Platit a Tree. I WELLINGTON’S FAMOUS BALL. 1 Treed by a 1’ear. Fâria fashions. i intelligent yet feminine interest in the Information lias reached the city of The Derby Chantilly and the races of Belles and Beaux Who Really Panced political questions that absorb him; and the exciting experience of George Allen Grand Prix bring to view the loveli­ the Pance of Death. probably the poor fellow nev’er—even the O prevalent, especially among women, new toilets. One of the most effec­ The Duke and Duchess of Richmond . and Mike Flynn, two prospectors, with after he has become emancipated and est a cinnamon bear in the mountains a results from overtaxing the system. tive dresses worn was a combination were living in a fine hotel on the Rue de , speaks of his charmer as an accomplished called L’Américaine, and it was much short distance from Red Cliff. The men The assimilative organs t>ecoming de­ la Blanchissere, which stood on its own flirt—never does he quite comprehend admired. As I suppose such a costume were on a prospecting tour and well ranged, the blood grows weak and im- that upon all these topics it was he who was never really seen in America, I send grounds and had a fruit and flower armed. As they were eating breakfast jmverisbed, and hence “that tired feel­ garden extending to the city ramparts. did both the talking and the understand­ a picture and description. The jupe they were paralyzed to see a short dis­ ing” of which many complain. For all He who plants a tree. ing, and she only listened and looked was of plaid surah, with pale yellow Their graces moved in all the society of tance away and coming toward them in such cases, there is no remedy equal to He plants love; and smiled and murmured soft assents and gray markings outlined by a very Brussels, and entertained a great deal. a leisurely manner, attracted by ‘he Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Take no other. Tents of coolness spreading out above The duchess, who had issued 220 invita­ Wayfarers, he may not live to see. “Some time ago T found my system in the right place. narrow black stripe on a fawn ground, tions for the ball, proposed to recall odor of the bacon they had just cooked, entirely run down. I hail a feeling of Gifts that grow are best; This kind of a flirt I, for one, admire, a huge bear. Allen advised flight, but Hands that bless are blest; fawn was undershot with yellow them when she heard that Napoleon’s <•<»nstant. fatigue and languor and very and at the same time sincerely pity. The Plant! Life does the rest. and rose, so that the iridescent effect army was advancing. But the Duke of Flynn could not resist the temptation to little ambition for any kind^of effort. lieaven and earth help him who plants a Bhe can’t help being what she is, and A friend advised me to try Ayer’s Sarsa­ use his Winchester. Taking careful for Infants and Children Wellington, to prevent alarm, requested tree. parilla, which I did with the best re­ she is altogether charming in being it, aim, he fired. And his work its own reward shall I m ?. that the ball might take place. sults. It has done me more good than so that, although one feels quite snre of The ball struck the bear in the neck ail other medicines 1 have ever used.” —Lucy Tearoom. "Castoria is so veil adapted to cliiklren that Castoria cure« Colic. Constipation, Nevertheless, many English families being forgotten the moment one is out Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation,___ and with a roar he rushed for the — Frank Mellows, Chelsea, Mass. I recommend itas superior to any prescription were frightened away from Brussels, ! Originality. Kills Worms, gives sl<*p, aqd promotes of sight, it is very delightful to bask in “ For months I was afflicted with shooter. Flynn fled for his life, with the known to me.” H. A. A kcbkr , M. D., and post horses were kept harnessed in Once as I pondered o’er strange books, and the snnshine for the moment. 1 pity nervous prostration, weakness, languor, Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, X. Y. bear in hot pursuit. Before running far Without injurious medication. the Duke of Richmond's stable, in case sought debility, and mental depression. her, too, because so few persons under­ lie was fortunate enough to find a tree general From secrets of the past a knowledge new. By purifying the blood with Ayer ’ s bad news from the scene of the conflict “ For several years I have recommaaded “ The use of ‘ Castoria * is so universal and Within my mind enthralled there sudden grew stand her and almost everyliody blames I was completely cured.” should make it advisable for his chil­ with low reaching branches. Grasping Sarsajiarilla. your ‘ Castoria, ’ and shall always continue ite merits so well known that it seems a work her for being the flirt she really cannot The perfect germ of a stupendous thoughl! one of these he swung clear off the — Mrs. Mary Stevens, Lowell. .Mass. do so as it has inx ariably produced beneficial of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the dren to be sent to Antwerp. The ma ­ No bioarre brain as yet had ever wrought help being. As well blame a humming When troubled with Dizziness, Sleep­ results.” intelligent families who do not keep Castoria This odd, weird wonder into shape, and few jority of the people of Brussels were ground just as the bear came jumping lessness, within easy reach.” bird for not being a barnyard fowl and or Bad Dreams, take E dwin F. P ardbi , M. D.« up, escaping with a claw in the left leg. < 'ould from the stores of Fancy bring to view C arlos M artyn , D.D.. violent Bonapartists, and were prepared “The Winthrop," 1‘Äth Street and 7th Ava., laying good, useful eggs. Me. I prefer A whim to equal this, to me untaught! The bear attempted to follow, but was New York City. to entertain Napoleon in great style New York Cilf Its radiant advent thrilled me with delight. J Ate Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. humming birds to poultry—at least with a shot in the spine from should he force the British army to re­ finished But as I dreamed I heard a sad voice say: sometimes. Allen's rifle. — Leadville Cor. Denver ”1 who am living in a spirit home. treat and enter their city in triumph. In distinction to the unconscious flirt PREPARED BT T h « C iktav * CoHTAirr, TT M vhhat S tubt , Naw Yoaa. _________ With the same thought that pleasures thee to­ So it was that the Duke of Wellington News. we have the scientific flirt. She by no night. Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. and many of his officers went to the ball Individuality in Umbrellas. Charmed grim Tiberius through a festal day means practices her little arts liecause after the business of the day had been And made tumultuous laughter roar through she can't help it, but lays her plans and There is an individuality about um­ Sold by ail Druggists and Dealers ia Medicine. Rome!” attended to. While the merry couples brellas, taking them all along the years, studies her tactics as seriously as Napo­ • -F. S. Salt us. qy il X ------------------------------ were flying around a dispatch from the that is a most interesting study. The 1844. leon or Wellington ever did. She flirts 1892. front was handed to Wellington. He big, clumsy green cotton umbrella which just as men go gunning or fishing, be­ asked the Duke of Richmond for a pri­ is the heirloom of the old fashioned fam­ cause they enjoy the sport of stalking vate room where he might consult with ily is unmistakable in its domesticity. their game or playing their trout, and when the deer is killed or the fish landed was very delicate. The front breadth some of his generals who were present, The somber black umbrella of the par­ SALEM, OREGON. The duchess’ dressing room was the only son is the very essence of respectability. HOW SHE UNCONSCIOUSLY FASCI­ it immediately becomes lost to interest Eighteen Departments in full operation. extended np so as to make a heart convenient room safe from intrusion. The demure, unsophisticated umbrella and the sportsman is absorbed in look­ shaped space for a vest of white satin. Each thoroughly manned and faithfully NATES ALL BEHOLDERS. i Candles were hastily lighted on the that is always getting lost or hiding be­ taught ing out for the next prize. This masculine effect was still further HAY-FEVER HAY dressing table, at which Wellington sat hind the doors never survives to old The scientific flirt does not beam upon for Farmer boys—For out by a standing collar and with a map before him, and having ex­ age. The jolly round umbrella that Training She Simply Cannot Help It — That’s Merchants’ sons for Teacli- every comer as the unconscious flirt carried Where She Differs from the Scientific does—she selects her subject »'ith skill white satin necktie, with a single stone plained certain points to his staff they never loses its head in a flirtation with Business anti Pro­ diamond pin. The coat was of gray all rejoined the company. They left the the wind is an esteemed member of the fessional Life. Flirt, the Predatory Flirt and the In­ and care. A man must have the power of cloth, cut away on the hips So as to amusing her; he must have quickness leave a marked postilion behind with house before 10 o'clock- and succeeded family. The combative umbrella with The oldest and Largset Institution in the K'y't Cream Halm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils M fc fantile Flirt—Artful Anglers All. whole Northwest of comprehension and the capacity of two large buttons. The pans of the in doing so without attracting any at­ a cruel beak runs amuck with the pop­ _ quickly absorbed. It cleanses ths ac id, allays injlammatwn, heals _ — ^Copyright, 1S9?, by American Press Aseocia- suffering and of feeling to make it postilion were ten inches long from the tention. Very few, if any, of the ulace, and not infrequently kills its School years opens Sept. 5, 18t>2. IB 4k ‘the sores. Sold bu drugqists or sent by mail on receipt of price. C |lf> dancers guessed how near at hand was For catalogue address, man. There is lots of human nature in worth her while to throw a hook and waist line. JUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. DUG the crisis which was to decide the fate an umbrella, especially after it has lieen bait in his direction. Great stupid fel­ REV. GEO. WHITAKER, D. u., The skirt to this, as well as to the most of Europe, and it never entered the magnetized by its owner.—Detroit Free lows, or men filled with an absorbing of street dresses, is made to barely President. love of some profession or of art or of touch the ground, and this style will be heads of the young girls that some of Press. their own selves, are quite uninteresting called raze terre, and will be universal their partners were dancing the “dance Heroic Lighthouse Men. to the scientific flirt. To carry our before fall for outdoor gowns; but some of death.”—Manchester Times. Many a deed of heroism is performed simile a little farther, they are not ladies still affect the train, as it suits by the light keepers in Uncle Sam's em­ The Spider Hawk. “game fish,” and she treats them with some figures best. The miner» of Colorado who h%ve ploy. Scores of people have been saved HAT a charming girl! supercilious indifference or good natitred Next week I expect to be permitted a Do introduce lier to contempt. She likes a man who will a view of the new fall dress materials, built cabins on the mountain sides know from the wreck's by the hardy mariners ADDI’J'ION me, I feel sure that I tilt with her, break a spear in his own which are said to surpass in richness what a pest the small, brown wood of the New South shoal lightship, who should like her,” said I defense, bnt finally succumb to lier su­ anything ever before presented, and one spider proves io be. They throw their never hesitate to launch a boat in the webs over your best clothes, cooking most violent storm for the purpose of a one evening at a recep­ perior prowess; she likes, of all things, told me that she thought we utensils and in every corner where you rescue. On one occasion twenty-seven tion, and my hostess with a smile re­ to see him try to persuade himself that modiste were rapidly drifting toward the “In­ can get them in your eyes and mouth. persons were snatched by them from a plied: “Miss Zee? Oh, of course she’s he likes some other woman better than croyable” styles. It Is I3-o.iia.iTLg' Tip, Not only that, but they will drop into the watery grave when the City of Newcas­ charming, but”---- he does her, and to calmly swoop down There is to be, I am told, a revival of frying pan, water bucket or upon the tle ran upon the Nantucket banks and The sentence was not finished, for and bear him away. Boon Lots will be «caree and Command a Higher Trice. the chinchilla fur, once so popular, for some one entered to whom the hostess But perhaps this swooping ojieration next winter, and there will be very table when you are eating. But nature sank stern foremost. On another day they caught sight of a must speak and at the same time a belongs more exclusively to a class of large muffs and fur boas and deep furnished us »remedy and a friend when black object driven before the gale, and she gave us the spider hawk. friend claimed my attention. After the experts who may fairly be ranked as hoods with fur borders. II. D. The name is given by miners to a putting forth in pursuit of it rescued a usual amenities had passed and we were predatory flirts. This class cares very Price Ranges $50 np. For full particulars apply to small, steel blue wasp about three- man on a raft, whom they found seated slowly promenading the room I returned little for any man not already appropri­ Mrs. Mary Frost Ormsby. of an inch in length. He can upon the corpse of a fellow castaway, to my quest a little enrious to find out ated by another woman. They like We will pay you the J. I. KNIGHT A CO.. THE INVESTMENT CO.. Mrs. Mary Frost Ormsby organized fourths ♦I» Stark St.. Portland, O». what that “but" meant. young married men, or men engaged to the original Frances Cleveland Influ­ easily be recognized by the quick, ner­ his head buried in his hands and hope­ less of the aid which came nt last. — Highest Market Price F. BARNEKOFF & 00.. Real Estate Agent». McMinnville. “A pretty girl over there," said I be married, and it is with an unholy joy ence club. Mr. Cleveland's recently vous stroke of his wings. The wasps build McMinnville Flouring Mila. Washington Star. in Cash, and receive carelessly, and my escort smiled just as that they survey the conscientious strug­ published letter disapproving of that a nest up among the rafters of your cabin my hostess had done. gles their victims often make in the be­ organization lias attracted a good deal of wood pulp or furze from the outer and store grain at the Lettuce Fritters. “Miss Zee? Very pretty, very pretty ginning. I was interested once in watch­ of attention to Mrs. Ormsby, to whom coating of old dead trees. Then they current rate. are ready for business. Every few min­ Lettuce fritters are a delicate break­ indeed, but"---- ing the progress of snch an affair, which the epistle was addressed. you can see your hawk climbing up fast or luncheon dish. Select crisp "But what?" demanded 1 so vivacious­ ran its course literally under my eyes at Mrs. Ormsby resides in New York utes (’. E. DUKENFIELD ly as to mildly astonish niv friend, who a fashionable summer hotel in Switzer­ city, where she is known as a woman the rafters with a spider, sometimes car­ rather small leaves of young lettuce and tear apart in pieces about the size of a will take charge of rying one four or five times his own hastened to reply: land. of literary and social prominence. She quarter of a dollar, stir thickly into a "Oh, nothing scandalous, nothing dis­ The flirt was a woman of singular is a member of Sorosis, and has for weight. our warehouse, which Sometimes they get a spider so heavy batter of one egg, one tablespoonful agreeable. only she's, I sup]>ose. the most charm of manner and voice; not es­ years stood at the head of one of the sweet cream, salt and enough flour to ha ’ s been thoroughly accomplished flirt in existence.” pecially handsome, bnt with great gray most successful schools for young ladies that they will fall many times before they succeed in reaching their ne«t. make a moderately stiff batter. Drop remodeled. "Oh, that’s it!” responded I, and when eyes, which she managed to perfection, in the city—the Seabury seminary. They never give up. but keep on trying by the spoonful in hot lard, or fry in my friend had to go away and dance I and a cloud of soft dead gold hair, out Our facilities for till they succeed. When the spider is olive oil, just enough to keep the skillet ranged myself alongside of a dear old of which she looked upon the world with safely placed in the nest the female from burning.—New York Times. dowager and said: innoceiit surprise and inqnirv. The sub­ ceiving are the lies! hawk deposits her egg in the dead body. "I should like to know Miss Zee. Are ject was an English army officer, and as The Young American. in the county, The hawks lives only in pairs, as far as you acquainted with her?” fine looking a fellow as I ever saw, but One of the most discouraging things respectfull solicit my observation goes. They become "Yes—that is, I know all her people awfully spoiled by flattery. The bride which happen to the person who under­ rather tame.—Great Divide. and speak to her when she comes in my was a nice little person with common- share of your patron­ takes to instruct the juvenile mind is to way, but, my dear, she’s such a horrid place written all over her pretty little age. Mosquitoes That Never Lived. find that the small boy presents a com ­ flirt that really I cannot approve of face and figure and her highly respect­ Some of the good people of Stratford, plex psychological study every time you her.” able English toilets. They sat opposite KRATZ & KIERNAN. Conn., decided this year to drain about see him, while he knows all your weak "I’m not afraid of her,” laughed 1, each other at the table d’hote, where 1 points twenty minutes after he first forty acres of marsh land and had the “and here she comes.” also took my dinner for the sake of necessary ditches dug. Afterward some meets you.—Kate Field’s Washington. “Oh, of course,” replied my dowager, studying the company. of the ditches were partially filled up Death from a Horsefly’s Bite. a little sourly, and beckoned with her My seat was next to the bride aud iny and the marsh water stagnated therein. fan to the girl, who had paused close attention was at first attracted to the The sad death of Mr. F. J. Woods, On examination the water was found to Mr. Balfour’s private secretary, from i sjKirt by perceiving her disturbance—in beside us. be a saturated solution of mosquito erysipelas supervening on the bite of a —VIA — “Zee, this lady wishes to know yon,” fact, if the expression is not too eoarse, larvae. The local scientists focused their gadfly, is announced. The bite of gad­ said she coldly, and the next moment a I could not but perceive that she was powerful intellects and microscopes flies is not usually considered poisonous, pair of luminous gray eyes met mine, a “squirming" in a manner suggestive of upon a specimen of the water and fig­ and it is supposed that the one who at­ sweet smile developed two lovely dim­ some unseen but vicious little enemy ured it out that the prospective mos­ tacked Mr. Woods had been on »dis­ ples and a voice of music said: such as are the constant danger of trav­ Express Tvains Leave Portland Daily. quito population had been 20.000,000 to eased animal. The most common spe­ “It is so kipd of you to let me make elers in Europe. It was not long, how­ arrive . LEAVE. MARY FROST ORMSBY. the acre. your acquaintance, dear Mrs. Leslie. I ever, before I perceived that the poor cies is Tabanus bovinus, and they are Portland . 7.00 p m Nan Francisco 8.15 aiu As there were forty acres drained, the very troublesome to horses and cattle in San Fran... 7:00 p in Portland 7.35 aiu Educated at Vassar college and inar- have wanted to for a whole year.” little bride's assailant was flirt, and not Above trains stop only at following sta­ Of course this was a very ordinary, in flea, and I sympathized with her all ried early in life to an Episcopal clergy­ appalling fact is apparent that 800,000,- the fields, especially in warm weather. tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, WRITE TO fact a commonplace, sort of thing to say, the more sincerely that lier troubles in- man, she was thrown on her own re­ 000 promising members of the mosquito —Pall Mall Gazette. Oregon <’itv, Woodburm, Salem, Albany, sources by widowhood. Bravely choos­ race, who might have done good and but the look, the 6mile, the voice, and volved no danger to myself. Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Jun ­ The highest viaduct in the world has ction city, Irving, Eugene It was really an artistic study to ing independence to the proffered help telling work upon the Connecticut coun­ just withal an air of simple candor pervading been erected in Bolivia, over the lUigebiirg Mail Daily. the whole gave a charm to the little ut­ watch the proceedings of the next few of relatives or friends, she has proven try boarders this year, were thus cut off river Lea, 9,833 feet above the sea level eo owell c o LEAVE. ARRIVE terance which very elaborate compli­ days; the growing annoyance aud ter­ what determination, ability and energy­ before their youth had a chance to and 4,008 feet above the river. flower or even to sprout, or, to come Portia . h I . 8:05 a m Roseburg. .. 5 :40 p ments sometimes fail to convey. I at ror of the bride; the floundering» and in a woman can accomplish. Roseburg. 0:20 a in|Portland.. 4 :0U p Mrs. Ormsby made her first appear­ down from metaphor to fact, to crack No. io Spruce Street, once liked Miss Zee. and 1 determined plungings of the victim before he fairly There seems to be something in a Albany Local, Dally, Except Sunday. to watch ber a little and see some of the swallowed the hook, and his perfect in­ ance as a speaker in public at the first the shell of the embryotic state. Among name in the case of the twenty-two- LEAVE ARRIVE terrific flirting which seemed to have fatuation and docility when he had done national peace congress in Washington. other things, this little story teaches us year-old mayor of Alliance, O. His Portland . 5: p in Albany.. NEW YORK. gained the reputation of a “manslayer” so; also the cynical interest with which Last winter she went to Europe as a to keep away this summer from un­ name is Excell. Albany. . ..5: a m Portland drained marshes. — New York Tribune. delegate to the convention in Rome. the flirt’s father, a very wicked old for such a lovely creature. Pullman Buffet Sleepers, Mrs. Ormsby is vice president for New 1 had not met her half a dozen times gentleman, as I should judge, watched It is estimated that all the money paid Tourist Sleeping Cars, before 1 made up niv mind that she was his daughter’s maneuvers. As for the York .of the Woman's National Press A Potato Vine Imitating: the Lemon Trees. in Philadelphia for July interest and J. W. C. Pogue brought in to Visalia For accommodation of second class passen­ no moro of a flirt consciously than the flirt herself, I feel deeply indebted to association, editor of The Peacemaker dividends will exceed fdO.OOO.OOO. gers attached to express trains ugliest and crassest girl in the world her for the insight she afforded me into and corresponds with several out of this morning a remarkable freak of na­ HERE IS A GOOD THING FOR YOU ture in the shape of a potato vine upon WEST SIDE DIVISION would be, but the trouble was that na­ the science of her favorite amusement, town newspapers. L ucy P age S tei . le . which was growing potatoes in all stages from Terminal or Interior Points lh< Gates & Henry, Props. Between Portland and Corvallis. ture had endowed her with a perfectly I never saw any flirting done so me­ of development, from the size of a mar­ Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. resistless power of fascination. She did thodieallv, so calmly and so nnrelent- McMinnville, - Oregon. Malay Weapons. AKR1VE ble to one as large as the average Early LEAVE of intelligence ami quick-witted enough to not especially care for me; in fact, we ingly. I don't think the girl herself 1 Portland . 7:30 a m McMinn'.. 10:10 a m The national Malay weapon, the kris. Rose. The vine was discovered in Mr. know a “GOOD THING” at sight, but never met after that season, for she mar­ was in the least moved either to fancy McMinn’ 10:10 am < orvallis . .12:10 p m who has Lost the Most Precious 1’ossesaion is said to have been invented by a Java ­ Pogue ’ s lemon grove. The seed planted ried and went to Australia, where she the man or pity the woman or care for 2:.M5pin Corvallis 12:55 pm McMinn’ on Earth, viz GOOD HEALTH, WILL I McMinn’ 2:58 pm Portland. 5-30p a drove the whole colony mad; but the the consequences to either; she simply nese monarch of the Fourteenth cen­ was of the Early Rose variety, and some NOT require a SECOND TELLING to lx At Albany and Corvallis connect with inducted to Ixwmc a purchaser little compliment with which she ac­ pursued her amusement with just tho tury. Its varieties are said to exceed a of the potatoes will be planted out to see I trains of Oregon Pacific. knowledged uiy desire for an introduc­ dispassionate and educated interest with hundred, and there are in Javanese no if they will reproduce. When the vine Express Train Daily, except Sunday. OF DR. GREGG S ELECTRIC is ths Line to Take Everything New tion was for the moment the genuine ex­ which the angler lands his trout or the fewer than fifty names for them. It was pulled up a few small potatoes were ARRIVE l.KAVK. varies in size, from the t wo feet wavy found at the root, but on the vine there pression of her feelings, and her wonder­ entomologist nets and pins his butterfly. 4 :40 p ni.McMnn .. 7.25pm Portland And Firstclass. Do von know wliy? Appliance». But just liefore we were, to leave Lu­ blade of Sulu down to a mere tooth­ must have been a hundred. The only ful charm of manner added weight and McMinn’ .. 5:45 a mJ Portland. .. 8:20 a m Because it 1, plain pick. But the peculiarity is that the explanation Mr. Pogue can offer is that cerne I took occasion to suggest to the force to the pretty phrase. It la the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs Special Accommodations for Commercial tol«i»cen that the TRUTH ONCK TOLD weapon is never ground, but kept rough the potato must have thought it to be its Through Tickets to all Points i. enough The Surprising Promptness Through VESTIBULED TRAINS Here, then, was the secret of Miss bride that it was a pity her father and Travellers with which all . lasses of i>eople respond to Every Day in lhe Year to Zee's being called a flirt, and here, as I mother should not have a peep at the and sawlike in edge, by scouring with duty to produce lemons, as is was sur­ EAST AND SOUTH. our announcements. n:t.l the increasing de- Corner Second and E Streets, one block believe, is tire secret of a great many lakes during this lovely weather, and lime juice or the juice of an unripe pine rounded by that fruit, and that it For tickets and full in fori mtion regard tnand for Dr. Gregg's Goods wherever in- from Cooks hotel. apple, sometimes mixed with arsensic; made an honest effort in that direction. that if I were in her place I should and ths other women's gaining the same unen­ I tr.xluced is always recognized ing rates, mans. etc., call on the Company’« and it is on this account that kris — Visalia Times. quality of merit Ukcs care of Itself. Meta­ agent at McMinnville write and urge them to join herself and viable reputation. Such a girl or wom­ (No Change of Cars) wonnds are so dangerous. phorically our statement is the Button — Scientific America* R KOEHLER. • E. P. ROGERS. an has quick sympathies, tender and her husband at once. the i’tihli<‘ Press it. and Where Flies Come From. Old specimens are so eaten away by Manager. Asst. G. F. ers’Jonr- discovered every time. She whose ltepeatcd and increasing tlemands for DESIGN PATENTS genius had made every room in the ets, and --------Til I TIIKGP.EGG El.ECTKK "FOOT WARM- COPYRICHTS, etc. stituted is pretty sure to be called a flirt, strings as ruthlessly as a veritable in- nal. 1 ’ c house a storage warehouse for night air , Eli" are coming in from all parts of th« For Information and free Handbook write to for each man who approaches her is at , fant would make tatters of the priceless It Ofteu Depends. ELEGANT HAY COACHES. MUNN & CO.. 361 B roadway , N ew Y oiik . country with profuse acknowledgement, comes in and wonders ‘-Where all these once convinced that site intends him to i lace vestments of the pope himself. Oldest bureau for securing pa tents in America. A certain prelate had among his sub­ flies came from?" He, with extravagant A Continuous Line connecting with all I that so tnucli comfort for *1 < the price )w»s Every patent taken out by ns Is brought before The ingenue business belongs to that ordinates an honest and simple minded understand that she is especially inter­ j ike l.uving Gohl Dollars for ten cents lines, affordiug direct and unin­ the public by a notice given free of charge in the I Tlx- Bugged Constitution at Man w hen ested in him, and he is accordingly flat­ • school of superb cunning advocated by clergyman, who was in the habit of pre­ gesticulation, doesn’t know—at least he terrupted service. I once broken, liecomes pitiable in the ex tered. Going on this basis lie comes to > Edgar Toe in his story of "The Pur- fixing to nearly all his replies the Latin says he doesn’t, and doesn’t care, which rulliuan Sleeper reservations can be secur­ treme. from which there is absolutely no imagino his own rights to this gentle i loined Letter," where the apparent nb- word “distinguo." One day the prelate, is true; what he wants to know is when ed in advance through auv agent of the road KANSAS CITY, St PAUL Largest circulation of any scientific paper in tlie escape witlmnt assistance The Gregg they are going back again? — Robert J. Tlirniidi To Americ*, and froni 8,1 Po|nt, Electrh Belts and Appliances, In cases of sympathy and absorbed attention to his i sence of all guile is the very essence of wishing to divert himself at the expense world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent llliOUgil TirLpi« lllhtlhj,, England j man should be without It. Weekly, R3.OO » this kind, have honestlv won tlieir title of confidences, quite exclusive, and when i deep diplomacy. Nothing can lie more of the said clergyman, in the midst of a Burdette in Ladies’ Home Journal. and Europe can be purchased at any ticket year; fl JO six months. Address MUNN & OO„ KING OF REMEDIES’. P ublishers , 361 Broadway, New York. lie sees some other man receiving just , effective if it is conscientiously done large social gathering, gravely said to office of tins comnauy. Rheumatism is conquered, sufferers from The Latest Horror. Full information concerning rates, timr the same looks and smiles and tones he ! and artistically carried out, and the in- him: obesity an- apeedily relieved, dropsy Scientists have built for advertisers, of trains, routes and other details furnished quickly yields, spinal difficulties and par­ is very much aggrieved and immediately ■ fantile flirt is one of the most successful “Mr. Tliaddeus, would it be right, in on application to anv agent, or alysis disappear. and many other disease, practitioners of her peculiar art. It a case of emergency, to baptize an in­ by an arrangement of mirrors, reflecting stigmatizes his late goddess as a flirt. A. IL CHARLTON. glasses and lights, a sort of gigantic of Men ami Women are |>ernianeiitly cured This kind of woman 1 call the inevit­ might lie supposed that methods so fant with broth?" Asst General Passenger Agent. fully dex-ribed In complete catalogue for be magic lantern, by which images can be Qwneral Office Of the Company, No, 131 able or irresponsible flirt. She really simple as hers would have l>een fath- or clalrorale <-!rcnlar free. We guarantee “Distinguo" (that depends), replied the rlrstSt., Cor. WahlngtoD, Portend, Or. to forfeit twice the price of any of Dr. cannot help what she does any more > onied aud exposed long since, but the ecclesiastic. "With broth from your thrown upon the clouds, so that adver­ tisements in letters 100 feet long will Gregg's Grxals found to l>e not genuine than certain sorts of flowers can help > truth remains that each successive gene­ kitchen, it would be very wrong indeed, We make an elegant little »3 Electric Bell, We Prearh-Tou be visible over a dozen counties. On PULLMAN SLEEPERS, exuding a gummy sweet, which at ration of men is just as simple and just but the broth served in the hospital Practice. In whir li is selling very rapidly an-l winch we other word«, wn onco attracts and enchains the insects as easily deceived as the previous one, under your management might very the bosom of an advancing cyclone hor­ will take in exchane for any Higher Power will teach veu COLONIST SLEEPERS licit i except lb Belt i and credit «3 on the HIKE, and start always hovering about them. She is so audtliat no man ever allows himself tobe properly lie used for the pnrpose, as if it rified humanity of the future will be A NATURAL REMEDY FOB you in buain«««, able to read in gigantic letters “ Use price of new order. Remember the electric constituted physically that her eyes, her warned either by the experience of his is not pure water, it is not very far off." Blank’s Chest Protector,” “Try Brag- at which you can RECLINING CHAIR CARS. "Foot Warmer," are|| a pair, worth llo. rapiill v father in Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hyster­ smile, her voice, her figure, her motion predecessors or the voices of the women —Storie Scelte. the th. liars. We | Address em's Pills. ” — Minneapolis Journal. can and will, if and her repose exercise a powerful fas­ belonging to him. although they eagerly ics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness, you please,taach AND DINERS. THE GREGG ELECTRIC CURE CO., you quickly haw Muscular Exercise and Health. cination upon the beholder, aud if it is seek to betray the little artifices and to earn from The Y. M. C. A. in France. Hypochondria. Melancholia, In- * 501 Inter Oreon Building, Chicago, 111. Io MIO a day a man they arouse in him that ]iersonal pretenses of the infantile flirt. The As many diseases, prominent among at the atart, and Steamers Poitland to San Francisco Every 4 Days and mention thi*< paper, The cornerstone of the new building ehrity, Sleeplessness, Diz­ more aa you go interest, that instinct of pursuit, that great trouble with most men is that they which are those of the abdominal and of the Paris Young Men’s Christian as­ on. Both «axe«, desire to attract notice to himself which think themselves so wise already that pelvic organs, are the consequences of sociation has been laid with appropriate all afe«. In any ziness, Brain and Spi­ part of Arnarioa, almost every man feels toward almost they decline to listen to the words of congestion, and as good circulation does ceremony at 14 Rue de Trevise. The you can com­ TICKETS '?Ä° EUROPE. nal Weakness. mence at home, every woman with any claim to youth wisdom from those who know more than much for the prevention of such con­ efforts in promoting the good work giving all your time, or »para or beauty or charm of any sort. they do. gestion, muscular exercise, by improv­ have evidently been most successful, For rates or general information call on momenta only, to the work. or address. But this power of phv deal fascination Beyond these three great classes there ing the general circulation both by in­ and the undertaking is sure to have the This medicine has direct action upon Tatloor. What wa offer ia is only the first part of the armorjv'f are several others and a great many of creasing the activity of the heart and good wishes of the community at large. new and it hai the nerve centers, allaying all irritabili­ been proved -Porlland i Mott BeiMfilnl Bote*»- the unconsciena flirt. The victim thus what may lie styled eclectic practition­ aiding in the venous return, will do —American Register. over and ovei W II. 111'RLlll RT, Asst. Gen. Pa-«. Agt. ties, and increasing the flow and power | again, that (real attracted by this primary power is se­ ers; flirts who pursue all methods, as oc­ much to prevent a largo class of dis­ pay is sate fat 254 Washington 8t . l or the treatment of Mervooi Dlaeaaet of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmless every worker. cured, bound lijnd and foot, and some­ casion serves; flirts who,chameleonlike, eases.—Dr. J. M. Rice in Popular Sci­ espeaially those on fieri ng from nervous ex • 1’oBTI.AXD. OSEOOS. and leaves no unpleasant effects. Eaay to learn. After a long consideration of the mat­ haustion nnd prostration, chronic dioeaM* No special abili­ times imprisoned for life by the mental, adapt themselves to tlieir subject, be­ ence Monthly. Valuable Book on Itoi-rowa ter, the Italian government has decided ty required. LULL l»i«ea»e» wnt tree to any adoroM. ■nd all those who need quiet and rtet, goo*I Reasetials in­ or rather by thesympathetic, charm now come all things to all men. and so win that millimeters is the best size for f Kr r and poor patieEte cad also obtain nursing, massage and constant medical dustry only ■«- How Watch Crystals Are Made. | IlfeLa this medicine free of charge. brought to bear on him. Never before all, or nearly all. Then there are flirts eeaary for aura, care. At Mt. Tabor will be fou d pare e;r, the bore of the new rifles for use in that large a u c c a a a This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend absolutely free from malaria, good water* * remedies that do not in-» » ui J w Watch crystals are made by blowing country. did he find any one who so quickly and so omnivorous that they will flirt with We atart you, Pastor Koenig, of Fort Wayne. Ind., Ki nee 1876» and jure the health or interfere with one ’ « bubinetm or furnishing av beautiful aurrour.d'.nga and magnificent a sphere of glass about one yard in tenow prepared under his direction by the so thoroughly understood him; never women as well as men, and cannot be erytliing Thia is pleasure. It builds up and improves the general views Ample references riven if deshed. one of the great health, clears the skin and beautifies the complexion. did any one so sweetly enter into the content without attracting the personal diameter, after which the disks are cut Statistics carefully compiled show strides forward No wrinkles or flabbiness follow this treatment. For further particulars, addresa the physic KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, IIL wrtol, Inventive progress, that enriches all worker«. It ia Endorsed by physicians and leading society ladies. perplexities of his business life or his interest of every human lieing who ap­ from it by means of a pair of compasses that within three years 5,000 people have in •an in charge. probably the «reateit opportunity laboring paople tel re «ver PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL ttoWbyDrusciataatSl perBottla. Ctbr«3. having a diamond at the extremity of lost their lives in western IVnaisylvania known Now 1« the time. Delay mentis I om . Full particular« Hara. lea,. Ko Starvtaf. Send C cenu la »tamp* for particular* to OSMON ROYAL. M. D.. college career or his professional anx­ proaches them. tree. Bettvr write ut ouce. Addie«». GEOKOE Lante sue. «1.1». « Botuca tor BO. Ninth A Morricun Sit , Portland Oregon. M rs . F rank L eslie . one leg.—New York Journal. ieties: never did any woman «how such because of weak dams. »1'lXsON dk C o .,B ok ABM.Puriluud; Maine. H 0 W f. UTHt. MVlMEI ITItlTtl. CllUtl IlL He who plants a i ree Plante a hope; Rootlets up through fibers blindly grope; Leaves unfold unto horizons free. So man's life must climb From the clods of time Unto heavens sublime. Const thou prophesy, thou little tree. What the glory of thy Ixmghs shall tie? S castoria Ayer's Sarsaparilla, BRRH THE NATURAL FLIRT. O'5* d/% |%l _ C ____ Ü old HEAD Farmers Notice! Lots in the Oak Park ARE SELLING FAST! YOU WISH to Advertise Anything Anywhere East and South Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Any time G . P. R 6 C THE COMMERCIAL STABLE! A MAN. OR WOMAN Northern Pacific Railroad Livery, Feed and Sale!, To all Points East & South ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO J * VPRyr. .. < POMAHA, Scientific American CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS East, North A South COTTAGE SANITARIUM I