C'omnates. Ordered that reduction of $956 . From 7 a ni. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p. will have charge of the higher grade, ui. to 8:3o p. m. dence of this is the faetthathe carried a lie made. down the river hunting ducks Tuesday pices of the Masonic fraternity. Mrs. Matthieu the intermediate grade, Money order hours from 7 a. m. to (I p. ni. and killed one duck and a loon. life insurance policy for $3,666 in that Im matter of assessment oi 0. B. Wi­ Wesley B. Carey was born on Dec. Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m and Miss Green the primary grade. Mail south closes at !)-50 a. m. Mail The “Meadow lake” is becoming All pupils who desire to take an ad­ 25, 1847, on the farm now owned by tried and excellent company. The Mu­ ley. Ordered that assessor be authorized north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. Mail for 5:45 a. m train closes evening quite a resort for ducks. R. B. Hibbs vanced course, consisting of elementa­ John Shelton, in Yamhill county. He tual Benefit Life of Newark, N. J. to assess mortgage at $2,600, and allow before at 9 p m killed 14 of them one day last week ry algebra, physical geography, United has always resided in this county, with Swanson’s widow was this week $1,000 indebtedness. forwarded the amount in full due on In matter of assessment of Martin Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail A young man by the name of Cum­ States history, physiology and hygiene, the exception of a short time spent in closes at 11 a ni. the policy. He insured in this com­ Miller, guardian. Ordered that assessor Eastern Oregon. He was married to mings was drowned in Nestucca bay a higher grammar, business arithmetic pany Dec. 16th, 1891, and died Aug, be authorize»! to assess same to amount short time ago by the cansizing of a sail and penmanship will report at the old Miss H. E. Davis on Nov, 22, 1868. The CHURCH NOTICES. 30th, 1892. " Are you insured? If not, of $500. result of this union was four children, boat. building to Prof. Geo. A. Peebles, who M ethodist E piscopal i'auacii —Services you are negligent of your liest interests. In the matter of assessment of J. A. All the old sports will be out at the will have charge of this class the re­ three of whom ’are now living, two Death may claim you at any time. Be­ every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:00p m, Huston. Ordered that reduction be Sunday School at 9:30 a. ni Prayer meet­ the shoot this afternoon. Go and lis­ mainder of the year, on the coming boys and a girl. He was made a Ma­ fore insuring, examine this company made in amount of $1,7.50, lieing on a ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. ten to them tell how they once could Monday. It is the intention to give son in 1875 and has always been an up­ It has some excellent and special feat­ R ev . S. E M emixger , Pastor mortgage heretofore paid and not can­ right member of the craft. At the advan- shoot. the pupils who desire to take ClMBEEI.ASU Par.SBTTr.RtAX C hcrch — ures that should claim your attention. celled. time of his death be was Junior War ­ Services every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 7 p The Thanksgiving services will take tage of the opportunity a six months den of Lafayette Lodge No. 3. Some For particulars address Mark T. Kady, in Sundav School at 9:30 a. ill. Schedule of claims allowe»! for month R ev W iley K xowi . es , Pastor place today at the C. P. church, Rev. course. The enrollment has reached twenty years ago consumption fastened state agent for Oregon and Idaho, of October, 1892: l.iPTisT C hvrch .—Services every Sabbath McKillop, of the Baptist church preach­ 460 for the first quarter as against 350 northeast corner .Third and Washing­ NAME A- FOR WIIAT. CI.’ m ’D. all ’ d . at 11 a. m. ami 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at ing the sermon. for the first quarter of last year. Mc­ its deadly grip upon him, but he has 9;55a. ni. R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor. J L'Mart in, lumber...... $ 2 78 $ 2.78 resisted its efforts by pure force of will. ton streets, Portland. Minnville now lias the best schools of Rhodes Bros, of this city and John A S Bible,board indigent 47 50 C hristian C hvrc O.—Services every Sab­ The youngsters of the city enjoyed a Cont Some two weeks ago bleeding of the bath at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. ni Sunday free skate at the rink Tuesday night. any city of the same size in the state of Fryer of Carlton are agents for this sub­ A F Savage, do.............. 8 00 Rej lungs started in and brought him to School at 10 a. m. Y. P. S C. E. meets Oregon. Every student ought to lie stantial company. A Patterson,rails for ro.nl 12 00 1200 Sunday at 0:30 p. m Prayer meeting Wed­ Busted spinal columns are now scatter­ tlie bed, from which he has not rallied, happy now as he has the advantage of nesday at 7.30 p m. Everyone invited ed all over the city. Justice transcript State passing away the day liefore the 24th NEWS RETOLD. H. A. D exton , Pastor. every modern convenience. vs Frank Butts.......... 1 75 1 75 D. P. Thompson left Portland for anniversary of bis marriage. Mr. Carey S t . J ames C atholic C iiurch .—Services 1st The Democratic Ratification. and 3id Snndays of each month, Second Washington Tuesday evening, where was a man liked by all his associates, Interestin" Paragraphs from our County Louis Vascella, 3 black Sunday St. Mary's at Corvallis Fourth he will receive his commission and Exchanges. 9 00 bear scalps................. 9 00 ever willing to lend a hand to a needy Sunday, St Patrick’s Chnrch on Muddy. the Democrats from every part of BenC Irwin & Co., elec ­ will sail from New York for Constanti­ brother. He will be remembered by a R ev . T hos . B riody , Pastor LSberidan Sun. Nov. 18.j state gathered in Portland last Thurs­ host of friends. He died a Christian in *■— - —---------------------- ------- .. 36 45 nople on December 3rd. Billy Warren, a deputy sheirft’ of tion envelopes............ 36 45 day evening to participate in the larg­ McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of II., 37 05 this county was in town Thursday on Jno Dunn,blacksmithing 37 05 meet in their hall the first and third Satur­ Capt. Tyler has returned to the city est political gathering ever held in the the highest sense of the word. 22 C E Branson, survey 363 22 00 00 day of each month at 10 a. in. Visitors for a few weeks visit The summer he state. The demonstration outshone by A llison .—In Dayton, Washington, business. We acknowledge a pleasant A S Briggs, lumlier....... 53 13 cordially invited. J. T J olly . 53 13 spent at his mines in the upper coun­ long odds the republican meeting held Nov. 15, 1892, Mrs. Catherine Fletch­ call. M rs . M. E. K uns , Master, Wallace & Walker’s doz Secretary, try and is well pleased at the product a few days before. It is estimated by er Allison, aged 80 years. Surveyor Maloney was busy a por­ cuspidors.................... 3 60 3 (XI of both his placer and quartz mines. persons in a position to judge, that Mrs. Allison was born in Yorkshire, tion of last week surveying for Judge Harding & Heath, pr’tg 99 85 83 40 Custer Post No. 9 meets the second and Regular services at the Christian there were between 41X10 and 5000 peo­ England, March 20, 1812, united with Galloway who recently bought the farm fourth Saturday of each month at G. A. R. ball in Wright's building at 7:30 p. m. All church next Sunday. Subject of ple in the procession; and it took it the Wesleyan Methodist church, and of Jackson Agee in Happy valley near City of McMinnville,wa­ ter and lights............ 13 Sil 13 80 members of the Order.are cordially invited morning sermon, “Speaking with over forty minutes to pass a given emigrated to Canada in 1828. Came to McMinnville. The Judge designs his Kinney Bros,bridge work 3 35 to attend our meetings. 3 35 W iley K nowles , Tongues;” evening service, Having all point. The fireworks and the trans­ Oregon with her husband Thomas purchase as a summer residence. 8 50 do supplies .. 8 50 P. F Ci.i’BixE, Post Commander. things Common.” Come, and bring parencies were of tlie finest sort and Allison and family in 1875. Her hus­ According to agreement John Bones DF Strohm, indigent Adjutant Rej 16 00 your friends. H. A. D enton , Pastor. elicited many shouts from the crowd band died in Portland June 13, 1877. had his moustache shaved off', the hair E F Duvall, liear scalp 3 00 3 (XI Ixical mid General. Dr. Goucher lias returned from ills on the walks as the pageant moved Flvechildern survive their aged parent; going to John Parks, who won it on a Glass & Prudhomme, al­ trip to the Coeur de A’lene country, along. The exposition building was Sarah A. Barnes, of Canada, Mary wager that Cleveland would lie elected. phabettabs................. 2 75 Why not have a pumpkin pie social. where be looked up the mining prop­ well filled and those who deserved to Windson. Emma Stephens J. F. Alli­ Mr. Bones is really a better looking Lester Waddington, wit­ A litter of fine blooded English setters erty in which lie is interested. He is hear and be heard were there. The son, of this county, and E. G. Hayden man than liefore, and can grow more ness fees............. 5 00 5 00 for sale by Dr. S. A. Young. pleased with the prospect and brought glorious triumph of Cleveland and of Dayton, Washington. The remains whiskers if he wants them. J Pennington, treas sal Stevenson was the theme, and the nu­ were brought to this county, accom­ We hear the name of C. C. Linden of Jas Liken, election room For sale or trade. Your accounts for back some fine specimens of gold from merous speakers treated the subject panied by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hay­ Willamina prominently mentioned as HB Newby,blacksmith’g the placer mine. cash at O. O. Hodson’s. Call at once. well. A large delegation of more than den, and laid to rest in tlie Ho|iewell a candidate for the position of Indian S R Baxter .election room Tomorrow, Friday niglit, the Degree The saloons of this ciry were all 130 from this city were in attendance. cemetery last Friday. Agent at Grand Ronde under the next F Hauswirth, lumber . closed last Sunday out of respect for of Honor will elect officers and a full B lack .—At Castle Rock, Wash., on administratian. HO Morgan blaekatn’lhg the presence of Prosecuting Attorney Probate. attendance of members is desired. Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1892, Leona, B N Daniel, do Condon. It seems he gave the venders Mr. and Mrs. John Short of Clymer daughter of Wm. Black, of this city, (Newberg Graphic Nov. 18. I Shell, care indigent .. of red liquor a hint that Sunday law Guardianship of Lovell Anderson; spent Saturday in this city visiting A Mr. Perkins, of McMinnville, was A Patterson, road work must be respected, and they took him petition of Jeremiah and Mattie Wil­ aged 17 years. Death was caused by Miss Short at the residence of Geo. A. in attendance at the Friends quarterly Robt Stow,election room at his word.— Corvallis Times. Mc­ liams to adopt Lovell Anderson grant­ consumption of the bowels. Peebles. do Minnville is in another district. ed; name ordernd changed to J. Wil­ Miss Black arrived here during tlie meeting, and was so well pleased with School dist 10, This section was visited with quite summer from Notre Dame, Ind., our town that lie lias decided to locate T Laughlin elec marshal The phenomenal success of Ayer’s Sar­ liams. an earthquake about 8:341 Monday F W Redmond, mdse for Estate of Geo. Christenson; final ac­ where she lias been for several years, here. saparilla started into existence a host evening. The houses were shaken up Runion...................... 4 25 4 25 of competitors. This,of course was to be count filed and January 3, at 10 a. m. and but a short time ago went to Cas- Johnnie, a little son of Mr. and Mrs. quite lively. tie Rock to visit her brother, Her Jacob Grauer, died last Saturday and C Vanderfoid, elec room 2 00 200 expected; but the effect has been to appointed to hear same. Chas. Nelson, of Tillamook, was in demonstrate the superior merits of Dr.. Estate of Samuel Turner; ordered death was very unexpected. was buried Monday. Inflammatory Geo Braithwaite super­ the city Tuesday and reports Tillamook Ayer’s preparation by a constantly in­ that exempt property be set apart to visor's salary............. 48 25 48 25 rheumatism, which attacked the lieart It Should be in Every House. In a flourishing condition. He return­ creasing demand for it. widow. II Moore, bridge work.. 583 00 583 00 was the cause of his death. ed Wednesday. Estate of I. B. Gentry; first ami final J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St.. Sharps­ Cyrus Hoskins has had a team going Amity precinct, election The last election demonstrated that marshal and fuel....... 5 66 2 06 All lovers of sport should attend the McMinnville is the largest city on the account filed and Tuesday, January 3, burg, Pa., says he will not be without this week moving his pack of dried Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­ Justice transcript, State shooting match today as there will be west side. She has the best school fa­ at 1 p. m. set to hear same. prunes to the depot, preparatory to sumption, cough and colds, that it cur­ vs Vantress................. 42 15 Rej some fine shots there and the score cilities and is growing as fast as any BUYERS’ AND BUSINESS DIRECTOR. ed his wife who was threatened with shipping them to Idianapolis,Ind. The will probably lie ¿ood. Pneumonia after an attack of “La prospect is for good prices this year. Justice transcript State city in the state but she does not have ” when various other remedies Mr. Hoskins intends spending a part vs Bailee.................... 29 75 Rej Skate on Saturday night, new floor, the advantages in the way of transpor­ The genuine Rogers Bros, plated Grippe, and several physicians had done her no new skates, good music. Skates 25 tation possessed by the other towns on knives, forks, etc., at Wm. F. Deil- good. Robert Barber, Cookspert, Pa., of the winter in southern California, Simpson & Co., putting up booths.................. 1 (D 1 00 cents, ladies free. Saturday afternoon the west side. Railroad builders should schneider’s. claims Dr. King’s New Discovery has where lie will no doubt make a close free to ladies. No gentlemen. look us up. <’. Grissen is receiving large ship­ done him more good than anything he study of our neighbors’’ methods of Henry Olive, panther ever used for lung trouble- Nothing fruit raising. scalp.......................... 1 00 1 00 Durham & Marquis will open a roller Tlie Chinese pheasant season is now ments of books and holiday goods. like it. Try it. Free trial bottles at A Schutler,cleaning elec­ skating rink in the Elsia Wright build­ closed and sportsmen should take care Rogers Bros, drug-store. Large bottles Holiday goods at Wm. F. Deilschnei- tion room ............... 1 00 1 00 I North Yamhill Leader, Nov. is.] 5 ing on the coner of Third and F streets that none of these magnificent birds der’s. Call early liefore the nicest pat­ 50c and $1. Mrs, Waters, care poor 22 50 22 50 Mrs. Glandon had the misfortune to on Saturday night of this week. are killed until after the first of Sep­ terns are picket! out Eastern Star Officers. 6 00 600 fall Monday morning and dislocated Paul Macy, supervisor. Lindsey Walker, brother of Reach tember. These birds are peculiar in For Sale—Twenty across of fine land, Election expenses........ 582 50 581 90 her wrist. Knowles Chapter, No. 12, O. E. s., Walker and an old resident of this their habits, for from now until the suitable for fruit, within one-half mile Phil Withycombe.tile for city, has returned to McMinnville with mating season the sexes separate and of the college. Price $150 per acre. No installed officers Monday evening. The There is considerable snow on (lie road........................... 20 55 20 55 money wanted down. Enquire at this mountains west of this town. bands of cocks can lie seen on nearly chapter has now 52 members and was his family to permanently reside. Wm.Campbell,elec room 2 00 office. 2 00 every plowed field. The hens are more organized less than two years ago with Tlie democrats of this city and vi­ The Indians on the Grand Ronde Carlin Coulter,drayage 5 00 5 00 For sale or trade. Your accounts for reservation voted at the last presiden- timid and are seen less than the cocks. cash at O. O. Hodson’s. Call at onea. 16 members. The officers installed are cinity celebrated the election of Cleve­ W L Warren, sheriff fees 189 00 185 00 as follows: Nellie Hodson, W. M.; W. land last Monday evening. The exer­ J K Gill & Co stationery 15 16 lial election. Rave Leno informed us The killing of the birds in the winter, 13 00 I hat (X) or 70 of them exercised the especially tlie cocks, is easy, as they Go toC. H. Cook’sfor Hillsboro rolled Knowles, W. P.; Amanda J. Warren, cises consisted of a torchlight proces­ Justice transcript State congregate around the barnyards and oats, fresh ground ami finest on the A. M.; Susie Talmage, Sec.; Hansine sion, headed by the Wildwood band, right vs Davis.................... 19 80 19 80 are more like the domestic fowl than market. Nelson, Trees,; Jennie Gallentine, and participated in by a large number Justice transcript, com- The sportsmen of this city have eni- like tlie bustling Chinamau of tlie i The butcher shop of Booth A Hibbs Adali; Nora Cooper, -Ruth; Grice of young ladies, an address by Hon. B. proved the stock of the hunting dog to hunting season. 13 20 I is at all times supplied with, the best of Laughlin, Esther; M. I1. Cooper, Mar­ M. Houston and finished up with a mitment to reform sell ’1 19 26 such an extent that the liest blooded meats. Game and fish in season, rec- tha; Rosina Simpson, Electa; Anneta grand oyster supper, given by the dem­ D J Johnson, cemetery Martin, Rogers, Cook, Heath and the j ^l'iect' bird dogs in the state can lie found in lots............................. 10 0.) Rej Newgard, W; W. L. Warren, Sentinel; ocratic ladies. There were about 366 Chinaman returned from Woods Fri­ this city. WRJolinson,bridge work 18 00 Rej An elegant line of ladies ’ watches at persons, including a large numlier of Myrtie Apperson, Organist. day last loaded to the gunwales witli J T Isham, supplies for B. Loder, of Carlton, is here examin­ snipe and duck. The only accident ' Wm. F. Dielschneiden, successor to M. P. Cooper was installed as Grand republicans, who “took soup.” Mrs. Eves.................. 14 65 Rej ing the dairy interests of Polk county, was the dislocating of Heath’s toe. In Wm. Holl. All goods guaranteed Electa of the Grand Chapter of Oregon. Captaiu Scott Dead. Harding <& Heath, pr’t’g. (» 35 Rej and securing all the good milk cows he kicking a dog with a pair of gum boots strictly as represented. This chapter possesses two Grand of­ Chas Galloway, putting comes across for his dairy in Yamhill his toe was dislocated and the dog was Subscriptions taken for all leading ficers in tlie persons of W. Knowles ( 'aptain Lyman 8. Scott, who died at 56 (X) wood in court house 50 00 county.— ll’csf Side. not hurt in the least. He has sworn periodicals at publishers rates, at C. and M. P. Cooper. Salem Monday, aged 65, drove a team Tyler .Smith and Blum- Grissen ’ s. Save postage and risk. The election tickets cost Polk county not to kick dogs when he has on gum to Santa Fe, N. M., in 1844. Returning mcr Frank,medical ser- The Deestrick Skule. $144. Yamhill’s cost $49 and they were boots. Martin lost his face and Rogers C. Grissen lias received another ship­ to Illinois two years later he took the vice. . printed in the T elephone -R egister thought the load was too heavy for a ment of organs, price $45.00 cash. This The closing exercises of the deestrick gold fever and started with an ox team Chas Daniels,coroner Dill 53 (XI 36 (10 is is a bran new organ warranted for office. Just remember that the best span of sick horses. Cook advised skule will he held in Garrison’s Opera for California, where in tlie vicinity of T W Perry, com’r salary 26 85 26 85 work at the lowest prices is obtained in him to give them some “pooders” lint six years. Volcano, Amador county, he spent 11 J J Henderson, 38 30 “ 38 30 Call on Wm. F. Deilschneider, suc­ house on the evening of Dee. 2. this office. Rogers failed to see the fun in it. years in the placer mines. In 1861, on Prof. Galloway has taken greai pains 83 72 There will be a Pink tea party at Plenty to eat and a general good time cessor to Win. Holl, if you want any­ to train his pupils for this occasion and tlie breaking out of the civil war he Wm Galloway Judge’s sal 83 72 F M York, assessor ’ s sal 310 50 310 53 thing in the way of watches, clocks, • Whiteson on Saturday Nov. 26, 1892, was had. raised Company I), Fourth California Ed Hendrick’s elk's sal 224 15 145 25 we hope to see a crowded house. The Amity paper varies a little this jewelry or plated ware. The largest for the benefit of the Presbyterian Among other things will lie declama­ infantry volunteers, and was appointed B Clark, surveyor’s »leak «3 00 63 00 church. The exercises will be held in ■ week. It is loaded with “pap” instead and best selected stock this side of tions by John Bull, Dennis McKinley, captain of the organization. The com­ Ben C Irwin, books. .. 17 50 Portland. 17 50 the church and the supper in the base- ’ of “pop,” containing ten columns of Grover Cleveland and Timothy Touck; pany was detailed for service in Ore­ R A Stow, bridge work . 2 06 21X1 The Hotel Yamhill furnishes first sheriff ’ s tax sale advertisement. That ’ s inent. All are invited. speaking by Hairy Ann Jones, composi­ gon, lieing stationed at Fort Yamhill. Pate Bros., lumlier 12 52 12 52 class table lioard at $4.00 a week; board The next encampment of the Grand tlie business to keep peace in a large tion on cows by Welcome Codington; In July, 1865, the company was ordered William Ralston, taking and lodging at $5.50a week. Best meal family. Thus the important matter of Army of the Republic, department of duet,Polly Ann Plunket and Mehitable to Eastern Oregon and established ('am p Strohm to hospital. . 11 09 11 09 in the city for 25 cents. Curry in Harney lake valley. In De­ R S Tcwnsend, nursing Oregon, will bg held at Pendleton on informing twelve or fifteen thousand Buttermilk. people how the tax roll stands in their Any kind of wood in any quantity the 12th and 13th of April 1893. The cember of the same year the company Whiteman................. 2 50 Rej The Wagefi of Sin. can lie purchased of Kay & Todd. was ordered to San Francisco, where II R Caddv, Stilwell, supt salary 51 50 the Norwegian vessel that went 51 50 S. Howorth & Co. at the McMinn­ seems that some time ago Chas, Ai­ “official gazetteer,” or go in ignorance ashore on Christmas morning last ville pharmacy are closing out their bright came to this country from tile ness at Portland, where he remained do et al, br’d ex 36 00 36 00 concerning their property, Tell you, stock of paints and oils at cost. Call East to tend bar for his brother, In but a short time. He went to Salem in Blummer & Frank, drugs winter near cape Loukout, lays strewn this is an age of progress, if it does anil investigate. 1866, where he had.made his home ever upon the beach between Sand lake and the course of time lie obtained the busi­ for indigent................ 10 60 Rej come high.— Transcript. __ Rhodes & Rhodes have money to ness and his brother went to California since. the cape. It is worthless as it can not Tyler Smith, med atten 46 50 Rej Seventy-five Conviilsions--A*Tlirilliii" Ex­ loan on improved farm property. School Report. lie hauled away. soon procuring a divorce from liis wife, O P McLaughlin care of perience AU parties knowing themselves in­ Charles continuing to live with his Creswell, indigent.. . 47 50 47 50 Dallas has put in one of Thompson The following pupils of Bellevue debted to S. Howortli & Co. will please brother’s divorced wife. On going A Hustons latest improved incandes­ school were on the roll of honor at the State of Oregon, County of Yamhill, ss. There is no one but at some period in call and settle. home from a ratification at Albany on close of the month, Nov. 18: Sophia, cent dynamos. It has a capacity of in life has an experience that stands I, Ed Hendricks, county clerk and When you want prices on lumlier get 700-16 C. P. lights. McMinnville out prominently beyond all others. them of A. S. Briggs as he will save Tuesday night of last week he found Alonzo and Alvin Thorp; Lena, Ora clerk of the county court of the county will need a new machine soon as lights Such is the case of John B. Collins, of you money. Any quantity and quality. his barkeeper, Chris Geniansin in the and Joe Buell, Rebecca Powell, of Yamhill, ami state of Oregon, do here­ Romeo, Mich., who says: “ From Sep­ Office witli Jas. Fletcher." house with his wife. A quarrel en­ Charles and Agnes Conner, Johnnie, by certify that the foregoing copy of can not now be obtained unless some tember to January, before using Ner- one discontinues using them. I vine, I had at least seventy-five con­ For rent.—An unfurnished room, sued and Albright received a bullet in Maud and Addie Soper, Albert Ser­ schedules lias lieen by me compared witli The first term at the college has vulsions. After three months’ use I suitable for one or two lady students, the lungs. The wounded man is not geant, Yada Farmer, Thomas, Lee, the original, and that it is a correct trans­ liave no attack.” Dr. Miles’ Restora­ who want to board themselves. In­ expected to live, but will not make a Charles and Bertha Davis, Harry Leh­ cript therefrom and of tlie whole of such been a good one. The second term tive Nervine also cures nervous pros­ quire at this office. will liegin Monday, December 5th. tration, headache, poor memory, diz­ For sale or trade. Your accounts fol­ statement. • No arrests have been man, Francis and Leander Arthur, original schedule of claims as the same made but tlie grand jury is now in ses­ Hattie Hamlin, Grace Weaver, Cora appears of file at my office and in my It is probable that there will be a nuipi ziness, sleeplessness, neuralgia, etc., cash at O. O. Hodson’s. Call at once. sion in Corvallis and tlie truth of the and Ethie Etherton, Lewis Gates, and builds up the body. Mrs. J. R. custody. ber of new students with the lieginging Miller, of Valparaiso, Ind., and J. R. Rhodes & Rhodes are sole agents for case will no doubt soon come out. Floy Henkle, Ota Delashmutt, Katie of the term. Several new classes are Taylor, of Logansport, Ind., each In testimony wiiereof I have hereunto the sale of lots in Willis addition. Yocum and Lumina Fostier. I set my hand and affixed the seal of usually organized at that time. gained 20 pounds of flesh by taking it. The New Road. School books and stationery at C. M innie P otter , Teacher. ' said court this 21st day of November, A. Examinations have been held at the Sold by Rogers Bros, on a guaranteed Grissen’s. Get the Doctor’s book free. Some thirty men are at work on the I D. 1892. Eli H em . hi , ks , ( |<>rk. public school and Prof. Peebles reports Tiilmook County Votew G. 8. Wright, dentist, McMinnville, new road to Beaver. One crowd is R. JACOBSON’S that a higher percentage of the total Altoaalslilnx Fart.--Su.pretril l>y Coin- 1 Oregon. working west from this city, while the The total vote of Tillamook county is paratively Few. enrollment has attended these exami­ Great Bona Fide Sale. If you want your property insured in other crowd started in from tlie head of 948. The republican vote is 523; dem­ nations than at any other period in the A discount of 15 per cent, oil all goods a standard company Things that eniliody the most truth company, Rhodes »(¡’Rhodes the Willamina and are working from ocratic 258; peoples party 153; prohi- are frequently amony the last to lie »4» nloounil »r pleased tn to xi write you. past. All of them have passed well commencing on the 3d day of Nov., will I be there toward Nestucca. Some 28 men btion 14. Pierce’s vote in the county realized. Incredible as it may seem I and the professor is proud of the fact 1892, and continue for 60 days only. Call on Rhodes & Rhodes for bargains in four has a weak or diseased ' that there is not a pupil that can be Our reasons: No. 1. Late fall and over­ in real estate. They will show you will go to work on the line of the road was 361. It it thus seen that the dem­ one heart, the early symptoms of which ocrats of Tiilamook were loyal to the at Beaver as soon as the tools can be property and give prices with the best considered a worthless one in the stocked. No. 2. Obliged to raise money. are, short breath, oppression, faint and I ; terms. got to them and it is safe to say that nominees of the contention to a greater hungry spells, fl uttering, pain in left! school. No. 3. Intend to make alteration in the road will be traveled by teams be­ extent than her sister county Y'amhill, side smotheriug, swbllen ankle, dropsy ' Last Saturday the first dance was our store. No. 4. Expect to make a There is more catarrh in this section of in stomach, etc. Levi Logan.,1 the country than all other diseases put to­ fore the winter is over. The estimated over 166 of them scratching Pierce’s wind held in the new hall in the Campbell change in business. All goods marked gether, Buchanan, Mich., suffered from heart and until tlie last few years was distance by this road from McMinn­ name from tlie ticket. block and the dancing club are satis­ in plain figures. Our 15. percent, dis­ supposed to lie incurable. For a great ville to Beaver is 37 miles, while by tlie disease thirty years. Two bottles of > Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure cured him. [ fied with all the arrangements. It is count is fully equal to a 25 per cent, many years doctors pronounced it a local Flectric Bitters. shortest route now it is 54 miles. The i.isease. and prescribed local remedies, and The effects of your new Heart Cure,! the liest equipped dancing ball in the discount offered by other houses. We by constantly failing to cure with local is wonderful.”—Mrs Eva Dresser, Me-: road will easily save 26 miles to Ne­ This remedy is becoming so well county and all who danced arc loud in have always claiiwed .to sell cheaper treatment, pronunced it incurable. Sci­ Gregor, Iowa. This favorite remedy is' known and so popular as to need no tarts bay. lias proven catarrii to be a constitu­ praising the floor. The music stand than any other firm in Yamhill coun­ ence special mention. All who have used sold by Rogers Bros, on a guarantee. I tional disease and therefore requires con­ hangs from the center of the ceiling ty. Fully 10 per cent. The public stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, The farmers are making the produce Electric Bitters sing the same song of Get the Doctor’s liook, ‘New and | and does not interfere with dancers at should take advantage of this great manufactured by F. J Cheney A Co .To­ market of C. H. Cook headquarters for praise.—A purer medicine does not ex­ Startling Facts," free. ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is ledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure all. Great preparations have been opportunity to secure bargains, and on the market It is taken internally in i the display of fine produce. He now claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all made for the dance tonight and a glo­ come early, while our stock is complete. doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful* It has the Coulter pumpkin, which tips diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will acts d.rectlv on the blood and mucous sur­ remove pimples, la>il~, salt rliuem and rious good time is assured. We make the liold assertion and claim faces of thé system. They offer one hun­ the scales at 151 pounds. Doris Hutch­ other atTectioas caused by impure When Baby was sick, we ga.o her C'aslorl*. Remem her that Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to carry the largest and most complete dred dollars for any case’ it fails to cure. ins brought in a radish which weighed blood.—Will drive malaaia from tlie When she was a Child, she cried for Caslorki Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad­ nine pounds and twelve potatoes that is extracted from the Honduras root, stock of clothing, boots and shoes, dry dress. system and prevent as well as cure all When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. F. J. CHENEY. Toledo, O. ’ weighed twenty pounds. Charley is malarial fevers.—For cure of headache, When she had Children, she gare them Castoria. which only of Sarsaparilla* has the goods and ladies’ wraps, outside of JSTsold by Druggists, 75c. • anxious to get in all tlie fine vegetables constipation indigestion try Electric true alterative properties. Also, that Portland. One Small Bile Bean every niirht fora Bitters—Entire satisfaction gauranteed, he can, as he wants to make a display or week arouse Torpid Livers. 25c. per Isittie. it is a|highly concentrated and power­ P. 8.—All those knowing themselves money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $1.66 per liottle at Rogers Bros, drug ful medicine, and lienee Its wonderful indebted will please call and settle. Prevent anil cure Constipation aud Sick- They increase appetite, purify the whole store. 5 Dr. Miles' Nervine for Nervous Prostration. Headache, Small Bile Beans. results in all forms of blood disease. R. J acobson . system and act out ne liver. Bile Beans Small. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER There are various schemes concocted by dealers to induce you to trade with them; the following is a ponidar one: To adver­ tise an article and sell it to you at cost, but bear in mind this fact, this same dealer must make his profit on some future purchases by you or some one else, to be able to stay in bnsiness. And the profit may be a large one, for the purchase may be some article you are not familiar with. We make one price to all, give you good, honest weight, guarantee the quality of our drugs; our accuracy is assured; prices the lowest. I ROGERS BROS. PHARMACY. “TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.” Strange, but True WALLACE A WALKER would rather have the Choice Groceries now decorating their shelves, in the cupboards of the good housewives of this city than where they are. . They Want to Sell Everything That is now contained in their store and intend to do it if good quality and low prices will do it. Their shelves are loaded with all the choicest luxuries in the grocery line as well as the necessities......................................................... A Special Line of Lamps Larger in quantity than is carried by any house in the city is displayed and your attention is called to the fact that we are the sole agents for the latest improvements. Tliev are the best that can lie obtained. WALLACE & WALKER. The Great Political Battle is ended; and as the demand was for a Change, the only one pos­ sible was got. And judg­ ing from the returns it w as the one the great Majority Wanted And all should be reconcil­ ed to the result. In a busi­ ness light the only t he nec­ essary is to readjust the tariff to suit The Change. We are offering special bar­ gains on CLOTHING and all CLOAKS left on hand. On these we are giving a Special Discount of 25 P01* cent to clean up those left. On all other goods except sta­ ples we give the usual 10 per cent discount for cash. Our goods were marked exceedingly low in the first place these discounts make them especially good bagains Just received direct from New York a fine line of kid and chamois gloves. When think the best and cheapest evor brought to McMinnville. We We have a full line of staple grocer­ ies, and our prices upon comparison will be found among the lowest. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. A. J. APPERSON.