I I THE BAGGAGE CHECK. ‘ je. They need a _______ ,,,lh a laundry, res­ Itevlee that Mails Its W».v llaplilly 1» Hare ballot, giving to all voters a pref­ taurant, telephone and rooms full ot A THE GOLDEN ( OAST. erential choice of candidates in pro|»or- HOMEMADE HEALTH. A I'luiu Mat« uivt Bic l aw# I»» '‘»‘I-j snnshiue tlrneral Adepll«»- and air. Trained nurses, as utiS State»« | 1 tion to the num l»er of votes cast. This sys­ ICopvrlchL I^L Dy Aineiican Pre-s Assocla- ci». r ( one of tbeiu has ¡said, are set apart by The alleged origin of the decidedly ? tem i» u«*d by the Mechanics’ Institute MOST WOMEN OBJECT TO SIMPLE their profession iu many ways ami need BRIGHT WOMEN FLOURISH IN A lion.) of Sau Francisco in electing trustees, and useful baggage checks Inis lieen told by ■ REMEDIES AMD PREVENTIVES. “GLORIOUS CLIMATE." To briefly dispose of »ingle womeue to lie specially provided for. a similar method of voting is practiced 1). \feiwll, id' I nion City, Mich., as property rights, it may be said that they Strive to cultivate a sweet, magnetic in three cantons of Switzerland. Mrs. Holton has corresponded with Sir Ella n heeler Wilcox Discourses on th« are the same a» those of men. with t le ( voice. When Lady Henry Somerset was follows: Uow Mt«» 1 utcLtigeiili und I'lugreBstva “John Palmer of niy town is the in­ exception of the ability to influence the in America a clever person re"iarke» 1» l.llvrary aud of Switzerland, and other noted political In some of the states there is this in her voice. Make them sound in I will tell you his story us lie told it to nten, who believe that her little paper ful Hint«. Lhtaiiit-BB Pursuit«. slight possible advantage-! hat the Hfe yonrs. me. John Palmer was born in Eng­ [Copyright. ltUL ’ , by the American Pres* Aaao- (Copyright, ls%*. by Alucrica« l*n »» AMocia- of legal majority is at eighteen instead I have been following up lately some land some elghty-two years ago, ami ciatiou. All righlk reserved.] S .-I of tweutv-one for women. divorce cases in which the husband <•111110 to the t'niteil States in 1820. and Although it is scarcely half a century By the old common law theory as set sought to take the children away from since tbe first wk’le w»»uian went to the forth in Blackstone, when a woman mar­ their mother on tho ground that she was to Cnioii City in 18IB. In those early Pacific coast, that section <>f the United ried it was supposed that she was willing not a fit per-on to bring them up. In days he was in great demand, for Ills fetal»* now conuts among its residents to give up to her husband tbeentire con­ every one of the cases it has become violin enlivened muny mid many a trol of uny property she then had or evident thar, whatever tbe wife may or winter night. One «instant annoy­ might thereafter n<-<|iiire. retaining no may not have done, she was a good deal ance he exiH-rieneed was the trouble rights bm snch as he consented to give more tit to bring up the children than |Msiple had in finding their coats, hats, her. . . 11_ wraps, rols-s, etc., after the party broke Of course this has been mitigated in her husband was. An English woman, Mrs. Pell, fills the up. Well, it was announced that there many cases by n marriage settlement, by which the liusbaml agreed that the oftice of church warden in the Episcopal was to be a big dance at Burlington on Vi 0 wife should retain possession ot the church of Haxellieuch with the approval Thanksgiving evening, about 1850, aud l of the bishop of Peterborough. property sho brought to him. Mr. Palmer was to have charge of the / But we liavo changed all that, or most ' 'hair—Any young women who like to music. He knew that there would be of it, by statute, so that today in most ask friends to the excursions are more I F’y of the states the rights of a married than welcome to do so. Bring us many n terrible crowd there and that there *• I would lie lots of trouble with the cloth­ is the woman in her own property are as abso­ as you like—sisters, cousins and aunts. t" f, ing, and he went to work to devise a \ ' biuiKliition of hap- lute as those of her husband in his. From the Floor—And brothers? f piiiesa and bean- The husband's control of his property ABBA LORD HOLTON. Chair—Well no—because there's a I plan to obviate it. —•—•' ly; but. while the is not, strictly sjieaking, absolute, since boycott, you know.—Far and Near. has a mission to perform in educating i “Well, after studying on it for a long the masses to realize that the}’ are not whol» female aex higl,s fOr beauty and it is subject to the debts of his wife, to time he had solved the mystery. He F Mrs. W. G. Ford, of Beiisonliurst, Loug ■L properly represented at the ¡»oils by the health ouly one woman in every hun­ the support of the family, in a few states Island, lielpe»« her husband capture a bur­ I got (.lit eight cards and marked them present system of ballot counting. She dred in willing to uee sense and industry to the debts of the wife incurred before glar. ami after lie had surrendered dressed | in pairs—11,22,33, 14—ami one of has written a monograph on the con­ in the pursuit and maintenance of either. luarriago and in a great many to tho his woitmis for him. .Just liken woman. i | the greatest blessings to the business stitution of the United States, which is 1 lie other ninety-nine will exhaust them­ dower right. Egg farming is a business that would world was born. Now for tlie first Tho wife's rights in her husband's remarkable as the work of a woman. selves in shopping and calling and in a SARAH IL COOl’ER. She regards her line of action as directly score of resultless ways, and complain property, therefore, are generally greater make many a woman now poor inde­ test. He had four children; lie took pendent. Incubator chickens served their shoes and stockings, tied each up many bright and active women who are marked out for her by Providence, and that “they have no time” for an hour than liis in hers. The law, holding a man resiiousiblefor broiled in a rcstanitint are all too often devoting their lives to work which will thinks that women ought to study the each day in the gymnasium. When completely prostrated they will tlio support of his wife ami children, re­ a delusion and a snare, but there is al­ by themselves, put tags 1, 2, 3. 4 on leave the world I m tier for their having Hare method of representation that each lot and put them away. When they may demand it when suffrage is take expensive treatment of high priced gards the wife as the agent of the hus­ ways good demand fur eggs. Everybody lived in it. physicians, but they will not take sim­ band and holds him responsible for any eats them. The woman who would study they got lip they inquired for their Among these no one i- more loved extended to them. her ground carefully, select a location shoes. He gave each one the check and honored than Sarah B. Cooper. Sue M. G. C. Ediiuliu furnishes 15D col­ ple preventives to disease which nature debts she may contract. is president of the International Kin­ i umns of original mat ter yearly to sev­ provided for man as well as for cats and In cases where a man advertises that near a good market and go slow, learn­ that corresponded with the check on dergarten union, and of the Golden Gate eral hundred news)»a)MU*s in all ¡»arts of dogs. he will not pay his wife's debts the ing as she went, could nut fail, with a their shoes, nnd told them to go into They will use dear and dangerous cos- courts may hold that it has no greater small outlay of capital, to succeed well. tin* other rooln and pick out their own Kindergarten as social ion, and first vice the world. Her articles deal mostly president of 1 he Pacific Coast Women’s with reforms, as shown in the forty de­ mefics, but they will not |iersist in daily force than as a warning, and that he is The egg business is iu no danger of be­ by comparing tho numbers. Each one Press association. To Mrs. Cooper is partments of the W. C. T. U. In 1890 methods of developing lieanty of form still responsible for bills for necessities. ing overdone, especially that branch of due the splendid system of free kinder­ she was «¡»pointed sii|»erintemlent of and complexion. In almost every state a wife's separate it which looks to the production of fresh ! got its own. Now for u trial on a larger I scale. He prepared a lot of checks in The one thing they will do is to bathe. property—that is, property which has eggs in wiur«*r. gartens which exists in ban Francisco. press for that great organization, and E liza A rchard C onner . Years ago, when she \va- teaching a secretary of the International Federa­ And in the bath, as in many other things, come to her by inheritance, or by be­ the same way for the guests at the par­ Bible class »•? ¡ imi men and women, tion of Women's Press Clubs. As super­ the American woman goes to an ex­ quest or devise, or by gift from any one ty. About the first to arrive were the HOUSEHOLD HNITS. she started the second free kindergarten intendent of railroad rates and official treme and makes an abuse of it. but her husband, or money which she four railroad men from Marshall. Of A gargle of salt water as hot as can west of the Rocky mountains, and others rejiorter of the California W. C. T. U. One can be clean without soaking in a has earned, or property bought with thesi' three took their cheeks; one woald were soon placed under her supervision she conducts an excursion to the nation­ tub of water twice a day. Only the money acquired in any of these ways— be used is one of the best, as it is one of and nilp]x>rted by her Bible class. Her al W. C. T. U. convention each year, most full blooded, oilv skinned, vigor­ is not liable for her husband's personal the simplest, home remedies for sore not have the thing and threw it on the articles for I In* press awakened much and contemplates taking a party around ous woman can retain her vitality with debts, norisit liable for debts for the throat. That persisted in, with a ca­ floor. When they called for their interest in needy children, mid her wise the world after the World's fair. this incessant opening of the pores. family unless no property of the hus­ thartic medicine to clear the system, clothes they had forgotten all about the will cure almost any sore throat that is i-hecks mid demanded their clothes. management of the large sums intrusted ‘ Give up my morning plunge? Neverl” band can be found to satisfy them. Mrs. Edholm is an anient Prohibition­ to her care caused jwople to address her ist. and is deeply interested in the Flor­ cried one of these perpetual scrubbers, Property given to her by her hus­ not diphtheria.—N. Y. Times. Mr.Palmer asked them for their check. 0:1 the subject of free kindergarten« ence Crittenton Mission Homes for Err­ who was always complaining of fatigue band may be so liable if there is a sus­ R ice is the least nitrogenous of all After hunting some time the three pro­ from all over the United. States aud ing Women. The philanthropist who and lassitude. “I .should not feel fit to picion ot fraud in the conveyance. Of grains. It is a good addition to bread, from foreign countries. established these homes in New York. I associate with civilized beings.” Finally course if some distinction were not made and is especially serviceable to combine duced their cheeks ami at once received Mrs. Leland Stanford, through Mrs San Francisco, Los Angeles. Sacramento persuaded to rub her whole body with any man could avoid paying his debts by with foods containing a large amount of their goods. They had to identify the Cooper, established the first memorial and San Jose appointed her rejiorter for tine salt moistened with alcohol' three simple process of handing hiB property nitrogen, such as peas, beans, etc. It is goods for the fourth num. kindergarten in the world, and now sup­ mornings each week in place of her over to his wife as fast as he acquired it. peculiarly adapted for invalids, as it is “Shortly after that there was ¡mother ports six. with an endowment of $1 (Hl.ODO. plunge, a most remarkable increase of The wife's property is free from the one of the most easily digested sub­ party at Burlington ami among the The Golden Gate association, of which 1 vigor resulted, with no diminution of husband's control in the sense that he stances known. first to arrive were six railroad men Mrs. Cooper is superintendent ns well as B roii . ei » S callops .—Drain medium­ from Marshall, including the first four cleanliness. It is more trouble than the could not insist upon her selling or mort­ ? president, lias thirty-five schools in its soaking process, however, and few wom­ gaging it, yet the increase and profits of sized scallops in a napkin. Parboil railroad men. ’ They said they wanted charge. Her life is consecrated to this en have tile perseverance to discover its the property (interest, rents collected, them a moment. When cool put them their things checked the same as Ix-- benefits. - zOftL crops raised, etc.)may be liable for debts on skewers, six on each, alternated with I'ore. They watched the plan the whole The bony chested, flat busted girl for the family support after the creditor thin slices of bacon the size of the scal­ evening and went away convinced that who would have the industry and am- I has exhausted his remedy against the lops in width. Brush over the scallops that they had found n grand idea. In­ bition to rub her breast with perfumed husband. In a few of the states such with melted butter and broil. Serve side of three months it was adopted by sweet oil for ten minutes every night profits form part of what is known an with water-cress and lemon.—N. Y. Ob­ I the railroads of the I Tilted States.” ‘ server. S*\ and with cold water every morning tho “community property,” and are equally same length of time would find firm liable with the hnsband's property for layers of muscle, and flesh covering the snch debts. bones in two years’time. Ten minutes In some states a husband is liable for each day given to deep breathing would tho antenuptial debts of his wife. Ill assist marvelously in developing the Tennessee he is as fully responsible for g' chest. But she tries these things one or these as for his own. In Maine, if lie EXPLANATION,—The following picture contains four faces, a man and hn three duughtsrs. Anv on« can hud the man's face, but it is not so easy to distinguish the faces of the tbrea young l-uies. two weeks, says if. is “an awful bother” voluntarily assumes payment of any of The picture was published in a few newspapers some time ago, and attracted considerable¡attention io i and gives it tip. She does not give up them, liecan be sued for others. In New our standard remedies. We now offer a now prize competition in connection with it. As the sole object A\__ M. G. C. EDHOLM. sighing over her luck of a good figure. is to introduce our medicines into new homes, those who entered the former compel.nun are requested Hampshire be is liable for her debts in­ ‘A not to compete ip this one. As to the reliability of “The Ford Pill Co., and the estimation in which their When an all wise Creator provided curred on her own responsibility after the missions, and she spiuit two months -Mi medicines are held in Toronto, Canada, where they are best known, patrons are uterred to the daily in the homes al New York gathering catnip for ailing cats and gave ma- her majority, lint not for debt incurred Mwspapcxs, whukiale druggists and leading business houses generally 01 Auoatc. material for a book which is to be pub- lana affected dogs the instinct to chew while under age and living in her fa­ lidied next April. Her article on ••Traffic dogweed he also provided health giving ther's house. There are provisions sim­ in White Girls." printed in the Novem­ herbs for man. But man laughs at the ilar to these in u few other states, but in ber number of The Californian Maga­ suggestion as a • granny's notion ’and most of them neither husband nor wife zine. has attracted widespread attention. dies of kidney and liver complaint after is liable for debts of the other prior to She resides in Oakland, ami is a charter firoynlmg for an army of physicians the marriage. member of the Pacific (’oast Women’? I he simple red elover blossom con­ In most of the states the earnings of a ANNA MORRISON KEEP, Press association. I tains a health giving property that in ­ wife are entirely under her own con­ work, and she does not receive a salary. C lara .S palding B rown . variably imparts vitality and averts dis- trol. In Nev.- York sho can engage in She is a sweet, faced woman of middle ease to the jierson wise enough and per­ any trade or business and carry it oil age. kind, gentle, full of charity and Husbands at ti l*i'«>miiiiu. sistent enough to use it. It can be the same us if she were single, and this love. Her Bible class is now the largest If the number of marrying men con­ in any country place in sum­ holds good nearly everywhere, except in San Francisco and is attended bv peo­ tinues to diminish at the present rate ¡gatiieied mer or bought for a few cents at any that in some states she cannot enter into ple of all denominations. the time will come when husbands will I 11 ,,1" stor<:- A 'lbart <>f clover tea drunk a business partnership. Anna Morrison Reed was reared in lie so in demand among the girls who The earnings nnd profits of her busi­ < ■’ aye °r dyspepsia incurring ice the mining regions of northern Cali­ fear to l>e old maids that they will even I ' fornia ami never had more than twelve take the contract of supporting them­ | water will m three mouths' time give a ness will lie her independent property, tu months’ schooling in her lite, yet she is selves at least, ami perhaps the husband woman a etear skin and a fine color if not subject to any control by her hus­ today one of the most prominent women too. Then will begin the paradise of U is natural for her to have color. It band; lint all debts and liabilities in­ Will give her vigorand vitality also, and curred in carrying on such business will in the state. when they are no longer expected completely olwv. and draws crowded house.-. She is now A Happy anti SurrrBssfsil Wotiuin I'armer end falling even with her lips, and -ount tract or promise made with or to her he seeomls it requin-s to keep it moving there is a difference of practice in the ^peaking throughout the northern dis- t»l‘ l.oir< I shm« I. The proprietors of “The Ford Pill Co.,” will give an elegant p-.. pair . of . onoudnu Shetland r-wiiiww» Pon»08< with her exhaled breath. Yet this small different states. It is also not settled CarrlM. and Harness, '=>“«> -1 *600« (delivered Tree in ■----------- any part of the United Stales, A shining example of Woman’s abilit y act performed for a few moments sev­ how far she can be held liable upon an to tne jirst ^person who can make out m the .« tr three daughters' faces. To the sreoud will be given an elegant lu succeed as an agriculturist is given in eral times a day, will increase the bust indorsement for another person. z_,.phires and diamonds. To the third will l>e given a paa ot Lady’s Cold Watch, «■« in «appi " au... Diamond. Kar-flnets. IffOe To 1> the fourth will be given a handsome China Dinner tne ca«e of Mrs. Taber Willet is. of Ros­ ‘wo inches ........ year at the In New Jersey and several other states, Service, lo A k / ì J i C willbegivma j, ______ ____ -------------- --------- givra »Kodak Camera. To the r/.r/A, a Swiss Music lyn. The editor of The Rural New very least, develop the . best aud give generally speaking, those in which the Box. io the u-.tKth, a French Mantel Clock- Clock. To T-> the tiMi nsM, t an «a elega ritta It it Banquet ich mantel Yorker gives a charming sketch of a rang Vigor. Nearly every woenan who right of courtesy exists, a husband must Lamp. Toth, « ì « m , a pair of Crown Derby Vases. To the tenth, mp!.:e Lawn Tennis 8st»*nd many other prizes tn order ot merit. Every competitor inust cut out the »•■■«*« visit lately made to the lady’s farm. The reails this article will say of some one of join with his wife in a deed of convey­ •• Puzzle Picture,” distinguish the three girls’ faces by marking a cross with a lead pencil on ea< l , farm contains acres and has been these things. “Well, now I am going to ance. This is not required in New York. and enclose same with 15 U. S. two-cent stamps for one of the following “Prize Retnetl»** ••Ford’» Prize Pills,” “Ford’« Prize Catarrh Remedy,” or •• Ford’s Prize known for generations as the “Ohl try this. Bnt at the end of one week Cough Cure,” Select any ©neof the above remedies you desire. Address “The Ford New Jersey has been very much be­ Brick.” This name, however, has no the interest will lag, -j haven't time,” hind the other states in the matter of Pill Co,«” Cor. Wellington & Bay Sts., Toronto, Canada. .The person whose envelope is I 1 postmarked first will be awarded the first prize, and the others in order of merit. As this adver­ ¡»articular application to tbe owners of she will say. Yes, we have all the time making reform-of this sort. It is com­ tisement appears simultaneously throughout tne United States, every one has an equal oppor­ the farm, bill come.- from the farmhouse Gixl made, and it pays to take enough paratively recently that u married wom­ tunity. To the person sending tbe last correct answer will be given an elegant Upright Concert G rand Plano, valued at 9500,00» To the f rxl person from the last sending a correct answer ;ii 1 itself, one of the first brick bouses built . 'at ,o kt*I‘ lle»«tb «nd gcod an can control her own property or make will be given a gentleman's fine Gold ••Sandoz” Watch, which strikes the hours and quarter on Long Island. Mrs. Willetts used to looks. I Ins can be done without sacri­ a valid will or sue in her own name. hours on small cathedral gong at pleasure, and valued at 9300.00» To the secondiram tbe/ax/,- tir«»-class Safety Bicycle, pneumatic tire. To the third from the last, a first-class English Shot­ I run the ¡»lace as » dairy farm, but gave ficing any duty m life if we only learn When any one owns real property iu gun. To tha fourth from the last, a suite of Parlor Furniture» To the fifth from the last, a I it up liecausv it was all hard work not to “dawdle” and fritter awHy the several states, each parcel is subject to handsome Silver Tea Service» To the sixth from the last, an elegant Planò Lamp» io the seventh from the last,, a handsome pair ot Portieres» To the eighth from the last, a genuine and pour pay. In this respect she had rooihciits in, wavs the laws of the state in which it is situ­ English leather travelling Trunk» To the ninth from the last, two pieces of genuine French more common sense thana majority of St at uar y, and many ether prizes in order of merit. ated. Personal property, on the other the men farmers in the milk supply dis­ hand, is subject to the laws of the state MPFCIAI« TRIZF.S FOR EACH STATE. tricts around New York city have to in which the owner resides. * this day. Mrs. Willetts says that she A special prize of a Silk Dresa Pattern (sixteen yards, any color), or n first-class A wife can insure her husband's life hainted tion to stock breeding. Note particular­ cially aud socially, is the New Century issue a policy without a personal appli­ ..re absolutely given away to introduce and advertise •* Ford's Prise Rented ica,” winch are stand­ ard medicines, and will be used in every family for years where they have been once introduced. All a member <»f the state board of lady ly this bit of golden wisdom from the tlnb of Philadelphia. The New Cen­ cation from the person insuretl and with­ prizes will l>e awarded strictly in order of merit, and with perfect satisfaction to the public. The re men if i mauager-*. Mrs. Reed is n eotisin of woman farmer’s lips: ••One must Lave a tury has its own clubhouse. and has or­ out his submitting to an examination. will be sent by mail, postpaid, and prizes free Of duty. General William R. Morris»»», »»f Illi­ definite aim to liegin. have Hie matter ganized the Working Woman’s guild, A wife having once induced her husband A WATCH FOR F.VEKV CORBECT AMRWBB. nois. an»l of the late Chief .Jnstice all thought out and know exactly what with evening classes of students number­ to insure his life can. however. ]>ay the Morrison, of California. She h«s an he wishes to accomplish." After having ing from 7hQto8DO. The founder of both premiums liarself it lie doesnot. Bnt of An ext ra premtumof a genuine “Fearless” Watch. Mem winder,) will be awarded to every per««.n who sends a correct answer within 30 days after thr ad vert i -ement appears, in case they should not nnnsnally .attractive ¡»ersonality. with the matter all thought out Mrs. Willets the club and the Working Womans guild course any beneficiary can do this. be fortunate enough to secure one of the larger prises. 1 hat is, if any one can find tbe three faces and her sparkling brown eyes, finely molded began the breeding of black Berkshire is Nirs. Turner. enclose them w ithin 30 days from the time this advertisement appears in the newspaper they at* M. H ei . es F hasf . r L ovett . giuranteed either on»: of th* leading prizes, or an extra premium of a watch on conditions «tated. features and luxuriant dark hair, and swine and Guernsey dairy cows. She No an-wer will be noticed that does not contain 30 cent# fix one of Ford’s Prize Remedlea is a striking ill us i ration <»f what ¡»luck has since added the 1:reeding of trotting Address THE FORO PILL CO, ”37,” Cor. Wellington A Bay Sts., Toronto? ¿TiadA Some time ago I had the ill fate to be <: !»»<•!<• rs. aud native talent can do in ¿ptte of ad­ and road horses. Highland Girl and fooled by a rascally falsehood in a New Glaciers ¡»hinge into the •••e.i in many verse circumstances in early life. Highland Lassie.are two of the trotting York paper to the effect that the mayor Ella Higginson is ¡>erhai»s the most colts from the Ohl Brick farm. The way cold countries ami ¡lerish«by drowning, of Salem. O.. had forbidden the young widely quoted of any female Pn«*ific this woman farmer went to work when their dismembered remains floating women of that town to walk upon the Airy»»», wi •... t«uy* :■ coast writer at the pr sent time, al­ «lie decided to go into the breeding of away as liergs. But tiunr end is by dis- streets after H o’clock p. ni. I might The ccronipa:«yivK *y these os< ill at ions are an's equal rights with man, politically [ A new and Complete Treatment. conniM- ziness, Brain and Spi­ the moods of nature in her writings aud a ponnd. Bnt her greatest success is as very slight. Their character, however as well as otherwise, is so self evident 1 ing of HiippoMtuijr*. Ointment in Capsules. given the northwest it* in«w>t bvautifnl a breeder of stock for sale. It is sold as is unmistakalde and such as might have that it cannot be directly disputed. He ■ ah«» in box «mi rille: u positive » lire for nal Weakness. External, hitcinal. Blind or Bleeding, ¡tell­ and poetic descriptions, .she has Iweu fast as it is old enough, whether Berk­ been anticipated. That is to say. !.«v adds also this fine, strong statement: i ing. Chronic, recent or hereditary Pilc.*4,itnd ou the editorial Mali of the Portland shire pigs. Guernsey cows or trotters and cial decrease aevtwu¡»allies a wan» ium I “My < lea ling* with the world as a mer­ I many other diseases and female’weakneM; This medicine has direct action upon dry cycle: glacial increase, <»no t lust in chant. a soldier. a journalist a public it i* alwaw a great l»enetit to the general West Shore aud the Seattle Pa< ift< Mag­ road horses. officer, and. laetl v. a magistrate suggest j health The lir«l discovery of a medical the nerve centers, allaying all irritabili­ damp ami cold. azine. and is now conducting a depart­ There are ¡«eople who appear to read Uonsidcrable alarm was iicc«»r«tmgly that woman's political enfranchisement ctiHi rendering an »iprration with a knife ties, and increasing th" flow and power ment in tbe St. Louin H»»me Circle. unnecessary hereafter Thi- Remedy has Ella Higginson is petite, with blond a certain well known Scripture text as felt lest th»* flooding of the F Sahara, mnu- may be essential in order to make man I never l»ren known to fail $1 pt r-bo.x’ftfor of nervo fluid. It is perfectly harmless in all respects and to 1 K»: “rnt by mail. Why mi tier from thia tcr- and leaves no unpleasant effects. hair, large ¿ray eyes, and a pleasant, follow*: “What man hath joined togeth­ brred among the futile projects of a re­ morally her cent sanguim* epoch, should result ma lift both sexes higher in the social scale I riblr di rnr i nix m-.,"«: aiS35 tl TC 6MttuUrH «■ ^Scot Emulsi H 1 FEVER f>!? hayd 1 C old - head ¿Sdii X" ■®*» The porum 1 " The Forum. *'THE FORUM is to the United States what T he N tm :- msm CF.XTI KY is to England, and mure-incoinparablg the beit thoughtful itcriodical we Imve ever had." ' U about wh whit ' men rpHE FORUM contains contxin, articles article« »bout A are »re now doing in the world. T he nrobleme problama end and the the taoki talks of of your your own own 1'* life and The thought, and of our own country, and of our own time; the education of your children; the latest re­ sults of research in your own special study; the great booka of the period; the real leaders; the large move- t f AtY j If G overnor fa W.E. R ussell X i C. W. Euo; J I' ‘‘’"im u W • . ‘ *\ yj^ • { P ressent B iehor H. C. P otter 1893 F reoeric HARRISON ?• Iti reail.n form the dominant part of every pro- feuion, craft, and claeo tho.o who ar« oucceeding became they have a correct meaiure of the intellec­ tual force, and of the larger activitieo of American life, the beet-informed, and the moot ambitioue,. A Iti writer! are the leader« of thought and of tion everywhere and in allkindeef important work. A»k the beet informed man in your community what ha think« of T hb F orum , or eend to ue for the written opinione of come of the leading mt n in your State, and in all other State«. 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