» «KV PROGRESS IN ALL THINGS. TIE LOWEST IN PRICE; The price of this paper has been reduced to One dollar |>er Year. Money can be saved now. Take The Telephone-Register. No other County Weekly in the State can be had at the »«•ice of T he T elephone - R egister . One Dollar I’er Year. FIRST IN THE STATE. M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , RESISTER -Establish»« Aajuit. 1881. \ TELEPHONE Established June. 1886.. U nion H ardware C o may 5,1892 VOL. IV. NO. 14 ELECTORAL FIGURES. WILL THERE BE A GENERAL SHAKE Viezp* of an Independent Observer on the Claims of Democrats, Republicans, The Famous “ADA” Road Cart People’s Party Men. PATENTED. Thi« Cart is conceded by all those who have used or seen it The arithmetic man has already gun to work ou bis estimates of electoral vote of 1892. If he is ou democratic side lie counts as sure the states that Cleveland carried in 1888 adds Indiana, New York and Montana MOST BEAUTIFUL. PRACTICAL puts Wisconsin, Iowa, and perhaps ANO EASY RIDING Massachusetts and Rhode Island, into Two-wheeled Vehicle ever invented. the “doubtful” column and figures out Descriptive Circular giving Price«, a table like this: Testimonials Etc . Free Democratic states—Alabama 11, Ar­ kansas 8, Connecticut 6, Delaware 3, Florida 4, Georgia 13, Indiana 15, Ken­ VILLZE’ZEZJST’OZST tucky 13, Louisiana 8, Maryland 6, A Strictly High Grade Cart, finished as well as a buggy, . The ADA CARTS The l>est cart for the Money. Handsome, Strong and Easy Michigan 8, Mississippi 9, Missouri 17, fail to see them before buying. are thd finest ever brought to the State. Don't I............. Riding. Two grades kept in stock. Montana 3, New Jersey 10, New York 36, North Carolina 11,South Carolina 9, “^77"e Have Tennessee 12, Texas 15, Virginia 12, West Virginia 6, total 237. Republican states— California 9, Col­ orado 4, Idaho 3, IUinois*24, Kansas 10, Maine 6, Michigan 6, Minnesota 9, Nebraska 8, Nevada 3, New’ Hamp­ TRYING TO MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLE HILL shire 4, North Dakota 3,Ohio 23,Oregon In fact we have the complètent line of Carts. Road Wagons. Hacks. Buggies, etc., in the State outside of Portland, and want you to call 4, Pennsylvania 32, South Dakota 4, It will be noticed that not a state On the other hand, the republicans i Father Delome writes that the city of and examine them and get our prices. Vermont 4, Washington 4, Wyoming west of the Mississippi river, except may take the aggressive in the two Vir-| Tapu is the farthest ramparts of the l 3; total 163. Missouri, is given to either democrats gin | ¡as. Arkansas, Tennessee and North Chinese against the barbarians. There Doubtful states—Iowa 13, Massacnus- or republicans. This, of course, is on Carolina and perhaps in Louisiana, is no assurance of safety beyond tlie 1 etts 15, Rhode Island 4, Wisconsin 12, account of the free silver issue, which Alabama and South Carolina, with circle of its walls. For many months That we pay no Joblicr's Profits, but are. in fact, jobbers ourselves, and buy our goods at jobber's prices. total 44; total number of votes 444; nec- the people’s party expect to turn to chances not to be despised of carrying at a time, however, the Lolos keep to i essry to elect, 223; sure democratic ina- great account in their campaign. It i at least four of them. In Ixiuisiana their hills, and then some Chinese jority, 30. will tie seen, too, that the peoples’ party 1 matters are so complicated by the pres­ families will leave the city to find a •f The republican arithmetic man, not count on carrying five states in the < ent fight over the governorship and the s|x>t outside u|x>n which to settle. to lie outdone, assumes that New York northwest and six in the south. Their hostility of the McEnery and Foster Last summer ten Chinese families J. D. BAKER. AV m * holl , and Indiana will go his way; that the strength in Virginia, West Virginia, factions of the democracy that it is im­ were living in a narrow ravine not far other states carried by Harrison in 1888 Iowa and Wisconsin, they consider, is possible to predict what the situation from the city. Once in a while they will stand by the old party, throws enough to hold the balance of power six SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC Watchmaker : months hence may be. As things met some of the Lolos, and their rela­ Connecticut, Montana and West Vir­ and make these states doubtful. look now, Louisiana can hardly be tions witli them were so pleasant they and Jeweler. PHYSICIAN. ginia in the “doubtful” column, claims Now, if there is any substantial ba­ classed as an absolutely sure democratic came to feel that there was no ¡>eril to Dealer In All Kinds ot Watches. Jewelry, Plated War. Office Upstairs in the Garrison Building. THAT ten electors in Michigan, and builds up sis for such a table of probable votes as state. be feared. Tlie illusion was dis]x?lled Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE. OR. his demonstration something like this: the last one above, it will be seen that These considerations point to a cam­ when eighty of tlie savages suddcaly RAMSEY & FENTON, Itepublican states—California 9, Col­ in order to win the democrats must paign much less concentrated than any descended upon the lonely liatnlet, M c M innville orado 4, Idaho 3, Illinois 24, Indiana carry all but the smallest one of the we liave had at least since 1876. Even surrounded tlie cabins of the unfortu­ 15, Iowa 13, Kansas 10, Maine 6, Mas­ states named as doubtful, and the re. the vote of New York state may not nate inhabitants, killed some of the ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. sachusetts 15, Michigan 10, Minnesota publicans must carry all except, say, determine tlie result which ever way it people and dragged most of the others CARLIN * COULTER, Proprietors McMinnville, - - - - Oregon. Have the Largest Stock of 9, Nebraska 8, Nevada 8, New Hamp­ the two Virginias. Neither of these re­ goes. There will lie fighting all along into captivity, only a few of them es­ Goods of all descriptions moved and care-. Office, Rooms 1 and 2 Uuion Block. ful handling guaranteed. Collections will . shire 4, New York 36, North Dakota 3, sults is at all probable. Therefore the the line, and the "floaters” will receive caping. lie made monthly Hauling of a.l kinds I Ohio 23, Oregon 4, Pennsylvania 32, election would necessarily be thrown attention iu ninny other states besides Another tribe of alien jxxiple are repa- done cheap. (JALBREATH & GOUCHER, Rhode Island 4, South Dakota 4, Ver­ into the house, with its immense demo­ Indiana. The whole country will lie rated from the tierce Lolos by about a mont 4, Washington 4, Wisconsin 12, cratic majority. A democratic presi­ politically stirred as it has not lieen hundred miles of Chinese settlements. Wyoming 3, total 262. PHYSICIANSAND SURGEONS, dent would surely be chosen then. stirred for many years, and there will These ]>eople were thoroughly sulxlued In the valley outside of Portland. Democratic states—Alabama 11, Ar­ The third party men say, however, be a campaign “for blood” in states, when China conquered their country, M c M innville , - - - O reoos kansas 8, Delaware 3, Florida 4,Georgia that they don't care anything about both north and «outli, where fora doz­ and are now leading ]X'aceful and in­ The Ohio Improved Chester boar, Duke (Office over Braly's Bank.) THAT 13, Kentucky 13, Louisiana 8, Mary­ that; what they are fighting for is en years voting in a presidential con­ dustrious lives. of Yamhill. No. 8456 property of Win. B. Turner, will he permitted a limited number land 8, Michigan 4, Mississippi 9, Mis­ principles. The temporary effect their test has been a mere formality, Old of sows this season. Can be seen at own­ J. C. MICHAUX, They can and will sell tor CASH, or a reasonable length of time, souri 17, New Jersey 10, North Carolina A Preferred Creditor. er’s farm 6 miles southwest of McMinnville. practical advocacy of those principles party ties will be broken and new FEE, - - - 12.50 cheaper than the public have ever been able to buy. 11, South Oarolina 9, Tennessee 12,Tex­ may be to hurt one of the old parties alignments will lie made. The jxilit- A good story al Hint a New York mer­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. as 15, Virginia 12, total 167. and help the other, or vice versa—that ical horoscoix“ must be recast for 1892. chant who recently failed in business, Doubtful states — Connecticut 6, Mon ­ —------- 4!« LAFAYETTE, OREGON- THAT makes no difference to them. Both is going the rounds, says the Paper tana 3, West Virginia 5; total 15. THE APACHES OF CHINA. the old parties, they ¡charge, are domi ­ MUI. He called all hi« creditors to­ Jan, *21. ’«8. This does not mean six months or one year, and then 10 per cent, Total number of votes, 444; necessary nated by Wall street and the gold-bugs Another Carload on the way from gether and offered to settle with lliem They are Hostile Mountaineers and Chi ­ to a choice, 223; sure republican major­ and they propose to give them both a to our attorney for collection. J. P. TURNEY, the factory! at 10 per cent, giving them his notes, na has never Subdued Them. ity, 80. good shaking up, regardless of the im­ payable in thirty days. If from each of these estimates be mediate and temporary consequences. Sold at Strictly Eastern Prices; THAT Perhaps few people know tuat China As most of the creditors had little SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. taken the states which each party al­ There are other possibilities in this lias witbin her lsirders alien ]x*ople al­ hope of getting anything they eagerly And Every Instrument It is a mistaken idea that goods can be sold as cheap on time as lows to the other, we have as a result. Specialty of surgery and diseases ot women table that are worth looking at. Tlie most as different from her own subjects accepted the proposition. One man, for Cash. Sure democratic votes, 167, sure re­ republicans have strong organizations as our Indians are from white men. however, stood out for better terms, U nion B lock - M c M innville . Oa. publican votes, 163; total 330. This leaves 114 electoral vates more or in North Carolina and Tennessee, and One of these tribes lives in the moun­ and all efforts to get him to agree were a fairly strong one in Alabama and Ar­ tainous region of southwestern Secliu- futile. Finally the bankrupt took him Music makes home pleasant and The proposition is this: That CASH IS THE BASIS, and that less doubtful, of which the democrats kansas. If the peoples’ party draws— en, one of the richest and most popu­ out in the hall and said: Cheerful, and when you can buy must carry fifty-six to win and the re­ you should those who allow their names to go on our books must pay from 5 to 10 publicans sixty. If the latter carry as it does—mainly from the democrats, lous provinces of the empire, on the “Ven you come in and sign init de Carries the Best Line of Choice Meats in an Organ for th« Citv. Game and Fish in Season. Poul- Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Wiscon­ It is possible for the republicans to get Upper Yangtse river. The tribe is udders, den I make you preferred cred­ wife or child- per cent, for that luxury. tty, hides, etc., bought for the highest mar­ not deny the sin and New York they win. If the a plurality in those four states and add known as the Lolos, and are known us itor.” ket price and cash paid for same Your ren the refining influence of music. “All right,” said the objector, “under BURNS & DANIELS attention is called to the fact that we al­ democratscarry Connecticut, Indiana, forty-two votes to their electoral col­ the aborigines of the country. They ways serve the best meats to be found. umn. Then if they should manage to are thorough barbarians, and the Chi­ those circumstances I will agree to a and New Vork, not to mention- West A full assortment of YoUrprtW~g.i»solicit«i.Boj(D4co settlement.” The papers were signed Virginia and Montana, they win. Any keep their old states, Minnesota, the nese have as yet neither conquered nor and all the creditors left except the one VIOLINS, BANJOS, GUITARS two Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas, civilised them. About six years ago AND ACCOKDIANS. computation of this kind makes New who had been told that he was to l»e J W.COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN E. CAPPERSON York the pivotal state, as it was in making thirty-four votes more, that Mr. Hosie, who wrote a book on his preferred. CHAS. GRISSEN. President. Vice President. Csshler would leave them only twenty-eight travels in China, met some of the Lo- 1888, 1884 and 1880. “Vat are you waiting for,” said the All this figuring proceeds upon the short of a majority, which might lx? los, whom he described as a tall, phys­ man who failed.“ picked out of the doubtful states — in ically fine people. Some of our Indians assumption that the democratic and “Why, you said I was to lie pre­ McMinnville, Oregon. republican parties are only parties that Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon and are being absorbed gradually by the in­ termixture of white blood. The Lotos, ferred. I am waiting to know what I will really count in the campaign of California. am to get.” Paid up Capital. $50.000. 1892. “That which has heed, that On the other hand, it is just as possi* however, succeed in keeping them­ “Veil, I tell you—you get notings.” ble that the democrats may get a plu ­ selves entirely distinct. The Chinese shall l>e, and there is nothing new un­ Transacts a General Banking Businw, “Get nothing? Why, you promised rality in Minnesota and Nebraska, ad ­ liave hemmed them in all sides, l»ut der the snn.” That may be good scrip-, Deposits Received Subject to Check to make ine a preferred creditor If I ding seventeen votes to their column. they maintain their racial purity. In ture, but perhaps it is not good polities. Interest allowed on time deposits. would sign with the rest.” There is a force at work which has not Then, if they keep the Carolinas, Ten­ fact the Chinese are very well content Sell sight exchange and telegraphic t rans- Points to Remember for 1892, in the purchase of Gro- “And so you are. I make you pre­ nessee, Alabama, Arkansas and ( ieorgia if they can keep t líese savages within ferson New York, San Francisco and Port­ qeen sufficiently taken into account by ceries. ferred. I tell you now you gets notings. land. with sixty-four more votes, only fdrty- their wild hills, for they aro apt to lie the hack arithmetic man, and which Collections made on all accessible points. would lie needed, which might be on tile war path, and when they raid I)e udders wait thirty «lays before they Fully one-half of the People do not stop to considei’ ■ as yet is underestimated by some very eight Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. pieked up in New York and Wisconsin the valleys and plains they carry Chi­ know it, and den dey get notings.” the money they can save during the year in purchasing goods of a good politicians, but which may play or in the two Virginias, Indiana. Iowa nese women and children into cap­ the deuce with all their calculations. firm that pays strict attention to the selling of First Class Goods Takes ltKKl people to buy Dr. Saga’s and Connecticut, without New York. tivity, and make the government a It is a common assumption in New at a Small Profit. Catarrh Remedy, at 50 cents a 1 «ttie, to Of course the democrats liave the best great deal of trouble. FiUs? 2STO I I York, and throughout the Northeast Father Delome, a French missionary make up $.>00. One failure to cure it is because you lia ve People usually go to the nearest place regardless of generally that tlie Farmers’ alliance is of it on this basis of calculation, for the H»usc, Sign, and Ornamental Painter If you take pills never tried the republicans, to win, must carry states in Be-chuen, writes that the Lolos would take the profit from 4000 sales. cost. We sell our goods cheap and deliver them at your door. “played out.” That as a political forcé The Only Sign Writer in the County. You will be able find every thing in the grocery line in our store. it has gone to pieces. It maj’ possibly casting a clear majority of electoral have been on the rampage again. He Its makers profess to cure “cold in tLe S. B.Headache and Liver Cure head” and even chronic catarrh, and If Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most It works so nicely, cleansing the Liver go to pieces between now and Novem­ votes, while the democrats will elect says they made many incursions last Artistic Style. and Kidneys ; acts as a mild physic without We are in it—The Grocery Business; and we will al­ ber—almost anything is possible in pol­ their president, either in the electoral year into the cultivated lands of the they fall they pay $500 for their over­ causing pain or sickness, ana does not stop Designs furnished for Decorations ways give you the best goods in the city for the money. We give itics—but it has not gone to pieces yet; college or in the house of representa­ Chinese, plundering and burning the confidence.— you from eating and working. cash or trade for all produce, suit yourself in the matter. Not in newspaper words, but in hard To Try It Is to Become a Friend to it. Remember Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ and unless the leaders of the new peo­ tives, if only they and the peoples par­ Ileuses and carrying the people into nishing a Specialty. ty together ean’keep the republicans slavery. The Chinese organized a lit- cash! Think of what confidence it For Sale by R ogers B ros . ple ’ s party are most woefully mistaken Z^EIZLI-iS^.13 de SO1T. Work taken by Contract or by the Day. Ex­ army and defeated the Idolos in a takes to put that In the papers—and that party is going to cut a considera­ from getting a clear majority.; perienced men employed. It is needless to point out the fact pitched battle, in which a great num­ mean it. ble figure not only in the election re­ that the moral effect of electing a dem­ ber of them were killed. Father De­ Its makers lielieve in the remedy. Isn’t Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. turns, but in the electoral college. it worth a trial? Isn’t any trial prefer­ It is not only the leaders of the peo- ocratic president in such a way, by tlie lome says, however, that the barba­ able to catarrh? Prompted by gratitude DERBY & BOYER, pie’s party either, who believe tbat help of the peoples party, would not lie rians will learn no lesson from their de­ After all, tlie mild agencies are the to Dr. DeFreye, the Euro­ things will be very much mixed, and so good for the democratic party as the feat, but will nurse their revenge. Proprietors of The McMinnville pean specialist, who has that there is likely to be a “new deal” election of him by a clear majority of They will bide treir time, angj sooner best. Perhaps they work more slowly but they work surely. Dr. Pierce’s politically this year. Republicans from electoral votes. If Georgia, Alabama, or later they will avenge their slain. I TILE succeeded in curing me of Tennessee and the Carolinas should All around the mountains of the Lo­ Pleasant Pellets are an active agency, the northwest and democrats from the TILE chronic kidney, liver and: southeast are equally uneasy over the break away from the control of the los are the populous regions of China. but quiet and mild. They're sugar- gastric sickness, for the the Situated at the Southwest corner of situation. Some of the representatives , older democratic leaders there is no The savages are surrounded by millions coated, easy to take, never shock nor Fair Grounds. All sizes of treatment of which I had I liave enlarged my store and have combined a full and complete stock of in congress here from both parts of the telling what might happen. Once ac- of semi-civilized people, and it is as­ derange the system and half their pow­ er is the mild way in which their work consulted a number of country are fighting for their political I customed to act independently of the tonishing that a few thousand inen is done. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to First-Class Drain Tile regular organization voters of the peo ­ Sash, Doors, Mouldings. Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, can inflict, almost with impunity, such lives even now; and they will tell you, take. One a dose. Twenty-five cents other physicians, through, kept constantly on hand at lowest living if you can get them to talk frankly,that ples party might eventually be led suffering upon the neighboring people. a vial. Of all druggists. And everything belonging to this class of goods which I was brough to the prices DERBY A BOYER, they don’t know what may happen away, or some considerable number of McMirnville. Oregon. verge of despair, fearing I them might be, i»to the republican Have also Combined a Line of Fishing Tackle & Guns next November. never could be cured, I If the people’s party arithmetic man camp. Anything, in fact, that disturbs This with my Immense Stock of consider it my duty to rec­ should go to work now he would figure , the present status and divides the white people in nearly equal numbers Local and Traveling. out something like this: ommend him to my fellow in those states where there is a large To represent our well known citizens who may be afflict­ Democratic states—Delaware 3, Flor­ number of colored citizens, would nec­ house. You need no capital to ida 4, Kentucky 13, Louisiana 8, Mary ­ represent a firm that warrants ed. ALTOGETHER MAKES A COMPLETE COMBINATION W. K. WHITE, land 8, Michigan 7, Mississippi 8, Mis­ essarily cause great uneasiness there nursery ’lock first-class and true to name. As to stocks, but not with any other firm or men. Whiteson, Yamhill Co., ; W ork ai . i . the Y ear . |KW per month to souri 17, New Jersey 10, Texas 15, total I and throughout the south, and would the right man. Apply quick statingage. tend to make it more difficult for tlie Oregon. i STILL RUN MY BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND. WHERE PRICES 94. Nurserymen, Flor- L. L, MAY &. CO., TAKE NO OTHER. . “best citizens” to continue to rule. Republican states — Illinois 24; Maine ists and Seedsmen. ST. PAUL. MINN. . ___________ • AND GOODS CAN’T BE BEAT. If the claims of the people ’ s party 6, Massachusetts 15; Michigan. 7, New Dr. DeFreye, corner of 1st and Call and see me before buying. Hampshire 4, Ohio 23,Pennsylvania 32, managers are at all well founded the It Contains Neither Alum, Ammonia, or Any Pine streets, rooms fi and 7, can be Rhode Island 4, Vermont 4, total 119. lines of battle between the two old pai- counseled free on all chronic diseas­ O. O. HODSON Other Adulterant. . ties will need readjustment this suni- People’s States—Alabama, 11; Ar­ The Earth es of both sexes. The cures of pri­ . mer. Th« old battle ground of New kansas, 8; Georgia, 13; Kansas, 10; Ne ­ vate diseases, such as Loss of Man­ With a Hoe,SOW FERRY’S SEEDS and Richardson'» 11 Diseases of Modern Life'— The action of ammonia on the braska, 8; Minnesota, 9; North Caro­ . York, Connecticut and Indiana will re- q '>■■■■■■•< »."ho can read anti «rile, and who, hood, Impotency, Errors of Youth, i nature will do the rest. . main, but a number of other states lina, 11; North Dakota, 3; South Caro ­ body is that of an irritant and it tends to hold the blood in a state of fluidity. II li I I " listrucuon.wii! work indu«triou«ly s largely determine the harvest—always Stricture, etc., (his principal spec­ W Whovr «o earn Three Thousand Dollar« a plant tbe be»t—FERRY’S. lina, 9; South Dakota, 4; Tennessee, 12, , must also lie counted as doubtful, It also interferes with the process of oxidation of organic matter so that it ‘.n ,"eirown ’oolitic«." herevertber live.I will alao furnish ialties by dint of his European hos­ the *r* situation i A book full of information about Gardens—how or employ meut.at which you can ear* that amount total 98. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. which heretofore have been counted becomes an antiseptic, and it rapidly decomposes that allotropic condition of acd what to raite.etc., tent free to all who ask moner tor m* unless successful sa above. Easily and quickly pital experience), are never pub­ po learned. 1 desire but one worker from each district or county I for it.Z^I Ask to-day. Doubtful states—California, 9; Colo­ ■ reasonably sure for one side or the oth- When she was a Child, she cried tor Castoria have already taught and provided with employment a large oxygen which is called ozone. Thus ammonia present in the atmosphere, lished. number, who «re making over *11000 a v*area<-h It's V Fw D. M. FERRY rado, 4; Connecticut, 6; Idaho, 3; In­ • er. The republicans must stand on the When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. daily respired by living beings, is injurious and we see its effects in the pallor MICH. Correspondence P. 0. Lock Box I. t.Al.I.F.l. U«. |* A»!«», Melee. diana, 15; Iowa, 13; Montana, 3; Ne­ • defensive in all the “silver states,” in When ahe bad Children, she gave them Castoria. and feebleness of many who dwell in houses in the air of which ammonia is 329, Portland, Oregon. vada, 3; New York, 36; Oregon, 4; Vir­ ■ Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin, and always present—houses over stables, for example, or in close proximity to Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p. ginia, 12; Washington, 4; West Vir­ ■ it will be no chase after rainbows for decomposing organic refuse. bison Hie In Philadelphia in. and from 8 to 9 o'clock in the I at the Xex-apaper Ad-er gin, 6; Wisconsin, 12; Wyoming, 3; ; the democrats to make a heroic effort Liebig the celebrated chemist, says of alum, that it is very apt to disorder ■ Using Àgeney ot Menan evening. YER our authorized «¿ent* total, 133. to carry’ those states and Nebraska. the stomach and to occasion acidity and dyspepsia I The Nobbiest Road Wagons You Ever Saw! BEAR IN MIND M’MINNVILLE, OR. UNION HARDWARE CO Facts Worth Remembering & TRUCK AND DRAY CO., The Duke of Yamhill. BURNS & DANIELS Furniture, Wall Paper, Carpets, etc., ORGANS ! Guaranteed for Six Years The People’s Market. WE WANT YOUR EYE J. B. ROHR CARD OF THANKS, Combination? Yes O. O. HODSON £ FACTORY HAS MADE A BIG COMBINATION! SALESMEN INSIST ON HAVING HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder, • Tickle o n ■