♦ Look at the Map. Look at the Map. McMinnville, Yamhill County. Here is the County seat. Here is published THE TELEPHONE. REGISTER, Monarch of home newspapers, accorded first place in all the Directories. State of Oregon, Yamhill County. Here you will find the most pro­ ductive section in the World. I .anil is cheap, offering special in­ ducements to fruit raisers and dairymen. Look at the Map Look at the Map Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , august «ESISTER Establish'd August. IMI. TELEPHONE Established June. 1886. VOL. IV. NO. 29 is , isos . THE WORK OF CONGRESS. JJOTEL YAMHILL. I E. SAM1EKS. rBOl’ISIETOK. First «.'lass in Every Particular. Free Sample Room for Commercial Travelers. Farmers can Ret a good dinner here for 25 cents ; give us a eali. Formerly the Cook House. MONMOUTH, OREGON. Leading Normal School in the Northwest. B oard R egents . IF YOU WANT 8 AT BEDROCK PRICES, TRUCK AND DRAY CO., BURNS & DANIELS They have the best and most complete stock this side of Portland and will always The Duke of Yamhill. treat you right McMILLMM U WE WANT YOUR EYE J. B. ROHR, Combination? Yes O. O. HODSON iitl FACTORY ™ r Popularly Called the Pirate as She is Es­ pecially Designed to prey on the Ene­ my’s Merchantmen During War. Aver­ age Speed of 21 Knots, in the Session. ■ h I h ** * The work before congress continues to grow year by year. At the session just expiring 13,439 bills were intro- «luced—3,604 in the senate and 9,835 in the house of representatives. Of course but a small portion of these bills suc­ ceeded in reaching the stage of enact­ ment. The house had ou Saturday passed ssmewhat less than 500 bills, of which 284 were passed by the house and sent to the president. Of the bills passed by the house less than half, 220, were public bills, including measures relating to the District of ('olumbia, 151 were private (xmsion bills, 48 were bills to remove charges of desertion, and 41 were private bills of a miscellaneous character. The senate passe«! 691, but only 113 of these passed the house and reached the president. It) the house 2 106 rejxirts were mad«* on bills, und in the senate 1,087 written re|x»rtx were made. The total number of bills pass­ ed when eongres. finally adjourns will probably not much exceed 400. Congress has not passed as large an amount of legislation of importance in tiie session just closing as it has done at seine preceding sessions. It is not, of course, to be exjiected that a congress in which the two houses are of opposite political complexions can push through as great an amount of legislation as one in which tiie two houses are in polit­ ical accord. The list of important measures passed by the two houses is not long. It includes among others the laws prohibiting the coming of Chinese into the United Slob's, grant­ ing an American registry to two ocean steamers of the Inman line on «xindi- tion that two others be built for the company in the United States, making w an appropriation for the expenses of tiie Behring sea arbitration, nuthoriz- ing th«' president to enforce reciprocal canal rights lietwecii file Uiiit«* considered iu either bouse, the most im|wirtant is the Tor­ rey bankruptcy bill, n measure which deserved to pass. Both houses deserve some credit for failure of certain measures which have come before them. Of these measures the most important are the free coinage bill and the anti-options bill. It will be rcineinliercd that early in tiie session a free coinage bill failed to pass the house, though by a narrow margin. A similar measure was subsequently passed by the senate, but was defeated by the house to the great gratification of tiie friends of honest money through­ out the country. In the case of the anti-options bill tiie case was somewhat «lifferent. An anti-options bill pasMxl the house by a considerable majority, but in spite of tiie prestige thus gained it lias thus far failed of passage in tiie senate, where Hie campaign of educa­ tion which lias Ix'en energetically waged against it seems to have pro­ duced some eflecL— Hradstreef*. Cruiser No. 12, popularly known ÍÜ7/W ' heretofore as the Pirate, was launched Benj. Scolfield, President; Watchmaker from the Cramps’ shipyard at Phila­ J. B. V. Butler, Secretary; __ and Jeweler. Ex-Officio: His Excellency Gov­ delphia, July 26, and was christened Dialer In All Kinds ol Welches. Jewelry. Plated Ware Columbia. The launch was in every ernor Pennoyer; Clecks and Spectacles. HcMINMVlLLE. OR. Hon. E. B. McElroy, Supt. way a perfect success, and was wit­ nessed by many thousand people, in­ Public Instruction; J r. TURNEY, Hon. G. W. McBride. Sec­ cluding Secretary Tracy, Vice Presi­ dent Morton, and others prominent in retary of Srate; SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Hon. Jacob Voorhees, the navy and in public life. This new vessel is designed to be Hon. A. Noltner, Specialty of surgery and di-eases of women Hon.W.H. Holmes. swifter than any other large war vessel U nion B lock - M< Mi.x.xvin «:. <>«:. now afloat, and she will have a capacity J. (’. White, possessed by no other war vessel yet Hon. P. W. Haley. built, in that of lieitig able to steam at J C. MICHAUX, Alfred Lacy. . .'U .t. . a 10 knot speed 26,240 miles, or for 109 Hon. J. J. Daly. days without recoaling. She also pos­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEüN. THE STATE NORMA I. is a live school, rapidly growing and rapidly adding to sesses many novel features, the princi­ .......... o of _ _____ its facilities for the special training teacher! . I ts graduates are in demand to till pal of which is the application of triple LAFAYETTE. OREGON- good positions. A “ Again of eighty per cent in z attendance was made last year. An en- ___ New members have been added to the screws. She is one of two of the most rolluient of 500 is anticipated for the next year. Jan.21, ’88. Faculty, and additional apparatus it ns supplied. sum,”..':. A diploma ...,........................................... from the school entitles v one^to im|xirtant ships designed for the Unit­ tea< h in any county in the state witnont further examination. Normal, Ad ’ ­ state without further examination. U Normal ’ ...... (JALBREATH A GOUCHER, vanced. Business, Music and Art Departments. S(x-ei.il advantages in Vocal ami In­ ed States navy, her sister ship, No. 13, strumental Music. now being built at the same yards. Republican Elephant. “No use Ben; I can't carry it. Too much of a load now? A year at school for $150; Tuition reduced to $6.25 Normal, and The dimensions of the ('olumbia are: PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS. $5.00 sub-Normal per term of Ten Weeks. Board at Normal Dining Length on mean load line, 412 feet; Before Starting: on a Jou.-ney carriages, eight 4-inch breech loading A NEW THING IN SPIRITUALISM, j M c M innville , - • * O regon . 11*11 $1.50 per week: Furnished rooms $1.00 per week, Board and beam, 38 feet. Her normal draught rifles, twelve 6 pounder, and four 1 lodging, private families. $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful lo- will be 23 feet; displacement, 7,550 Prescriptions of a Dead Physician Re­ A person usually desires to gain some (Office over Braly’s Bank.) cation: no saloons. First term opens Sept. 20tli. For catalogue address tons; maximum speed, 22 knots an pounder rapid-firing guns, four ma­ information as to the most desirable ceived by a Medium. hour; and she will have the ennormotts chine or Gatling guns, and six torpedc- route to take, and will purchase tickets J T>. BAKER. r=. L. CAMPBELL, A. ZB., launching tubes. Besides these she Three years ago a brilliant young via the one tliat will afford him the indicated horse power of 23,000. As to i T. ZMZ. ZF’O'XTT’EnLJL, IM., President. speed, the contractor guarantees an av­ has a ram bow. The Columbia is to be , physician of this city committed suicide quickest and best service. Before start­ SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC erage speed, in the open sea, under completed, ready for service, by May while temporarily deranged, a condi­ ing on a trip to Chicago or any point Vice President. tion brought about by overstudy and east, you should provide yourself with conditions prescribed by the navy de­ 19, 1893. PHYSICIAN. ' overwork. His death was a great shock a map and time table of the Wisconsin partment, of 21 knots an hour, main ­ Office Upstairs in the Garrison Building. AMERICAN HEROISM. tained for four consecutive hours, dur­ ' to his friends, of whom he had many, Central lines. The trains run on this ing which period the air pressure in Unassuming Men Who, in Emergencies, and a painful surprise to liis associates, route are vestibuled aud are equipped pj MULLEN, the fire room must be kept within a who looked upon him as having a spec­ with Pullman’s latest Drawing Boom Develop the Qualities of Martyrs. prescribed limit. For every quarter of ially bright future. Sleepers, elegant Day Coaches and din­ VETERINARY SURGEON AND It is not infrequently charged that a knot developed above the required The other day the recollection of this ing ears of latest design, built expressly DENTIST. guaranteed speed the contractor is to re­ Americans are so sordid in sentiment, young physician was brought to the re­ for this service, and are exquisite in ceive a premium of $50,000 over and so eager and absorbed in the pursuit of porter in a singular way. “Look at furnishings and convenient and com­ Office at McMinnville Pharmacy. above the contract price; and for each material gain, that they are in incapa­ that,” said a gentleman, showing a fortable in arrangement and so com­ I». I»*' All diseases and ailments of the domesti­ quarter of a knot that the vessel may ble of heroism or self-sacrifice. prescription signed with the name of plete in every detail tliat they have no cated animals treated day or night. The noblest daring recorded in verse the dead doctor. “I’m on my way to superior in comfort and elegance. Tiie fail of reaching the guaranteed speed RAMSEY A FENTON, there is to be deducted from the con­ or drama, in battle or mythology, does tbe drugstore to get that filled for my Dining ear service is pronounced by nil tract price the sum of $25,000. There not surpass that shown in incidents wife, and shouldn’t wonder if you the most elegant ever inaugurated, and seems to be no doubt among the naval recorded in the dispatches from the would like to have the story of how she is operated in tiie interest of its patrons. ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. experts that she will meet the condi­ flood districts of Iowa. Men did not came by it, for this isn’t an old pre­ Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central McMinnville. ... - Oregon. tions as to speed, and this is a great de­ hesitate to take the chances of losiug scription—pou can sec the ink is hardly Lines leave Minneapolis daily at 12.45 GO TO Office, Rooms 1 and 2 Union Block. sideratum, since her chief function is their own lives for the saving of others, dry on the paper?" p. m. and 6.25 p. m., atid St. Paul at “How can that be, for lie lias been 1.30 and 7.15 p. in., making favorable to be to sweep the seas of an enemy’s and a number have gone down in the M c M innville commerce. To do her work she must be deadly flood from whose peril they dead three or four years? ” connection witli all trains from tiie “Did you ever hear of Miss---- (men­ west and southwest. able to overhaul in an ocean race tiie vainly sought to rescue women and swiftest transatlantic passenger steam­ children. tioning the name of a well known pro­ For tickets, time tallies, berth reserva­ CARLIN & COULTER, Proprietors It is not so hard for the human spirit, fessional medium?) Of course you tions, etc., apply to G. I«’. McNeill, C. ships afloat. Goods of all description* moved and care­ The triple-screw system is a most de­ full of emotion and stirred to extraor­ have. She has lately taken up the P. & T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., or Jas. ful handling guaranteed. Collections will cided novelty. One of these screws dinary effort by sudden impulse on bat. practice of medieine und is doiug a C. Pond, G. P. & T. A., < 'hicago, III. be made monthly Hauling of ail kinds done cheap is to be placed amidships, or on the tiefield or in other scene of brilliant great business, though I do not suppose line of the keel, as in an ordinary sin­ spectacle or maddening excitement, to she ever read a medical book in her gle-screw vessel, and the two others risk the loss of that which to every life. She claims that tiie spirit of this Capital takes good care of itself. Mo- will be placed about fifteen feet further man is dearer than all else. It requires young doctor is her control, and that nopoly is shrewd and smart in secur­ BURNS & DANIELS. forward and above, one on each side as a sterner courage, a heart more deliber­ lie makes the diagnosis of each case The Ohio Improved Chester boar. Duke of Yamhill. No. 8456 property of Wm. B. is usual in twin screw vessels. The ate in self-sacrifice to risk life for others and writes the prescription, her hand ing protection to itself and absolute control of prices in the home market, Turner, will be permitted a limited number twin screws will diverge as they leave in a dismal river [overflow, in a rickety merely holding the jien.” of sows this season. Can be seen at own­ It is said that other spiritualistic while it gives labor an affectionate“lick er's farm 6 miles southwest of McMinnville. the hull, giving additional room for the boat, with no skill against rushing and a promise.” Capital says, “Vote FEE. - - - F-W uninterrupted motion’upon solid water waters and little endurance in the chill healers are somewhat jealous of the new fad, which is drawing away some for your interests, no matter about the of all three simultaneously. There is of furious blizzards. I. W. COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN E. C APPERSON Compared with tiie glowing peans of their best customers. If this style of question of justice, equality, right and oue set of tripie-expansion engines for President. Vice President. Cashier tliat handed down useless feats of fan ­ practising medicine is a go, and any wrong. Vote for me and my accumu­ each screw independently, thus allow­ lations or I will reduce your wages and ing numerous combinations of move­ tastic chivalry, such tales may be call­ educated jierson with a good control squeeze you to the level of want,” and ed only delapidated epics. I ’ oets rarely “ox-er there” can practice there is a ments. For ordinary cruising the cen­ in some instances lalxir, forgetting its McMinnville, Oregon. tral screw alone will be used, giving a celebrate such men. The conditions likelihood tliat doctor’s fees may be of their lives, tiie circumstances of greatly reduced to meet this competi­ wonderful power of self defense, has in speed of about fourteen knots; witli the Paid up Capital, $50.000. times past yielded its judgment to tiie two side screwe alone a speed of seven­ the death do not appeal to grandiose tion. The consulting physician on tiie merciless extortioner, but in the com­ diction. Often their very names are other side is at no expense for Ixiard or teen knots can lie maintained, and Transacts a General Banking Business, unknown. Monuments do not com ­ clothes, and as time is no longer an ob­ ing contest the tricks and frauds of the with all three screws at work at full Deposits Received Subject to ( beck Points to Remember for 1892, in the purchase of Gro­ power Interest allowed on time deposits. a high speed of from twenty to memorate their voluntary martyrdom. ject the partner here gets all there is in wiley schemers have been seen through and thus their overtures will lie de­ ceries. It is such men, obscure,uncelebrated, it.— Indianapolis Journal. Sall sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ twenty-two knots can be got out of the fers ou New York, San Francisco and Port­ feated. that prove when the unexpected mo ­ This arrangment will allow the ---------------------------------------------------- land. Fully one-half of the People do not stop to consider vessel. Our Foe the Mosquito. ment comes there is in them the mettle machinery to be worked at its most Collections made on all accessible points. the money they can save during the year in purchasing goods of a The opinion of Daniel Webster on of heroes. It is such sacrifices that vin­ Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. firm that pays strict attention to the selling of First Clgss Goods economical number of revolutions at dicate the political and social experi­ A new charge of criminal conduct tiie question of taking congressional all rates of the vessel’s speed, and each is brought against the mosquito. He— cold tea in a cup would lx? most inter­ at a Small Profit. engine can lie used independently of ment of democracy. It is homely, nat­ or rather she, for it is only the female esting if it could be secured. The flow­ ural, simple deeds like these that prove People usually go to the nearest place regardless of the others in propelling the vessel. mosquito that bites—is accused of hav­ ing bowl of Webster’s time was a dif- cost. We sell our goods «heap and deliver them at your door. The full steam pressure will be 160 manhood higher than caste, American ing given anthrax to a patient by bit­ feredt article froffa the china cup sub­ lbw, Sigu, utl Oniiiiiii’iital Painter You will be able find «'very thing in the grocery line in our store. pounds. The shafting is made of forg­ greater than any other name left in the ing him after having feasted upon an­ terfuge- of the latter-day statesmen. ed steel, 16.1 inches in diameter. In world. The merit in these men’s dar­ The Only Sign Writer in the County. patient in a hospital. The Titans of former daj s had no need We are in it—The Grocery Business; and we will al­ fact, steel has been used wherever pos­ ing is that it was rational and not ex­ other We know next to nothing of tiie of screening their toddy from public Homes fitted tip in the Neatest and Most ways give you the best goods in the city for the money. We give sible, so as to secure the lightest, in pectant of reward, ideal or material. It mosquito and the little we do know is view, for their constituents regarded Artistic Style. cash or trade for all produce, suit yourself in the matter. weight, of machinery. There are ten is the noblest tribute mail can pay to bad. Why she sucks blood is a mys- drinking as one of the qualifications of The poets sing, in dainty rhymes, Designs furnished for Decorations. humanity. — Chicago Herald. six of which arc double-ended— tery. That she has no need to is cer- statesmanship, and Mr. Webster in Of summer days ami sunny climes, oL SOU. boilers, Remember Paper Hanging ami Inside Fur-! that is, with furnaces in each end—21| Of benteous inaideus, passing fair, tain, Her natural ftxxl is vegetable particular fully appreciated tliat fact. The Hope of France. Dishing a Specialty. feet long and 15.1 feet in diameter. Two With witching eyes and waving hair, juice. Ninety-nine one-hundredths of Work taken by Contract or by the Day. Ex­ Till, near tlie end, you’re apt to see— others are 18} feet long and 11H feet in French science has to deal with a pe ­ the mosquitos in the world never taste Sir Edmund du Cane, a student of perienced men employed. diameter, and the two others, single- culiar problem, how to prevent the de­ blood or see a human being, yet the crime, says there were 85,250 “habitual ’Tis but ar, “ad” for P. F. I’.; Third Street. McMinnville. Oregon. ended, are 8 feet long aud ten feet in population of the country, which is moment a person appears in the center criminals,’’ known to tiie London po­ that is, Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, diameter. Eight of the largest boilers now going on so rapidly that the deaths of a dense forest every mosquito there lice in 18G4, aud in 1890 the number the infallible and guaranteed remedy are set iu water-tight compartments. exceed the births by nearly 40,000 in a recognizes him as legitimate prey and had fallen to 52,000. He scouts the idea for all kinds of female weakness, which 4 DERBY A BOYER, In appearance the Columbia will single year. Increasing the birth rate proceeds with a deadly precision to that crime would cease if drunkenness cures the ailments of feeble, “rundown” Proprietors of The McMinnville closely resemble, when ready for sea, having proved impracticable, the pres­ pick out the most available spots on were swept away. “If any social habit and debilitated women and restores an ordinary merchantman, the sides ent hope is to diminish the death rate. his body to operate upon. more than another leads to crime it is them to youtlifuleess and ix-auty onw being nearly free from projections or At a recent meeting of the new society It has been suggested that mosquitos that of betting and gambling, which more. The price of this royal remedy, I have enlarged my store and have combined a full and complete stock of sponsons, which ordinarily appear on for the protection of children, Dr. Roch- carry in their beaks a prophylactic derive their attraction from the hope of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, is vessels of war. She will have two sin­ ard referred to the fact that only eight against malaria and that in biting they getting rich without work.” but JI a bottle, and money refunded in Situated at the Southwest corner of the ' Sash. Doors. Mouldings. Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, gle masts, but neither of them will years ago lie was laughed at for predict­ inoculate men against disease. But every ease if it doesn’t give satisfaction. Fair Grounds. All sizes of have a military top, such as is now pro­ ing that the population would become two facts are conclusive against this Hop-growers in Lane county have See guarantee on bottle wrapper. And everything belonging to this class of goods First-Class Drain Tilt* vided upon ordinary war vessels. This stationary before the end of the cen­ theory: First, the presence of the mos­ been experimenting this summer by What an awful fate is that of Senor k«pt constantly on hand at lowest living Have also Combined a Line of Fishing Tackle & Guns plan of her merchantman appearance tury, and stated that 250,000 infants die quito is not all coincident with malarial turning sheep into their yards. It Ls is to enable her to get within range of yearly, of whom at least 100,000 could conditions; and second, no ague-smit­ claimed that in a couple of weeks they Don Talca, of Valparaiso, who kissed a prices DERBY A BOYER, This with my Immense Stock of 41- McMi inville, Oregon. any vessel she may wish to encounter be saved by intelligent care. Stringent ten pariah ever yet escaped a single cat off all tiie little shoots and suckers young lady on the Plaza in January before her character or purpose is dis­ laws have already been passed to aid chill by having his cuticle decorated hi growing about the base of tbe vines. In and was still in jail for it in July! The covered. The vitals of the ship will be in preventing this great waste of life. Grecian patterns by mosquito punc­ this way the vines get all the nourish­ señorita whose lips he had sought by ments the roots have to give. It is also surprise prosecuted him and he was well protected with armor plating and It is now illegal for any person to give tures. ALTOGETHER MAKES A COMPLETE COMBINATION Now that the mosquito has taken to claimed that it deprives the hop lice of condemned to sixty day's imprison­ the gun stations will be shielded children under one year of age auy —DEALER IN— deadly disease from one pa­ a favorite resort. As to stocks, but not with any other firm or men. against the firing of machine guns. solid food except on medical advice, conveying ment. He appealed, and there Ix-ing tient to another, we must vote her a Her machinery, boilers, magazines, etc. and nurses are forbidden to use nurs­ noxious adjunct of civilization. no pettifogging lawyers leagued to Wonderful Record of a Jersey Cow. I STILL RUN MY BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. WHERE PRICES are protected by an armored deck four ing bottles having rubber tubes. Ef­ cheat justice down there, the laws sen­ AND GOODS CAN T BE BEAT, The Soils of Orchards. inches thick on the slope and two and forts are being made also to induce On July 21, Gen. Samuel H. Moore, tence was in effect enforced (tending The Finest Line of Confection­ a half inches on the flat. The space Parisian mothers to nurse their infants. Huntsville, Ala., gave an entertain­ ap[>eal, and the decision of tiie su­ of According to Prof. Roberts, plants ery in the City. this deck and the gun deck is —Medit. Naturalist. ment in honor of the completion of a preme tribunal finally added thirty O. <>. HODSON. between generally require for their successful minutely subdivided with coal bunkers All kinds of Produce taken at the ,, ^remarkable year's record of his Jersey days more to his sentence. growth, a fine, well aerated soil, free! The Circulating Medium. aud storerooms, and in addition to cow, Signal ’ s Lily Flag. The record from surplus water, with a layer, finely these a coffer dam, five feet in width, is Last spring Dr. W. F. Morrison, of During the month of July there was pulverized at the surface. Some knowl­ shows a product of butter, 1,047 pounds worked next to the ship’s side for the a net decrease of JI,124,013 in the total Yakima, planted 15 acres to hop«, ami Call and examine my Stock and , J ounce, and milk 11,339 pounds, con ­ whole length of the vessel. In the volume of money in circulation, the edge of the nature or composition of the stituting the Lily Flag winner of the not wishing to go to the heavy expense get Prices. bunkers the space between the inner total on August 1st being $1,601,949,325, soil is necessary to know what fertil­ Derby of Jerseys against the great Bis- of poling them the first season, he sow­ and outer skins of the x’essel will be as compared with $1,603,078,338 on July izer to apply. The roots run all . son’s Bells, whose record was: butter, ed the field to Russian sunflowers, for filled with woodite, thus forming a 1. As compared with the correspond­ through except at the surface. Y'ouug , 1,028 pounds 15 ounces; milk, 8,412 the support of the young hop vines( and now the doctor finds that he has wall five feet thick against machine ing period last year, however, there has orchards are sometimes injured by too , pounds 7 ounees. gun fire. This filling can also be util­ been an increase of over $101,000,000. much manure, but far oftener from tco not only a pretty fair crop of hops, but Fell Dead. ized as fuel in an emergency. Forward The principal item of decrease for the little. Frequently, all that is wanted be is preparing to harvest the sunflow­ This regiatereil Jersey bull was recently and abaft of the coal bunkers the cof­ month was a little less than $4,400,000 is already in the soil, but skill is need­ These words are very familiar to our ers, which he estimates will yield over purchased by the undersigned anil wiil ' stand for service at my farm. fer dam will be filled with some water­ in gold certificates. There was an in­ ed to get it out. Nitrogenous manures 1 readers, as not a day passes without 100 bushels of seed. The stalks are report of the sudden death of some like young trees, and it would be dif­ Sire Royal Beauty's Duke, i 17.315 ; aver excluding substance similar to woodite. crease of nearly $1,700,000 In the should be fed only enough in connec­ • the age of dam and sire's dam, 30 lxmmls. 15'.. ■ tion with mineral fertilizers to give a prominent citizen. Tbe explanation is ficult to crowd some of the heads into In the wake of the four inch and the ounces, in seven days. “Heart disease.” Therefore beware if amount of gold coin in circulation. machine guns and the ship’s side will The estimated circulation per capita on strong, well ripened growth to the you have any of the following symp­ a flour barrel. Dam Princess of Ashantee bill. (.4.3,514),a I young wood, but not to cause a late most promising young cow. Average of toms. Short' breath, pain in side, ten­ be armored with 4 inch and 2 inch August 1st was $24.41, which presents dam and sires dam 35 ponnds . 10', ounces succulent growth. When the trees derness in shoulder or arm, smothering Thackeray had a free pass over the nickle steel plates. in ssvon days. swollen ankles, asthmatic breath­ The vessel will carry no big guns, for a slight decrease for the month, but an bear, there are five reasons why they spells, ROYAL ASHANTEE is a solid fawn, ing, weak and hungry spells, flutter­ Peninsular and Oriental steamship with soft mellow skin and silky hair, long the reason that the uses for which she increase as compared with the corre­ should not be allowed .to bear heavy ing of heart or irregular pulse. These company’s lines. Cariyle genially ob­ body, straight back, large barrell. short crops—the fruit is small and often symptoms mean her i «Hsease. Tbe served that 'penny ferry boats in Kcot- is intended will not require them. Not sponding period of last year. legs, clean ent throat,dished face, beautiful scabby; it is poorer in quality; it ex­ most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles’ New ■ land always allowed a blind fiddler to a gnn will be in sight, and the battery­ head and throughout of fine form. Alphonse Daudet says that at forty- Cure, which has *-avcd thousands 1 cross for nothing to amuse the pesseH- will be abnormally light. There will five a “man no longer lives physically hausts the tree; it requires more labor Heart Royal Ashantee traces tlnee times to the great Coomassie. the greatest of Island Will be Especially Interesting during the Fall Cam­ be four 6-inch breech loading rifles, upon his income, but begins to draw to thin it after full grown than early in of lives. Book of testimonials free at ' gers. Thackeray never liked Cariyle prize-takers and the greate-t progenitor of the season; it sells for less; and it is Rogers Bros, who also sells the New mounted in the open and protected upon his capital of days and health.” often followed by barren trees the Heart Cure. much after that, and Cariyle said for _ the band. _ „ paign. Subscribe Now. «’. W. HOI-MAN. with heavy shields attached to the gun ! his part he couldn’t understand why. next year, the result of exhaustion. Dr Miles’ Nervine for Nervous Prostration. Get New ad <1 Startling Facte at Druggists. of & « Not Mach of Importance to the Country THE FLEETEST WAR VESSEL IN THE WORLD. A. H. GAUNT HAS MADE A* BIG COMBINATION! HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Royal Ashantee 24,214. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOR THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. Best Local Paper in Yamhill. t