The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, October 29, 1891, Image 2

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    Special sale of underwear this month; look in corner
window; immense assortment; learn the prices; costs
nothing to look.
Look at our fine all wool Oregon blankets, direct
from the Factory; 15 per cent, less than Portland prices.
Overcoats in all colors and in all sizes at small prices.
M c M innville , O regon .
The weather is getting cold and now is the time to buy Winter Goods. We get our blankets direct from the factory and have the best value for the money in the city; get our
prices and judge for yourselves Onr line of underwear, overcoats, rubber goods, clothing, etc. will speak for itself. We positively have double the assortment of any other
clothing house in the city, and we invite you to INSPECT OUR GOODS AND_COMPARE_PRICEB Buy where you can get the best goods for the least money.
furnish transportation and free enter­
tainment, it will be found that most of
the offices have been deserted, the offi
cers “gone to the springs,” and the
money gone with them A dollar or
two a week placed in a savings bank
will be secure and will be protected by
the laws of the state. In the other
case the money will most likely have
been placed in tlie hands of confidence
men and might as well have been
thrown into the bay for any good it
will do the investor.— Oregon Scout.
A McKinley contemporary, speaking
of Mr. Bookwaiter’s assertion that the
increase of our population would soon
stop our exports of breadstuff’s, remarks
that this theory “shows that the com­
mercial and industrial policy of the re­
publican party is about to solve the
problem of profitable farming by pro­
viding a sufficient domestic market for
our agricultural products.” We are ac­
customed to praises of the tariff as a
rain-producer, an eradicator of rust in
wheat and a promoter of famine in Eu­
rope, but this is our first acquaintance
with the claim that it is to supersede
the Biblical method of producing chil­
dren. But perhaps our contemporary
merely means that the republican pol­
icy is to increase the population by tlie
importation of contract labor.
To a person who lives in the city the
increase in population is not noticed.
But, to a person who is not a resident
and who visits the city periodically,the
growth is rapid. The other day one of H. C. BURNS.
these men said that McMinnville was
going ahead faster than any other town
in the state. We hardly would believe
it,but his serious manner and cold state­
ment of facts impressed us at least that
he meant what he said.
A short time ago tne Chilian soldiers
George William Curtis can live on pie'
and citizens committed an outrage now. He is the greatest man republi­
HARDING & HEATH, Publishers.
upon a number of seamen from the can editors ever heard of. When he
warship Baltimore, who were enjoying supported Cleveland he was a mug­
liberty on shore. They were assaulted wump pigmy, lacking brains and a
One Copy, per year, inadvance.........
publicly and two of them deliberately traitor to his country.— Welcome.
One Cepy, six months in advance....
murdered. This matter sliouldbe pushed
Entered at the postoffice at McMinnville by the government and if it cannot be
Editor Bigelow, lately on the Orego­
Oregon, as second-class matter.
satisfactorily settled by a good large in­ nian, continues to slander the memory
demnity the United States should de­ of the late Henry W. Grady in the col­
T he advertising K ates or T he T ele ­ clare war and blockade the ports of
Oregon is a great country, so is Gua­
umns of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
phone -R egister are liberal, taking in
temala. The latter has nerve enough
consideration the circulation. Single Chill The English influence in Chili on which paper he is now employed as
to appropriate money for the World’s
inch, $1.00, each subsequent inch, $.75. is in direct conflict with America be­ editorial writer. Grady was a broad
From the time of tlie flood the popu­
Special inducements for yearly or semi-
fair and to have a fight now and then.
cause of tlie fact that England does not man witli deep sympathies, and with lation of the earth has been constantly
yearly contracts.
Oregon does neither. Oregon is the
want America to increase her trade great ability. Bigelow is a man with on the increase, until now this revolv­
J ob W oke N eatly *A nd Q uickly E xecuted
most peculiar state in the Union. It is
at reasonable rates Our facilities are with that couutry. All means are tak­ the sympathies of a hyena— Staesman. ing sphere contains 1,480,000,000 people.
hard to tell what she is capa ble of do­
the best in Yaniliill county and as good en by the English to hamper America
Placing the average weight at 100
ing and not doing.
as any in the state. A complete steam and Americans in that country. By
Emmons Blaine, eldest son of the pounds, we have 148,000,000,000 pounds
plant insures quick work.
blockading’Chilian ports the United Plumed Knight, is succeeding admira­ of live stock on the earth, an amount
• * *
R esolutions or C ondolence and all O bit - States could demonstrate her power to bly in business and is a credit to the'
far be yond the comprehension of man.
uary Poetry will be charged for at regular
the Chilians and bring them to their great statesman who now watches him Of this population Europe is credited
advertising rates. *
senses and at the same time cripple
A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y English trade. The greatest amount with a father’s interest and pride. with 357,000,000, Asia 826,000,000,Africa
Young James G., however, is a positive 164,000,000, America 122,000,000, Aus­
the person who sends them, not for pub­
lication, unless unaccompanied by a “non of English capital is engaged in control­ disgrace to his illustrious parent. He tralia 3,000,000, the Oceanic islands
de plume.” but for a guarantee of good ling the nitrate deposits of Chili and to
is a failure as a business man, a hood­ 7,250,000. More than one-fourth of the
faith.. No publications will be published
beof benefit to the owners, the article lum socially and a wreck financially.— human race is found in China and Ja­ H. J. I.ITTI.E.
unless so signed.
must be shipped. English influence Mercury.
• * »
pan, the former counting 350,000,000
A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither r or
the editorial or business departments, to with governments is encountered by
and the latter 40,000,000; more than one-
T he T elephone -R egister , McMinnville, America in nearly every deal made di­
While H. B. Miller, of Grants Pass, fifth is in India—324,000,000—of which
plomatically by the government and and T. T. Geer, of Salem, are wrang­ 286,000,000 belong to British India. The
S ample C opies Or* T he T elephone -R egis ­ also by every citizen who wishes to ex­ ling over who shall succeed Binger
great states of Europe are returned as
ter will be mailed to any person in the tend his trade. Wherever Englishmen
Herman, Senators Veatch and Bilyeau follows, in round numbers; Russia 93,-
United States or Europe, who desires one,
plant a manufacturing industry or have of Lane and Linn counties, are quietly 000,000, Germany 49,000,000, Austria-
free of charge
investments, the English government fixing their fences and will probably be Hungary 41,000,000, France 38,000,000,
W e I nvite You To C ompare T iie T ele ­
phone -R egister with any other paper is diplomatically making itself solid heard from before the plum is award­ Great Britain and Ireland 38,000,000,
published in Yamhill county.
with the country. This policy, steadily ed. Tlie first congressional district, it Italy 30,000,000 and Spain 17,000,000.
pursued, has made England tlie coun­ is true, is republican but it does not Belgium is the most densely populated
All subscribers who do not receive their try that she is today. America should mean that a republican nomination is
country on the globe. It contains just
paper regularly will confer a favor by im­ profit by this experience and do like­
equivalent to an election in this case, about twice as many inhabitants to the
mediately reporting the tame to this office
wise. In places where American capi­ any more than it did in the last guber­ square mile as Massachusetts.
tal is in jeojiardy because of English in­ natorial contest. The day of machine
Thursday, October 29, 1891
fluence with the power in control, the politics is over in Oregon. The great
The work of the United States ship,
bright and star spangled banner state of Oregon is entering upon a new
Albatross, has exposed many common
The next campaign should down should be seen floating from tlie mast
political as well as industial era and the fallacies in its explorations of the bed American Ins. Co., of Philadelphia, Pa.
Binger Hermann, but, this should not head of an American man-of-war.
man who seeks public favor at its hand of the ocean. One is, that deep waters
Continental Insurance Co, of New York City.
be considered an easy matter.
This would be a pleasing sight to an must have something to recommend
Farmers’ and Merchants’ Ins. Co., of Albany, Or.
are uninhabited; another, that species
American as well as a dampener on
Guardian Assurance Co., of London, England.
Another warship has been sent to John Bull. The American eagle was him besides the endorsement of Joe of animal life exist in those depths
Lancashire Ins. Co., ot Manchester. England.
Chilian waters. The Boston sailed not born to have its tail feathers picked Simon or Jim Lotan. Oregon has too that form a connecting link witli the
London & Lancashire Ins. Co., of Liverpool, Eng.
from New York Saturday last. The out by English hands, in the eyes of a long been represented in congress by early and now extinct species of life.
corporation attorneys and railroad at­ Again, that the creatures in those dark
London Assurance Co., of London. England.
muddle must be serious.
true American, but the policy of the torneys. What the country demands
waters are sightless, as are some of the
Manchester Assnrance Co., of Manchester, Eng.
On the first page of this issue ap[>ears United States is such in these matters is a clean, able man, whose private or fishes found in dark, fresh water cav­
Norwich-Union Insurance Co., of England.
an article on the methods employed by that the feathers have been nearly public record shows him to be a man of erns, and that the absence of light de­
Palatine Ins. Co., of Manchester, England.
tlie people, free from entangling alli­ stroyed color. Some of the fishes
Paris, Glasgow and other great cities of
Phoenix Insurance Co., ol'Hartford, Conn.
Europe in keeping their streets clean. nature is to pusli ahead and an Ameri­ ances or corporate influences, and will­ brought up in the dredger were with­
It is interesting and instructive and can will usually go where the angels ing to do his plain duty. Such a man out organs of sight, while in others it
should be read by every one interested fear to tread. If the government will can lx? elected in either of the congres­ was abnormally developed as to color,
simply stand at the back of these push­ sional districts, regardless of politics.—
in the managment of public affairs.
some being of brilliant crimson and
ing Americans, English influence, En­ IForfd.
others of beautiful purple hues. The
A gentlemap from California who glish trade and English everything
flesh of the deep sea fishes is flabby,
We trust that the apathy manifested having a pronounced cartilage instead
was in the city the other day looking will be pushed out and America and
in Oregon with reference to an exhibit of bone, and the mucous membrane su­
up 50 acres of good fruit land to buy,
of the state’s resources at the approach­ perabundant—they are not good for
slid: “You Oregonians don’t know this world of ours.
Oregon. Wait for five years, and if she THE CZAR HOLDS THE REINS. ing world's fair will not continue until food.
the end. Happily, we are so situated
isn’t greater than California in fruit
It is reported as to reciprocity with
products you can call me a liar.” He
All this diplomatic work and intrigue that we can get up a very creditable
is engaged in one of the largest manu­ on the part of the Russian government exhibit on short notice; but that is no Brazil "that during the five months
facturing industries in California.
has for its object peace, so a dispatch sufficient excuse for maintaining such ending August 31, being the period
from France says. Germany is no utter indifference as is now being covered by the new treaty, our exports
“I know a thrifty farmer,” says Da­ longer the center of gravity in Europe; shown in the affair. It will present the of domestic products to that country
vid Starr Jordan,in the October Porum it is Russia. Instead of the German opportunity of the century to let the were valued at $6,303,182, an increase of
“who pays twenty •’five cents less to chancellor holding the power to precip­ whole world know at a glance what $1,169,593 over the same months of last
those of his hands who work in the itate war, it is the Czar. The reins kind of land we have in this far-away year. During the month of August
the fields nearest the railroads. This controlling the destinies of Europe nook of the continent, and, apart from alone, as compared with August, 1890,
he does because these workmen stop are held by the Czar of Russia, mere feeling of state pride, it is good there has been an increase in the value
whenever the trains go by, and so they and the fact that he is trying to pro­ business policy to keep pace with the of our merchandise exported to Brazil
lose one-sixth of their working time.” mote peace, dispels the war cloud that rest of the world in a matter of this of $702,903. This increase has been
There is a world of suggestion here.
has been hanging by a thread for so character. A reasonable amount ex­ mainly in locomotives, machinery and
long a time. The Czar seeks the foun­ pended will return many fold in a very car, flour, bacon and lumber. Attached
There is no greater incentive for the dation of a great confederation, the bas­ few years, in the form of the most de­ to the report are a number of tables giv­
commission of crime than the tariff. is of which is that these seven great na­ sirable of immigration, and we can ing comparative prices of a number of
Every person who buys goods in a for­ tions stand together: Russia, France, point with pardonable pride to the fact leading staple articles of food and
eign country dislikes to pay duty upon Denmark, Sweden, Greece, Servin and that we are unexcelled in our special­ clothing.”
them. Men of wealth and position Montenegro. The formation of this ties. The bump-on-a-log [idea has died
will conceal articles of small value on league will be officially announced to out in most sections of the west, where
The law declares that it is absolutely
their persons while coining across the Europe, it is said, in January next. it was never very firmly rooted, and necessary that we have two men from
line. For this reason if for no other, Tlie Czar will announce it and at the we hope that Oregon will not remain this state to represent it in congress.
it should be repealed, says a sectarian same time call for a conference of the as its only exponent after the world's The law declares this, and it is necees-
paper of the east.
nations, at which the scheme of inter­ fair has come and gone. It is high sary that the people pick out two of its
national arbitration will be discussed. time to “get a move on” in this matter. male population and send them there.
General H. V. Boynton, for twenty­ This idea, if adopted, will bring about —Jacksonville Times.
But, the people do not do this, as can
seven years Washington correspondent
seen by the number of men who
the disbandment of the great armies ol
of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, Europe, and will put millions of men
The importance of good county roads have cast aside their business cares and
has been discharged because lie would into industries that will make the na­ cannot be over-estimated, and the pres­ are “sawing wood.” The Oregon citi­
To stop a Large Share of these Expenses is to
not furnish sensational and exaggerat­ tions of Europej'apablc of producing ent agitation in favor of improvements zen is not behind the times. ' Miller,
ed news from Washington, such as is enough to supply themselves with the and repairs to the old, and the building Myers, and a dozen others are the early
eagerly devoured by the mass of readers necessities of life. The effect on Amer­ of new ones in the county commends birds, but the worm has not yet come
of the city. General Boynton prefers ica would be disastrous, as a large part itself to everyone who has the welfare out, and there is a strong probability
to battle for high standards in public of her exports now go to supply the de­ of the city and county at heart. It is that the old adage will not work in
and private life rather than apply him­ ficiency caused by these large armies. not to be denied that the development this instance. Look out for Binger. He
self to the low and vulgar.
We are, however, capable of taking of the country will always be depend­ knows where the worm lives.
care of ourselves and the effect of this ent upon the facilities afforded the farm­
The republican papers never stop measure on us need not deter the Czar ers for getting their grain to market According to cable advices from
crying about the benefits of a high pro­ from doing what humanity has called after it is harvested. Give the farmers Rome the Italian government intends, This can be done if you Trade at the Right Place.
good roads and you give them encour­ at the opening of the legislative session
tective tariff and with the same breath upon him for years to do.
agement to put in crops. The exper­ to propose to abolish tlie export duty
they tell you all aliout how nice it is to
ience of tlie residents of every state iu on raw silk. The revenue may be re­
get twenty pounds of sugar for $1.00
There has Just Been Harvested a Magni­
the Union shows that the value of land duced somewhat by this step, but it is ficent Crop, an<l in view of the large sales
Nearly free sugar you know. The oth­
A concession has been granted to M. is almost invariably regulated by its ac­ supported as part of the programme to
er day a large ship arrived in Portland
bringing 1000 tons of Chinese sugar, Stepannl to erect a Moorish palace at cessibility for farming purposes, and a aid Italian industry. The abolition of that are sure to follow A. J. APPERSON lias
made from lieets.» It Is welcome from the world’s fair. One of the many at­ dollar spent in building or improving the duty, taken in connection with a purchased in the East
the fact that it will have a tendency, if tractions which lie proposes to exhibit roads means an appreciation of perhaps proposed reduction in railway freight
it continues to come, to break up the in this palace is $1,000,000 in gold coin five times the amount in the value of charges and certain concessions sought
monopoly of Claus Spreckles built up in one pile. He believes that this will the adjacent ranch. Then again, there to be gained in new commercial trea­
be a great drawing card and that nearly is a great saving in horseflesh, for one ties, are expected to give a strong im­
by the protective tariff.
every visitor will want to see it. Of horse on a gixxl road can easily accom­ pulse to exportations.
Politics are becoming so unjust that course great precautions will lx? taken plish the work of four where the wheels
A Russian Jew surprised the officials
soon an honest and true man will be for the safety of sucli a great treasure. of a wagon sink to the hubs in the mud.
unable to hold public office. It has It will in a strong cage and, Mr Ste- Residents of the city, as well as the of the landing bureau, at New York,
lately been found that Governor Mark­ panni says: “Just under the gold will farmers, should take a lively interest in the other day, when, on Ixjing ques­
ham of California sold furniture to the be constructed a fire and burglar proof furthering any steps for the betterment tioned as to his ability to take care of
This Stock Includes:
state at exorbitant prices, and as presi­ vault. To the doors of this vault will of the present roads and the building himself in this country, produced $15,-
dent of the auditing board he audited
$25,000. He is probably able to look
the bills and paid himself from the event of an attempt to rob the palace
There are a number of schemes start­ out for himself in this country. If he
public funds. A person who is want­ my guards will press an electric button,
ing office is indisputably out for the the entire pile will fall into the vaults ing up all over the United States for could accumulate that amount of
money in it, and people who announce and the doors will spring shut.” A taking visitors for a small weekly sub­ money in Russia he will lx: a million­
themselves as candidates, should, with space 200 by 250 feet was granted for tlie scription to the World’s Columbian aire in five years here.
few exceptions, be looked upon as Moorish palace, upon which Mr. Ste- Exposition free of further expense. Per.
panni says he will expend $400,000.
sons proposing to become members of The Crescent,'a monthly magazine is­
such associations are asked to contrib­ sued by the Pacific University at New­ In Gents’ Goods our Line of
In the Indian school at Grande ute a dollar or so a week, from now un­ berg, greets us with a very pleasant
To an outsider it looks as if some one
was feathering bis nest very well out of Bolide reservation, Agent Lamson has til 1893. We look upon all such countenance. It is well printed, well
the Oregon Pacific railroad. The com­ ordered that the instruction shall be schemes with great distrust, and have written and we hope it is a success fi­
pletion of this road means considerable entirely secular on week days; and in no more faith in them than in tlie nu­ nancially. College papers are not only i
to Oregon in the development of a large pursuance of this policy has dismissed merous so-called beneficial societies good amusement to the scholars but ed-
Is Exceptionally Large anil Fine.
and prolific part of the state, Why two of his instructors—a catholic priest which proposed to take the place of ' ucators as well, and we would he pleas- ]
men will act as certain men have acted and a lady superior—who have opposed regular life insurance companies, and ! ed to see one started in the Baptist col-1
in this matter is a question that coni­ his action, and ordered their immediate almost invariably proved to be insolv­ lege, of this city.
mon sense can not answer. The ami- departure from the reservation. It will ent when a few of their jKilicies fell
pletion of the road meant more to tlie not be surprising to those conversant due and in many cases were then dis­ Why is it that the majority of men
persons interested than the delay, un- with such matters to bear of an order covered to have been deliberately estab­ i writing to a newspaper on personal
less criminal usage of other people's : of removal for agent Lamson ere long, lished with fraudulent intent. Some questions enjoins the editor to absolute
money was. indulged in. The courts It was by some such sin as his that of these proposed Chicago excursion as­ secrecy regarding the authorship of the
of this state should settle this matter General “Lish” Applegate, of the sociations may be honest schemes guar­ article? The same persons are usually
with justice to the eastern bondholders Klamath agency, fell; yea, even within anteed by men of character and respon­ I loud in their talk about the newspaper
and the people of this state.
the present administration.-Orc.7on/an. sibility, but when the time comes to I * not saying injurious things openly.
A Large Stock of Furniture!
Our 16th Century Bookcases, Secretaries, Etc., Etc.,
In Genuine Oak Must be Seen tu be Appreciated.
Bedroom Suits from $17 to $100.
Real Estate, Insurance,
Loans and Abstracts
Remember we buy G-oods from Factories in the East,
and can Sell Below Portland Prices.
Gross Fire Assets Represented, $53,000,000.
The Opposition Boot and Shoe Store
There are a good many Leaks to be stop­
ped by every family, the greatest of these is
Is the Only Establishment this side of Portland
That Carries
and Shoes. Latest
Fruit Growers, Attention!
5,000 ACRES
-------- OF THE--------
Finest Fruit Land tie Willamette Valley
To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and
upwards; one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at 6 per cent, per
annum. Most all of this land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now
in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 tniies of Amity.
Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped front this point laHt year.
Tor particulars apply to or address
Without Surrendering Anything in Quality.
The Largest Stock of
Fall and Winter Goods
Ever Brought to this County.
Have Just Received Front THE EAST,
Having purchased nearly
Tn addition to our already iarge stock, direct from I-jish-m mid < California manu­
factories, all these goods are Isiught for cash and will lx- sold on a small margin.
Is the law, and that is just what we propose to do. Come early ami see for
yourself. A large stock to select from, full in all de[mrtments.
Thanking you for joist favors and hoping to merit a continuation of the same,
I remain, Yours,
Dress Flannels,
Water Proofs,
Hosiery, Underwear,
and a full line of Ladies’ Furnishing Goods.