at the Mn Look at the Map Itate of Oregon, Ya Abili Couuty. lere you will flud t ----- * uro- most luctive section In B World, .and in cheap, offeriti poetili in. ilucements to fruit ni rs nini dniryincn. McMinuvillc, Yamhill Couuty. Here la the County seat, Here U published THE TELEPHONE* REGISTER, Monarch of home ■ieivs|iapcrH, iiecorded first pluce in nil the Directories. 1 ixiok at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County MoMINNVILLE. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1893. C. MICHAUX VOL. IV. NO. 51 D’PRICE'S tract heretofore existing fur the em-| by the general government on a port- renewed. To allow any owner of a fa­ j loynient uf convicts lias now expired. I age road would in all probability be vored locality the prlvlege that cannot! Hereafter the state should work its now under way. Pursuant to an ur- be exercised by other citizens, of erect­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. FULL TEXT OF TriE DOCUMENT own convicts, so as to interfere in tliu ! gent request from tbe Oregon executive ing fish traps or fish wheels, thereby ----------- AND----------- LAFAYETTE. OREGON least, with free labor, and to that end I office, tlie chairman of the river aud securing salmon by the ton while other AS PRESENTED. Jan, 21. ’8R. there is probably no better way than harbor committee, at the lust session of citizens cannot, is a monopoly that Tecullar Like all I lie Actions and Writings ' tn follow tlie example of California aud congress, moved that the sum of *431,« should 110 louger be tolerated. We of His Excellency. Contains Good Rec» F* IHELSCHN EIDF.K, Washington in the erection of a Jute ■ 50;) bo inserted in tbe bill for a portage boast of our free government, and‘of oininrndat ions. But is Anti-Progressive ' manufactory. As tlie establishment of F road at tlie Dalles of the Columbia. our equal laws, and yet we are permit- That the blood it in Parts. . and that nature is endeav such a manufactory would occupy ■ Our own representative opposed the ting 11 monopoly that no monarehial io throw off the impurities. Watchmaker nearly two years, it will be necessary to > motion, and thereby prevented that government on the face of the earth al­ Gentleman of the Orcyon LeyMative is so beneficial in assisting and. Jeweler. jvothtng furnish employment in tlie meantime i most necessary appropriation. Efforts lows. In the Magna Charter granted nature as Swift's Specific (Y. A. .S) Aiwmbly.— The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Dealer In All Kinds ot Watch.,, J.w.lry, Plated Ware It ts a simple vegetable compound. Is Pursuant to the requirements of the , to the convicts. Tills can be done by were then made by him and by our by King John, A. D. 1215, it is stipu­ Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Clecka and Spectacl.a. MCMINNVILLE. OR. to the most delicate child, y.t constitution, the following information i renewing tlie present contract for two > senior senator to secure au appropriation lated that “all kydells (weirs) for the the Poison to the surface and future shall lie quite removed out of the for a tKiat railway, but without success. I years, or by tlie state assuming control touching the condition of the state, and eliminates it front the blood. now compelled not only to pay tax» road« and to the ¡>eople. The com inis- ('ALBREATH & GOUCHER, recommendations, áre submitted for . of the foundry and making stoves on A board of engineers, however, was ap- Thames and the Medway, and through­ for himself, but for the rogue who es sion cannot reasonably expect that This guarantee was i pointed by congress to examine the ob- out all England." your consideration. For more detailed I its own behalf. All tbe institutions capes by hiding behind spurious claim: either the legislature or the people will I contracted a severe erre of blocd nni^na Information you are referred to the re­ . mentioned are most creditably aud ef­ • structious ut tbe Dulles and report upon renewed in the lirst, second and of debt. If u state revenue could be se­ be satisfied with its slight changes, PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS. I that unfitted me for business for four year 8. ’ A third charters of King Henry the tlie best method for overcoming the few bottles of Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) cured ficiently managed. Some -cliango in ports of the various state officers:— (Office over Braly’s Bank.) J-C. J ones , City Marshal. Third and in that of King Edward the cured Independently of any county which appear too much like mere love the law relating to convicts when they same. STATE EX 1*ENDITUBES. . Fulton, Arkansas. It !« reported upon what is deemed First, and was really a fragment of the levy, there would be no incentive strokes. Instead of its trifling reduc­ are released from eo.ifl nement should M c M innvillk , - - - O rkoon /rJ.rcatiSe repealed. To tax the er tlie matter. The declaration of Holy years ago, is nourishing defiantly in had fulfilled one of its required obliga­ legislative assembly ougtit not to ad­ real property belonging to the es­ McMinnville, .... Oregon. scribed tate of said decedent, to-wit. The east Asylum improvement people of tlie whole state for tho sup­ Writ tliat “a man’s foes shall be they the nineteenth century, which boasts tions, Fixed charges, such as those journ without affording the needed re­ Capitol improvement half of the following described parcel' of Office, Rooms 1 ami 2 Union Block. port of any high institution of learning of ills own household” lias been com­ of its equal laws. Let all fish-traps, for school, university and military pur­ lief to the agricultural and commercial land to-wit: Beginning at a point l."x> feet Mute school ................... south of the north and west junction of Blind school..................... Is both unadvisable and unjust. . The pletely verified to tlie people of eastern fish wheels and seines lie abolished, poses, should be abolished, and provis­ interests of Oregon by a marked reduc­ First and A streets of the town of McMinn* Orphan’s home................. tax for the support of common schools Oregon by the action of its own repre­ confine the fishing to gill nets alone; ion should be made for collecting all tion of railroad freight rates. yya M. KAMSEY, villo. Yamhill county, state of Oregon, Agricultural baards.......... By reducing tlie passenger rates on thence south along west line of said A street Health officers is cheerfully borne for the reason tliat sentatives in congress regarding the and then all citizens have nil equal taxes at one time and place. .............. the railroads within tlie state from four THE RAILROAD COMMISSION. 66 feel: thence west 201 feet; thence north portage rood; and it therefore devolves the children of tlie whole state can be chance and the wholesale destruction Pilot Com. and schooner. 66 feet, thence cast 201 feet to the place of The board of railroad commissioners to two and one-half cents per mile, anil ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Dairy anil Food Com . beginning. benefitted by it. A general tax for upon this legislative assembly tliat it of fish and tlie speedy extinction of one for the state of Oregon, in its third an­ by the absolute prohibition of all passes Fish Coniinlsstoners Dated January 4, 1893. shall instruct its representatives in high institutions <*f learning is quite a ^11 eMin n ville, - - - - Oregon. of our chiefest industries can be avoided. ISAAC LAMBRIGHT, Railroad coniniissioncrs .. nual report, has given an account of its except to railroad employes, a great act congress to secure t he needed appropria ­ different tiling. Only a small portion The supremo court reports of Oregon Executor of the Will of said Decedent. Agnicultural college........ Office: Rooms 6 and 7 Union Block. \V. M. llamsey and F. W. Fenton, of tlie children of the state can avail tion for such road, which with their disclose the fact that n paid lobby in transactions during the past biennial of justice would be performed, and no University.............................. Attorneys for said Estate. Conveying convicts tbeniselves of its advantages, and its aid, can easily be procurred. The pres­ the interests of these monopolies hits term. The last legislature gave such hardship would lie imposed upon the J. I». TURNEY, Conveying insane............ support therefore by a general tax is ent being tiie short session of congress, heretofore swarmed around the pur­ commission the power to adjust and railroads. As it is now men of wealth • Incidental...................... most unjust. With tiie liberal aid al­ no appropriations for rivers and harbors lieus of the eapitol during legislative regulate the freight rates of railroads, and Influence are allowed to ride free, Fugitive. .. ......... ready receiveil from tlie state, and the will be made, and therefore tlie people sessions, and it will undoubtedly reap­ and, as it will be seen, it approached anil then in order to give tlie railroad SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Indigent............................. Priuate claims interest received from tlie university of Oregon, thanks to its own represen­ pear here during the present session. its task with the greatest timidity, and sufficient compensation, the poor are Specialty of surgery and diseases of women Oregon National Guard fund, it ought now to be aide to keep tative«:, will be compelled to wait an­ The board of fish commissioners has quit it with the most unsatisfactory re­ unduly charge. This is an act of great Refoam school................. U nion B lock - M c M innville , On. VtMT* abreast of tbe other high institutions of other year for such aid. The legisla­ maintained in all of its reports a com­ sults. Pursuant to a request from the inequality and injustice. No common ' Horticultural board 2——--------------------- f- the state, which have been built up by ture, can, however, meantime ufford plete and most significant silence in re­ executive office a comparative state­ carrier should be permitted by law to I Domestic animal Coni any such unjust discrimina­ 1 E. MARTIN I Weather bureau............... private benevolence, and which arc in tlie people of tills state great relief by gard to the effect of these most destruc­ ment of rates of Oregon, Iowa and Illi- exercise tion. uois roads were made. From the ta ­ Miscellaneous the enactment of a railroad freight law, possession of no other endowments tive methods of destroying our fishing MAXIMUM KATE LAWS. I Boatman nt Astoria . . Finest Saloon in (lie City mid than those of their merits. It is indeed by which the excessive charges on our interests. The grave duty is therefore bles furnished are taken the following Resources of Oregon ....... rates in cents per 1IK) pounds for 200 The enactment of a maximum rail­ ltest Brands of Wines, Liquors state products and upon our general the most cruel injustice to tax the Charities and correction. imposed upon this legislature of abol­ Billiard, Pool and Card rooms road freight law is urged again, for the Portage railroad.............. benefactors of several of the high Insti­ commerce will be replaced by rates just ishing all these monopolistic instru­ miles:— ion. Pabst Millwailkee Beer on fourth time, upon the legislative assem­ Capitol building alike to the carrier and the producer. tutions of tile state for tlie support of mentalities—seines, fish wheels, fish bly of Oregon. The unwarranted in­ This is what tlie ]x*ople of the whole rival institutions. Total $1,242,227 43 traps and lisli commissioners. M c M innville terference of the federal courts witli the There is a law of tlie state providing state, and especially of eastern Oregon, FINDS AVAILABLE Fol: APPROPRIA­ Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks, EDUCATIONAL FUNDS. rates established by railroad commis­ Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in for an annual appropriation of $2,500 inqierativelj’ demand, and this is what TION. The total amounts of the common sioners renders such a law an absolute each bottle. Price 25c. For sale by for the agricultural college. This also this legislature should not fail to do. There is now in the state treasury school fund on January 1, of the years CARLIN & COULTER, Proprietors necessity. During the last summer a druggists. should be repealed. That Institution THE WILLAMETTE CANAL AND LOCKS. the sum of $65,335.92, which has been mentioned are as follows: federal court lias nullified tlie action of Picture “7,17. 70” and sample dose free. Goods of all descriptions moved and care- Tlie legislature of Oregon in 1870 ap ­ is now in receipt of $31,000 a year from 1 handling guaranteed. Collections will J. F. SMITH A CO., Proprietors, NEW YORK. received from the general government, 1889........................................... $1,756,700 90 the railroad commission in Texas, fol­ propriated $200,000 to a private corpora ­ made monthly Hauling of a l kinds 1891........................................... 2,203,554 86 the Federal government, which will be being the 5 per centum of the proceeds lowing the example of such courts in ne cheap. 1893.......................................... 2,418,636 71 increased by the sum of $1000annually, tion in aid of the construction of a ca­ of the sale of public lands in this state. other states and of tlie United States I The Interest arising from such funds until it readies $40,000, where it will nal and locks at the falls of the Willam­ By the act of congress passed at the supreme court. With a maximum rate during the past three years bus been remain. This, with the interest on the ette river, upon the express condition last session repaying to the states the law there can lie no such interference. tliat “ at tbe expiration of twenty years proceeds of the sale of the agricultural distributed in tlie following amounts: Gates & Henry, Props. direct tax levied by congress in 1861, Tiie supreme court of tlie United States college lands should lie sufficient for from tlie time said canal and locks are Oregon is entitled to the sum of $35,- (143, U. S. 517) has recently reaffirmed McMinnville, - Oregon. its support without the aid from the completed, the state of Oregon shall 140.67 less 15 per cent, which was re­ Year the doctrine laid down in the Granger taxpayers of Oregon. It would lie well have the rigiit and privilege to take funded under act of congress of July 7, eases (94, U. S. 113) tliat “it is within 1890 7Ô S 1 45 »144472 and appropriate to its own use forever A new nnd Complete Treatment, conriit however, for the legislature to memo­ 1884, amounting to $5,271.10, which 1 45 153,151 90 the power of the legislature to declare ng of 8api«o«itorcs. Ointment in Capsules, 1891 . tlie said canal and locks, upon tlie pay ­ rialize congress for permission to use dso in box and Pills: a positive cur*- for 1892 . 1 45 162,006 50 leaves due to this state the sum of $29,- what should be a reasonable compensa­ ment to said corporal ion the actual val­ the interest accruing from the agricul ­ External, Internal. Blind or Kleedinv, Itch- ogpuj ujotnnoft 869.57. By the act of congress making X The following is the total amounts on tion for the services of persons exercis­ ng, Chronic, recent or bered-tary Piles,and ue thereof at the time of taking and ap­ tural college funds, now restricted, to Everything New nany otic r diseases ami female w<*akneSs: January 1 of tills year in tlie other trust the payment it is provided, however, ing- a public employment, and to fix a the maintenance of the school, for bet­ propriating the same, which shall be as. that “no money shall be paid to any is tdwav« a ar«»»t hem lit to tlie general I'll Oil,. maximum lieyond which any charge ealtli Tlie first discovery of a med <->»1 terments to tlie college property. If certalned in such manner as the legis­ state or territory unless the legislature And Firstclass. -lire rcmie.-ing all O|i*’l.ltion witli a knife U.-rh'iiltural college.. . . 033,905 94 would be unreasonable;"'and tliat “for inuee.s no hereafter This liemedy Ims State University ................ 102,229,67 congress would so give its permission lative assembly may hereafter pre­ thereof shall have accepted by resolu­ • • agpvj noni/j penal Accommodations for < 'onunercia protection ngainst abuses by the legis­ scribe. ” The twenty years have al ­ lever liee . L miwn to fail $1 per box. 6 for / 1’rave Ilers. Interest has lieen paif ascertaining the value of the canal . -------------------------------------------------------------- By the provisionsof a law passed at on account of the levy and collection mirantee issued bv WoontRi*. C lakkk A spnnn laid down in the Minnesota jase (134, ihd locks would be to take the tonnage the last session of the legislature, the / I. W.COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN E. C AP EBSOi o . VVhol. side *t Retail Druggists, Sole LAND DEPARTMENT. of said tax, and shall have authorized U. S. 418) that the reasonableness of President. Vice President. Crist, t •rents. Port and. Oregon ' state assumed control of the Normal for the last year and find out tliat sum the governor to receive said money for Swamp lands patented in the rates fixed by a railroad commis­ the state in 1891 and school at Monmouth. The bonrei of which at six per cent interest would sion can also lie inquired into hy the 1892 .............................. 20,967.47 acres regents, created by law, accepted on bring the amount represented by a rea- the use and purposes aforesaid.” As the direct tax was not paid by the courts. Swamp lands certified to !3 behalf of the state the college property, tonable charge on such tonnage, less state, and ns it was collected by the McMinnville, Oregon, the state in 1891 and The inconsistency of these decisions « * remedies that do Dot in-* ' ui i J 8 55» è 1892 .............................. 22,393.18 acres and was authorized to appoint and the cost of operating the locks and less general government as sets oft- against ’ro the health or interfere with one’s business or is in part remedied when they are test­ jew__ u-’jre. It builds up and improves the general Whole ain’t patented... 154,874.83 H Paid up Capital, $50,000. • jalth. the amount if any, which would be re ­ employ teachers. By this law tbe clears the skin and beaut ¡lies the complexion, moneys due the Rtate from the sale of The commission lias furnished a table ed by tliat sound doctrine of law tliat o wrinkles or flabbiness follow this treatment, Whole ain’t certified and state became morally and legally bound quired to put the canal and locks in or- public land, there I. no private claim idorsed by physicians and leading society ladies. not patented .............. 86,990 72 of the deductions made by it from Its a delegated autliority cannot be redel­ Transacts a General Banking Buxines*. .DENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL linaiiiy good and complete working to extend aid to some extent to that Whole ain’t examined mien. No Starving;. Sand « cent» In etamp* for pardcu'.rxi to upon said funds, which are therefore Deposits Received Subject to C’lieck O.W. F. SNYOER. ■ SICKER 1 THEATER. CHICA6U. ILL institution. It should at least extend order. There can be no objection to now available for appropriation so soon former raies of the Union Pacific and egated, which has not yet been stum­ and not certified ........ 40,607.00 bled upon by the supreme court. The Interest allowed on time deposit- The difficulties pertaining to swamp sufficient aid to offset the gift it ac­ this mode of ascertaining their value. as the legislature shall have accepted the Southern Pacific: Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trail' power to fix maximum rates is an au­ It is a fair and just business proposi ­ cepted. Besides, tills institution, by land matters are approaching a final if for« on New York. San Francisco and Pori them in the manner designated. It is thority delegated by tlie people under tion. land. not a satisfactory conclusion. Al­ educating teachers for tlie public the constitution to the legislature, and The canal and locks are worth only to lie extremely regretted that the joint Collections made on all accessible point? though the state tnny be a slight gain­ schools, might be considered as a part resolution of congress of February 9, therefore, cannot lie delegated by it to Office hours from 9 a. in. to 4 p in. You Think er from the gift of swamp lands from of the common school system, and thus that sum on which the business 1871, which allowed the diversion of any kind of a crop will do, then others. The right to declare what are through them, subject to reasonable any kind of seeds will do; but for have a claim upon tbe state not pos ­ the Federal governmet, so far as money 500,000 acres of land to flic common tbe best results you should plant Just and reasonable maximum rates is UM ANTED Wide-awake workers every Is concerned, yet it is an open question sessed by the two other high institu­ charges, pays a fair interest. Neither school fund, which had been appro­ I wRHLtU where for ’ SHEPP S PHOTO an undoubted and an exclusive legisla­ I GRAPH« of the WORLD.” the greater whether it would not have lieen much tions which have received state aid. will tlie state, in ascertaining the value priated for internal improvements, did tive prerogation, which cannot validly I book oil earth; costing |100.000; retail a of such locks and canal, lie required, At all events, the state having received better, all things considered, if it had | $3.25,cash or installments; mammoth illus not also embrace the five per centum of lie delegated to commissions, nor can it Always tho best, they are recognize-1 as cither in law or morals, to take into trated circulars and term fre< properly built up by private benevo­ never received tlie gift. tan dard everywhere. lie exercised hy the courts without a the sale of the public lands appropriat­ consideration any other question than \Hr rr S daily output over 150) vol Ferry’s Seed Annual is the most The legislature of Oregon, by act np- lence, should ill return expend for the I wlllml I Wumes. Agents wild with sue Important book of the kind pub- want.ii usurpation of legislative power. that of their value as the means of ed for the same purpose. These two liiihrd. ■ It is invaluable to tho support and improvement of the col | cess. Thos. L. Martin, Centreville. 3'exa> proved February 21, 1887, directed the planter. We send it free. Maximum telegraphic rates should I ! sale of all unsold state lands at the uni­ lege an amount equal to the value of trans]K>rtlug freight and passengers. amounts, therefore, cannot be put into I cleared D.M. FERRY & CO. also lie established. While the postal f $711 in the school fund without the consent of If there bean additional value to them, the property. DETROIT. form price of one dollar and twenty- r 9 days: ------— facilities have been greatly cheapened arising out of a facility which they congress. If the legislature desires <>.. |23 in 40 minutes; Rev. J. Howard Mad THE CASCADE PORTAGE ROAD. five cents per acre. The argument used by tlie government, tlie telegraph ¡son. Lyons, N \ f lol - , ... . may have of furnishing water-power, such use of the money, it should ask The last legislature authorized the in 7 hours , a bonanza thp Uf Arid in favor of tliat law was the fact that companies, which, to tlie disgrace of a that is an incident which attaches to congress for its permission. construction of a state portage railroad magnificent outfit only vl IIIC WUI lu all of the choice state land s had been professed free and Just government, are If it is to be used for the purposes of |l. Hooks on credit. Freight paid. Address tbe property, and not to the ownership at the Cascades of the Columbia, ap ­ -75 sold, and it would’bc tetter to dispose G iobk Pi iujsinjt' <’o. 723Chestnutst. Phil­ allowed to exercise a purely govern, and which having alone been created internal improvement, the purchase of sopu jamjo..{ adelphia, or Dearborn st. Chicago, 1JI of tiie remaining lands at a low figure propriated sixty thousand dollars ther- mental function, are taxing our people by the state through its gift of $200,000 the Willamette falls and locks would —ofipwj tuaqinos and place the proceeds at interest. for, and empowered tbe governor, sec­ /ive away abso­ the most unconscionable rates for the to the private corporation building furnish a fitting opportunity, as by SILK lutely k We will retary of state and state treasurer, as a free of cost, an ele- Congress, however, by an act approved transmission of intelligence. With rant black or colored silk them, really inures to the state, and their purchase at their real value a re­ board, to build and operate such road. DRESS dress OT February 28, 1891, allowed tbe states to pattern of 16 yard? their cheap poles and wires strung over not to the corporation, limited in time turn to the state to the amount of the .................... sajui young ladv in eve­ FREE ry ti» any select lieu lands where sections sixteen The road was constructed within the Si tlie entire country their gross revenues («udaoptninaiof) as to its ownership. Such corporation interest on the investment could be as­ town in America, who appropriation, and, although operated —oypvj iuaqinoH Physician« Couldn tCnre flim.X and thirty-six were mineral lands or is willing to introduce i are nearly one-third as large as those of sured by the collection of sufficient tolls is therefore precluded from asserting under some disadvantages, its opera ­ S rdamsvtli . u , Hamilton Co., O., June, 1889 among her friends “ < he.Household Pilot” where they are embraced in any In­ the entire postoffice department, with tion has resulted in an excess of $956.67 any lawful or equitable claim against for that purpose, thus rendering a gen­ On* >ncle of Pastor Koenig s Nerve Tonlo a large s page, 40 column illustrated lioust- its most expensive and complicated bold amt farm journal, one of the best •ured me entirely, after pbysioians had tried dian or other reservation. This act from November 4, 1891, to December the state on account of any supposed eral benefit. If, however, the legisla­ now in its 14th year Wo make this great unsuccessfully for 8 months to relieve me ot opened tlie door to the selection of s.rpi.1 jomio.q 5 machinery. Tlie postmaster-general of value other than that of their earning ture should see proper to appropriate 31, 1892, of receipts over operating ex ­ «»tier in order to introduce our paper at nervous debility. w. HUENNRfELD. —<*BPVest of the remaining (the United States gives it as Ids opin­ once into many thousand new homes. Be facilities in the transportation of the money for the building of roads, Child's Idle Saved. unsold land within tlie state at the low penses. It is the purpose of the board freight and passengers. sure to send 25cents for the paper one year CH ion tliat “a telegraph company could there is only one just mode for such ap- P oplab Ciunct, Mont., March 2, 1891. to adjust the rates so that not only the im trial and sample of silk to select from. My little girl, 8 year« old, had St. Vitua dance price fixed for state lands. And to add make a great ileal of money on a uni­ priation, and that is, to distribute the FISHINO INTEBESTS. Pilot Pub. Co . Center St , New Haven, Ct. ■o severe that she was perfectly helpless, lying operating expenses, but a fair interest ................ to this privilege, the land department form Itwenty-five cent twenty-word Salmon fishing has been for years money to the various counties of this on the bed and crying when awake and had to on the cost, will be paid by the busi ­ ,|wqiuiuo. ) message to ail parts of the country.” Tt make 3 or 4 attempts to even speak or swallow ut Washington peiinltted lieu lands to ness of tbe road, as otherwise the sum one of the most prominent industies of state in proportion to their miles of i •iffpe.1 uojua i Our physician waa in daily attendance, bat she be selected outside of the land districts is recommended tliat u maximum rate highway, exclusive of villages and Oregon, and the legislature should pro ­ expended in such work would be continued to grow worse until I began to use Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic; then she improved einbracing such tracts. Tlie state land vide by law against its complete de­ elt ics. From the above figures it will be for telegraph messages within tlie state rapidly and now she is perfectly well. I am Iwiurd, by furnishing public information clearly unjust. Owing to the very high ASSESSMENTS AN1> TAXATION. conthidnt my child «, life was saved by this medi­ seen that on wheat, the great staple lie established. If congress will not do DECISION. rate assessed to tlie state for the ground struction by the greed of those at pres­ and 1 recommend it to all who have nervous of the facts pertaining to the selection The urgent necessity for a change in commodity of Oregon, the commission its duty to tlie people by giving them Speaking of patent nualicines, the cine ent engaged in it. When the industry trouble of any kind and no one can eav too much I condemned for railway purposes, a of such lieu lands, did all that was In JO8. L. BAKER. was first established, gill-nets were our laws relative to assessment and tax­ has succeeded in securing a reduction governmental telegraphic facilities, it is judge says: “I wish to deal fairly In praise of it. its power to prevent a few persons from | small deficiency exists, which it will alone employed, with meshes suffi­ ation lias existed for .veal's, and such a of ten per cent from the former rates, incuinls'Ut upon the states to protect and honorably with all. and when Valuable Rook en Nervous be necessary to meet. Disease*« sent tree to any address, r aping rich advantages as the result I find an article that will do what r LULL ciently large so that the smaller salmon change should lie cil'ect-'d at this ses­ leaving the rate as established by it tlicir citizents from unjust charges, by Mir r and poor patients can also obtain THE DALLES UORTAGE. I I i LL b ,hls inedicino free, of charge. of state legislation and the subsequent were allowed to pass undisturbed. sion. The law as it now stands is a over 100 i>er cent greater than is charg­ fixing lawful rates controlling that it is recommended to do, I am not This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend I That it is the duty of congress to Koenig, of Fort Wayne. Ind., since 1876» and Unexpected congressional legislatioii. ludiamed to say so. 1 am acquaint­ Pastor Within tbe last few years, however, penalty on honesty and a reward for ed on th« Iowa roads. The Isxird in powerful monopoly. Gnaw prepared under his direction by the Under the circumstances as they now j overcome the obstructions at the Dalles All municipal government.«, by gen­ traps and fish wheels have lieen rascality, by affording an immunity Its rejiorts asserts that It “had all the ed with I)r. Vander]MM>l (having I of the Columbia, thereby opening that KOCNIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. exist, it perhaps would be advisable to brought into quite general use, and sal­ from taxation to those who will trump rates of the different companies liefore eral law, should be given the power to lieen treated hy him for eancer), i great inter-state river to free commerce, fix tlie price of state lauds at two dol­ and have used his blood niodicine. SoMBr Drunri*» c 91 POT Bottl. I no one can deny; and it would be a mon of all sizes, and by the ton, have up a fictitious indebtedness. No de­ it for consideration, together with all regulate the rate« of all mono[>olies, lars and fifty cents per acre. « Hit.. 01.1 B. 6Bo1istribution of the fune- tion of th«' stomach and Wiwcls it tiary and blind school buildings must | should build a portage road until such wheels, who in a favored locality, and i amount recovered upon such note siiall! wlicat as tlie farmer.« of iowa’pay? TRADE WAWKS, jfST DATM tions of government among various DESIGN PATENT S . be enlarged. The directors of the deaf- j time as such canal and locks were com­ without danger, caught hundreds of be forfeited to the common school fund , is a very superior remedy, and COPTRtCHTS, etc. It is to extremely regretted that the lioards and commissions, is one of tbe ■ and shall be paid thereto by the sheriff i fish to tbe poor fisherman's one. ' beats anything I over tried." mute school propose to turn Its proper pleted; but since the board of engineers I o- Information and free TTnrdtX'ok wrtt? to | Against the monopoly of fish traps and ! 1 as a penalty against the holder for eva-, railroad commMon did not see proper ( vicious temleneies of modem legisla­ .Mt NN A CO.. Jffl BHOADW4T. Ktw Toar. J- h NEI j MIN Yakima. Wash. ty and management over to the control I appointed for the purpose will rccom- Oidnst burean tor •ecurtnf petente In A mort ix .At .4) cento a bottle, it i«» the ixtor man's Everv patent taken out by ns Is hrongbt befc^e te prepare, as requested, a maximum «•«"• It appears to be a contagious evil of the state, which is proper, as all in­ ! mend the building by congress of a i fish wheels, tbe wholesale destruction | 1 sion of tlie law. friend and family doctor. the pabilo by • noUce ftven free of char?.: la the tlie _______ Iowa law, , «"»• has become epidemic. The gover- Sold by Rogers Rrotherj». It 1« claimed that without deductiou rate law baaed upon r i stitutions supported by tbe state should portage nmd, the grea' necessity for aei I of fish, and, as a consequence, tbe ulti- be controlled by the state. One uf tbe tlon on tbe part of tbe state does not | i mate extinction of this great industry, | for indebtedness there will lie in some with perliaps a reasonable additional nnr New \ ork one year ago called attention of the legislature to the most important questions before tbe as­ now exist. In fact, bat for the opposi-1 j the attention of the last three legisla- j cases double taxation; but it is equally ’ percentage. With its experience it | Larrcst «rrnlgtion r.f any scientific paper in the , true that with such deduction there is ' could have formulated a bill that growing abuse, and furnished a table wurid. BpimMlldly in™»