Deeds Recorded. On the opposite side of the sheet was I the following: Chas D Jump to Wm Manchester Last Tuesday forenoon the farm resi­ There is also $67 in my pocket besides 190 acres d 1 c Wm Dempsey in sec 25, If you intend to by- an organ or piano H. C. COOK MURDERS J. H. STINE dence of Mrs, C. E. Robertson, at my months pay in the pay car. See t 2 s, r 4 w; $1200. 3, 1891 cal) on C. Grissen. December Unionvale, six miles south of Dayton, me neatly buried. I am your friend, AND THEN KILLS HIMSELF. Eliza N Lynch to John Lynch, 56 The body of J. H. Stine was taken was destroyed by fire, with all that it do not mourn me as I am of no use. to Independence for interment. acres in t 4 s, r 4 w; $1000.' rOSTOFKICE HOUKS. contained. Mrs. Robertson was out in Flie Act of an Insane Man-—No Provoca­ H enry C ook . Carry the largest Stock of Drugs Safe crackers are at work in Salem S L Parrett to Henry Parrett, lot 4, From 7 a m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p. Our night watch should keep his eyes the yard at the time the fire occurred tion Whatever—Walking Down the Rail­ The above letter was found by Jas. blk 5, also pt of blk 5, Dundee; $150. in the County; di . to 8:30 p. m. and did not discover the fire until it road Track He Suddenly Draws a Re­ Neville, E. W. E. Livingood and H. Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. peeled. John B David to Harrison Crater, had gained such headway as to be be ­ Campbell, section hands, all of whom Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m The bank of commerce at Junction volver and Commences to Shoot. lots 5 and 6, blk 12, Central add to Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail city opened its doors for business this yond control. She rushed into the Make a Specialty of Prescrip­ identify the handwriting as that of H. Newberg; $40. north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. in. house to try and extinguish the flames Sunday, November 29th, at about Cook. In the pockets of Cook was Mail for 5:45 a. m train closes evening week. tions; ’ B F Burch to John Nelson, sJ of n el before at 9 p m First Lieut. Faison of the 1st Inf. is or save such articles as she could, but 3:30 p. tn. the news reached this city found $64 15, he having proba­ sec 31, 12 s, s 2 w, 80 acres; $200. 1 Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail in the city recruiting for his regiment. it was too late; the house and contents bly spent $2 85 at Amity for whiskey. Oscar Faulconer to Sarah M Drum- closes at 11 a in. A sergeant, corporal and a private ac­ were doomed to destruction. She went that a tragedy had occurred near Whites 1 Make a Specialty of Private Rec­ Station. A reporter from this paper,in He - did not have a family and as yet no meller, lots 6, 7 and 8, blk 3, Bi bees add company him. out and called to some men who were relatives have been found. He was a ipes; company with several other young men 1 CHURCH NOTICES. to Sheridan; $600. A family arrived in town last week at work in the drying house near by. member of Lincoln-Garfield Post,G. A. of this city, immediately borrowed a 1 from Iowa. They come seeking health Katie G Ferguson to Z E Perkins, M ethodist E piscopal C hurch —Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m and 7:00p tn, and will more than likely make this The men ran to the burning building handcar and started for the scene. Up­ R., of East Portland, and was in good lot 4, blk 15, Lafayette; $400. Offer you Lowest Prices; and did wbat they could to save prop­ on arriving at White’s Station it was standing. Sunday School at 9:30 a, m Braver meet­ their permanent home. He served through the war, < Z E Perkins to Chas Carlson and ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. erty. By this time Charley Robertson, in Co. A 35th New Jersey Win Johnson, lot 4, blk 15, Lafay-ette; Rev. T. H. Henderson of Sheridan, learned that the shooting had taken enlisting < R ev J. T A bbett , Pastor. will speak again in the Christian church who had been plowing some distance place about a mile south on the track. Inf. The body of Cook was brought to Devote ourselves strictly to our CuMBBBLAiro P resbyteriax C hurch — Tuesday $400. evening, Dec. 8, 1891. A cor­ from the house arrived on the scene, Services every Sabbath at 11 a. nt. and 7 p this city Sunday night and the G.A.R. Own Business; A few minutes brought them to the 1 Oliver F Burch to Samuel Phlster,lot dial invitation is extended to all. m Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. with some neighbors. All that was Post of this city took charge of it, ship­ R ev W iley K nowles , Pastor The elevators of tlie east are filled saved from the house was a gold watch spot. In the ditch on the west side of ping it to Lincoln-Garfield Post on 55, Hurley’s sub-division; $305. B aptist C hurch .—Services every Sabbath with the great crop of grain and the the track lay the body of J. H. Stine, 1 Miss Mary Walling to W G Buffura, Adopt the Latest Methods of Dis­ at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday School at railroads are blocked. This is the great­ small album and perfume case, and a editor of the Whiteson Advance, a Monday afternoon. pt d 1 c E C Williams in t 5 s, r w; $60. 9,55 a. ni. R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor. est crop in the history of the United small amount of lumber torn from the newspaper lately started, with a bul­ J. H. Stine is known to many in this Edgar Poppleton to Judy- Gray 120 pensing Medicines; building. The house had been remod­ let hole in the back of his neck. His city. Several years ago he worked on acres in t 3 s, r 5 w; $300. McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of H., States. 1 meet in their hall the first and third Satur­ It is rumored at Whiteson that Cook eled about three years since and was head was toward the north and he lay 1 the Reporter while in the hands of the J 8 Hibbs to R B Hibbs the nJ of n Keep posted in our business; day of each month at 10 a. ni. Visitors shot Stine because of some remarks in valued at $1200; insured in the State Bros. Drink was his curse, w} and s e} of n w] and n wj of s e] upon his back with his hands tightly Snyder ! cordially invited. J. It B ooth , Master. the latter ’ s paper about Cook and the Insurance Co., of Salem, for $800. Mrs. he was a man. He leaves a and the n ej of sec 16, t 3 s, r 6 w, 320 Mrs. II. A. H embree , Sec, clinched over his breast. Beneath him otherwise 1 woman with whom lie boarded. How (Keep faith with our friends and much truth there is in the report we Robertson was badly burned on the was his gold headed umbrella. On his wife and one child. When the Inde­ acres; $4000. head, shoulders and hands. Dr. Odell forehead was a bruise, the result of strik­ pendence Post of G. A. R. was organ­ Local and General are unable to state. customers and deal strictly Investment Co to Rosa Bell Guild Miss Marguerite Griffith, of Clymer, dressed the burned parts and she is suf­ ing a tie as be fell. Death was instantan­ ized in tiiat city he was elected its first blk 9. Oak Park add to McMinnville; upon honor. Al Hussey, of Portland, spent Sun­ Oregon, was married on Friday last to fering no great inconvenience there­ eous. About 15 feet south lay the body commander. Very little can be learned $700. ' day in this city. • L.H. M’ Malian, editor of the Wood­ from. Mrs. Robertson was preparing of his military history and it is doubt­ F H Gregory to George Bently lots of H. C. Cook, section boss of the nar ­ H. J. Little is talking of going into burn Independent Miss Griffith is a to move to Portland within a week or row gauge line. In his right hand, ful if he was eligible to membership. 5, 6 and 7, blk 14, Rowland’s add to sister of Mrs. G A. Peebles and has nu­ the livery business at Falls City. two,and liad a large lot of canned fruit, tightly grasped, with his finger on the It is said that he was a member of the McMinnville; $800. merous friends in this city. A number of our sports left for Wap­ apples and other family supplies in the trigger, was a 38 Smith & Wesson long Pennsylvania reserve during the war, I B Gentry to Charles Fisher 37.50 A number of Polk county hop farm­ c innville regon ato lake on the early morning train. ers have sold their crop, 29,000 pounds, house, as had also Charley, her son, barrelled revolver. He lay on his back resembling the O. N. G., and did not acres in 15 s, r 6 w, $937. Tlie Monmouth Democrat lias pulled to Herren & Levy at 15 cents. Others who was to occupy the building—all between the rails, the right arm lieing see active service. Stine has the repu­ Levina A Watt to Mary Jane Jonah up stakes and gone to Dufur, Oregon. are holding 30,000 for a rise and some went up in smoke—there was an abun­ against the east rail. In the right tem­ tation of starting more newspapers in 4 1-20 acres in John Watt die; $200. Ross Holman, of Oregon City, spent have shipped direct to London. Next dance of roasted potatoes, etc., there this state than any other man in it. 8 A Manning to W T Shurtleff’lots Thanksgiving with his parents in this y-ear, says the Itemizcr, will see in­ after the fire. Another house will prob­ ple was a bullet hole and in the left creased acreage. breast was another. He also was dead. He was erratic and of a wandering dis­ 1.2,7and 8,blk 16,Johnsadd to McMinn­ city. ably be built on the place soon -Dayton There was one witness to the affair and position and as soon as he had estab­ ville; $1500. The Waldo lulls coal tunnel is now The next term at the college will be­ Herald. from him we learned all the facts. Sun­ lished a paper and placed it upon a pay­ Louisa Burch to W T Shurtleff 33.87 120 feet and the coal is improving in gin next Monday. It will be a favora­ quality. ble time for new students to enter,since Assessment Differences. day morning J. H. Stine, H. C. Cook, ing basis he would sell out and move to acres in 14 s, r 4 w; $2116.87?. there will be a number of new classes Jas. Neville, and several other people some other field. W. Shurtleff has sold his interest in B F Munroe to Flavel M Sumner lots at that time. The last cata- That there was reason for the creating His killing by Cook can not be ex­ 291 and 292 Dayton; $1009. the Force block to Capt. Handley, of organized living at Whiteson walked to Amity for loge will gladly be sent to anyone who a state board of equalization is seen by this city. the purpose of having a drink or so, as plained except that Cook was insane United States to < ’has F Barrett 81.21 may wish to examine it. a comparison of the assessment rolls as the town of Whiteson is a dry town. and being contemplating his own death, acres in t 3 s, r 2 w. The A. O. U. W. lodge meets on Fri­ day night this week. Election of of­ Messrs. Rhodes & Rhodes have received from the several counties of Upon arriving there they entered tlie as he drew the pistol to kill himself,Stine Rudolf Wenger to Robt Hertig 145.32 bought out the office and business of the state. These rolls come to the sec­ ficers. Be there. saloon and had two drinks around, just a few steps in advance proved too acres in t 2 s, r 3 w; $1750. Messrs. Shurtleff & Little, of this city, A meeting of Camp Hembree, Indian and will carry on at the same old stand retary of state in all condition, showing tempting a mark for his weak brain Mary A Bry-an to A E (Keas land in war veterans, will be held in Lafayette a general real estate, insurance, collec- that no two county assessors have the Stine and Cook purchasing a small and the shot was fired at Stine. If the flask of whiskey apiece. About noon Willamina; $30. tomorrow at one o’clock. tio i and Ioan business. Business left same understaning of the assessment Stine, Cook and Neville started for other man had not started on the run A B Mayes to D O Durham, W J Two lady cousins of Mrs. Chas.Kline with them promptly attended to. law, perform their work in the same home. They were not intoxicated and immediately Cook probably would have Rogers, and A R Mays, directors of have arrived from Sweden. They are Dr. L. A. Kent’s family, consisting manner, or put anything like the same tlie conversation was on commonplace shot at him. delighted with the country. dist No. 46, 1 acre in t 4 s, r 4 w; $15. of mother and sister,arrived last Thurs­ valuation on property of the same kind. Mrs. Garvin, the lady to whom Emma Moore to Amelia E Kinslow A young lady desires a situation in a day and are at home in Jas. Flett’s In adjoining counties horses are as­ topics. On Saturday, the day before, private family. Call at residence of M. new house on First street. The Rose­ the Advance, of which Stine was tlie Cook left his belongings, has been pt of A G Phillips die, sec 15, t 3 s, r J. Henry, in rear of court bouse. burg Review says: “Dr. Kent is a skill­ sessed at $20 or $50 as the whim of the editor, had suspended publication, and keeping a boarding house in Whiteson 2 w; $4400. Tom, the Chinaman, has leased the ful physician and has a host of friends assessor may dictate. In some coun­ the conversation was on this when they and Cook has been boarding there for Estella Worthington to A B Faul­ laundry to another Mongol. Tom will in this county who wish him well in ties horses are assessed at $53 54 and in entered the cut about a mile north of the five months past. She was in the coner 24 acres in t 5 s r 6 w; $600. his new location. ” keep a lodging house in Portland. in others at only $19 48. The highest Amity on the broad gauge. Stine was city Monday and wanted the’property ltucklen’s Arnica Salve. The Whiteson Advance plant is own­ The state board of equalization should assessment per head on cattle is $17 35 walking three or four paces in advance immediately but was told by the coro­ ed by the Land company. They are now be in session. One of the reasons and the lowest $10. The different as­ talking about his paper and Cook and ner that she could not have it until the The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, now looking for a man to take charge. for not being is that only four of them sessors value sheep all the way from Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Neville were together in the rear. Ne­ proper time. were there on time and it takes five to Rhodes Bros, have purchased the make a quorum. Besides there are six $1 05 to $2 per head and swine from ville said that he was walking along Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Strong Witnesses. business of Shurtleff oint witli a load of lumber, was knocked off terms. Enquire at this office. inch below the base of the brain and by December 20th, I will ask those who broken prolongs their lives. A case in point: and entertaining even to those who do the load; but not stunned severely. Oc­ are owing me to come up and settle on had completely shattered the spinal Blankets of all colorsand qualities not accept that theory. currences of this kind are very unusual at Kay & Todds’. Better step in and column, causing instant death. The or before December 20th. By so doing Mrs. Belden an estimable and elderly lady of 510 Mason St, S. F. was for months declining so The postmaster states that money is in the Willamette valley. The report look at them. bullet lodged just beneath tlie skin un­ they will save trouble anil unnecessary rapidly as to seriously alarm her family. It got continually coming to people in this of the stroke was plainly heard here. expense. F. D ielschneider . Several novel and late style pieces of so bad that she was finally afflicted with fainting der the jaw on the left side. The first' city and very ^little going out. The jewelry are displayed by Wm. Holl. shot fired by Cook at himself must have spells. She writes: “While in that dangerous money order business of the city does lie Rode on the Blind Baggage. Jewelry makes a very acceptable pres­ condition I saw some of the testimonitls con­ A Very Big Story. not nearly pay the orders received. been the one through the breast. This ent for'Christmas. cerning J.V. 8. and sent for a bottle. That marked Wednesday $400 in orders were receiv­ Tuesday evening Will Work of Can­ the turning point. I regained my lost flesh and ed by the people of the city, this neces­ Tlie Oregonian remarks that demo­ All parties desiring Oregon grown entered the left breast about one inch sitating a draft upon the New York crats have a sovereign contempt for fruit trees should call on A. M. Dee, to the right and two inches above the ; by came up on the blind baggage of the strength and have not felt so well in years.” That was two years ago and Mrs. Belden is well post office for that amount. newspapers. This is not so. The great­ who is handling stock from the Oswego left nipple. It missed his lieart by; California express. His clothes caught and hearty to-day, and still taking J. V. 8. about an inch and would not have fire from the sparks and were burning The tug of war will be held at the ar­ est daily papers in the United States nursery. All stock guaranteed. mory Saturday night. The entertain­ are democratic. The array of republi­ Buckingham's dye for the whiskers caused instant death. The other shot I briskly, when his loud cries of pain If you are old or feeble and want to be built up. ment will be free. J. E. Magers, John can be applied when at home, and is entered the right temple and passed and despair, as well as the appearance Ask for Hobbs, O. H. Irvine and G. S. Wright can editorial ability when compared uniformly successful in coloring a squarely through the head and lodged of fire attracted the attention of the en­ still challenge any four men in the city. j with the democratic array is very brown or black. Hence its great popu­ beneath the skin on the opposite side. I gineer and fireman. The train was Inn’e Ve«etable If there are four men who are willing scant. Tlie greatest magazines have larity. to pull they should be at the armory on This undoubtedly caused instant deatli. I stopped and Work put in a passenger Saturday night. The ladies are invited. j democratic tendencies. There are more You no doubt know how nice it is to As far as known there was no provoca-’ car. Arrived in this city, he was taken Jliy v Sarsaparilla sleep between woolen blankets these We haven’t the space to enumerate everything we carry in stock, democratic papers read by the people After tlie pull the gymnastic apparatus nights. Those 72x88 inch white | tlon for the deed and it was the spas­ to a physician, who found that his back Most modern, most effective, largest bottle. but will say that all the goods usually carried by a fi rate lass Grocery can be used by all who so desire. I of these United States than of any cold Seine price. 11.00, six for *5.00. all wool blankets at Kay & Todds’ modic act of an insane brain, caused by ! was badly scorched. 1 Store will be found here, and at prices as reasonable as auv store in the Arrangements have been made by other political faith. The three great­ can’t be beaten for qualitty and price SOLD BY ROGERS BROS. , city. Below will be found a partial of what we carry: which services will be had at St. James est papers on earth are the New York in this or any other city of the state. the too frequent use of spirits. Both : A Safe Investment- men were heavy drinkers but have Episcopal church, of this city, in the ll’ortrf, Herald and Nun,all democratic. You can buy a pair for $7.50. Is one which is guaranteed to bring | Axle Grease. Baking Powder of all kind*, near future. The Rev. G. B. Van never associated much together. Settlement Notice. Watter, of East Portland, will officiate Candles, Candies, For some time past the section hands you satisfactory results, or in case of Card of Thanks. failure a return of pnrehase price. On twice each month on week day even- Catsup, Canned Vegetables have noticed that Cook lias been grow­ this safe plan you can buy from our ad­ AT ngs, and the general missionary of this It is now the time of year to settle up I feel it my duty in behalf of myself Table Fruits, Canned Fruits, Chocolate, Druggists a bottle of Dr. King’s diocease will hold occasional services accounts, and we take tins means of re­ ing more erratic and liis room mate vertised New Discovery forConsumption. It is Extracts, Coffees, on Sundays. It isexpected that a resi­ and children to express our sincere Oat Meal, said that lately he had heard him mut- j dent clergyman for this mission will be thanks to all who so kindly assisted us questing all persons who are indebted tering and talking to himself during I guaranteed to bring retief in every ease, Corn Meal, White and Yellew, Rolled Wheat, to us to eall and settle without further when used for any affection of Throat, obtained in the not far distant future. i during our great loss. Graham Flour, Hominy, the night. Buckwheat Flour. Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, notice. We are in need of money. The literary and musical entertain­ W m . L ambert . Split Peas, Pearl Barley, Cook was an unmarried man and Intlamation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth ­ C ai . breath & G oucher . ment at the college Friday night prom­ i McMinnville. Lafayette and Sheridan Flour. j from the following letter found beneath ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., Swifts Celebrated Lard, ises to be one of special interest; con­ A PRISONER OF WAR. Hams and Breakfast Bacon, Died. Oysters, the quilt upon his bed, suicide had etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to sisting of a declamation in Latin by­ taste, perfectly safe, and can always Every line is full of human interest. I Pickles. (_ Mr. Royse, with a translation by Mr. Syrup, in cans and in bulk, been premeditated. The letter is as be depended uixm. .. Trial bottle free at L ambert —Mrs. A. E. Lambert, wife .................. Lyman Latourette; the “scrap-basket” The remarkable adventures of fico fugi­ Soaps Tobacco and Cigars, , Baskets, of Wm. Lambert, of this city, on follows: Rogers Bros’. Drugstore. bn Mias Haynes; an exhibition by the tives from a Confederate jail. Watch W hites , November 29, 1891. Saturday, Nov. 28, 1891, of pneumo­ Brooms, Tubs, Churns, ealisthenic class and an address by­ for the opening chapters in this paper. nia. Funeral held Sunday 2 p. m. M rs . M. G arwin : White and Decorated Crockery, China, Prof. Brownson. There will also be from tlie Methodist church. I leave all my per­ Glassware, Lamps, good vocal and instrumental music. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Every Description, at Prices Of The usual admission fee will tie charged. I And other articles too numerous to mention. “At last, I can eat a good square Change of life, backache, monthly sonal effects, money, etc., to you. Good When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. Cheaper than Ever. Thousands of lives are saved annually meal without its distressing me!’’ was troubles, hot flashes, sleeplessness, diz­ . bye and God bless you. I leave you When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria We would be pleased to have you call and inspect our goods and by the use of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. the grateful exlamation of one whose ziness, nervousness, are cured by Dr. everything in section house. Bed- When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. Iu the "treatment of croup and whoop­ appetite had been restored by the use of Miles’ Nervine, recently discovered by stove, pipe, matting on floor, trunk and ' learn our prices We deliver our goods free to any part of the city. You Given Awaway. Examine the the great Indiana specialist. Elegant When she had Children, «he gave them Castoria. ing cough, the Pectoral has a most Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, after years of dvs- “ Little Beauty. ” will always find our advertisement in the papers and not on our delivery ; effects, 1 pair blankets, 3 quilts mat- j books and trial bottles free at Rogers marvelous effect. It allays inflamma­ peptic misery. A teaspoonful of this wago; Every or.e knows Bob. and any orders given him will receive at­ $50.00 OI3G-.A.3ST. tion, frees the obstructed air passages, extract liefore each meal sharpens the Bros.' or bv mail 10 cents. MBes Med­ - tress, 1 pillow ami lied stead. ical Co., Elkhart, Ind. 5 tention. Respectfully. WALLACE