« Illi ----------- " - - - Bad Blood ---------- Music's Magic. Terrible Accident. udgement, which aftei due consider­ ’! Kidney Ktdnrv Disease Stealing through the twilight. ation convinced him that the only I Comes a breath of song. C. New and Wm. C. Whitney I —is the cause of no end of suf- As Bud Wallace and wife and four The Pittsburg Dispatch, which is on John • plan to pursue was one of courteous Like a faint suggestion At Minneapolis and fering. A safe and certain remedy is HARDING II HEATH, Publishers. children, accompanied by Miss Lizzie the ground and understands all about Of a perfume gone. Chicago. conciliation. I don’t know that it J S DR. HENLEY’S Impure or vit ated blood is nine the tariff and the iron and steel trust, It steals into the chambers matters what the motives, but I rather Tbaek, were returning from Woods times out of ton caused by some SUBSCRIPTION BATES. City, where they had been spending the does not, though a republican journal, Of my beating heart. Of the prominent characters in the , prefer myself to regard Whitney as 1 f 'rm of constipation or indiges­ Da* Copy. per year, inadvance........... . $1 00 And a thousand dreamy fancies tion that clogs up the system, See Cepy, aix month» in advance............. 50 close its eyes to facts which are in full two great national conventions which ' a man of such fine feelings that in all Fourth, to their home near Tillamook, Into being start. (» It can do you no harm.. It nt»T view of the whole country. The other have when the blood naturally be- nominated Harrison and things sentiment would take precedent the carriage ran off the grade and rolled ! > you much good. Here is the testi- I hear again the voices comes impregnated with the ef ­ about one hundred feet down into the day it said: ? mony of one sufferer who has been Cleveland, the one that stands out in over calculation if they came in conflict Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville Heard in vanished years. fete matter. TbeoldSarsaparilla« ? made a ” a new man.” river. Miss Thack had a little baby in “If the iron manufacturers wish to the most marked manner is undoubted­ with each other. I see again the faces Oregon, as second-class matter. attempt to roach tbis condition Absence but endears. I had been troubled many year« strike every tariff advocate dumb and ly William C. Whitney, ex Secretary by attacking the blood with the With all his suavity Whitney can her arms, and when she saw she was with disease of the kidneys ■« hen What magic is in music. AU subscribers who do not receive their paralyze the entire campaign for pro­ of the navy. going into the river threw the child drastic mineral “ jKitash ” The potash theory is kind I'rovidence eent Dr. Henley If Mr. Whitney had adopt the tone of firmness when he Turning time to flow with the Oregon Kidney Tea to my paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ tection, they could not do so more old and obsolete. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is in time for the father to catch it never done anything else to entitle feels that it is proper. When he finds just hotel. It had an almost miracu­ Backward to its fountain ■ mediately reporting the same to this office modern. It goes to the seat of the trouble. It lous effect and in a few days 1 was effectually than by confronting them him to distinction except the labor he that the “anti-snapper” delegates who and save its life. At the same instant In the long ago? arouses the liver, kidneys and bowels to health a new man. G. A. TI PI i-JL , -Frederick A. Bubee. during the campaign with the spec­ performed on behalf of his friend had come to Chicago to contest the she went over the bank, struck her Proprietor Occidental Hotel. ful action, and invigorates the circulation, and Santa Rosa, CaL Thursday. July 14, 1892. the inipiirliics an- quickly <«rrie Agic him. had practically disbanded and taken Special inducements for yearly or semi- stration of the power of the tariff to blood UJi'l while on the first bot­ pieces. — Statesman. Navy, it stamps him as one of the fore ­ — Moses Gage Shirley. yearly contracts down their signs. This aroused the tle b^eaine Convinced of its uic: maintain wag«s, are neither so honest most of them all. The peculiar quality * * * Fell Dead. for 1 could feci it was work- G Jos W ork N eatly A nd Q vi < ki . y E xecvtxd nor s« wise as the Dispatch. One of which Mr. Whitney displayed at hostility of Grace, who had hoped to Headache, neuralgia,dizziness,drunk­ its, ing a change. It < leauseil. puri- J. establish a rival Democratic organiza­ at reasonable rate- Our facilities are enness, spasms, sleeplessness, dulness, These words are very familiar to our blues, opium habit are cured by the tied aud braced me ut> generally» the best in Yamhill county and as good the foolish makes this attempt at ex­ Chicago, and which won him the ad­ tion in New York with the “anti-snap­ as any in the state A complete steam plaining away the painful situation: miration of all with whom he comes in pers” as a basis, and he said to Mr. readers, as not a day passes without Nervine, discovered by the emineut In­ and everything is now working full and regular. plant’insures quick work. the report of the sudden death of some “A good deal has recently been staid contact, was the leadership which en­ Whitney that if the Syracuse tlelega- prominent citizen. The explanation is diana specialist in nervous diseases, Dr. * * • Miles. Fine books and trial bottles free R ssoi . ltions or C ondolence and all O bit - about the contemplated reduction in abled him to take up the ragged edge ' tion did not contest he would go home “Heart disease.” Therefore beware if at Rogers Bros., or by mail 10 cts., of nary Poetry will be charged for at regular the wages by the Carnegie mills. This of a campaign, unite them in one har ­ you have any of the following symp ­ advertising rates. and deprive Mr. Cleveland of his Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. 1 . » reduction is not needed to protect the monious fabric and secure the victory sen-ices. There was a good deal of toms. Short breath, pain in side, ten­ * M i * st B e r S igned B 1» y derness in shoulder or arm, smothering A ll C ommunications ________ _________ American manufacturer against foreign that he sought without producing the 1 acid in the ex-Secretary’s tones as he SOLO BY ROGER« BROS. «nojuetf ioi , w | jk -d the person who sends them, not for pub­ spells, swollen ankles, asthmatic breath­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non competition, but agaiust home com­ heartburnings of defeat in the van­ replied, “Go home by all means, and ing, weak and hungry spells, flutter­ de plume. ’ but for a guarantee of good petition. In Alabama and other quished. Ill fact, it was said in Chi­ permit me to say it would have been ing of heart or irregular pulse. These faith. No publications will he published States iron ore can be produced at cago by the most bitter opponents of better for Mr. Cleveland’s cause if you symptoms mean heart disease. The unless so signed. » # much less e»st than in Pennsylvania. Grover Cleveland that part of the pain had never left your home.” Personally most reliable remedy is I)r. Miles’ New Heart Cure, which has saved thousands A ddress A ll C onmi nications . E ither F or Labor is cheap in Alabama and the of defeat has been eased by the pleas­ Whitnej- is what is commonly known of lives. Book of testimonials free at the editorial or business departments, to T hb T elephone -R egister . McMinnville, ore lies near the top of the ground. ure of their dealings with William C.' as a magnetic man. In his case I in­ Rogers Bros, who also sells the New Oregon. Heart Cure. The iron interests of Pennsylvania Whitney. terpret the phrase to mean that the S avelx C opies Or* T hb *T elephone -R bgis - have therefore found their product At Minneapolis the man in charge minute you grasp his hand and look tep . will lie mailed to any person in the undersold by American competition.” and who conducted the successful com- into the depths of his rather pale blue United States or Europe, who desires one, What Carnegie & Co. need, then, is paign there was John C. New, who eyes, you feel warmly toward him. free of charge a tariff’ against Alabama and other enjoys the distinction of holding an He is a man who cannot be disconcert­ When Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria. tar*« •««•••• When she was a Child, she cried tor Caatoria We eUrl y»«. Ws I nvite Yoc T o C omearx T he T ele ­ states inwhich iron ore can be produced honorable and lucrative post under ed in argument nor betrayed into a ex­ When she became Miss, she clung to Caatoria. ftemiOring •• phone -R egister with any other paper •rrthinc Thto 1« at much less cost than in Pennsylvania. President Harrison. He also is entitled hibition of illtemper in dispute. There on« of rr«ot published in Yamhill county. When she had Children, she gave them Castorl* •tnde« forward It appears, too, that notwithstanding to distinction as a leader of ability, but is temper and spirit underlaying his ill workara It w NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. the superior cheapness of iron orc in nothing more dissimilar than the suavity, but it is kept in repression by tree. writ« at once. Addraa, Alabama, which increases the profits methods and manners ef New and his good breeding. If John C. New FOR PRESIDENT, of the manufacturers, wages are lower Whitney could be imagined. In look­ feels angry and doesn’t show it, it is GROVER CLEVELAND, H. C Million working in Jones & there than in Pennsylvania, though ing back over the campaign it can be because he considers it bad policy. of New York. Adams’ factory, cut his little finger off the same tariff protects the same in­ easily understood why the success of Therein lies the difference in one re­ FOR VICE PRESIDENT, —VIA— dustry in both States. Hew does this both the leading candidates was spect between the two men. Another on the jointer Wednesday. ADLAI E. STEVENSON, fit the theory that it is the tariff which achieved in diverse ways. Mr. Harri- difference is that Whitney is the first of Illinois. fixes the rate of wages? And in the 1 son was the selection of the delegation man you would notice in a crowd and Hl For Presidential Electors, W. M. C ol via.................... of Jackson, case of the Alabama manufacturer, —not of the ]>eople behind them. Mr. New about the last, partly because the Express Tyains Dave Portland Daily. G eo . E. N oi . and ........ . . .of Clatsop, why doesn’t he confirm the republican Cleveland was the selection of the one has a rather unusual figure and the ARRIVE. OST of the cases cured by Ayer’s LEAVE R obt . A. M iller ,.............. of Jackson contention that by enabling the em­ • people and not of the delegates sent to Portland . 7.00 p m SsnFrancisco 8.15am other a commonplace make-up, and Sarsaparilla have been given up W. F. B utcher ................... of Baker. ployer to pay high wages lie will do so? do their bidding. After Mr. Blaine 7.35 am San Fran. 7:00 p m Portland 7.35am by tlic regular practice. Physicians are partly because Whitney’s every move­ If no tariff is “needed to protect the “ had written his famous letter to Clark- ment is characterized by a nervous recommending this medicine more than Above trains stop only at following sta­ tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, What a wonderful jackass Henry American manufacturer against foreign 1 son most of the State conventions were energy, which is sucient ffiexplanation ever, and with satisfactory results. Oregon Citv, Woodburm, Salem. Albany, Stanley is making of himself in Eng- competition,” why is the tariff main­ held, and the delegates selected at E. M. Sargent, Lowell, Mass.,says : — Tangent, Sliedds, Halsey, Harrisburg. Jun­ of the successful career he has followed ction city, Irving. Eugene 1 iml at the present moment. It does tained? If the only way in which those conventions finding no other out so far. It is difficult to find in San- “ Several years ago, my daughter broke out with large sores on her hands, ICof«eburg Mail Daily. not help a man’s head to lionize him. the Pennsylvania manufacturer can candidate prominent with any hope of Francisco a good comparison for either face, and other parts of her body. The ARRIVK. I.KAVK. meet Alabama competition is by re­ success either for nomination or elect­ gentlemen. The nearest I could, come case puzzled the doctors. My daughter Portia .id . . 8 315 a m Roseburg. . 5:40 p iu used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it resulted There is a serious strike on in the ducing wages, what good does the ion hastened to secure early recogni­ Roseburg. 6:20 a m I Portland.. 4:00 p Ui in a complete cure. Her blood seems to Albany Local, Daily. Except Sunday. Cceur d’Alene mining district, The tariff’do the Pennsylvania workmen? tion from the coming man. It was to it is to say that in many respects have been thoroughly purified, as slio LEAVE ARRIVE. non-union men have Iteen forced from And if cheap raw materials give the not that they wanted Harrison, but Whitney bears a strong outward re­ lias never had so much as a pimplo since taking this medicine.” Portland ..5: p in Albany........ 9: pm their positions and several have been Alabama manufacturer his advantage, that they wanted to have their names semblance to General Barnes, and Albany ........ 5: a m Portland :55 am “ This is to certify that after having General John C. New a ¡strong outward killed on either side. been sick for twelve years with kidney why does the republican party insist known to the man who would probably Pullman Buffet Sleepers, resemblance to the late Mayer Bartlett. disease and general debility, ami having on making raw material dear when­ be nominated. They therefore speedily — T. T. Williams, in San Francisco been treated by several physicians with­ Tourist Sleeping Cars, It is almost time for a demand for ever it can by taxing them? out relief, I am now better in every re­ conveyed their good wishes to President Examiner. For accommodation of second class passen­ spect, and think I am nearly well, “good country roads” to be made of The local organs of McKinleyism Harrison, either by mail or telegraph gers attached to express trains having taken seven bottles of Ayer’s the planks of the national party plat­ will serve the interests of their party in the expectation that he would re­ Sarsaparilla.'’—Maria Ludwigson, WEST SIDE DIVISION Before Starting on a Journey Albert Lea, Minn. forms. While good country roads can­ best by maintaining profound silence member them in the days when the Between Portland and Corvallis. not be built by the general government as to the cause of reduction of wages by harvest of patronage was to be reaped. A person usually desires to gain some Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. ARRIVE LEAVE it is nevertheless of sufficient impor­ the Iron and Steel Trust. The cause is More than two-thirds of all the delega­ information as to the most desirable 30 a nil McMinn’.. 10:10 a ru Portland . . 7-------------------- tance to the millions to call public at­ clear to every one who chooses to see. tion to the Minniapolis convention route to take, and will purchase tickets McMinn 10:10 a m Corvallis 12:10 p m 2 :M p iu PBEEARBD BT Corvallis 12:55 p m McMinn' tention to the subject by such methods. The Trust reduces wages because it has either wrote or telegraphed to Mr. via the one that will afford him the McMinn ’ 2:56 p m Portland . 5 30 p i ll There are millions in it, both of comfort the power to do so, and the tariff’ gives Harrison, and these documents, en­ quickest and best service. Before start­ Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. At Albany ami Corvallis connect with and money. no help to the hapless workman. The trusted to the care of John C. New, ing on a trip to Chicago or any point Trice »1; »ix bottle«, Worth $5 a botti». trains of Oregon Pacific Express Train Daily, except Sunday. Republican tariff is a fraud. It pro­ formed the ammunition with which east, you should provide yourself with ARRIVE. LEAVE. . ------ The Pinkertons have again demon­ tects only those, who like Mr. ('arnegie, that gentleman carried on his cam­ a map and time table of the Wisconsin Portland. 4 :40 p m McMnu .. 7.25 p in strated that they should not be tolerat­ need no protection, but are hungry for paign. The people were for Blaine Central lines. The trains run on this 8:20 aiu McMinn’. . 5:45 u m| Portland. ed in this free country- One armed more money to add to the millions but Blaine being out of the race, the route are vestibuled and are equipped force, the National Guard, is enough to which the tariff lias enabled them to delegates had gone on record for Hrrri- with Pullman’s latest Drawing Room protect the people in the enjoyment of take from the pockets of the unpro­ son, and when the delegation showed a Sleepers, elegant Day Coaches and din­ EAST AND SOUTH. their rights. The Constitution of the tected consumer.—.Siwn Francisco Er- disposition to listen to the voice of the ing cara of latest design, built expressly For tickets and full information regard ing rates, maps. etc., call on the Company’■ United States and the principle of arnlnrr. crowd outside, Mr. New would fire a for this service, and are exquisite in agent at McMinnville. personal liberty does not countenance a charge of personal lettersand telegrams furnishings and convenient and com­ R KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS, private armed force to enforce the rules That the republican party feels the among them. Manager. Asst. O F. A 1’ Agi fortable in arrangement and so com­ and desires of corporations. force of the democratic argument that New is a short, rather pudgy man, plete in every detail that they have no protection does not guarantee high something of the Harrisen build, with superior in comfort and elegance. The from Terminal or Interior Points th A writer makes a point for better wages, is made manifest by the follow­ the manners of atanker or a man of Dining car service is pronounced by all roads by mentioning that the majority ing dispatch, dated Pittsburg, July 9th: business and the methods of a careful the most elcgant’ever inaugurated, and of our insane women are the wives of “It is said to-day that Chris Magee and attorney. I think he kept all his dele­ is operated in the interest of its patrons. farmers. During a great portion of the several prominent republicans in the gates in pigeon-holes just like deeds or Fast trains via the Wisconsin Central We will paj' you the year the farmer’s wife is isolated be­ city on Thursday signed and sent a ca­ documents to which he eould turn Lines leave Minneapolis daily at 12.45 Highest Market Price cause of the bad condition of the roads. blegram to Andrew Carnegie, begging when it became necessary for him t<4 p. m. and 6.25 p. m., and St. Paul at in Cash, and receive Better roads would not only increase him to do someting to bring about an look up his title to a particular delega­ 1.30 and 7.15 p. m., making favorable and store grain at the is the Line to Take our commercial importance but de­ adjustment of the difficulties at Home­ tion. He never pleaded, he never connection with all trains from the crease the expenses of our insane asy­ stead. They appealed to him in the threatened, his entire stock in trade west and southwest. current rate. lum. , interests of the republican party and being a mild type of surprise, “My For tickets, time tables, berth reserva­ C. E. DC K ENFIELD It 1» the DINING CAR ROUTE. It ran* told him that an immediate adjustment dear Mr. Hendricks, I am delighted to tions, etc., apply to G. F. McNeill, C. Through VESTIBULED TRAINS will take charge of The President has treated the people of the of the trouble was positively nec­ see you. I was talking to President P. & T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., or Jas. Every Day in lhe Year to our warehouse, which of Oregon to another surprise in the essary for the success of the party at Harrison just before I left Washington C. Pond, G. P. & T. A., Chicago, Ill. appointment of Jim Lotan, the Port­ the fall elections. It is further said and he mentioned your name, said he j has been thoroughly ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. land boss, as collector of customs. The that the answer to this cablegram, re­ had received a communication from1 remodeled. (No Change of Cara) nomination was made and confirmed ceived this afternoon, refused to inter­ you, a telegram I believe, in which you This Liat la Published Exclusively in this Comimed of IHM5G CARS Paper Every Two Weeks. by the United States senate in a very fere in any way. Mr. Carnegie said very kindly assured him that you Our facilities for re­ (unsurpassed) secret manner, so that no protest by that he was not familiar with the situ­ wonld be found voting for him at ceiving are the liest Following are the letters remainingfor PLIIMAMIIRAWIM! ROOM SLEEPERS the people of Oregon could be made ation; that the men in charge of the Minneapolis first, last and all the time, in the county. We (Of Latest Equipment,) against it. The Simon ring is wild mills were men in whom he placed con­ and that he was to rank you among two weeks in the postoffice at McMinn­ respeetfull solicit a with wrath over the appointment, fidence and that lie must rely on their the warmest of his supporters. By the ville, Oregon, July 13, 1892: TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Johnson, II C Allen, Peter, share of your patron­ Best that cun be constructed and in especially us Joe was recently refused judgment to settle the trouble in a bus­ way I think I have that telegrnn with Baker, Mrs E Karenonen, Henry which accommodations are for hol­ the appointment of United States cir­ iness iway, regardless of any political me semewhere. Oh, yes; here it is. Berlatte, John—2 Lauger, Chas age. ders of First or 8econd-c|nss Tick­ ets. anrest dustrial exposition is desirous of secur­ stories.” There was always a cold, Eades, Mrs Della Maore, Dr J Bert lines, affordiug direct ana unin­ Referees Sale of Land. terrupted service. section of country on this western ing for their exposition this fall all the hard look in Mr. New’s eye when he Eggens, C H Morgan, Mary Pullman Slec|>er reservations can bs sscur- McTimmonds, Jos coast, and the present size of t he town exhibits which are to be sent to the would produce a delegate’s pledge to Forrest, A eoth public on lines entirely opposite to that of Col. Nesmith, as god-father of the new State of Oregon, to-wit: Beginning at the the national debt before it was due, and private, are not attempted. They New. While the latter was endeavor­ of B street in said city of Mc­ office, advised dropping of the “south­ intersection Minnville. Oregon, with the north line of and the accumulation of a surplus in are not necessary for a living, and work ing to narrow the delegates; to the down” sounding title and substituting the donation land claim of Samuel Cozine is not a pleasure to the average man. AND ALL POINTS the treasury of from eighty to a hundred question of their own personal advant­ the name ‘LaCreole.’ An error was and wife, and the south line of the dona­ millions of dollars in addition to the The curse of Oregon, when considered age, Whitney had the task of inducing tion land claim of W T. Newby and wife, made in spelling the word at Wash ­ said beginning point being on west sine of sinking funds and the hundred millions from a Washington standpoint, is her very many delegations to look beyond said B street, thence north thirtv-two (32) of gold held for the redemption of natural production. If more labor was their own personal feelings and re­ ington, and the office went officially feet and eight inches to southeast corner greenbacks. A reduction of taxes was necessary for the getting of the necessi­ spond to the wishes of the people. He upon record as “Rickreall” and has of tract known as Joel J. Hembree tract, west one hundred and forty (140) PULLMAN SLEEPERS. proposed, but the people voted for high ties, more of the luxuries of life would came to Chicago and th«re surveyed remained that way ever since.— Dallas thence feet to southwest corner of said trace,thence Transcript. taxes and the billion-dollar congress be had, and thus more modern pro­ a field of hostile armies intrenched north eighty-five feet and eight inches to COLONIST SLEEPERS j northwest corner of said tract, thence west Swindled an Old Man. came in. The result of the work of gress. against each other. He left a federa­ j one hundred feet, thence south sev nty- RECLINING CHAIR CARS, the billion-dollar congress has Iteen to tion bound together for a common one feet and nine inches to the line be- The action of the Italian laborers in I purpose. Whitney had the good | Tuesday two smooth-looking men 1 tween the donation land claim of .Samuel squander everything except the gold Rev. William Jolly, one ofl('??ine and wife and W. T Newby and AND DINERS. reserve and about fourteen millions of New York in clonatiug several days fortune to receieve the education and . visited ... , . 4 wife, thence south <8 deg. east along said gold in addition to it. The sinking work upon the monument of Christo­ the polish of a gentleman. He bad ! Washington Countys earliest settlers, [line between said claims 245 feet to place Steamers Portland to San Francisco Every 4 Days miles north of Hills- i "f beginning. funds have been raided and depleted pher Columbus was very patriotic from the better fortune to be born with a on his farm, three to.wit: : 1« i • r „ Also the following tract, to.wit both the American and Italian stand ­ boro, and after dickering with him for ’ - to the extant of twenty millions of T ract No. 2. Beginning at a point 32 modicum of common sense, which has -------- OF THE-------- feet and 8 inches north of the intersection TICKETS TF°R*iD EUROPE. dollars. The obligations to the govern­ points. A little patriotism of this iicctt devolopcd by contact with the' the purchase of his farm, agreed to give of said B street with said north line of the ment have not been met, and now that order front the American people dur­ world. If he had adopted the tone him $100 per acre and also purchase an­ I donation land claim of Samuel Cozine and For rates or general information call on a new fiscal year is begun heavy claims ing the erection of the Grant tomb which many men in his position other farm for him on which to spend wife and the south line of the donation or add res«. land claim of W. T. Newby and wife, and will be pressed for payment which the I would be very pleasing. would have used, Cleveland’s nomina­ his remaining days. Not being posted on west side of B street, thence north 85 To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and treasury will be utterly unabie to meet tion would have been impossible. As on the wicked ways of the world, feet and 8 inches to Andrew Shuck’s south­ corner, thence west on said Andrew upwards; one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per ti II. Ill 1:1,BI Br, Asst. Gen. Pas«. Aiti. without misappropriating funds. The The catalogue of the Pacific College Bourkc Cockran remarked once, he gave them $1000 to buy the land, east 254 Washington St , Shuck's south line 140feet, thence south 8o taxpayers are bled to the extent of from of Newberg has beeu received and is a , “Whitney talks so nicely that it is al­ and for security they gave a box pur­ feet and 8 inches, thence east 140 feet t5 annum. Most all of this land is under ttiltivation; over 400 acres now PokTLAKD, OaeoOM. of beginning, all in the City of Mc- in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 miles of Amity. seven hundred thousand to a million ■ credit to the institution and the print­ most impossible for us to say what we porting to contain $3000 in green­ I place Minnville. in the county of Yamhill and Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped from this point last year. of dollars every day, but this is far ers of tlie Newberg Graphic. This in­ feel about his side of the question.” I backs. They then departed, and Wed- | state of Oregon. Terms of sail, cash in ADVERTISERS ™ I 0" .dwrt.nng twe, wbw Cho K « es *4 TUES CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS, East, North & South. FRUIT GROWERS, ATTENTION ! 5,000 ACRES Finest Fruit Land Willamette Valley LORD & THOMAS, i • '