The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, March 02, 1893, Image 3

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2, 1893
I 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p.
BO |>. m.
v order hours from 7 a. ni. to 6 p. m.
ly from 12 m. to 1 u. m
[south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail
uses at 2:30 p. m. and 0 p. m.
■or 5:45 a. m train closes evening
■ 9 p in.
Ian and southern Tillamook mail
t It a m.
■ odist EnscorAL C hvich - Services
■bbath at 11 a. m and 7:00p in,
I School at 9:30 a, m Prayer meet-
■rsday evenings at 7:30.
. R ev . 8. E M eminoek , l’astor
■ bland P resbyterian Curaca —
■ every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p
111 day School at 9:30 a. ill.
, R ev W iley K nowles , Pastor
[I bt C hurch .—Services every Sabbath
[m. and7:3O p. m. Sunday School at
R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor.
■ tian C hurcu .—Services every Hab­
it 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m Sunday
[at 10 a. ill. —
— a —
Y. P.
C. —
E. meets
y at 0:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wed-
Fat 7.30 p m. Everyone invited
It A D enton , Pastor.
ivies C atiioi . ic C uvbch .—Services 1st
ISnnda.vsof each month, Second
’St. Mary's at Corvallis
St Patrick’s Church on Muddy.
R ev . Titos B riody , Pastor .
innville Grange, No. 31, P. of H.,
I their hall the first and third Satur-
each month at 10 a. m. Visitors
Iv invited.
J, T. J olly .
11. E. Kuns,
jinnville Camp No 128, Woodmen of
■rid—Meet lit st and Third Mondays
| month; visiting brothers cordially
I to attend Lodge room Third St.
JO R ogers , C. C.
I BniiiGiroai», Clerk
er Post No. 9 meets tlie second and
Saturday of each month at G. A. K.
Wright’s building at 7:30i>. iu. All
ers of the Order.are cordially invited
nd our meetings.
W ii . iv K nowles ,
'. C lvbine ,
Post Commander.
■reafter all notices iinnounc-
entertainnients for which an
lission fee is charged, nil
nary matter after the notice
ieath has been given as a niat-
M news, all resolutions of con-
bnce, wedding notices, cards
thanks, etc., furnished the
tphone-Register for publica-
l will be charged for at regu-
advertising rates, It anti IO
ts per line.
Local and General.
■rs. C. Fritz is visiting in this city.
■ full line of musical instruments at
Bed Deady, of Portland, spent Sun-
I in the city.
les Laughlin, of Independence,
Lt Sunday in the city, greeting old
I fine conservatory violin for $20 and
leap one for $1 at C. Griesen’s book
I music store.
■eo. Bullock has sold the soda works
ER. A. Stewart. His son, Fred, will
(duct the business.
baled timothy hay for sale at $12 per
L For further particulars see. M.
■gan or John Evenden.
rhe sports are betting even money
LAni Shadden against the field that
I will win the Selby medal. Good
I If you lose.
Pile family of N. E. Kegg arrived
re from Eugene last week. They
I living in the house with Mrs. Bew-
j>n E street.
trank Wright has purchased the in­
let of Wayne Carlin in the truck
I dray business of Carlin & Coulter,
e firm will be Coulter A Wright.
p. 8. Booth will soon leave for Eli­
te, where he will dispose of a bank­
et stock of hardware for Chas, H.
dge & Co., of Portland. He will be
te for six months or so.
). F. Davidson left Thursday for
■cow where he will remain for eight
ten days settling his business and
Iperty interests. He will then re­
in here to permanently reside.
Lil persons knowing themselves in­
ked to the firm of Carlin & Coulter
I requested to call immediately and
tie their indebtedness as all accounts
II be placed in the hands of a collee-
’ in a short time.
rhe Union Hardware Co. will start
harness shop in the Union block,
e room vacted by Martin & Sanders
11 be used. A full line of harness
>ds will be carried and a repair shop
11 be run in connection with the busi-
Glen Holman spent a portion of last
week In flu1 city visitlug his parents.
Scarlet fever has uppeared in Dallas,
the family of J. Archibald being down
with it.
R. L. Holman and wife, of Oregon
City, spent Sunday in this city, with
his parents.
Jos. Hill baa moved his meat shop to
Amity. Two well regulated shops are
all the city can support.
If you contemplate seeing l>r. Lowe
about your eyes do so at once, as he
leaves on next Monday for The Dalles.
Subject of morning discourse at the
Christian church next Sunday, “Hard
Places in the Road to Heaven;” eve­
ning discourse “Samson.”
The Rev. W. H. Stoy will officiate at
the Episcopal church in this city next
Sunday at the usual hour. Holy com­
munion at morning service.
Mrs. A. J. Hanson, of Vancouver,
Wash,, delivered a very interesting ad­
dress on the subject of foreign missions
at the M. E. church Sunday evening.
Booth A Son have a new tangled iron
barrow on exhibition, also a dehorner.
Patent hns been applied for on both of
the articles. They are the invention of
the firm.
Rev. 8. E. Memiuger, Mr. Chas.Beu-
edict, Miss Delia Stout and Miss Eva
Hoberg are iu Corvallis this week at-
tlie convention of the Salem district
Epworth League.
Mrs. Jewell, who has been occupying
the Wilcox house on Third street, has
moved to Amity and Frank Purvine
will move to the house vacated during
the coming week.
W. E. Martin has made a match
with an unknown in Albany to shoot
a match nt twenty-five live birds on
March 22 for $100 a side. The match
will be shot at Albany.
The city eouncil at a special meeting
held Tuesday, levied a ten mill tax for
the year 1893. Of this 5 mills are for
the water fund, 3} for the general fund
and 11 for the road fund.
Thd juvediles of the city have organ­
ized a dancing club and regular dances
will be given iu Wright’s hall every
Friday evening. The name of the or­
ganization is the Junior Dancing club.
Those who were astir about three
o’clock Monday meriting report the
ground covered with snow at that hour
but to those who do not rise until seven
it seems improbable, as there was then
no sign of snow.
Thos. Turner has sold his saloon bus­
iness in this city to T. J. Fryer and
Chas. Allen of Independence. George
Utter is in charge of the business until
Mr. Allen can make the arrangements
for removal to this city.
An attempt is being made to form an
incorporated hunting and fishing club
in this city and to join the state asso­
ciation. An association of this kind
would do the game interests of this
country a world of good.
We hear that some of our citizens are
investing their money in town lots
somewhere in blizzard-ridden Dakota
on the you-pay-for-the-recording-of-the-
deed plan. Better invest your money
at home; all schemes of this kind are
Till Saturday, March 4th, those suf
fering weak ordefective sight can have
their eyes tested fer spectacles free of
charge by Dr. C. W. I.owe, in the den­
tal office of Dr. Wright. Your family
physician will tell you that Dr. Lowe
is a graduate of three colleges.
The North Yamhill Leader has been
sold to C. A. Martine of the North
Yamhill bank. This is rather a pecul­
iar proceeding as the paper has been a
rabid populistic organ. Money is a
good thing to have and is just the tiling
necessary to satisfy claims on a popu­
list paper.
J. P. Irvine lias a few more 5 gallon
kegs of syrup at $1.50.
$2,900 to loan on good farm security
by W. M. Ramsey, agent.
During the week the clerk lias issued
license to wed to Emma Cary, aged 18;
Smith Coruutt, aged 25.
Don’t forget, if you have auy cash,
that J. 1*. Irvine Is still in the lead
when it comes to low prices.
Tiie Epworth Leugue will given so­
cial at the M. E. church Wednesday
evening, Marell 8, witli a short pro­
gramme and refreshments.
H. C. Eccleston and E. R. Harrison
have struck the proper idea for the hop
picking season. They have a hop yard
of thirteen acres, and before the pick­
ing season commences they will build
a danciug platform and the evenings of
the pickers can be spent in amusement.
The Toney orchestra will furnish tile
Triumph sulky plow exhibition to
be given by N. B. Kizer, wlio will pull
the plow and show the people that a
sulky plow draws lighter than a walk­
ing plow. Exhibition on Jas. Fletch­
er’s land between this city and tlie fair
grounds on Tuesday, March 7th, at 2
o’clock p. in., Wallace A Hartman,
The contemplated jollification of the
McMinnville democrats lias been drop-
ped owing to the desire of a number to
attend the larger demonstration at
Porland on Saturday. The state can­
non will not appear, but just as much
noise will be made, as the war depart­
ment lias loaned a couple of cannon for
the occasion. Willie tlie democrats of
this city and county will not celebrate
the inauguration they feel just as well
pleased us the men who make all the
F. E. Griffith aud Wayne Carlin
have purchased the cigar business of
Fish A Ruffe, the new firm being Grif­
fith A Carlin. The new Ann consists
of two of the best and most )>opular
young men of the city and tlie business
under their care will no doubt increase,
hotli lieing possessed with good business
sense. Messrs. Fish and Ruffe will
leavo the city in the course of a month
or so for a trip through California, after
which they will goto Rice Lake, Wis­
consin, to reside. They have made
many friends during the time spent in
this city and they all feel confident
that their sojourn in Wisconsin will be
of short duration and that they will ap­
pear in McMinnville before the year
'93 has passed away.
F. E. Griffith, superintendent of
lights and water for the city, having
purchased an interest in a business
house of tills city, will resign his office
and the council have concluded to place
the clerical work in the hands of the
city treasurer. The city treasurer will
collect the light and water rates and
Chief Engineer Granstrom will have
charge of the entire light and water
system. Mr. Granstrom is qualified
and in every way capable of taking
charge of the mechanical depart­
Considerable complaint is
lieard from light takers liecause the
lights are not burning up to the candle
power. Tiie whole line needs a thor­
ough going over and this can be done
when the duties of the superintendent
are cut down by putting the collections
in the hands of the city treasurer.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
Tiie Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns aud all Skin Erup­
tions. and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refund
ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Rogers Bros.
The Choral Union.
McMinnville lias a society of musi­
cians. It is called tiie McMinnuille
Clierul Union uml is coin|sieed of all
tiie musicians of the city. Tho work
of organization was done by Prof. H.
Bettman. The organization was per­
fected Monday night at tiie Presbyte­
rian church aud consists of twenty
members. John W. Hobbs is president;
F. E. Rogers, secretary; Prof. H. Bett-
mau, musical director; Mrs. A. Even­
den, first accompanist; Niss Jose Gart­
ner, second accompanist. Tiie I ward
of directors or the executive committee
consists of Dr. J. H. Nelson, Miss Jose
Gortuer and Prof. II. Bettman. The
musical'talent and the music lovers of
the city should feel proud of the organ-
zatiou as it is seldom that such a laxly
in a small town contains such musicians
as Prof. Bettman and Mrs. Evemdea.
Both of them have had (lie best in­
struction possible on the continent of
Europe. If the members will take un
Interest in the organization and follow
the advice and iustruclion of these ad­
mirable musicians the McMinnville
Choral Union can become known
throughout the state. Constant effort
and a desire to succeed will bring it
about; the instruction lias already been
secured and at a price, it being gratu­
itous, entirely inconsistent to its worth.
Interesting Paragraphs from our County
Some Excellent Provision» are CI m I iu «!
Good Looks.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition
of all the vital organs. If the liver be
inactive you have a bilious look, if
your stomach be disordered you have a
ilyspeptlc look, and if your kidneys lie
anected yon have a pinched look. Se­
cure good health and you wifi have
good looks. Electric Bitters is the great
alterative and acts directly on these vi­
tal organs. Cures pimples, blotches,
liolls and gives a good complexion. Sold
at Rogers Bros, drugstore, 50c per
Washington Day Exercises.
The public schools of this city cele­
brated the birthday of Washington on
Friday, the closing day of the school
year. The exercises in all the rooms
were good and the visitors were very
much pleased at the interest manifest­
ed, both by tiie teachers and scholars.
Our city has two excellent school build­
ings and an excellent corps of
teachers. All the rooms were decorat­
ed very nicely, meaning that the teach­
ers and scholars had s|>ent many weary
hours in making the rooms attractive
and pleasing to tiie patrons who visited
the schools during the exercises. The
school teachers of this city are a hard
working lot and the people should
make their lives pleasant if [lossible.
Words of commendation Jrom the par­
ents of the pupils, instead of fault find­
ing, would result iu an increased effici­
ency, if such is possible. The morals
and intelligence of the youngsters of
this city are in safe hands. An extend­
ed mention of tiie exercises would be
impossible as one would be sure to leave
some creditable performance out for
want of space.
The Firm of June« & Adams.
Your attention is culled to the adver­
tisement of Jones A Adams In this is­
sue of the paper. They have contracted
for the space for the ensuing year, nnd
while the lumber and hardware busi­
ness is considered a hard one to adver­
tise the people of this county will re­
ceive benefits if they rend the sayings
of the firm for tiie next year. A more
responsible firm does not exist in the
county and the stock of lumber, paints,
oil, builders’ hardware, etc., is tiie larg­
est on the West side. No mill in the
state produces better lumber and their
factory in this city is equipped with all
tiie latest wood working machines nnd
is able to produce os good shop work
as can lie made in the state. The firm
lias suffered greatly with losses by fire,
having been burned out twice during
the past two years. A less energetic
firm would have been unable to recov­
er but this firm is in the market and is
more; substantial than ever. The peo­
ple of this county will know more of
them before the year is over.
[ Lafayette Ledger, Feb. 24. j
Drs. Mlchaux A Littlefield cut u tu­
mor out of Mrs. A. I). Hoskin’s neck
about the size of a large walnut.
Fred Miller informs us tliat he will
move to Dallas the first of March and
start a butcher shop.
The Yamhill river is quite a stream
at present, and boats could very easily
run up as far as MeMinnvllle and large
boats at that.
A liase ball club was organized in
town lust Monday by the Seminary
students. They intend to hold the
championship of Yamhill county if
they can.
Last Monday morning Ivan Dauie),
Hugh Cary aud Robert Strang went
upon the Yamhill river duck hunting,
and succeeded in getting 35.
[Biieridun Sun. Feb. 23. |
We hear it rumored tliat Busli A
Shirley of Salem will start n bank at
this place.
Mr. I). Provost lias traded his place
to a man at .‘.shland for u hardware
establishment. He will go out in about
six weeks.
Last Sunday the lifeless body of a
man named Vargrew, a Frenchman,
was found hanging to a tree near his
bouse on the Grand Ronde reservation.
He had evidently been hanging since
the day previous and was about 80
years of age. It is alleged that the
cause of the rasli act was family trou­
ble, the nature of which our Informant
was not in possession of. This is the
seeond man found hanging to a tree on
the reservation within the last few
years, and there was some suspicion in
tho first case that the victim did not
bang himself, and it might lie the same
in the case of the last party. The fact
of family trouble makes the ease look
From Mr. Dell Ellis we learned tliat
there is little doubt that Vargrew kill­
ed himself. Only a few days previous
to the hanging, he made an ineffectual
attempt to cut bis throat. The arrange­
ments for his hanging were very elabo
rate. He cut the rope just the right
length, climbed up into the tree by
means of a step ladder, tied it to a limb
and jumped off to his death. Vargrew
bad separated from his wife only a short
time previous.
[Dayton News Feb 24.]
Died—The infant babe of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Little, Wednesday morning.
The residence of Mr. Mauts was quar­
antined on Monday in consequence of
an attack of diphtheria, from which
Mrs. Mauls was suffering. At the
writing of this tiie symptoms are so far
removed that th# flag has been lowered
and tiie patient is lietter.
¡Amity l’opgun, Feb. 21.]
Born to the wife of Frank Zumalt, of
Perrydale, on Feb. 16, 1893, a 6 lb. son.
Mr. and Mrs. Messinger, of Iowa are
visiting relatives in this community.
Mr. M. is a cousin to Mr. Henry Garri­
J. W. Briedwell has sold his interest
in the store of Briedwell A Henderson
to M. T. Henderson. Henceforth the
firm will be Hendiyson A Co.
Ira Martin has received notification
that a patent has been granted on his
feed box.
We mentioned the fact last week that
Grandma Sanders had great grand­
children in Amity. 8hc has, but we
did not stat# that she has great great
grandchildren here, which Is a fact
[Newberg Graphic Feb. 24 ]
for the Meneure.
House bill No. 343, which was intro­
duced by Representative Manley, of
Albina, is now a law, and lias some ex­
cellent provisions iu connection with
making assessments and of collecting
and paying taxes.
The first section provides that in tiie
assessment and tax rolls of tiie several
counties, in addition to tiie eolunins
elsewhere provided, there shall lie ad­
ded four columns—one which shall
be iieaded "Cities,” one "Schixil Dis­
tricts,” one “Ain’t City Tax" and one
“Ain’t School Diet. Tax"; and it shall
be the duty of the several county as­
sessors, in making their assessmentr,
to enter opposite each item of property
assessed, in its appropriate column, the
name of tiie city or incorporated town
and tiie number of the school district
in which each item of property assessed
is assessable.
In preparing the tax rolls in the sev­
eral counties after the several assess-
uieats therein have been finally equal­
ized, it shall be the duty of the clerks
of the county courts in the several
counties to compute the aggregate val­
ue of all the assessable property In each
of the incorporated towns or cities and
in each of tho several school districts
in each county, and to compile the
same upon a page or pages of the roll
in each county, showing the names of
the incorporated towns or cities arrang­
ed alphabetically, and the number of
the school districts arranged consecu­
tively, with the aggregate valuation of
the assessable property in each tow« or
city and of eacli school district shown
opposite to the name or number there­
of respectively.
All the taxes hereafter levied by any
school district or incorporated town or
city shall be levied upon tiie property
therein respectively assessable upon
the valuation of such property as shown
by the assessment roll last compiled
before the levy is made in the county
In which such school district or incorpo­
rated town or city is included, and it
shall be the duty of the clerk of the
county court in each of the several
counties, upon application of the clerk
or board of school directors of any
school district and of tiie recorder, audi­
tor or clerk, common council or board
of directors, or trustees of any incorpo­
rated town or city, to furnish a certifi­
cate under the seal of the county court
allowing the aggregate valuation of the
assessable property in the school dis­
trict or incorporated town or city from
which such application sliail have lieen
It shall be the duty of each school
district and each incorporated town
aud city to notify, in writing, the clerk
of the county court in the county with­
in which the school district, town or
citj’ is respectively situated, of the rate
[ier cent of tiie tax levy made by it
before the first day of February in each
year, which notice shall be kept on file
by tiie several clerks and remain a part
of the records of the office.
Section 6 provides that all such taxes
sliail be collected by the same officer in
the same manner and at the same time
as taxes for county purposes are col­
lected. It shall be the duty of the tax
collector to pay to the county treasurer
in bis county as often as once a week
all taxes collected, and lie shall inform
the treasurer whenever lie pays over to
him any of the money so collected
what amounts thereof are to be cred­
ited to the several funds for which they
are respectively collected, taking the re­
ceipt of the treasurer in triplicate for
the amount paid into each fund, one of
the receipts for each fund he sliail re­
tain, file one with the clerk of the
county court and furnish one to the
school district, town or city for which
each of such amounts are so paid in.
The treasurer shall keep the moneys
received from the tax collector in sepa­
rate funds, and shall pay over to the
several school districts, towns or cities,
upon demand made by them, the
amounts thereof to which they are re­
spectively entitled, taking their receipts
All laws providing for assessors in or
assessments of property by any school
district, incorporated town or city, and
all laws in conflict herewith be and the
same are hereby repealed.
J. P. Irvine wants 500 good 30 day
A kiln of b’ick containing 140,000 is
now being burned at the pressed brick
Ballard, the candy man, has moved customers. We have more bookkeepers
from the Wright corner to the small than money.
Save yourself cost by paying Hodson
By the new charter the city recorder
building between W. E. Martin’s and
has all the power of a justice of the
W. H. Logan's. The building former­ what you owe him. D oes T his M ean
peace, and his jurisdiction extends
ly occupied by him is being prepared You?
throughout the county.
for removal to make place for the new
For Sale—Fresh, one-half Jersey cow
Frank Elliot left last Friday for Com­
brick to be erected upon the corner by with J Jersey heifer calf. Address J.
Tiie recital given by Miss Cora X
stock in Douglas county. He is out as
Elsia Wright.
R. Owens, McMinnville.
Young was a very pleasant entertain­
Brisbine A Simmons, of the North
Deilschneider is just in receipt of a ment. The elocution of Miss Young land examiner for the Southern Pacific
Yamhill market, killed a four year old fine stock of shoes. If you are looking commanded the respect and admiration railroad company. N. E. Britt is out at
cow on the 24th Inst, that dressed 958 for a good pair of boots or shoes and of her hearers. Her natural ability is Drain at present on the same kind of a
pounds. J. Winneberg of Carlton rais­ want to pay cash for them, go to Deil- large and it lias been sarefully trained mission.
H. J. Haskell, who has been living
ed her. A number of men in the schneider’s.
atone of the best schools of elocution
on a small farm a mile west of town for
neighborhood of Carlton and North
Hows This!
Parties wRbing to borrow money on in the country. The balance of the the past three years, died very sudden­
Yamhill wouid like to know If this rec­ improved farm security will find it to program, consisting of tableaux, or, in
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
ord has ever lieen equalled in Yamhill their advantage to call on W. T. Vin­ the language of the program, tableau ly at his iiome on last Tuesday after­
noon. In the afternoon he and a ten for any case of Catarrh that cannot I k » cured
mouvants and poses plastiques, gave to
by Hall’s Catarrh Cure
ton at office of Irvine and Coshow.
year old boy who was staying with
F. J. C heney & Co. Drops. Toledo. 0.
At the examination of Reeves, cash­
Rhodes A Rhodes have money to the audience a knowledge of the grace him, were cutting a tree near the house.
We the undersighed, have known F. .1.
ier of the defunct Sheridan bank, noth­ loan on improved farm property.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
Mr. Haskell suddenly complained of him perfectly honorable in ail business
ladies that they had never possessed be­
ing new was brought up. He was
feeling tired, sat down and then fell transactions’ and financially able to carry
When you want prices on lumber get
fore. Grace and symmetry go liaml
bound over for the sum of $250, which
any obligations made by’their firm.
them of A. 8. Briggs as lie will save in hand and the young ladies taking forward. The boy called a neighbor out
West & Truax, wholesale d’niggists.Totcdo,
was furnished. Mr. Reeves intended
you money. Any quantity and quality.
Rev. Chas. L. Bonham, of Rochester,
part in tiie entertainment have enougli
to go east before his arrest but now Office witii Jas. Fletcher.
for, who did what he could to resusci­ Walding, Kinnan Ac Marvin, wholesale
■w York, has been chosen pastor of
of both to make them fit models for a
<h uggists, Toledo, Ohio
states that be will remain here until
■ Baptist church of this city. Rev.
IL'll’s Calat rli cure is taken internally,
You owe Hodson; pay him by March modern Venus of Milo; the Venus of tate him but without avail, as his life
the whole matter of the bank failure is
acting directly upon the blood and mucus
bnliam is a graduate of Rochester col-
ust H ave my Canova would bide her face in shame
of the system. Price 75c per bot­
geand will graduate from the Roches- !
tle. Sol<I bva 11 druggists; Testimonials free.
M oney .
at a comparison.
leave for Kansas City soon.
■ seminary in May. As soon as grad-
Rhodes A Rhodes are sole agents for
Catterlin, the Salem photographer,
Lincoln County.
A Landslide--Very Marked Results.
tted he will start for his field of labor.
was in the city Saturday last taking the sain of lots in Willis addition.
The Fuqua mill property was sold at
Governor Pennoyer ap[>ointed the
photographs of the public schools of G. 8. Wright, dentist, MoMinnville, telligence of disaster, whereby many
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
te court house last Saturday to David
new officers for Lincoln county, as fol­
the city for the World’s Fair. He is Oregon.
are Killed, but this time it is used to in­ When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla
tout, be being the highest bidder, for
lows: Sheriff, Geo.A. Landis, Newport;
doing this for the state superintendent,
W. Taylor inis headquarters at Lo­ dicate the enormous sales of Dr. Mlles’ When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
te sum of |1000. This is one of the
county judge, D. P. Blue, Vaquins;
E. B. McEloy, who is determined that gan’s barlier shop and is prepared to do Restorative Nervine, a remedy that is
dest mill properties in the state and
daily saving the lives of thousands who When she had Children, she gave them Castorin« clerk, B. F. Jones, Toledo; commission­
all the public schools of decent ap­ house cleaning, carpet laying and are suffering from nervous disorders. It |
tperieneed mill men say that money
ers, M. L. Trapp, Chitwood, J. O.
pearance in the state of Oregon sliail cleaning, whitewashing,window clean­ cures palpitation, nervous prostration,
in be made from It if properly nian- beat th* fair. Thiec views of each of
Stearns, Waldport; treasurer, Henry
headache, backache, spinal diseases,
ing and general jobwork.
hysteria, ill effects of spirits, confusion
Denlinger, Toledo; assessor, Thomas E.
the school buildings were taken.
If you want your property insured in of mind, etc., and builds up the body |
Annual School Meeting.
■ The Woodmen of the World hold
Parker, Yaquina; school superintend­
Jame^’letcher, of this city, has not a standard company, Rhodes A Rhodes surprisingly. Brown A Mayliury, Cort­
Bieir regular meetings on the first and
ent, Charles Booth, Yaquina; coroner,
land, New'York, say one patient used
Kilrd Mondays of each month. Their
Janies Russell, Yaquina; surveyor, Jo­
nervine ahd gained fifteen pounds of
ration of Cleveland, eight years ago.
The Hotel Yamhill furnishes first flesh. Sold by Rogers Bros , the drug­ rict No. 40 will be held at 1 o'clock p.
■otiee appears in another column,
That was the first time since 1861. O.n class table lioard at $4.00 a week; board gist.«, on a |>osltive guarantee. Get a m., March Gtb, at the B street school siah Gideon, Lower Alsea. The coun­
■his order is fast coming to the front as
ty on its birth does not contain a sing'e
the 4th day of March 1893, next Satur­ and lodging at $5.50a week. Best meal book free.
house. Business of importance will lie
I means of obtaining cheap insurance,
day, uncle Jim will remove his lieard In the city for 25 cents.
Someone sends in the following no­
■be said to be better than that
nnd we all will have the pleasure of
D. M. C aldwell ,
Immense—That*« What They All Nay.
If any other order.
Dry oak wood delivered at $3.00 per tice: "Matrimonial—A young man
knowing just what an old genuine
I Two suits have iicen brought against democrat looks like. He remarks that eord. Leave orders at J. II. Booth’s wishes to correspond with n respectable
4 It is customary in these latter days to
express our perfect satisfaction with a
young lady, all correspondence to be L
!>o You Know
Sheriff Warren by people who claim he will have the pleasure of shaving market.
thing by saying “It’s Immense!’’ It's
[that some of the money of the Sheridan
('all on Rhodes A Rhodes for bargains strictly private.” He wants the letters
every four years as long as he lives.
It is a fact that you can buy all kinds so expressive that nothing can be add­
bank,that is now in his hands,does not
in real estate. They will show you addressed to this paper and encloses 50
ed. Geo. L. Fink, Philadelphia, Penn,
The scores for the Yamhill county property and give prices witli tiie best cents in payment of the item. We of office supplies cheaper of C. Grissen says, “My wife has lieen taking your
belong to the bauk but is money placed
have squandered the 50 cents for cigars than by sending abroad. Type writer New Cure for the Heart and says it is
there in trust, not as a deposit. Wm. medal made Saturday last were the terms.
and advise parents to look after their paper, copying I »ks, letter files, ete., immense! She has not been troubled
[HofTknucht briugs suit for $1000 nnd best that havelieen made since the con­
The buteher shop of J. II. Booth
with pain or smothering spells since
get prices and trade at home.
tests for the medal commenced. Am
[Thos. Vanscoy sues for $110:25.
using it.” Jno. L. Robert.«, Slatington,
is at all times supplied with the best of
Shadden and W. E. Martin tied for the
Penn., says he is 75 years old, and has
Miles* Nerve and Liver Pills.
Wm. l’oolo, of this city, foreman of medal by a score of 23 out of 25. In meats. Game and fish in season, rec-'
suffered from heart disease over forty
the Southern Pacific bridge gnng was the shoot off at ton birds Shadden
years. Was treated without avail by
Act on a new principle—regulating
Baled timothy hay for sale at *14 per the liver, stomach and bowels through county, has been appointed circuit prominent New York physicians; grew
Draught home Saturday from Inde­ broke the ten straight, Martin breaking
judge. He will preside in departmeat constantly worse; took Dr. Miles’ New
pendence, on the afternoou train, with nine. This shoot was the last one of ton by J. Wisecarver. Good quality,
Miles’ Pills speedily cure biliousness, No. 1, in Portland. He made his debut Heart cure and was completely cured.
a broken leg. He fell from the hand the preparatory shoots and from now call and examine.
Sold by Rogers Rros. on a guarantee.
bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa­
on the bench yesterday.
car while it was in motion and both on the contests will be for the owner­
Any kind of wood In any quantity ■ tion. Vnequaled for men, women, and
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50
wheels passed over the Eight leg break­ ship of the medal. The person winning can be purchased of Kay A Todd.
doses, 26 cents. Samples free at Rogers [ Stanley Umpblett, an old pioneer of
ing the bones just above the ankle. it three consecutive times will own it.
When your $200 watch needs repair-' Bros.
this county and a resident ot Amity, I W allace —To the wife of E. W. Wai
The fracture is not a serious one and in This medal is for the shooters of the ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds
died Tuesday morning. In point of
lace of this city, on Sunday, Feb­
Read This.
the course of a month or so It is ex­ county and the sports of this city would of jewelry repaired.
age Mr. Umphlett is one of the oldest
ruary 25, 1893, a «on, weight ten
pected that Mr. Poole will be a« well as like to see shooters from all the towns
Having become fully convinced that
person« in the county.
8. Howorth A Co. at the McMinn-
of the county contest for it.
: ville pharmacy are dosing out their
doing business, and believing that it is
The state tax levy has not yet lieen
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood 1 stock of paints and oils at cost. Call to the best interest, both of the mer­ made, but it is being worked upon
for dyspepsia. Torpid liver, yellow
Diego, Cal., says: “Shiloh's Catarrh purifier, gives freshness and clearness and investigate.
chant and the consumer, I «ball hence­ steadily.
skin or kidney trouble. It is guaran­
Remedy is the first medicine I have to the complexion and cures constipa­
forth sell my goods for cash only.
teed to give you satisfaction. Price 75c'
ever found that would do me any good. tion. 25e, 50c and $1. Sold by How­
Cure lor Cold«. Fever» «nd General De-
Prevent and cure Constipation «nd Sick-
J. H, H enderson .
bUltl. Small Bile Been«. 5Sc per bottle.
Hredsche. Small Bile Brent.
Sold by Howorth A Co.
orth A Co.
Price 50 cts. Sold by Howorth AI '•.
Comes tiie Lumber iiianniuctureil at JONES & ADAMS’ mill.
It in the Peer of any Lumber wolil in the McMinnville market.
Has been formulated and it is now tiie cheapest lunilier on the
market all qualities considered. All sizes, kiuds and grades
can Is' found at the yards in this city at uny time of the year.
Its life is longer, it is stronger and Is a thing of beauty while
the product of other mills is warped and ready to I m * renewed.
If you want to build a house at uo immediate eoat, call and see
us. We will make you a proposition. This proposition is
based upon the fact that in building up McMinnville or Yam­
hill County we are buildiug up Sones & Adams.
A Complete Stock of Paints, Oils, Builders* Hardware
Is now displayed in our new building for the inspection of the
people of this county. Every one requiring goods handled by
us are requested to call aud get our prices liefore purvliasing.
We will guarantee to save them money.
We are in Business and mean Business.
Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon.
Family Supplies
Everything within bounds; Everything Trim,
Clean Goods, Neatness, Promptness.
I McMinnville, Oregon.
The finest line of
Bedrock prices! Buy for Cash! Sell for Cash! Light
Expenses! No bad accounts to lose! No Bookkeeper to
pay! I can and will sell you goods
P resident
C. W. E l or
H. C. P otter
The Forum
THE FORUM <• to the United State» what Tur. Nn-r-
ie to Enaland, and more-incomparably the
beet thoughtful periodical we have ever had.”
W. E. R umell
111H£ F0BUM contain» article« about what men
■L are now doing in tho world.
The problem« and the taaka of your own life and
thought, and of our own country, and of our own
time; the oduoatlon of your children; tho lataat re-
aulta of reaaaroh in your own «pedal atudy; tho great
book« of tho period; tho real leader«; the large move­
men ta-ara theao not the moot interacting aubjoctal
The aocrat of T hb Fontna-a hold on it« reader« la
that ita writer« make it helpfill to all who think.
I to reader» form the dominant part of every pro-
feaaion, craft, and claM-thoao who are aucceeding
became they have a correct meaaure of the intellec­
tual forces and of the larger aotlvitiee of American
life, tho beat informed, and the moot ambition».
Ita writer» are the leader» of thought and of ac­
tion everywhere and in all Unde of important work.
Aak the beet informed man in your community
what he think» of T h » F orum , or »end to u» for
tho written opinions of some of tho leading men in
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: Vain acuire, V»v Tnk
SB a ,»ir
Subecriptione may be eent direct to THE FORT U
hrtiuah any established eubecript ion agency or book-seller.
F. M aihon CnAwro o
P msioemt
u u
► .4
Best Local Paper in Yamhill.