Look at the Map. Look at the Map. McMinnville, Yamhill County. Here is the County seat. Here is published THE TELEPHONE­ REGISTER, Monarch of home newspapers, accorded first place in all tlie Directories. State of Oresron, Yainliill County. Here you will find the most pro­ ductive section in the World. Land is cheap, offering special in­ ducements to fruit raisers and dairymen. Look at the Map. Look at the Map. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , IS: Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. MOSBY'S RECOLLECTIONS. JJOTEL YAMHILL. august 4,1892. VOL. IV. NO. 27 EVOLUTION OF THE RACE-HORSE The DevelofRnrnt of th. Thoroughbred I. E. SANDERS. PROPRIETOR. PERSONAL TRAITS OF THE GREAT CONFEDERATE LEADER. I First Class in Every Particular. Free Sample Room for Commercial Travelers. Farmers can get a good dinn-ir here for 25 cents; give tis a call. Formerly tlie Cook- House. Entirely the Work of Man. In so far as a creature endowed with life cau owe its existence to human Who Were Gentlemen and With Milli- bauds, the race-horse may be said to be man-made. Horses were an im­ Leading Normal School in the Northwest. tary Martinets—Men Who Fought for Principles and Men Who Fought for portant factor in early’ nomadic life, yyM. holl . and were cherished by their owners, 1’ay- ___________ B oard of R egents . and the progress of civilization, so far In the Examiner appears tbe follow­ Benj. Scolfield, President; Watchmaker from breaking this bond has apparent­ ing interesting article from tbe pen of J. B. V. Butler, Secretary; and Jeweler ly strengthened it. The animal is not John 8. Mosby, the celebrated confed ­ Ex-Officio: His Excellency Gov­ Oezler 1» All Kinds ol Watches, Jewelry. Plated Ware now so essential to human welfare and erate guerilla commander of tlie con­ ernor Pennoyer; Clocks and Spectacles. KcMIKHVILLE. OR. convenience; science lias furnished federate army. His life has been a pe ­ Hon. E. B. McElroy. Supt. oilier means of transportation, and is culiar one and his history reads like a Public Instruction; in a fair way to lake all liie heavy loads J I*. TURNEY romance. He is thoroughly able to Hon. G. W. McBride, Sec­ from Ids back; but in tbe degree that make bis “ recollections ” readable. He retary of Srate; he ceases to lie a mere lieast of burden, was a great supporter of Gen. Grant for Hon. Jacob Voorhees, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. he is transformed into a source of en­ president, and is the originator of tlie Hon. A. Noltner, Specialty of surgery and diseases of women tertainment and pleasure. From a HonAV.H. Holmes, phrase “The Solid South.” He was ap­ rough and hardy creature, subsisting U nion B lock - M c M innvjlli pointed consul at Hong Kong by Grant J. C. White, on such rations as chance and conven­ and introduced several great reforms in Hon. P. W. Haley. ience might provide, and suffering the J. C. MICHAUX, tlie consular service. Alfred Lacy, liardsbi|m and hazards of toil and ad­ Hon. J. J. Daly. venture, he has gradually evolved into It was my fortune to have been in PHYSICIAN AND SURGEGN. a combination of nerves, intelligente THE STATE NORMAL is a live school, rapidly growing and rapidly adding to close and rather intimate relations with graduaits are in demand to till General Robert E. Lee during tlie war, its facilities fur the special training of teaeheis. its ....... and trained muscle that has but a fam­ LAFAYETTE, OREGON- ........................... _ t year, An en- good positions. A gain of eighty per cent in attendance was made ; last ily likeness to bis early progenitors. New members I.-vc have been rollment of SO) is anticipated for the next year. . W „ .......1^.. beer. added to tlie and also witli his great antagonist, >« d .2I. ’8«. It differs from them in tbe same diploma Faculty, and additional apparatus supplied. A -7.,.'. ......... from tlie - school - ’—1 entitles one to General Grant, after its close. That I teach in any county in the state without further examination. Normal, Normal Ad­ enjoyed their confidence and friendship measure that the American Beauty or (JALBIIEATH & GOUCHER, vanced, Business, Music anil Art Departments. Special advan ad van ages in Vocal and In In- ­ the LaFrance rose differs from the lit­ will always be the proudest recollection strumental Music. THE REIGN OF PLUTOCRACY. tle fivc-petaled pink flower that blooms A year at school for $150; Tuition reduced to $6.25 Normal, and of my life. PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS, by the roadside. Like those floral tri­ During the first year of the war I $5.00 stib-Norinal per term of Ten Weeks. Board at Normal Dining FACTS ABOUT THE SAUSAGE. ton Roads I saw a large number of in tlie operations of our army corps. A umphs he is a production of scientific M c M innville , - • - O regon . Hall $1.50 per week; Furnished rooms $1.00 per week. Board and served as a private in the First Virginia transports with troops passing out by thorough soldier by training, familiar lodging, private families, $3.50 per week. Beautiful and healthful lo­ regiment of Cavalry, which was then ' Fort Monroe, and learned that it was with war in its theory and details, yet lion not* of the Mont t'nlver.al of Culi­ culture. It is not chance that has giv­ ( Office over Braly’s Bank. ) en him that peculiar build, that slend­ nary Product. Is Made. cation: no saloons. First term opens Sept. 20th. For catalogue address commanded by J. E. B. Stuart, who Burnside’s corps that had just come there was no man in the soutliorn army erness and lightness that to the expert afterward became so renowned as a J/D. BAKER, less a martinet and fonder of adventure T3. X j . CAMPBELL, -A.. 3B-, What is a sausage? The principle of i mean speed. His masters have wanted leader of cavalry. While he command­ from North Carolina and was going to ; Pope who had been given ! than Gen. Robt. E. Lee. making all sausages is similar, and con- I these developments, and they have T. LB. POWELL, -ZL. LL., President. ed tlie regiment Stuart never spoke to reinforce 1 In February, 186-5, I went to see him sists in simply chopping or mincing i studied sire and dam and the jiedigrce command in Northern Virginia. SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC me but once, and tliat was to send me Vice President. There is a popular myth that Pope at his headquarters near Petersburg. the particular kind of meat employed < of each until they could name iu ad­ witli a message to General Longstreet. PHYSICIAN. had announced in his general order His army was then reduced to a skele­ and seasoning it with spices or herbs vance the qualities of tbe offspring,and When I delivered it Longstreet gruffly Office Upstairs in tlie Garrison Building. upon taking command that “his head­ ton, but his spirit was as combative as of various sorts, bread crumbs, eggs, having : secured a horse that lias within answered: “All right.” ever. Although lie knew that the end salt or mustard or any of those ingredi­ him tlie possibilities of outdoing Ilia an­ Although I was on familiar terms quarters would be in the saddle.” The Jf. MULLEN, fact is that Pope never said any such was near, liis manner and conversation ents mixed in such proportions as are cestors - they treat him as a precious be­ and messed witli the captain of my thing, but it has become an articlo of did not indicate it. He was just as agreeable. Then tbe whole mixture is longing, aa, indeed, he is A groom is company, William E. Jones, a West faith in the south. To question its bold and aggressive in temjier as on the inclosed in portions of tlie prepared in­ always in attendance; he is fed and VETERINARY SURGEON AND Pointer, known in the old army as day tliat he routed Pope at Bull Run. testines of a hog, sheep or calf, scrupu­ housed and exercised witli as much “Grumbler Jones,” yet while I was a truth in Virginia would be regarded as DENTIST. Looking over in the direction of Grants lously washed and scraped until im­ care for his comfort as for a child’s; lieing as great an act of impiety ns to private I always avoided tbe society of Office at McMinnville Pharmacy. discredit tbe legend of Pocahontas and lines he said: “We could whip those maculately clean. Among the herbs royalty itself is not looked after with men of rank. Their manner always All diseases and ailments of the domesti­ people now if we could only get at employed for seasoning arc slialot, on­ more solicitude. Tlie attention that seemed to be either overbearing or con­ Captain Smith. cated animals treated day or night. them,” referring to their being under­ ions, leeks, sage, thyme, garlic, mar­ ancient Greeks used to give to their The reinforcement of Pope indicated descending, both equally offensive to the withdrawal of McClellan’s army ground. joram and parsley, and in some kinds own bodily training is given by mod­ RAMSEY & FENTON, me. They were generally men who My little girl had sent him as a of sausages, besides meat, anchovies, ern men to the racehorse, and, as a re­ from Harrison’s landing, where he had had resigned from the regular army been lying since his defeat in the seven Christmas gift a small silk tobacco bag, oysters and red herrings are added. sult lie is a marvel of physical perfec­ and had not learned the difference be­ thinking he used, as most Virginians, Finally, the blood of various animals, as tion. And after all this? Why, when ATTORNEYS AT-LAW, tween men who were fighting for their days’ battles before Richmond, and its probable transfer to the department tbe fragrant weed. It was lyiugon the the ox, pig and goose, is used with oat­ be lias lieeti tested and his pace» tried McMinnville, - - - - Oregon. country and men who were only fight­ GO TO commanded by Pope. As sood as we writing table by him. He stopped talk­ meal, bread crumbs and seasoning of he is put upon tlie racetrack, where bis ing for their pay. Office, Rooms 1 and 2 Uuion Block. landed at the jioint of exchange on ing about fighting and, holding up the various kinds. These in England are beauty and grace and swiftness please A long sectional quarrel over slavery Jones river, I started to walk twelve little bag in his band, asked me if I known as black-puddings, but tlie the sight and thrill tlie pulses of the M c M innville had culminated in a great sectional miles under an August sun te carry the recognized it, and said tliat he prized it Americans as resolutely refuse to eat watching thousands as no other specta­ war. Tbe soldiers of ths north fought information of tbe movement to Gen. more than any Christmas gift he had blood puddings as they do to partake cle devised for public pleasure could ev­ for their section under the old flag, the Lee. I knew it would result in a cor- received. I had sent him a fine pair of of tlie hare. Bologna sausages are er do. CARLIN & COULTER, Proprietors soldiers of tlie souih fought for theirs gauntlets, which I got through tlie responding movement on our part. shrewdly suspected to be made of tbe Goods of all descriptions moved and care­ under a new flag. Neither side cared I shall never forget the awe and op­ blockade. He asked me to take dinner llesli of the ass, but they can la- success­ ful handling guaranteed. Collections will which side was riglit or whicli side was PEARY HEARD FROM. be made monthly Hauling of ad kinds pression I felt when I came into tile with him, but told me lie didn't have fully Imitated by making a mince of wrong. In my opinion the men who done cheap. His much to eat. When we walked into equal parts of pork, veal and lean beef. The Story of a Wandering Sailor Maa presence of the great commander, fought on both sides were right. In a benevolent look and kind manner soon tiio room where bis meal was spread, Then there are the tasty little Lyons From Greenland. great civil convulsion there is no fixed put me at ease. He immediately start­ we saw a smoking leg of mutton on the sausages, of whicli the only fault is rule of conduct for the government of ed a courier with the news to Stone­ table, whicli seemed to surprise him. that they are too highly seasoned with A weather beaten looking individual BURNS & DANIELS men. Each man’s conscience must be The Ohio Improved Chester boar. Duke wall Jackson. The result was .Tack- lie slyly intimated that some of liis garlic. The Persians make a very pal­ wandered into the navy pay office in his guide. The two noblest charatcers of Yamhill. No. 845B property of Wm. B. son’s victory at Cedar Mountain, staff’ had stolen it. Sheep were scarce atable sausage of a loin of mutton, the postoffice building on Wednesday, Turner, will be permitted a limited number in English history fell in the civil wars of sows this season. Can be seen at own­ where he defeated Pope before the re­ in that region. . chopped with an equal quantity of ba­ says the Philadelphia Ledger, and cas­ fighting on opposite sides. Treason er’s farm 6 miles southwest of McMinnville. After dinner he talked a good deal con, or the fat of a sheep’s tail. The ually remarked tliat he had arrived in inforcements from Burnside reached FEE, - - - 12.50 cannot be made odious without mak­ him.* about the military policy of tbe south. New York tlie night lie fore on tbe ing the names of John Hampden and After exhausting my budget of infor­ He was nothing of a Fabius in his view mince meat after being seasoned, is not steamer Grknada, whicli had just ar­ J. W.COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN E. C APPERSON stuffed iuto a skin, but rolled into an George Washington odious. Prttldenl. Vic« Preeldent. Cashier mation General Lee asked me liow I of war; a bolder man never led an ovoid form, rouud a small iron skewer, rived from Greenland. Our regiment inarched from the was captured. I told him I was at army. He always wanted to be the aud tlie sausages are then roasted be­ The visitor gave his name as M. 11. Shenandoali valley ami arrived on the Beaver Dam station waiting for tlie aggressor. He thought tbe abandon­ tween two banks of hot ashes, tlie Brand,and in appearance was a typical field of Manassas the evening before train, when a regiment of Northern ment of Northern Virginia in the seafaring man He said he brought McMinnville, Oregon, tbe battle. At a critical moment Stu­ cavalry (Horris’ Light) gobbled me up. spring of 1862 a mistake. He said tliat skewer being carefully turned during the operation. The famous sausages of information from Lieutenant Peary, art charged and routed the Ellsworth He said: “Couldn’t you run away?” I he wrote to General Johnston after he Mayence, in Germany, are made of whose Arctic ex|iedition is still fresh in Paid up Capital, $50,000. Zouaves. I saw him riding at the head answered: “Yes, but not as fast as a got back to tlie Rapidan, advising him pork cut into small dice and seasoned tlie minds of the interested public. At of the regiment a few minutes before horse.” Transacts a General Banking Business, to march back and threaten Washing­ with pepper and saltpetre, aud these, tlie nientinn of Peary's uame tbe clerks he went in. He seemed to feel the in­ Not long ago I was visiting a seaside Deposits Received Subject to Check ton. He thought that such a move­ when filled into the skins, are smoked in the immediate vicinity dropped Points to Remember for 1892, in the purchase of Gro ­ spiration of Marat on Mount Tabor. I resort in California near tbe Soldiers’ Interest allowed on time deposits. ment would have drawn McClellan’s in the chimney for forty-eight hours, their pens and all attention was paid to ceries. was not in the charge. Stuart sent the Home. One of tho inmates of the Sell sight exchange an.l telegraphic trans­ army back to defend the capital. This over of course, a wood fire. Germany the story of the visitor. fer* on New York, San Francisco and Port- major with a part of the regiment in home heard T was there and came to • land. statement is verified by the war records has for centuries been the rival of Italy “Ninety-one days ago," he com­ Fully one-half of the People do not stop to consider another direction and I was with him. Collections made on all accessible points. menced, “tlie vessel on which I ar­ the monev they can save during the year in purchasing goods of a The major contented himself with see me. He was Corporal Dodge, who recently published. in tlie production of these historical Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. firm that pays strict attention to the selling of First- Class Goods “marching up the Bill and then marcli- had been guard over me when I was a In the spring of 1870, a few months viands. From different parts of tlie rived was ice-bound in one of tlie floes prisoner. He was delighted to see me, before his death, I was at the Exchange in tlie Arctic region. While scanning at a Small Profit. ing down again.” and we sat for a long time on the shore iiotel in Richmond when Gen. Lee ar­ Fatherland, and especially from Frank­ the horiaon for some new object to be­ furt, Mecklenburg and Hamburg, come Some days after the battle I was de­ where tlie billows were breaking, and People usually go to the nearest place regardless of tailed rived there from Lexington. He liad a vast variety of sasages, beginning hold a small curl of smoke commanded to carry a dispatch from our talked over the scenes of “tlie big war cost. We sell our goods < heap and deliver them at your door. been advised to take a trip south for his witli tlie “Würstchen tlarnirung,” our attention. Differing somewhat in camp at Fairfax court house to Gen. House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter that made ambition virtue.” You will be able find every thing in the grocery line in our store. color from those seen in those regions health. He looked worn and haggard, Joe Johnston, whose headquarters with me from Fort Mon­ and it was hard to realize tliat lie was which are very little sausages used for we were naturally anxious to ascertain The Only Sign Writer in the County. garnishing vegetal ties or other dishes. We are in it—The Grocery Business; 'and we will al­ were still near the battlefield. A staff roe I a brought haversack full of lemons. Such a where it emanated. The dog­ Home« fitted up in the Neatest and Most ways give you the best goods in the city for the money. We give officer to whom the dispatch was de­ luxury as lemonade was then unknown tlie fierce warrior that so often wielded The meat for them must lie minced to a from the thunderbolts of battle. I went to pulp and if tlie flesh be veal twenty- sledge of tlie vessel was put into service Artistic Style. cash or trade for all produce, suit yourself in the matter. livered, met me at the door of the house in Richmond. As I rose to leave I his room and we had a long talk. I five per cent must lie fat baccu and and the captain, one of liis officers and Designs furnished for Decorations. where he was quartered. I stood on took out a dozen lemons and laid them had met him iu public after tlie close white bread crumbs soaked in milk. myself started on a search journey. Be­ SOK. Remember Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ the porch while lie went into his room on tbe table. He said, ir. the gentlest of the war, but this was the only time Then are the tongue sausages, into tlie fore going far I was obliged to return to nishing a Specialty. to read it. While I was waiting ol J Joe way, that I had better give them to the we ever were alone. The war still seasoning of which powdered cloves the vessel suffering from dysentery. Work taken by Contract or by the Day. Ex­ with liis grim visage came out on the sick and wounded in the hospitals,that perienced men employed. threw its shadows around us, and, enter largely. The Germans are un­ Tlie captain and his companion pro­ porch. Just then a thunder storm he didn’t need them. But I went away while we pilked of tlie future and pres­ doubtedly experts in tlie art of sausage­ ceeded and were gone a considerable Third Street, McMinnville. Oregon. came up and it began to rain. We and left them. I have no doubt that ent, our thoughts were of the past. I making, and almost every district in time. When they returned to the ves­ stood on tlie porch some minutes, some wounded soldier got them. sel and I beard their story I regretted felt oppressed, almost overwhelmed, by neither one speaking to the other. Af­ I was a common soldier, in my shirt the great memories which his presence the country lias its own favorite season­ tliat I did not continue with them. Tbe DERBY A BOYER, ing of spice or herbs; but the addition ter a while the staff officer came out sleeves, covered with dust, without any recalled. He was no longer my com­ of bread is not much patronized by captain said they went but four miles Proprietors of The McMinnville and told me there was no answer to political influence behind me and no mander, yet his word would have been German sausage makers, and it is con­ when they discovered it was Peary aud take back. As I had neither been prospect of promotion. My feet were law to me. TILE sidered to detract from their goodness. his small party. During tlie course of asked to enter the house or to take a sore and blistered from the long walk conversation Peary said that Mrs. Pea­ seat on the porch, I started to go. Gen. in the hot sun, yet I felt that the privi­ Soon after leaving his room I met Sometimes, however it is thought de­ ry had left the little party nearly three TILE I have enlarged my store and have combined a full and complete stock of Johnston said to me that I had better General Pickett. J told Pickett tliat I sirable to use it—first, liecauso it ren­ lege of the few minutes’ interview with months liefore by a whaling ship bound Situated at tbe Southwest corner of tlie go into one of the courier’s tents in the the great general who. then filled the had just left General Lee and that he ders tlie sausage less rich; and next be­ for Denmark, by which route she ex­ Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Fair Grounds. All sizes of looked like a dying man. There had cause it increases the bulk. To six yard until the storm was over. If he world with his fame was ample com­ been an estrangement between them. pounds of meat no more than a pound pected to return to her friends. Peary And everything belonging to this class of goods First-Class Drain Tile had told me to remain where I was pensation for all the toils and dangers 1 Pickett said that he would call and pay of bread is allowed. In every case the further stated that they were all in until it stopped raining I would have kept constantly on hand at lowest living Have also Combined a Line of Fishing Tackle & Guns of war that I had undergone. It was 1 his respects to General Lee if I would bread must be moistened with cold good liealtli and as rapidly as ]>ossible stayed; but telling me to go out into a certainly a distinction to which I had prices DERBY * BOYER. go with him, but that he did not want milk or water and must be added be­ were pushing their way north.” tent when I was already under the not permitted myself to aspire. 41- McMi inville, Oregon. This with my Immense Stock of Mr. Brand seemed to impress his to be alone with hini. So I returned fore the mincing process is half com­ shelter of the porch, cut me to tbe We did not meet again until after with Pickett. The interview lasted pleted. In former times almost every hearers tliat lie was thoroughly con­ quick, and in a fit of indignation I , Gettysburg in his tent on the Rapidan. only a few minutes. The conversation German house had its Rauchkammer versant with tlie geography of that por­ mounted my horse before bis eyes and In the meantime I had become a parti­ ’ was formal, witli no reference to the or room for smoking sausages, but at tion of tlie country, and told his story ALTOGETHER MAKES A COMPLETE COMBINATION rode off in the rain. Not long before san , officer and be knew me by reputa­ ' cause of their difference. I do not think —DEALER IN— in such a straightforward manner, that the present day the fumigation of sau­ his death I dined with him in Wash­ tion. I doubt, however, whether he As to stocks, but not witli any other firm or men. their attention was riveted to him till ’ they ever met again. sages is artificially imitated, tlie brown ington and was strongly tempted to , knew that the soldier who gave ‘ In a few months the great soldier pyroligneous acid sold by chemists be­ he had finished. I STILL RUN MY BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND, WHERE PRICES tell him of the time when I left him ever him the lemons was the same person 1 joined the shadowy host tliat had cross­ AND GOODS CAN T BE BEAT ing the medium used in giving a smok- incog, to go out like Lear in the storm. for whom he wrote the following letter The Finest Line of Confection­ ed the river before him. “Fate denied 1 ed flavor to sausages, hung lieef, fish, Action has been taken by the Houae When I was a private I met General to President Davis: Call and see me before buying. him victory, but blessed him with a 1 etc. A teaspoonful of tbe acid is poured of Representative« in reference to the ery in the City. Lee but once. Shortly after the battles HEARQUARTERS ARMY OF 1 O. O. HODSON around Richmond, when he defeated glorious immortality.” into a saucer, and with a wing feather alleged discrimination against the com­ V irginia , Mar. 21,1863. j- All kinds of Produce taken at the J ohn S. M osby . or a small brush tliesausages are moist­ merce of the United States by Canad­ McClellan, I was captured by a raiding His Excellency Jefferson Davis,Pres­ ened ail over and then hung in a dry ian canal tolls. It has passed a bill party of Northern cavalry and taken ident of the Confederate States:—M r . Mr*. Million's Ride. providing tliat whenever the president place. to Washington, where I was kept ten P resident : You will, I know, be Call and examine my Stock and shall be satisfied tliat tbe passage days in the old capital prison, and gratified to learn liy tbe enclosed dis­ When Mrs. Millian goft to ride Insects have recently destroyed through any canal or lock cennectad get Prices. She travels forth in state, then exchanged. Justice Field now patch that tbe appointment you con­ whole forests in Powhattan county,Va. with the navigation of tbe St. Law­ A. H. G aunt . Her horses, full of fire and pride, lives in the house where I was con­ ferred a few days since on Captain J. 8. and among other tree.« the famous rence river, the great lakes or the water­ Go prancing from tbe gate; fined. Mosby was not unworthily bestowed. Pope's vine, a noted landmark in the ways connecting tbe same, of any ves­ A year after the war I was in Wash­ The point where he struck at the ene­ But all the beauties of the day Old Dominion. It stood for years on sels of the United States, or of cargoes She views with languid eye, ington and went to take a look at my my is north of Fairfax courthouse, near an eminence from which it was visible former residence. A showman had the Potomac, and far within the lines Her flesh in weakness wastes away, for twenty miles or more around, and and passengers in transit to any port of tlie United States, is prohibited or is This registered Jersey bull was recently Her voice is but a sigh. the house, and his fee for admission of the enemy. I wish I could receive towered high above all surrounding made difficult or burdensome by the purchased by the undersigned ana will was 2» cents. A placard on the door his appointment [as major] or some of­ For Mrs. Million is in an advanced trees. stand for service at my farm. imposition of tolls or otherwise, which Sire Royal Beauty's Duke. (17.315); aver­ announced that among other curiosi­ ficial information of it, that I might stage of catarrh, and all the luxuries It was back in 1865, when Cyrus W. lie shall deem t. lie reciprocally unjust age of dam and sire’s dam, 30 pounds. 15' 1 that wealth can buy fail to give her ties to be seen in this museum was ; announce it to him. With great re ­ ounces, in seven days. Field was continually talking ail'd plan­ and unreasonable, be shall have the comfort. She envies tbe rosy waiting­ “Mosby’s horse drawn in charcoal on spect, your obedient servant, Dam Princess of Ashantee 6th. (43,514), a ning how to lay the Atlantic cable. power to suspend th. right of free pas­ most promising young cow. Average of maid, and would give all her riches for the wall by one of his men.” The fig­ (Signed 1 R. E. L ee , General. “Oh, dear, Cyrus,” said his wife one sage through the St. Mary Falls canal, dam and sires dam 35 pounds , 16'. ounces ure might have been drawn for a horse,- Although the weight of the Southern that young woman's pure breath ami in seven days. night, “I do wish that old cable was so far as it relates to vessels owned by a whale or a camel. Confederacy then rested on liis shoul­ blooming health. Now, if some true at the bottom of the sea.” “So do I,’ ROYAL ASHANTEE is a solid fawn, the subjects of the government discrim­ with soft mellow skin and silky hair, long During my imprisonment I kept my ders he did not seem to be oppressed by and disinterested friend would advise said Cyrus, drily. body, straight back, large barreil. short inating against the United States. The Mrs. Million of tbe wonderful merits of eyes open and obtained some valuable it nor discouraged by defeat His spir­ legs, clean cut throat,dished face, beautiful bill was passed by tlie house without a information. Although born and rais­ it was as bold as it was on the day tliat Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, she would head and throughout of tine torm. A modern lawyer, witli good sense Royal Ashantee traces tli:ce times to the ed in Virginia I had never seen Mount he drove McClellan out of hisintrench- learn that her case is not past help. and tlie modern ideas of justice and I division. great Coomassie. the greatest of Island Will be Especially Interesting during the Fall Cam­ ' Vernon until I went up the Potomac menti before Richmond. My com­ $500 reward is offered by the manufac­ men’s true relations to each other, is Tbe best 25 cent meal in the city at prize-takers and the greatest progenitor of on a steamer as a prisoner of war. mand was then in embryo, yet he took turers for a case of catarrh in tbe head often better authority than precedence. hotel Yamhill, formerly Cook house,E. the band. paign. Subscribe Now. C. W. HOLMAN. Sanders proprietor. While lying on the steamer at Hamp- as much interest in our petty forages as which they cannot cure. He can make authority. MONMOUTH, OREGON. A Private’s Experience & IF YOU WANT AT BEDROCK PRICES, TRUCK AND DRAY CO., BURNS & DANIELS They have the best and most complete stock this side of Portland and will always The Duke of Yamhill. treat you right. WE WANT YOUR EYE J. B. ROHR, Combination? Yes O. O. HODSON FACTORY ÍS A. H. GAUNT HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE HI6HEST MARKET PRICE. Royal Ashantee 24,214. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR FOR THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. Best Local Paper in Yamhill. With Officers