From Eden Valley. Deeds Recorded. VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK. Tillamook. Dunce at the armory Saturday night. I The Slar Dramatic Company will1 It bas been many a year since Dis- hi » u»en LOW FOR VS to SUIT. Dance at the armory Saturday night. Checowen Dayton .................. 9 8. Newberg........ 3 part in an old folks’ concert, opened his ments. The writer has experimented nervous exhaustion, went to a celebrat­ These dances are full of joy. 9100 Reward 9100. Dundee................ 3 W. Chehaiem... .7 mouth and his vocal chords, thougii with clays for a number of years and ed specialist. He was told that the f The cry of the farm implenient man Fairlawn.............. 7 Willamina.......... 4 weak, impressed the gray matter of the has found one lied of clay in proximity only thing needed was to be relieved of The readers of this paper will be pleased I I Lafavette............. 8 WilFmetts.......... 5 will soon be heard in the land. care and worry and have a change of Never Better Prepared to Portland suitable for manufacturing learn that there is at least one dreaded Total............ ........ ............................ 123 audience with the fact that Prof. Fargo thought, This doctor was more con­ to Rev. Harry Watkins will preach at disease that science has been able to cure To Satisfy Your Wants By order of the democratic county was a man that could stand a joke with into paA-ing bricks, and when it is stat­ siderate ot his patient’s health than of in all its stages and that is catarrh. Hall's the Christian church Sunday evening ed, as it Avas in the communication in his financial circumstances. He ought Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now a smile. Never So Many Goods central committee. at 7.30. to the medical fraternity. Catarrh The costumes of the students were your issue of the 25th inst., that brick to have advised him to use Dr. Miles’ known W m . G alloway , Of Such Excellent Quality. W. T. Vinton has moved ifto the Restorative Nervine, the best remedy being a constitutional disease, requires a very old-fashioned indeed, but it did is the coming pavement, the statement for constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Chairman. house vacated by Geo. Westerfield, on H. L. H eath , nervous prostration, sleeplessness, Never So Many Customers will bold good when applied to Port ­ Cure is taken internally, acting directly not take much imagination to bring I street. dizziness, headache, ill effects of sprits, Secretary, the blood and mucous surfaces of the Who Go Away Satisfied land, because the material is right at tobacco, coffee, opium, etc. Thousands upon them down to the present time. For system, thereby destroying the foundation 8. A. Dorrance has obtained a school The Democrats of the County. our doors to make as good paving brick testify to cures. Book and trial bottles of the disease and giving the patient instance, we found our gymnasium and leaves for his work next week free at Rogers Bros’. strength by building up the constitution as there is the United States. Monday. breeches on a Gray-ham. and assisting nature in doing its work, The Saturday last the democratic central ^Vhere such material is found, brick Will Start a Paper. proprietors nave so much faith in its cura E. C. Hughes, county clerk of Wash­ committee of this county met at tlie The man who sprung “The Ark-all!” We are happy and want yju to share our joys. tive powers that they offer One Hundred pavements are cheap and durable. I ington county, was in the city Tuesday act upon the unsuspecting audience Dollars for any case that it fails to cure court house and the call for conventions and Wednesday. E. H. Flagg, formerly of St. Helens, Send for list of testimonials. Address. WALLACE & WALKER. has probably heard it so often that it is could refer you to many towns and F. J. C heney .; liminary work of his canvass. The can­ Darnell, H A The R M Wade warehouse is tilling Jack; Willamette, W. Wood; North in regular monthly session. up. The stock of this concern is large Decatur, Ill.; Detroit, Mich.; Galesburg vass will be continued and the paper Gabbort, Reeler H Smith, A C Hansen, Chris Wanless, Chas and they have plenty of room to dis­ Yamhill, T. Goodrich; Chicowin, J. Tlie committee on lights reported III.; Memphhis, Tenn.; South Bend, will probablj- be published for the first Kimberlin, Leroy Wellard, H L Bunn; Dundee, I). M. Ramsey; north that improvement of same kind in the Ind.; Springfield, Ill.; Toledo, ().; play it. time in three weeks. It will be an Livengood,Margt J West, Mrs 8 A The usual services will be held at the McMinnville, H. L. Heath; Baker present method was absolutely neces­ Trenton, N. J.; Wheeling, W. Alt. Whitmore, Sand W eight page six-column sheet and will be Morrison, J W Episcopal church in this city on Wed­ Creek, B. F. Sparks; Willamina, C. C. sary. Parties calling for the above letters published every Monday morning. Mr. nesday evening, March 9th, at 7:30. Linden. Good Looks. ------- > It was decided that the marshal Flagg has not yet decided upon a name will please say “Advertised.” If not All are invited. i The primaries for nominating dele­ should not work the drunks who serv­ Good looks are more than skin deep, called for in two weeks they will be for his paper.— Statesman. Dr. G. 8.Wright has a very neat den­ gates to both conA-entions Avere ordered depending upon a healthy condition sent to the dead letter office as “un­ tal cabinet in his office. It is « fine to be held on Saturday, April 9th. ed time for unpaid fines. of all the vital organs. If the liver be Pronounced Hopeless, Yet Saved. claimed.” J. C. C ooper , P. M. A license to sell liquor was granted inactive you have a bilious look, if piece of cabinet work, and is from the The county conA’ention for the election to J. W. Bowers. shop of B. Clark. your stomach lx? disorde ed you have a Sehool Report. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. The bill of Mrs. 8. A. Burnett of $100, dyspeptic l<»k, and if your kidneys lie Hurd, of Groton, S. D., we quote: The city is without lights again. The of delegates to the state convention will lie held on Saturday .April 16, 1892. affected you have a pinched look. Se ­ engine at the works is in bad condition for damages sustained by falling “Was taken with a bad cold, which Report of Riverside school, district and the steamchest has lieen sent to The conA’ention for nominating county through a defective sidewalk, was re­ cure good health and you will have settled on my lungs, cough set in, and No. 60, for montli ending Feb. 26, 1892. officers will be held on Friday, May 6, good looks. Electric Bitters is the great JJAVE Just opened a house in McMinnville, where a Portland for repairs. ferred to the committee on accounts alterative and acts directly on these vi­ finally terminated in consumption. 1S92. No. pupils enrolled 21. Average at­ Four doctors gave nte up, saying I Large and Complete Stock of H. L. Wells of the Oregonian staff The representation is based upon the and current expenses. tal organs. Cures pimples, blotches, tendance 19. The following pupils King up me was in the citv Tuesday looking the Y< ■•ote east for Gov. Pennoyer and is one boils and gives a good complexion. Sold could live but a short time. I gave One hundred dollars was transferred jails À lelegate for every ten votes and frac­ condition of the city and county c at Rogers Bros, drugstore, 50c per myself up to my Saviour, determined were neither absent nor tardy during that if I could not stay with my friends the month. Henry, Frank, Dudley, ies. v t tion i for the state board of charities. 4 of fiA-e votes. Each election pre­ from the street fund to the general bottle. on earth, I would meet my absent ones Althea, Bertha, Lloyd, Claud, John, Last Saturday Sandy Olds walked cinct in the county will hold primaries. fund. above. My husband was advised to On the List. The council adjourned to meet on out of the state prison at Salem, a free get Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­ Joseph and Nannie Brown, Callie La­ A Real Estate Boom. man. He looks healthier and stronger Friday night of this week at 7:30. sumption, coughs and colds. " I gave it dy, Hugh, Louisa and Willie Maloney, Between now and the presidential than he did when he was put in. a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has The following pu­ Attracts the attention of every prop­ Bids Wanted. election the prohibitionists of Oregon cured me, and thank God, I am now a Sadie Winslow. Mrs John Knight, living near the erty holder in this city. But when Dr. pils have not been absent during the will conduct a vigorous campaign. A'll and hearty woman. ” Trial bot- Scaled proposals for the erection of flour mill, has considerablo nice furni­ Franklin Miles, the eminent Indiana term: Henry, Frank, Dudley, Althea, ture to sell. Persons desiring to pur­ specialist, claims that heart disease is the M. E. church at Amity, will be re­ Messrs. Wolenbarger and Huckins ties free Rogers Bros. Drugstore. Bertha, Joseph, John and Nannie chase are requested to call at once. curable, and proves it by thousands of ceived by the undersigned at Amity will set the ball rolling and conduct a Died Brown, Willie and Louisa Maloney. We would like to see our old time testimonials of wonderful cures by his until April 15, 1892. Bids will be series of meetings throughout the state. Heart Cure; it attracts the atten­ Visitors during term. H. 8. Maloney, correspondents wake up and send in New of the millions suffering with short opened on April 16, 1892, contract to be They will visit the following places: R oberts .—1« Portland on Wednesday J. R. Longacre, J. H. Brown, Mrs. an item now and then. Your locality tion Ashland, Medford, Grant’s Pass, Rose­ February 24,1892, at 8:45 a. m., Abra­ breath, palpitation, irregular pulse, awarded to the lowest responsible bid ­ should be represented in the county choking sensation, asthmatic breathing Brown,Mrs. J. E. Brown, Mrs. Eugene der. Plans and specifications can be burg, Eugene, Albany, Lebanon, Sa­ ham H. Roberts, after an illness of paper. pain or tenderness in side or shoulder, seen at residence of undersigned at lem, Oregon City, Woodburn, Baker four months, aged 65 years 3 months Brown, Mrs. 8. W. Brown, Glenn and 25 days. Jos. Hoberg is a candidate for the of­ smothering spells, fainting, dropsy, etc. Winslow. There were no cases of tar­ fice of school clerk of this school dis­ A. F. Davis, Silver Creek, Neb , by Amity. Bonds to the amount of $100 City, La Grande, The Dalles, McMinn­ Mr. Roberts, was born in Pickaway diness during the term. trict. He has done his duty during the using four liottle of Dr. Miles’ New to be furnished with each bid, said ville, Corvallis, Monmouth, Dallas, county, Ohio, came to Oregon in 1848, E lla M. L ongacre . past year and probably will be elected Heart Cure, was completely cured after bonds to be forfeited upon refusal to en­ Newberg, Portland and Astoria. Mr. Teacher. twelve years’suffering front heart dis­ ter into contract at figures named in Wolfenbarger comes from Nebraska, in February, 1850, settled on a dona­ again. tion land claim two miles east of North ease. This new remedy is sold by Rog­ bid. Right to reject any or all bids is and has the reputation of being an Yamhill, Yamhill county, Oregon, The ladies of the M. E. Church will ers Bros. Books free. Miles* Nerve and Liver Tills. give a 10 cent lunch and literary and able and eloquent speaker, while Mr. where he resided until his death. He reserved. C. C. C randall , Act on a new principle—regulating I musical enteriainnient at the church, BUYERS’ AND BUSINESS DIRECTOR. Chairman of Trustees. Huckins is a tine singer and will add leaves a wife and four children, James the liver, stomach and bowels through Tuesday evening, March 8th. All are much interest to the meetings. The Coal all About Vs. T. B. Kay will sell thoroughbred ■ H. Roberts, of Richet, Roberts & Bell, the nerA’es. A new discovery. Dr. invited. dates of tlie meetings are not yet an­ commission merchants of this city; Miles’ Pills speedily cure biliousness, W. F. L. Wright and family arrived Wyandotte eggs for $1 per setting H. M. and J. R. Cooper last year bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipa­ 1 Mrs. H. M. McCoy, Mrs. Moran Hen- tion. Unequaled for men, women, and from Comstock last Saturday. Yester- C. H. Cook, of the produce market, i spent $600 in opening up some mines at nounced. dav Mr. Wright left for Portland where has just received a large stock of the I Postofiices in Oregon. j drix and Miss Osa Roberts of North children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 he will probably locate if things are fa­ celebrated D. M. Ferry’s seeds. They I Spring Hill, about fifteen miles from doses, 25 cents. Samples free at Rogers I Yamhill. Independence, and also have bonded are the standard; none better. vorable. Bros. The United States official postal The funeral was held at North Yam ­ C. Fritz, the photographer, is located I for two years for developing purposes guide shows that Oregon has a total of George Bullock will start a pop and Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure at Druggists. soda water factory In this city soon. at 167). First street, Portland, Oregon. < the mines across tlie river, about two 710 postoffices, all but 709 of which are hill on Thursday last. The P. F. Browne building has lieen Save your orders for him. miles distant, and are now making People with delicate stomachs find first class. Three are of the second engaged. This will no doubt be a pay­ If you want your property insured in preparations to begin work in earnest. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla agreeable to the ing business. The goods canned by this firm are First Class and ! a standard company, Rhodes &.Rhodes Their new drill arrived last week, and class, eighteen third, and 688 fourth. taste, and, therefore, prefer it as a blood Twenty-two are presidential offices, purifier to any other. This is one rea­ Mrs. L. Bettman left for San Fran­ will be pleased to write you. are Guaranteed to be as recommended. more extensive operations than ever 106 are money order offices, and fifteen son for its great popularity as a spring cisco yesterday, where she will select a When your $200 watch needs repair­ be begun at once. This is a big and family medicine. Safe, certain large stock of goods. A full and coin- ing take it to D. A. Smith. All kinds will Give us a call and get our prices before purchasing. Hibbs build­ are postal n»te offices. There are no thing for that section,and the prospects elete line of latest style millinery will of jewelry repaired. ing, west of McMinnville National Bank. money order stations in this state nor and palatable. so far show unmistakably the superior e purchased. If you want the best drugs at living I quality and an inexhaustable quantity in Washington. In the United States M c M innville produce market . For the last week the citizens of this prices, go to Howorth & Co s. of coal. there are 64,96-5 postoffices, 61,861 of city have been living on Minnesota Peoples’ Party Call. which are of the fourth class. Penn­ These prices are corrected every Wednes­ Go to Howorth ’ s for fine perfumes. butter. This is the hardest slam on Afflicts half the American people yet there is day by C. H. Cook, who will buy your pro­ our energies yet. The butter makers Remember that C. II. Cook carries a A convention of all those interested sylvania has more postoffices than any duce. paying all the market will justify. He only one preparation of Sarsaparilla that acts on of this county should brace up. full line of graham in small sacks, corn in the peoples’ party movement is call­ other state, the number being 4728. also carries a full line ot seeds and nursery the bowels and reaches this important trouble, and that is Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. It re­ Bond A Co. have added a steam sau­ meal and wheatlets, D. street. ed to meet in the county court house Alaska has seventeen, Washington 701. stock in season. lieves it in 24 hours, and an occasional dose sage chopper to their extensive mar­ Call on Rhodes & Rhodes for bargains at McMinnville, Yamhill county, Ore­ Idaho lias 282 and California 1403. Wheat, clear ? 0 85 prevents return. We refer by permission to C. K. Oats......... ................. .35 kets and now sausage is prepared in in real estate. They will show you gon, on Friday, March 11, 1892 at 11 a. Elkington, 125 Locust Avenue, San Francisco; Barley ....................... 50 Married. less than one-half the time taken bj property and give prices with the best l’ears........................ J. II. Brown, Petaluma; H. S. Wiun, Geary Court, 50 m., for the purpose of sending repre­ the old time process of hand work. • terms. 05 Dried fruit lb ......... — os 8an Francisco, and hundreds of others who have sentatives to the peoples’ party conven­ M oore -C ave .—On Tuesday, March 1, Timothy hay. baled.... The work of putting in the plate glass 15 00 nsed it in constipation. One letter is a sample of afe Howortli & Co. lias tlie finest assort­ tion to be held at Oregon City, Oregon, 1892, by Rev. Lynch in this city, Cheat front ef the Masonic building is now “ .... 12 00 hundreds. Elkington, writes: “I have been for w Mary A. Cave and S. Moore. being done. The interior is nearly fin­ ment of writing tablets. Oat 10 00 on March, 16, 1892. All persons inter- years subject to bilious headaches and constipa ­ Straw, baled..................... The young couple have gone to 6 00 ished and within two weeks Mr. Ap- Full line of homeopathic medicines ested are cordially invited to partici- tion. Have been so bad for a year back have ............... bu .... 20 person will be comfortably installed. ■ at Howorth & Co’s. housekeeping in a cottage in Oak Park. Potatoes had to take a physic every other night or else I pate. By Order of Committee, Butter. roll.... 50 Last week, Wednesday, the sheriff Eggs. f? > ton........... 18 (IO no preparation will rertore perfect satisfaction, or money refund- aad your system invigorated through shiny-bald, same price, |L00, six for 15.00. Chop............ ton........... 25 00 ’. Price 25 cents per box. For sale hair; in all other cases, Hall s Hair ed. the use of Aj-er’s Sarsaparilla. I reven­ the Flour ¥ bbl 5.00 SOLD BY ROGERS BROS. Renewer will start a growth. by Rogers Bros. tion is better than cure. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER THERE ARE SIGNS IN The Air, on Trees, Fences, and Houses pointing yon to ROGERS BROS. PHARMACY as the Cheapest, Neat­ est and Most Reliable place to buy DRUGS in YAMHILL COUNTY. Our constant aim has been to give you the best and purest goods for the least money, and with a constantly increasing business points us to a pleasing moral, No Reason to Complain! rrowi KNAPP, BURRELL & CO AGRICULTURflL IMPLEMENTS ! Vehicles, Harness, Road Grading Ma chlnery, Farming Tools, Dairy Supplies, Etc., Etc. Columbus and Racine Buggies, Hacks and Carts, Bell Centre Cut and Golden Age Disc Harrows, Bain and Columbia Valley Wagons, Buffalo Pitts Threshers and Engines, Deering Binders and Mowers, Monitor Drills and Seeders, Buckeye Pumps and Wind Mills, Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows. CON More Oliver Plows are Sold in the United States than any other Make STIPATION E. N. FORD. Manager. The Telephone-Register is the Best MEDIUM FOR * ADVERTISERS SUBSCRIPTION * PER YEAR!