Golden Wedding« Shipley, from Portland, was TIIE TELEPHONE-REGISTER in Marion the city this week buying straw for CIRCUIT COURT. HE DROPPED •‘SÔ.OOO. WEATHER-CROP BULLETIN. Mr. Bourne, of Portland, Drop. Hl. Wad— For the Week Ending Saturday, Sept. 2C. Proceedings of the First Three Days of the Couefi Lake Dredging Co. A max­ On the 27th of September, 1841, Jo­ The Gambling Law Protect, the Loser. 1891—U. S. Signal Service. Regular September Term. imum price of $4 a ton was paid. seph Hoskins and Sarah A. Hodson 1, 1891 October WESTERN OREGON. The McMinnville flouring mills are were united in marriage in Clinton State of Oregon vs Ulysses Benton: The gambling law of Massachusetts running again. Kratz & Kiernan are county, Ohio. Their present home is larceny; plea of simple larceny; fined is a good one. The loser in that state The fare part of the week was cloudy the proprietors, and it is expected that near Newberg, this county. Last Sun­ POSTOFFICE hours . can’t possibly “keep it quiet.’ If the and . rainy,'the latter part cool, generally $60 and costs. the mill will be run to its fullest capac­ , with fog in the mornings. From 7 a. m. to 7 p. m From 7:30 p. ity from now on. They commenced day was the fiftieth anniversary of their State of Oregon vs J F Gould; selling amount lost is a sum of any magnitude cloudless, m. to 8:30 p.m. wedding,and it was determined by their liquor without license. Jury trial; found the loser might as well walk into court Light frost was quite general on the last night to run twenty-fours a day. Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. at once and bring action to recover, for morning , of the 23d, no damage is re­ Sunday from 12 m. to 1 p. m On our streets the first of the week relatives to give the worthy couple a not guilty. Mail south closes at 9:50 a. m. Mail was seen a one-horse rig with an old surprise on that occasion. State of Oregon vs Chas Snelling and if he does not some one else will for ported from it, this was the first frost north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. m. man as driver that had crossed the On Sunday morning, while “Uncle Edward Talbott; larceny. Pleads not him. The law of that state gives any , of the season. Smoke has entirely dis­ Mail for 5:45 a. m. train closes evening plains from Minnesota. Five months Joe” was at church the guests arrived guilty; set for trial Friday morning. one the right to bring action against appeared , from the atmosphere. before at 9 p m. were occupied in the journey and the Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail outfit, man and all, looked the worse and posted themselves in and about the Harvesting of cereals is over. There State of Oregon vs Chas Snelling and the winner and the recovery belongs to closes at 11 a m. house, so that when the old gentleman Edward Talbott; larceny. Pleads not the party bringing the action. This are , a few small amounts of wheat and for wear. places a premium upon bringing actions , oats to thresh. There was no appreci­ arrived he found a goodly company as­ guilty; set for trial Friday morning. Hon. John M. Osburn, of Corvallis, CHURCH NOTICES. . damage done by the rains. The was robbed at the state fair of a $5 gold sembled. W H Logan vs C W Talmage; ap­ and there is always some one ready able M ethodist E piscopal C hurch —Services piece. The robber, however, did not After a bountiful dinner, and while peal. Settled. waiting to bring the action, especially buckwheat crop of Clackamas county every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:00p ni, compensate himself much for his ef­ James Sheridan vs James Fletcher, when the amount involved is a consid­ is very good, small portions of it were Sunday School at 9:30 a, m Prayer meet­ forts, as the money was counterfeit and the company were assembled in the ing Thursday evenings at 7:30. came into Mr. Osburn’s bands through parlor, a door opened and three little Jr., suit for damages. Dismissed for erable sum. It is a good law. It makes damaged by rain. Hops are about all R ev J. T. A bbett , Pastor. children entered the room, bearing a want of prosecutor. gambling public and the winner cannot baled. Experiments show that sugar CCMBEBLASU I’KESBVTERIAH CHURCH — some oversight. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p. 8 G Reed vs L L Burton et al, fore­ go on his way rejoicing or the loser beets and sorghum do very well in Tuesday morning Kay & Todd ship­ load of presents, which they delivered m Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. ped a large load of goods to Newberg. into the hands of the aged pair. Washington county. The rains softened keep mum. closure. Settled. R ev W iley K nowles , Pastor They are stocking their branch house The presents consisted of the follow­ Board of School Commissioners vs H About a year ago Mr. Bourne, of Port­ the earth sufficient to allow of plowing B aptist C hurch —Services every Sabbath in that beautiful little city with first- land, while visiting in Massachusetts, in many counties. In portions of Linn al 11 a m and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at class goods and we bespeak for them a ing articles: gold watch, breast-pin, F Mayer; confirmation. Confirmed. 9-55 a in. R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor. In the matter of the assignment of G was drawn into a pot and dropped a county the corn is not ripening well. good patronage, as they are honorable, gold lined goblets, gold-headed cane, gold-rimmed spectacles, lace collar, gold W Sappington; assignment. Contin­ cool $25,000. Of course it leaked out In Douglas county the wheat was not fair dealing gentlemen. McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of H., and was telegraphed back here at the over an average in quantity per acre meet in their liall the first and tlnrd Satur­ An exchange says : To polish deer watch chain, thimble, dress pattern, ued. day of each month at 10 a. m. Visitors horns, scrub them with a brush and set of silver teaspoons. time. Every precaution on the part of and quality, oats are, however, above Chas Lafollett vs J M Townsend; ac­ cordially invited. J. R B ooth . Master. sand to take off the dirt and loose fibre, Those present were: C. E. Hoskins, tion for money. Settled. the winner was taken to keep it quiet. the average. In Jackson county grapes Mrs. II. A. H embree , Sec, then polish with rouge and rottenstone Tillie J. Hoskins, Joycie Hoskins, J. L. v--------------- —- ------ ---- - ------------------- J W Maxwell vs Tillamook county; A still hunt was made, and it seems are ripening and wine making will be­ and a cloth ; varnish witli copal var­ gin next week. In Curry county a 200- nish. A number of McMinnville hunt­ Hoskins, Mary L. Hoskins, Anna B. appeal on cost bill. Trial by court ; tax­ that the winner was ferreted out. Local «'ind General. ers have no use for the above. Hoskins, Cecil J. Hoskins, A. M. Hos­ ation of costs by clerk found erroneous An action in the state courts in Mas­ acre field of barley, oats and wheat A. L. Newgard is home from La Word is sent out from Salem that a kins, Sarah J. Hoskins, Minnie H. and is reversed. sachusetts was at once begun. Pro­ averaged 50, 51 and 33 bushels per acre, Grande visiting his family. baseball league will likely be formed Robertson, T. B. Cummings, Cappie C. G W Hardwick vs State Insurance ceedings were had as far as they could respectively. Reports indicate that A new Congregational church was next year with Albany, Eugene, Al­ Cummings, Claude Cummings, Pearl Co.; review. To be heard Friday. go until the deposition of Mr. Bourne every one is well satisfied with the re­ bina and Salem counted in. It is just Cummings, Thomas Cummings, M. M. dedicated at Eugene on Sunday. Sam Parrish plff in error vs Town of here was had. Mr. Bourne refused to sult of the harvest. too bad that Salem can not forget her PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS. Manning L Root vs City of McMinnville; ap- you are growing and will do better work. H. Olds, Lafayette, and J. Wils Cook, on this coast very much. He held the pay required. It is guaranteed to give . peal. Set for this morning. Swift & Co's pure Leaf Lard; The Stock Department brother-in-law of J. H. Olds, McMinn­ undivided attintion of the entire audi­ perfect satisfaction, or money refund­ For any further information address ville, A Husband’s Mistake. W. A. Wetzell, Manager State Teach­ ence for nearly two hours, and we ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale Imperial Table Jelley; Made a prominent feature. Two bruisers made some light re­ heard several say they liked his talk by Rogers Bros. ers’ Circle, Portland Oregon. $3,000 IN PREMIUMS, $5,000 marks in the presence of ladies at the better than Col. Bain’s. On Monday Schepps' Shreded Coconut; Husbands too often permit wives, par­ The First Step. Sitton ranch Sunday, and Hube pol­ ents their children, to suffer from head­ The largest display of fruit ever made ished their manners up in fine style. evening again a large audience listened Just think of it! ache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, Princess Chocolate; Perhaps you are run down, can’t eat, in the Pacific Northwest. All manu­ tits, nervousness, when by the use of Dr They deserved it and we commend Mr. to this grand man. He goes from here Over in Union Block there are Mile's Restorative Nervine such serious can’t sleep, can’t ihink, can't do any­ factories in full motion. Everything Sitton for his good work, witli the people’s best wishes. results could easily be prevented. Drug­ thing to your satisfaction, and you new! No dead exhibits! Royal Dutch Cocoa; Hundreds of customers to see the gists everywhere say it gives universal sat­ wonder what ails you. You should A. G. H. Overn, of Mankata, Minn., Notice to Debtors. New goods arriving daily. isfaction, and has an immense sale. Wood­ heed the warning, you are taking the The Exposition of Expositions! offers to furnish $7000 if the people of Highland Evaporated Cream. worth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind. ; Snow i«b you th« em­ By M. R ichardson , Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Free samples at Try a bottle. Price 50c at Rogers Bros, and ployment and teach you rKKE. No apace to explain hara. Fall Now is the time to purchase goods. lie had before the roads get bad. drug store. 6 Manager. Rogers Bros. 3 WALLACE <3c TOED. information FKKK. TRUE A CO.. AtCttlTA. BA1SK. FOR MORE Than ten years We have served the Public of Yamhill County. It has been our Constant aim to please all. Our prices have been the Lowest considering we use Only the PUREST DRUGS Obtainable, and as for accuracy Our past record speaks for Itself and a constantly Increasing trade Points us to a pleasing moral ROGERS BROS,. WE ARE MODEST ! He that Bloweth not his own Horn, the same is Not Blown.” HENCE WE TOOT We Deal with the Factories MAKE NO MISTAKE I MARTIN & SANDERS. C. GRISSEN, PORTLAND INDUSTRIAL Where did Cain Get his Wife? ASK THE FIRST MAN WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING GOOD > o 1