The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, July 28, 1892, Image 3

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    The brick work in the Manning block
Work on the foundation of the
is being pushed.
Campbell block will be commenced
Dr. J. H. Nelson and wife left"yesier- tiext week.
■ -
28, 1892 day
for Trask river.
A hors« belonging to J. S. Hibbs was
Mrs. Parker of this city and Mr*. severely injured while being worked on
a binder yesterday.
Matthieu of Buteville, are at Woods.
From 7 a m. to 7 p. in
From 7:30 p.
Corvallis is now connecte«! with Che
Hop growers are looking about for
u>. to 8:30 p. m.
Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Telephone line and business can be pickers and there is no reason why
Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. in
there should be an idle person in Yam­
Mail south closes at 9:30 a. m. Mail
north closes at 2:30 p. hl. and 9 p. lit.
John Jones thumped a man Sunday bill county during the next two
Mail for 5:45 a. nt train closes evening
morning, was arrested and the fine and months,
before at 9 p m.
amounted to $22.
W. I). McDonald and family will
Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail
closes at 11 a m.
Wilson, the murderer, was taken leave next week for Newport, where
from the penitentiary to the Clackamas they will partstke of the sea breeze and
the social enjoyments of the city for
county jail on Monday last.
M ethodist E piscopal C iivkcii —Services
There is a larger number of celebrated
every Sabbath at 11 a. in and 7:OOp m.
Don’t lie discouraged about that ec­
Sunday School at 9:30 a. in
Praver meet­ horses at tbe McMinnville traek this
ing Thursday evenings at 7:30.
season than has ever been here before. zema till you have given Ayer’s Sarsa­
"R ev J. T A bbett , Pastor.
Messrs. Hodson, Fenton and Harding parilla a persistent trial. Six bottles of
Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p with their families will start for New­ this medicine cured the complaint for
m Sunday School at 9:30 a. ra.
port by the sea, during the first week George S. Thomas, of Ada, Ohio, when
R ev W iley K xowi . es , Pastor
all other remedies failed to afford any
Bi PTi»T Curiteli.—Services every Sabbath in August.
at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at
W. E. Martin will be able to m«jye
• ;55a. m.
R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor.
into his new quarters next week. Wil­ A lady whose hair came out with
every combing, was induced to Ayer’s
McMinnville- Orange. No. 31, P. of If., liam says that he will have the hand­
Hair Vigor a faithful trial. She did so,
meet in their hall the first and third Satur­ somest saloon In the'valley.
day of each month at 10 a. tn. Visitors
and not only was the loss of hair
cordiallv invited.
.1. T J olly .
The Linn County Agricultural soci­ cheeked, but a new and vigorous
M bs . M. E. KrXs.
ety will hold a race meeting at Albany growth soon succeeded that which had
on Sept. 2tith, 27th and 28th, About gone.
■ —
ft—¿S? ~ r‘ r , a " F. -
_____ — _
Custer Post No. 9 meets tbo second' and $3000 will be “hung up” in prizes.
C. A. Martin, cashier of the Farmers
fourth Saturday of each month at O. A. R.
Rev. T. F. Royal, of Dayton, will oc­ and Traders'bank of North Yamhill,
hall in Wright's building at 7 Jin* hi. All
membersoi the Order.are eordtanv invited cupy the pulpit at the M. E. church was in the city Wednesday on busi­
to attend ourtnectings
next Sunday morning and evening, ness. This banking company will soon
and will preach at McCabe chapel at 3 start the construction of a bank build­
B F QU ibixe ,
Post Commander
p. m.
ing 20x30 feet, It will lie veneered
The city superintendent has placed with brick.
Local and General.
glass fronts in all the fire alarm lioxcs Weld Allen shot at a large black
Walter Evenden and parents of Ger­ and a placard stating that in case of bear in a blackberry patch near Jones
fire the glass is to lie broken and the & Adams mill Sunday, with a shot
vais are visiting in the city.
button pushed.
gun and succeeded in taking off con­
Miss Nettie Hickson, of Chicago, is
The post office is how in such an out siderable hair. He brought the hair in
visiting Mrs. W. B.'Turner.
of the way place that it would be a as a trophy and used it as an affidavit
Several bears have been seen by the great accomodation to the people if
to prove the truth of the yarn.
lierry pickers during the week.
three or four mail boxes were placed in
There is trouble in Salem over a pro­
Fryer Bros., of North Yamhill start­ different parts of the city.
posed attempt of the townspeople to re­
ed their threshing machine last week.
The ladies of the Christian church cover from the county $3761.77, an
Mrs. John W. Baker and family left will give a lawn social at the residence amount representing a 2-inill tax col­
Tuesday morning for Jones & Adams’ of Mrs. C. A. Wallaee Tuesday even­ lected from them on account of roads
ing, Aug. 2nd. Ice cream will be serv­ none of which has been spent in the
Mrs. A. J. Baker returned from the ed. The public are cordially invited.
city. The money, however, has aU
mountains with 148 jars of canned
The Southern Pacific company will gone, and the county will probably op­
extend their line from Lebanon on to pose payment and court a lawsuit.
The Robinson show does not appear Sweet Home, a distance of 2(1 miles. BUYERS’ AXD BUSINESS DIRECTOR.
in this city. For that everyone seems This will bring tbe Cascade mountains
just that much nearer to the summer That soda water on tap at Billy Kuns’
truly thankful.
is said to be the best in town.
Wm. Malone and family and Mrs. J. tourist.
Machine oils at Hodson’s.
W. McCullough are in the mountains The young Chinese pheasants are
now being killed by hunters. The law
for a week or so.
('edar posts for sale, on Fifth street
J. G. Curtis, formerly of this city, re_ is out soon and then they will be worth between A and B.
turned last Friday after a two yearn the shooting. The birds are small yet All kinds of machine oils at Hod­
and can not be condsidered a prize for a san’s.
stay in Washington.
A big lot of dress goods and ladies’
The Creole Minstrel company play­
jackets at bargain prices at Redmoud’s.
ed to a fair bouse Friday night. The The bounty upon coyote and squirrel
H. Kuns bakery is the place to
scalps in Polk county expired Saturday. get W.
performance was fair-
your warm bread for breakfast.
During the term of its validity, from
Mrs. Fannie Carter and Miss Leia the 1st., of February, there was paid
Tbe cheapest and best machine oils
Carr returned from a two-weeks’ out­ out in scrip upon the county, tbe sum at Hodson’s.
ing at Seal Rocks,Monday.
Try a package of Wilburn's seed
of $1,778.83. Tbe bounty probably will
meal, best on the coast; a pure vegeta­
Wm. Henderson and family are now not be renewed.
ble compound, at C. H. Cook’s.
registered at Camp Jones. Bill will
County Surveyor Branson leaves for Candies, nuts and fresh fruits; pies,
probably pick as many as a dozen ber­ Bay City the latter part of this week to cakes
and everything in a firstelass
survey a disputed line between two bakery at W. H. Kuns.
J. T. Abbett will lecture to the young land companies operating in the city.
Hodson has oils of all kinds.
people, and organize a chapter of the The chance to spend a week or so at When your $200 watch needs repair­
Epworth League at Monroe next Sun­ the coast after the work presents itself ing take it to 1). A. Smith. All kinds
and probably will be embraced.
of jewelry repaired.
Thos . Kay and family and Jos. Todd
All persons found tampering with the
Go to Redmond’s for reduced prices
and family have returned from a three j fire alarm boxes will be arrested and on white goods and sun shades.
weeks’ stay at Netarts bay; arriving prosecuted. The alarm is now in work­ “Little Beauty” is the name of a
ing order and should not be touched handsome parlor organ and $45 will
here Monday.
buy it, at (’. Grissen’s book and music
Miss Annie I). Burnett went to Eu­ unless necessary. Three alarms were store.
gene Tuesday, from which place she turned in one night last week, probably
The butcher shop of Booth & Hibbs
will accompany a party up the McKen­ by some of the hoodlum boys about is at all times supplied with the best of
meats. Game and fish in season, rec­
zie river for an outing.
Some twenty tents are stretched near Mr. S. Higgins, of Zena, Polk coun­ If you want your property insured in
Jones & Adams mill in the mountains. ty, picked $75 worth of cherries off of a standard company, Rnoiies «(¿¡Rhodes
A good time and plenty of blackberries four Royal Ann trees this season. It will be pleased to write you.
looks as if that kind of farming paid
bring the people there.
The Sherwin-Williams paint made to
Miss Sarah Thacker, who is living pretty well. There is one good thing paint buildings with, at S. Howorth &
about fruit raising and that is that it Co’s.
the life of a recluse in the mountains of
Rhodes <t Rhodes have money to
California, according to the Examiner, can hardly be overdone as the canner­ loan
on improved farm property.
ies are always willing to pay a first
once taught school in this city.
class price for all kinds of fruit.— Alba­ Remember, the best liest sewing ma­
Nearly all our citizens have left for ny Democrat.
chine in th world is the Wheeler & Wil­
son No. 9, C. Grissen, agent.
the coast or the mountains and the
ones that are here are making prepara­
The Sherwin-Williams paints covers
commenced business in the lively lit­ most,
looks best, wears longer, most
tions to leave as soon as the others re­
tle city of Sheridan in this county. Tbe economical, full measure. McMinn­
firm name is >Scroggins & Wortman ville pharmacy.
The Willamette university at Salem and operations commence with a capi­
If you want the best drugs at living
has elected Rev. I.eonard Cochran, of tal of $40,000. P. M. Scroggins, of prices
go to Howorth & Co.’s.
Fayette, la., to fill the chair of natural Sheridan, and Jacob Wortman of this
Kay & Todd will pay the highest
science, Rev. S. A. Starr having re­ city, are the proprietors. P. M. Scrog­ market price for Mohair.
gins is president and S. L. Scroggins,
Go to Howortp’s for fine perfumes.
The crop of '92 is being cut and after cashier. The business of the bank is
fl. S. Wright, dentist, McMinnville,
the farmers are into the wheat the yield conducted in a neat business block of Oregon.
increases. It will be an average crop, its own.
Parties going out camping should
but will not lie as large as the enor­ Gervais is getting to tie a dangerous stop and get one of those small bales of
mous one of last year.
town so far as the railroad track is con­ hay at C. H. Cook’s, I) street.
The stallion Holmdel owned at Sa­ cerned. Last Friday a deaf and dumb
Howorth & Co. have the finest as­
lem, won a race in Montana Wednes­ man was run over and killed nearthere. sortment of writing tablets.
day last, reducing his record to 2:18], Saturday a man stood on the track,held
A full line of homeopathic medicines
The Willamette valley is forging ahead up his hands and tried to be run over; at Howorth & Co.’s.
as the breeding place of fast trotters.
If you want your prescriptions care­
but the train stopped just in time for
and accurately compounded, go to
The roads in the mountains need re­ him. Sunday an unknown man while fully
Howorth & Co.’s.
pairing. Several accidents have «secur­ drunk lay down on the track ami was
ed, one fatal, entirely owing to the poor run over by the freight train near that Remember that C. H. Cook carries a
full line of graham in small sacks, corn
condition of the roads. A stitch in city. Only a few months ago an old meal and wheatlets, D. street.
time saves nine, and if the toll road resident was run over and killed there.
The best assortment of toilet articles
men want to do business they must
A Nebraska farmer, weary of stiring at Howorth & Co.’s.
keep the roads up.
1 the soil for enough to pay the tariff on
Call on Rhodes & Rhodes for bargains
The McMinnville band will bid for his plow, entered into arrangement to in real estate. They will show you
the state fair job. They furnished the purchase for $1,000 in good money, property and give prices with the best
music for the state fair two seasons ago i counterfeits to the amount of $25,000. terms.
A new stock of artists’ materials at
and gave great satisfaction. It is hoped He received his fortune in a satchel,
that they will receive the contract, as and when he opened the receptacle for Howorth & Co.’s.
they are in better condition than ever the purpose of gloating over tbe con­ The best 25 cent meal in the city at
tents, discovered that it had changed hotel Yamhill, formerly Cook house,E.
to please the public.
I Sanders proprietor.
Gen. Lew Wallace, the author of into a fair quality of wrapping paper.
“Ben Hur,” will make a lecturing tour i Thereat the farmer mourned and made
Nervous prostration, drunkenness,
of the Pacific coast next winter and his plaint to Uncle Sam, who,greatly scan­ tits, opium habit, St. Vitus dance, hys­
headache, hot flashes, nervous
manager is trying to arrange a date for dalized, placed him in jail. Somewhere dyspepsia,
confusion, are cured by Dr.
McMinnville. It seems as if this city
Miles’ Nervine. Trial bottles and fine
could stand the amount necessary to | lesson of great value.
books free at Rogers Bros., or mail 10
I We have been looking for the man I cts. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
hear this talented author.
I who could surpass BiilNye in exagger­ | Indiana.
A band of sheep belonging to Mr. O.
ation. Here it is: “A farmer of Mar­
Another Accident.
F. Knox, of Cottage Grove, recently
ion county says he has a snake which
sheared eight and one-half pounds per
swallowe«l an eight day clock in Au­ Last Friday as the stage coach
head on an average, and at the present
gust, 1887. Until the clock run down running between North Yamhill and
price of wool the owner of such a band
it struck regular and its ticking could Tillamook, was crossing the bridge at
of sheep will realize, above all expenses
lie heard. A short time ago the farmer Thornton's, the bridge broke and the
about 100 per cent on the investment.
found some eggs that had been deposit­ the coach with its two passenger# went
Mrs. Atkins, the widow of H. A. ed in a hole by the reptile and on to the bottom of the gorge. The driver,
Atkins, of Tillamook, who was killed breaking them open found that each young Maddock, was severely cut
recently, has had some hard experience contained an open face watch in first about the head and knocked senseless
during her life. Her first husband, class running order.
He sold the and wonld have drowned had it not
Haabrouck by name, was murdered watches at a big profit and has now been for Miss Sappington who waded
near Sheridan about twenty years ago. given the snake a post auger in the out in the stream and brought him
A man named Coxon was tried but ac­ hope that it will produce sufficient cork­ ashore. The passengers consisted of a
quitted. Jas. McCain and T. B. Hand- screws to enable him to start a whole­ preacher and a saloon man. The sa’
loon man was severely injured and the
ley were attorneys for the accused, it sale drugstore.”
being one of their first cases of the
The Rogers Bros, prize for the largest preacher escaped unhurt. There is a
trout caught this season is creating con­ 1 moral in this.
rivalry among the fishermen.
Probate Court.
Bands from North Yamhill, Dayton,
Amity, McMinnville and Sheridan, in Some five or six fish have been brought
Estate of Sarah A Palmer, deceased;
addition to our home band, will take in measuring from 16 to 18 inches. Last
semi-annual account approved.
part in the band contest during the fair.
Estate of Samuel Turner, deceased;
Thiswill insure “music for the mil­ Dayton, returned from Trask river and
Administratrix allowed 60 days to
lions.” The Sheridan band has new deposited a ftsh measuring 26} luches
inventory. Chas Kuykendall, Frank
instruments that cost $800, and tbe and weighing 7 pounds, that he had
Bidwell and W H Perkins appointed
Amity boys expect new ones in a short
appraisers. Bond approved.
time. “Music hath charms,” etc., that created a sensation and numerous peo­
Estate of A H Roberts, deceased;
always attracts, and then with a big ple expressed their opinion on it. The
Will admitted to probate. Fannie M
game of base ball every day, New berg
Roberts and Jas H Roberts appointed
is bound to be full to overflowing with it is not a trout, but a bluebaek salmon. executrix and executor without bonds.
people. Put on your best tog and be
Appraisers appointed.
catch a larger fish with a fly.
ready for the procession.— Graphic.
The Census of the Several Counties Upon The Pedigree ofThe Best Trotting Stallion
For Week Ending Tuesday, July $6. 1892-
Which Distribution Will Be Made.
of Salem.
F. 8. Signal Service.
The state land board will meet in a
few days to make the apportionment cf
interest on the state irreducible school
funds for distribution among the school
districts of the state. The per capita
last year was $1.45, but as no estimates
has been made on the account of
school funds on hands in the state
treasurer’s office it cannot be conjec-
tured what the per capita will be until
the board meets. Last year the total
number of school children in the state
was 105,622, as against 111,770 this year,
which is an increase of 6,148. Bel<Rv is
given the number of persons between
the ages of four and twenty years resid­
ing in different counties:
Counties Males Females
Baker .
Benton.. . .1,840
Clackamas 3,561
Clatsop .. .1,446
Coos........ .1,851
Crook....... . 501
Curry....... . 364
Douglas . 2,429
Grant....... . 907
Gilliam. . 683
Harney... 420
Jackson .2,201
Josephine. . 950
Klamath. . 491
Lane....... .3,112
Linn....... . 4,036
Marion. . . ..4,188
Morrow . 741
Multnomah 9 214
Polk........ .1,748
Umatilla . 2,610
Union... 2,269
Wasco.... 1,452
Washington 2,867
Yamhill.. .2,372
The late performance of Holmdel has
created a stir in the sporting circles of
the state. He is owned in Salem, and
lately he reduced his record to 2;18J.
“Holmdel, 5290,” is a seal brown stal­
lion with a white star and the left hind
ankle white. He was bred at the Forest
City Stock farm, Clevelond, Ohio, of
which C. F. Emery is proprietor. He is
of a family that has gained distinction
on the race track as well as being pro­
Holmdcl'ssire is “Hermes, 548,” who
has a race record of 2:27}, and is the
sire of seven with records better than
2:30, among them being the speedy
“Ravelli.” Hermes was known during
the race career as the “Brown Bull
Dog,” for no race was ever too long for
him. Hennes’ sire was by the celebrat­
ed son of old Hambletonian, 10, Harold,
413, who is the sire of “Maud S” and
many others.
Hermes’ dam was
Hermosa, 2:26, who in addition to be­
ing a race mare, was a producer. She
was sired by Edwin Forrest, 49,
whose blood is found in many of the
fast race horses of to day. Hermosa’s
dam was black Rose, the dam of Dark­
ness ami also of ¡Primrose, the dam of
Princess, who was the sire of Trinket,
2:14, and eight others in the 2:30 list.
By reviewing Ilolmdel’s lineage on
his sire side, one will see that he lias in
his veins close up the same kind of
blood that flows in the veins of Maud 8,
2:08}; Dexter, 2:17}; Trinket, 2:14;
Nettie, 2:18; Patron, 2:141; Billy Hos­
kins, and many others.
He won the Ohio breeders’ 2-year-old
stake in a jog at Cleveland, Ohio, Sept.
13, 1887, obtaining a 2-year-old record of
2:44]. In 1888 he won the Patron stake
for 3-year-olds record of 2:25}, and two
weeks later he showed a one-half mile
public in 1:11. Last year he was brought
West and trotted through the circuits
of Oregon, Washington and Montana,
making a record of 2:24}.
A Little Girl'g Experience in a Lighthouse
Total .
Fell Dead.
These words are very familiar to our
readers, as not a day passes without
the report of the sudden death of some
prominent citizen. The explanation is
“Heart disease.” Therefore beware if
you have any of the following symp­
toms. Short breath, pain in side, ten­
derness in shoulder or arm, smothering
spells, swollen ankles, asthmatic breath­
ing, weak and hungry spells, flutter­
ing of heart or irregular pulse. These
symptoms mean heart disease. The
most reliable remedy is Dr. Miles’ New
Heart Cure, which has saved thousands
of lives. Book of testimonials free at
Rogers Bros, who also sells the New
Heart Cure.
The Mountains and the Seaside.
A drowsy August afternoon,the light
shimmering through the leaves of the
broad-spreading beech trees; a figure
lying upon the grass holding in his
hand a magazine—not too heavy—just
heavy enough for easy holding—the
Cosmopolitan for August, just the kind
of reading matter for a midsummer af­
ternoon—full of attractive illustrations;
scenes and life in the far off Phillipine
islands, with an experience of an earth­
quake; photographs on tbe Atlantic
beach acornpanying a charming sketcli
of Jersey’s “Salt Water Day,” by Ham­
lin Garland; charming Spanish bits by
the artist Chase; lovely vistas and en­
ticing groves, illustrating a California
farm village, in which Col. Fitzsim­
mons describes the growth and devel­
opment of a model community of fruit
The one heavy article of the numlier
is that of the famous English writer on
evolution, St. George Mivart, It is a
discussion in which he seeks to har­
monize the principles of evolution with
the doctrines of Christianity—one of
the most important series of papers
ever produced in a magazine, and at­
tracting the widest attention among re­
ligious and scientific minds, both in
England and this country.
lfucklen’H Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­
tions. and positively cures Piles or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refund­
ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Rogers Bros.
The Hugh for Land.
Last Tuesday morning three and a
half townships of newly surveyed gov­
ernment land were opened for filings at
tbe Oregon City land office. All this
land is situated in Clatsop county and
most of it is well timbered. Applicants
for the land began arriving Sunday
night and continued coming all day
Monday and the land lawyers were
kept busy making out papers. Tuesday
morning bright and early there were
fifty men in line in the corridor leading
to the register's office and there would
have been more but for the belief that
a decision would be made to treat all rs
simultaneous applications. When the
register’s door was opened there was a
little inclination to scramble for posi­
tion, but Captain Appcrson told the
applicants that they would all lie treat­
ed alike and if any disturbance was
made he would close his office and not
receive any applications.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
M c M innville
produce market .
These prices are corrected every Wednes­
day by C. H. Cook, who will buy vour pro­
duce, "paying all the market will justify. He
also carries a full line of seeds and nursery
stock in season.
$ 0 70
Wheat, clear
65 —
Dried fruit
15 00
Timothy hav, baled
10 03
10 00
Straw, baled...............
6 00
Potatoes new p bu .
Market overstocked.
V doz
Qhickens, old p doz ....... $ 3 01 — 3 50
......... 1 50
p doz ......... 6 00 — 8 00
V doz ......... 4 00 — 5 0O
Turkeys................. lb .........
Veal....................... lb ........
Dressed Pork...........
Oil meal....... p lb .
....... IS "0 — 20 oo
V ton
16 00
Bran.......... F ton
20 00
Chop.......... V ton
4 .20
F bbl
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott are the
keepers of the government lighthouse
at Sand Beach, Mich., and are blest
with a. daughter, four years old. Last
April she was taken down with mea­
sles, followed with a dreadful cough
and turning into a fever. Doctors at
home and at Detroit treated her, but in
vain; she grew worse rapidly, until she
was a mere “handful of bones.”—Then
she tried Dr. King’s New Discovery
and after the use of two and a half bot­
tles, was completely cured. They say
Dr. King’s New Discovery is worth its
weight in gold, yet you can get a trial
bottle free at Rogers Bros, drugstore. 6
The Game Law.
The last session of the legislature en­
acted as follows in referrence to feather­
ed game: “Every person who shall,
within the state of Oregon between the
15th., day of March, and the 1st, day of
September of each year, take, kill, in­
jure or destroy, have possession, sell or
offer for sale any wild swan, mallard
duck, wood duck, widgeon, teal, spoon­
bill, gray, black, sprigtail or canvass-
back duck, shall be guilty of a misde­
meanor. Also every person who shall,
between November 15th, ami Sept. 1st,
of tbe following year, take, kill, injure
or destroy, or have in possession, sell or
offer for sale anj' grouse, phesant, Mon­
golian pliesant, quail or patridge, ex­
cept for breeding purposes, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor.” It will
thus be seen that Chinese and other
phesants, grouse quails and patridges
can only be killed between Sept. 1st.,
and November 15th., and the person
who eats them is as guilty as the one
who kills them. The law should be
lived up to, as it is the only way our
best game can be preserved in this
Strength and Health.
If you are not feelling strong and
healthy, try Electric Bitters. If “La
Grippe” has left you weak and weary,
use Electric Bitters. This remedy acts
directly on Liver, Stomach and Kid­
neys, gently aiding those organs to per­
form their functions. If you are af­
flicted with Sick Headache, you will
find speedy and permanent relief by
taking Electric Bitters. One trial will
convince you that this is the remedy
you need. Large bottles only 50c. at
Kroger* Bros, drug store.
' 6
Normal Training.
A good teacher makes a good school;
but it usually takes specicl training to
make a good teacher; just as it does to
make a good lawyer or doctor. School
directors are rapidly learning that a
well trained teacher at $60 is an im­
measurable better investment than one
without training at $30; the occasion al
exception but proves the rule.
The Normal school at Monmouth is
now offering fine opportunities for
training in the best modern methods of
teaching. The demand for its graduates
to fill good positionsis rapidly growing.
Catalogue carefully sent on application.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the mu­
cous surfaoes. Such articles should never
he used except on prescriptions from repu­
table physicians, as the damage they will
do is ten fold to the good vou can possibly
derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney it Co . Tol­
edo, O.. oontains no mercurv and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of tae system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally and
> made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <t
I Co. Testimonials free.
I jQjHSold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle.
Tobacco in Oregon.
The 1890 census shows that Oregon
has fifty-nine tobacco planters and
twelve acres planted in tobacco. The
output was 3325 pounds, worth $666.
As a tobacco producing state Oregon
stands near the foot of the ladder. Ma­
rion county is reported to have raised
eight pounds of tobacco in 1889, as
against 383 pounds in Josephine and
120 in Linn.
Miles* Nerve and Liver Fills.
Act on a new principle—regulating
the liver, stomach and bowels through
the nerves. A new discovery. Dr.
Miles’ Pills speedily cure biliousness,
bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa­
tion. Unequaled for men, women, and
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50
doses, 25 cents. Samples free at Rogers
R ogers —Near North Yamhill, Mon­
day, July 25th, to the wife of D. G.
Rogers, a son.
Get New and Startling Facte at Drugglets.
Dr Mi lee’ Nervine for Nervous Prostration.
The mean temperature has been
from three to seven degrees below the
normal temperature, which latter at
this time of year averages 70 degrees.
More than the usual amount of cloudy
weather has prevailed. There were
showers on the 21, 22 and 23 along the
coast and in the Willamette valley,
amounting to from a trace to one-half
an inch.
The cool, partly cloudy weather and
showers have been of great benefit to
late grain, causing it to have more
growth, the heads to fill better and to
make the berry more plump. Harvest­
ing fall sown wheat and oats is in full
progress and reports indicate that let­
ter yields are obtained than were ex­
pected. Threshing will begin inside
ten days and accurate reports as to
yields will then be available.
■Spring grain will hardly make more
than three-fourths of a crop, and in a
few localities will not make that much.
The cool, murky weather has caused
the hep lice to develop more rapidly
and greater fears than have heretofore
existed now exist relative to the
probable security of a good crop.
The weather is favorable to the sec­
ond growth of clover and a fair crop
will be secured.
Tbe cool weather keeps the corn from
going into tassel, thus helping the ears
to form.
The potato crop is generally rejiorted
to be light. Fruit will not be over one-
fourth a crop; peaches, pears and plums
are ripe and are being shipped to mar­
Attention !
We offer as a prize a fine three jointed split
Bamboo Fishing Rod, for the Largest Moun­
tain or Salmon Trout caught and delivered
at our store for measurement.
Said fish
must be caught with a fly without bait; this
offer is open for contestants till Sept. 15. ’92.
Rogers Bros'
We are headquarters for Fishing Tackle this
Summer. Our line of Flies is full and com­
plete. A large stock of Rods, Reels, Lines,
Plain Hooks, Baskets, Etc.
Continued cool temperature has pre­
vailed; tbe nights being especially cool,
while during the middle of the day the
temperature ranged from 70 to 80 de­
grees. There has been mere than the
usual amount of partly cloudy weather;
and on tbe 21, 22 and 23d occasional
showers occurred.
Tbe winds have been light in ve­
locity and not so dry.
There has not been sufficient rain to
benefit tbe crops, as was desired, yet
the other conditions were very favora­
ble to the growing crops.
Harvesting of winter wheat and oats
is in full blast through the Columbia
river valley. Wheat is turning out
from 70 to 85 per cent of the average,
except in a few localities where it is
not over from 50 to 60 per cent of the
average. The best yields are in the
eastern portion of Umatilla county.
In Union and Wallowa counties the
present appearance of the wheat crop
indicates 80 per cent of an average crop.
In Baker, Malheur and the interior
counties the cool weather has consid­
erably retarded development of vegeta­
tion and haying is just beginning.
While the farmers are not entlius I
astic over their crops, yet the majority
of them are not despondent.
B. S. 1’ ague ,
Fail to do Our Duty.
Everybody has at times failed to do
their duty toward themselves. Hun­
dreds of lady readers suffer from sick
headache, nervousness, sleeplessness
and female troubles. Let them follow
the example of Mrs. H. Herbechter,
Stevens Point, Wis., who for five years
suffered greatly from nervous prostra­
tion and sleeplessness, tried physicians
and different medicines without suc­
cess. But one bottle of Dr. Miles’
Nervine caused sound sleep every night
and she is feeling like a new person.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, Laramie city,
Wyoming, who tried all other reme­
dies, declares that after three weeks’
use of tbe Nervine for headache, nerv­
ous prostration, etc., she was entirely
relieved. Sold by Rogers Bros. Trial
bottle free.
Real Estate.
Chas Palmer to Mary 8 Adams, lot 2
blk 13, McMinnville; $1000.
Irene and David Everest to S C
Force, land in or near Everest’s add to
Newberg; $100.
M and Josephine Fisk to Miss Etza
Wilcox 7.60 acres, pt Joel Perkins d 1 e>
t4 s, r 3 w; $1000.
Elvira and Henry Ellis to J W and
H A Bewley, lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, blk 3,
Sheridan; $624.50.
Levina A Watt et al to E R Watt,
lots 3 and 4, blk 3, Watts add to Amity;
Levina A Watt et al to M C Watt,
lots 5 and 6. blk 3, Watts add to Amity;
J T Watt et al to Levina A Watt,
lots 1 and 2. blk 3,Watts add to Amity;
Ross Allumbaugh to C X Larrabee,
20.69 acres, pt W M Jones d 1 c, t 3 s, r
3 w; $250.
M E Cady to E L Cady, 120 acres, pt
Jos Brisbine die, t 2 s, r 3 w; $1.
Jesse Edwards to J E Heston, lot 5,
blk 3, Newberg; $185.
Geo Squires to School Dist No 40,
strip of land 25 ft wide, McMinnville;
I) O Durham to Mrs M E Cook lot 6,
Durhams subdivision, t 4 s,r 4 w; $1000.
Jennie Lane to B F Smith, lots 3, 4,
5 and 6, blk 6, Wheatland; $350.
N K Sitton to Jens Carlson, 9.57
acres, pt Jesse Henderson d 1 c, t 4 s, r
4 w; $35.
Jens Carlson to N K Sitton, 40 acres,
sec 36,13 s, r 3 w; $100.
Henry White to School Dist 78, blk
5, Whites add to Whiteson; $250.
Sick-heodachea are tbe outward indication» of
derangements of tbe stomach and bowels. As
Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla Is the only bowel
regulating preparation of Sarsaparilla, it is seen
why it is the only appropriate Sarsaparilla in
sick-headaches. It is not only appropriate; It is
an absolute cure. After a course ot it an occa­
sional dose at intervals will forever after prevent
Jno. IL Cox, ot 733 Turk Street, San Francisco,
writes: ** I have been troubled with attacks of
sick-headache lor the last three years from one to
three times a week. Some time ago I bought two
bottles of Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla and have
only had one attack since and that was on tbe
second day alter I began using it.’’
Inii’c Ve8etab,e
vUy O Sarsaparilla
Clearance Sale
Is still in Full Blast, and
From, all Portions of the County.
Come and See the Special Drives
An Exceptionally Fine Line of
Ladies Dress Shoes for
$1.25 Per Pair.
84 WS FOR $U5
see them .
: el
Force Building.
F. W. CADY, Agt.
NO. 3390.
Of the First National Bank at McMinnville,
Oregon, at the close of business’. July 12.
Loans and discounts .
$2.10.512 13
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 9.629 54
IJ. 8. Bonds to secure circulation 12,500 00
Stocks, securities, county war­
rants. etc
Due from approved reserve agents
Due from other National banks
Banking-house, furniture and
fixtures ................................. ...
2,796 50
Current expenses and taxes paid
1.677 45
Checks and other cash items
1,194 00
Bills of other banks.....................
Fractional paper currency, nick­
22 30
ci- ami cents................................
..................... 24.389 25
Legal-tender notes
707 00
Redemption fund with U.S. treas­
urer^ per cent of circulation)
Capital stock paid in .
$50,000 00
Surplus fund
10,000 (Ml
Undivided profits...........
__ 59
National hank notes outstanding 11,250 00
Individual deposits subject to
Demand certificates of deposit
Time certificates of deposit
Due to other national banks
Due to state banks ami bankers
T otal ....
S tate of O regon , C ounty of Y amhill , kk :
I,W. D McDonald Jr,Cashier of the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that tbe
above statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
W D. Mi D ona Lt» Jr, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
27th day of July, 1892.
F rank W. F enton ,
Notary Public for Oregon.
( 11 Correct—Attest:
J acob W ortman ,i
W illiam H oll , - Directors
W ortman , I
We will pay you the
Highest Market Price
in Caeh, and receive
and store grain at the
current rate.
will take charge of
our warehouse, which
has been thoroughly
Our facilities for re­
ceiving are the lies!
in the county. We
respeetfull solicit a
share of your patron­
That Desirable and Most Beautifully Located Property Known as
Pleasant Home Addition
To McMinnville.
Situate and adjoining the BAPTIST COLLEGE and Park; Only five
minutes walk from the main street of McMinnville; By taking into con­
sideration the Fine Avenues and Streets, the Sightly Situation and Love­
ly Surroundings Pleasant Home addition furnishes the grandest and
most convenient property for those desiring a beautiful home. Pleasant
: Home is subdivided in four acre-blocks ami is sold on reasonable terms.
For information apply to WM. F. BRIEDENSTEIN, Sole Agent,
('or. Third Street and Railroad. McMinnville. Or.
Opposition Boot and Shoe Store.
Your attention is called to our Magnificent Stock of
Of the Latest Styles and Best Quality at Lower Prices
than ever offered in this market.
We Deal on the Square.