The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, December 01, 1892, Image 1

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    Look at tlie Map.
Look at the Map.
McMiimville, Yamhill County.
Here is tlie County seat, Here is
published THE TEI.EPHONE-
I’EGISTER, Monarch of lionie
neu spapers, accorded first place
in all tlie Oirectories.
State of Oregon, Yamhill County.
Here you will find the most pro­
ductive section in the World.
I .and Is cheap, offering special in­
ducements to fruit raisers and
Look at tlie Map.
Look at the Map.
Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County.
REGISTER Established Auqust, IMI.
TELEPHONE Established June. 1886.
Consolidated Feb. 1,1889.
M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , D ecember i ,
VOL. IV. NO. 44
Kay & Todd Commenced the Greatest Discount Sale Ever Held in Yamhill County at this
Time of The Year.
We will offer our great stock of $18,000 worth of first class goods at
I |
- «>:
...... _
a well known fact that the amount of business we do goes to prove
And that our prices are always from 15 to 20 PER CENT LOWER than anyone else on the same quality
of goods, but in order to reduce our immense stock of goods and to give our customers and all others who
wish to take advantage of this great reduction, a chance to buy goods at less prices than any one else will sell
you, we will sacrifice our profits for the balance of the year. We carry no AUCTION or trashy goods, but the
best qualities and sell them as cheap as some firms sell auction goods. We make no reserve, but our entire
stock goes at one-fifth off of our former prices, which are all marked in plain figures. Call and see us. It will
not hurt you even, if you don’t buy.
Look at our BLANKETS, CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, &c., and save One-Fifth of your Money.
was nearly as large around as an ordi­ I tell it so cheerfully and enjoy it so I by waiting until the morning at the the captain ordered the decks cleared I
It was a mighty lucky thing you said
nary man’s body.
much himself that you could not help station and then going forward with | looked around for Toolooali to say
I that, 'cause I had made up my mind
Several times I have been with. Iiini joining him
■ • in
• ■ tlie
’ • laugh
• every time, ¡fresh, swift reindeer. When ’ I was’. “good-by” but could not find him. I A Large Deficit and More Expense Every A New York I'Mitress Find« One Obedient | to do exactly wliat you told me. I’ve
Inquirer After Advice.
Year. When Will it End?
when there were two or three big,
I think Lieutenant Schwatka would I cooped up in that little sled witli a asked Schwatka if he had seen him and
I got the flat, and you see how 1 am
i fat men with great paunches, who have succeeded in almost any other groaning C<wsack(for Michaila thought he told me to look over the ship's side.
A daily paper cable dispatch sa_>s: She was a fashion writer, says the dres-ed, and I am buying some sewing
looked as if they weighed a ton apiece, 1 field
Itli 4 t/1
II Lx. I
I St < quite
j II11C *13
»vx.ll *13
of x. enterprise
as well
as llx.
he ( [he was goiug to die) on a vast plain There 1 saw Toolooali lient forward
is gradually gelling tlie l*t- New York Sun. She also had a col­ silk to use to make a little wrapper
Quarreling Over Politics at the Pole— | and who were very proud of their adi­ did in exploration. He graduated in and in the teeth of a howling blizzard, and with his head between his hands.
with. You’ve dene more for me than
Schwatka’s Phenomenal SelMiellance — posity. But when they stepped upon law and in medicine after lie left West I thought of Schwatka and made a Our mighty hunter could not bring ter of politics, and a decision lietwecn umn in tlie magazine which was de­
voted to answering all the questions I any woman in the world.’
Worshipped by the Esquimaux.
the scales and Schwatka, whom they Point, and he had excellent judgement, vow never again to neglect his advice. himself to say the word of farewell to
a debt of 4,000,000,000 rubles, an unre­ asked by damsels whose complexions “I can’t tell you just how this affect­
had not regarded as in their class, after­ in other matters than those of which
It was lie who suggested our living his white chief, and Schwatka said it
ed me I felt the tears come into m.v
It was in the spring of 1.878 that I wards overweighed them a few pounds, lie had made a special study. I al­ with the Esquimaux just as they lived was Just as well, for lie doubted that lie deemed note issue of about tlie same were not just what they desired, whose eyes and I thought, ‘Well after all,
first met Lieutenant Schwatka. He they would often take it to heart and ways wanted to talk with him about and remarked that we would probably himself could stand the ordeal. His
the letters do some gmxl.' I caught
was stopping at a hotel in New York get mad.
• , any matter in which I was particularly find it much easier to iwonie savages death again reduces the members of something like 500,000,000 rubles also wished, who had doubts as to their Mrs. Frilkins by the hands and I said:
City and preparing for his Arctic jour­ Schwatka’s stregnth was in propor­ i interested and profited by his advice. ourselves than to civilize the savages. the Franklin search party. “Esqui­
‘I «-an't tell you how glad I am. And
ney in search of tlie records of Sir John tion to his great muscular development, In fact I lx?lieve that any success I So we put on skin clothing, lived in mau Joe” is dead and Koonianah is raise the contemplated loan in France. only for freckles, but for souls. She how happy that young mail must lie.
was used to being asked the exact
Franklin’s ill-fated expedition.
and his endurance was phenomenal. ' have lx*en credited with in traveling snow lints on frozen raw meat and dead, so is Henry Klutscliak and Lieu­ Ardently as they may wish to play off'
‘Goodness gracious,' she said; ‘why, 1
I hod writteh a letter to him tender­ He tolil me that he had never experi­ through unknown lands is largely due went six months time without even tenant Schwatka, and there are only Russia against Germany, tlie French length of Cleopatra’s nose, the color of didn't marry him. During the waitin'
refuse to lend money to their ought-to-
ing my services, but it was only one of enced the feeling of lieing tired, and I to my following the general rules lie washing our faces or hands. Tlie con­ two of us left.
I done a heap lietter—I married his
be ally in his straits. As the London Queen Victoria. She gave heropinion llOHS.
manj- that he bad received, and I had have net the least doubt of tlie fact.
W. H. C ii . i > i : ii .
laid down dining our many talks upon sequence was that we had great influ­
’ ”
♦ • ♦
not j'et been favored with a reply. I
On one occasion, when our camp was 1 such subjects.
ence over the Esquimaux and they
to them, it follows that the Russians gave advice as to dressing a bride or a
The Weight of the Earth.
heard that he had arrived in New York out of provisions and the jM*ople were
For instance, he would say that would do more for us, so “Esquimau
It is our earnest desire to impress up­ have got to I m * pacific or else to play graduate, but she did get despetately Weighing the earth is a problem
and I called to see him. I saw at once threatened with starvation, Schwatka | when making such Journeys use your Joe” used to say, than for' any other
that it would not be difficult for us to accompanied a party of natives on a : own judgement in preference to the in­ person that lived among them. Tlie on the minds of the public the super­ some trick if they wish to try anil tired when a girl would write sixteen which has often interested and amused
get on well together in case I should be trip to Marble island where food could stinct of savages or the advice of those fact is that they became attached to us iority of the service offered by tlie Wis­ make things square. Though hetteroff pages about tlie “gentleman who was scientists, and various efforts have la-eii
so fortunate as to receive the appoint­ 1 be procured and scut back to us before ¡you come in contact with. “If .you because when we had white men’s food consin Central lines to Milwaukee, Chi­ Germany and France,to say nothing of keeping company witli her.”
made to determine with some degree of
To her most intininte friend tlie
ment. Subsequent events showed that the dogs starved to death. It was pro­ ! haven't brains enough to carry you we shared it with them and when we cago, and all points east and south. Austria, Italy and tlie minor fry, are
accuracy tlie prolialile approximate
fashion writer told Illis
I was not mistaken, for we lieennie fast posed to make the trip, which usually I through you will surely come to grief,” had nothing but savage diet we ate Two fast trains daily leave St. Paul, following in the wake of tlie tottering miserable
weight of the globe on which we live.
story: Said she:
Minneapolis and Duluth, equipped Czar. Nothing daunted by a deficit of “A letter came lor me, written in t lie In 1772 u series of curious ex|>erimeiitH
friends from the first.
took five days, in three. But owing to j he would say. Singularly enough, I our share as cheerfully as they did.
He usually conferred with me before a raging blizzard, they only went as have noticed since then that whenever When tlie time came for leaving our with Pullman vestibuled drawing room 50,000,(100 marks, tlie German govern­ usual fashion, and in which a girl said was made by Professor Maskelyne in
taking any important step, and we fre­ far in two days as they had expected to I yielded my own judgement to that of friends, the gentle savages of North sleepers, dining ears and coaches of the ment proposes to add about 100,000 men that site had Iieen keeping company Mount Sehiliullion, in Scotland, by
quently disagreed. He was the super­ go in one, and he was afraid that we my guides, except in the route, per- Hudson’s bay, the pleasure of soon see­ latest design. Its dining ear service is to its standing army at an outlay of I with a young man for two years; that which lie determined the singular fact
ior officer and his opinion always gov­ who were left behind might suffer. He, haps, I have invariably got myself ing our own jieople at home was mar­ unsurpassed, which accounts, to a great 100,000,000 marks a year, so formidable I lie didn’t have iriueli money, and did I that tlie attraction exerted l>y the
erned. I am free to confess that I therefore, proposed to one of the bun- into trouble. 1 rememlx*r one time red by the pain we felt at parting. Tlie degree, for the popularity of this line. an increase lieing required to restore 1 advise her to marry him and go to mountain mass on tire plumb line
found his judgment always the correct ters that they two should leave the ' when about to cross a tundra in Sibe­ little whaler was lying to aliout ■> miles The Wisconsin Central lines in connec­ the military equilibrium lietwecn tlie i boarding, or to wait a few months caused it to deviate nearly six aeconds
one, and I fell into the habit of yield­ sled and walk straight to Marble is­ ria about 300 miles broad I saw indica­ away and Schwatka and I sat in the tion with the Northern Pacifie 1Î. R. is triple and dual alliances. Germany, ns and collect enough furniture to make from the |*er]>endicular. Ixmg and ale
ing to it with l>etter grace upon eacli land.
tions of a severe storm, such as we call bow of a heavily loaded whaleboat pro­ the only lines from Pacifie coast points Italy anil Austria are losing breath, I a little home for themselves. I got im­ struse calculations followed, on the de­
occasion. And so we got along splen­ They started at seven o’clock one a blizzard-and the Siberians call a poor* pelled by tlie sturdy arms of an Esqui­ over which both Pullman vestibuled, thinks herself obliged to bear tlie brunt mensely interested. I wrote to that tails of which it is not necessarry to
first class, and Pullman tourist cars are >of the day and do alone what her I girl and advised her to wait three dwell, but the result was, taking the
morning, and reached tlie ship at Mar­ ga. T knew that to be caught on those mau crew.
I do not mean to say that we never ble island al suit six o’clock tlie follow­ great barren plains during a poorga was
via St. Paul without change friends are avowedly unable to take a [ months and have a home to start with, diameter of the earth as 7,912.41 miles
It was about half past eleven o’clock,
bund in. A few figures will elucidate
quarreled during the whole of the three ing morning. Tlie distance traveled, very dangerous. The .snow, at such but the sky in tlie north was lit by tlie to Chicago.
1 and I gave her lots of advice and a few and the weight of a cubic foot of water
Pamphlets giving valuable informa­ this strain put upon Germany in con­ I suggestions that I thought might help as 02.32 |x*unds, the weight of the earth
years that we were together. We did according to roy subsequent survey, times, drifts about satliat it is impossi­ rays of the sun, which was but a few
quarrel just like other human iteings, was about eighty-five geographical ble to keep tlie right course and tlie degrees below the horizon. Against tion can Is- obtained free- upon appliea sequence.
was calculated to be 5,842,(810,(19(1,00(1,.
“TIieGerman population, now stand­ i her along. I never heard of her any 000,000,000 tons of 2,24o pounds each.—
and would lose our temper and call miles, or nearly 109 statute miles, in animals cannot face the storm If you the sky tlie rugged hills were clearly tion to your nearest ticket agent, or
ing an exodus of 200,000 a year, lias in­
.T as . C. P on i >,
I'altimorr ,Sioi.
each other out of our names. And the twenty-four hours they were under halt you ran a great risk of being cov­ outlined, and the prospects were any­
creased 25 per eent within tlie last ping a young woman tapped me on tlie
(ien’l Pass, and Tkt. Agent,
what do you suppose we had our fierc­ way. The hardy young hunter who ered over in the drift and smothered, thing but inviting, yet I could not over
shoulder and asked very modestly:
Tlie Sandwich Islands will soon be
Chicago III. twenty years. Of tlie 25,000,000 males
est quarrels al »out? Politics. Yes; far accompanied Schwatka on this *Jbur- because tlie snow always piles itself come a feeling of regret that I was go­
‘Are you Mrs. Dash?' She wore a hat
under tlie protection of some jxiwer to
beyond the reach of all political influ­ ney told me that several times he be­ around any obstruction. I thought ing away from those simple savages,
Why the Prince of Wales Is in Debt.
8,700,000 between 20 and 45 years of age trimmed with roses, and very, very the extent of annexation. They are
ences we used to quarrel Just as unrea­ came so tired that he had to throw we would get along faster by remain­ who had taken me into their houses,
No wonder that the unfortunate are liable to serve in the army when , long and very wide pale blue streamers largely peopled with citizens of the
sonably as men do here. But the mo­ himself on the ice to rest, but Schwat­ ing where we were, in the shelter of a and with whom we had sometimes
down her buck. Her coat was a light
ment we ehanged the subject all ill ka, he said, never rested. When the station hut, with the reindeer partially starved and sometimes stuffed. My Prince of Wales finds it difficult to called out. Under the new bill rather j one, with enormous jiearl buttons upon .United States and when the agitation
more than 000,000 are to be kept con­
comes tills government should be pre­
I had " native lay upon the toe, Schwatka protected by the forest there, than by companion felt as I did when we part­
it, and her gloves were white. Upon
discussion, walked up and down until his compan­ pushing on that afternoon. But my ed and when I said to him: “I had from the fact that he lias for many stantly under arms, all able bodied her face was tlie most delighted ex­ pared to step in and say that the is­
passed away and we would talk Just ion was ready to proceed, and then Cossack guide thought differently and not expected to feel so sad upon leaving years been compelled, through tlie per- men lieing for the first time placed in pression possible. She looked so happy lands shall lie a |iart of the United
sistent, not to say obstinate, seclusion tlie ranks, This will cause the cancel­
States. England now has one hand
as reasonably as if we had not differed went on again.
, said there would tie no poorga and this God-forsaken country,” “Don’t
that it absolutely rested the sho|>girls.
at all on any subject. In fact, 1 don't Schwatka was a bard student and I that even if there was we would be I speak to me,” he said, “it is much as I of his royal mother, to undertake lation of 100.000 exemptions hitherto
the country and wants tn get a
“Then she explained herself. “I
think people can lie real friends unless possessed the faculty of concentration i able to reach a vacant hut about sev- can do to keep up as it is.” Though many of the inevitable expenses of a annually granted for reasons of econo­ s’powe I ought to lie ashamed of myself good grip with tlie other in order to
make it a colony of great Britain. The
they can quarrel Without danger of en­ to a high degree. During our periods ■ enty miles distant before it came on. cheerful under adversity, even on one king without having the income tiiat my. If this is a fearful tax to bear in
—one lady speaking to another in this fiower this would give tlie English in
gendering animosity.
of enforced inaction he busied himself I yielded, and just as I expected, the or two occasions when our chances of would be his should he succeed to the times of peace tlie burden will I m * in­ way—but I'm Mrs. Frilkins. Ofcourse time of war in tlie Pacific should stir
I was not surprised to learn that the j with the study of problems in naviga- j poorga came upon us just at nightfall starving to death, owing to the dearth throne. An item recently published, comparably augmented during war,
you don’t know me by my name now, tlie slow brains of the American peo­
autopsy showed that Schwatka's brain : tion, in working out lunar equations or j and after making every effort to pro- of game, were very good, Schwatka recalls this vividly to the New York when, witli an annual recruitment of
ple and open their eves to the desira­
280,000 men liable to serve twenty-four but I always read your magazine, and bility of possessing tlie Sandwich Is­
was unusually large—over fifty-four the elements of an eclipse. When thus ' eeed—even by leading his animals by had never before shown such feeling as
ounces. He was big in every way,over engaged it was almost hnpMaible to ' their halters—we were finally compel­ his remark manifested. I saw then less strange that the heir to the throne years in line and reserve, the army, af­
Mile«* Nerve and Liver
ter allowing for deaths and invalids,
six feet tall and weighing nearly 300 divert liis attention. He heard noth­ led to halt and wait for the weather to that he had a lender heart. We were
pounds. He did not look so large when ing, no matter how loudly you spoke. I change. My Cossack had to come to not tlie only ones who were sad. The generally reported. It is stated on tlie must lie estimated at about 0,000,000, or man who was runnin' after me then. I Act on a new principle—regulating
you saw him around and with his He was goodnatured and cheerful— [ my sled for protection and his sled had men held our haifds as if they hated to best authority that the wedding pres­ two-thirds of ell alde-lxxlied men in or whether I had lietter wait until we I the liver, stomach and Ixiwel.« through
had enough to set lip housekeeping, ¡¡¡i.
A new discovery. Dr.
clothes on, but when you earn« to mea­ ; indeed almost boyish in his jollity. i to be dug out of the snow in the morn- let us go, and tears streamed down the ents that the prince has, from his posi­ the prime of life.
been compelled to make, comprise
You wrote me a beautiful letter; you Miles’ Pills uieedily cure WiioQMMWI,
sure him he aeemed to grow immensely He had a habit of telling over and ■ ing. Tlie reindeer suffered terribly cheeks of the old women and cut fur­ tion,
at this writing, ninety diamond scarf
liver, piles, constipa-
To ai 1 Digestion take one Small Bik Bean
and if you happened to see him with over again the same ancient story to and went slowly thereafter, and we rows there. Toolooah, our head hunter pins, seventeen diamond bracelets, I after
eating. 25c. per bottle.
with my husband, ami to lx* affection-!
f"'' »*". 70"1™*
bis cloth»3 off it was not difficult to see I an extent that would have been insuf- were subjected to great suffering and and mainstay on all the journeys we thirty-five diamond brooches, four j
• ,
, , .
. children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50
ate and always glad to see him, and plow*«,25 cents. Samples free st Rogers
what made up his weight. His thigh I ferable ip any one else, but he would I danger. We would have gained time made, was very fond of Schwatka. As watch bracelets and seven cigarette j Cure for Cold.«, Fevers and General De­
‘ then you told uie to wait for a home. Bros
| bility, Small Bile Beans. 25c. pef bottle.