital. their fleet as follows: The van would ing shields to cover iratli guns and gun Efforts were made to patch up a truce, him where was a good place to mine. LAFAYETTE, OREGON- tie composed entirely of heavy armored ners. The four slx-ineli guns will lie but without success. Something had It is said tliat the White house at He carelessly (minted in a northerly panion's body by the roots of an up turned tree Martin discovered the rich ships carrying high,rawer guns. In protected by fi ve indies of steel. Tlie to be doné. The owner could not afford Washington lias cost $2,332,000 down Jan, lit. ’88 other words, this would lie the fighting fire from both tlie main and auxiliary to let tlie vessel lie in the dock and rot. to the present time- To start with, the direction amFsaid: "Go over to Spring nugget that lraars his name. He was ” They took his advice, located too much weakened to move it. He line, and here would Ira con cent rated battery can be concentrated on either The boat could get noqiassengers unless state of Virginia contributed $120,000 creek. ' • DIELSCHNEIDER, it was allowed to land on tlie American and tlie state of Maryland $72,000 to a 1 claim on the creek, some eight miles attempted to reach some neighboring all of the battle ships. Next in order bow or quarter Ammunition will of Redding and a few days later miners, but fainted from exhaustion ' would come tlie unarmored cruisers,and be supplied through armored steel side. Tiiis was impossible on account build it. A prize of $500 has been of- north 1 of the Frenchmen picked up a nug and was found on the trail by them. Watchmaker of tlie officers who were there day and fered for tlie finest design, and tills one then all of tlie lighter craft, such as dis tubes. ' get of gold valued at.$.320o. Ten yeurs When able to walk sonic weeks later, patch anil torpedo boats, transports, and Jeweler. These vessels will be driven by twin night, ready to pounce u|ran it tlie mo was awarded to a young Charleston 1 later a miner named Dent Young found Martin took them to tlie spot and the Dealer in AIlKlnde ot Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware etc. Were we to become involved in a screws, with u power of 9000 horses. ment it poked its nosejnto port. Irishman named Janies Hogan, who Annoreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE. OR. Sold by Druggists or eent by mail. 25c., 50c., Tlie owner, who also acted as pilot followed closely tlie Duke of (Leinster's a 1 >520 gold nugget on Flat creek, near nugget was removed. The gold was sudden war—and this is not beyond the There will lx1 two triple expansion en and $1.00 per package. Samples free. realm of impossibility—what vessels gines, with cylinders 34, 49 and 75 and captain, was u man of nerve. He palace at Dublin declares tlie Buffalo where the Frenchman found tlieir fa mixed with quartz, but the nugget IFft The Favorite TOOTH POWIM Av for the Teeth and Breath. 25c. was valued at over $20,000. have we now to place in the fighting Inches in diameter, with a stroke of 42 saw there was but one way to get the ('mirier. Tlie plan contemplated a mous one. Tn 1871 in Sierra county, a uugget line? What would be the chances of indies, and will make 128.5 revolutions boat away from the American creditors tliree-story building, but congress re Plumas, though one of tlie richest turn Gates & Henry, Drops. protected cruisers of the Newark uud per minute. Four double ended steel and tliat was to move it from the falls. fused to appropriate the money for any ing counties in the state, lias yielded was discovered tliat weighed 106 Philadelphia type against the ponder boilers 15 feet in diameter and 18 feet But how this was to lx- done was the thing so extravagant, and the District but few valuable nuggets. The largest pounds and 2 ounces, and in the same McMinnville, - Oregon. juctlon ot 152 lb«., and I feel to much belter that I would n»t takt ous fighting machines ofjthe European long will supply steam at a pressure of question. There was but one route,and Commissioners cut ¡down the design to was found by a Chinaman near tlie year another was found at Rattlesnake |1,000 and be put back where I wa*. 1 am both »urprlred anil proud of th« change. 1 recommend your treatment t.- all »uiLret» from powers? Let our cruisers be munned 160 pounds to tlie square inch. Tlie that was through tlie wild rapids and one of two stories anil a basement, mouth of Nelson creek and was wortli in this state that weighed exactly the obcaity. WIU antwer all Inquiries if «tamp is inclosed for reply." tlie wilder whirlpool. He consulted with a lengtli of 170 feet and a deptli >2860. A miner at.Elizabethtown nam same. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. witli tlie liravest and mostj patriotic of auxiliary machinery will be driven Harm I»«, and with a-> Marvin*, inconrenience, or bad effect*. ed Archie Little, discovered a >1600 Tlie largest nugget found in North For particular» addrw., with 6 cento in «limp«, American tars, bow long^would they by two donkey trailers of 10 feet in di his engineer and his fireman. Would of 68 feet. nugget,¡aml’Messrs. Hayes and Stead Carolina weighed 80 pounds. The they aid him in tlie attempt to make OB. 0. W. L SRYOER. M'VICKER'S THEATER. CHICAGO. ILL hold out against such^oe? Lieutenant ameter. Washington finally induced congress the perilous passage? Yes, they would to add to the sum contributed by Mary man found one above Moliawk valley, largest ever weighed ill .Siberia weighed Everything New J. D. J. Kelley, an officer who has done These will be used to work tlie ven niucli to awaken congress to our weak tilating funs, furnish forced draught and they did. All the men liad grave land and Virginia enough to finish the near the county line, that weighed 420 96 pounds and 4 ounces. Tlie largest And Firstclass. piece of gold ever found in Colorado ness, aptly says: “Would the creative manipulate tlie steering gear, steam doubts as to how tlie journey’ would work of construction. Tlie cornerstone ounces and was worth >6700. Sierra is justly famed for its valuable weighed 13 pounds and this was by no possibilities of American genius, with capstans, distilling apparatus, pumps end, but they did not propose to back was laid in tlie presence of President special Accommodations for Commercial Travellers which tlie lawmakers of our country and electric lights. The pumps will lie out. The settled their affairs and pre Washington, October 13, 1792, and masses of gold found both pure and means pure gold. Tha largest ever Has no second chanceAThe mixed with quartz. George H. Nor found in tlie world was in Australia in have defended their apathy, avail us of such power tliat if any compartment pared for.the trip. Corner Second and E Streets, one block . ilrst supplies his needs — If he President John Adams took his family takes lue w ise precaution of man and Frank] Aman, near Gibson 1852, and was known as the King or from Cooks hotel. One morning before the sun liad risen much at such a moment? Could this planting into it in November, 1800, though Mrs. should be filled with water during an igniefatuua save us from tlie ponderous engagement it could be rapidly cleared. the Maid of the Mist was seen throw Adams complained of the discomforts ville in 1861 found a nugget of gold the Water Moon nugget. It weighed' ing great clouds of smoke from her to whicli sl^was subjected in its un that weighed over 100 ounces, and 223 pounds and 4 ounces and was fighting machines which have been Compared witli English ships of tlie t'erry’sAnnual.for: 'd stack. People who saw tier thought finished ; condition. Congress had ap was wortli >1700. In 1851 at French wortli about $40,000.— Examiner. irarfected abroad by twenty-two years 'contains all me latest ami i« st admiral class, the dimensions of our information ulsnit Gardens und tlie difficulties had been settled and propriated >15,000 to furnish tlie build ravine a lumpjof quartz and gold to-, of untiring energy and ceaselessexperi- battle ships arc as follows: (lanleiHng. It is a recognized Extent of tlie Great World’« Fair*. 1 iihority. Every planter shoul that the boat was about to resume ing, but its expenditure was strung gether was discovered, from which . ments. ” English United States Jias eit. >eiii (recon request, >8000 worth of gold was taken. In McMinnville, Oregon, business at the old stand. The officers n m . rcunv ¿¡co.. Detroit. m The success of the Indiana uud her Length along for years. I n bis palter liefore the British socie 330 ft. # 348 ft. 1855, in the same ravine, a still more on the other side thoubgt the captain sister ships, tlie Massachusetts and Ore Beam........... At the beginning of tlie administra ty of Arts, on the coining Chicago ex 06 ft. ft.6 ill. Paid up Capital, $50,000. valuable nugget of gold and quartz to had givenup the flglit and was ready to gon, soon to be launched, the former Draught... tion of Jefferson and each of the ad position, Mr. James Dredge of tlie Roy 27 ft. 3in. 24 ft. from Cramp’s shipyard and the latter Displacement 10,000 tons 10,500 toils, surrender. Suddenly the lines were cast ministrations of Madison >14,000 was gether was found and [from It >10,000 al British commission, presented a Transacts a General Banking Business, was ohtalned. At Minnesota, in the oft'and tbesteamer snorted out into the appropriated, but ill.1814, at the taking from tlie Union Iron Works, San Fran Deposits Received Subject to Check summary of previous world’s fairs and The advantages of our battle ships cisco, is due almost wholly to the gen over those of the English are ill brief stream. She run up toward tlie falls, of Washington, the mansion was burn same county, a nugget tliat weighed their results. The first great world's Interest allowed on time deposits. 366 ounces was found . This was val the route always taken when starting Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans ius of Lewis Nixon, a modest and un- these: First, in reference to speed tlie ed by tlie British soldiers. A heavy fair was held in Hyde Park, London, fer»* on New York, San Francisco and Port ■ assuming young American. This offl- English ships have a displacement of for the other side. She tipped and toss rain saved it from entire destruction, ued at >5000. At French ravine in 1850 in 1851, in a single building 1851 feet land. a mass of gold and quartz was picked 1 cer lias given the United States a type 14,000 tons, a length of 380 feet and a ed about up by the^cataiact for a few und in 1817 $20,000 was expended in long, and 450 feet wide, It accommo Collections made on all accessible points. of battle ship tliat surpasses any of the beam of 72 feet. Tlie horse-power, seconds then w heeled around and point its reconstruction. Tlie «andstone was upThatiweighed 263 ounces and was dated not quite 14,000 exhibitors, half Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 pm. worth[$489.3. In 1871 a splendid nug ed straight down stream. /As she first rates of Europe, and which when witli a forced draught, is 15,000, which painted white to remove tlie traces of of whom came from the colonies, and J9AO poorpoqqBpn AtH completed will Ira the most formidable is estimated will develop a speed of 17 whizzed by the waiting officers the fire, and the building lias since been get of gold w as disbovered in the Rain closed with a net profit Of 8750,000. Farm for Sale Wfnoq neoq evq eieqx Ajinnoo eqi joxivtl bow mine at Alleghany, which was Contains 80 acres,situated 8 miles north* Am nj B.iopno.’A onop peopnf ojuoj, e.*. tg;q fighting machine afloat. For many knots. The horse [rawer of our battle captain doffed his cap and smiled. known as tlie White House iu conse immediately shipped to London nnd Tlie first world’s lair held in the Unit ‘esop years there was a strong opposition to west of McMinnville, 30 acres in cultiva 9,3iuao}{ JDjsuj : g 8 hi i.«qoioo • hojtiay Could the people aboard lie mad, or quence. . ships is 9000, with but one inch of air uvy qiuox ’ y kc sBjqitAoci 1^93 sjjv tion, balance pasture. Fruits of all kinds was there soldj for >23,000. In 1860 a ed States was in New York in 1853, ac were theyJustJplaytng^a joke, asked heavy battle ships, for experts then pressure, a condition which should Ira In Jackson's first term the front on the place. 300 trees bearing and 200 •srnio.n S’a KWH* POJHOP chunk of gold that weighed ninety-five commodated 4100 exhibitors within an the menjwho werejaround.at the time. Ionic portico was added at a cost of young trees. Good buildings, good fences oqi l>«q Xinji Ajyiso-j ¿¡pviS ojim pnw jpnAtn difiered, as they always will, as to the kept up across the Atlantic ocean. qojq.H ‘ ffiuenuoi onoqi nu jo Aiojpn.» joq pejno and spring water For terms anplv to pounds and six ounces was discovered area of 203,000 square feet and lost >300- qoiqit ‘oruox & ajo > j eq-j jo H9n-jo< 1 omu <jnq 1,00; most effective vessels. 000. The first Paris exhibition in 1855, In case the pressure is run upto two They would run down a short distance $19,000, and when Harrison came in in the same county. owner. • J ames . (). L amb . eqy ’0jnoq 0M3 . ioj os oq pun dtnnjo pfno.w Apoq and then return ¡of course. Surely they battle McMinnville. Or. The history of these, our first the foreign mahogany furniture was covered 1,886,000 square feet, had near and one-half inches of air in the fire jeq esjMjoqio *p9q nr .teq p|oq oj twni omi ejjej In Placer county in 1859 Edward could.not be thinking of forcing a pas pinoAt |t : s.inii loiuoM do}« noqi *pnuo.re ttiqnoi ships, is unique and interesting, Early room it is believed that 10,500 horse replaced with American at a cost of ly 24,000 exhibitors, 144 of whom were paw S9A9 J9q uf nooj pi|M u 198 ‘Ajojuno dois 03 Gilbert, in liis.drift mine near Butcher term porneos uoqi ‘3Joqs uoqj ‘XffAveq eqiwejq •en»uoi in tlie administration of President Har power could be obtained, judging from sage through the whirlpool and expect $6000. During Lincoln's first from the United States and was visited ranch, twelve miles from Auburn, dis aeq 9iiQ ‘soaqiornos 309 paw XuaejoiA qo« ppioAt rison, Secretary Tracy tragan to realize the excellent results lately obtained to come out alive. Down ¡the vessel $29,000 was laid out in repairs. In 1865 covered a nugget of gold and quartz by 5,162.000 parsons. Smaller exhibi BMVf J9MOI jeq 031139 sjni ni aoqA ! Apoq eq3 JO went though, and >he ¡never came that our coast was utterly defenceless, by the bureau of steam engineering and the house was thoroughly overhauled tions were held in Melbourne in 18.4, •qand 3Qaj9jjipa;6ntvdpnv,ao;sinAUOo*n(6wdd jo tliat weighed twenty pounds. Eight DECISION. eaoAO« A aoa pwq erni) qvqi qw pnw *oinox that light'unarmored cruisers, swift as this would drive these vessels over sev back. and refurnished at an expense of >76,- Turin in 1856, Brussels in 1857, Laus pounds of this lie sold at >16 an ounce, Speaking of patent medicines, the OAjoq s.Sfueoq aoqswj 5(003 oqs oiojoq ineX ono they might lra, could do little or noth enteen knots. As far as where.the cantilever bridge 000, and two years later $39,000 was in 1858, and Hanover in 1859. judge says; “I wish to deal fairly 9noqv sseusnoA.iau qqiM peiqnoij hum ojjm £¡1 ing to oppose any of Europe’s great The comparative batteries is ns fol now standsjhe trip was ¡comparatively expended for similar purposes. In or >1530 while the remaining 12pounds anne The second international exhibition in was sold for >12 an ounce, or >1728, and honorably with all. anil when til *68. ‘ u»f “ion ‘▼6Oj*iV'lV a quiet one. Here, though, flic water battle ships. Not only were we unable lows: Grant’s first term $135,000 and in his London was held in 1862, covered 17 Valuable Book on Nervout making >3264 for the nugget. The I find an article that will do what L UL L Diseases sent free to any address, to attack the smaller power, but we United States—Four 67-ton guns, 13- commenced to sectil andjfoam. Thete second $110,000 was spent, in Hayes’ same man many years later discovered acres, was visited by 6,210,000 people, r K r r and poor patients can also obtain it is recommended to do, I am not | |1 Lak this medicine free of charge. could not defend our own homes, Sec inch. 35 calibers; eight 8-inch guns,four is a big fall in.the river, bank ¡and ¡the >90,000 and during the Garfield-Arthur and lost >2,001,500. The second great This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend in the same mine another very valua ashamed to say so. I am acquaint pMtor Koenig, of Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1876« and retary Tracy more than once tried to ’ 6-inch guns, twenty 6-pounders, four current is as swift.as at; any| place in administration >110,000. exhibition in Paris in 1868, covered 11 ble nugget. 'It was ten inches long, | ed with Dr. Vanderpool (having ¡snow prepared under his direction by the tlie world. “ The men on the boat were show congress our weakness and suc 1-pounders, two Gatlings. In the last mentioned sum is includ 1 acres, besides many annexes, had 51,- from three to seven inches wide, and j been- treated by him for cancer), KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. ceeded in obtaining an appropriation, —Four 67-ton guns, 13} inch lashed tojtheir respective positions and ed the cost of refitting the mansion over an inch thick. The gold was im I :XXI exhibitors and 10,200,000 visitor«. and have used his blood niodicinc, SoldbyDruirel.tset St per Bottle. OfcrM. approved June 30th, to build three bat 20 England great exhibition in Vienna in 1873 calibers; ten 6-inch guns, sixteen 6 everp pound¡of steain that fire and wa witli modern conveniences and substi bedded in a ma-s of crystallized quartz I The * “ ■ known as the 8. B. Headache and T.-y. SI*«, »t-VS « ra for so. ter could make was on. The captain tuting a jeweled glass screen iu the ves- with clear cut corners, the sl,ie, of| failed tle ships. The on aei-ount o the cboter. pounders, eight three pounders. Liver cure, and while I am seven Even before the Dill became a law the The batterj’ of outA’essels, it will i>e gave the signal and away went tlie 1 tibule of a former wooden partition. whose cubes shone with great l-riiliau-i «•ntennlal exhibition in Philadelphia ty-five years old, and have used Scientifici American sjeretary and Chief Constructor Wil seen, is immeasurably superior; besides Maid of the Mist on her (Journey over During Cleveland’s term there was an ( in 1876, occupied 285 acres; was partici hen thoroughly cleaned it I Agency for many pills and other remedies for son held a consultation and the depart our guns load in every position, while the angriest pieccjof water to lie found I expenditure of >74,000 and during Har cy. pated in by 32 foreign nations, while weighed 147 ounces and was sent to tile rison's one of >96,000 — the average an the blood, liver and kidneys, I ok this or any other [continent. The ment immediately began work upon a the English guns have but one loading l. | ! the United States furnished 30,864 ex nual outlay of recent years having San Francisco mint, where it brought 1 must say that fora kidney tonic in design for three battle ships. Assist position, which means tliat they must Maid dashed into the boiling, foaming been >25,00<i. hibitors, Great Britain and its colonies Bright's disease, ns an alterative ant Naval Constructor Nixon was then return to the middle line after every mass, and for a few ¡seconds kept gal The president’s family lias at its dis >2352. In 1865, near Michigan Bluff, a .‘<584 and Spain 3822, and was visited for the blood, or to correct the ac on duty at (lie Brooklyn Navy Yard. fire, and, after loading,Ira trained again lantly on her keel. Then she struck posal five bedrooms, a dining room, u nugget of pure gold Weighing 226 ounc by 9,911,000 persons. Tlie Paris exhi tion of the stomach and bowels it Though quite a young officer, Nixon to the position of firing. Several pro tlie curve in the river where the water sitting room and the Beil room for a es and valued at. $4204 was found. In bition of 1878 covered 54 acres, with an caviara, parlor, the East room, the Green room, is a very superior remedy, and TRAM MARKS, I had graduated with distinction in his visions have been made by tlie design seems to leave the lied and shoot into the Blue num and the state dining 1876 J. B. Colgrove of Dutch Flat found nexes and special buildings; had 52,835 DKSION RATBNTSt I tlie air. She raised^on the crest of a beats anything I ever tried. classes at Annapolis, and Inter, with room being reserved by tradition fnr a white quartz ¡bowlder in tlie Polar exhibitors, of whom 1203 were Ameri COPYRICHTa, etoJ er of our vessels to secure tlie greatest J. B NELSON, Yakima. Wash, gigantic wave that ¡is always formed public purposes. Mrie Harrison urged Star mine which contained «5700 worth can; was attended by more than 16,000- like success, had taken a post-graduate For InformBUon Mid bee n.ndbock write to rapidity hi supplying the ammunition, At IO cents a bottle, it is the poor man’s MINN a < 0.. :«1 B roadwst , N iw Y ork . that wings should lie added to the of gold. 000 visitors and lost >8,-580,000. The Oldest ttnr.au for «eenrtnjt patent. In America ¡course at the Royal Naval college, and the means to secure this are pro here by the curve and the current and friend and family doctor. building for the comfort of her succes Krerr puent taken out by u, la beoc.tht before In El Dorado county nt Spanish Paris exhibition of 1882 exceeded all of Sold by Rogers Brothers. In addition to nounced by expert critics to be super i many cross-currents, and for an instant sors. It lias also been proposed tliat tbs public by a mam. riven free of charge In the | Greenwich, England. these, and had :MI,000,000 visitors. The i this theoretical training, while abroad ior to anything else in the world. In i her keel was visible its entire length. another building should l>e erected Dry Diggin’s in 1858 a 105 ounce nug Chicago UrFrntli-Ttii exhibition will occupy 666 get was dlmvivered tliat was vnlued at rrartleo. Ir She gave a plunge, diving down deep near at band for the president ’ s family, he visited all the ship-building plants acres, of which more than 200 acre* r'lirr word«, wc seven out of these eight new vessels and that the White House should be >1800. Another was found near Kel will tMcb you i will be crowded with buildings.— Pop of (treat Britain and France, com pie t- the English have barbette mounts for I enough, it seemed, until her nose could »RKK. and Mar given up to official use. sey in the same eounty which sold for ular Seienee Monthly. yon 'n buainrea. I iug his course witli honor to himself their great guns, a fatal defect in a sus 1 touch the bottom. It appeared as if at which .roncan ■■■ --------------------- >4700. In 1867 at Pilot Hill a iraulder rcpitllv ratberin i and tlie country. Coal Connimptlon of London. tained engagement; the kind of fight she would never, rise ¡from the trough tl.e ilullat-a. W« Curlnaltle* of Gr»««-Robbing. of gold quartz was found which yielded can and will, li of the awful sea, blit an instant later It was only natural, then, that Chief you |>l*a«a.tcach in which battleships will prolmbly en- you quickly how I Some 13,000,006 tons of coal are >8000. Tills with several small nug she cbmmenced to climb the next big Constructor Wilson should have de Under (lie laws of Draco, which you toesm fioni st."» KW- «(• a da, burned in London yearly. About 4,- gets was taken from tho Bowlder will remember as being the most severe wave, so steep that her prow was point sired to intrust this important work to •I tho «tart, and One feature in the construction of more aa re , Nixon. When within three months’ our battle ships is tlie marvellous ener ed to the sky. Up she came and down 000,000 are utilized by the gas manu Gravel claim near the Pilot Hill post- cod« ever drawn lip, all grave-robbers •n. Doth MRM «il sr*«. In »ay time the bureau had laid liefore it a de gy with which the work has been she went again, the whole vessel living facturing companies; 9,000,000 are office. Several large and valuable gold were put to dentil without trial. Tha pan of America, you ran com sign that has lraen favorably com men t- pushed. This can be better appreciated bidden occasionally behind the moun burned in industrial and household nuggets were discovered In Tuoloiuiiie old Athenian laws put a slave to death meneo »t h«m«. yivin* ail fire grates. Each ton contains suffi county. In 1853 a mass of gold weigh for disturbing a Irady after interment, i ed upon from one end of the' world to by a comparison witli four French wnr- tains of water. tíme, of »port monrent» onlj VV I III Thus far the engine bad worked nob. cient ammonia to produce, If treated ing 360 ounces was found at Columbus. but in tlie case of a freeman a “confis the other, the chief constructor realized ships of the^same dimensions contract What w» offer ii that his selection had been a wise one, ed for;in;i880}and 1882. Of these ves ly, thesteam had held out well, the with sulphuric acid, twenty-two to! | This was valued at >5625. At Gold cation of a moiety of his |>osse»sloni” how and it ha« b»»n pr««od and that young Nixon was destined to sels only two, the Hoche and Marceau Iraat’s nose had been kept to the front, twenty-eight pounds of sulphate of Hill in tlie same ^Hinty, a Mr. Virgin was tlie )ranalty. Constantine decreed over »nd uvei ammonia. The total loss of this fertil ar«in. that ftrat lie to the navy what Burgess was to are completed. The Neptune has tlie and the nerves of the men on board izing agent 1«, therefore, say 9,990 tons. found one weighing 380 ounces and that a woman might obtain a divorce pay i« aure fot »»m y work«» were still like steel. Forward went the ! the yachting world. ■aoy to Irarn As tlie price of sulphate of ammonia Is valued at >6,500. A Frenchman in i if »be could prove that Iter husband official trials, but It is not yet in com- No »perml «bill £9 10s per ton, the monetary loss Is Spring Gulch, neat Columbia In the had disturirad the remains of the dead. I little steamer, tipping oil her sides at tr v»qiiir«d No greater compliment could have niission, and it will be fully a year lie- lwaoo«abi« in- £94,905 pounds every year, if we were . same county, found one of almost pur» At one time,< in the time of the seventh ductry wnly »•«- I times until her smokestack would al- , Tuf OnCAT COVOH Crn» promptly erirw | been paid to the genius of a young na fore the Magenta is afloat. MRary for »ur«. not so wasteful we should not Ira gold which was worth >5000. The rich and eigtii Henrysi the English law targe laettll I most touch the top of a neighboring* held tliat “It is deemed iinlawfiil to val officer than the flattering offer Tnroat, MoetfieDcu, vvnoopinc Cougn &n«l so much obliged to ransack Chile and We «tert yon, Asthma. For Consumption It bM no rlvah > which Nlxon.reiraived immediately af- fumiabia« e» Watari Kitashima, a Japanese Har- wave, nearly stalling on her prow one Peru for artificial manures. It is agree mas« of gold retideretl the miner insane open a grave for a se<v>n<l ¡rarson, ex ba. curml thom.nda, .nd trill (TRI Ton d «rythin* Thi» it I and on the following day he was sent cept for a liusliand or wife." If I have on» of ib« great taken in time. 8oM by Prugglato on a riuu’. i terward to leave the government ser vard student, said the other day in an I second and the next rushing along on able to learn tliat the nitrogenous rnatj t,,tw of coal which ' to the Stockton asylum. The nugget uot lraen misinformtsl, grave-rotzbers in vice and assume charge of the great address in Boston, that the “Japanese , her stern. That she missed striking ! ter in the this country only lay themselves liable j is used every year by the gas manufac U** ’ <hlpbuil<iing industry now carried on of to-day are suffering from religious one of many rocks and being crushed! turing companies is now being made a was sold and the money for it was sent I to a fine and Imprisonment for a »bort time, unleM it can be proven that tbey r»HJLOHX^CATARRH by the < ramp brothers on the shores of dyspepsia—they have had so many to splinter« was a miracle. . Providence considerable source of revenue. The | to his.family in France. Near Knapp ranch, half a mile east took the grave clothes along with the and a good pilot kept her on her proper value of sulphate of ammonia as a fer- the Delaware. The navy department kinds stuffed inf* them.’’ For this reason ghouls, (real i tilizer is now beyond a dispute. Where of Columbia, a Mr. Strain discovered a body. I conrwe. ■expresscl much regret at having been professionals) always strip the remains ! nitrogen has been deficient in the soil ,(arlt naked lmawu liefore ilepanlting them ... Talk 1» cheap. If you don’t believe The trip through the rapid« wm end ! the application of 450 pounds of sul- large gold quartz nugget w hieli weigh- l stark in force» 1 to dispense with the servires of H j ■ id it see how much you can get for the |ed, but the most perilous part of the , phate of ammonia to each acre gave an e«l fifty pounds. After.the quartz was' tbe “long sock” preparatory to their 1 so valuable an officer. voyage wa« yet to come. Aa the Maid ' increase of nearly fmir ton« of |W(atae*. 'crashed and the gold melted the removal to the medical college. ----------- The government will got be the lorer price of a shave. I M c M innville JCK AND DRAY CO., §ssssssss$ È S ‘ Swift ..... ’s Specific s s Blood and Skin s s Diseases s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s ssssssss BileBebns Small THE COMMERCIAL STABLE I Livery, Feed and Sale ! The Sower ’s Seed JUDGE NELSON’S ^rientific American S hilohs EVOLUTION OF THE NAVY. ^Powder NUGGETS OF PURE GOLI).