* Look at our fine all wool Oregon blankets, direct from the Factory; 15 per cent, less than Portland prices. BLANKETS! KAY & Special sale of underwear this month; look in corner window; immense assortment; learn the prices; costs nothing to look. UNDERWEAR! Overcoats in all colors and in all sizes at small prices. i OVERCOATS! T odd , M c M innville , O regon . The weather is getting cold and now is the time to buy W inter Goods, We get our blankets direct from the factory and have the best value for the money in the city; get our line of underwear, overcoats, rubber goods, clothing, etc. will speak for itself. We positively have double the assortment of any other prices and judge for yourselves. Our < clothing house in the city, and we invite you to INSPECT OTJR GOODS AND COMPARE PRICES Buy where you can get the best goods for the least money.______ Secretary Proctor, of the war depart­ held to be his residence. (>. The place where an unmairied ment, in his last report favors the re­ The Full and Complete Law as Passed man sleeps shall lie considered and held turn of men to civil life after one or by the Last Legislature. two enlistments in the army. Too long to be his residence. HARDING A HEATH. Publishers. service in the army unfits a man for 7. If a person shall go from this See. 7. In case one or more of said the duties of civil life, and it is impossi­ SUBSCRIPTION BATES. judges of election shall not lie present state into any other state or territory One Copy. per year, inadvance................... ♦- 0« at the time prescribed for opening the and there exercise the right of suffrage, ble for him to Iteeome a bread-winner Ona Capy, six months in advance............... 1 00 polls the electors present may elect a he shall be^considered and held to have outside the service. The army in this way would to a certain extent prepare qualified person from their number to lost his remdenee in this state. Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville the nation for war during peace. The 8. All qualified electors shall vote act as such judge of election. Oregon, as second-class matter. age of enlistment has been dropped to n case one or more of said?" tbe election precinct in the county Sec 8. Ii. _ ______ ___ „ __ „. where they may reside for county offi­ 39 years and none but men of good clerks shall not be present at the time T he advertising K ates or T he T ki . e - character are admitted. Slowly but ruoxE-REGisTKr. are liberal, taking ill of opening tlie polls, the judges of elec­ cers; or in any county of a congression­ consideration the circulation. Single tion shall appoint a suitable person to al district in which such electors may surely the time is arriving when every inch. >1.09, each snbeequent inch. citizen of the United States will know- reside for members of congress. Special inducements for yearly or seiin- act as clerk of said election. something of the actual service of the See. 17. It shall be the duty of yearlv contracts. See. 9. AU general or special elections 03 * * * . .. the judges of election, or the chairman army. It is to be hoped that the Eu­ hereafter held in this state shall be con ­ J ob W ork N eatly A sd Q uickly E xecuted at reasonable rates Our facilities are ducted under the provisions of this act, thereof, immediately before proclama­ ropean system will not l>e followed. the best in Yamhill county and as g V A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or that the {Kills will lxi closed in half an judges, than tlie chairman, shall have creature, the servant, of the states, the the editorial or business departments, to hour. The judges, in their discretion the custody of the keys. people, and not vice versa. T he T elephone -R egister . McMinnville, may adjourn the polls at 1 o’clock for Sec. 18. In all incorporated cities Oregon. and towns in this state, no person shall American ordnance and armor has S ample C opies O f *T he T elephone -R egis ­ one hour, proclamation of tlie same be­ approach within fifty feet of the polls been shown by tests to be superior to ter will be mailed to any person in the ing made, but tlie judges and clerks United States or Europe, who desires one, shall keep together, and at no time when open for the purpose of receiving any other in the world. With a few free of charge shall more than one of them lie out of i votes, except such jieace officers as are more ships and a number of American particularly selected or appointed by seaman seamen the navy would be su­ W k I nvite Y ou T o C ompare T he T ele ­ the presence of the others. Tlie liallot phone -R egister with any other paper boxes, {Kill books, liallot stubs ami tally the judges to preserve order or enforce perior to anything afloat. I n the army published in Yamhill county. sheets shall be constantly kept together tlie law within such limits, and electors the governments of Europe have paid in the presence and view of at least four actually desiring and proceeding to the expense of experimenting, and All gubgcriberg who do not receive their of the said officers from the opening of vote, and but ten electors shall be per­ American inventors are at work on paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ mediately reporting the game to thi»*office the {tolls until the count is completed mitted to approach within fifty feet of what will lie the greatest magazine gun and tlie returns signed and sealed a« the {Kills at the same time; provided in the world. hereinafter provided, and after the however, that the said judges of elec­ - Thursday, November 26, 1891 count has once begun it shall continue tion shall, if (requested, permit one per­ WE ARE HERE TO STAY ! until fully completed, without any ad­ son from each {xilitical party, selected TO OUR READERS. journment and in the presence of all by the party, to stand outside of the guard rail at the {tolls, while open for tlie judges and clerks. M c M innville , - O r . T elephone -R egihteh has Sec. io. In all special elections the receiving votes, for the purpose of chai-1 I have just opened one door south made arrangements with the American certificates of nomination may lx- filed lenging voters; and the said judges of | of the T elephone -R egister office, Press Association, a syndicate formed at any time between the date of the election shall, if requested, permit the The only Store of the kind in the respective candidates, or some person for the purpose of furnishing newspa- writ authorizing the election and tlie City that carries this selected by a candidate or by several time of holding the election and in all Line of Goods. with special matter by the prominent candidates or by a {xilitical party, to lx? other matters and proceedings therein Sell our Goods at Portland We writers of the day, whereby it will be Prices. the provisions of this act shall apply so present in the room, but outside the guard rail, where the said judges are allowed to publish the illustrated copy­ far as the same are applicable to such Come and examine our goods be­ during tlie time of receiving and count­ fore purchasing elsewhere. righted serial, “A Prisoner of War.” s(ieeial election. Sec. 11 It shall be the duty of each ing the votes. Such election shall be The date of the appearance of the first M rs . A. E. GALLUP. evidenced by a writing signed jby tlie installment will be given in due time. judge or clerk of election or any elector chairman and secretary of such |»olit- present to challenge any i>erson offer­ It is written by Alfred Rochefort Cal­ ing to vote whom he shall know or sus­ ical party, or by the candidate or can­ didates, and presented to and filed with houn. He was a major of infantry pect not to be qualified as an elector. during the rebellion and was for seven Sec. 12. If a person offering to vote tlie judge. Sec. 19. For the purpose of holding months a prisoner at Libby and Charl­ is challenged as unqualified by any one ! elections and preserving order at the eston. The^serial is the actual experience enumerated in section 11, the chairman polls, the judges of election are hereby of the said judges shall administer to appointed and invested with the juris­ of the author and another Union offi­ biin tlie following oath for affirmation: cer. This serial will lx- as interesting “Y ou do solemnly swear (or affirmithat diction and authority of justices of the to the rising generation as it will be to you will fully and truly answer all {ieaee during the time of holding elec­ tions, and they, or a majority of them, the ex-soldiers who so bravely laid such questions as shall lie put to you are hereby authorized to impose and en­ touching your place of residence and aside the plow and other tools by force a fine not exceeding fifty dollars qualifications as an elector at this elec­ which they earned their bread, and tion?” The chairman shall then pro­ for each offense, to be applied to the took up without a murmur the cause of pound such questions to the person benefit of the school fund, on any per­ sons who shall conduct themselves in a HAY FORKS, their country. To these ex-soldiers the challenged as may lie necessary to test disorderly or riotous manner at the STRAW FORKS, iris qualifications as an elector at tliat T elephone -R egister will lie sent for polls, and shall persist in such conduct BARLEY FORKS, election. The judges may hear such a period of three months for twenty- after having been warned of tlie conse­ other testimony and consider such FORKS at all PRICES. | five cents. It will take about three other evidence as is proper upon the quences, or who shall refuse to move months to publish the serial. It will question. If all the judges cannot agree from tlie polls fifty feet when directed, or on any peraon who shall lie detected appear in weekly installments. the majority of tlie judges shall decide in tlie commission, in the immediate the matter. This offer of 25 cents for the papers presence of tlie judges, of any offenses Sec. 13. If the person so challenged containing the serial is made only to defined by this act, and on the refusal should refuse to answer fully any ques­ ex-soldiers, and in order that they can tion touching his qualifications as an or neglect to forthwith pay the same to receive the first installment they elector which shall be put to him, the tlie chairman to commit him or them to tlie common jail of the county for should send in their names not later judges shall reject his vote. any time not exceeding twenty-five Sec. 14. If the challenge be not with­ days, or until tlie fine is {mid; and the than Dec. 15, 1891. drawn after the person offering to vote sheriff', deputy sheriff', constable and Plain The republican national convention shall have answered the questions put jailer and policemen of any incorporat­ to him us aforesaid, the chairman of ed city or town are hereby required to will be held in Minneapolis June 7th. and Wired said judges shall administer to him tlie forthwith execute said order, as though Over a Thousand Feet Sold this Sea­ The time of steam yachts, like that following oath. son and Still Plenty of Hose Left. it had been issued by a magistrate in H. J. LITTLE. “You do solemnly swear (or affirm) due form of law. If no sheriff, deputy of trotting horses is coming down. It i is ¡said that the Norwood, Norman that you are a citizen of tlie United sheriff', constable or policemen be pres­ ikzozdsokst Munro’s boat, can steam a mile in 1:58. States, or have declared your intention ent tlie judges may appoint a special to lieeome such, one year next preced­ constable or constables to execute their Will sell you better goods and at Less Money than any one in town. Fonseca, dictator of Brazil, has been ing this election; that you now reside orders. forced to surrender and the government in this precinct; that you have not yet Continued next week. C all and S ee H im . is in the hands of the rebels with Peix- voted at tills election; tliat you are of! atto at the head. He was formerly tlie age of 21 years; that you have been vice president of the government, of a resident of this state for six months | next preceding this election, and that which Fonseca was the head. Stands for the Army, that come in for miles your true name is as you represent it to : Over-taxation is unnecessary taxa­ be.” If the elector only claims the! for the Bedsets, in elegant styles; tion, and this is represented in the right to vote for state or district and state officers, the oatli shall be modified more-than-war tariff of to-day, This is stands for Carpets, to cover your floors the great cause of democratic success. accordingly. Sec. 15. Whenever any {arson’s for the Dado Shades, that look well out of doors; The eyes of the people are opening and 1892 means considerable to the empty right to vote shall lie challenged, and lie has taken the oath prescrilxxl by is for E VENDEN, who in Furniture deals pockets of the laboring classes. American Ins. Co., of Philadelphia, l*a. section 14, it shall be »lie duty of tlie! for his Furniture, which this fact reveals; Continental Insurance Co, of New York City. The registered tonnage of vessels now clerks of election to write on tlie poll' Farmers’ and Merchants’ Ins. Co., of Albany, Or. loading wheat or unloading preparatory Ixxiks at the end of such person's name shows his Goods, real nice goods are these Guardian Assurance Co., of Condon, England. to loading wheat is greater than it ever tlie words “challenged and sworn,"and 1 Lancashire Ins. Co., ot Manchester. England. has been in Portland. There lias not l>een the further words“rejected,”or “voted” hires his help, his customers to please; London & Lancashire Ins. Co., of Liverpool, Eng. much stir in wheat lately, owing to the according to the fact. Sec. 111. The judges of election, in Ijondon Assurance Co., of London, England. lack of vessels. We can now expect is for Ingrain, in Carpets and Paper the market to liven up a little. The determining tlie residence and qualifi­ Manchester Assurance Co., of Manchester, Eng. i the Judgement, he shows in cutting this caper; farmers who have held will probably cations of {arsons offering to vote, shall Norwich-Union Insurance Co., of England. be governed by the follow ing rules, so be glad of it. Palatine Ins. Co., of Manchester, England. is the knowledge, he shows in his line far as (lie same may be applicable. Phtenix Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. 1. The place shall lie considered and The city of Portland recently pu r- is the love he bears all mankind; chased the Madison street bridge, and held to lie the residence of a person in in consequence of the alxilition of the which his habitation is fixed, and to stands for Mirrors, in endless selection tariff*the travel and traffic greatly in­ which, when lie is absent, lie has the creased. If the tariff'on t lie necessaries intention of returning. is the ninny, who buys without reflection; 2. A person shall not lie considered of life should lie reduced the traffic in them would also increase. It is strange or held to have lost his residence who represents the order, that makes his store pretty that more people do not see this; or, if shall leave his home and go into an­ shows his Prices, THE BEST IN THE CITY; they do see it, why they do not vote to other state or territory or county of this state for a temporary purpose ouly. reduce the tariff'to a revenue basis. 3. A person shall not lie considered or ( Q is the Query, Can we ever do Better? I Administrators or executors of es­ held to have gained a residence in any stands for Rugs, that comfort the fretter; tates will do well to remember that tlie county of this state into which lie shall I ( last legislature passed a law requiring come for temporary purposes only, shows his Suits, to be new cheap and pretty that in all cases where any will is ad­ without tlie intention of making said mitted to probate in the state of Ore­ county his home, but with the inten­ stands for time, for composing this ditty;; gon, in addition to having the same tion of leaving the same when he shall is for Usurers, who sell for high prices recorded in the county where it was ad­ have accomplished tlie object which Send eack mitted to probate, the executor or ad­ brought him into it. ass your ueaier ror circulars giving full stands for Victims, of such foolish devices; Illastrated ministrator must have such will re­ 4. If a person remove to any other i information. If not to be bad of him, write uh . DO NOT DELAY. Creaked corded in every county in the state in state, or to any of the territories, with Thoroughly satisfactory proofs of our relia­ Baaks, is the Welcome at EVENDEN'S Store bility furnished. which the testator left any real prop­ the intentention of making it his per­ Na. 1 aa4 »•- J OLASOO LACE THREAD CO., Glaago. Conn. erty. Failure to comply with this law manent home, lie shall lie considered represents twenties, never well spent before; which is intended to keep clear the ti­ and held to have lost Iris residence in orotMft.wno witn Toexamtrx M 411 U yCDTICK* ■ fell | |Ob DC II W «hit pep«r, or obtWR MtMWlM tles to lands in any county, may result this state. stands for yokels, who are always in Season on advertising space whan in Chicago, will find it on fils a» 5. The place where a married man’s in litigations that can easily be avoided is the zanny who won't listen to reason. family reside shall lie considered and by a little trouble and expense. (ho Advertising Agency of LORD&THONASi THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. THE AVSTKALIAN BALLOT LAW. C. F. DANIELS. A. J. APPERSON THE FURNITURE DEALERS Have Just Received From THE EAST. A Large Stock of Furniture! Our 16th Century Bookcases, Secretaries, Etc., Etc., In Genuine Oak Must be Seen to be Appreciated. THE PRICES ARE BELOW THOSE OBTAINED IN PORTLAND Bedroom Suits from 817 to 8100. PARLOR SUITS, EASY CHAIRS, LOUNGES, TABLES, SHADES, ^>O Japanese Bazaar z Is the Only Establishment this side of Portland That Carries H Boots and Shoes. Latest Fall Styles LOWEST T=TSTC-------- 3ES. OPPOSITION BOOT AND SHOE STORE. F. DIEL8CHNEIDER, l’aor. Fruit Growers, Attention! 5,000 ACRES M c M innville , O r A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P PICTURE. FRAMES, SPRING REDS, MATTRESSES, WALL PAPER CARPETS, Remember we buy Goods from Factories in the East, and can Sell Below Portland Prices. BURNS & DANIELS. o Red Jacket Force Pumps, Pitcher Pumps, Pumps of all kinds SHURTLEPP & LITTLE, Real Estate, Insurance, Loans and Abstracts -------- OF THE-------- Finest Fruit Land £ Willamette Valley To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and upwards; one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per annum. Most all of this land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 miles of Amity. Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped from this point last year. For particulars apply to or address Will. F. BREIDENSTEIN AMITY FRl IT LAND COMPANY, AMITY, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. I t LARGE ARRIVALS OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT R JACOBSON’S Having purcliaaed nearly Gross Fire Assets Represented, $53,000,000. R S T U V In addition to our already large stock, direct from Eastern and < 'alifornia manu­ factories, ail these gotsls are Ixiught for cash and will Is- Hold on a small margin. “ Q uick S ales and ^ all P rofits Is the law, and that is juxt what we prrqxMe to do. Come early and »ee for yourself. A large stock to select from, full in all departments. Thanking vou for past favors ami hoping to merit a continuation of the same, Yours, It JACOBSON. * Premiums W X Y Z ■Ml - ♦ THE TELEPHONE REGISTER