THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. As They See it. The Tacoma Ledger records the fact that wheat is worth $1.60 per cental at Portland, and $1.711 at Tacoma. Our statistical contemporary omits to state that wheat is worth $1.7"> afloat at As­ toria.— Astoria n. Puzzled The lloctors.’’ Macaulay says that of all inventions, OST of the oases cured by Ayer’s the alphabet and printing press alone HARDING k HEATH, Publithers. Sarsaparilla hare been given up excepted, those inventions which by the regular practice. Physicians are abridge distance have done most for SUBSCRIPTION RATES. recommending this medicine more than the civilization of our species. The eve», and with satisfactory results. f our early civilization was I lea Copy, nix month, in advanre.... E. M. Sargent, Lowell, Mass., says : — then due to the highways. Our great­ “ Several rears ago, my daughter broke with large sores on her hands, Entered at the poetoffice at McMinnville er civilization of the present day was There are as many different proposi­ out face, and other parts of her body. The Oregon, as second-class matter. reached by the great energy displayed tions to “start" a democratic paper in case puzzled tlie doctors. My daughter Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it resulted in tlie building of tlie railways which Salem as there are candidates for the used a complete cure. Her blood seems to T he advertising R ates of T he T f . le - like a spider web stretch out in all di­ office of sheriff’. It is the easiest thing in have been thoroughly purilied, as she phoxe -R egistkr are liberal, taking in lias never had so much as a pimple consideration the circulation. Single rections. Railroad building has reach­ in the world to “start” a paper—the since taking this medicine.” inch. $1.00, each subsequent inch, $.75. ed its height and its progress in the fu­ trouble is to keep it going.— Statesman. “ This is to certify that after having Special inducements for yearly or semi- ture will be much slower. The excess been sick for twelve years with kidney yearly contracts. * * * ,, Our mail transportation service is in disease and general debility, and having of energy can very well be employed in been treated by several physicians with­ J ob W ork N eatly A jcd Q uickly E xecuted the construction of thoroughfares for a very chaotic condition, the usual out relief, I am now better in every re­ at reasonable rate« Our facilities are the best in Yamhill county and a* good the better civilization of communities. state of affairs during the storm season. aped, and think I am nearly well, a« any in the state A complete steam Our roads are in a very bad condition The mail came Friday bringing most having taken seven bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.”—Maria Ludwigson, plant insures quick work. and the nee«l of better ones is very ap­ of the three of four days back mail, but Albert Lea, Minn. * * * R esolutions of C ondolence and all O hit - parent to all who have cause to use with the numerous fallen trees, aud uary Poetry will be charged for a r regular them. In order that tlie jieople who other impediments to travel on the advertising rates. use the roads may get all the lienefit route, there is likely to lie a continua­ * ” * A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y possible out of them it is necessary that tion of these very annoying delays in rBrrAHID BT the person who sends them, not for pub­ lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non there lie some system adopted in their t lie service.— Headlight Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. de plume,” but for a guarantee of good construction and that it be adhered to Trice $1; >ix bottle., $5. Worth a bottle. faith. No publications will be published until tlie road is completed. The sug­ During the late war in the United unless so signed. • * * ,, x. gestion of Mr. Grissen in another col­ States Chili was the steadfast friend ADDBrss ALL CoMMfNICATIONS. EITHER COB umn is a good one. The only objection Executor's Notice. and helper of the North. It made very- the editorial or business departments, to Tn the County Court of the County of Yam­ T hi T elephone -R egister . McMinnville, being that it is not far-reaching enough. large contributions to the sanitary com­ state of Oregon, Oregon. This should become a government mea­ mission, and voluntarily paid an old hill In the matter of the estate of James 8 S ample C opies Or* T he T elephone -R e «. is - sure as the people are the ones eoneern- claim ¡lending since 1810. But then Flett, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under­ ter will be mailed to any person in the e«l and the benefit will be theirs direct­ Chili was not, so completely under the signed, George Flett, has been, by an order United States or Europe, who desires one, ly. The following suggestion might be dominance, commercially,*of England of the county court above named, duly ap­ free of charge followed and good result to the country. as it has become since the overthrow pointed as executor of the last will and tes­ of said James 8. Flett, deceased Wr. I nvite Y o V T o C omi - akk T he T ei . k - A commissioner of highways might of the Balmaceda government.— Tele­ tament Therefore all persons having claims PHoNE-REGtsTEB with any other paper against said estate are hereby notified and lie provided for, in the agricultural de­ gram. published in Yamhill county. required to present the same to the under­ partment, with a corps of engineers, signed at the law office of Ramsev A Fen­ All tubscribers who do not receive their and suitable appropriations made for A lot of ¡icople are fretting about the ton, in McMinnville, Oregon, within six paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ the prosecution of a general supervising farmers’ alliance going into politics in months from the date of this notice, duly verified. mediately reporting the mnt to this office work. Under the charge of this com­ Oregon in the coming election. They Dated this 13th day of January. A I) 1892. j 1-1*3 GEORGE FLETT, mission, full systems of maps should should not worry. The farmers'» alli­ Executor of said Estate. Thursday, January 14, 1892. be prepared with the details of construc­ ance and industrial union is an organi­ Ramsey & Fenton, Attorneys for said estate. tion, based largely upon the workings zation that is intensely political in the Major McKinley is now governor of of the state and county boards appoint­ discussion of the science of government. Notice of Final Settlement. ed for this purixise. For co-operation But it is not partisan. You can belong Ohio. He was inaugurated Monday. with this central bureau and the pros­ to the order and vote with Jay Gould In the county court of the county of Yam­ Representative Hermann has intro­ ecution of the work in tlie most thor­ or D. P. Thompson every time.— Ash­ hill, State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Geo.E.Getcli- duced his bill calling for the govern­ ough and practical way each state land Record. ell, deceased. mental supervision of the Yamhill riv­ should have its highway commission as Notice is hereby given that the under­ signed Martha A. Getchell as the adminis­ er and the improvement of all-tlie-year suggested by Mr. Grissen. It should The banking house and loan agency tratrix of the estate of George E. Getchell, round navigation to McMinnville and be charged with the highest interests of Portland that writes to an exchange deceased, has filed her final account of her for the construction of a dam and locks of the state in the way of maintaining that loans will not be made on country administration of said estate in the County of Yamhill County, Oregon, and at or near Lafayette. the system of roads as laid down by the property by reason of the board of Court said court has fixed Tuesday, March 8, A. D., 1892, at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. of general government anil for tlie general equalization assessing mortgages at said day at the County Court room at Mc­ Marriage it seems bus had a very sad public welfare. Then the most practi­ their full value, must have done little Minnville, Oregon, as the time and place of effect on the mind of McMahan, of the cal results would probably be obtained, business in the country and is not post­ hearing the same. Therefore all persons interested in said Woodburn Independent. He sees no­ by the division of the state into high­ ed. In almost every county, except estate are hereby notified and required to thing good in the affairs, political or way districts consisting of countiesand appear at said time and place and show Multnomah, mortgages have been as­ commercial, of the commonwealth of perhaps townships, each of which if anv there be why said account be sessed all the time since the passage of cause not allowed and said estate finally settled. Oregon. The milk of human kindness should have its overseer in full charge the law at their full valve. We have Dated this 6th day of January. A. D.1892. has soured within him. MARTHA A. GETCHELL, of the opening and construction of new yet to hear of any Ioan firms refusing to Administratrix of said Estate. roads in his district and tlie proper loan money on Lane county fanning Ramsev New York, were boys together and at­ sponsible for the expenditure of the reg­ property where the security was ade­ quate. — Eugen' Guard. tended the same school. Upon his ar­ ular appropriations for these pur|x>ses. SUMMONS rival at Washington Senator Dolph These districts could, if necessary, lie gave a supjier in his honor and it caus­ divided into smaller ones under sub­ The veterans of the civil war have In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, suffered many insults at the hands of for Yamhill County. ed considerable comment until the overseers. those who intended to compliment Win, Roberts. Plaintiff facts in the case became known. The importance and benefit of good them for the purpose of making them­ vs. roads on all conditions of men is not eas­ selves “solid with the soldier vote, but Daniel Parsons. C. 15. The Oregonian with probably $1,000,- Mann andT.E.Ehrenn- j ily estimated.* The effect upon the the worst insult was that given by berg. Defendants. | 000 is assessed at $59,600. It seems to business of the country would be won­ Representative Pickier, when he intro­ To T. E, Ehrenberg, one of the above l>e an easy matter to preach honest as­ named defendants: In name of the derful. Tlie principal point to 1 h > con­ duced a bill into tlie house granting Stat j of Oregon, you are the hereby notified sessment ill the editoral department, sidered in this matter is its effect upon free admission to the world’s fair to all and required to be* and appear in the above but the business department does not Court in the above entitled suit by our business, your business. We do who served in the army or navy of the named Monday, the 28th day of March. 1892. that practice. Here you can see the differ­ not expect to live long enough to see United States during the war. This is being the first day of first term of said court ence between actuality and theory. the effect of good roads upon business, “dead headism” run to seed. If there occurring after the expiration of the six weeks' publication hereof, and then and The articles on roads that have ap­ but, if this generation leaves sucli a be a Union veteran who wants to visit there answer the complaint filed therein by the said plaintiff, and you will take notice peared in this pape*r have created con­ monument to posterity tlie travel of the fair as a charity guest, just to save that, if you fail so to appear and answer, siderable comment on the part of the centuries will not efface it. Let us 50 cents admission to the grounds, lie for the want thereof, the plaintiff will ap­ to said court for the relief demanded is a dishonor to tlie uniform he wore. ply state press and the men concerned in build it. and prayed for in said complaint, which is, No doubt Pickier meant well enough— in brief, as follows, to-wit: For a decree their making. This week Mr. (.irissen, THE SITUATION. for Piekier—but there is such a thing against the defendant, Daniel Parsons, for of this city gives his ideas on the sub­ principal sum of $499 in V. 8. gold coin as shooting over tlie mark, and the pol­ the ject. Next week Mr. A. J. Apperson and interest thereon at the rate of ten per During tlie last week the probability itician who is out gunning for votesis cent per annum, from Nov 8, 1890, for $46 will write on the “Effect of Poor Roads of war with Chili was very remote in­ very apt to do it.— Oregonian. as attorneys fees in this suit, and for costs on Business." Articles on this impor­ and disbursements of this suit. deed. Since then the United States For a decree against all the defendants tant subject are requested from people has lieen holding an examination of The excellence of Oswego iron is at­ foreclosing the mortgage given by said Par­ who have an interest in this matter or the sailors of the Baltimore who were tracting attention and the placing of a sons on the 21st day of November, 1889, to an idea to express. the plaintiff, to secure the payment of said arrested by the Chilian authorities and Bessemer steel plant is already talked several sums of money, upon the following described property, to-wit: Being a so cruelly treated. Officially the rep ­ of. The Oswego iron is a far better iron portion of real The brakemen on the east side divis­ the donation land claim of J. B ion of the Southern Pacific railroad resentative of Chili announced some than that made in any western state. Rowland and wife, in t 3s, r 4 w, in Yam- county, state of Oregon, and beginning struck because of an order requiring nt time ago that the sailors, with the ex­ Tests that have been made have dem­ hill at the northeast corner of a parcel of land, least one brakeman upon tlie top of the ception of two, stated that the police onstrated this. It will be a great day deeded by William Ball to A. D. Runnels the 15th day of Nov., 187.5; earn all the time while in motion. The protected them from the mob and did for Oregon when her mineral produc­ on Thence running south 1.5.5 feet, thence men thought this an infringement on all that was possible for their protec­ tions become known and are utilized east «5.5 feet, thence north 1.5.5 feet, thence west 55 feet to the place of beginning, con­ their vested rights and struck. Tlie or­ tion. In the examination now being within her borders. taining 8525 square feet of land, in the town der was made to avert accidents if )>os- held not one man has lieen found who Of North Yamhill, ill said county and state. An I for a decree and order for the sale of sible and the brakemeu should not so testified before tlie Chilian court. said mortgaged premises in the manner strike on such a pretext. Witli all due They are unanimous in saying that the prescribed by law, to obtain funds with The election laws, the completion of precaution taken to stop accidents less attack was premeditated and that the which has been in tlie hands of State which to pay said several sums of money, police, instead of protecting them, beat interest, attorney’s fees, costs and disburse­ of them will occur and there will lie Printer Baker since Thanksgiving, are ments and accruing costs, and barring all less responsibility thrown upon the them, and in an instance or two arrest­ now in press. These laws, which are the interests of the several defendants in company. The brakemen should go ed and beat American sailors who had being published in pamphlet form by said premises and for such other and fur­ ther relief in the premises as may seem to applied to them for protection. Tlie back to work. the court meet with equity and good con­ evidence so far taken stamps the Chil­ order of the last legislature, will con­ science. tain what tlie constitution has to say ian investigation as a farce, gone This summons is to be served by publica­ The New York B’orirf remarks that regarding elections, together with the tion thereof for a period of six weeks,, by it will elect a democratic president this through witli for tlie express purpose of of Hon. R. P, Boise, Judge of said Australian ballot law enacted by the order court, made and bearing date of January year. This is consummate gall, surely. gaining time. Every man found wear­ last legislature, and also the primary 1802. R amsey A FENTON. The World undoubtedly stands at the ing the uniform of this country was ar­ Attorneys for Plaintiff*. election law in cities of over 2500 popu­ rested. The sailors were not intoxicat ­ head of newspapers in the world, aud it is democratic. But when it announc­ ed and were enjoying themselves on lation. These laws are for distribution SUMMONS. es, and takesail the glory in advance shore in various ways. Some were rid­ throughout the state, and will be sent the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, from the millions of patriotic and faith­ ing about tlie country, some attending by the secretary of state to the different In for Yamhill County. county clerks for distribution in their ful democrats who have stood by the the opera and some purchasing goods 1. W. Baird and Alice counties. In another week the laws M in tlie best business portion. Nearly Baird, Plaintiffs colors of the party and suffered defeat will be ready to send out. The road vs after defeat without surrendering or all were warned by resident Americans laws, the insurance laws, and the stock I E, A. Webster, ami hi> leaving the glorious banner of equality that they would be attacked after dark I wife, M. A. Webster, I inspector laws are also living printed in Defendants to all men, it takes a position untenable and some as soon as warned went to pamphlet form. | To M A Webster, one of the above named by the greatest and not in unity with th«* mole and there waited for their defendants: comrades. Tlie mob assaulted these Bvcklen ’ o Arnica Salve. party principles. 1 n the name of the State of Oregon : men and they were arrested by the po­ are hereby notified and required to Tile Best Salve in tlie world for Cuts, be You and appear in the above named court in The various newspapers of tlie coun­ lice. The attack was made on all men Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, the above entitled suit and answer the com­ ty are engaged in discussing the chanc­ wearing our uniform at the same hour Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, plaint tiled against you therein by the es of death among them. The law of in all parts of the city and was plainly Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­ plaintiffs by Monday, the 28th day of March tions. and positively cures Piles or no A. D., 1892; that being the first day of the evolution will have its effect in the prepared as an insult to this country. first term of said court following the expir­ matter of newspapers and tlie fittest England is uow—to us«“ an American pay required. It is guaranteed to give ation of six weeks publication of this sum­ perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ mons; and you will take notice that if you will survive. Evolution seems to lie term—“crawfishing" in the Chilian ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale fail so to appear and answer said complaintj dealing very well with the T ele ­ matter. Naval attaches of the iega- by Rogers Bros. for the want thereof, the plaintiffs will ap­ ply to said court for the relief demanded in phone -R egister , and while the other tion in this country have been look- till F.RTISEll LETTER LIST. ! said compaint. which is in brief, as follows, ¡«pers are discussing this matter it is ing around our navy yards and have to-wit: furnishing news and good reading mat­ noted the rapid progress and unus- This 1.1st is Publish««! Fucinai rely In this For a decree in favor of the plaintiffs and against said defendants for the sum of ten ('. F. DANIELS. ter to the people. The people support ual push lieing made on our warships Paper Every Two Weeks. thousand dollars ($10,000 00) with interest the papers and if the editors of the 7x9 and have riqxirted “this to their home thereon since May 15,1890, at the rate per* cent, per annum; Following are the letters reniainiiigfor of seven papers of this county consider flint they government. England at last has the further sum of $500.00 as are entertaining their readers by dis­ conic to the conclusion that we mean two weeks in tlie postoffleeat McMinn­ for attorney's fees and for costs and disburse­ ments of this suit; for a decree foreclosing cussing the question of the nunilier of business, and her blow and bluster lias ville, Oregon, Jan. 13th, 1891 ; I the mortgage executed bv the said defend­ Dunn, J II papers and their chance of life, they are been greatly modified, The opinion of Albia, E—2 ants to the plaintiffs on the 15tli day of May, Fowler, A W at liberty to consider this evidence of that government is not considered,and Allen, J R j 1890, to secure the payment of said sums of Batchelor, F M Harding, Jas money, upon the following described real good judgment aud editorial ability on she is at lilierty to do ns she pleases in Bellis, Ad Scott, O D ' premises, to-wit: the part of themselves. We prefer to the matter. Cook, Mrs Jennie Sampson, J B The donation land claim of J. R. Derby! Have Just Received From THE EAST. and Ann Derby, his wife, and being the Venable, .1 no furnish more interesting matter. The The Chilian minister to this country Cummins, Jno cast half of the northcast quarter of section , West, R. price of this paper is $2 per year, and is aware of our greatness and is doing Claypool, Jesse twelve (12) and the southeast quarter of Parties calling for the above letters section one (1) in township 3 south, range the verdict of tlie people is that they all he can to bring his country to an 4 and the southwest quarter of section get their money's worth; probably the apology. His efforts seem to have very will please say “Advertised.” If not six west, (6) and the northwest fraction of the only instance of this in tlie county. little result. The apology is past due, called for in two weeks they will be northwest quarter of section seven (7) town­ sent to the dead letter office as “ un ­ ship 3 south, range 3 west; also the home­ the three days of grace have expired stead claim of John M. Gates, No. 854, and claimed. ” J. C. C ooper , P. M. and it is the desire of tlie people that Multnomah already has her oar in being the southwest quarter of the south­ In Genuine Oak Must be Seen to be Appreciated. east quarter and lot No. three (3)of section the .state tax levy matter. When there the debt l>e collected without further : six (6) and lots No two (2), three (3), four is a chance you can always depend up delay. (4) and live (5)of section seven (7) in town­ THE PRICES ARE BELOW THOSE OBTAINED IN PORTLAND •»«.»»/ 'if tnoqn noil jpj HH* ittßßnap ship 3 south, range 3 west, save and except It has been ascertained beyond the on it that Multnomah makes a kick. 1 from said homestead that part thereof con- She wants the earth, the democratic possibility of a doubt that the navy de­ ooi aq Xuui moj 1 | veyed bv John M. Gates to J. Harrison on - joui - ox ¿ noX lou Xq/A partment, since tlie receipt of tlie first and republican parties. The county September 22, 1875, by deed recorded at I ispuBsnoqi paano swq u pages 27.5 and 276 of book “P" of records of judge was before the state board want­ news from the inquiry instituted by the deeds of said county of Yamhill, said tract PARLOR SL ITS, PICTURE FRAMES, ’P\") ‘vsoH inuv$ ing the assessment made on the mils as government has redoubled preparations excepted being fifty acres. And also the *P1°H iwiuapioao Jopi jdojf{ | following described tract of land, being lot turned in by the assessor. This puts for war. Tlie feeling all over the coun­ ‘HSdd.lí V n Manc SPRING BEDS, EASY (HAIRS, No. four (4) of section six (6) in township sum i SÁÜp Mdj « ui pur snoj mortgages at 30 js‘r cent of their face try is unanimous for the upholding of 3 south, range 3 west of the Willamette -noujitu isotapj uú puq ’pioq I Meridian, containing seven acres. All of MATTRESSES, Am oj vox Xdupix notaio HU" LOUNGES, value. The board of equalization rais­ our dignity and thousands of hats Valúan *J(I Bia« oauappojj pun | said tracts conveyed by saiup¡s¡ ’. state board made asses of themselves in ble and industrious lives. This a record An 1 RAMSEY & FENTON. Attorneys for Plaintiff. jan? of which the army may well lie proud. the eyes of the jieople of the state. W-W-Wh-W.“*. W. W.W. W. W. W.WW. « M I AT REDUCED PRICES IN JANUARY! Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, WE HAVE SOME BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S OVERCOATS LEFT WHICH WE WILL CLOSE OUT AT COST! KAY & TODD this should meet your eye. I F And you are needing Furniture, A. J. APPERSON, o o M c M innville “ Where shall I go?" would be your cry. On reading such an ad. as this You find a chance you should not miss. If this should meet your eye. If this should meet your eye. And you need aught that's in his line To EVENDEN'S you straight would hie. To test his goods for quality. His price is bound to make yo buy. If this should meet your eye. WE WANT YOUR EYE Points to Remember for 1892, in the purchase of Gro- ceries. Fully one-half of the People do not stop to consider the money they can save during the year in purchasing goods of a firm that pays strict attention to the selling of First Class Goods at a Small Profit. People usually go to the nearest place regardless of cost. We sell our goods cheap and deliver them at your door. You will be able find every thing in the grocery line in our store. We are in it—The Grocery Business; and we will al­ ways give you the best goods in the city for the money. We give cash or trade for all produce, suit yourself in the matter. de sou Fruit Growers, Attention! 5,000 ACRES -------- OF THE-------- Finest Fruit Land uTe Willamette Valley To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and upwards; one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per annum. Most all of this land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is wMiin 3 mi'cR of Amity. Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped from this jioint last year. For particulars apply to or address Will. F. BREIDENSTEIN AMITY FRUIT LAND COMPANY, AMITY. YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. from Terminal or Interior Pointe Ih; If ho be Mire mid call for your ticket* via (be is the Line to Take Io all Points East & South It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs Through VESTIBULED TRAINS Every Day in !he Year to THE FURNITURE DEALERS ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO A Large Stock of Furniture! Our 16th Century Bookcases, Secretaries, Etc., Etc., Bedroom Suits from $17 to $100. ARE YOU GOING EAST It is positively the shortest anil flint, line to Chicago and the east and south and tlie only sleeping and dining car through lue to Kam&i City, and all Miso«»ari River Point. piiinwimvhGRoini sn:mr iiiuaha, TOl'RIXT XLEEHAG CARS Ito uiagniliceut steel track, unsurpassed train service and elegant dining and deeping cars has honestly earned for It the Itle of (Of I.atcM Equipjut nt. i Best that can L<* consti t*< te ■ ei>y Full information < « i < j . , g ii-r of trains, rout< a arnl od < : ifrtail» fami on application to anv agent, or A D < MARLTON. Asst General Passenger The JFtoyal Route Oliera way imitate,but none can aurpaas it Our motto is "alwava on time.” Be aure and ask ticket agent* for •la thia celebrated route 41 mm . W H 1 No, t Washington turaet. Gcurial Office Of tlie C' oid | iku ) , N<», 121 Viral St , Cor. Wallington. Portami. « • a year I« lieinff r.i«de by John R. ir. I roy.N .1 .. .-it v»