Many of these men were assembled at In a word, keep your motherhood and DRUNKENNESS— LIQUOR HABIT—In SUMMONS. SUMMONS all the World there is but one cure. Bristol when Bell reached there. Des­ your wifehood in great measure sepa­ Dr. Hwince’ Goldea Specific. pite the precaution of the provost and rate. Do not go to the extreme, even of It can be given In a cup of tea or coffe«_wilhonl In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, j In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon the knowledge of the peraon taking it. effecting a his guard, whisky was to be bad, and a WORDS OF WISDOM FROM MRS this—be very sure that papa is acquaint­ •peed, for lambill county. and permanent cute, whether the fotient for Yamhill County. moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousand« majority of the returned Union men ed with the baby and has a personal in­ of j Jneob Snifters. Plaintiff. 1 drunkards have been cured who have taken too W. C. Hembree. Plaintiff,) OLIVE THORNE MILLER. kept drunk, when out of the guard- | terest in him, but does not tire of him; Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowl- vs vs an« today believe they cult drinking of their J. T. Hembree. Malvina A. A. Vcser. A Veser, )■ house, and many of the veterans of Lee's a man's endurance of “bother” is very edae. own free will. No harmful effect reunite from ita k.Hembree his wife,John I Emma J. Idingtrec and ) adminietratloa. Cure« guaranteed. Send tor cir­ and Johnston's armies were forced, not ’ The Dearest and Sweetest Experience of limited, do not try it too much. When cular and full particular,. Address In confidence. H.Espev. Albert Hembree Moses Langtree, Langtree. def’ts. reluctantly, to join in these orgies. Woman—The Baby Should Not Rule nursery days are passed (and the period Q vlpxz Srsctric Co., 135 Race Street, Cincinnati. 0. and Mary A. Hembree his I To A. A, Veser and A, Veser, Veser. two of Among the ex-Union soldiers in Bris- ■ the House—Neither Should It Be Left • of necessary babyhood is really quite wife, Jason Kellogg and I said defendants; In the name of the State Amanda Kelloggh>s wife. of Oregon, vou and each of you are hereby tol at that time was a sergeant of the i Entirely to tlie Care of Servants. short), the child takes hi3 place in the Anna Belle Fisk and G. notified and required to be and appear in family, although of course during his First Federal North Carolina named ! H. Fisk, her husband. I the above named Court in the above emit­ kCopyright, ¡Ute, by American Press Associa- growing years he should sleep away the Burns, with whom Bell had had a fight Gates & Henry, Props. Edith E. Baugher and | ted suit and answer the complaint therein long evening hours. Happy is the child when they were boys of nineteen—that Perry Baugher, her hus- , filed against you and the other defendant! OTHERHOOD is who has no nurse; whose mother is his McMinnville, - Oregon. band, Everard H. Carse, bv the plaintiff by Monday fthe 28th day of was three years liefore the war. Bell the dearest and playfellow and his caretaker, so well John W. Carse. Ralph I., i March, A. D. IMS, tliat lieing the first day supposed that the quarrel was forgotten, Carse, Ernest E Carse. J, ) sweetest as well provided with efficient help in every of the first term of said court to be held al­ for he had frequently met Burns after­ Loring Kspey, Jesse L.Es- | ter the expiration of six weeks publication as often the most other work that she can spend nearly all ward, both before and during the war, pev, Cora Beli Espev, Ed- hereof, and you will take notice that if you heartrending ex- his waking hours with him and leave to Sar Ray Espev. George E. fail so to apjiear and answer, for the want without having it alluded to. But on CHAPTER XII. Except in the meeting of the Seventh perience of wom­ a hireling only the work for him. Ispey, Eva Blanch Espey thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said Everything New THE END OF THE STORY AND OF TOM BELL’S Day Baptists up on the Tallulah, I never this occasion Burns was drunk. Irene I. Espey, Walter an. With the j Court for the relief demanded and prayed I An important point is to be sure of Bell was very abstemious—for a moun­ L. Espey. Ettie A. Row- ‘ for in said complaint, which is, in brief, aa baby comes fre- establishing just the right relations be- heard Bell more eloquent than he was taineer. His friends induced him to en­ land, Clyde II. Row land, And Firstclass. follows, to-wit: For a decree of said court quently the. i tween father and children. Never set on the subject of Molly MacNeal, and ter a saloon, or some place where liquor Herbert E. Rowland, T. I against vou amending and correcting that he capped all her other excellences by was secretly sold. Burns came in soon strongest passion ’ him up as the family bugaboo; never let Special Accommodations for Commercial J. Rowland. John H. | certain deed of conveyance mad* and de­ Carse, Huston Hembree, of her being. “I’ll tell papa” have terrors for the poor livered by you to one Emma J. Duke, declaring with an oath—I had learned after, with a pistol in his belt and mur­ Travellers Lafayette Hembree and n-iw Langtree, on the “3th day of October. that he was intensely earnest rather der in his drunken eyes. What wonder, then, that the very thing little soul. Neither put him in the place Corner Second and E Streets, one block Eliza E. Hembree, his 1880, as to the description of the lands to than profane—that there was not to be that should draw closer the married pair of lawgiver; be yourself the nursery wife, and N. J. Rowland from Cooks hotel. lie conveyed thereby, so that the lands to Hot words, oaths, then two men stood often hopelessly divides them? At this found from one end of the Blue Ridge Defendants. be conveyed thereby will lie described lawgiver, and when nursery days are facing each other with pistols. Burns to the other more loyal people than the point, too, yon need to be wise, for past and the child takes his place in the To the defendants above named: You follows, instead of as they are now describ­ was shot through the shoulder and Bell ed in said erroneous deed, to-wit: and each of vou are hereby notified and re­ MacNeals. To prove the latter state­ though your heart may be full at pres­ family life, help him as early as possible A part of section 16. in tp. 4 », r 3 w, io fell dead with a bullet in his heart. quired to be and appear in the above-nam­ ment, Bell said: ent, your duty no less than your desire to be a law unto himself. ed Court in the aliove entitled suit, and an­ Yamhill county. State of Oregon, and coib - I met a Confederate Tennesseean who “Why, way back in '61 a kipple came is to keep both husband and child. swer the complaint filed therein against you nicneing at the center of a »mall branch on The entrance of the baby into the fam­ by the plaintiff above named. I>v Momiav, the Dayton and Wheatland eounty road at to Dominie MacNeal and axed to be had seen the fight, and he said: Now, to be sure, the baby is all yours: ily brings an added motive for self con­ “ Hit was all on account of Tom's the 2Sth day of March. A. 1) Itfc. that be­ w hat is known as the Joseph Hill bridge married. The feller was dressed in a he lives in your life: he is a part of yon. ; trol, for in the way you treat your hus­ ing the first day of tha first term of said and running thence north 13 degrees, west new rebel uniform, az fine as you please, right arm beiu gone. You see the trig­ Nothing on earth is so deep, so sweet | band you are training your child to do. vk lxLw court follow ing the expiration of six weeks 7.45 chains in center of county road now and he offered two dollars to have the ger kinder ketched in his belt and he and so satisfactory as your love for him. I Very soon—much before you suspect publication of this summons and you and there, tlience south 86 degrees, west 12.30 lost a good three seconds. Ef hit hadn ’ t eaehol you will take notice that if you fail so chains, thence south 13 degrees, west 3.90 job done right off. but the old man told But you must not forget that he. too. is that your young daughter observes any­ -Z ' to appear and answer said complaint.for the chains to the center of Palmer creek, thence him he'd see him d—d first, and then he a-been fo’ that hit'd a been goodby Mr. an independent soul, that the day will thing—she learns from seeing you how ■ bntox , Laf. Co., Wis., Dae.,'«. want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the north 89 degrees, cast down center of Pal­ kicked him out of the house. Now, Burns.” Bav. J. C. Bergen vouchee for the following: court for the relief prayed for in the said mer creek 3 chains, thence north 71 de­ come—all too soon—when he will strike to treat a husband. Does she see him Bell's body was brought down and > out for himself; when, if yon have not lames Boooey, who was suffering from Vita* complaint filed, herein which is in brief as gree«, east 1.77 chains to the center of a that's what I call piety to God and loyal­ Mnoe in its worst form for ibout IM years, was buried at Knoxville. This had been j been judicious, he may even come to “managed?" No matter how adroitly it treated small branch; thence sooth 61 degrees, east ty to the old flag.” by several physicians without affect. follows, to wit: is done; no matter how completely his Two bottles a decree adjudging tlic interest of up said branch 7 chain*; thence north W In his new fatigue uniform, with a done before my arrival. despise you—a heartbreaking but a not eyes may be blinded to the mean and des­ cured him. of Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonis the For defin e« cast 3.65 chain« to tbe place of be­ Plaintitt and said defendants in. of and On my return from Knoxville I stopped uncommon experience. white collar and clean shaven, except as to the real premises described in the com­ ginning, containing 5.85 acres of land,mor* picable ways of his wife, the baby girl A Reverend Recommends It. again at Greenville, where I learned plaint filed herein and described as follows, or less In a long and close study of mothers sees through it. She detects the un­ BELL FELL DEAD WITH A BULLET IN IIIS to his reddish mustache. Bell was as P ark C itt , Utah, June, 1889. For a decree against you and the other handsome a man as I had seen in the that Miss MacNeal was still a guest of I have noticed not only that the baby worthy wiles, the small deceptions, the HEART. I bad been iU for eighteen months with weak­ to-wit: the Rev. Mr. MacElroy. I called, nor Tract No 1. Situated in the city of Mc­ defendants amending and correcting that makes a great change in the household, petty lies, which are the weapons of this ness and terrible nervousness when I com­ This story ends really with our enter­ army. When we came to part the next I certain deed of conveyance made «nd de- taking your medicine, Pastor Koenig's Minnville, in the county of Yamliill and , livered to the plaintiff by said Emtna J. ing our lines on the Chattahoochee, morning he threw his arms about me was I disappointed to find that she was but that liis coming affects the mother vice. Do you think you cau bring her menced Nerve Tonic ; and I often pray for Pastor Koe­ state of Oregon to-wit: Beginning at the but I feel that those who have read so | and kissed me, leaving tears on my cheek neither a Hebe in youthful beauty nor a in one of four ways. 1 want therefore up into ways of honesty and fair dealing nig, aa I think I could not have lived without intersection of B street in said city of Mc­ Duke and her then husband on the 7th dav January, 1881, (said Emma J. Duke be- far are interested in Bell’s subsequent that were not my own. and then hnrried Minerva in intellect. Miss MacNeal to set up four guideposts as warnings while your example is all the other way? this medicine. The people here have seen the Minnville, Oregon, with the north line of [ of ing now the defendant. Langtree), «• to had brown hair, a lithe form, keen gray in your path. The first way that opens good which I derived from it, and Bev. Gal­ the donation land claim of Samuel Cozine the liescription of the lauds to be couvayed career; they naturally infer that I, who | away, nor looked back once. Do not so flatter yourself. By your Wife and the south line of the dona­ He told me that he was not much at eyes and a chin and mouth that indi­ before you, anil the most tempting, is to deeds you are teaching your baby things ligan recommends it so highly that it is now and am writing twenty-six years after the tion land claim of W. T Newby anil w ife, thereby, so that tbe lands to lie convey- getting very popular. events I have tried to describe, am all writing, but that he would do his cated masculine force of character. Her become all mother. Baby is to you the you would be horrified to think of. i said beginning point being on the west side ! cd instead of being described aa they JULIA AGNES BYRNE. of B street, thence north thirty-two (32) arc now in said deed, will, in all re«|*eta, right. I can say with truth that I never “d—st best” to write to me whenever he teeth were excellent, for she did not one important object in the world; you Is your baby a boy? In the same way Valuable Book an Namm , feet ami eight (8) inches lo the southeast be bounded and described a» the parcel of met a more original or a more manly had a chance, and he did: but had I de­ dip. She was dressed in a plain calico. forget that he is not the same to others. you teach him to be untruthful, dishon­ i corner of tract known as Joel J Henibree laud liereinliefore set out and described is man than Tom Bell. If he had been ed­ pended on Bell for intelligence as to his She would not have worn mourning if Everything in the whole establishment est, double faced and all tho bad things this medicine free of charge. tract ; thence west one hundred and forty hereinbefore liounded and described and ao ucated and lived at a different time he subsequent doings, there would be but there were goods of that kind for sale fits itself to the tune of the infant; if he you would rather die than have him be. p S,’ I (140) feet to the southwest corner of said as to convey said parcel alxive described to tract: thence north eighty-live (85)feet and the plaintiff, in fee, and decreeing that the would have made his mark and left the little more to add to the record of my in Greenville at that time and she had sleeps, the household must go about on Therefore, if not for your own self re­ 18 now prepared under bis direction by tbe eight (8) inches to the northwest corner plaintiff is the owner in fee of said above impress of great talents on the record of mountain friend. I have tried to give an had the money to buy them. She was tiptoe; if he wakes at night, every one spect, for the sake of your babies, never, KOENIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, III. of said tract ; thence west one liiindred(10<)) descrilied parcel, anil requiring you and his times. Physically he was, I think, idea of Bell's dialect—that is legitimate not the woman to parade her grief at must be roused; the temperature must never descend to the degradation of feet, thence south seventy-one (71) feet and said other defendants, within 30 days from the dictate of fashion, and then it was gold by Druggiets at »1 per Bottle. OforSS, ' nine (9) inches to the line between the do­ tbe date of said decree, to make and deliv­ the handsomest man I ever saw. He —but I cannot be expected to reproduce suit his needs; he must be brought into “managing” a husband. With your son not the custom of the mountaineers. Lane Size. SL7S. 6 BotUes for SB. nation land claims of Samuel Cozine and er to the plaintiff good and sufllcient deeds was strong as a lion, active as a tiger I any of the short letters he sent me. I the parlor and absorb the attention and Miss MacNeal, though remarkably the talk of visitors: his first smile, his there may be still more disastrous results. wife and W. T. Newby and wife; thence of conveyance, conveying to the plaintiff and affectionate as a child. At first his lost sight of the orthography and syn­ If he comes up knowing his mother to be south seventy-eight (78) degrees east along said parcel of laml and further decreeing profanity, or what I took to l>e profan­ tax in the modesty as to his own ex­ clear headed and intelligent, was not first word arc hardly less than miracles. false, deceitful, his faith in womanhood said line between said claims two hundred tliat in default of tlie making and delivery ity, shocked me, but at heart this gal­ ploits and in his almost girlish but in­ even fairly well educated, but it was A mother who adopts this plan be­ itself is undermined. You not only pre­ and forty-five (245) feet to the place of be­ of said deeds, as aforesaid said decree shall in all respects, stand for said deeds and op­ ginning. lant fellow was as intensely religious as tensely earnest expressions of love for natural that Tom Bell should see in her comes preoccupied, absorbed in her pare him to accept the common slanders Tract No. 2, Beginning at a point tlnrtv- erate as said deeds would have operated if Peter the Hermit, and he had a sense of myself and prayers for my safety and a model of all feminine excellences. We motherhood. It is easy to see how this of the cheap newspaper press, but you two (32) feet and eight (8) inches north of thev had lieen made, and for such other elevation, and, above all, in his devo­ talked freely about my dear friend, but comes between hnsband and wife like a take from him the only anchor that duty stronger than his fear of death. the intersection of said B street with said and further relief in tlie premises aa may her voice never broke and her eyes never It was the custom of the authorities tion to the cause of the Union and his dividing wall. The husband comes could hold him against them—a hearty north line of the donation laud claim of seem to the court meet with equity and moistened. The lines at the corners and Samuel t'ozine and wife and tlie south line good conscience during the war to give at least thirty unshaken faith as to its final triumph. home, probably tired, and finds what? belief in his mother. Tins summons is served on said defend­ of tlic donation land claim of W. T Newby ants After November, 1864, he ceased to the set of the lips told of a long experi­ Rest and refreshment? Alas, no; only a days* leave of absence, or furlough, to by publication, bv virtue of ail order Again, I say to you, O mother, re­ and wife, and on west side of said II street of lion. Ii. P. Boise. Judge of saiil Court, all men who had escaped from the write. In February, lab i, I wrote to ence with life's sorest trials and a famil­ nurse, a fussy mother and a baby who, spect the individuality of your child. thence north eiglitv-five (85) feet and eight SUMMONS. enemy, but the men from the border Captain Cliff, of Hardin county, Ky., iarity with death in its most violent dear as he may be, gets after awhile to He is yours, you say? In one way his (8) inches to Andrew Shuck’s southeast bearing date of January- 13tb. 1892 R smbkv A F rktos corner; thence west on said Andrew blnicks states could not, as a rule, avail them­ who was then with General Gillem, forms. I gave her the little present I be (it must be said) something of a bore, body may be yours, though only to a Attorneys for Plaintiff’. had brought down for the wedding, and In the Cuxuit Court of the Mate of Oregon south line ( 140)one hundred and forty feet ; asking for news of Bell, and the fol ­ selves of this privilege. To go home did with his multifarious needs and his un­ thence south (85) eighty-five f«et and (8) for the county of Yamhill, she received it without any sign of limited capacity for tears. Gradually certaiu extent even that: but his soul— not mean peace or rest. The enemy was lowing is an extract from Cliff’s reply: eight inches; thence east (140) one hundred his mind was never yours and never Ro*aiia G rame*. Aaron) emotion. But this did not shock me. I on every side, often the nearest neigh­ Captain Bell brought me your letter as soon SUMMONS. the husband stays away longer, he drifts will be. He is as much an individual Mills Setii A Millsand! and forty feet to the place of beginning; all in the city of McMinnville, in the county of bor, and the guerrilla was prowling as he reached this command, and I need not had learned much of the character of back to his club, he steps out after din as you are; he has just as much right to Rhoda MCU. l’lait.tills ! aay, old fellow, how rejoiced I was to learn v* Yamhill and state of Oregon these remarkable people, and my heart when tha raid t was driven off; and so that you had escaped. Bell gave you all the ner and perhaps comes home at mid his own opinions and taste3 as you have Jamc.< G rames. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, For a decree appointing a referee to col­ In for Yambill County. there were no leaves for Tom Bell or for creditor the exploit, but soldiers know that told me that the heart that loved Tom night. Defendant, J lect the rents of said property, pay the tax- to yours. Happy will be the day when myself; at least, we elected not to ac­ kind of spirit and like it. Captain Bell's story Bell was worthy his long devotion. To Janie* (frames said defendant: In the ! es thereon and to sell said premises and ap­ Jacob Seitters. Plaintiff, ] You observe and lament, but instead parents will get over the preposterous the end . of your coming through ought to be written . VB cept them. of seeing your mistake and setting your­ notion that they own their children, name of the state ol Oregon You are here­ ply the proceeds thereof to the costa and August Veser ami An- > and I hope you will do it some day. by notified and k «iU icii io be and appear ■ expenses of this snit and for a decree that Concerning Sorosis. We were most generously treated by out, self at once to remedy it, you turn to body and soul! Have you heard of the battle of Strawberry in the above « i.♦.•'»• I suit, in the above i the residue thereof be divided equitably na A. Veser, Twenty-four years ago the women's baby for consolation. He has never dis­ our comrades in liqd about Marietta, Plains? Or liave the rejoicings over Sherman’s Defendants. I have already advised you to be the named rouit. i»y tb< J- h day of March. A. among and lietween said tenants in com- To August Veser ami Anna A. Veaei, and after we had Seen the paymaster piccess deafened you to everything else mili­ club called Sorosis was founded in New appointed you; he loves you above all; nursery lawgiver, but there is another D IS92, that btiiu «h“ tir*'. d-«y of the tint t mon. said plaintiff and said defendants ac- said defendants: In the name of the Stat« tary? Well, ivc were walloped at Strawberry teim of se as foHows in­ the night of Aug. 13—we were to ]>art “were” instead of “are,” for I regret to report now, after twenty four years, comes a premises, ns n.ay seem to the court meet stead of the description now contained in To Chas. F. Woods, John Woods, n min­ next morning—he said to me: He seldom sees mamma; still more sel­ A second bad result of calling in pa­ with equity and good conscience. that most of them were called at Strawberry or, by------- his guardian ad litem, said said deed, to-wit: “We uns is gwine to part, cap, and Plains. They restionded to the call like gal­ writer in St. Louis Globe-Democrat and dom papa. If he survive the perils of ternal aid is to make the child fear or This summons is served by publication defendants: In the name of the state of Being a part of sections 16 in tp. 4 s r 3 w. hit may be ez how we won't never meet lant fellows, and have gone into tho eternal says: “The society called Sorosis ex­ infancy without a mother—and he may, hate his father. A third is the almost thereof, for six weeks, by virtue of an or­ Oregon, you are hereby notified and re­ in Yamhill county, state of Oregon, and camp over there. The last I saw of Bell was ists, as is generally understood, for for babies endure much and live—he der made bv Hon R P. Boiss judge of quired tii be and appear in the above en­ commencing at a point in the renter of the again this side etarnity.” certainty of having the punishment too said court, dated Dec. 4th. 18 1. the held. He and a handful of his men titled cause in the above entitled court on or county road now’there, which point is 7.45 "Nonsense, Bell,” 1 interrupted, “we'll ou were trying to ilragoff ail abandoned howitzer. the purpose of solviug problems that will give his love to his nurse, and per­ severe. The delivering of a poor little R amsey « ft F enton , before the 28th day of Maroh A D. 1892. chains north, 13 degrees west from the cen­ pull through the war aud live .to talk His liat was off. and there »as a red stained touch the relations of the sexes.” haps when he arrives at manhood may, terror stricken child into the grasp of a dec 17 Attorneys for Plaintiffs. that being the first day of the next regular ter of a small branch on the Dayton and over, as old men, onr adventures down handkerchief tied about his head. Just then Hear, hear! At a recent meeting of as a jiopular writer of our time has grown man who feels it his duty to hurt term,of said court, to answer to the com Wheatland countv road at what is known tho rebs swooped down in force, and every ­ in Dixie.” the club the committee for the day done, dedicate his book to his nurse, not the delicate, shrinking body to influence plaint of the plaintiff filed against you in as the Joseph Hill bridge near the town of thing got mixed into one of those battle snarls the said cause, and if yon fail so to ap­ Dayton in said county, and running thence brought up the question of how best to to his mother. He will be quite right the mind is to me not only cruel but Bell shook his head. I had never which we are all so familiar with. idMONS. pear and answer to the said complaint, for north 13 degrees, west 9 20 chains to the known him to be more solemn in his My horse saved me. but. I fully expected to establish unity of feeling between hus­ the only mother he had was his for wicked. It brutalizes both the actors in want thereof plaintiff will apply to the northeast corner of R. Snyder tract; thence Hie Circuit Court of tlie State of Ore-» manner, not even when we were burn­ learn that Bell was either killed or again cap­ band and wife. From the utterances money. court for the relief prayed for tn the said south 86 degrees, west 9 20 chains to th« the shameful scene, and I should think In for Yamhili County. Great, tl*n, was my surprise on reach­ made 1 quote as follows: Mrs. Yardley complaint to-wit: For a deoree of fore­ west line of the C Goodrich land claim No ing with hunger and footsore and weary tured. The poor little motherless soul moves the sobs of such an outraged child would ing Ixmdon a few days after the fight to find W, Baird and Alice) closure of the mortgage of plaintiff and sale 49 in tp. 4 s, r 3 w. in said county ; thence we tore through the jungle with the pur­ him in the hospital, with his bead in band­ says, “The arts which enslaved the lover one's deepest pity, especially if he is break the heart of any woman with a I. M Baird, Plaintiffs of the real premises described in said mort- south l.Sdegtees, west 1.70chains, intersect­ ages and his right arm off between the elbow are never wasted on the husband.” Eliz­ taught to speak in a foreign language mother's soul in her. Why, even the suers close behind. vs : f;age and said complaint as the undivided ing Palmer creek ; thence following south and shoulder. Tbe brave fellow was terribly abeth W. Champney said this, "Love •'Let us sleep together for the last and thus defrauded of his mother tongue beasts, whom we consider so much be­ E. A. Webster, and his f lalf of the donation claim of Margaret 13 degrees, west 7.55 chains to northwest up over our defeat, but ho seemed to re­ wife, M. A. Webster, I Wood«, mother of the said Geo. L Woods, cornet of a tract intended to have been night. Hit'll be easier to talk, ami hit’ll cut gard his own injuries as trifles. He is ambi­ and tact are the l>est lubricants for the as well. Such deserted babies are not neath us, are more tender of their young Defendants. J and in her lifetime the wife of Caleb Wood, deeded by Emma J. Duke and husband to not be so hard to recall the d—d hard dextrous, except as to writing, and this will domestic wheels.” Other expressions uncommon among people to whom “so­ than that! To M A Webster, one of the above name« being the south half of that certain section Jacob Seitters; thence north 88 de­ times we uns hez had together. I some­ account for his silence. From Loudon our were to the same effect. But the writer ciety” is life. But whatever the baby No, I say! Young mother, take your of land patented to t'uleb Woods and Mar grees, oast along the north line of said defendants: times nigh give plum up helievin in wounded were sent on to Camp Dick Kobinson, in the G.-D., after exploiting the power loses by this, the mother loses far more. immovable stand there; that you only In the name of the State of Oregon : garet Woods under the act of congress of tract Intended to navebecti deeded as afore­ Bell with them. God, but he took we uns each by the I thought, as did every ono else who knew of love and giving it as a means of To begin with, she has shirked the plain­ shall over lay violent hands on yonr You are hereby notified and required U A. D. 1850. donating lands to the settlers said 12 30 chains, to the place of beginning public lands in Oregon. Said land containing 10.06 acres, more or less, and hand and pulled ns sqnar through, and Tom Bell, that lie was out of tho fuss for good making things go smooth in the family, est duty ever laid upon her; she has neg­ child, and then I beg of you to find a be and appear in the above named court ii> upon the above entitled suit and answei the coni being situated in Yamhill countv, state of decreeing that the plaintiff is the owner in so preserved us that we uns mont give and all. You can therefore imagine my sur­ sapiently remarks: “The strongminded lected to do for her own child what no better way to govern than by the rod. Oregon on the North Yamhill river. And fee of said premises alxive described, and plaint filed against you therein by the when we were advancing to destroy the women of the Sorosis type are unable to human being but kerself can properly O livf . T rorne M iller . the enemy h—1, and I’m gwine to do hit, prise plaintiffs by Monday, the 28th dav of March out of the proceeds of said sale thereof pay requiring you to make and deliver to the works at .Saltville, Va., to Und Captain Tom the plaintiff the sum of |2173 :2> with in­ plaintiff'within 30 days from the «late of rate this form of virtue at its lull worth. do. Then she has lost the very sweetest jest as qnick ez I kin git down to whar Bell back and again in command of tho rem­ There are by the last census 4,467 oc­ A I).. 1892; that being the first day of the -aid decree, a good and sufficient deed of nant of the "No'th Calinyans.” He drew on They have no faith in love and no re­ experience life can give her. Finally, cupations in which women are eai ning first term of said court following the expir­ terest from the 8th day of January, 1892. at conveyance our folks is in the mountains " of sai«i premises and in default of six weeks publication of this sum­ 8 per cent per annum and the costs and We slept together that night and Bell his varied and ample stock of (profanity—or, gard for the wife who smiles and holds she has failed to make a home '.'or her money in America. This ought to allow ation disbursements of this suit and for such of the making of said deed as aforesaid, mons, and you will .akc notice that if vou is it profanity, to express his joy at meeting opened his heart to me as he never had me?—and failing to do it in that way, he threw lier tongue.” Dear, dear! I don't see children, to whom, even more than to liberty of choice to the individual. fail so to appear and answer sa’d complain', other relief as shall he meet in equity and tlmt said decree stand and operate, in all re­ spects, as and ior said deed and for such for tlie want thereof, 'be j laint’ffs will ap­ good conscience. done before. He deplored his lack of bis “left” arm about my neck and liuggcd me how any mortal can lie like that. Worst her husband, she owes a home. This is E liza A rchard C onner . This summons is served by publication other and further relief in the premises as ply to said court for IL* relief demanded in of all, the G.-D. writer proceeds to a failure even worse than the former. education, but he had made up his mind till I threatened to strangle. thereof for six weeks in the telephose - may seem to the court meet with eqfiity said compaint, which is in brief, as follows, Tom assured me. with comical seriousness, make out the average husband a more The third path is not so easy and not to study as soon as the war was over. that R eoister by virtue of an order made by and g.xxl conscience. The Fashions of Paris. (o-wit: lie was practicing writing with liis left contemptible brute than I am sure any always successfully followed, but I have Hott. R. P ’ Boise, Judge of said court anil We had called that day on Andrew John­ hand in “his odd time," and as soon as lie had This summ ons is to be served by publi­ For a decree in favor of the plaintiffs and It has been for many years an unwrit­ cation for a period of six weeks, by order of son, who was then military governor of become sufficiently expert to handle a pen you Sorosian alive or dead ever dreamed of seen it in operation and resulting in an ten law in Paris that at a wedding the • ga.nst said defendants for the sum of ten dawn January 13. MB B ronaugh . M c A rthur , Hou. R. P. Iloise. Judge of of said court, tl ousand dollars ($10,900 00) with interest would hear from hint “ over liis own fist. ” 1 his being. Sorry indeed 1 should be to indissolubly united family. It is to in­ Tennessee and living in Nashville. With F entoh A B ronaugh , - - 1890, - at tlie rate bearing date of January L3th. A. 1).. 18 2 not seen lnm since, but 1 know that he is think that the men, whose force, intel­ terest the father in the details of baby bride's dress should be of mat white, or t.iereon sin e May 15, the career of this remarkable man in his have Attorneys lor Plaintiff of seven per ’ R amkky a E kstom . cent per annum ; at least cream \Aite, with no other color with the raiders who are pushing toward __ _ _ as mind, Bell said: Attorneys for Plaintiff. sum ___ of , |5C0h) Lynchburg. The end is right in sight. This lect and big heartedness 1 so admire, life as the mother is interested, gradu­ than that afforded by the green leaves for tbe further ___ “My dad knowed Andy Johnson when command is now moving into North Carolina were the foolish creatures this anti­ ally draw him in to do for the baby, till of the orange blossoms, but this season attorney’s fees and for costs and disburse­ ments of this suit; for a decree foreclosing CITATION. woman's rights person sizes them up he gets to take as eager delight in the there is a departure in allowing the front the he left No'th Caliny and come over the to join Sherman. SUMMONS. mortgage executed bv tlie said defend­ E liza A rcharp C onner . baby’s bath, the first tooth, etc., as the of the robe to be enlivened with pink ants to the plaintiffs on the 15th day of May. In May, I860, a few days after the to be. mountains to Greenville to start a tail- In the County court of the State Oregon, for the county of Yamhill. mother herself. With some husbands, 1890, to secure the payment of said sums of grand review in Washington (the envel ­ Do Kemember — orin, and he didn't know B from a bull's In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, or bine or other delicate colored flowers, upon the following deserdred real In the matter of the estate oil for Yamhill Countv. foot. Now see whar he is,” and Bell ope is postmarked May 15), I received a That everybody isn't as much interest­ of course, this would be impossible, but with their foliage. One such is repre­ money, premises, to-wit: W. H. Tidd, deceased. { Wm. Roberts. Plaintitt. when it can be done it makes a family sented here, with pink peach blossoms letter of a few lines from Bell. The ed in your affairs as you are yourself. lifted liis arm into the darkness. The donation land claim of J R. Derby To Martha E. Tidd, Carrie Gaunt. Win. W vs. I told my friend that Governor John­ chirography was very mnch like that That your neighbor’s back yard is part delightful to itself, but, it must be ad­ and their leaves embroidered aero«.: the and Ann Derby, his wife, and being the Tidd, Earl T. Tidd, Frankie P. Tidd, Lulu Daniel Parsons. <’. B. ‘ east half of tbe northeast quarter of section M. Tidd. Arthur L. Tidd and Mary E. Mann and T.E. Ehren* | son had been helped very much by his done with his right hand. He was then of her castle, and it is none of your busi­ mitted, a terror to outsiders. The whole twelve (12) and the southeast quarter ol Tidd, Greeting j berg. Defendants. wife, and I suggested that if he got a at Knoxville and had just been mustered ness how many white skirts she hangs , house becomes a nursery. Baby's socks section one (1) in township 3 south, range In the name of the state of Oregon, you To T. E, Ehrenberg, __ __ «if _________ th» slxivs ornament the piano, baby's carriage good wife she would no doubt aid him out. He wrote, not in the old spirit of there. 4 ------------- west, and --------- ‘lie southwest quarter of section ---- — —...------------ are hereby cited ami required to named defendants: In on» name of the intense affection for the Union and my­ six (6) and the northwest fraction of the i appear in the countv court of Stat of Oregon, you are the to achieve his laudable ambition. That it is no economy to spend ten blocks the way, teething rings adorn the hereby northwest quarter of section seven (7) town- i tlic state of Oregon, for the countv of Yam and required to be and appear in the notified He laughed for some time, as if enjoy­ self, nor with the old burning hate for cents car fare to go to a store to get centei’ table, and in fact it is a com­ above ship 3 south range 3 west .also the home- hill, at the court room thereof, tlwreof. at McMinn- M<-Minn- the rebellion, bnt with ainanly restraint pletely baby ridden establishment. Court in the alfove entitled suit by ing his secret thoughts, and in reply to something nine cents cheaper. stead claim of John M Gates, No 854. and ville. in the countv of Yamhill, on Tues- named Mondav, the 28th day of March. 1892. that that showed, even more than bis wildest , Neither down this path can I advise you being the southwest auarter of the south- day the . - 8th . day - of . March. - my question as to the cause, he said: That if the baby gets what he cries 1892. at 10 o’clock t he first day of first term of said court e;»st quarter and lot No three (3)of section in the forenoon of that <.fcy, then ami there being “I was jist a thinkin of how many torrents of profanity or his fiercest pray­ for he would bo foolish if he didn't cry. to go, though it is much more desirable oc< urring after the expiration of tf»e six six (6) and lots No two (2). three (3), four to show cause, if any you have, why the weeks’ publication iicreof, and then and times durin onr 'scape I've told that cuss­ ers, the supreme satisfaction that had That a great many household matters i than either of the preceding. (4) and five (5)of section seven (7) in town ­ following descrilied real estate should not answer the complaint filed therein by The fourth path is the way of wisdom. ed story about my beiri a wounded Con­ come to his heart, bringing with it a could be performed as well sitting as i ship 3 south range 3 west, save and except be sold as prayed for in the petition non there Rai«! plaintiff, and you will take notice It is to get in the beginning the best pos- from sr :,I homestead that part thereof con­ on tile in said court, viz: The ekat half 01 tho fed, a tryin to get back to my pore wife calm after the fonr years of deadly standing. ’ hat. if you fail so to a¡»ftear and answer, veyed bv John M to J Harr bon on northwest quarter, ami the northwest «piar- and cbjUen in the mountains. W’y, I storm. That it rests your eyes to move the , sible help in the care of baby—the most for the want thereof, the plafcitifT will ap September 22, 1875. by deed record« <1 at ter of northwest quarter of section .*if> ii plv Captain Bell begged me to come down furniture into new positions occasion- precious thing in the house. It is aston­ to said court for the relief demanded was nigh 'most comin to believe that I pages 275 and 276 of book "P” of records of township 2 nontli, range 4 went of the Will prayed for in said complaint, which is, ishing liow mothers will dare trnst ba­ was reg’larly married, and had a lot of to see him in July. He was going to ally. deeds of said county of Yamhill said tract amette meridian, situate in Yamhill count and excepted being fifty acres And also the ty, state of Oregon, and containing 130 in brief, as follows, to-wit: For a decree yaller headed young uns a-watchin fo’ my make his home at Greenville for the That you can do a good deal of read­ bies to young, ignorant, even stupid sgainst the defendant. Daniel Parsenw. for following described tract of land, being lot acres. return. But I'm a-gwine to give you present, and Molly MacNeal, whose fa­ ing if you keep a book on hand for odd girls. It seems not to occur to them tlie principal sum of S4est travel­ Witness, the Hon. Wm. Gallowav. jud» munication he chose io make until he That it is no kinder to your daughter tious, in the place of instructor, during For a decree against all the defendants Yambill eo’inty state of Oregon And for I of the county court of tbe stat t.»closing the mortgage given by said Par- gave me leave to speak. Very slowly"»nd ing condition myself, for 1 was on to do everything yourself and let her the time when the baby mind takes im­ the sale of said real premises according to of Oregon, for the county «• ns on the 2Lst day otNovenibar. leo to law to obtah' funds with which to pay sai<1 with a solemnity that struck me as be­ crutches, I was once more my own mas­ grow up ignorant of housework than it pressions for life. Do not think this is a [ seal ] Yamhill, and the seal of sai e plaintiff to secure tne payment of said sums of mon?y, costs and disbursements ing very inappropriate, Bell continued; ter, aud I determined to be present at would be to take her medicine if she ■ false alarm; it is solemnly true, but be­ court hereto affixeu. this 2d da; • v« ral ofise to my torrent of questions, a Congregationalist minister. Through than is generally suspected; and im­ In the matter of the estate of Janies S. I villc, in said eounty, with the proper voueb- nterot, attorney’s foes, crets and dfabtirae- ef thar's another preacher in No'th , The handsome and stylish new model ■ rs therefor, within six months front the •tients anti accruing costs, nnd barring all deceased Caliny can come np to him in offhand I the provost told me that on July 1 Bell it all Mrs. Kyle picked her husband for pressions, too, that no reasoning of after shown in the bridesmaid's dress is also Flett he interests of the several defendants in Notice is hereby given that the under­ i date of this notice. went to Bristol to see a friend — one of a winner, and the politicians watching Dated Feb. 4. 1892 years can entirely eradicate. Therefore, an innovation. It ii of slate gray cloth, talkin and prayin, or in downright -aid premises and for such other and fur­ signed, Geo:ge F »tr. lias been, by an otde, , his men, who was still in hospital. He the election say the faith she displayed Geo S avteb . Aministrator. ther relief in the premises as may seetn to I say, spare no money to get tbe very with coat and kind of moss green vel­ of the county court abor<- named duly ap­ Screpture argyment, I'd like to see him trot himself out and show his paces fo’ ■ expected to be back on the 2d, for he was something to wonder at. When best help—a mother herself, if possible, vet. bordered with gray astrakhan, and pointed as executor of the Inst will and tes­ ' Ranisey A Fenton, Attys, forsaid Estate. the court meet with equitv and good con­ science. of sai l lames S Flett, deceased money. But w'en I tell you and all the . was taking an active part iu the prepara- the neighbors laughed Mrs. Kyle told certainly a woman of intelligence, and the pretty little bonnet is of red velvet, tament This summons is to be served by publics“ Therefore all person.« having elaim- For Sale. world" that no man dar come to my face i tions the Union people of Greenville were them to keep on, but that they would concientious in the performance of her white felt and red feathers. The sleeves against said »state are hereby notified and tion there«if for a period of six weeks, h? Two miles from McMinnville, near St order of Hon. It. P. Boise. Judge of said and tell me he's seed a purtier gal any­ making to celebrate this particular see. She herself says, “1 never ceased responsible duty. Nor even then give to the jacket have liell shaped cuffs required to present the same to the tinder- at the law office of Ramsey A Fen­ Joe, a small farm of 16 acres. 1J acres in court, made and hearine date of January 7, wheres »-top of the Lor's green airth , Fourth with fitting ceremonies and re- to believe we would be in Washington up your own place to her. Be a mother which are bound for popularity, being signed ton. in McMinnville. Oregon, within six cultivation, also a good house and barn; 1892. R\ m « ky A F kwtow . this coming winter.” She has strong all day, enjoy the sweet life of your so quaint. than Molly MacNeal, you can git an idea , joicings, but he did not return. Attorneys for Plaintiff. months f om the date of this notice, duh about 200 fruit trees, mostly prunes.besides Briefly, this is the story: The moun- convictions in everything, and though Of course, if the wedding were to be baby, and be ready when your husband verified of her looks. As to lamin, why, Molly small fruit; on* horse and wagon. 3 cows, Dated this 13th dav of January. A D 1892 2 heifers. 2 pigs, 40 chickens. 7 tons of hay, MacNeal, she could give us big odds, | taineers who had been in the Union the Kyles are not wealthy enough to en­ comes home to be once more a wife. celebrated in the house, the bridesmaid’s /I army were returning home with their jl4-3 z " GEORGE FLETT, tertain frequently Mrs. Kyle will make quantity of potatoes, «plows, harrows, etc ADVERTISERS toilet would liave to be more ethereal; Then you can leave the littlo one with more partic’larly me, and then past ns,. - Executor of said Estate Reason for selling» declining health. For jn ad^rtmng ip*ce when in Chicago, will find ft «n jest az if we wasn't in the race, but »'1“e1“r«es and an unusual amount of a mark among those who like a woman 1 confidence, and be no less a companion but all French weddings are out of the Ramsey A Fenton, further particulars enquire of for them — iu their pockets. who will be heard from. fender lookin on.” nmnev-fo^them-m thelr_ house. to vour husband than before. Attorneys for said estate. LORD I THOMAS. T BOBOMWORTH A TALK TO MOTHERS. THE COMMERCIAL STABLE I Livery, Feed and Sale ! jib FRrr-t FRFF | ULL »