The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, June 30, 1892, Image 5

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    Wight thero appeared a British fleet com- I tho cylinder, could not lie twisted. The sel was informed, through the speaking
posed of fifteen of the finest ironclads, ; enormous chains they held could not be tube, that if he would give his parole to
with several gunboats and cruisers, and severed by the greatest pressure, and if keep out of this fight, he would be
a number of torpedo boats.
both crabs backed at onA they would allowed to proceed to his ancBorage in
It was a noble sight, for betides the I probably do no moro than tow the Lian- j Portsmouth harbor. The parole was
She does not hear the bird of melody
war ships there was another fleet hang­ garon stern foremost. There was, more­ given, and the dynamite gunboat, after
Thatsweetly sings within a gold case shut;
And several brand new novels round her lie. ing upon the outskirts of the first, and over, no time to waste in experiments. I reporting to the flag ship, steamed away
composed of craft, large and small, and for other rams would be coming on, and I to Portsmouth.
Unopened and uncut.
from both sides of the channel, filled there were not crabs enough to attend to ' The situation now became one which
But now a smile flits o’er her features free:
All suddenly her dream’s with pleasure with those who were anxious to witness them all.
was unparalleled in the history of naval
from afar the sea fight which was to take
No time was wasted. Q signaled to R warfare. On the side of the British seven
Her soft brown eyes dilate excitedly—
place under such novel conditions. Many
war ships were disabled and drifting
She’s with rare rapture thrilled.
of these observers wero reporters and and It back again, and instantly the two slowly to the southeast. For half an
She sees above the morning paper, bowed.
special correspondents for great news­ crabs, each still grasping a chain of the hour no advance had been made by the
The nurse; and then the convalescent pale papers. On some of the vessels which cylinder, began to sink. On board the
British fleet, for whenever one of the
Asks her if she will kindly read alond
camo up from the French coast were Llangaron an order was shouted to let large vessels had steamed ahead, such
The latest bargain sale.
men with marine glasses of extraordi­ out the cylinder chains, but as these vessel (hail become tho victim of a crab,
nary power, whose business it was to chains had only been made long enough and the vice admiral commanding the
Mer Beautiful Handl.
send an early and accurate report of the to allow the top of tho cylinder to hang fleet had signaled not to advance until
God’» rones are sweet and liis lilies are fair
affair to the office of the war syndicate at, or a little below, the surface of the further orders.
As they bend 'neath the dews from above;
wrier, a foot or two of length was all
They are splendid and fair—but they cannot in New York.
The crabs were also lying to, each to
As soon as the British ships came in that could be gained.
the windward of and not far from one
With the beautiful bands of my love.
sight, the four crabs cast off from Repel­
The davits from which the cylinder of the British ships. They had ceased to
No jewels adorn them—no glittering bands -
They are just as God made them, these sweet, ler No. 11. Then with the other two hung were thick and strong, and the make any attacks, and were resting
they prepared for action, moving con­ iron windlasses to which the chains were quietly under protection of the enemy.
sweet hands!
siderably in advance of the repeller, attached were large and ponderous, but This, with the fact that the repeller still
And not for earth’s gents, or its bright dia­
which now steamed forward very slowly. these were not strong enough to with­ lay four miles away without any apparent
Or the pearls from the depths of the sea.
The wind was strong from the north­ stand the weight of two crabs with steel intention of taking part in the battle,
Or the queens of the lands with their beautiful west, and the sea high, the shining tops armored roofs, enormous engines and
gave the situation its p eculiar character.
of the crabs frequently disappearing iron hull. In less than a minute one
The British vice admiral did not in­
Should these dear bands Ite taken from me.
davit snapped like a pipe stem under the tend to remain in this quiescent condi­
What exquisite blisses await their commands! under the waves.
'i'ney were made for my kisses, these dear,
The British fleet came steadily on, tremendous strain, and immediately tion. It was, of course, useless to order
sweet hands.
headed by the great Llangaron. This afterward the windlass to which the forth his ironclads, simply to see them
—Frank L. Stanton.
vessel was very much in advance of the chain was attached was torn from its disabled and set adrift. There was an­
others, for knowing that when she was bolts and went crashing overlxiard, tear­ other arm of the service which evidently'
really in action and the great cylinder ing a way a ;>on ion of the stern rail in could be used with l etter effect upon
which formed her stern guard was lower­ its descent.
this peculiar foe than could the great
ed into the water her speed would be much
Crab Q instantly released the chain it battle ships.
retarded, she had put on all steam, and had held, and in a moment the great
But before doing anything else, he
being the swiftest war ship of her class, cylinder hung almost perpendicularly must provide for the safety of those of
she had distanced all her consorts. It from one chain. But only for a mo­ his vessels which had been rendered
Author ot “Rudder Grunge.’’ "Amo. Kll- was liiglily important that she should ment. The nippers of Crab R still firmly helpless by the crabs, and some of which
brtght,” “Thu Bee Man ot Orn,” ‘’Thu begin tho fight and engage the attention held the chain, and the tremendous lev­ were now drifting dangerously near to
Christmas Wreck.’’ "The I-ady or the of as many crabs as possible while cer­ erage exerted by the falling of one end of each other. Dispatches had been sent to
Tiger," "Tile Late Mrs. Null,” "The tain of the other ships attacked the re­ the cylinder wrenched it from the rigidly Portsmouth for tugs, for it would not do
peller with their rams. Although it was held end of its chain; and in a flash, the to wait until these arrived, and a suffi­
lundnM »sou," "The Casting Away
now generally believed that motor enormous stern guard of the I.langeron cient number of ironclads were detailed
of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshina," "The
bombs from a repeller might destroy a sunk, end foremost, to the bottom of the to tow their injured consorts into port.
tlusantes,” etc.
man-of-war, it was also considered prob­ channel.
AVhen this order had been given, the
In ten minutes afterward the Llanga­ vice admiral immediately prepared to
(Copyrighted by P. F. CoUiex, ot Collier's Once able that the accurate calculations which
a Week, and published by speetnt arrangement appeared to be necessary to precision of ron, rudderless, and with the blades of renew the fight, and this time his efforts
with him through the American Pre« Associa­
aim could not lie made when the object her propellers shivered and crushed, was were to be directed entirely against the
tion. AU rights reserved 1
slowly turning her starboard to the wind repeller. It would be useless to devote
of the aim was in rapid motion.
Whether or not these strokes would
But whether or not one or more motor and the sea and beginning to roll like a any further attention to the crabs, espe­
have been quick enough or hard enough bombs did strike the mark, or whether log of 8,000 tons.
cially in their present positions. But if
to turn back an armada might be a ques­ or not ono or more vessels were blown
Besides the Llangaron three ironclads
tion, but there could be no question of into fino particles, there were a dozen were now drifting broadside to the sea. the chief vessel of the syndicate's fleet,
the suicidal policy of sending seven ships ironclads in that fleet, each of whose But there was no time to succor disabled with its spring armor, and its terrible
and two caanon to conquer England. It commanders and officers were deter­ vessels, for the rest of the fleet was com­ earthquake bombs, could be destroyed,
seemed as if the success of the syndicate mined to run into that repeller and crush ing on and there was great work for the it was quite possible that those sea para­
sites, the crabs, could also be disposed of.
had so puffed up its members with pride her, if so be they held together long crabs.
Every torpedo boat was now ordered
and confidence in their powers that they enough to reach her.
Against these enemies, swift of motion to the front, and in a long line, almost
had come to believe that they had only
The commanders of the torpedo boats and sudden in action, the torpedo boats abreast of each other, these swift vessels
to show themselves to conquer, whatever had orders to direct their swift messen- found it almost impossible to ojierate, for
—the light infantry of the sea—advanced
might be the conditions of the contest.
gersof destruction first against the crabs, the British ships and the crabs were so
The destruction of the syndicate’s fleet for t hese vessels were far in advance of rapidly nearing each other that a torpedo upon the solitary and distant foe. If
would now be a heavy blow to the the repeller, and coming on with a ra- sent out against an enemy was more than one torpedo could but reach her hull, the
United States. It would produce an utter ' piditv which showed that they were de­ likely to run against the hull of a friend. vice admiral, in spite of seven disabled
want of confidence in the councils and termined upon mischief. If a torpedo, Each crab sped at the top of its speed for ironclads and a captured gunboat, might
judgments of tho syndicate, which could shot from, a torpedo boat, and speeding a ship, not only to attack, but also to pro­ yet gaze proudly at his floating flag,
even if his own ship should be drifting
not be counteracted by tho strongest swiftly by its own powers beneath the tect itself.
broadside to the sea.
faith in the efficiency of their engines of wares, should strike the submerged hull
Once only did the crabs give the tor­
The line of torpedo boats, slightly curv­
war, and it wa3 feared that it might be­ of a crab, there would bo one crab the pedo boats a chance. A mile or two
ing inward, had advanced about a mile
come necessary, even at this critical less in the English channel.
north of the scene of action a large cruiser when Repeller No. 11 awoke from her
juncture, to annul the contract with the
As has been said, the Llangaron came was making her way rapidly toward the
Syndicate, and to depend upon the i ; rushing on, distancing everything, even repeller, which was still lying, almost seeming sleep, and began to act. The
American navy for the defense of the i tho torpedo lioats. If, before she wps motionless, four miles to the westward. two great guns at her bow were trained
upward, so that a bomb discharged from
American coast.
■ obliged to lower her cylinder, she could As it was highly probable that this vessel
Even among the men on board the syn­ get near enough to the almost stationary carried dynamite guns, Crab Q, which them would fall into tho sea a mile and
dicate's fleet there were'signs of doubt repeller to take part in the attack on her, was the fastest of her class, was signaled a half ahead. Slowly turning her bow
and apprehensions of evil. It had all she would then be content to slacken to go after her. She had scarcely begun from side to side, so that tho guns would
cover a range of nearly half a circle, the
been very well so far, but fighting one speed and let the crabs nibble awhile at her course across the open space of sea instantaneous motor bombs of tho re­
ship at □ time was a very different thing her stern.
peller wore discharged, ono every half
Two of the latest constructed and Fast as was the latter, the crab was minute.
from steaming into the midst of a hun­
dred ships. On lmard the repeller there largest crabs, Q and R, headed at full
One of the most appalling character­
was now an additional reason for fears speed to meet the Llangaron. who,as she was in a position of great danger, and istics of the motor bombs was the silence
and misgivings. The unlucky character came on, opened the ball by sending a her only safety lay in keeping herself on which accompanied their discharge and
of the vessel when it had l>een the Talla­ “rattler” in theshapeof a.IIKl-jxiund shot a line between the torpedo boat and the action. No noise was heard, except the
poosa was known, and not a few of the into the ribs of the repeller, then at least gunboat, and to shorten as quickly as flash of sound occasioned by the removal
men imagined that it must now be time four miles distant, and imniedatcly after possible the distance lietween herself and of the particles of tho object aimed at,
for some new disaster to this ill starred began firing her dynamite guns, which that vessel.
and the subsequent roar of wind or fall
craft, and if her evil genius had desired were of limited range, nt the roofs of the
of water.
fresh disaster for her, it was certainly advancing crabs.
As each'motor bomb dropped into the
sending her into a good place to look ! There were some on board the repeller
channel, a dense cloud appeared high in
who, atthe moment the great shot struck
for it.
the air, above a roaring, seething cal­
But the syndicate neither doubted nor her, with a ringing and clangor of steel
dron, hollowed out of tho waters and out
hesitated, nor paid any attention to the
of the very bottom of the channel. Into
doubts and condemnations which they wished that in her former state of ex­
this chasm the cloud quickly camo down,
heard from every quarter. Four days istence she had been some other vessel
condensed into a vast body cf water,
after the news of the destruction of the than the Tallapoosa.
which fell, with tho roar of a cyclone,
But every spring : prang back to its
Craglevin had been telegraphed from
into the dreadful abyss from which it
Canada to London, the syndicate's fleet place asthc great mass of iron glanced off
had been torn, before tho hissing walls
entered the English channel. Owing to into the sea. The dynamite bombs flew
of the great hollow had half filled it with
the power and speed of the crabs, Repel­ over the tops of the crabs, whose rapid
their sweeping surges. The piled up
ler No. 11 had made a passage of the At­ motions and slightly exposed surfaces
mass of tho redundant water was still
lantic which in her old naval career gave little chance for accurate aim, and
sending its maddened billows tossing and
would liare been considered miraculous. in a short time they were too close to the
writhing in every direction toward their
Craft of various kinds were now Llangaron for this class of gun to he used
normal level, when another Ixmib was
passed, but none of them carried ffie upon them.
discharged; another surging abyss ap­
If the torpedo boat shot to ono side in peared, another roar of wind and water
As tho crabs came nearer, tho Llan­
British flag. In the expectation of the
arrival of the enemy, British merchant­ garon lowered the great steel cylinder order to get the crab out of line, the crab, was heard, and another mountain of
men and fifhing vessels hail Iteen ad­ which hung across her stern, until it lay its back sometimes hidden by the tossing furious billows uplifted itself in a storm
vised to keep in the liackgrounil until tho almost entirely under water, and abaft waves, sped also to the same side. When of spray and foam, raging that it had
British navy had concluded its business of her rudder and propeller blades. the torpedo boat could aim a gun at the found its place usurped.
with the vessels of the American syndi­ She now moved slowly through the crab and not at the gunboat, a deadly
Slowly turning, the repeller discharged
water, and her men greeted the advanc­ torpedo flew into the sea, but a tossing bomb after bomb, building up out of the
As has been said liefore, the British ing cralts with yells of defiance, and a sea and a shifting target were unfavor­ very sea itself a barrier against its ene­
able to the gunner's aim. It was not mies. Under these thundering cata­
admiralty hail adopted a new method of shower of shot from machineguns.
defense for llio rudders and screw pro­
Tim character of the new defense long, however, before the crab had run racts, born in an instant, and coming
pellers of naval vessels against the at­ which had been fitted to the Llangaron the chase which might so readily have down all at once in a plunging storm;
tacks of submerged craft. The work of was known to the syndicate, and the been fatal to it, and was so near the gun­ into these abysses, with walls of water
constructing the new appliances had been directors of the two new crabs under­ boat that no more torpedoes could be and floors of cleft and shivered rocks;
pushed forward as fast as possible, but stood tho heavy piece of work which fired at it.
through this wide belt of raging turmoil,
Of course the officers and crew of the thrown into new frenzy after the dis­
so far only one of these had been finished lay before them. But their plans of ac­
and attached to a man-of-war.
tion had been well conside. <1, and they
charge of every bomb—no vessel, no tor­
The Llangaron was a recently built made straight for the stem of the British interest the chase of the crab. The vessel pedo, could pass.
was one which had been fitted out for
ironclad of the same size and class as ship.
The air driven off in every direction
the Adamant; and to her had been at­
It was, of course, impossible to en­ service with dynamite guns, of which by tremendous and successive concus­
tached the new stern defense. This was deavor to grasp that great cylinder with she carried some of very long range for sions came rushing back in shrieking
an immense steel cylinder, entirely its rounded ends; their forceps would this class of artillery, and she had lieen gales, which tore up the waves into
closed, and rounded at the ends. It was slip from any portion of its smooth sur­ ordered to get astern of the repeller and blinding foanj. For miles in every di­
about ten feet in diameter, and strongly face on which they should endeavor to to do her best to put a few dynamite rection the sea swelled and upheaved
braced inside. It was suspended by lay hold, anil no such attempt was made. bombs on board of her.
into great peaked waves, the repeller
The dynamite gunboat, therefore, had rising upon these almost high enough to
chains from two davits which projected Keeping near the cylinder, one at each
over the stern of tho vessel. When sail­ end of it, the two moved slowly after the kept ahead at full speed, determined to look down into the awful chasms which
carry out her instructions if she should her bombs were making. A torpedo
ing this cylinder was hoisted up to the Llangaron, apparently discouraged.
davits, but when the ship was prepared
In a short time, however, it was per­ be allowed to do so, but her speed was boat, caught in ono of the returning
for action it was lowered until it lay, ceived by those on board the ship, that a not as great as that of a crab, and when
nearly submerged, abaft of tho rudder. chango had taken place in the appear­ the torpedo boat had given up the chase, gales, was hurled forward almost on her
In this position its ends projected about ance of the crabs: the visible portion of and the dreaded crab was drawing beam ends until sho was under the edge
fifteen feet on either side of the propeller their backs was growing larger and swiftly near, the captain thought it time of one of the vast masses of descending
larger; they were rising in the water. for bravery to give place to prudence. water. The flood which, from even the
It was believed that this cylinder would Their mailed roofs liecame visible from With the large amount of explosive ma­ outer limits of this falling sea, poured
effectually prevent a crab from getting end to end, and tho crowd of observers terial of the most tremendous and ter­ upon and into tho unlucky vessel nearly
near enough to the propeller or the rud­ looking down from the ship were amazed rific character which he had on board, it swamped her, and when sho was swept
would be the insanity of courage for him back by the rushing waves into less
der to do any damage. It could not be to see what largo vessels they were.
torn away as the etern jacket had been,
Higher and higher the crabs arose, to allow his comparatively small vessel stormy waters, her officers and crew
for tho rounded and smooth sides and their powerful air pumps working at to lie racked, shaken and partially shiv­ leaped into their boats and deserted her.
ends of the massive cylinder would offer their greatest capacity, until their pon­ ered by the powerful jaws of the oncom­ By rare good fortune their boats were
no hold to the forceps of the cralis; and, derous pincers becamo visible abovo the ing foe. As he could neither fly nor kept afloat in tho turbulent cea until
approaching from any quarter, it would water. Thetf into the minds of the offi­ fight, lie hauled down his flag in token they reached the nearest torpedo vessel.
Five minutes afterward a small but
be impossible for these forceps to reach cers of the Llangaron flashed the true of surrender, tho first instance of the
carefully aimed motor bomb struck the
rudder or screw.
object of this uprising, whiqh to the kind which had occurred in this war.
When the director of Crab Q. through nearly swamped vessel, and with the
The syndicate's little fleet arrived in crew had seemed an intention on tho
British waters lato in the day; and early part of tho sea devils to clamber on his lookout glass, beheld this action on roar of all her own torpedoes she passed
the part of the gunboat, he was a little into nothing.
the next morning it appeared about board.
twenty miles to the south of the Isle of
If the cylinder were left in its present perplexed as to what ho should next do.
The British vice admiral had carefully
Wight, and headed to the northeast as if position the crab might seize the chains To accept the surrender of the British watched the repeller through his glass,
it were making for Portsmouth. The by which it was suspended, whilo if it vessel and to assume control of her, it and he noticed that simultaneously with
course of these vessels greatly surprised were raised it would cease to be a de­ was necessary to communicate with her. tho appearance of tho cloud in tho air,
the English government and naval au­ fense. Notwithstanding this latter con­ The communications of the crabs were produced by tho action of the motor
thorities. It was expected that an at­ tingency, the order was quickly given to made entirely by black smoke signals, bombs, there were two puffs of black
tack would probably be made upon some raise the cylinder, but before the hoist­ and theso tho captain of tho gunboat smoke from tho repeller. These were
comparatively unprotected spot on the ing engine had been set in motion Crab could not understand. The heavy hatches signals to tho crabs to notify them that
British seaboard, and therefore on the Q thrust forward her forceps over the in the mailed roof, which could be put a motor gun had been discharged, and
west coast of Ireland and in St. George's top’of the cylinder and held it down. 1 in use when tho crab was cruising, could thus to provide against accidents in case
channel preparations of the most for­ Another thrust, and the iron jaws had j not be opened when she was at her fight- a bomb should fail to act. One puff sig­
midable character had ls-cn made to de­ grasped ono of tho two ponderous chains ¡ ing depth and in a tossing sea.
nified that a bomb had been discharged
A means was soon devised of com­ to the north; two, that it had gone east­
fend British ports against Repeller No. by which the cylinder was suspended.
11 and her attendant crabs. Particularly
Tho other end of the cylinder began to
ward, and so on. If, therefore, a crab
was this the case in Bristol channel, rise, but at this moment Crab R, appar­ ing tube was run up through one of the air should see a signal of this kind, and per­
where a large number of ironclads wero ently by a single effort, lifted herself a pipes of the crab, which pipe was then ceive no signs of the action of a bomb it
stationed, and which was to have been foot higher otr of tho sea; her pincers elevated some distance above the sur­ would be careful not to approach tho re­
the destination of tho Llangaron if the flashed forward, and the other chain was face. Through this tho director hailed peller from the quarter indicated. It is
syndicate's vessels had delayed their grasped.
' the other vessel, and as the air pipe was true that in case of tho failure of a bomb
coming long enough to allow her to get
Tho two crabs were now placed in tho near the stern of the crab, and therefore to act. another bomb would be dropped
around there. That this little fleet should most extraordinary position. The over­ at a distance from the only visible por- upon the same spot, but the instructions
have sailed straight for England's great hang of their roofs prevented an attack 1 tion of the turtle back roof, his voice of the war syndicate provided that every
naval stronghold was something that the on their hulls by the Llangaron, but seemed to come out of the depths of the | possible precaution should lie taken
British admiralty could not understand. I their unmailed hulls were so grcatlv ex­ I ocean.
against accidents.
The fact was not appreciated that it was posed that a few shot from another ship
The surrender was accepted, and the
the object of tho syndicate to measure could easily hare destroyed them. But captain of the gunboat was ordered to
“We are New Englanders and come
its strength with the greatest strength as any ship firing at them would lie very stop his engines and prepareto be towed. here for the season only. Alice averages
of the enemy. Anything less than this likely to hit tho Llangaron. their direc­ When this order had been given the crab from twenty to twenty-seven dollars a
would not avail its purpose.
tors felt safe on this point.
moved round to the l>ow of the gunboat, week, I a little more. By taking this
Notwithstanding that so many vessels
Three of the foremost ironclads, less and grasping the cutwater with its room together we have a pleasant home,
had been sent to different parts of the than two miles away, were heading di­ , forceps, reversed its engines and began i for which we pay eighteen per week;
coast, there was still in Portsmouth har- rectly for them, and their rams might be to back rapidly toward the British fleet, otherwise we are quite economical. Of
i>or a large number of war vessels of va­ used with but little danger to the Llan­ taking with it the captured vessel as a course we have not always been so pros­
rious classes, all in commission and garon. but, on the other hand, three protection against torpedoes while in perous; we had to come to it by degrees,
ready for action. The greater part of swift crabs were heading directly for 1 transit.
and I often feel sorry for the many that
theso had received orders to cruise that these ironclads.
The crab slowed up not far from one I come to the city hearing of what some
It was unpoasiblo for Crabs Q and R of the foremost of the British ships, and few accomplish, hoping to do likewise,
day in the channel. Consequently it
was still early in the morning when to operate in the usual way. Their mas- coming round to the quarter of the gun­ but go down in the strife.”
around the eastern end of tho Isle of . give forceps, lving flat against the top of boat. the astonished captain of that ves-
J. H olland .
In the Sickroom.
Among the pillows propped in sweet repose
She feels the heavy time elip slow away;
She’s weary of the blushing crimson rose
That seems no longer gay.
The Great War Syndicate.
ient mustache, or at least some coarse '
hairs on chin or cheek. One is made of
sublimate of mercury, another
of the inspissated juice of the Indian !
“BLOOM OF YOUTH” COMES HIGH, . turnip, another of urate of ammonia
and quicklime, another of corrosive
Confessions of a Cosmetic Manufacturer.
What High Sounding Balms, Rouges and
Powders Are Composed Of—Dangerous
Hair Dyes—A Lesson in Economics.
{Copyright, 1892. by American Press Associar
potash, and one is a block of burgundy
pitch and sealing wax. This last is to
be melted, plastered on tho face hot,
fanned till cool and pulled off, when the
hairs come too. The others are pasted
over the skin, and they eaithe hairs off,
. and sometimes the skin too. These cost
next to nothing and sell from one to ten
dollars, according to the fears of punish­
I ment after death of the dealer.
There are toothpastes, shampoo soaps
and curlines, and a thousand other
things'aside from the manicure sets and
lotions, and not one of them costs a
tenth of what they sell for.
A nna D yne .
for Infant« and Children.
“Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me.”
II. A. A rcher , M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.
Castoria cure« Colic, Constipation.
Sour Stomach, Viarrhcea. Eructauon.
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
“ The use of ‘ Castoria' is so universal and
its merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.”
C arlos M arttw . D.D.,
New York City.
Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church.
“ For several years I hare recommended
your ‘ Castoria.' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
E dwin F. P ardii , M. D.,
” Tho Winthrop, PXth Street and 7th Ave ,
New York City
Without injurious medication.
cheated in the value of them her right­ An Employment for Young Women That
Is Pleasant and Remunerative.
eous indignation would do more to stop
Never was there a time when the hats
the sale of those things than the clearest
knowledge of the dangerous drugs they and bonnets of the fair sex were more
T hk C rmtaur C ompamv , 7T M ur rat S tbmt , Naw Yoaa.
contain and the peculiar Injury to beautiful or artistic than at the present
day. Have you ever stopped to think
health and beauty they inflict.
The writer of this was at one time that the fair creatures are following the
engaged in the preparation and sale Bible teachings in so adorning them­
of cosmetics. a:id therefore knows ex­ selves? In olden times the bonnet was
actly what each and every one of conferred as a mark of honor, as in
them costs to prepare and what the Exodus it says, “And for Aaron's sons
women pay for them. And now prob­ thou shall make coats, and bonnets shall
ably for the first time will the truth be be made for them, for glory and
told regarding the ingredients used in beauty.” Again it speaks of “Goodly
the most prominent of such articles and bonnets of fino linen,” and yet again,
“And put bonnets on them as the Lord
the danger attending the use of each.
First come the various “blooms, commanded.” It speaks of the children
balms and lotions,” each with its title of Egypt braiding straw. So there was
and imaginary history and high sound­ evidently a straw hat later. After the
ing recommendations. These are di­ linen bonnets of Bible fame were the
vided into two classes—the bad and the English bonnets, made of cloth or silk,
Cream Halm u not a liquid, tnuf or powder. Applied into the nnttrih it ie
very bad. The first, an eight ounce bot­ according to the wearer's means. These
quickly alitor bed. It cleaner» the .'jeaC, allay» inflammation, heal» _ —
tle, will contain 2}.j ounces rosewater were superseded *by the hat in the Six­
tom. Sold bu drugoute or »ent by mail on receipt of price.
and five of distilled water, and half an teenth century. In Scotland bonnets
ounce of light oxide of zinc. This must were made of thick milled wool without
bo shaken and applied to the face, and, seam or lining, and so exceeding dur­
while not immediately harmful, dries able that with reasonable care a single
and shrivels the skin eventually, so that bonnet would last a lifetime.
In early times the straw was braided
one must keep on using it. This costs
for bottle, wrapper, stopper, ribbon and in China and Italy, and in Italy today
box eight cents, and for rosewater and the women braid the fine straw, ten
zinc about the same, so that sixteen yards being a day's work, for which
cents is the actual cost of what women they received five cents.
willingly pay two dollars for. The very
When the work first began in this
bad are made in the same way, only country, it was mostly done by farmers’
with less rosewater and with common wives in Massachusetts in their own
flake white, which is pure lead. This homes. The rye straw was used for the
sells for the same price, two dollars, braid and the hats were sewed by hand.
and costs less. A few drops of ammonia In those days our ancestors wore a bon­
will turn this black. The effect is that net a couple of years. But as time ad­
Boon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price.
it shrivels the skin soon, and is liable to vanced it was thought necessary to have
bring an attack of lead palsy, or partial at least one a year, and finally one a
paralysis of the muscles of the face and season; factories were formed, and
IT o -V n T
eyelids, as well as regular symptoms of finally machinery was used, until today
lead poisoning of the whole body, and it has become a fine art, and is one of
Price Ranges $50 up. For full particulars apply to
our most profitable industries.
Another “balm" has as foundation a
49 Stark St.. Portland, Or.
white powder containing arsenic in so­ wardrobe require as many hats in a sea­
Beal Estate Agents, McMimiviUs.
lution, which soon induces dropsical son as our grandmothers possessed in a
McMinnville Flouring MUM.
swelling and frequently death. This lifetime, the condition of those who
costs twelve cents and sells for two dol­ make them has also improved. In a
bright, sunny room on Hudson street,
The “creams” all without exception New York, was recently found about
contain lead, zinc or bismuth as a 100 girls or young women busily engaged
whitener, with lard and olive oil to hold in making straw hats; so bright and sun­
it to creainlike consistency, and they shiny was the room, so merry was the
cost about ten cents per pot (pretty pots, laughter and happy the faces that
with dainty ribbons) and sell from $1.25 greeted you on all sides, one could
to $1.50 apiece. The lead and zinc are scarcely realize it to be a large factory
most often used, as bismuth is a little where persons were toiling for daily
dearer. It is also finer and more deli­ bread. The writer was surprised at the
cate, but soon turns to a violet or ashen refinement and intelligence of the work­
color on the face if exposed to gas or ers, for during a lull of the buzz of ma­
chinery was heard the discussion of all
Eyebrow pencils are made of mutton the most interesting topics of the day—
tallow and lampblack, cost*one-half music, literature, fashion and even pol­
cent apiece and sell for twenty-five cents itics, and some of the workers seemed
to one dollar, according to the con­ as dainty as the creations upon which
science of the dealer. Eyelid darkeners they were engaged.
“Yes,” said my guide, “we have the
have belladonna in them to enlarge the
pupils, and they cost one dollar to buy, most intelligent and independent class
perhaps one cent to make. The use of of women in our employ. One out of
these is bound to destroy the sight in a twenty makes a successful straw sewer,
but when they do they receive good
short time.
Rouge is made of carmine saucers, the pay. They make from sixteen to twen­
common of red ink and aniline red, and ty-seven and even thirty-three dollars
costs about 4*4 cents in pretty bottles, per week while the season lasts, which
and always brings $1 to $2 if a very high is from January to June. Many of them
sounding name is added. Indelible come from Massachusetts, and go back
rouge is made by soaking alkanet root in and become students during the rest of
alcohol. An ounce bottle of this would the year. We have artists, musicians
cost, all finished, about 4 cents. Sells and even literary women among them.
for $1.50. Rouge does not seem to do They have pleasant homes and dress
any constitutional injury, but does not well. Here in the workroom they wear
plain dresses, but when they step into
look refined on anybody. ■
Powder for the face is made of vari­ the street none would dream they were
ous things, among them magnesia, pow­ toilers for daily bread, as we have a
dered egg shells, rice flour, flake white, dressing room where they make their
dry oxide of zinc, fuller’s earth, starch, street toilets before leaving.
“The process is quite interesting,"
bismuth and a mixture of two or three
of these same things combined. Mag­ said he, holding in his hand a bunch ot
No. io Spruce Street,
nesia and flake white are the two most braided straw. “This is first given to a
injurious of these. Velontine is made of reeler, who winds it on a spool the same
rice flour and bismuth, with a little gly­ as cotton. It is then passed to the op­
cerine to make it sticky. All powders erator, or straw sewer, who fashions it
sell well for from 25 cents to $1.50 a into a hat, according to a block, which
is placed before her. It is then sent to
box. The cost is nominal.
There are several “face bleaches” on a steam or drying room, after which it
tho market, every one dangerous. Some is placed on a block or mold. It is then
of them are made of the corrosive subli­ put into a machine with a hydraulic
mate of mercury, some of arsenical com­ pressure. When it is taken from this it
Gate« & Henry, Prop*.
pounds and one is made of the same fluid is dry and perfectly shaped; it next goes
that embalmers use to blanch the faces into the hands of the varnisher, after of intelligence
trence and qnick-wi
quick-witted enough to
of the dead. The cost of these is never which it is returned to the workroom know a “GOOD THING” at sight, but
who has Lost the Most Precious Possession
more, advertising included, than fifteen to be ticketed and lined.
“Some of the fancy lace 6traws are on Earth, viz. GOOD HEALTH, WILL
cents per bottle, and women willingly
NOT require a SECOND TELLING to be
pay two dollars a bottle. I have known sewed by hand. These sewers do not induced to become a purchaser
of three cases of salivation and two of average more than ten dollars per week,
Everything New
blood poisoning and one of the burning while the ticketers and liners receive
off of the whole skin of the face by the about four dollars and a half. They
are then packed and sent to the retailers Belts ami Appliances.
And Firstclass.
use of these vile compounds.
vou know why ? Because it is plain
In whatever other way a woman may to be trimmed according to the fancy of to Do
be seen that the TRUTH ONCE TOLD Special Accommodations for Commercial
be econoipical, she is not in the buying
is enough The Surprising Promptness
of cosmetics. She never haggles at the did not exceed more than a half dozen witli which all classes ot people rcs,H>n<l to
Second and E Streets, one block
price and the more one asks the better different styles; now they have actually our announcements. a;nl the increasing de­ Corner
from Cooks hotel.
mand for Dr. Gregg’s Hoods wherever in­
she considers the stuff. She will stint reached into the hundreds.”
A visit to the home of a couple of troduced is always recognized and the i
herself on necessities to buy these abom­
of merit takes care of itself. Meta­
these girls was enjoyed by the writer. quality
Scientific America»
phorically our statement is the Button—
Press it, and
The hair dyes all have nitrate of silver
Agency for
or nitrate of nickel in them, and they furnished. In one corner was a piano; Hr. (irrgg's Eledric SperialtifN
cost to produce less than ten cents and
“1)0 THE REST.”
b L J
sell for $1.50 to $3. The' bleaches have room was an easel with an unfinished The extent of Pressure on the button ami
powerful alkaloids and will destroy the portrait upon it—the work of one of the the success of Dr. Gregg’s Eldctric Goods
vitality of the hair, and often the use of occupants. Both were musicians, and in “DOING the Rest,” is most satisfacto­
the bleaches brings on stubborn scalp not inferior ones either. There was a rily shown in the marvelous growth of our
cavcatb ,
the past €J0 (lays.
diseases, besides injuring the eyesight. bookcase well filled with standard business
Repeated and increasing demands for
Bleaches cost almost nothing beyond
the bottles they come in and sell from literary reviews. The writer was re­ ER” are coming in from all parts of the 1 rJ’2rT?Ät‘OT1 Sy* tree TTandbook srrtte tn
NN * <<>., »il B roadwà T. N« w Yoke,
one dollar to five dollars, according to ceived by one of the occupants whose country with proruse acknowledgements
burnnu for pwurlr.a
In Amarlr.
gown was of black silk and lace with a that so much comfort for $1 (the price)was
..eery paient tetón out by na la brñüyLt befor.
the “style” of the store.
ike buying Gold Dollars for ten cents
till! public by • ruitioe .Iven free ot ebuge In U m
Nail polishers are made of a little
The Rugged Constitution ot Man when
identifie ^medran
balsam of tolu in a small bottle with a she said, “we are very comfortable and once broken, becomes pitiable in the ex
treme, from, which there is absolutely no
tiny brush. With this the tolu is painted
without assistance
The Gregg Itererai circulation of any aelentlflr* p.per In th.
on the finger nails and left to dry on. It through the day, because we come home escape
Ek*ctric Belts i.n<l Appliances, in ( uses of
world. Hplendully III oat rated. No 1nt.IIM.nt
costs five cents and brings $1.50 and with the means to cultivate our tastes. this kind, have lmnestlv won their title of TOMI whoyld be without It. Weekly, 83.00 n
JOM. »LSb alz montba. Addren MUIOFA CO.
Of course we have been years at it. But KING OF REMEDIES.
lVOLiKUKKs, 3C1 Broadway. N.w Vort.
in time we hope to be able to use our
Rheumatism is conquered, sufferers from
One of the greatest humbugs is the talents. Alice expects to go to Europe ohesitv are speedily relieved, dropsy
“skin food,” which consists of a little to finish her music, and my dearest hope quickfy yields, spinal difficulties and par­
alysis disappear, and many other diseases
hypophosphites and codliver oil mixed lies in art. -----------------------
Men and Women are permanently cured
with arsenic. This is rubbed into tho How to Make a Convenient Side Table. of
fully described In complete catalogue for 6c
skin after it has been steamed until the
Au extra little table is a great con­ or elaborate c:rcular free. We guarantee
pores are open. The oil and arsenic venience in a crowded dining room. to forfeit, twice the price of any of Dr.
penetrate by being rubbed in, and create , Make one which can be folded out of the Gregg’s Goods found to be not genuine
We make an elegant little
Electric Belt,
a dropsical condition, which at first I way when not in use by having a flat which
is selling very rapidly and which we
makes the skin look fair and plump and top, the size you wish, prepared and fas- will take in exchane for any Higher Power
Belt (except
Belt. ) and credit $3 on the
smooth. The massage which goes with
price of new order. Remember the electric
this treatment is often paid for with
¡•Foot Warmers” are $1 a pair, worth $10.
checks of a thousand dollars. The use
of arsenic in this manner is told of by
Georg Ebers in his “Egyptian Princess,”
i 501 Inter Ocean Bi.dding, Chicago. 111.
.t is now, as it always was, another
and mention this paper,
1 ' ■ i of arsenical poisoning.
Codliver oil has lieen made the basis
of several creams and balms for the de­
velopment of form, as it will fatten by
absorption, but when twenty-five cents’
worth is mixed with a little beeswax to
-A.t IvXt. Tabor.
give it consistency and cochineal for
Mott Beiutltnl Suburtr *
color, it sells readily for five dollars a
For the treatment cf Nervous Diseases
An effectual deodorizer and antiper-
espeoially those suffering from nervous ex
hausiion and prostration, chronic diseases,
spirator is made of an ounce of alumn
and all those who need quiet and rest, good
pulverized and sold in a box for one dol­
nursing. massage and constant medical
lar. This is also good for an “instanta­ lened with hinges to a horizontal piece care. At Mt. Tabor will be foil d pure a:r,
neous wrinkle remover," and will under of wood set on the wall as high as a absolutely free from malaria, good water,
that name be worth two dollars a bottle, i table. Two perpendicular pieces extend­ beautiful scrrourd’.ngs and magnificent
Ample references given if desiied.
ing down from the ends of this form the views
dissolved in pure water.
For further particulars, address the physic
The depilatories are legion, and there Ijasis for fastening two brackets, which ian in charge
are now few women who have reached swing out and support the table or can
Ninth Morrison St;., Portland, Oregon.
the age of thirty who haven't an incip­ , be folded back under it as it hangs down.
V C old HEAD
t flr*
L fl A
3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. 3UC
Lots in the Oak Park
ZOeforQ Teo Iwate.
Any time
. P. R
&. Co.,
Livery, Feed and Sale!