ONE-REGISTER. UNITED WE STAND. A LITTLE CANDOR, PLEASE. tlATTON, East and South NORTH YAMHILL. —VIA— William McKinley, the author of the j Thomas McNish and wife, of Inde-I J. A. Buchanan and family of Amity The returns of the county election ATH, Publishers. ] shows very plainly where the strength McKinley Act, governor of Ohio and pendence, are here visiting friends this are : visiting here this week. H. H. Burton, of Portland, paid this ■ of the peoples’ party came from. The ] presiding officer of the republican na- week. B8CMPTION BATES. M. W. Tallman met with a very- place a business visit Saturday last. $l 00 democratic party furnished the voters 1 tional convention, is a gentleman from On» Copy, par year, inadvance........... Express Tvains I .eave Portland Daily 50 and the members of the republican whom canor might be expected. A painful Ona Copy, six months in advance. ] accident Saturday. Attempt­ The telephone line will put tbeir of­ I.KAVK ARKIVK. party who, to all appearances, were in public man who has attained as high a I ing to catch a base ball he made a miss- fice in Brisbane’s drugstore. Portland 7.00 p m SanFrancisco S I»»'« TTZsTIOZT BLOCH I San Fran. 7 :00 p m Portland ..35am Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville the swim, deserted the peoples’ party station A very pleasant social event was the ' i as his ought to rise above party catch, , the ball striking him on the end Oregon, as second-class nia^fer. Above trains stop only at ‘JV at the eleventh hour, and the demo- cackle, ■ and when he addresses the pub- of i the thumb, breaking it at the first iee cream party given Mr. and Miss : lions north of Roseburg: East J erats now have the privilege of hear­ lie, should speak with judicial impar­ joint. The doctor thinks the thumb Giles by Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Shuck at Oregon t'itv Woodburm, Salem. Albany, Tax advertising R ates or T he 1 ei . e - ing the sneers of the opposition for be­ tiality. And yet we find Mr. McKin­ I Tangent. Sliedds. Halsey. Harrisburg. Jun­ will be stiff. This should warn ball their residence on Depot street Friday riioxE-KEGisTER are liberal, taking in ction city, Irving. Eugene evening. It was largely attended and ing fools enough to hold the sack. ley giving utterance to the following consideration the circulation. Single players to be careful. Has a Complete Line of Roseburg Mall Hally. inch. $1.00, each subsequent inch, $.75. The older one becomes the less faith he statement: proved a most enjoyable affair. R B Conover and J W Turner made ... ARRIVE LIAVK. Special inducements for yearly or senn- Our Sunday school observed chil­ has in political promises, and it seems Whenever anything is to be done in a business trip to Salem this week. Portia .id... ’ “ft «5 a m Roseburg... 5 40 P >“ yearly contracts 0:20 a m Portland . 4 :00 p m this country, by this country, for this i Roseburg. „ Col. Chris. Taylor is lying very low, dren’s day Sunday evening by an ex­ Jos W ork N eatly ’ and Q iickly E xecuted strange to us that the democrats should country, the Republican party is called Albany Local, Oaily. E«c«*t Sunday. cellent literary program. The church have listened to so many honeyed not expected to live but a few days. nt reasonable rates. Our facilities are 1 F KVF ARRI' I- • upon to do it. I was handsomely decorated and the the best in Yamhill county and as good words from the members of the repub­ Portland 5: p m Albany «; P £ If everything that has been done in Thus our pioneers are passing away. ' congregation filled it to overflowing. I a« anv in the state A complete steam lican party and believed them in the Albany .5: a m Portland 8.55 am plant’insures quick work. this country£and for this country has J. W. Baxter, Jr. has moved his | light of past events and promises. We family to McMinnville to remain dur­ • * * Piilliiiiin Biffet Skepers. The Doctors are Guilty. A bsolutions of C ondolence and all O bit - can’t help but honor the democrats lieen done by the republican party, one ing the summer. Mr. Baxter will j Tourist Sleeping Cars, cannot help wondering how the coun­ nary Poetry will be charged for at regular who voted as they had promised, but, try managed during the sixty-eight haul lumber for Jones & Adams until i Gaave mistakes are made by physi­ advertising rates. For acconimodatioB of second class passen­ • * * gers attached to express trains at the same time we must look at the years of its history before there was any fall then he will return to his home I cians in treating heart disease. The A ll CoMMfsicATioss Mi st H e S igned I> y rate of sudden deaths is daily increas­ WEST SIDE D1V1SIOH tlie person who sends them, not for pub­ consequences of the act. Had the old republican party; and yet, if memory here in town. ing. Hundreds become tliavictims of Between Portland and Corvallis. lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non time members of the democratic party serves, a good deal was done in the The band boys are now selling tick­ the ignorance of physicians in the de plume." but for a guáranle«' of good Mail Train Daily, except.Sunday. arrive faitn. No publications will lie publisher! remained loyal, the entire democratic country and for the country during the ets for the excursion to Salem on the treatment of this disease. One in four McMinn’ 10:10 am ticket would have been elected. As we period of Jefferson aud Madison and 4th of July. Round trip tickets $1, persons has a diseased heart. Short­ unless so signed. « ness of breath, palpitation and flutter­ McMinn' 10:'1U a m Corvallis . .12 12:10pm ;—i honestly believe that the democratic * * n V children, 50cts. 2:.V, p tu Corvallis 12:55 p m McMinn -.«urn Jackson and Polk. Coming down to ing, irregular pulse, choking sensation, A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither 1 or ft -30 p n Born to the wife of A. A. Lawner, a asthmatic breathing, pain or tenderness AndjEverything that Belongs to a Firstclass Grocery. I ____ the editorial or business departments. to party has more interest in the cause of later times some history was made be­ McMi....' 2:56 pm lortland. McMinn’ T he T elephone -R egister . McMinnville, humanity and the advancement of the | At Albany and P“1’,'“11*’ «“'nccl wU" side, shoulder or arm, weak or hun­ tween 1861 and 1.865, of which the re­ daughter, on Tuesday. Mother and in Ore ton. l”ì:,Srato1n.i'y. except Nund.v. gry spells, are symptoms of heart dis ­ common people, than any other party child doing well. ease. Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure is S ample C opies O f ♦ * T * he * T elephone -R egis ­ in existence, we can’t help but think publican party took the credit when A. M. Peery has added greatly to the IEKVE. ' ARRIVE-. __ the only reliable remedy. Thonsan ds the work was really done by the Un­ ter will be mailed to any person in the that the democrats who voted for the ion party, in which there were as many appearance of bis residence by giving testify to its wonderful cures. Books I Portland. 4:4O p miMcMiin .. 7.25 p m United States or Europe, who desires one. 8 :20 a iu I McMinn’. . 5:45 a n>.Portland. peoples ticket have done themselves democrats as republicans. it a coat of paint. J. W. Campbell did free. Sold by Rogers Bros. free of charge » * and their neighbors more injury than Chicago and Return. I Since the war there have been four­ the work. Let this kind of improve­ W e I nvite You T o C ompare T he T ele - ruoxF.-REGisTER with any other paper tlie peoples party would have done teen congresses, including the fifty-sec­ ment go on and make Dayton tlie pret­ Goods Delivered Promptly to any part of the City. The Union Pacific will sell tickets to published in Yamhill county. good had that entire ticket been elect­ ond, which is now in session. During tiest town in the county. For tickets and full information regard ed. There is only one way to accom­ seven of the fourteen all three branches Some of our republican friends are Chicago aud return at one fare for the ing rates maps. etc., call on theCompany . All subscribers who do not reecire their plish good and that is by united effort. round trip to those desiring to attend agent at McMinnville ,,iirKR8 of the national legislature were repub- quite sore over the election, although the national democratic convention, paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ R KOEHLER. * P\gt mediately reporting the same Io this office . For years the democratic party has 1 lican. During five of the remaining they elected everything in the county Manager. Asst. O F. « r Agl been striving for reform and just as seven, the senate anil president were except representative and clerk. They which meets June 21. For dates of this reform is about to be accomplished, republican, and during the other two. are sore because their man Hoskins sale and limits of tickets or any addi­ Thursday, June 16, 1892. enough deserted the standard to al­ the forty-ninth and fiftieth, the senate , was left out mid because John Stilwell tional information apply to W. H. most accomplish its defeat. A jack of was republican. Thus, though the was voted in. Stillwell was elected be­ Hurlburt, Asst. General Passenger agent, Union Pacific system, Portland, The cigarette is to be banished from all trades is a master of none, and so democrats controlled the house of rep­ cause he belonged to the G.O.P. not that Oregon. the Folsom prison and probably from long as a political party attempts to resentatives in seven congresses, and he was qualified for the office. In the Sail Quentin also. It is about time to carry too many policies upon its shoul­ during two had the president as well, precinct of the candidates for this of­ banish from such institutions a means ders, just so long will it not triumph. the senate being always in the hands fice, where they have resided for 20 of indulgence which has lieeu fruitful The democratic platform of tariff re­ and being 70 republican, yet Prof. of their adversaries, it has been out of years • of disease and insanity. With local form has not yet been carried to its Lewis carried the precinct by a ma­ CO prevalent, especially among women, the power of the democracy to pass a ordinances and public opinion in logical conclusion and should be set­ jority of 4. This shows the standing O results from overtaxing the system. distinctively democratic measure at Tlie assimilative organs becoming de­ many places proscribing the cigarette, tled for all time before another reform of the men at home. Lewis was de­ ranged, the blood grows weak and im­ any time since the war, and, in Me- ' prison reform is in order.—.S’. /■’ H"/- for the people should be attempted. Kinley’s words, whatever has been feated because lie was a democrat but poverished, and hence “ that tired feel­ KANSAS CITY. St PAUL lelin. With all the energies of the democratic done has been done by republicans. deserves more honor for his vote here ing” of which many complain. For all such case?, there is no remedy equal to party given to the accomplishment of at home than to have been elected and Ex-Speaker Recti is a melancholy il­ this result it can be settled this year Boasts on the subject would be’in run 200 behind his party ticket. This Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Take no other. A Large Line of Medium and Light Weight better taste if tlie work done had been “ Some time ago I found my system lustration of the danger of saying and then should come the settlement will be the situation of our affairs as entirely run down. I had a feeling of bright things. One of the brightest of the silver question. With the party good work. What have the republi­ long as people vote for party and not i constant fatigue and languor and very AND ALL POINTS things that has l>een said in tlie repub­ divided upon the great national ques­ cans done since they obtained a mon­ for men. One of the good old righteous little ambition for any kind of effort. A friend advised me to try Ayer’s Sarsa­ lican campaign was liis reply when tions and the republican party being opoly of power’? They have on three G. O. P.’s said after their convention parilla, which I did with the best re­ invited to take a seat in the band wag­ directly opposed to both, the people or four occasions raised the duties on that be would scratch about half his sults. It has done me more good than other medicines I have ever used.” on and when he replied that President who take this method of working for imports of necessaries of life, so as to ticket but when the time came to vote all I — Frank Mellows, Chelsea, Mass. Harrison’s vehicle was an ice cart. It reform can have the satisfaction of see­ increase the cost of living to the poor he swallowed her whole and said to “ For months I was afflicted with PULLMAN SLEEPERS, is reasonably safe to assume that Mr. ing the government controlled^by the man and to aggrandize Eastern pluto­ the judges if they had a red dog to put nervous prostration, weakness, languor, general debility, and mental depression. Reed he had not talked so republican party until the end of time. crats and corporations which furnish him on. He evidently wanted to vote By purifying the blood with Ayer’s COLONIST SLEEPERS money for their campaign funds. They Sarsaparilla, I was completely cured.” much. With all due consideration to the ef­ have swelled the pension lists so that the whole ticket. Snell says when — Mrs. Mary Stevens, Lowell, Mass. RECLINING CHAIR CARS, forts of the men in the peoples party, they talk scratch here all that is neces­ When troubled with Dizziness, Sleep­ The Sheridan Sun is another news­ we think their efforts tend to the biting the United States now pays more to sary to bring them back is for Sam to lessness, or Bad Dreams, take AND DINERS. paper of the county, J. W. Foster be­ off of the’nose to spite the face instead of pensioners of a war which ended twen­ flirt the shirt over them awhile and ing the editor. IVe.are glad to notice the accomplishment of good for them­ ty-seven years ago than Germany pays they vote her straight. Steamers Portland to San Francisca Ever, « Da,a that the citizens of Sheridan appreciate selves or for the great mass of the work­ for a standing army of a million men. D ispatch . They have admitted to the Union in TREPARED BY a newspaper and hope that they will ing people for whom the reforms of the I ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. TICKETS TF7olD EUROPE. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. continue to do so. If they support it time are demanded. It is with no de­ order to swell their voting strength in I Bold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. the senate six territories, some of which Call and see our goods and compare our prices with this This List is Published Fxclusively in as it ought to be supported it will be a sire for mercenary party success that Taper Every Two Weeks. For rates or general information call on I others. great factor in the growth of the town. we say to the democrats of tlie peoples have not population enough, under the or address. present apportionment, to cleet a repre ­ Unless it does receive their support party to beware of the quile of the as­ - ; Notice of Final Settlement. Following are the letters remainingfor, and their hearty support, they need tute republican politician who sees in sentative in congress. They have so two weeks in the postoffice at McMinn- j W II. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. hampered our shipbuilding industry 1 Notice is hereby given that tlie under- not think that it will accomplish great this new party the chance for contin­ 254 Washington St , ville, Oregon, June 15,1892: that it became necessary, in order to ; signed has tiled her final account of her ad­ results simply because of its being a ued success infeounty, state and na­ PORTLAND, O r KUON. ministration of tlie estate of J .I. Butler. Hand, Stella Ames, E save it from utter extinction, to sus ­ I deceas d. in die county court of Yamhill newspaper. We hope that it will con­ tional elections, but it is with the most Blough, John Jamison, E B pend the laws they had made. They Babet, Minnie County, Oregon, and said court has set Larson, Jennie tinue to exist. hearty hope that tlie reforms for the ! Tuesday, tlie 5th day of July, A. D. 1892. tried, but did not succeed, in placing Breon Mrs Anna Moore, F L from Terminal or Interior Points th at the hour of two o'clock p. in. of said day people for which we ¡ire all working elections under bayonet rule. To offset B.iei-s, U W Mouth, Mrs J C at tlie county court room in the county Benjamin Harrison, after all the talk can be accomplished. If you think Otis, Nancy court bouse at McMinnville, Oregon, as the this bad work have they done any­ Coats, Jim and objection, was nominated on the that the democratic party is not ear­ time ahd place of hearing said final ac­ Posy, A P W A thing which the country can pass to Dodge, count. Emuel, Mrs J (' Reiche, J L first ballot. The second place on the liest in its effort for reform just think their credit? If they have, the public Eartie, Mrs Corn Stevenson, Manuel Now therefore all persons interested ill ticket was filled by Whitelaw Reid, ed­ of the load it has had to carry; think said estate are notified and required to ap­ have no recollection of it. Fletcher, W W Stevenson, J M pear at said time and place and then and itor of the New York 2ri&ww, and late of the moneyed opposition it has had; Wright, Daisy Garett, J H Mr. McKinley would have shown a there show cause, if any there be, why said minister to France. Reid was put in think of the little chance it has had in Wrage, Mrs Ä Garner, W (' estate should not be finally settled, said ad­ better understanding of American his­ Hakanson, Ellen Weir. Jas. I» the Line to Take ministratrix discharged and her bonds ex- unanimously without tlie formality of the halls of congress, until lately, to be Your attention is called to our Magnificent Stock of tory if he had said that the republican t onerated. Parties calling for tlie above letters a ballot. The influecc of a great news­ heard. If, after carefully weighingall Dated this the 24th dav of Mac. 189'2. party has been the beneficiary of ex­ will please say “Advertised.” If not paper is thus controlled in this election these important considerations, you MALINDA BUTLER. traordinary coincidents of fortuitous called for in two weeks they will be It Is the DININS CAR ROUTE. It runs Administratrix of said estate. by tlie candidates. There is one reflec­ still think that the peoples party comes Through VESTIBULED TRAINS accidents. At the time it' came into sent to the dead letter office as “un­ R amsey & F eston , tion, however, and that is, that the in­ nearest your idea of a party, and that being and iulierited the estate and prin­ Attorneys for said estate. I Every Day in lhe Year to May 26.22. J. C. C ooper , P. M. I fluence of Reid through the Tribune through it the reforms for which you ciples of the Whigs, there was no rea­ claimed.” has never been as much as that of are struggling cun be accomplished the son for expecting that it would have a Greeley, and it is now one of the least quickest, you are honorable in voting (No Change or Cars) Of the Latest Styles and Best Quality at Lower Prices longer lease of life than tlie anti-Masons influential of the New York papers. the ticket straight. than ever offered in this market. or the Know-nothings. But it happen­ THE MODEL GROCERY! Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. J H. HENDERSON, PROP English Breakfast, Oolong, Gunpowder And Japan Teas. And Domestic Table Delicacies And Relishes. Our Blended Coffee is the Best. ¡Also A Full Line of Lamps, Glassware, Crockery and Stoneware. Through Tickets to all Points EAST AND SOUTH. SUMMER IS NOW HERE! TICKETS So Are Kay & Todd Nervous Prostration, With a Line of SUMMER GOODS! CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS. East, North & South And in All Sizes. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, min. Our Line of Shoes, Hats and Furnish­ ing Goods is Especially Large And Represents all the Latest Styles. KAY & TODD Opposition Boot and* Shoe Store BOOTS & SHOES! Northern Pacific Railroad ro all Points East & South ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO In Portland a voter made no mark on the ticket until he came to the last name, James Sprague. He scratched this this out and wrote under it: “I scratch this man’s name for being oil the tail end of such a d---- ballot.” We read that another ballot was put in with all the senators’ and representa­ tives’ names scratched off, anil none of the others were touched The voter then wrote on the bottom: "I scratch these names so you will have less trou­ ble in counting.” Despite these ami other blunders public sentiment in Portland is in favor of the new method of voting. It is a new motie of count­ ing that is most needed. But that may lie obviated by establishing voting dis­ tricts of say 500 voters each. “A CONVINCING RECORD.” Composed of DINING CARS IDLES (unsurpassed ) ed to strike a wave of anti-slavery sen­ timent and this, assisted by the folly of riLLMAM HUA WIMl ROilfl SLEEPtRÜ (Of Latest Equipment. ) the southern leaders, wafted it into i power. Its retention during the war TOURIST SLEEPING CARS We Deal on the Square, was a political necessity and for the Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are for hol­ ten years following the south lay crip­ ders of First or Second-cptsa Tick­ pled and bleeding. With 1876, when ets, and Samuel J. Tilden was elected to the ELEGANT DAY COACHES. presidency, corruption became the only A Continuous Line connecting with all living principle of the party. Ever lines, affordiug direct ana unin­ terrupted service. since then it has held power by sub­ Fullman 8lee|>er reservations can be seen» orning corporations and keeping its ed in advance through uuy ngent of the road forces together by the cohesive power Would have you Remember when buying anything Tlironth To A *1'" meric*, 1 fro,u • England ,l SUIVUgU Tirkols 11CMIS ¡„ of public plunder. From time to time, in this line that the cheapest is not the best. Our Ve ­ end Europe esn lie purchased at any tick«! as 1884, the people have risen to des­ office of tfiis conmnny. troy it in tbeir burning indignation. hicles and Wagons aré oí the best Material and Work­ Full information concerning rates, tim« of trains, routes and other details furnish«« But, after a fierce outbreak, boodle has manship, and must csot more than those of Inferior on application to any agent, or resumed its sway, and the Wanamak- Material. A visit to our repository will convince you -------- OF THE-------- A I) CHARLTON. Asst General Passenger Agent. era have ovcrliorne popular sentiment. that our stock, which consists of the following styles, General omce or tlie Company, No, 181 There has never been a time since ^Ir.tSt., Cor. Wahlugton, Fortand. Or. is the very best in the market: Hayes assumed a presidency to which he had not been elected, that a lnajer- PH/ETON, DEXTER FAIRY QUEEN, To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and ity of the people have called upon the Assignee’s Notice. ELLIPTIC SPRING, RICE COIL SPRING, upwards; one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per republican party to do anything except EXTENSION TOP BAROUCHE, EXTENSION TOP FARM CARRIAGE annum. Most all of this land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now Notice is hereby given that 1 have been to disappear, and Mr. McKinley must Also THE CELEBRATE» BURG WAGON. in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 miles of Amity. duly appointed assignee of tlie estate of D. knowthat as well as anyone.- Eramincr. C. Cameron eople and all the reckless extravagance route to take, and will purchase tickets other states, foreign women are ]ier- of the billion dollar orgy. via the one that will afford him the mitted to come over here and wed the It includes ezarism in the house, the quickest and best service. Before start­ available men. By the halidom of the attempt to usurp power by Force-bill ing on a trip to Chicago or any point powers in authority, if women are ever legislation aud the deliberate stealing east, you should provide yourself with allowed to vote what a pretty vengeance of senatorial seats and of the control of a map and time table of the Wisconsin will be wreaked on the office-holders state governments in defiance of the Central lines. The trains run on this who allow sueh foreign competition! i popular vote. It includes much else route are vestibuled and are equipped Twenty-live women coming here to I for which the republican party will be with Pullman’s latest Drawing Room marry and hundreds of thousands of hehl to account at the polls, and the Sleepers, elegant Day Coaches and din­ accounting will be a grievous one. unmarried women of our own! ing cars of latest design, built expressly Truly it is a “remarkably convincing for° tWs wnTw, __ "and arc e exquisite in Mr. McKinley made bis notorious record," which has already convinced furnishings and convenient and com­ the people of the unfitness of the re­ old tariff speech over again at tlie Min­ publican party for power. fortable in arrangement and so com- neapolis convention. He is still pre­ And the republican party must face plete in every detail tliat they have no tending that the foreigner pays the It-—F. BorW._________ superior in comfort and elegance. The tariff taxes and that protection simply Dining car service is pronounced by all If the United States government ex ­ taxes “the products of other nations”; the most elegant ever inaugurated, and instead of the products of our own. pects to restrict immigration the neces­ is operated in the interest of its patrons. Mr. McKinley, however, has never an­ sity of doing so without delay becomes Fast trains viatlie Wisconsin Central swered the questions put to him over daily more apparent. The same spirit Lines leave Minneapolis daily at 12.45 and over again: AVhy is it if the for­ of discontent tlint sends a steady flow p. m. and 6.25 p. in., and St. Paul at eigners pay the tariff taxes that the of people to this country lias also dump­ 1.30 and 7.15 p. m., making favorable Fifty-first congress was content with ed undesirable masses of humanity in connection with all trains from the spending a billion dollars? Why did England and Germany, where they west and southwest. it not lavish more of the foreigners’ have become a burden. These countries For tickets, timetables, berth reserva­ money on the people of this country? have set about protecting themselves by tions, etc., apply to G. F. McNeill, C. statutory dams that will have the cer ­ Why did it not wring a more splendid P. & T. A., Minneapolis, Minn., or Jas. sum out of the manufacturers and mer­ tain effect of increasing the volume of C. Pond, G. I’. & T. A., Chicago, III. chants of Europe for the payment of the stream to America unless America | Jubilee Singers Tomorrow Night* the government’s expenses and the re­ takes the hint and constructs a dam of its own. publican party’s extravagance? How | The old original Tennessee Jubilee can Mr. McKinley excuse this self-re. McMinnville has reached a ]>oint in Singers will give one of tbeir famous straint, which still leaves some of the lief growth where more than ever the concerts in the opera house tomorrow public burdens to be borne by Ameri­ constant care of the common coun­ evening, Friday, June 17. The feat­ cans? Will he not answer the ques­ cil is necessary. The city is fast ures of the evening will be the old tion now that he has repeated the projc becoming of prominence and hereafter southern camp meeting melodies and osition? Moreover, he might tell the the citizens should strive to have pro-1 slave songs that eriginated in the south. country why he even refrained from gressivc business men in control of city ! They have given 92 of tbeir famous raising enough to make up the de­ affairs. Public improvement will of a concerts in California and Oregon and ficiency caused by the extravagance of necessity have to be more rapid in the the press speaks very highly of them. the congress in w hich he was the lead­ years to come, and if this city wants to They are all colored and present the er on the floor of the house of represen­ push ahead publicly, good brains must negro as he apiiears in his cabin home be at the helm tatives. and on tlie plantation. WAGONS F. DIELSCBIEI1IH. FRUIT GROWERS, ATTENTION! 5,000 ACRES Finest Fruit Land Willamette Valley All these Vehicles and Wagons are bought direct Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped from this point last year. For particulars apply to or address from the manufacturers and we can give you bargains Will. F. BREIDENSTEIN, that you will appreciate. AMITY FRUIT LAND COMPANY, JOHNSON & NELSON. Oreg-on.. I persons, therefore, having any claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified at the <.ffi« e of McCain A Mageri, at McMinn­ ville. Oregon, within three months from tins 14th dav of April. 1892 JOHN H. WALKER, „ _ ■ . .. Assign«». McCain A Magers. Attorneys. Democratic Convention, Chicago, June 21. For the accommodation of those de­ siring to visit Chicago on the above Oc­ casion, the Union Pacific will sell tick­ ets to Chicago and return at one fare for the round trip. For dates of sales and limits of tickets or any additional information apply to W. H. Hurlburt. Asst. General Passenger agent Union, Pacific system, Portland, Or. women. w f Aat .'E 'mwwMmw n The common afflictions of women are sick-head- aches, indigestion any, 327 Ellis St, 8.F. General debility, Mn. Belden, 510 Mason St., S.F, Nervous debility, Mrs. J. Lamphere, 733 Turk St, 8. F. Nerveus debility, Miss R. Rosenblum. 232 17th 8t,8. F. Stomach troubles, Mrs. R. L. Wheaton, 704 Tost St., 8. F. Bick headaches, Mrs. M. B. Price, 16 Trospect Place, 8. F. Sick headaches, Mrs. M. Fowler, 327 Ellis St., S.F. Indigestion, Mrs. C. D. Etuart, 1221 Mission St. A. J. APPERSON Having leased and fitted up the Masonic Building, has THE FINEST STORE ANI) LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY. Spring and Summer Goods Just Opened up and ready for the Trade. Our Spring stock is, we think, exceptionally fine An examination will satisfy all that in quantity, Inil’c Vegetable quality and prices we lead all competitors. JUy v Sarsaparilla A. J. APPERSON. Constipation, Mra. C. Melvin, 126 Kearny St, S.F. Most modern, most effective, largest bottle. Same price, 11.00 or S lor $5.00. SOLI! BY ROGER* BROS.