THE TELEl’HOXE-KEGiBTElLpHE occasion for pension THE CABINET. REFORM. Grover Cleveland Ims given out the ■“— It is lime to consider the matter of complete cabinet. It consists of the pension refarm with fairness, pntriot- following men: Secretary of State—Walter ($. Gresh­ »UB8CRIPTION RATES. i jBni perfect candor. ■ins t'opy, $1 «<> opportunity to over-1 flow with distempered utterance cal­ - «ell, of New York. Secretary of War—Daniel S. Lamont culated, as they believed, to win votes R k SOI.VTTOXS of <’ONIMH.K.XCF AND Al I <)BIT- nary Poetry will be charged for at regular for tlieiiLselves, anil for the further rea­ of New York. advertising rates. son that a specie* of moral cowardice Becretary of the Navy—Hilary A. • Herbert, of Alabama. S ample C opies Or T he T eikphos $ -R egis * ax to tliix matter xeeinx always to over- Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith i fr will be mailed to any person in the ' come tlie Judgement* of. men who United States or Europe, wlm desires one, , I of Georgia. should lx- reckoned upon to aid reform. free of charge Now that tlie war veterans in large I Attorney General—Richard Olney,of I.. P. Fisher, Newspaper adverti.-ding agent. 21 Merchant*’ Exehange, San numlier* are coming forward to protest j , Massachusetts. Francisco, is our authorized agent. This against the looting of the treasury in Secretary of Agriculture—J. Sterling, paper is kept on file iu hi* offlee. their name and to demand reform, I 1 Morton, of Nebraska. SECRETARY OF STATE GRESH A.M. All eubecribere who do not reccire their ■ there is liojie that tlie demagogues may ' ' Walter , was elected to tlie legislature in cial and commercial way. The next want by reason of age or disease, 18(H), participated iu tlie rebellion as a four years will not be four years devot­ whether injured ill the service or not, Union soldier,wax retired as a brigadier ed to the harvest of spoils, but will be tlie country rejoices to pay a |M*ntion. general,was in 18<>9made United States four years deyoted to the administra­ Nobody lias one word to say in objec­ circuit judge for the district of Indiana, tion of the affairs of the |ieople by men tion to jiensions for tlie helpless wid­ became President Arthur’* poetmaater- elected by and appointed from the |>eo- ows, orphans or de|H.-ndcnt neai rela­ geueral in 1883, succeeded Cha*. J. Fol- pie. The <■01111115 president ha» said tives of dead soldiers. In brief, there ger ax secretary of the treasury and re­ that the old politicians of the party, or is nowhere the least desire to abridge signed to become United States judge In other words the old office holders, the bouuty extended to those who for the Illinois and Indiana circuits. will not be appointed to office. Civil Judge Grealiam was warmly sup- need and are worthy of it. service reform under the coming ad­ But under existing laws large sums ixn-ted for tlie presidential nomination ministration will receive more attention are paid to men who do not need help. at the republican national convention ('an Supply All Your Needs In than it ever has before. While it is Cpontlie plea that they are unable to in 1888, but was defeated by Benjamin necessary that a numlier of prominent earn a living by manual labor, many Harrison. lie announced liis inten­ officials lie removed from office, there men who are earning large incomes as tion to supimrt Mr. Cleveland previous will noth« the wholesale removal pre­ lawyers merchants, statesmen, bank­ to last election, explaining that lie dicted anil desired by the politicians of ers and the like are drawing from the could not endorse the tariff' policy of the party. The duty of government is treasury every year money which is the republican party, nor could be tol­ not to supply fat positions to the mass needed for the better care of tlie really erate the Pharisees wlio were in con­ of hungry politicians, but to govern. helpless. Surely this wrong should i>e trol of the party with which he had so This idea of proper government will re­ long affiliated. He recently accepted stopped. ceive attention to an extent that it has Again, there is reason to believe that tlie state portfolio, declining to consider never approached lieforc. The iieople many names have been fraudulently it until convinced that the country and demand it ami they must have it now. placed upon the pension lists. There tlie people need ills services. If the democratic party keeps the faith ean be no )x>ssible complaint of efforts to FINANCIER CARLISLE. that lias been reposed in it by the peo­ discover and expunge these. John G. Carlisle, the next secretary ple of tlie United States there will lie a Z1 Still again, by a combination of care­ of the treasury, win born in Kenton radical change in tlie idea of govern­ lessness and cowardice, congress has county, In was promoted to be congress. These men after being elect­ to the legislature Gov. Cleveland asked : 25tli. It was decided to begin tlie ed concentrate iu the halls of congress “Ideala." It was published by Lewis eolonel of the Eiglitli Alabama Con­ Manning to recommend someone who j meeting at 9:30 a. m. amido not leave them except to fix & Dryden, of Portland, and is very federate Volunteers. At the head of was splendidly Informed on state af­ Ideala is a poem neatly printed, G uaraiiteed to cure Bilious Attacks xud that regiment he participated in all the their wiles for reelection. All they I ‘ Constipation. Small Bile Beans.' fairs. know of the western country is what in blank verse and is an origi- CHgagernents up to the battle of the Real Estate. Manning recommended Lamont. Ixitli in plot and »al production, Wilderness. There, while leading his they glean from the newspaper, and Soon after the returns announced his the few members from the west. The sentiment. The book contains several troops, he lost an arm. Almira and W E Warren to Ora F triumph tlie president-elect asked La­ short poems by the author, Hit' l>cst of He resumed the practice of his pro ­ condition of this part of the United Thomason, lot 4, s A lot 1, Cozine's 3rd mont to accompany him to the White which is the one to “ Whitman, Whit ­ fession nt his old home. Later he re­ States they kuow nothing of ami it add to McMinnville; $2100. seems as if they took but little pains to tier, Tennyson." The preface is well moved to Montgomery, once the capi­ House as his private secretary. Ora F Thomason to Almira Warren, THE PRESIDENT ’ S OLD LAW PARTNER. written and in is the liest thing tal of the confederacy, and from there inform themselves. Wilson Shannon Bissell, who is to be lot 4, bile 0, Cozlnes .'id add to McMinn­ in the book, witli the exception was elected to the forty-fifth congress The three great questions liefore the ville; $1800. American people to-day are questions of the short poem mentioned above. as a democrat. He has served continu­ postmaster-general, has often l>een mis­ A L Brooks to Eester Geer, 0 acres, taken for the president elect. But he The production of such a lengthy poem ously in the house ever since, many relating solely to this western coast. see 31, t 3 s, r 3 w; $145. They all l>car upon its development di­ tells that the author has much jiersist- times having no opponent. Upon is taller and more corpulent. He was A E and J M Wright to O C Wright, [ rectly and upon the development of the ence and this quality is the principal entering congress Mr. Herbert affil­ born in Oneida county, New York,Dec. lots 1, 2, 3, blk 3, Hobson’s add to New-> 31, 1847. He was but six years old one in a ]>er*on's make-up thnt produc ­ iated witli tlie friends of the new navy whole country indirectly. * es success. Lovers of poetry no doubt and fought persistently to rejuvenate when his parents removed to Buffal«. berg;$l. They are: Green L Howland to Win Hatch, 80 After attending the local schools,young will appreciate the longer |>oem, as it the merchant marine. Twice he lias The annexation of Hawaii. contains some pretty sentiments Ixien apixiinted chairman of tlie house Bissell was sent to the Hopkins gram­ acres, pt G L Ilowland d 1 c, t 3 s r 4 w; The Behring sea arbitration. very neatly expressed. Of course this committee on naval affairs. He holds mar school at New Haven, Connecticut $1000. That Desirable and Most Beautifully Located Property Known as The Nicaragua canal. Mary Yocum to Wnt A Yocum,122.55 where he prepared himself for Yale. piem, like others produced by men of that place today. This is a peculiar moment in history. He graduated from Yale ami liegan acres, pt W II McKuue d 1 c, t 5-0 s, r5 THE ATTORNEY GENERAL. The settlement of these three questions world wide fame, contains some jiecul- w; $5. Richard Olney is one of the liest the practice of law in 1884, Mr. Bissell in a way favorable to the United States iar examples of metaphor, but, if this John M and Susan Crawford to F A was offered n high government place. is excusable in great men ou the plea of known corporation lawyers in New will require more wisdom, manhood, Crawford, 01.25 acres, pi M Crawford d He declined it because lie could not poetic license, it should lie excused in England. For several years he has courage, intrepidity ami foresight than 1 c iu t 4 s, r 3 w; $1. has ever been produced in this country. Mr. Grisaen. The price of the volume been attorney for the Boston and afford to abandon his law practice. .1 I) and E C Tarrant to Jas Madsen, When Daniel Manning wax about to This western country, while it has is 50 cents but tlie author lias eonclud- Maine railroad, ami is consulting Inw- 15.54 acres, pt I) Ramsey d 1 c, t 3 s, r 3 resign the secretaryship of the treasury ed to sell it to the citizens of this city Situate and adjoining the BAPTIST COLLEGE and Park; Only five less of the law-making power than any yer for many other corporation.«, His minutes walk from the main street of McMinnville; By taking into con­ other portion of the country of the same for 25 cents. It can lie obtained at the fittness for the position to which ho Mr. Bissell wax said to have been offer- i area, is demanding the attention of tlie book store. has l>cen appointed is unquestionetl, ed the portfolio. Again be refused ami j ° w Yocum to D Goodaell, 145 acres sideration the Fine Avenues and Streets, the Sightly Situation and Love­ ly Surroundings Pleasant Home addition furnishes the gi-andest and law-making laxly to an extent hereto­ and bis personal character command* Charles 8. Fairchild was appointed in- pl " ^1 McCune d 1 c; $800. »tend. When Mr. Cleveland was mar- Alfred Moore to Cliehalcm Valley most conven.ent. property for those desiring a beautiful honre. Pleasant Why do members of the common respect from men of all parties. fore unknown and will continue to do rie'na d 1 e, t 4 s, Home is subdivided in tour acre-blocks an! is sold on reasonable terms AOIlK TLTVRIST MORTON. so. Tlie |>«<>»le of this coast are jiecul- council of the city of McMinnville r 3 w; $5000. For information apply to WM. F. BRIEDEN8TEIN. Sole Agent iar; they arc, in the language of the guarantee that the water and* electric J. Sterling Morton, next secretary of j was Ills best man. J W Edmiuston to P A Bates, prop­ agriculture, qi «vMiiuiv, was m «.- s innii born m at ziutuus, Adams, uener-f. Jeft'er-: In politics Mr. Bissell has always J erty in Lafayette; $2500. w est, a race of rustlers. More attention light plant will lie sold to a private I <» Cor. Third^treet and Railroad. McMinnville, Or. He M‘ei1 a c re­ owned by the city and tlie city should wax graduated from Union eolie^-. Re- [ 3 s, r 2 w. quited to learn something of our condi­ continue to own it. If a private corpo­ moving to*Nebraska, he became the j many times been a delegate to state W T Coleman to G W Bell, d I c Ira tion, or else the law making body ration purchases it, it will la* because of editor of the Nebraska City Nem, wax I eonventiens and in 1884 was a presiden- Orton, t 3 s, r 2 w; $2. : tial elector at large. its ability to bring the corporation a twice elected to tlie territorial legisla­ should l>c apportioned according to en­ R W Phillips to I! W Laueefield, pt ergy, thus giving tis an equal show protlt. if it ran do this for a corpora­ ture, and in 1855 became the acting TEACHERS MEETING. d 1 c of U Powell, t 5 s, r 4 w, 108 acres; tion it can do the same for the city. governor. with the balance of th« couutry. The r _____ SKIN. He ran three times for governor of Saturday the l.llh, tlie.v Mat at Da,Inn *7640. complex problem« troubling congress All that is necessary is pnqier manage­ rjRES C onstipation L C Washburn to J R Wright, blk 12 now are nothing to the |wob|em, that ment of tlie plant by Ills' |>eople the the state, but wax defeated. For years and Cnndneted themselves ■« Kollow*: P indicestion dizziness Newberg; $2500. C f »UPTIONS ON T HE sk /N will trouble them in the future, coining citizens have placed in control. This be has devoted himself to tlie cultiva­ J I< Wright to E A Wright, 3; acres, talk of its running tile city in debt is tion of trees and the preservation of The meeting was called to order at from this energetic western people. Our M _____ ____ pt I) D Deskins d 1 c; $600. commercial condition, our financial I lx>«h and is probably circulated by pcr- forests. He is the father of what is 10:30 by Supt. Stilwell. After singing ,nd NERVE TONIC. Sadie Johnson to Florence Younger, sona who would like Io own the plant and prayer by Rev. J. R. Hume, the known as Arbor Day. He was offered condition and our intercourse with for­ eign countries are all different from the for the profit there is in it. The figure« the agricultural, portfolio Feb. 17 aud regular program was taken up and L. land in Lafayette; $500. Phillips Bartholomew- to H D Bar­ I H. Baker presented the subject “.«bort conditions prevailing in the cast. We published in this ]>aper at the close of accepted on the spot. are a different ]>eople, w ith the excep- ’ last year showed plainly that the plant HOKE SMITH’S I'AREEIt IX OBOROIA. I methods in arithmetic,” or what he tholomew, 320 acres, die D Martin, t dazlt Hoke Smith, who is to be secretary I calls the “spice” of arithmetic. In ad­ 4 s, r 5 w; $1800. tion of loyalty to the old flag ami los e was profitable to the city. The citizens Ti? J W Cowls ami (' A Wallace to F J are calling for letter service both from of the interior, was born thirty-eight dition he would teach the pupil to add of our country. (Northern Pacific R. R. Co. L iuhj th« plant and from the council, I In the practice < f hi.« pro­ The meeting was called to order at , Front a letter written hv Mrs. Ada E. 7 15a 7 Hour» Quicker to St. Paul, 9 50a ar Chicago •r>47p to 4.5p Minnville as the city assessor has Just rielo. fession lie was frequently retained in 1 p. m. S. A. Deaeh, princi|ml of the ' Hurd, 6.7 we quote: I. of Groton,’’8. S. ’ f)., Tickets sold and bngaage checked through ismipleted the roll of the year 1893. suits against railroads which tried to Dayton school, introduced a class in “Was taken with a bad eold, which toallpoints in the bnited States and Cana­ 23 Houre Quicker to Chicago. The law require« that the county as­ The I nion Pacific have published a golible up land without paying for it, arithmetic aud illustrated his method settled on my lungs, cough set in, and -la da. Close connection made in Chicago t’hirnw» with .in. terminated In consumptioa. all trams going La*t and South. 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and sessor do this and that the sheriff of very neat pictorial World's Fair folder, and for years lie has been known as a of conducting a reeitaton. His pupils finally Four doctors gave me up, saying I For full information apply to vour near­ containing colored lithograph« of the the county collect the tax and pay it | fearless enemy to grasping corpora­ show that they have had gixxl training could live but a short time, j gave est ticket agent or to JAS C i*OND Kanaaa City. Gen, Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago'm. over to th« comity treasurer, lie to pay various cxp<«ition buildings, bird's eye tions. Having made a fortune out of and can do rapid work. Next was a myself up to my Saviour, determined a-xid 'X’o-o.riat It to the city. The new law does not view of the grounds, with a complete liis practice. Mr. Smith purchased the ! recitation by Master Willie Glenn, of that if I could not stay with my friends Sl««p«rs. Fr.. Farm for Sale earth, I would meet my nlisent ones Chair C.,ra, contemplate that the county assessor map of the city, showing location of Atlanta Jnarnal and made it one of tlie | the Dayton school. “Methods in Read- on Contain. 80 acre*.situated 8 miles north above. _My husband was advised to «hall make an assessment of the county th« fair, hotels, railway dejiots, street leading newspapers of the south. , !*'* *.1V"'.®- Northup, fol- get Dr. King's New Discovery for con- west of McMinnville, 30 .ere, i. „Z lion balance pasture. Fruits of all kind, or’fc^y addressing W. H. land man from Georgia," having ex- tree«. Good building,, good fence« •nd «pnng water For termsippreTo the two assessments and the question Hurlburt, Assistant General Passenger Pou«ed the president-eket's cause when I »bort talk on the subject "pbysic-al cul- X'lUM •b^rt^womim'' 1 A“‘ P- Agt. owner. Jtvts. O. L ams . * ’ la: which «hall wait? Agent. Portland. Or. he bad need of friends in that state. | ,ure >n the public schools.” She told tie« free Rogers Bro«. Drugstore 254 It ashington 8t., McMinnville Or HARDIN8 L HEATH, Publisher«. i NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY at ’S KAY & Don’t buy your Spring Suit until you see their New and Clothing as they will have this spring the finest assortment aim lan ever less prices than eve: before shown in Yamhill county. You can al get the latest styles in Hats, Shoes and Furnishing^ Goods.^and w Respectfully, will not be undersold J. B. ROHR, House, Sign, ami Ornamental Piii The Only Sign Writer in the Cosily, BURNS & DANIELS, Homes titled up in the Neatest and Vc Artistic Style. Designs furnished for Deeoratiqpi. Remember Paper Hanging and IniUefi nisliing a Specialty. Work taken by Contract orby the Div t perienced men employed. ” FURNITURE, WALL PAPER, CARPETS, ETC Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon, J". «£*1. Proprietors o^Tlie McMinnville iltl FACTORY J Situated at the Southwest corner of Fair Grounds. All size« of BELOW PORTLAND PRICES First-Class Drain Tile kept constantly on hand at lowest Hi prices. DERBY