Look ot tlie Map. k at the Map. Itale of Oregon, Yum li ill Count). Ieri- you will find the moHt |iro- luctive section in tlie World. Hind is chenp, offering special in- lliceineuts to fruit raisers and Inirymen. Mi-Miiiuville, Yamhill County. Here la the County sent, Here la published THE TEI.EPHONE- HEGIRTER, Monarch of home newspapers, accorded first place in all the Directories. 0/ u /^w * Look al tlie Map Look at tlie Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , march Consolidated Feb. I, 1889. HEATH Ä GOUCHER, To ths EMcicr SICIANS AND SURGEONS, st Us WorW-ltono»n«4 ’Office over Iiraly's Bank. ) IV II. LE O bkgok . Swift’s Specific. BAKER, Tho Old-timo simple nody from the Georgia a;nps aud llelds has gosaf. rihfeothe autlpode«, astonlchkigthesteptlca! and confounding tho theories of thess who depend sok'Iy c:x tho physician's skill. There is no blood taint which it does not Immediately eradicate. Polrono outwardly absorbed or the result of Vila diseases from within all yield to tUL* potent but simple remedy, it la an unequaled tonic, buildsuptho old and feeble, cures all diseases arising from impure blood or weakened vlta’lty. Bend for a treutije. Examlno the proof. ¡EON AND HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Upstairs in Ilio Garrison Building. FENTON, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, kville, .... Oregon. Sc, Rooms 1 and 2 Uuion Block. RAMSEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. rille, .... Oregon. I: Rooms G and 7 Union Block. ITRNEY, I IGEON AND PHYSICIAN. M c M innville . O k . Small «ICH AUX, ISICIAN AND SURGEÛN. L afayette , OREGON I’M. DIEL8CHNEIDEK, Watchmaker and Jeweler. j H Ill Kind, of Witches. Jewelry, Plated Ware ) and Spectacles. MCMINNVILLE. OR. M c M innville CK AND DRAY CO., FER .t WRIGHT, Proprietors pf all descriptions moved and care- ling guaranteed. Collections will | monthly llanling of a.I kinds top COMMERCIAL STABLE ! »tes & Henry, Props, jnnville, - Oregon. r, Feed and Sale! thing New And Firstclass. ccninmndations for Commercial Travellers. jond and E Streets, one block Dks hove'. FERRY’S SEEDS McMinnville, Oregon, ip Capital, $50,000. I a General Banking Business, eceived Subject to Check. Iterest allowed on time deposits, exchange and telegraphic trans- r York. San Francisco and Port- is made on all accessible points, ours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. ¡Farm for Sale acres,situated 8 miles north- pdinnville, 30 acres in cultiva­ te pasture. Fruits of all kinds jpe. 300 trees bearing and 200 K Good buildings, good fences J water For terms apply to J ames . <>. L amb . McMinnville, Or. E NELSON’S IDECI8I0N. kg of patent medicines, the K b : “I wish to deal fairly ■rably with all, and when ■article that will do what ■mended to do, I 4m not Ko say so. I am acquaint- for. Vanderpool (having ■ted by him for cancer), te used his blood modicine, 1 the S. B. Headache and re. and while I am seven­ tours old. and have used |s and other remedies for f liver and kidneys. I [that for a kidney tonic in [disease, as an alterative Hood, or to correct the ac­ ne stomach and bowels it y superior remedy, V » and rthing I ever tried. B NEIXON. Yakima. Wash, hts a hottie, it i« tho ]«wr man's family doctor. |oger*i Brothers. S hi L ohs I i WE CAN ALMOST CHAT WITH ITS INHABITANT. The Leas Will be «»»eutr-lwo Inch««. Anil of Treiucniluu* Power-—Thu Won­ derful Work of Alvan <1. Clark. Alvan G. Clark, who is making two lbrty-inch lenses for the Chicago unl­ varsity, hopes to have them finished and mounted in about eighteen months He is working on them every day, ano recently he consented to talk about them and telescope making in general. These lenses were originally contract­ Doo.'.b on “Blood and Skin D13ear.es ” moiled fTuo, Sell It, ed for by a gentleman who intended to present them to the university of JiWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Southern California, but Ids sudden Drawer ft, Atlanta, Ga. death changed these plans and they were purchased by Charles T. Yerkes, of Chicago, who has presented them to the Chicago university. The extent of Mr. Yerkes' generosity may be known when it is told that the disks for these SIVCMUIM lenses cost $20,000 in tlie rough, and Mr. Clark’s contract calls for $40,000 for working them down. The amount I of money spent in their erection in an observatory will be much more. And they are the largest lenses ever made. Speaking of large lenses for telescapes Mr. Clark intimated that a proposition lias been under consideration for two Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, years by two wealthy gentlemen to Sick Headache and Coastlpation. 40 in each bottle. Brice 25c. For sale by contract for one seventy-two inches. Such a telescoi>e would bring the moon druggists. so near the observer that It would lie Picture “7,17, 70” and sample dose free. J. F. SMITH A CO.,Proprietors, NEW YORK. like standing oil the top of one moun­ tain and looking across to the top of an­ other; every detail possible to lie seen at a few miles’ would be plain. “I would not take a contract to com­ plete a lens as large as seventy-two inches," said Mr. Clark, “but I would undertake tlie work. I am getting old and am all alone, and might not live to _________ jSffljl complete such a task.” The glasses for the Chjcago universi­ ty are one of them of flint and the oth­ er Is a crown glass. Tlie crown glass is 41! inches in diameter, and as it lies on tlie grinding bible now it is 2] inches FCR_ACASE IT WILL NOi; thick at the center and 1J inches thick AnnirrP'‘Rblo Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by TlraaglstBor sent by mail. 25e., 5Uc.. at tlie edges. When finished it will lie and $1.00 per package. Samples free. 2} inches thick at tlie center. WTi TSfifY The Tavorite TOOTH FOTDSS X&ft» jn.SOTfortheTeethandBreath.25e. “ft required four years to make those disks at the foundry,” said Mr. Clark, “and I have been at work ou them about two months, mainly in mathe­ r remedies that do not iu-» ' ul J V jure tho health or interfere with one's businotu or matical calculations, and for only pleasure. It builds up and improves the general Health, clears the skin and beautifies tho. complexion, about a week have been engaged in no wrinkles or Habbiness follow this tr<-atmeut. It will be sever­ Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladies. cutting one of them. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL al weeks before lioth are ground anil llariaic.ii. No Stnrvtnf. Send C cctiU in »tamps for particular» to Jt. O.W. f. SATCES. H’VICKEI STHEmK, CKICASO. ILL ready for tlie correction of spherical alteration. Several months will be sjient in tlie liner work of polishing and testing.” If Mr. Clark explains tlie making of a y You Think lens from a disk very readily, for it is F any kind of a crop will do, then 3 any kind of seeds will do; but for : no secret, though very much of an art. the best results you should plant ' He first tests tlie disk as it comes from the glassmaker for striie. Tills is done by setting it on edge in the center of a Always the best, they are recognized aa long, dark cellar. At one end of the tlio standard everywhere. < Ferry’s Seed Annual is the most J cellar lie places a light, and, as ail as­ n important book of tlie kind pub- fl ® lished. It is invaluable to the ■ sistant holds a lens between the light (¿to». planter. We send it free. and the disk, Mr. Clark, at tlie other D. M. FERRY * CO. DETROIT, end of the cell, with his keen and prac­ Mich. ticed eye can detect any Haw, for the rays of light are intensified upon the disk and magnify any wave or inequal­ ity. Should there be one slight Haw it must be located, and if near the surface it can lie removed in polishing, but if too deep for tills tlie disk is rejected. These tests completed, the disk is shaped roughly, and in this work a ■qrpuM i0Ao pooqioqqBpn Am problem in mathematics lias to be solv­ uj IgSnoq ussq suq oieqj, '¿Jiunoa otp jo jrntl ed, based on the diameter of the glass Ära uj pjopuoAS onop pespui svn oiuoj, oajom s.SraeoH-tojeuj : cßHT -wqoioo ‘TO ‘osof and the focus. Tlie castings are made a»s qiuox 'S ¡¡«JiinAoa wis'j -sift toconfoim to the concave and convex •SiriHLri *8 ’me»i(au ' is no reflection, as in n mirror, blit the I efleet is as if looking through a hole to Largest efrcnlatlon of any sclentlfle paper In the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent ' the other side of the disk. man should be without it. Weekly. S3.UO a The polishing finished, the testing Kir: KUO six months. Address MUNN 4CO. DL18HKHS, 301 Broadway, New York City. I must lie done. The lens is set up in a dark cellar and a light placed at one end of the alisolutely dark apartment. At the opposite side of the lens, at pre* ciselv the distance from it that the focus should lie, figured mathematic­ ally, an eyepiece is placed. Each of the myriad rays of light must fall upon every point of the surface of the big lens at such an nngle that they will all lie refracted to an infinitesimally small tsetse point fully fifty feet away. The vary­ tocts.,tad ing of the width of a spider’s web in »1.00per Bottle; Oaeoentadoio. the refraction of one ray renders the Tma Gaxxr Cormier?- ,— . _ where all others iaj. Coufhi, C-oup, Sore lens imperfect, and then it Is that Mr. Throat, Hoenecees, whooping Cough and Clark, with great patience and skill Asthma. For Cor.iumpUeo it has no rival: has cured ‘Jiociirds, tad Wil! cvnk Ton If has to locate the Imperfection and re taken la title. Sold by Prnggista on a guar. I move it by nibbing his finger over it ntee. For a Lamo Biv-k or Chest. use Hl LOH* B3LLADONNA PLASTER-25c. ever so lightly until the ray is reverted it« proper course. So delicate is this CATARRH to work that the mere pressure of the fin­ REMEDY. ger on the glass may displace hundred« This remedy 1. ruaran- of ray.«, and to change one the most SOcta. Injector tree. skillful touch is necessary as well as the ’TUIA Ph 11 air I »»»•. I MIS MM pm ft' »h* N.v.t^,w- most practiced eye in detecting and lo­ ■ BBS I Affpn. \ f >•■«*•■ cating It. W. w T a YBK a DON. our autlK.rlsed BileBe&ns r of surgery and diseases of women B lock THE MOON ON OUR KNEE. Testify VOL. V. NO. 8 9,1893. I I TQ BL' \V1?QTV l>¥ T I Fl? joywl the joke an well a* the rest of the Mr. Clark says that should a piece of k * j t- J* town. They did not eraek any wine| hair or dust so small as not to he seen over it, however. by tlie nuked eye fall upon the lens it FROM THE EARLY DAYS IN BODIE , Gillliooly, the holy terror of Bodie, is might 11 Ide two of the largest stars in now a modest rancher in Southern AND VIRGINIA CITY. the Armament, and as for scratches on California, and one of the quietest men the surface of tlie glass, it must be tlie Rolli» M. l>agget’s Coal Mine on the Corn- in the precinct. perfection of smoothness. Rollin Daggett, when lie first reach­ Mr. Clark then ugain spoke «•! tlie stock and How lie Unloaded ths Shares ed the Comstock, embarked in mining large lenses. “lam quite certain tliat at a Very Handsome Profit. enterprises before he liecame an editor. a 74-lnch lens could be made,” he said. His first venture was a coal mine in The difficulty in tlie past has been, not When Bodie was in the prime of its the Como range. He invested his cap­ the finishing, but the procuring of the The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. glass large enough. But Martois, the prosperity about ten years ago there ital in running a tunnel into the hill, Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. was among its citizens a wild Irishman where lie was positive an Immense coal French glassmaker from whom I buy my disks, writes me that be lias en­ noted for his sharp tongue and howling vein existed. Month after month he sank liis has unbalanced his brain and his render to Judge Kteele and two or three larged his factory and can now make a disregard for money or position When partially primed with whisky lie was money pushing the tunnel into tlie friends might as well get the lienefit of other men of that region, and arranged dial six feet in diameter. to give up their urma the following day. “It would probably require eight fond of mounting u barrel or dry-goods hill where] lie believed millions of dol­ bis great discovery as strangers.” When Steele and liis companions So his friends proceeded to fall on his years to make such u disk. You cun box and indulging.in a rough-and-tum­ lars’ worth of coal was waiting to send have no idea of the diflleulties the glass ble style of oratory, which, while it was a new lease of life into the Comstock neck and then on his shares, and in 48 went to the agreed place of surrender hours he was supplying tlie demand at notan Indian was in sight and they maker has to encounter. The material not as polished as the rounded iieriods with]clieap fuel.-» Sometimes he was considerably in $5 and still the toys were calling for returned to the^military camp. Steele has to be selected witli the utmost cure, of Bob Ingersoll, was sure to draw an arrears with the miners’ wages and fre­ more. then agreed to go alone and interview and every bit of it has to be chemically admiring audience. He was finally discharged from one quently had to depend on lucky [stock When tlie shares gave out he opposed the war ehief. That night Steele went pure, and several disks would have to be made probably, before one that of the mines for some exhibition of speculations to raise the wind. One the further demand by starting Steve through an experience few men liave would pass a test would be produced. freshness tliat insulted tlie dignity of day he[started for the mine on a buck­ Gillis at work kicking the old Enter- endured. While talking to him in pa­ Several years ago we were asked if we tlie superintendent, and he got revenge board and took along $1500 to pay up pr/se job press at »20 a day printing cific terms in tlia Chinook jargon they could make a lens to cost a million dol­ by climbing on to a dry-goods box that three month’s wages to the men. This share«. Gillis, by working ten and I were discussing in their own tongue lars. My brother George replied that night in front of tlie superintendent's was not all he owed them, and he won­ twelve hours a day, and putting on a tlie advisability of murdering their vis­ Steele understood sufficiently we could make one for which we could office and speaking to a large street dered how he would be received. He boy while he ate his meals, managed itor. might find the place deserted for some to keep up witli the procession. When their lauguage to comprehend his dan­ charge a million, but it was doubtful if gathering. “Och, boys, didn’t I know the blath­ more inviting eamp, or they might the true inwardness of tlie great coal ger, but did not lietray his knowledge. we could put that amount of work into erin' upstart when he’was packin’ bis take the money lie hail and then lynch deal got out a good, hearty Comstock Tlie chiefs finally decided to spare 111« it. "Now, however, that I can get a disk dinner basket in the Crown Point at him us a receipt in full for tlie balance laugh went up, and that was the end life on condition of his bringing the of it. They were used to these sort of commissioners and also tlie command­ large enough I have no hesitation in Virginia City and his sister was doin' due. There was very great excitement things in those days. Years afterward ing officers of the troops to confer with saying Unit, could 1 live long enough tlie washiu’ for the Belcher mine? The to finish it, I can make a lens which whole outfit came west on an emigrant when he arrived—that very day they came the great fire tliat swept tip the them. car, p»d meself and some other miners had struck the ledge and they had town in a day. After the ashes cooled will actually be worth a million.” But for the efforts of the biaveyquaw This suggested tlie question of tlie helped schrape the graybneks off the several tons of the coal plied nt the they raked over a pile of queer black Wi-ne-ma, war would have broken out family licfore they could land In Silver mouth of the tunnel, around which stuff that had successfully resisted (lie long before. Many times she took the cost of lens. they were dancing and drinking in a terrible conflagration. It was a ton of weapons from the Hands of the warriors “That matter is settled by the size,” City.”i This sort of talk became somewhat lively state of hilarity. He thought to Daggett’s coal that had never been bent on the destruction of the settlers said Mr. Clark. “For example, I charge $100 for a l-inch lens, and so on. monotonous to the superintendent, add to the general good feeling by pay­ sprinkled—Anin Davin in Sunday Exam­ in the region, and it was she who warn­ ed the oflieeis of the army of the trou- This proportion is not strictly adhered who was within hearing, and a man ing out tlie $1500, but he mistook his iner. to, however. For tlie 32-ineh Russian who knew his temperament slipped crowd. i Me brewing. Her influence with her into the office and offered to knock tlie “Money don't go, Dag; we want lens I paid $32,000. For tlie < 'liicago jieople began to wane as their rage stock.” lens I am to receive $40,000. I hope orator off the box for $20. against, the whites increased. Then, The money was forthcoming at once “Stock be—; here’s your money.” for the benefit of astronomy tliat tlie LATTER DAY POCHAONTAS to°' the warrior8 began to mistrust her “We’ve stood by you for months A day may come when a larger lens than een told a He had a very keen eye, and so steady young Kentuckian named Frank Rid ­ for half. Here's tlie money. ” “Can’t you pay half cash anil half and skilled was this that it is related great many times. When Meacham dle. The beauty of the Indian girl “Bill, you’re[the right man in tlie stock?” that he could take up a rifle and stand­ was attacked by tlie bloodthirsty Scon­ had its effect on the white man, whose “All stock, no monkey business witli ing a hundred yards away, plant bullet right place No other man in Bodie chin Wi-ne-ma threw herself on the qualities were pleasing to the chief, and could lay me out like that, and no oth ­ us.” There was no help for it and lie after bullet in tlie hole madefby tlie tirst after the usual ceremonies incidental to savage and liegged him to spare the life so surely tliat only the hole made by er would divy up so square. I’ll be on had to pay out 1,500 shares of stock to of her white friend. Others coming up that same l>ox tomorrow night, with the hungry crowd and tnke Ills $1500 an Indian marriage, Wi-ne-ma and her Wi-ne-ma ran from warrior to warrior the first one was afterward apparent. white husbaud set up their own lodge. two six shooters—loaded with blank back to Virginia City. turning aside their weapons. At last Chased by a Box Car. cartridges, of course—and you ean They also loaded a couple of hundred It was this marriage that, strengthened one of many bullets struck Meacham her regard held for her white frieuds, “I was chased once by a liox ear,” charge ’em five hundred to tackle me. pounds of coal on the buckboard to ex­ and ever after site remained loyal to senseless, and the quick-witted squaw said an ex-railroad man. “It was out L’ave the balls out of your gun and hibit to tlie stockholders, as that would the race to which her husband belong­ turned aside the weapon aimed to fin­ send the stock to $5 a share in a day. in Colorado, tlie land of steep grades w’ll liave a dlvil of a circus.” ed. The discovery of gold In the Kla­ ish his life with the words, "Him dead, Tlie plan worked to a charm. It The first thing Dagget did when lie and sharp turns. Wc were sliding math region drew many adventurers to no use shoot.” Schonchin tried to down the mountains one day witli a was announced ih the afternoon paper got back was to try his coal. It „ap­ that field, with the usual portion of the scalp Meacham when Wi-ne-ma grasp­ baggage car and two coaches. I was that the orator would speak again at 8 peared to be A No. 1 coal, but for the lawless element. In 18.51 some emi­ ed the knife. The enraged buck struck upon the rear platform looking at the o'clock, tliat he was heeled'auil defied life of him he couldn’t make it burn. grants who had been very aggressive her a terrible blow and almost knocked any man who wore hair to stop him. It was nothing more than a sort of road, when I descried a box car coming towards the Modocs were put to deatli her senseless. Again the wit of the His friend secured the contract of blaek shale, witli about the same in­ down the grade nt n rate of speed tliat by the Indians, and the following year woman camo into play. “The soldiers was appalling. If it struck us we were opening up a shooting match, got his flammable qualities as asbestos. Dag­ a band of whites left Yreka to punish are coming up,” she said, and the next $.500, and after[thc other had mounted gett gave a long whistle and then went gone sure, for it could smash the entire the savages for the act. The avengers moment a detaeliirsent of troopers did train into kindling wood and pile it up his box he plowed his way through tlie out and purchased a five-gallon can of appear. were led by lien Wright, an old moun­ in one of the gorges. Our only hope crowd, and with liis harmless weapons kerosene oil. Then he rigged up a Amid curses from the troojiers a doz­ taineer who had hunted and fought In­ was to either outrun it or wreck k. Tlie began banging away. Tlie mail on tlie sprinkling pot and proceeded to sprin­ en weapons were leveled at the breast dians with Kit Carson; Jim Beckwith, box returned tlie fire and the vicinity kle tlie coal with the oil. Tlie porous engineer caught sight of it at tlie same John Scott and Jim Bridger. After a of the brave squaw. Looking them instant that I did and put the lever was rapidly cleared. Then the orator stuff drank up the oil, absorbed it al­ straight in the face she cried: started down tlie street on the run, cov­ most Instantly, and left no trace. long chase through the rough country, down among tlie tallow pots. "No shoot; me tried to save him." which was uot productive of good re­ "It appeared impossible that we ering his retreat with n brisk fusilade When the coal went into the stove it Then came from tlie ranks the words sults, the chiefs were invited to meet of Mank cartridges, and amid the made a magnificent fire. Being in an could hold tlie track on tlie sharp turns the whitesand make a treaty. This of an enlisted man: “The man who while moving more than a mile a min­ smoke of four barking revolvers the experimental mood Daggett put in the harms her I’ll kill." they agreed to do, and the warring par­ ute, but we did and tlie box car contin­ two slid out of town, after which they balance of the night improving his For weeks the noble squaw nursed ued to sawjwood. If we could once get met in ti convenient ravine and divid­ draft. He was alongside of a tall build­ ties went into eamp near eacli other on her friend Meacham and at last, a crip­ Lost river, the Indians outnumbering ed the money. The dry-goods box to the foot of the grade we would be ing, on the upside of the hill, that had the white men by three to one. Early ple for life, and broken in health, she safe, but that was soon seen to lie im­ orator kept on liis way, heading for a drainpipe, the longest and largest in on the morning of the conference a got him to liis wife and family, Wi- possible. Rapidly as we were going, Keely, while the other, whose name town, running up to the gutter on the ne-ma’s only child, a son, died of ron- the box car continued to gain on us, was Bill Gillhooly, returned in an hour roof. He connected his stovepipe with young Modoe squaw, breathless, her sumption not long afterward, and in a clothing torn and Iter feet bleeding, or so to be congratulated on liis plucky this und thereby secured n draft like a and now we could see that it was load­ came into the Wright camp, and asked few years her husband followed. Col. ed with iron. Something must I«* done work. By common consent lie liecame blast furnace. Meacham, in gratitude for the self-sac­ Witli everything in readiness Dag­ to see' the leader. Her errand was to rifice and devotion of the little woman and that quickly. All tlie passengers elevated to the position of boss fighter warn the invaders against treachery. of tlie town, and a few days later lie had fled into tlie tlie forward roach and gett built a tire in liis stove, piled on Tlie night before she learned at the chief, used his limited means to help were hanging on to tlie seats. I signal­ was offered an engagement by a lead­ the oil saturated coal and awaited the the condition of her and her people, ed totbe engineer to shut off,set abrake ing mining company to drive some usual evening’s visitors. When they council fire that her people intended to with the usual mult. Meacham has hard on the rear roach, pulled tlie pin Jumpers oft’ some claims which tlie got there the found the stove almost surround tlie white men during the been dead eleven years, and since that and the engineer opened tlie throttle. company wanted. white lint and Daggett bemoaning Ills conference and put them to death. time his Indian friend has suffered This looked like more serious work hard luck. “Just a« I thought fortune Wright and his men met cunning with hardships she should not have been We had gone 1(10 yards when the box cunning. They went into ambush ear rim into tlie coach and sent spline and Gilhooly liegan to wonder if it was In my grasp," he whined, “I'm near the place of conference and when called upon to endure. It was his de­ might not be a good idea to sublet the tern flying a quarter of a mile high. left again. This coal won’t do; the the unsuspecting Modocs fell into the sire that Wi-ne-ma should be provided contract and return to steady mining Both went plunging over into a chasm, public won't have it. It will burn out for in her old age, and through the con­ and I hunted up a passenger who had as a regular business. the grates and ruin all tho stoves in trap but two escaped tlie slaughter tliat tributions of those who knew her story ensued. He begged for a little time to inspect town.” a pocket flask and proceeded to rein- This affair is known in the history of . the little woman chief is jiassing her the lay of the land and then sent an force my nerves.” “Good heavens! man, is tliat theonly Northern California as the Ben Wright declining years in comfort In the coun­ emissary—a man he could trust—to drawback to the coal?” massacre. The squaw who conveyed try of her birth. What HeWa. Walting tor. tlie jumpers. “Ain’t that enongh? Look at the the timely warning to her white friends The matter was soon arranged. The ------- heat it gets on. You can't regu­ A Brush street man lias a boy who ‘•Beef, T^einon* and Chee»?.” was Wi-ne-ma, tlie wife of Frank Rid­ jumpers and Gillhooly'« forces were to will learn a great deal more than he late It. Hear it roar like an assaying dle. This was never found out by tier An American naval ofilcer says that knows now If lie Is given a chance. Tlie liave a liig sham battle and made an finance. You’d have to mix in half a people, el.se her life would have l>een once when a great function took place other evening when he came in his equal divy of whatever money Gill­ ton of rock witli the stuff to keep it in forfeited. in the harlxir of Cherbourg, several ves­ mother called him from the kitchen hooly could get. check. The cost of buying new grates Twenty-one years passed. The Mo­ sels of our Atlantic squadron were pres­ He soon made terms witli thé com­ is the drawback.. Only millionaires and told him to go and split some kind­ ling. Not having gone in five minutes pany. He was to drive the jumpers off can afford it. I want coal for tlie poor.” docs were confined by the government ent and were drawn up in limo to sa­ for $1500, $500 down and the balance she came into the dining room. Here Professor Htewart,then the lead­ to a reservation, and treaties made with lute the empress’ yacht as it passed. “Go out and split tliat kindling," she after the fight if lie was alive. He also ing geological authority of the Corn- them, which were repeatedly broken. The French sailors manned the yards commanded. “What are you sitting stipulated that if he died tlie company stock, lifted a piece of tlie coal to his The trilie were tlie prey of post trailers, of their ships and shouted “Vive l’im­ contractors, and of almost every white peratrice.-’ Knowing that he could was to bury him and send $1000 to an nose and sniffed it a time or two. here for?” “I'm waitin’for pop,” tlie boy said eastern aunt. Gillhooly selected the “It’s got kerosene oil in it," he said. man wlio came in contact with them. not school Ids men to repeat those trusted emissary to go with him and a doggedly. “Yes, that’s it—that's the great draw­ The only one of the hated white race in words in tiie brief time left to him the “Well, what are you waiting for him large crowd gathered to see the tight. back," said Daggett. “It's the oil tliat whom they Imd confidence was the American admiral ordered his crews to The lietting ran higli on the contest. makes all the trouble. If you could late Judge Elijah Steele. To this man cry, “Beef, lemons and cheese!” The for?” Gill and his man swoopaddown on only get the oil out and get just the they went for counsel and advice, but imperial yacht came sweeping on and “Waitin’for him to come in. He’s out here at the gate talking to a man, the disputed claims and their firearms plain coal, you would bave a fortune, in the lapse of time they even contem­ as it reached the fleet a mighty roar and he said he had won a whole pile of liegan to crackle like bunches of Chi­ but you see, there's the cost of extrac­ plated taking bis life, as in the Indian went up of “Beef, lemons and cheese!” chl[H this afternoon. I nese firecrackers on the Mongolian tion; all these things must be consider­ mode of reasoning tlie death of a single that entirely drowned the voices of the white man erases tlie wrongs perpetrat­ Frenchmen. And ine empress declared New Year's day. Then came a red ed.” The wages paid to Chinese laborers hot answering fire and the excitement Most men would liave lost tbeir ed by many. Hullen at first under their that she limi never teen so compli­ are about 6d. per diem with rations. was at fever heat. For awhile it seem­ nerve completely when Stewart discov­ injuries, tlie Modocs were awakened to mented. The workers are easily contented, de­ ed like the battle of Lexington. Gill ered the kerosene in the coal, liut not a fury and declared vengeance on their manding only the plainest of food, and Mi»« Eleanor Dean, of Boetou, un­ and his trusty lieutenant kept right on, man like Daggett. It threw the crowd oppressor«. The memory of Wright’s for housing they are satisfied to creep emptying their sixshooters and grab­ completely off their guard, nnd then ma«sacre was kept keen by the older doubtedly did well to land a 123-pounil altogether under a long low mat shed bing fresh ones from their belts, facing | some of them ventured to inquire if men of the tribe, and after a council of tarpou down in Florida the other day with a solid liaek to the north wind. at least a dozen revolvers, all belching j Daggett wanted to «ell any stock in the chiefs the whites were appriseil of with rod and reel, from a naphtha The severity of the weather usually the fact that war was at hand. Short- launch, but many a bewitching girl stream» of fire and smoke from care- I ! that mine. stops all such work before Christmas. fully prepared blank cartridges. When j He said he’d »ell every share, and ly after hostilities commenced the gov- lias landed a IGb-pouniier at a summer What the men do when they retire to | the jumpers turned tail and started for ■ddeil tliat if anybody bought it they ernment appointed a peace comniis- resort before now, l>v a few captivating winter quarters I cannot tell; but Chi­ sioner to confer with the rebellious red- glance« and a «mile. apparently packing ” off namen have a curious hibernating fac-] the vuv hills, “ fi~-"''/ «^•7 •* tt»o! , ild II with their eyes open. He didn't want any man to purchase who didn ’ t j skins and endeavor to make peace. In „1.,. whereby by ..i^.i„i„„ mm m ,.- ’ men, Gill nnd hi« lieutenant ulty, abstaining r from mus- “Bgg-albumen,”much uneil for cook­ were masters of tho claim, and the1 know the facts, and in about five mln- 1 the meantime Riddle and other squaw cular exertion they are able to econo- j j men on the reservation need their in- ing purpow«, in manufactured from the work they did that day made them utes he sold over 30<»0 shares. mize considerable in their eating. In I The boys thought Daggett, who bad fluence towards a settlement of the dif- white, of egg« of certain fowl«, which cocks of the walk in Bodie. * are found in large numtier« near Ice­ times of necessity, when wages fall be­ Well, Gill divided up with the min- been drinking a good deal, was losing [ Acuity, but to no effect. The turbolent low a certain range, poor people some-, warriors led by Captain Jack were bent land, Greenland. Labrador and the ■ ers and before the week was over the his natural wits. times choose not to work, because they j I 1 joke got out, as a Bodie miner in liquor “If we don’t sail in and nail the on a slaughter. When the peace com« , Hebrides, and also in the Northern i'n- consider that they would have to take _ .... . thing,” they argued, somebody else mission«!-« arrived on the ground the i-iflc. It i« «ant to market in a dry more food to repair the waste than the '» «mt ariose mouthed man. I -täte looking very much like glue. The * Standard work done would produce.— .Mnrmill- “ 1 * company pocketed will. Daggett’s a good fellow and 1 Indians refused to treat with them, ant Maga-ine. their lo" and had to pretend they en- mean« well, but the nervous excitemsnt ' They did, however, Anally agree to «nr- nr Suss* Ssw H mm c«T« u ri-nggtx». Bl D-PRICE ’ S aking ^Powder A LAVA BED ROMANCE.