“Yes,’’ assented the first speaker dubi­ displeasure I found the fellow had not I THE FLOWER OF THE HOUR. ________ nothing that entails more perplexed suf­ * ously; “bnt suppose there should ever done what I counted upon. I searched : all the cars through and through, in- 1 fering. One has seen a sensitive child ; i The Fickle 1'a.blou. Which Dictate the be an investigation. If they got me | Favorite Flower. under oath my conscience would not let I specting carefully all ihe bodies they VOYAGE OF THE CHINA VASE AND | utterly misunderstood by those who had By J. H. CONNELLY. it in charge—perhaps its attendant, per- ! A pretty* member of the mallow fam- me deny the consideration, nor could I contained, and mine was not among THE BRAZEN POT. them. haps its parents—and the look of be-1 | ily (Hibiscus trienum) claims the title, you—without perjury.” (Copyright. 1S8S. by American Press Associa­ Of course I felt annoyed; still there wilderment and pain and questioning and probably at home under Italian “ Oh, dear, yes. The easiest thing in tion.] the world. See, here is an odd bean; an was some satisfaction in knowing there Mrs. Frank Leslie Makes an Apt Applica­ that comes over the ingenuous face, not skies it is a “flower of an hour,” folding CHAPTER L tion of Æsop’s Familiar Fable—The Tor­ yet capable of concealment, is exactly African lx?an. I am tired of carrying it was but one other alternative action the tures of a Sensitive Woman’s Alliance what comes over the heart and mind of in my pocket. I shall abandon it on fellow could have taken. Finding it -r? i this seat when I go away. Of course I impossible to wake my body up, he had with a Selfish and Unsympathetic Man. the china vase when she first discovers just let it lie, trusting I would have my that she has set upon the voyage of life will not know what becomes of it. Yet ^Copyright. 1802. by American Press Associa­ in company with a brazen pot. And as there are curiosity seekers who would sleep out by the time the train reached tion. All rights reserved.] a general thing the woman is as in­ give a good deal to get hold of that par­ Philadelphia, or perhaps New York. for Infants and Children« capable as the child of putting into ticular sort of bean for their cabinets. I Somewhere between Conewago and words just where the pain, and the wouldn't at all wonder if some one Mount Joy I overtook the main train ft >. amazement, and the disappointment Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, • 'Castoria is so well adapted to children that would give two thousand dollars for and ransacked it in vain. The “double y Sour Stomach, Diarrhopa. Eructation. I i-ecominend it as superior to any prescription lower-’ I had occupied was empty. The come in. that bean in Albany tomorrow night.” Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di known to me. ” H. A. A rcher , M. D., I remember once trying to explain snoring girl still thrilled the echoes, The man with prudential scrnples Without injurious medication. Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. some mental disquietude to a man the familiar smells were all there yet ■ aa looked puzzled for a moment. Then a whose intellect and eloquence had cap ­ and the porter, who had sworn to take light of comprehension dawned upon “ For several years I have recommended “The use of Castoria’ is so universal and tivated my ear and given me an idea his face and deepened gradually to a care of me, sat asleep in the smoking Sour ‘ Castona. ’ anti shall always conUime W its merits so well known that it seems a work that he must necessarily understand o so as it has invariably produced beneficial of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the shrewd grin. “I feel certain I shall have compartment with his head thrown back results.’’ intelligent families who do not keep Castoria everything. He listened for awhile to and his mouth open, looking like a gash an attack of the grip," he said. within easy reach ” M _ E dwin F. P abdbb . M. D., my efforts to put almost unutterable C ablos M artyn . D.D.. The two smiled together and went in a black watermelon. But what had •‘The Winthrop, " 125ch Street and 7th Aee., New York City. things into words, and finally replied away to their respective berths, the man he done with my body? How I longed New York City Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. with a jovial laugh; with the bean carelessly throwing it on to kick him awake and demand that of “ The trouble is with you as with most him! Bnt for all practical purposes I the seat as lie passed out. In a few sec­ T hb C bxtavb C omfamy , TT M urray S trut , N xw Y ou . women. You fancy yourself unique, onds one returned for a glass of water was of no more good without my miss­ whereas you are only one of a wonder­ at the cooler before retiring, and casu­ ing corporeality than a thought which fully uniform species. All women have ally clntched and jxx-keted the bean; has not yet occurred to anybody. The MALLOW. these fads and fancies, and they are all then the other also returned' for a drink, hideous fact forced itself squarely upon pretty much alike. Just give up the its Naples yellow petals promptly over looked at the seat from which the bean my acceptance—I had lost my body. idea that there is anything peculiar to the family ensign—a column of united was gone and grinned complacently. HERE are various kinds yourself in all these notions and realize stamens that stands in the beautiful A POPULAR STORY WRITER. I continued my ramble through the of unhappy marriages that nearly every woman of ycur ac­ brown center of the flower; but tn its f ditcnvered that it larked hut three train, but found nothing more to inter­ A Fair Tennesseean Who Has Won Fan?« which one notices and quaintance cherishes the same. Then adventurous life with us, where it es- THE r.s an Actress and a Writer. est me, and the discomforts of the excep­ minute» to four o’clock. quietly studies, although their record go to work at something. There is noth­ caiies from gardens, it varies with the Miss Viola Roseboro is a Tennesseean may-not get into the newspapers or be it will hardly admit of question that tionally unpleasant trip were even accen­ ing like sewing—common plain sewing weather, and as a timekeeper is no more persons addicted to roaming about in tuated to my consciousness through their by birth and lineage, but she has lived generally understood in society. —to bring a fanciful woman like you to to be trusted than a four-o’clock. presentation to my mind as knowledge, little in her native state, having, as she their astral forms are apt to develop an The story of the boy and the fox is her sober senses; or, if you like better, Other flowers also have their hour, and indifference to their material bodies and not as mere deductions from pos­ admits, being "brought up all over the very trite, but like most trite things it go and visit the poor and play Lady tlio favor that makes them the fashion sibly illusory sensory impressions, a dis ­ country. ” She removed to New York which is, to say the least, indiscreet so has been so often repeated because it is Bountiful; that is what occupies the of the day is fickle as our skies of cloud long as a definite purpose of final alran- tinction my readers familiar with the about ten years ago. Miss Roseboro was bo very true, and nobody has discovered time and mind of a great many of our and sunshine. “Dear little buttercup” donment is not entertained. Our fore­ phenomena of astralization will per­ on the stage for three years and was suc­ a better way of clothing a truth which better class of women.” was smiled on for one brief sunny’ hour; cessful, but literature held the first place everybody sooner or later feels the need fathers, who with rare exceptions were fectly comprehend. then the sunflower rose and all lesser Ely's dream Halm it not a liquid, muff or pmnder. Applied into the nostril» it it Perhaps it is unnecessary to say that “But,” I said to myself, "why should in her affections and lured her from the of expressing. But I think everybody ignorant of how to get out of then- — quickly absorbed. It cirante» 9» A cleanse» the load, ¡patì, allay allay» inflammation, heal» — — this gentleman was English—very Eng­ lights went out during its brilliant reign. bodies and return to them at will, I loiter about these crawling cars, where footlights. will concede that hiding the fox rather lish—and also that he was a first class Goldenrod, oxeye daisies aiid chrysan­ the tore». Hold by druggists druggist» or sent tent by mail on receipt of price. LII a a every one who can do so is trying to for ­ For five years she has been writing thought a great deal too much of their increases than lessens the sharpness of specimen of a brazen ;>ot. Verv fortu­ themums each had their day, and still e for magazines and newspapers. She ha? get his wretchedness in sleep, when I flesh, but that is no reason why we his gnawing, and that the smiles with linger in the twilight of appreciation. might, with the swiftness of thought, done a wide variety of newspaper work which the snfferer folds the rich robe nately I had never thought of floating Haughty orchid for awhile sat queen, should think too little. down the stream in his company, and to transport myself anywhere else I chose? with marked 'brilliancy and adaptability, The material body certainly has its above the hidden enemy are more the our mutual content we soon drifted out but her homage was short lived, and nses and deserves sufficient considera­ Why not go on to New York and see but her most enduring renown has been grimace of anguish than the expression of sight of each other. now the taste for aggressive size and gained by her short stories. Most of of mirth and ease. tion to insure its safety, if no more. Marian?” form and gorgeous color gives place to Another gentleman, and a right down For the first time t|ie idea occurred to these have appeared in The Century, and Yet thousands of happy-go-lucky folk, And I suppose there is no gnawing good man he wa3 upon the lines of his a finer and more delicate choice, and we when about to astralize themselves for me that there might lx? some special will be recalled as possessing unusual sorrow and mortification which women own little circuit, always said to me in find airy sweet peas hovering like but­ an evening's amusement, drop their danger in astralization on a moving originality and grace. She shifts liei are more prone to try to keep concealed reply to any little flight of fancy or the­ terflies in the social sunshine. bodies anywhere, with hardly more care train—something might happen to my scenes at will, and is as much at home and to cover with lying smiles and pre­ orizing or in fact anything except pure Mignonette has so long been held np for their comfort and security than body while I was away. I flitted back in portraying life in a New York “flat” tenses than an unhappy marriage. There as the symbol of “moral worth without commonplace : as she is when she gives the “ simple would be bestowed upon a discarded and looked at it. Of course it was just is something so humiliating to a woman “What a fr ;:y woman you are! I external beauty" that if it were capable coat, and go off feeling quite confident as I had left it. Dubitation about it annals" of the Tennessee backwoods in the confession that she has given all never knew sncli a funny woman in my of being anything else than its own of finding them all right and fit to put weakened the self confidence which, as “cracker.” and received nothing; that she has com­ It is a wonH- ' l , rer • dv, which is alike benefi- sweet self it would be a prig, but the Miss Roseboro loves New York city placently delivered herself over, bound life!” on again when required. Bnt there is everybody knows, is so essential to any soft brown spike simply keeps on pour­ On one cccasicn, when I was confiding Such is Scods Emulsion cial to you and v ' '•1 really a good deal of risk in doing so, one moving safely, as a visitor, upon passionately and hopes to make it hei hand and foot, to a master incapable of to this gentleman, as I might have done ing out fragrance from all its little as I have had very vividly impressed the astral plane, and I was not at all home, but just at present is living in appreciating tho value of his slave; that to my little deg, somo of those feelings censers till the air is filled with health­ \\'< ¡' Oil and Hvpophos- of Pure Norv. c . .. ■ - I upon me by a recent distinctly disagree­ surprised to see about me instantly a Ohio, in close attendance on her dearly she has bartered her womanhood for a of mild disce^ont and aspiration for a ful, stimulating odors that are good for loved mother, who is an invalid. The 11 checks wasting in the number of malicious sprites, and even a phites of Lime ;.ih! S •< ’ .! able experiei^e. Astralization is so easy handful of fairy gold, changing with the wider and 1:0* hr life which torment body and soul. that one is readily beguiled into thinking few malignant “eleinentals," eager to Century company has just brought out first calm ray of daylight to dried leaves most woi.iea from timo to time, he re­ Flowers, especially fragrant flowers, !. hrallhy flesh. It keeps children ar.d pro i\ it safe; but in point of fact,if yon are not take advantage of my deteriorated a volume of her stories called “Old and crumbling twigs. There are various plied as one would to a fretful child: owe half their charm to association. very careful, it is a mere question of strength. Bnt the sight of them nerved Ways and New.” They are clever, fas kinds of these unfortunate and humili­ if wiil do the same for you them from taking < o! I . Sometimes the association is so pleas ­ “Come, come; yen arc unreasonable. luck whether, if yon once leave your my resolution—or at least I so fancied cinating and dramatic. ating marriages, but none perhaps You have all the necessities and many ant it almost of itself gives fragrance to body, you will ever get into it again. at the time, though now I know the ef­ Scott's Emulsion «-. harder to endure for highly organized of the luxuries of life. You are dead the flower; and, again, a perfume will You may lose it forever in the little fect was simply a stimulation of my an­ and self respecting women than the sure that you never cau need for food or throw a. charm over an hour that would Coldi, ConsutnpLm. .? time yon take to slip out and flit around tagonism. not a rehabilitation of my b U Anaemic and Vi;’’ marriage of the china vase and the clothes or shelter so long as you live, otherwise be unrecorded, for few things moral force. Hesitating no longer, I the block without it. Prevente waitia" ia • • brazen pot, which, as you will remem­ and the rest is all nonsense, you know.” clinch the memory to the time like the mmtaepalainbli- ...: One es;>ecially abominable evening in transferred myself to New York, to Ma­ ber, JEsop tells us undertook to float subtle sweetness of perfume. Well, this gentleman was a sort of the genuine. Preparw i December last I boarded at Pittsburg, rian's parlor, where I did not doubt down the stream in company. brazen pot—not one of tl;e quiet, massive Bowne, ChemistK>: on the Pennsylvania railroad, the "fast finding her, as the hour was not yet Again I must confess the fable is so things that in men wo call brutal, but all Druggists. line, number four,” train from the west late. I may incidentally remark that Well known that you may call it trite, just a little Benares cup, or let us say leaving there eastwardly at ten minntes an engagement of marriage existed be­ and yet so very, very true to life that we saltcellar, as he so abounded in Attic after eight, intending to reach Baltimore tween Marian and myself, a fact which cannot afford to forget it. Do we not wisdom, but the thinnest and prettiest by it the next morning, spend the day did not prepare me to anticipate the constantly Bee it illustrated all about us? bit of brass, if constantly knocked up A San Francisco Paper in that city ami the next night return to scene which presented itself to my as­ Have we perchance had some experience against the edges of a china cup, will my home in New York. To my disgust tonished gaze. that indorses it? For this companion­ fret and chip and spoil it if it does not Would Form an Interesting Addition It would have seemed quite natural to I found every berth in the Baltimore ship in a limited degree is possible in absolutely crush it. me to have found her contemplating my s'leejier engaged, bnt argument, backed other relations of life than marriage, bnt • to Your Winter Reading. And which is the worst after all, tell by financial influence, obtained for me a portrait, perhaps reading my last letter with this difference—that in almost any me, 0I1, china cups? The two er three "double lower-’ in the sleeping car next and wishing for my safe and speedy re­ other relation escape is possible; friend­ blows 1 hat absolutely destroy and efface, to it, which had come from Chicago and turn to her side. But that was not at ships and intimacies may l>e quietly or the little jarrings and scratches and was going on to New York. I would all what I saw. She sat by the piano, dropped; the daughter or sister who nicks and nips that defaeo a piece of THKt • • • have to tnrn out at Harrisburg at three as if she had just been playing. Instead cannot live with her father or brother china and cover a woman’s face with a. m. to transfer myself to the Balti­ of my. counterfeit presentment claiming may find another home and no one ask wrinkles and worry lines before its time? more bonnd section of the train, which her attention, it was absorbed by a gen­ why, but the wife or the husband is For my part 1 incline to think the lat­ divided there, but even that arrange­ tleman, a stranger to me, who bent over bound by self chosen tics not to be rent ter torment the more unendurable. One her, murmuring affectionate phrases in ment would give me about five hours of without public scandal and severe humil ­ SUNFLOWER. of the tortures of the Inquisition was to ROSEBORO. rest, which was certainly better than her ear. Soon he took his leave, and in iation. Another old garden flower—the nas­ She is luodest, as is all true worth, You may tay, if the companionship is shave the top of a man’s head and then IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE. WEST. sitting up all the night. The porter doing so actually had the audacity to pledged himself—for a consideration — kiss her. And she, saying "Good night,” and says that her “chief claim to dis­ self chosen, only self is to blame for its place him under a tank of water which turtium—that had almost died out of fell one slow drop after aiiother upon remembrance camo back a few years tinction is the fact that she is not con­ incompatibility. Why did the china to call me in good time to dress. Par­ returned the salute. In all my astral experiences I have templating writing either a novel or a vase consent to the proposed voyage? the defenseless scalp. It is said that ago on a wave of popularity and still don my going into all these details. SPECIAL PREMIUMS prisoners who laughed at the rack and VALUE, $135,000 You will see they had a rather impor­ never so much missed my good, solid, play.” This is to bo regretted, as it is Why did it not foresee the disastrous jeered at the flames succumbed under holds its place. The flower, in form and calor “ like a golden helmet pierced GIVEN AWAY quite certain that she is splendidly capa ­ material right leg and foot as when I termination of such an undertaking? tant bearing on subsequent events. The atmosphere in that car was almost saw that fellow going leisurely down ble of writing a fine novel, turning it “Any fool might know that at the first this torture, the effect of which was to so through and stained with blood” and irritate the whole nervous system that guarded by a shield shaped leaf, was pestilential. It had been crowded all her stoop to the ¡lavement. Of course I into a gixxl play, and then acting the commotion the brass vessel must shatter It is brimful of news from all parts of the world, and it* Literary Department is supplied by the day; its stove worked perfectly and its did not haunt about Marian any more. leading role to the delight of all be­ the china one. and fools must suffer for it thrilled with agonies not to be pro­ thus described by Parkinson a hundred foremost writers of the day. In addition to its great news and literary features, duced by violence. years Jgo: “ It is of so great beauty and ventilating apparatus not at all; bleak I was done with her. Disgusted and holders. She is young and passing fair their folly without expecting sympathy.” IT GIVES TO EVEAY SUBSCRIBER HIS CHOICE FROM TWO Just like this is the agony many a sen­ sweetness withal that my garden of de­ So says the world and shrugs its shoul­ wind and fierce driving rain had pro­ “mad all the way through,” I went to see. Her face is strong as well as MAGNIFICENT WORKS OF ART, hibited the opening of windows; so the around to my club, forgetting for the beautiful, and in social life she is engag­ ders, well satisfied with its own shrewd sitive and high strung woman endures light cannot be unfurnished of it, and common sense, as it calls it. But then by enforced companionship with a man again the whole flower hath a fine small air was thick with hot humidity and the moment that I could not take a soothing ing, stimulating and entertaining. M el R. C olquitt . the world is itself the brazen vase, and whose almost every word and action is scent very pleasing.” animal smells of humanity. While the glass of wine; but that fact was soon Consisting of eight beautiful reproductions from masterpieces of the world's great­ A few flowers are universal; roses, eitough borne in upon me. I could do its dictim is exactly what might be ex­ an offense and an annoyance to her; porter was making up my lied, I found est artists, the whole collection bound in a handsome bamboo leatherette case; who never understands that he is hurt­ lilies and violets need no election to A Convenience for Smokers. pected. the dense smoke in the smoking com­ nothing but look at the other fellows A box to hold burned matches and cigai Or a beautiful reproduction, in all of its original colors, of the famous hfstorkal Of course there is some truth in what ing her feelings until he is told so, and their sweet office, nor has any genera­ partment a temporary relief. Bnt when and listen to them, and it is just plain painting, 22x23 inches, I crawled into my "double lower.'’ the truth and not slang when I say they ashes is a great convenience to those it says. I notice that disagreeable things then cannot in the very least understand tion dared to throw aside the carnation. situation became unbearable. With the made me tired. Nothing diverted my who smoke. Such receptacles are not generally do have some truth about how he did so; a man who looks r.t every­ These inherit their ■pre-eminence, and curtains dropped before me, I felt as if painful reflections, for I had been very always ornamental in a room, but here them. The china vase ought certainly thing from a coarse and material point their nobility is something more than Columbus at the Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. in my coffin and seemed to be inhaling fond of Marian, and that discovery hurt is one that is. It is designed to be hung to have been wiser, but there are ex­ of view; who interrupts her most heart­ the fancy of the hour. With the advent of each new floral And besides all this, THE EXAMINER will this year distribute amon<| its subscribers 9,000 Pre­ on the wall, and tho foundation is a cuses to be made for her. In the firAt felt utterance with a (xxir joke, which at the combined odors of a stable, a hos­ me more than I can adequately tell. miums, aggregating in value the stupendous sum of $135,000. This is the fourth annual distribu­ It is strange that a mail suffering board as wide or a tiJe wider than a place, everybody is prone to estimate once silences and disgusts her; who, on favorite comes the question of our na­ tion, and the list of premiums is large»- and more valuable than ever before offered. Remember that pital and a charnel house. And even the other hand, if she tries to be cheerful tional flower. What shall it be? Among cigar box and twice long. This is from a grief caused by one woman the world from the jx>int of their own above the roaring rumble of the train I these premiums entail no additional expense to the subscriber whatever. They are alxolutcly free. The cost of the WEEKLY EXAMINER, together with these magnificent premium offers, to could hear from the section opposite me should almost always seek consolation in covered with rough drawing papei identity. It is not possible for a china and tell some little story or make some all our native plants does any more truly little jest, cuts it short with a.yawn and symbolize our nation than the sturdy tacked on after being dampened with a the presence of some other woman, but vase to evolve the idea of a bronze pot a snore, simulating a stentorian death rattle, which was simply maddening. such is the fact. Having liven so deeply sponge and water. Il shrinks slightly from its own inner consciousness; it “By Jove! Only 10 o'clock! What an sunflower, whose broad smile covers our endless evening!-’ land from ocean to ocean? Bold and Sleep under such conditions was mani­ wounded by the girl I loved, I instinctive­ in drying, and so dries perfectly smooth must learn it from experience—a bitter Possibly this china cup of a woman strong, it holds up its head “without ly sought one whose tender love and per­ over the board. Somewhat below the experience. festly impossible. ■ And another very valid excuse for the may be unreasonable—most women are fear and without reproach,-’ for there is Its regular subscription price. Get the full particulars of this grand offer from the EXAMINER'S Realizing that, I said to myself, " Why fect faith while life lasted I could never center of the board a shelf of thin wood Premium I.ist, which we can supply to you, or you cau procure one from your Post­ not astralize? It is my body only which question, the one whose dear face was is placed, painted black and set on two poor bit of china is that brass does not in some direction or another—and the no deceit in its open heart, and its gen­ Slxteeu-Page master or Newsdealer. Then, having considered the matter, call on us and place a combination sub­ requires rest. Very well, let it rest. the first my "infancy knew. How the fancy black iron brackets. This shelf always show its bard and cruel nature. tnen of their own caliber understand erous gold is without alloy. this and make allowance for it and get The mayflower has some claim, in that scription for THE WEEKLY EXAMINER and your borne paper, aud so save something of the codk When I am out it will not be conscious placid charm of the familiar scene is a little wider than the width of a It may be as the brass of Benares; cu­ around it without combating it directly. it is held to be our one historical flower, touched my heart as I moved slowly cigar box which is to be set on it. riously wrought, and ornamented; it may of either the snore or the smells, and I But the brazen pot man never makes but even if Nova Scotia had not already The box is covered inside and out with be inlaid with all sorts of precious metals shall 1# free to seek purer air and pleas­ down through the orchard tn the old a coat of asphalt varnish, which is black. and stones; it may be hammered and allowances for anybody but himself. appropriated it as her own emblem it anter surroundings, somewhere else on homestead! Mother slept, bnt as I stood 4iv her Before the outside dries sprinkle the filagreed and molded into most attract­ He tells his wife with brutal frank­ is, with all its dainty grace, hardly a the train. Even the roof of the car will be an improvement, sirce the weather bedside a kindly smile suffused her aged the sid.-s with bird gravel: let it dry on; ive shapes and decorations; it may be ness that her ideas and prejudices are suitable accompaniment to our eagle, to ople has been heard, that upon the wrinkles 1 am glad to think rest of it down to the bottom of the “ Oh, here I have found my very counter ­ road train seemed rather an incitement to try than an argument against it. were furrowed more by smiles than board is gilded. A few dashes of black part! Now I am sure of sympathy and such stuff and is going out to spend the our national flower must come from the That Desirable and Most Beautifully Located Projierty Known as comprehension.” Yes, brass is a very evening at the club; or—which is per­ group so familiar to all of us, which ¡Scarcely ha<| the notion flashed into my tears, and the band of silvery hair haps worse — he argues the matter in Bryant has set in his lines: mind when I straightened myself out framing them nt the frilled edge of her deceptive metal, not being indeed a true on the hill the goldenrod, the aoterin the on my right side, changed my rate of snowy nightcaii, I cannot say, but long metal at all, but only “a factitious com­ hand with a loud voice, peremptory de­ Then wood. breathing and fixed my mind, all in the enough for the influence of calm and pound” of copper and zinc, and no won­ mands for answers to questions like The yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn ordinary way. My last thought in the peace and purity pervading there to der poor, simplo china vases are de­ those of a lawyer cross examining a wit­ beauty stood. ceived—self deceived, if you will, blit ness who is trying to perjure himself, body as I composed myself was, “I shall sink into and strengthen my soul. Sud­ Goldenrod has received many votes, have to get back before we reach Har­ denly I happened to wonder wliat time nevertheless innocently misled into a and finally, with a coarsely contemptn- and there is much to be said in its favor. ous laugh, shouts: risburg.” The next minute I stood in it was. great mistake. “There! I thought you'd wind yonr- A handsome flower, soft and gracious, It is really one of the most annoying Situate and adjoining the BAPTIST COLLEGE and Park; Only five I suppose there is something to be said the aisle, free, conscious still of my un­ . self up if I gave you rope enough! You though lacking in that decision which minutes walk from the main street of McMinnville; By taking into con­ things in these astral experiences — as, 1 pleasant environment, but indifferent to on the side of the brazen pot also. It gives the sunflower such a personal it in the superb exhilaration always felt am sure, will be generally admitted— also judges from its own standpoint, see you haven’t a leg to stand on. What character—a genuine American—for, sideration the Fine Avenues and Street«, the Sightly Situation and live­ and cannot perhaps really know or ever ' idiots you won»>n are anyhow!" by the astral man as his first sensation that we have in this form no innate feel­ Perhaps again the brazen pot man is while the plant is quite rare in other ly Surroundings Pleasant Home addition furnishes the grandest and learn the genuine fragility and liability of liberty and power upon escaping ing of the lapse of time or limitations of simply coarse and careless and slovenly countries, our species are almost count­ most convenient property for thoee desiring a la’iiutifiil home. Pleasant space. XVe lack standards of compari­ to destrtictioii of its china companion. from the body. . and contemptuous of the refinements less and prodigal in growth, equally at Home is subdivided in four acre-blocks and is sold on reasonable terms. It is acknowledged that a man, to be A natural curiosity as to the producer son. I don't clearly see how this can be home on mountain, prairie or coast. So­ a worthy specimen of his sex, must have , that make the daily atmosphere of his journers by the sea will find miles of For information apply to WM. F. BRIEDENSTEIN, Sole Agent, of that awful snore impelled me to peep remedied, bnt it ought to be somehow. ’ wife ’ s existence. He is not careful of Moving tn great distances by a mere ef ­ Cor. Third Street and Railroad. McMinnville, Or. a good deal of the feminine nature la ­ behind the curtains it caused to trem­ goldenrod along the border that has a tent beneath his stronger attributes, and I his person or his dress; he puts his hat a deeper dye than usual, even in this ble and wave. To my amazement the I fort of volition miles are absolutely some men fail in this requisite alto­ . on and lights his cigar in her bedroom, rich colored blossom, and there is one offender proved to be a pretty young meaningless to our astral consciences, gether, while somo others have the , or he kicks off his boots in her boudoir white flowered species that prefers the girl. She lay upon the flat of her little and as for time, every one knows that wrong kind of feminine qualities, which , and only laughs lazily when requested rocky banks of streams. back with her mouth wide open, and if we could not catch sight of a dial or are worse than none and only make the , not to do so again. from that portal of coral and pearl draw deductions from things on the ma­ M argaret E. H ouston . In fact, the varieties of the brazen pot brass more brazen. These men add to the , puffed, gurgled ami snorted with the terial plane we would not know any dif­ Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure atilruggists. tiardness and obtuseness and roughness ( are infinite and infinitely painful to en- unholy vigor of a hired man. I felt ference between the lapse of ten minutes [ counter. But one thing is invariable of the masculine nature the vanity and and a week. Clearly the most needed that it was not good for a bachelor to WIFT’S SPECIFIC know such a capability existent in wom­ invention of the age is some good, relia­ paint—a suggestion of a branch and . love of ease and exactingness which and inevitable—if the china vase nnder- ble sort of astral watch. When the idea leaves on either side of the painting— tarnish the soul of many a woman, while , takes to float down stream beside any an and fled in haste. Few persons were still awake other of time occurred tome I had to godown will relieve the plain gold, and the front they show not a trace of those sympa­ one of these brazen forms, the end is renovating the than the train hands in either of the into the sitting room for a look at the and sides of the black varnished box are thetic and self denying attributes which , sure; either u few coarse, heavy blows entire system, eliminating > shatter and sink her, or an infinity of cars, but in the smoking compartment I face of the old tall clock that has ticked similarly dashed with a few streaks of make other women the light and joy of all Poisons from the flood, little miserablo jars and fractures leave found two who interested me. They generations of my family into and out gold. Under the box a little square of a worthy man’s existence. whether of scrofulous or God pity the wife of such a man—and her marred and splintered and rough were stout, well dre wd. prosperous of life. black emery paper is tacked against the malarial origin, this prep­ edged and ruined for all beauty and self To my horror I discovered that it gold background to scratch matches on. she need look for no other pity, for the ’ respect. looking men. one with indecision and aration has no eqyal. . . mental struggle mar. ¡fest in his face, lacked bnt three minntes to four o'clock! If desired the box may be partitioned man to whom she is tied knows not what Will be Especially Interesting during the Fall Cam­ the other wearing a look of determined And that train was divided at Harris­ off into several places—one to hold pity means, and the world will only and confident insistence. As I, invisi­ burg nearly an hour before. For one cigars, one for good matches and one scoff should she lx? so ill advised as to paign. Subscribe Now. ble, took a seat before them, the former moment a vague sense of alarm seemed for the ashes and burned matches. This ■sk for its sympathy. “ For eighteen mcidhs I had an To be sure, as a whole, the world can­ to paralyze me. Then I darted to Har­ last may contain a tray with straps to was saying: eating sore on my tongue. I was Notice of Final Settlement. Scientific Anencai treat id by l>eyt local fhysuians^ “I don't mind admitting to you, just risburg. lift it out easily when it needs to lx? not comprehend her sufferings and aches in perplexity. (tit obtained no relief; the sore Agency for Yes; the mischief had been done. emptied. between ourselves, I would like to; but A nnie I sabel W ii . t . is . NOTICE is hcri-by given that the under-1 July Days. gradually grew worse, / finally “Of what do you complain? He does signed, as the administrator of theevtate of, I don’t know how I can, seeing the flat- The train had come, split and gone away Softly drone the honey bees; took S. S. -S'., and was entirely fJco Hanter Co., composed of Geo. Sauter | not l>eat you or starve you, does he?" T<> Carry a “Makeup.” footed way I have already committed again, two-thirds of it toward Philadel­ Blossom scented in the breeze; and G. Luenberger, the latter «leceased, has 1 cured after using a few bottles? “No; no indeed.” myself against that bill. Why, I not phia. one-third toward Baltimore. Which Golden is the grain. A pretty party bag is made of half a filed his tinul account in the county court, C. D. Me L emore , Over all the faintest haze “ He is not openly unfaithful? ” had carried off my body? • , only opposed it on the floor, but fought of Yamhill county. Oregon, of his adininis-1 yard of golden brown sat ip, with a bor­ Henderson^ Tex. Rests, and song birds pipe their lay* “ Not that I know of." ’ tration of said estate; and said court has i If the car porter had as much sense as der on each end of plush a shade darker it before the committee; and now to go In a sweeter strain. i set the xth «lay of November, 1R92. at the] “Well, what isthe matter? What does for it would give me dead away. Every­ a hen. I reasoned, his line of duty would than the satin and seven inches deep. ‘ l’KEAT1SE on Blcod and Skin ‘ hour of one oVlock, p. in., of said «late, at' From the meadows come the scent body would know I had ‘got a bone' be plain to him. My purchase of a This is doubled lengthwise and the ends he do or leave undone for you to com­ 1 Diseases mailed Iree. > the cotinty court roimi in said county > Of the new hay, clover blent— Tua S wift Setciric Co_ and it would ruin my chances for re­ ticket obligated the company repre­ and sides sewed up. leaving a space of plain of?" i the time and place of hearing said a« connt 1 In the topaz sky Atlanta. G. l But the china vase remains silent. Therefore, all persons interested in said » l*w infonuation and fr#n* Handbook write to sented by him to transport my body fourteen inches in the center. Line with election among the farmers." Fleecy clouds, like ships at sea. ■LNN A CA> Ml B boadwa T. new YoM. «-state are hereby notified an«l required to I Floating onward lazily. “My dear sir,” replied his companion, from Pittsburg to Baltimore. It was no brown silesia. and put a row of pretty The very essence of being china is to be U4r*Ht bureau for ee<-urtng patent’ in America. l>e and appear at said tune and pla«-o and) < Gwsry Or at anchor, lie. patent taken out by un ri t np for action have an attack of la that contract. His business simply was in which to carry slippers, fan, extra to put things into words that he who At July’s behest. Two acres of land in the John Lynch ad- discharged CO grippe and remain in your room at the to slide my unconscious corporeality hairpins, etc., and which of course is runs may read, although they may be She has come, and coming brings I dition to McMinnville. Good house with I hatefl this 4th dav of October. A. D. 1802 I more real than most of the things to be hotel until the next day. That is simple aboard the Baltimore train, and in good left in the dressing room. Surcease from all weary things— | young truit and good water. Enquire at GEORGE HALTER, f found in print. There is nothing harder Blissful sense of rest! the premises. enough, and you know when I promise confidence of his having done so I hur­ | Ramley A Fenton. Administrator. I Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and to fi"bt than noncompreheusion and —John Kendrick Bangs in Ladies’ Home Jour- tf. J. H BOGUE. Attys for Estate (Oct. G—41) | ried in pursuit of it. But to my serious 1 Constipation, Small Bile Beans. I make good every time.” NT UNLUCKY ASTRALIZATION. UNHAPPYMAKBIAGES U\\£s C oldhead ■Sil Cl] Cfl/t DUG 3UG ELY BROTH BR0THEÍS^6 O Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UG /4/?£ MANY REASONS WHY W eekly E xaminer 9,000 The Examiner’s Art Album, . $|,50 ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR $|.5O NOW ON THE MARKET AND FOR SALE. Pleasant Home Addition To McMinnville. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR S s s For Sale or Trade! FOR THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. Best Local Paper in Yamhill. £nrntific >mericati