THE PROH1 CONVENTION. to cover every county in the state if it had the required city and mapped ter­ ritory on the one hand, or the elevated A ' Full County Ticket Placed in the Field. HARDING £ HEATH, Publishers. the County Conrt. Great Enthusiasm. railroad on the other. (In the matter of the application of Church, 92 N. Y., 1). SUBSCRIPTION RATES. The road tax matter has been the ' Last Saturday some 125 prohibition­ In the case of West C. P. Com. vs ists . One Copy. per year, inadvance................. $1 00 subject of considerable talk since the from all parts of Yamhill county Ona Cepy, six months in advance............. »0 publication of tlie opinion furnished the McMullen et al., 'decided by the su­ assembled at the courthouse and pro­ X preme ceurt of Illinois, in 1890 involv- ' • VV Entered at the 1" js toffice at McMinnville city by McCain & Magers. Following I ing a similar question, the court says: ceeded to place before the people a tick­ is tlie opinion of Ramsey & Fenton, of et composed of men holding the prohi­ Oregon, as second-class matter. this city, which has been obtained by “An act in general terms, which per­ bition belief. C. E. Hoskins of New­ mits all cities in the state having parks berg was elected chairman. T he advertising R ates or T he T ele ­ the county court. Both opinions have phone -R egister are lil>eral. taking in been published in this paper and the under tlie control of park commission­ A new method in making the ticket consideration the circulation. Single people now have the chance of reading ers to surrender the control of streets to was used. A committee was appoint- inch. |!.O9, each subsequent inch. 1.75. such commissioners for park purposes, and it produced the ticket. The men Special inducements for yearly or semi- both sides of the question. is not unconstitutional as being special yearly contracts lion«. 117n. Galloway, I). B. Kingery, legislation, although by reason of the who will go before the election in this J ob W ork N eatly *A ni > Q uickly K xe < uted and Thon. IF. Perry, Member» of the option given the city authorities it county in June are: at reasonable rates Our facilities are Joint Representative—G. W. M itch - County Court of Yamhill County. the best in Yamhill county and as good may not be adopted by all cities hav­ E] : lt . as any in the state A complete steam Gentlemen:—You having consulted ing parks under the control of park plant insures quick work. Representatives—B. F. H artman , us as to the constitutionality of see. 4 of commissioners. Nor is it unconstitu­ • * » R esolutions of C ondolence and all O dit - the act of the legislative assembly of tional although it may be applicable to ( J. E. H oskins . nary Poetry will he charged for a t regular Commissioner—W m . H emstock . this state providing for the levy of a the conditions existing in only a single advertising rates. Clerk—G. D. F lesher . • * * r, road tax of two mills on the dollar, and city in the state.” (10 L. R. A. 215), A ll CoMMVXtcATloss M ist 15 k S igned B y Sheriff—E. J. E sson . a road poll tax, approved Feb. 25, 1889, The legislature of Missouri passed an the jwrson who sends them, not for pub­ Recorder—O. C. E mery . lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non and we having considered said ques­ act giving the state in capital cases Treasurer—J. W. R ogers . de plume,'’ but for a guarantee of good tion with some degree of fullness, have eight peremptory challenges generally, faith. Xo publications will be published Assessor—F. H arbaugh . reduced our conclusions and our reasons but providing that in all cities having unless so signed. School Superintendent-N. G. H art ­ therefor to writing. * * a population of one hundred thousand A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither IS tor The constitutionality of this act is at­ inhabitants the state should have fif­ ley . the editorial or business departments, to Coroner—W. T. P illman . T he T elephone -R egister . McMinnville, tacked on the supposed ground that it teen peremptory challenges. Oregon. Surveyor—A. C. C handler . In Soft or Stiff IZats and all ZPrioes. is a special or a local law, and, hence, • It was claimed that that portion of * * Great was the enthusiasn and some­ S ample Corns Or T he TaLtrHox«-R egis ­ repugnant to subdivisions 7 and 10 of said act increasing the number of chal­ thing over $100 was raised on the spot ter will be mailed to any person in the United States or Europe, who desires one, sec. 23 of Art. IV of our state constitu­ lenges in cities of one hundred thous­ for campaign expenses. It is confi­ Just Received direct from Boston and Chicago a VERY’ LARGE AND FINE LINE OF MEN’S SHOES and have a larger Assortment tion, which prohibits the passage of and inhabitants was local and special free of charge » * dently expected that at least 300 pro ­ than any other store in the County. Don't fail to get our prices on this line of goods liefore buying. special or local laws for laying out, and therefore in violation of that clause W e I nvite You To C ompare T he T ele ­ hibition votes will be polled in tlie phone -R egister with any other paper opening or working on highways, or of the constitution of that state prohib­ have an Immense Line of MEN’S FURNISHING’GOODS and are Headquarters for NOVELTIES IN FINE SHIRTS, TIES, COL­ We county this year. published in Yamhill county. for the assessment and collection of iting j the enactment of local or special LARS, CUFFS, ETC. taxes for road purposes. ] laws regulating the practice in judicial ADVERTISE» I.ETTER LIST. We have the only MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP IN THE COUN­ All tubecribert who do not receive their Subdivision 4 of tlie act referred to j proceedings. On this point the su­ TY, and we carry a LARGE LINE OF PIECE GOODS to select from, paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ j court of that state says: “It (the Thia Lint is Published Fxcluslvely in this nil Frst Class Union Tailors to make them up. We Guarantee a fit and mediately reporting the tame to this office . contains tlie following provision, which preme Paper Every Two Weeks. it is claimed, is special and local, with- act ( referred to) is not a special law, be­ our prices are reasonable. Give us a trial in this department. in the constitutional prohibition cited cause it applies to all cities having a Don't forget the place. WE ARP) NOW IN OUR NEW STORE. UNION BLOCK. Thursday, April 14, 1892. Following are the letters remainingfor to, to-wit: “Providing that in counties population of over one hundred thou­ containing ten thousand inhabitants, sand , inhabitants; it applies as well to two weeks in the postoffiee at McMinn­ Harrison has stated that it wotdd or over, the county court of such coun­ the future as to the present and is ville, Oregon, April 13, 1892: have given him great joy to have ve­ ty in the state at the time of levying plainly distinguishable from the notary Byers, C W Reiche, J S Rezold, A L D L toed the silver bill. taxes for county purposes, may levy a act discussed in state vs Hermann, 75 Calvert, Callison & Booth, Robinson, W W tax upon all the taxable property illite Mrs Cora Sailing, Al The house has at last passed the free county, not to exceed two mills upon Mo. 340.” (State vs Hayes, 4 West Eartie, Turner, Maud Moon, Thos rep., 666). wool bill by a vote of 194 to 60. This the dollar,” etc., etc. Wright, Daisy Miss In the state vs Hawkins the su­ Morall, _v_ ,_______ action is tardy, but comes better now Maitland Wrage, Mrs A We have cited only such parts of the preme court of Ohio held: “That a law _ Payne, Yocum, Miss Ada than never. Had it lieen passed months act of 1889 as bear on the point attempt­ applying to a certain class of cities, Parties calling for the above letters ago the election in Rhode Island would ed to be made against the validity of fixed by previous legislation, into will please say “Advertised.” If not have been a democratic triumph. said act. which other municipal eoporations called for in two weeks they will be The question for solution may be may enter and from which they may sent to the dead letter office as “un­ The democratic house should go to stated thus: Is that portion of the act pass iuto other classes, by increase of claimed.” J. C. C ooper , P. M. work energetically on the tariff and do quoted a special or local “law" within population, is not special, but general, all that is possible to relieve the people Died the constitutional prohibition quoted since the grade of any particular city of the burden of a high protective tar­ »upraf iff. They were elected on that issue The term “special” used in the con­ is not designated by the act, but may, eed —Daisy Irene, aged 14 years, 7 and should do their duty. They have stitution is synonymous with “private” by such growth, pass from one grade W days, April 7, 1892. to another.” (3 west rep., 125). commenced in a proper manner. She died as she had lived, sweetly as used in the common law classifica­ In the case of the people vs Hoffman and peacefully, bearing the suffering The republican eampaigu has com- tion of laws. In the case of Allen vs the supreme court of Illinois stated the of her last days with marked patience, Hirsch, 8 Or. Rep., 422, our supreme rule thus: “ This election law is not lo ­ menced in Michigan. Some 150 labor­ the funeral services, conducted by ers were discharged by their bosses for court sr.ys: “So, also, special statutes cal or special because of the limited Rev. R. McKillop, were held at her are, according to the common law def. number of cities, towns and villages, voting the democratic ticket. They had heretofore been herded to the inition, synonymous with private stat­ which may have adopted it. It may late home. There were many present rather be said of it that it is general be­ to sympathize with the family in their polls and voted. The secret vote al­ utes.” Blackstone says: “ Statutes are either cause of the possibility that all cities, deep bereavement. lewed them to do as they pleased, with general or special, public or private. A towns and villages may adopt it,” etc. the above result . general or public act is a universal rule ' The cases cited are sufficient to show The republican party in convention that regards the whole community ;and that the act under consideration is assembled did a very great thing when of this the courts of law are bound to ’ neither special or local, and is there­ the nomination for judge in this dis­ take notice judicially and ex-officio. fore constitutional. It applies to a Impure or vitiated blood Is nine trict was given to Geo. H. Burnett, Special or private acts are rather excep­ class as such and not to one or more times out of ten caused by some form of constipation or indiges­ and Judge Boise, who has served as tions than rules, being those which 1 counties by name, and the provisions 22i $1.00 15 “ Chailie, formerly 10c yd 1.00 Arbuckles coffee per lb tion that clogs up the system, 15 yards Cabot W sheeting judge for. thirty years or more, was only ojierate iqsin particular persons 1 of the act are such, that all the coun­ when the blood naturally be­ u a Green “ “ “ .22« 1.00 14 “ Standard blue prints 1.00 14 slaughtered. If a Ijoy in law, obstinate and private concerns. ” (1 Bl. Com. 85). ties of the state as fast as they obtain comes impregnated with the ef­ ti It cannot be reasonably contended I the requisite population may avail 1.15 as a mule, without judgement, is pre­ fete matter. Theold Sarsaparilla! 12 bleached Hope muslin 1.00 19 pounds granulated sugai’ 1.00 Ladies pebble goat shoes that the act of 1889 is a special or pri ­ 66 ® attempt to reach this condition • themselves of its privileges. ferred to experience and knowledge of 1.5o 1.00 “ Dongola kid “ 20 “ Extra C “ Lonsdale “ 1.00 11 attacking the blood with the the law, the sooner the republican vate “Jaw.” It does not concern par­ There is no case in the Oregon re- dras’ic mineral by 46 1.35 Men's all wool suits heavy wt 9.oo 1.00 5 gallon keg sugar syrup “ potash." The potash theory is 12 Apron gingham party is ousted from control in county ticular ¡tersons or private concerns only. ■ ports antagonistic to the position here old and obsolete. Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is 66 2.45 Pratt's Astral coal oil per case Standard prints 1-00 and state affairs the sooner justice will It does not pertain either to private taken. The act of the legislature held modern. It goes to the seat of the trouble. It 2o l»e given to the supporters of the com­ concerns or particular persons. Hence, to be unconstitutional in the case of arouses the liver, kidneys and bowels to health­ there is no ground whatever for the Maxwell vs Tillamook county, 20 Or., ful action, and invigorates the circulation, and monwealth. contention that it is a special or private 495, has no bearing upon this question, the impurities arc quickly carried off through the natural channels. More stories of inaiiageabl« balloons act. because the point there decided is dif­ Try it and note its delightful coining from Germany and hovering Is it a local act? In his Law Diction­ ferent. The legislature had passed an action. Vitas, iec, «t Beamish's over the Russian army posts and for­ ary Bouvier speaks thus of general and act providing for the building of a road Third and Market Streets. S. F., " I took it for vitiated tresses in Poland are in circulation. local statutes: “They ar« either gener­ situated wholly iu the county of Tilla­ wriUs: bioo.1 an I Willie on the first bot­ The people of Warsaw were amazed al or local—that is, have operation mook, and the court held that it was tle became convinced of its mer­ last week by a bright light which fell throughout the state at large, or within both special and local. In passing on its, for 1 could feel it was work­ upon the city from the sky. Great a particular locality. It is not easy to the Tillamook act, the court says: “We tag »cliatige. it cleansed, puri­ fied mid braced me up generally, alarm was caused, but after a time the say what degree of limitation will ren­ are relieved of the difficulty which and everything is now working full and regular.” der an act local. Thus, it has been light was moved and the outlines of a often arises in distinguishing whether balloou were visible. Other balloons held that a public act relating to one an act is general or special when it con­ o Vegetable have appeared, which advance aud re­ county only is noi local within cerns many particular persons or.things tire, ascend and descend, remain sta­ the meaning of a constitutional provis­ for the act here concerns the interests Sarsaparilla tionary or move about in small circles ion which forbids enactment of local of one county only, and that designated SOLD BY ROGERS BROS. under jierfect control. Russian mili­ bills embracing more than one subject. by name.” We think there cannot be i tary authorities are greatly disturbed, (Die., vol. II, 663). any reasonable doubt of the validity of for if Germany possesses the secret of The act of 1889 is not limited in its this act. Village oracles may be found Administrator's Notice. successful balksin navigation the kaiser operation to any number of particular who would deny the constitutionality is undoubtedly the military master of counties. It applies to all the counties of the decalogue or of Magna charter, Notice is hereby given that the undersign­ has been by the county court of Yamhill in the state having ten thousand inhab­ but acts which have received the ap­ ed Europe. _______________ county, Oregon, duly appointed adminis­ itants. If it applied to several counties proval of two of the co-ordinate trator of the estate of Joseph II. Hodge, de­ All persons, therefore, having any THE CARTOON. by name and not to the other counties, branches of tlie state government are ceased. claims against said estate are hereby noti­ not set aside because of such denials. eases could be found lioldiug principles fied to present them to me duly'Verified at The cartoon on the first page of this antagonistic to its constitutionality. In his work on constitutional limita­ the office of McCain & Magers, at McMinn­ issue very fittingly illustrates the con­ But it applies to a class of counties hav­ tions, Cooley says: “They (the courts) ville, Oregon, on or before six months from bound so to construe the statute, if this 14th dav of April, 1892. dition of the people who are benefitted ing a stated population, and, by future are HIRAM RUMMELL. practicable, as tc give it force and va­ by protection and these who are not. growth, others will be qualified to avail lidity, rather than to avoid it, or ren­ Admlnstrator. McCain »fc Magers. Attorneys. The monopolists are supported with all themselves of its provisions. If it had der it migatory.” (219) Courts never the good things of life and labor is cry­ been confined in its operation to those declare an act of legislature unconstitu­ unless its repugnancy to the fun­ Assignee's Notice. ing for the necessities. The inhuman counties only, which had at the time of tional damental law is so obvious as to leave part of the protective tariff is in mak­ its passage the required population, its no reasonable doubt of its invalidity. Notice is hereby given that I have been ing the people already hungry still validity would tee doubtful; but it is not (20, Or., 507). duly appointed assignee of the estate of I). We believe the act valid, and so ad­ C. Cameron Co., insolvent debtors. All continue to support the ones full to thus limited. As counties come to have vise you. As to the effect of this act persons, therefore, having any claims sickness. the required number of inhabitants, within the limits of the city of Mc­ against said estate arc hereby notified to It might be well to remark in con­ they become entitled to its privileges. Minnville, owing to tlie peculiar pro­ present the same to me, duly verified, at office of McCain & Magers, at McMinn­ nection that the secretary of the treas­ The legislature of New York passed visions of the charter of that town, we the ville. Oregon, within three months from ury, in preparing his annual report of au act giving to the board of supervis­ have advised you orally, and need not this 14th dav of April, 1892 here. JOHN H. WALKER, 1886, applied to Worthington C. Ford, ors of counties containing an incorpor­ repeat it Respectfully Submitted, Assignee. chief of the bureau of statistics of the ated city of one 100,000 inhabitants McCain & Magers, Attorneys. R amsey & F enton . state department, E. B. Elliott, the and territory beyond its limits mapped United States government actuary, into streets and avenues, certain pow­ and Prof. Simon Newcomb, superin­ ers. This act was assailed on the ground tendent of the nautical almanac navy that it was supposed to be a local act department, severally, for an estimate and hence repugnant to the constitu­ of the number of persons in the United tion of that state. It was asserted that States engaged in gainful occupations, but a single county in that state had a classified as those who cannot be sub­ city with the requisite population and jected to foreign competition and those possessing the other qualifications spec­ who can, in part, l>e subjected to for­ ified in the act. But the court of ap­ Your attention is called, to our Magnificent Stock of eign competition. peals held that it was not a local act, I Each of the statistical experts made and that it was constitutional. In the a report. Mr. Ford stated that the to­ opinion of the court it is said: “We ■ tal number of ]>ersons engaged in gain­ are satisfied that the law under which fill occupations in the United States the present application was made is i according to the census of 1880, was constitutional. 17,392,000, divided as follows: Agricul­ It is not a local, as contradistinguish­ Of the Latest Styles and Best Quality at Lower Prices ture, 7,670,493; manufacturers, me­ ed from a general act, and so is not than ever offered in this market. chanics and mining, 3,837,112; profes­ prohibited by the fundamental law * sional and personal, 4,074,239; trade * A law relating to particular aud transportation, 1,810,256, Retting persons or things as a class was said (in aside the last two classes as not lieing another case referred to in 70 N. Y. 328) We Deal on the Square, subject to foreign competion, Mr. Ford to be general; while one relating to par­ arrived at the following result:* ticular persons or things of a class Population of the United States in was deemed local and private. The gainful occupations not subject to for­ act of 1881 relates to a class and applies eign competition, 16,564,914. to it as such and not to the selected or Population of the United States in particular element of which it is com­ gainful occupations subject to foreign posed. The class consists of every competition, 827,184. county in the state having within its The percentage beiug 4.7 per cent. boundaries a city of one hundred thous­ Mr. Elliot, by a different process, and inhabitants aud territory beyond reached the conclusion that the num­ the city limits mapped into streets and Í ber of persons who were directly sub­ avenues. How many such counties jected iu part te foreign com|>etition there are now or may be iu tlie future, was 825,000, or about 4J per cent, i we do not know, and it is not material At the EVENDEN FARM, north of Happy valley, Prof. Newcomb reported that his es­ | that we should. Whether many or few (the old Dick Longacre farm) seven miles, northwest of McMinnville. timate of the number of persons sub­ the law operates on them all alike, and W p call particular attention to this Celebrated Fann Wagon and invite you to compare them with any I Hayrake. ject to foreign competition was 905,585, reaches them, not by separate selection 15 Head of Cattle. other in the Market. They are warranted against all defects and guaranteed |>etter than any other. I Sow, I Feed Cutter, or 5 2-10 per cent of the industrial pop­ of «ne or more, but through the general 3 Dozen Chickens, I Set Harness, ulation, concluding with the observa­ class of which they are individual ele- I Wagon, Plow, Harrow, tion; ‘‘If trade were entirely free, the ■ meats. * * * * It is said Eolding Sawing Machine. Planet Jr. Drill, fraction of our present industrial popu­ there is but one such county and so it Tools and other Implements used on a farm. lation injuriously subject to foreign was said (in the ease in the 70 N. Y., competition would not exceed 7 ]>er before referred to) there was but one el­ TERMS OF SALE:—Sums under $10. cash: over $10, six months credit with approved security at 10 per cent, interest, or five per cent, cent.” evated railroad. Neither fact at all In other words, 93 per cent of the discount for sums oyer $10. people are taxed to protect and enrich narrows the terms of the law. Thos« MAKE IT A POINT TO SEE OUR GOODS BEFORE BUYING. JAS. FLETI HER. Auctioneer. terms in eaeli ease were broad enough 7 |»er cent. THE OTHER SIDE. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. Ramsey A OUR NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ARE NOW IN Ernten Furnish an Opinion for OUR STOCK IS FULL AND COMPLETE Our Line of It contains some of the Finest Goods ever broght to this city. We have both Hound and Square Cut Sack and Frock Suits, and a Very Large Assortment of Summer Goods and our Prices are Positively Lower than the same goods are sold for in Portland. W e have clothing to fit the Large or Small, the Short or Tall. MEN’S ALL WOOL SUITS AT S8.00 AND UPWARDS OUU LINE or SATS IS COMPOSED £ LATEST NOVELTIES WE HAVE A VERY FINE SELECTION OF STRAW GOODS. KAY & REDUCTION SALE! Usually Merchants conduct Clearance Sales at the end of each season when their Stocks are broken and incomplete with only remnants to select from. We are going to offer A COMPLETE STOCK AT SALE PRICES! As we have concluded to make a change in our business on or about Sept. 1, 1392, In order to accomplish our object we must reduce our present stock, consisting of $20,000 WORTH OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE To $5000 or less if possible, if prices will be any inducement. we have decided to make sweeping Bad Blood So in order to do so REDUCTIONS IN EVERY LINE FOR CASH. Our stock is no cheap auction trash, of which the country is full, but are good hon est values. Below we quote you a few of our prices: - - “ And other lines m proportion. These prices are strictly for cash. Produce taken at cash value. Prices subject to market changes ME. HENDRICK & CO. A. J. APPERSON Having leased and fitted up the Masonic Building, has AND LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY Spring and Summer Goods Just Opened up and ready for the Trade. Our Spring stock is, we think, exceptionally fine An examination will satisfy all that .hat in quantity, auani quality and prices we lead all competitors Opposition Boot and Shoe Store. ROOTS & SHOES! DEALERS IN t. IltlltllUIH. FARM SALE. ON SATURDAY MAY 7, 1892, AT 10 A. M. Machinery, Stoves and Tinware Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron, Steel and Coal. A Full Line of Blacksmiths’ Supplies Always on Hand. PACIFIC WAGON Racine Hacks, Carriages, Buggies and Carts, Plows, Cultivators, Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows, McCormick Binders and Mowers, Baker and Glidden barb Wire, Planet Jr. Garden Tools*