Look at t he Map. Look at the Map. suite ofOreirou, Yamhill Comity. Here you will timi the most pro­ ductive section iu the World, latini I n cheap, ottering »pcciul in­ ducement* to fruit nii*er* and dairymen. McMinnville, Yamhill County. Here I* the Couuty neat, Here I* published THE TELEPHONE- HEGISTER, Monarch of home newspnpers, accorded first place in all the llireetorle*. Look at the Map. Look at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. Í íl ÍV h O*! Eitibluhed June. t8tW Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. I C. MICHAUX. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , J anuary STORIES OF ANTIETAM THE PARIS POSTMEN Long PHYSICIAN AND SURGEÛN. IAFAYF.TTK, OIIEGON Perhaps entitled to I m * considered tlie greatest of ex-t 'onfederato veterans. urely a vegetable comixiund, I General Jumes Longstreet has figured yy. E- i>ii:i.s(HNl’.li»Eit, inade entirely of roots and herbr |iersotmlty in many tlirilling scene«. gathered from the forests of ¡One of liis |>e<‘uliiir distinctions is that < ¡eorgia, and lias been used by millions of people with the best results. It lie was tlie only corps commander on Watchmaker either side to serve artillery witli liis and Jeweler. own hands in an engagement. Tlie in­ Dealer In All Kindi ot Walchtt, Jowalry, Plated Ware cident referred to is part of tlie unwrit- Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE. OR. All manner ol Blood diseases, from the ■ ten history of Antietam. pestiferous little boil on your nose to Another historic figure in the narra- (’ALBKEATII Ä GOUCHER. the worst cases of inherited blood l live is General George B. McClellan, at taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, whom two of the cannon shots fired by Catarrh and PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS, i Longstnvt’s own hand were directed, 1 says a recent article in the New York (Office over Braly’s Bank.) Herald. It was only known at the M c M innville , • • • O iiegon . Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed time that tin* human target in Federal tree. S wift .S pecific C o ., Atlanta, Gx uniform was some officer of considera­ I 11. BAKER, ble prominence, General G. M. Sorrell, Executor's Sale. now living in New York, president of Notice is hen *bv given that tin' undersign­ Hie Ocean Steamship company, Savan­ SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC ed as executor oftlie last will and le-la- nah and New York, is a living witness inent of Joel Stowe, late of Yanihitl county, PHYSICIAN. deceased, will, liv virtue of an order i.f llo* of the occurrence. General Robert E. Office I p^tairs in tlie Garrison Building. county court of \’anthill county. State of Lee and General D. H. Hill were inter­ Oregon, made and entered of record on tin* 3d day of January, A. I> lsti'i, licensing ested spectators mid had special reason and empowering him so to do, sell to the to remember it. .Perhaps there are also J? W. I'E\TON. highest bidder for ca-di. on tlie Ith day of February, Isirt, at ,,ne o’clock p. m. of said living some meniliers of General Me. day. nt the court lion-e door in McMinnville f'lellnn’s «tati to corroborate tlie narra­ ATTORNEY AT-LAW, in said comity and state, tlie following de tive. serilssl real property belonging to lie 08- McMinnville, .... Oregon. late of said decedent, to-wit. The cast Longstreet, liorn a soldier, graduated half of the following described parcel of at West Point, experienced by years of Office, Ronins I anti 2 Union Block. land to-wit: Beginning at. a point l.’iG feet sqntli of tin* north and west junction of active duty in tlie Mexican war and in First and A streets of tlie town of McMinn­ other service as an officer in tlie regular yy. M. RAMSEY, ville. Yamhill county, state of Oregon, them e south along west lincofsahl A street army, was mi excellent artillerist, sight­ at tlie point of attack. Gates & Henry, Props. Noticing a group of Union officers watching the fight from a distant hill, McMinnville. - Oregon. Longstreet elevated his two pieces and A new and Complete Treatment, consist­ tired nt them. Tin* shells went Just ing of Suppositorcs. Ointment in ('apsu'es, above tlie group, in which was McClel­ also in box anti Pills: a positive cure for immediately. External, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itch­ lan, scattering them ing, Chronic, recent or hereditary Piles,and Unknown then to the Confederate of­ many other disepses and female weakness; ficers Mct.’lellan sent post luiste for one Everything New it is always a great benefit to the general liealth The first disqoverv of a medieal of liis best batteries. And Firstclass. cure rendering an operation with a knife A few minutes later Lee and Long­ unnecessary hereafter This Remedy has Siweial Accommodations for Commercial never been known to fail. $1 per box. (i for street were conversing on a liigh hill to Travellers |5; sent by mail. Why sutler from thi.> ter­ tlie east of Sharpsburg, near tlie point Corner Second and E Streets, one block rible disease when a written guarantee is from which Lonstreet had lieen tiring. given with six boxes, to refund the-money from Cooks hotel. .................. Send if not ( ured f * stamp for free sample. | While these two were talking General Guarantee bsned bv \\ ooiiAgo. C l inar. A pjjii r(Hje |ir¡ng¡Ug a message to Co., Wholesale A Retail Druggist<, .^ole Lee. Longstreet advised Hill to dls- Agents, Portland. Oregon ■ mount, as lii« conspicuous poeition on horseback might draw the Federal tire. For some reason t lie advice was not fol­ McMinnville, Oregon. ■ remedies that do not in-* * ui J It lowed. A few seconds later a puff- of jure the health or interfere with one’s business or It builds up and improves the general smoke drew their attention for the first Paid up Capital, $50,000. pleasure. health, clears the skin and beautiflegthe complexion, tio wrinkles or flabbiness follow this ti*eat>u< in.. time to the Federal battery which Mc­ Endorsed by physi< ians und leading society ladies. Transacts a General Banking Business, PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL Clellan had just posted. The shell Uarrnle*«. No Star* Ing. Send « cante In stamp* for particular* to aimed at Lee, Longstreet and Hill was Deposits Received Subject to Cheek ». 6.W. F. SNYDER. ■ VICKER S THEATER, CNICA60. ILL well directed. Lee was on one side of Interest allowed on time deposits. Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ Hill, liis hand resting on the bridle of fers on New York. San Francisco and Port­ the latter’s horse. Longstreet was on land. if the other side of the horse a few feet Collections made on all accessible points. Y You Think away. The shell struck Hill’s horse, Office hours from 11 a. m. to 4 p m. F any kind of a crop will do, then cutting off both legs just below the any kind of seeds will vM- fl importuni book or the kind pub- fl Onurr Vuuiw. Agent- wild withSiie- forts to dismount. He first threw his B lished. It is invaluable to the ■ planter. We send it tree. eess. Thos. L. Martin, Centreville, Texas, legs in the usual fashion over the can­ Ml). M. FERRV & elearnd te! of the saddle, but ill his haste came *711 in DETROIT, near toppling forward over liis horse’s Mich. !»days: O $23 in 40 minute« ; Rev. J. Howard Mad- head. Lee and Longstreet iioth laugh­ ed heartily at Hill's position and has­ tened to help him dismount. Hill, throwing one leg over Hie pommel of O iohk Pt ni.tsHixu <’0.723< hratntttst, 1’hil- adelphia. or 3W Dearltorn st. Chicago, III his saddle, dismounted without help, and then joined in tlie laugh at his ex­ W <• will live away al>«o- lutely free of cost, an ele­ pense. gant ’black or colored silk The same shell from McClellan's bat­ dress pattern of Hi yards tn any young lady in eve­ tery, narrowly missing Lee and Long­ ry town ill America, wlm Physician« Conldn X fare Illm.X street and killing Hill’s horse, went on is willing to introduce SBDAMSV1I.LM, Hamilton Co., O,, Jane, 1889. Its way of destruction, exploding just iiuionglior frinì.da “The.Ilouseliold Pilot Olm’Al-.tte ot Pastor Koenlit’s Nerve Tonle u large N page. 40 colunia illustrated house­ Cured me entirely, after physicians had tried overa confederate regiment behind the I hold and farm journal, one ol the best, un.uooessfnlly for 8 months to relieve me of liill, killing and wounding a considera­ now in its 14*h year We make tins great nervous debility. W. HUENNEFELD. offer in order to introduce our paper at ble numlier of them. A Child’« Life Mined. Jan, »I, 'SR. P ¿à ÇURÈ5 SKIN-Q1IKER The Paris postmen have lately liad some attention paid to their condition by the government, and it lias brought their hard labors and many virtues to light, in nil there are 1,862 men work* ing on tlie seven daily distributions of tlie mull in the great capital. These are divided into tlinv classes—one for old Paris, one lor the annexed districts mid one lor the printed mutter. The whole city is divided into “sections,” which in turn are divided into “quar­ ters,” each of which is served by four postmen, says an exchange. Paris is the city par excellence of “tips,” and the poor postmen who get only ».'«Ml salary annually receive about the same sum in gratuities. They go after them with energy, and woe to tlie business house or private jiersoii who does not tip them well once a year. One man in eaeli quarter is delegated to look nfter t he etlennes, or New Y ear’s gifts, unit in some luniks and rich man­ sions he often gets $1IMI bills as gifts. In the commercial quarters of Paris alone more than 5,uilo,ue placed in the for­ ward and two in the after compart­ ment«. In the middle compartment tlie large double-ended boiler will be placed on the port side and two single- ended lioilers placed back to back on the starboard side. Each of the double- ended lioilers will have eight corrugat­ ed furnace flues, three feet four inches internal diameter. The total heating surface for all the lioilers will be about 33,353 square Icet, measured on tlie out­ er surface of the tubes. The grate sur­ face will be 1016 square feet. There will lie three smokestacks, each 1G0 feet above tlie grate .surface. Tlie new set of Columbian iiostage stamps is on sale at u numlier of large postoHloe* in the United Stales and soon will lie on sule at all of them. The stamps range in value from a cent to $5 each and are undoubtedly real works of art. It was the coining of the new ('o- lumlius half-dollar that suggested the idea of the Columbian stamp to First Assistant Postmaster Gayler, of New York. He thought the scenes ill the life of Columbus should be portrayed on the |*>stage stamps of tlie country the great mariner discovered, during the year of the World's ('olumliiun ex­ position. Tlie idea met witli tlje approval ®f the ¿post-office department and they were ordered issued on Jan. I, 1893. From designs'taken from paintings, engravings and sculptures, the Ameri­ can Bank Note company turned out 15 the different stamps, no two bring same color. Each stamp is twice as large as the one and two cent stamps now in use. A description of eaeli follows: One-cent—“Columbus in sight of Land,” after the painting by William H. Powell. Color, Antwerp blue. Two-cent—“Landing of Columbus,” after the painting by Vnnderlyn in the rotunda of tlie eapitol, at Washington. Color, purple maroon. Three-eent—“Flagship of (’oluinbus” Hie Santa Maria in mid-ocean, from a Spanish engraving. Color, medium shade of green. Four-cent—“Fleet of Columbus,” the Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina, from a Spanish engraving. Color ultramarine blue. Five-eent—“Columbus soliciting aid from Isabella," after the painting by Brozik in the Metropolitan museum of art. Color, chocolate brown. Six-cent—“Columbus welcomed at Barcelona,” from one of the panels in tlie bronze doors in the eapitol at Wash­ ington, by Randolph I’ogers. Color, royal purple. Teu-cent—“Coluinbjispresenting Na­ tives,” after the painting by Luigi Gregori at the university of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind. Color, van- dyke brown. Fifteen-cent — “( ’ohimbus announc­ ing Ills Discovery," after tlie painting by Jt. Calsea, now in Madrid. Color, dark green. Thirty-eent—“Columbus nt. La Ral>- ida,” after the painting by It. Maso. Color, sienna brown. Fifty-cent—“Recall of Columbus,” after the painting by A. G. Heaton, now in tlie eapitol at Washington. Color, carbon blue. One-dollar—“Isabella pledging her jewels,” after the painting by Munoz Degrain, now in Madrid. Color, rose salmon. Two-dollar—“Columbus in <’hains,” after tlie painting by Leutze, now in Providence, R. J. Color, toned mineral red. Three-dollar—“Columbus describing his third voyage,” after the painting by Francisco Joyer. < 'olor, light yel­ low green. Four-dollar— Portrait in circles of Isa- liella and Columbus. Color, carmine. Five-dollar—Profile of the head of Columbus, after a cast provided by the treasury department for the souvenir fifty-cent silver piece. Color, biack. At the close of 1893 those stamps will lx- withdrawn. Collectors have al­ ready made a great demand for them. Postmaster Van Cott, of New Y ork, stated that the first who had [applied fora set of stamps was the Queen of Hoiiand, aged nine years. The Duteh consul had made the application for the queen, who has been an enthusias­ tic col teeter of stamps for two years. On January first, tlie registered-letter fee was reduced from 10 to 8 cents. DANCES esiss The only Pure Creaui of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard- EXPORTING GOLD TO EURORE. W. S. LADD IS DEAD.- The Method of i’acking’and Handling the The Story of Hit Life—Ui* Vani B um I honn Coin.» Interest«. The death of W. H. Iguld in Portland So much bus lieen written of lute ubout gold exports that the method of Friday, January Oth, of heart failure, shipping’the coin may interest those caused the following account of his life who read aliout the numerous purchases to np|«*ur in the Oref/onian of Saturday: of gold for Europe. Tlie gold coin is William Sargent Ladd wa« one of i kept in stout canvas bags in tlie vaults four pioneers who arrived in Portland oftlie sulitreiisiiry, each bag eantaining on the Sth day of April, 1.851. He wu« $5,Udo. 'I'lie denominations are kept at that time in his 25tli year, having separate. When a broker receives an I teen I lorn in the town of Holland, in order from Europe for a certain amount the northern part of Vermont, on Octo- of gold coin, he buys it at the subtreas­ lier 10, 1829. Fully 6 feet in height, ury, paying for It in treasury notes, with a large head well set on broad gold certificate, or greenbacks. Silver shoulders, with high forehead, a face of certificates are not taken at tlie treasury strong intellectual! cast, he struck one in exchange for gold. as n man of great force, Iioth iu the AU the carting of specie or bullion in qualities of his mind, which carved out this city is done by one express flrm— for him a career as one of tlie greatest J. C. Barkley A Son. Barkley is known financiers of tlie coast, and in tlie won­ to every banker and broker in Wall derful vitality of a strong body, which street, and it is his proud boast that lie alone withstood the strain imposed by never lost a dollar intrusted to his care. such great and unremitting mental act­ While he lias drivers and helpers on ivity. Mr. Ladd retained the many his wagons to handle the bullion, he or distinctive qualities which have mark­ his son is always present to superintend ed tlie career of tlie Ladd family since tlie loading. Then they walk beside the early period of 1515, ami it was the wagon to its destination anil see these qualities, developed by years of that (lie load is safely delivered. While study ami toil, that made him such an tlie gold is being loaded on tlie trucks important factor in the growth of Port­ or being taken off several men may al­ land, of Oregon, and of all that section ways be seen standing close by, appar­ of country of which this city is the ently watching tlie men work. They commercial and financial center. In are really watching, and watching the early “50s” Mr. Ladd first engaged sharp, too. to see that no attempt at in business in the city that was to be robbery is made. They are in Barkley’s Ids future home, and which was to employ mid are all heavily armed. claim from him the best efforts of a At the broker’s oftlce tlie coin, still in naturally strong character. It was his tlie canvas bags, is placed in kegs re­ early association with Mr. (’. E. Tilton sembling those in which white lead is which marks the most important epoch packed. They are made of stout oak in the career of Portland’s great staves and arc heavily hooped witli iron. banker. For a numlier of years A keg will hold $50,t«HI in gold, or 6,000 previous to 1855 Ladd A Tilton silver dollars. A $50,000 keg of gold conducted an extensive mercan­ weighs about 197 |M>unds, and if filled tile business in tlie then very witli silver dollars, 315 pounds. The small village of Portland, but even at kegs are I lien loaded on tlie truck and that time a trading point of no mean taken to tlie steamship dock, generally importance. In tlie latter year Mr. just a short time before the hour set for Tilton sold his interest in tlie business tlie vessel to sail. It is taken on hoard to Mr. Ladd, which was conducted and placed in the “specie room,” u successfully by Mr. Ladd alone until small steeli-walled compartment, well 1859. In April of that year, a co-part­ down in tlie hold. There it remains nership 1 let ween the two old partners until unloaded on tlie other side of the resultrsl in the establishment of what ocean. Once the coin is placed in the is now one of the strongest lianklng specie room on the ship Barkley’s res­ houses of tlie coast, and a bank that ponsibility ceases.—JVcii J’orZ* U’orW. stands high among the galaxy of ably conducted fiduciary institutions of the TREAT YOUR WIFE. Antiquity of the Saw. United States. I,add A Tilton’« was A Sclifeme by Which Family Temperance Tlx- saw is an instrument of liigh an­ tlie first bunk established in the North­ l.ect tires May Be Checked. tiquity, its invention being attributed west. The first capitalization wa« either to Diedalus or to his nephew $50,l«X), which was subsequently in­ While standing in the lobby of the Perdix, also called Tnlos, who having creased from time to time to $250,900, WITHOUT A SINGLE FLAW. Boody house the other day an acquain­ found the jaw of a serpent and divided and today tlie accredited resource« of tance of mine—who liy the way is ti Wonderful Transparency of Luke Bai­ a piece of wood witli it was led to imi­ the single banking-house of Ladd A traveling man—emerged from the Imr- kal’s Wintry Covering. tate the teeth in iron. Ina bass-relief Tilton now has branches and close con­ room, aim as he did so I noticed that published by Wincklemann, Diedalus nection with interior banks in nil parts I li eastern Siberia lies Lake Baikal, he took from his pocket a flat nickel represented lidding a saw approach ­ of the Northwest. is which is a mile deep and has an area plated box with a handle to it, and The value of Mr. Ladd’s estate is Im­ ing very closely, in form to the Egyp ­ one-thirrl greater than Lake Erie, .«ays ' dropped a coin through a slot in the top. possible to estimate accurately, but it tian saw. St. Jerome seems clearly to a writer in tlie .•Ircf/'e Ocean. From Then he put the box back In Ills pocket allude to the circular saw, which was probably exceeds $10,000,000. Many smiled in a somewhat ambiguous November to April it is frozen, and as and 1 probably used, as at present, in entting have estimated it much higher, but hl's way. 1 asked him if he was in the the lake is part of the great commercial veneers. There are also imitations of interests were so numerous and dlversi- highway between Russia and China, it habit of carrying n toy bank around the use of tlie center bit, and even in fleil that only those intimately con­ is crossed in winter upon the iee. For witli him anil making depostis at spits* tlie time of Cicero it was employed by nected with his liusiness are competent about a mile from shore the ice had a modic intervals, or whenever liis con­ thieves. Pliny mentions the use of the to form an opinion on this matter. science pricked him for being too liberal thin layer of snow over it, but we grad- 1 saw in ancient Belgium for cutting ually left this sort of dazzling white car­ witli tlie boys. It is, of course, a difficult matter teak of a proper or class of treasury liabilities The dis­ the appearance of polished crystal, and lock in tlie bottom, however, nml the toothed saw. The saw without teeth cussion of the condition of tlie treasury although undoubtedly of great thick­ key is kept by the bank officials. Well was then nsetl just as it is now by the ness, was so colorless that it was like the sehenie is this: Whenever you take which lias gone on recently, however, Notable Deaths of I HP* workers in marble, and tlie place of tlie a drink yon drop in tlie slot an amount > has directed attention to the subject, passing over space. teetli was supplied, according to the The names of three of the greatest 1 and accordingly we find in press dis- It gave me first an uncanny feeling equivalent to what it costs you to irri­ hardness of the stone, either l>y emery to look over tlie side of the sledge down gate. When Hie box is full yon send it poets of the nineteenth century are 1 patches from Washington some at­ or by various kinds of sund of inferior into the black abyss beneath. This to the bank officials, and they unlock found in tlie deatli roll of 1892. Walt tempts at estimates of tlie. amount of hardness. In this manner the ancient died feeling, however, gradually changed to it, count up the cash ami credit the Whitman, the “good gray poet paper currency destroyeil by accident artificers were aide to cut slabs of tlie in hi* cottage at Camden, New Jersey, one of fascination, till at last I found it amount to your wife. or otherwise eliminated during the last "Slick scheme, ain’t it’? When yon on March 26tb; John Greenleaf Whit­ hardest rocks, which consequently three decades. The estimates of the positively difficult to withdraw my were adapted to receive tin- highest gaze from the awful depth, witli noth­ trent yourself or a friend your wife tier expired September 7th, and Alfred j amount of currency thus removed range polish, sucli as granite, porphyry, lapip- ing but tliis sheet of crystal between comes in on the round. The first two Tennyson, England’s most famous lau­ from $14,<»00,(MMI to $29,01«»,900. Of lazuli and amethyst. I'ourse all of this currency has not been me and eternity. I believe that most weeks I had thisliox I filled it tip so reate, whose deatli occurred on October travelers on crossing the lake on tlie full of dimes, quarters, half dollars and Oth, was the last one of this immortal lost. Some of it, the fractional curren­ I ice for tlie first time experience the even dollars that I had to lease one of trio. cy especially, has gone to a considera­ Year by year tlie gold production of ble extent into tlie hands of collectors. In tlie list of celebrated writers and same weird anti fascinating influence. my overcoat pockets for an overflow Almost halfway across I stopped to depository until T could send the l»x scholars we find recorded these names: the world is increasing, ami the results What gives |>oint to these estimates is make a sketch and take some photo­ and have it returned to me. Ami how George William Curtis, August ."1st; for 1891 were the largest on record. In tlie suggestion now made that the graphs. It was no easy matter, as 1 much do you think it contained? Joseph Firnest Kenan, tlie distinguish­ round numbers the production for the amount of this money he taken out of “I dunno.” found on getting out of tlie sledge, for ed French philologist and author, Oct. last five years was as follows: “1887, the sum of tlie liabilities of the govern­ Just $21.75. When I told my wife 2d; Father Joseph Bayma, tlie noted 5,097,600 ounces; 1888, 5,25I,I«MI ounces; ment, a suggestion which may l»e laid the ice was so slippery that in spite of my having felt snow boots on I could aliout it she came near dropping dead. Jesuit scholar, February 7th; Rev. 1889, 5,(411,000 ounces; 1890, 5,586,000 , liefore congress in the near future. ..neo into many thousand new homes, lie -------------------------- - P oplar C reek , Mont., March ‘2,1891. hardly stand. Tlie death-like silence She used to kick on my drinking, but Charles H. Spurgeon, England’s great­ ounces, and 1891, 0,033,000 ounce.«. For sure Io send 25Gents for the paper one year Beetles of the Nile. I'strlsrrhsl I.lfe In Thins. My little girl, 8 year, old, ha.I St. Vitu. ilanre on trial and sample of silk Io select from. since I have been carrying this box est pulpit orator, died January 31st; the first time in many years there was of the surroundings was occasionally Pilot Puli. Co . Center St , New Haven, Ct. ■o .evere that .he wai perfectly helples., lying around she hasn’t mentioned the sub­ Sir Morell Mackenzie, the celebrated I a slight set-back in 1890. A noticeable on the bed and crying when awoke and had to Scaralitcus, the “god beetle of the broken, however, by curious sounds, as t’liinn is a great commentary on the moke 3 or 1 attempts to even speak or swallow. ject of temperance. She has already or­ physician, February 3d; Lieutenant feature of recent years has lieen the de- though big guns were being tired at bittie. The natives dress much like the Our physician wo. in daily attendance, bat she lower Nile,” has lieen worshipped, pet­ i velopinent of the Wltwatersrnnd gold dered a new dress, and when I left her some little distance. They were caused Fred Scwatka, Arctic explorer, Novem ­ eonttnned to grow worse until I began to use ted and feared by several lienighted field«. The production of these fields old patriarchs mid la-ar a strong rewn- Pastor Koenig • Nerve Tonic ; then she improved by the cracking of the iee here and in Buffalo yesterday she was reading ber 2d. rapidly and now she Is perfectly well. 1 am sects of Egypt since the time “when blance to them, except the beai-dlee* Tlie list of noted millionaires whose lias lieen as follows: 1887, .14,897 ounces; there. I was told that in some parts of the real estate advertisements in the conndent my child's life was saved by thu medf- DECISION. cine and 1 recommend it to all who have nervous the mind and history of man runneth papers. I suppose she is figuring a lot dentils were recorded in 1892 is excop- I 1888, 230,917 ounces; 1889, 369,733 «anc­ faces. They wore their hair long and the lake were huge .fissures through of any kind and no one «ui "’«h not tlie contrary.” Like the other sa­ Hpenking of patent medicines, the trouble les; 1890, 494,806 ounces, and 1891, 729,- may have plaited it, for all we know. with the rake-off-. Of course I don’t tionally large. On it an- found: in praise of it. JOS. L. BAKEK. cred creatures of tlie idolatrous coun­ which the water could he seen. It is judge says: ”1 wish to deal fairly 213 ounces. Adding in 1891 the output Our revolutionary fathers plaited their* have to square myself with tlie l>ox Moses Hopkins, February 3d. ■■■■<.A Valuable Book on Neryoui tries, several mythical fancies are for this reason that it is always advisa­ anti honorably with all, mid when ma L nt L Diseased Rent free to any addreae, of other Transvaal gold fields, which and wore bang*. Around the village* every time I spend money over a bar, ble to do the journey by daylight. We William Astor, April 25th. F If r r apd poor patient* can also obtain ~ _______ woven around this etymological rarity. I find an article that will do what | IltL thia medicine free of _____ charge. amounted to al»mt 107,1«»» ounces, the may lie seen two women grinding at but 1 got in the habit of doing so, and reaehed Mouishkav, on the opposite Thoma* Bell, October 10th. '•nfiiTTjJJdvbM bcra prepared *z<>>« Reverend ( The number of its toes, thirty, were it is recommended to do, 1 mn not rS?; total production of the Transvaal for tile mill, or a man pulling a lieam to a lnd. •lno it ’ s almost second nature now." Jay Gould, December 2d. «tor hv ¡supposed to symbolize the average roast, exactly four hours and a half af­ by tho the mill like that one Hmnson was hitched ashamed to say so. I am acquaint­ SSwprepir&uoderbis.lireeUon --------------------------- ter leaving Liestvenitz, the horses hav­ The khedive of Egypt succumbed to 1801 reaches 836.250 ounces. For the ed with Dr. Vanderpool (having KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, III. numl>er of days in a month. On each ing done the whole distance of thirty Electricity is to become a great factor the influenza on January 7th; Cardinal current year it is ex|iected tiiat the pro­ to by the Philistines down at Gaza. been treated by him for cancer), gold by Drw«l. ¡st«-A SI per Bottle. CforSS. new moon day is depostied a ball con­ miles with only two stoppages of a few ; in prolonging human life. It has been Henry Edward Manning, fron» the duction will quite reach 1,250,000 ounc­ Here, too, may I*- seen a threshing taining 3fl0 eggs, which the Egyptian floor like King Dnvld purchased from and have used his blood modicine, targe si«. •*-79- 6 Bottle« for 09. minutes each. It was evidently an I | discovered that ozone when manufac- same cause, a week later, and tlie same es. In 1888 the Transvaal only pro­ — | priests assured their followers referred Araunali the Jebuslte. Tlie Inns are known as the 8. B. Headache and I tured and introduced Intonlrbv elec- day the Prince and Princess of Wales duced 4J per cent of the world ’ s yield, F. ! to the number of days in the year, the easy bit of work for them, as they Liver cure, and while I am seven­ seemed as fresh when we drew up in trlcnl ,o *lve ,h*’ air lost their eldest sou, the Duke of Clar­ but in 1891 the production had risen to just outside tin- gates of tlie cities, and ¡brilliant golden color of the liali itself the post yard a« when they started in ! healthful qualities by exterminating ence and Avondale, who was tlie third 13.8 per cent, and this year it is tolera­ persons Iwniglited during certain sea­ ty-five years old, and have used titled victim of “the grip.” Mrs. Ben­ ! personifying the sun. In ancient times many pills and other remedies for the morning. ' |the di,ense germs and microbes it may jamin Harrison died In the White bly certain to reach 21 per cent. The sons, when the inns were crowded, j this curious beetle was declared to be ___ \ --------- contain. During all the great epideni- House on October 24tb. the blood, liver and kidneys. I following was the production in 1890 would be compelled to take shelter in a i but one sex, the male, but modern in- In the particularly fatal month of for the countries named: United Htates manger, as Joseph and Mary were. An electric generator weighing 33,nt«» ics in past years it ha« been noticed must say that for a kidney tonic in I vestigation has exploded that one myth I pounds Is to lie installed in a railway that the air hasrontalned an unusually January, Justice Bradley of the United Bright's disease, as an alterative Ilurklnn's Arnica Naive. Stati-s supreme court and W. C. Hen­ aliout 4,586,500 ounces; Australia, 1,469- I at least. power house in Ottawa, Canada. It is small percentage of ozone, and that a« dricks, ex-secretarv of state for Califor­ 300, an current year, and very likely the second tions, and positively cures Piles or no Every patent taken out by «s At 56 cent, a bottle, it is the poor miiu .« him a« a man with a beetle’« head. ibi public by a notice »Wen i«e of charge in tbe er house w ill be the first building in |gh in its severity. A French physician hie, If food is eaten at all, has lieen place in 1893. Mining in the Trans­ pay required. It is guaranteed to give frienil anil family doetor. l>erfeet satisfaction, or money refund The Egyptian.« always embalmed this I that country ever heated throughout ' has recently made some very intcrest- found remarkably efficacious in l>aii- ) Sold by Rogers Brothers, vaal has not reacheil its culminating ed. Price 25 cents per Imx. For sale «acred inseet ishlng the distressing rough that free 1 with electricty, ami probnbly the first ■ ™ quently point yet, as new mine« are lieing con ­ | by Rogers Bros. lingers after all the other symp- ... . . . , . l . . ! the subject, which would seem to war- power station heated in this manner In ^„1 j^p attention of board« of health j toms of the grip have gone. It can do stantly opemsl and ol