THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER ¡ - McMiKNViUJt. September - - O regon . * 24, 1891. ; THE SUMMER IS ENDED. AND THRONGS ARE RETURNING FROM MOUNTAIN AND SHORE. The Bright Summer Girl We Shall Hear of No More Till the Warm Weather Cometh Affaln—Meantime 'Twill Amuse You to Cast Your Eye O'er What She Thinks of the Summer Yonne Men. (Copyright. 1901. by American Press Associa­ tion.] WOMAN’S WORLD IN PARAGRAPHS.' — to He awake nights scheming in her be­ half, that the million-heir is warned that he takes his life in his hands every time he enters her presence, but it doesn't trouble her. Of course she wants to marry a million-heir, but sho doesn’t want to marry them all and she can easily get along without even one, un­ less that one wants her. The summer girl's object in life is less matrimony than flirting, to tell the truth, and less flirting than dancing in what sunbeams that shine, and enjoying life while it lasts. The philosophers who preach the the­ ory of change, of the evanescence of all things, are less impressed with their own doctrine than is the summer girl. Regret has little place in her heart, re­ morse no place at all. She wishes vagne- ly, as she watches Marie fold that black lace, that she hadn’t allowed herself to go to the races with the man who after­ ward turned out to be a celebrated book­ maker; she bites her lips and frowns when she remembers another little es­ capade or two. But then the season is over; there aro no shopworn goods in the summer girl's stock. She has an idea that if she were a newspaper funny man she would like to poke a little fun at the summer young man. He is an uncertain quantity. He turns out to be all sorts of things—bar­ bers, dry goods clerks, tailors. But then the season is over. She picks up a certain Nile green silk with a great stain of ice cream over the front breadth and strokes it softly with her pink fin­ ger tips, while the thoughtful look deep­ ens in her eyes. Marie, where are the gloves for this gown? They came to the shoulder and it was strangely amusing— was that just the word?—to have some­ body draw them off for her at supper. That corner of the piazza—the soft light —the music. It always took at least half an hour to get those gloves off. Mario could remove them in three sec­ onds, but men are clumsier. That one was particularly so; he used to kiss her fan and her bouquet and the gloves— after he got them off; and once, the night before he left on his yacht, his lips just brushed her hair as they waltzed around behind the clump of palms in the corner. But then the season is over! A Woman's Share In l'asslng tlio Inter- national Copyright Law. Mrs. M. S. Burke, the Washington! journalist, has done some of the best j congressional correspondence that comes from the capital. She is well liked and highly respected by senators and repre­ sentatives, who give her free access to committee rooms and save bits of news for her. Channels of information are open to her as they are to the gentlemen of the press at Washington. A friend tells me that this bright woman did he: share of helping on the international copyright law to its passage. The bill had been up before the house once, but failed to pass because a quorum was not present. It was the closing days of the session. Speaker Reed declared in righteous wrath that if the friends of the measure had not enough interest in it to vote for it when it was on he would not call it up again, because there were so many other neces­ sary bills to be put through before ad­ journment. Those anxious for the fate of the bill were in dismay. Meeting Mrs. Burke one day, several of them begged her to call on the speaker and use all her arguments to induce him tc let the measure come up again. They had exhausted their powers of persuasion and he had been obdurate as a rock. Mrs. Burke called on Mr. Reed and pleaded with him. He listened to hei kindly and respectfully, as was his wont. He told her he would do whatever he could in tho matter, but would not promise for certain. Next day, how­ ever, the international copyright bill was passed by the house. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, writing in The Cosmopolitan, is rather inclined to regret that women are so interested in the machinery of parliamentary usage and are trying to learn it. May the Lord forgive Dr. Hale, for he knows not what he does. If he were to attend a few women’s meetings and, in the midst of a vitally important discussion evolv­ ing the disbursement of a large sum of money, behold a woman rise and an­ nounce a millinery opening at such a time, or invite the ladies to a rose tea at her house next week, he would never say a word again against women learn­ ing parliamentary usage; never. Mrs. M. H. Hotchkiss has given to the Yale preparatory school $275,000, and Yale college will not permit even an an­ nex for women to be attached to it. Very unfortunate it is that there are still so many women like this, who will thus deliberately turn and give their own sex a slap in the face. The race wants women, strong armed, strong hearted women, not dolls and squeaking puppets. Annie Besant’smotto is this: Be strong. A grand indication it is to see women beginning to stand by one another so firmly. This is especially marked among newspaper women. In New York I have noticed that when one can say a kindly thing of another in a paper, or can help her privately by a good word or note of introduction to get work,the aid is always forthcoming. Somebody has taken occa­ sion to be sarcastic about this tendency of women to “write up” one another, but the sarcasm is harmless. The fact re­ mains that women are glad to help one another in any way possible, and this sisterly feeling is extending to all classes. When they stand by one another against slanderous criticism and attacks on character or unkind sayings, then the millenium will come. There is something pathetic in the struggles and ambitions of the negro women workers. Freedom has rendered them twice as ambitious in worthy ways as it has the black men. They wash, iron and scrub, day in and day out, to educate their children and get on in the world. They in many cases support idle negro men who refuse to work at all while these faithful, industrious crea­ tures can earn the living, though the black lords are ever ready to “boss” their wives. So far as my observation ex­ tends, the free colored women are worth far more than the men in industrial fields. This autumn the New Century club of Philadelphia will occupy its new home. This is one of the most successful and progressive clubs to be found anywhere. In the new building is a sted it on the floor in one corner of the room and for­ gotten it, sho said, and it was one mass of wrinkles and creases. She gave it a few dashes with tho whisk broom, then in dis­ gust declared that it was no good and that she would throw it into the heater. Suit­ ing the action to the word, she bundled up the dress, took it to the cellar and a mo­ ment later nothing remained of it but ashes. A few days later an out of season hat and some ill fitting but expensive shoes, only half worn, went the same way. When articles were inquired for some ex­ cuse was made for their non-appearance, and as time went on they were forgotten. The mother was a happy-go-lucky sort of person, who was to an extent ruled by her daughters, and they silenced her remon­ strances whenever she ventured, and by declaring that the things were perfectly useless, and why not have them out of the way? Articles of furniture requiring only a moment’s repairs were broken up for kindling, tins with a speck of a hole in were given to the ashman, and everything and anything the puttingin order of which took time or pains were disposed of in the same way. But it was into the capacious jaws of the heater that the goods and chat­ tels of that family went, and wastefulness and extravagance took on a new meaning to me after that winter’s experience with the heater as a consuming element.—New York Ledger. aroes. The food of the people consists chiefly of black or brown rye or barley bread,! soup, milk, coffee, and fish, either fresh or dried. Almost every dwelling possesses its own kiadlur, or wind house, for drying ! purposes, the four sides of which are com­ posed of laths, set some half inch from one another, to allow free passage to the air. Here, for months together, mutton and whale flesh hang uncooked, and are then considered fit for human food. Whale flesh is very supporting, but the dark, leathery rind, inclosing very coarse, bacon­ like fat, looks terribly untempting, and j far worse is the taste Often rows of little fish hang outside the wind houses, appealing to the noses of the multitude of unowned cats which meet you at every turn in Thorshavn, and are encouraged as necessary to keep down the similarly attracted breed of rats. The pretty Faroese name of musabrouir. the mouse’s brother, has, moreover, been given to the northern wren (troglodytes borealis, Fischer), not for size and color merely, but because, mouselike, it creeps through the chinks of the kiadlur to feast on the dried meats.—Good Words. -VIA Southern Pacific Route SHASTA LINE. Express Tyains Leave Portland Daily LEAVE for Infants and Children. Roseburg Mall Daily. * ‘ Cas tori a is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. A rcher , M. D., 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. “ The use of ‘ Castoria ’ is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” C arlos M artyn , D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For several years I have recommended Îour ‘ Castorio, ' and shall always continue to o so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.” ErwiN F. P ardee , M. D., •‘The Winthrop,“ 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. It can do you no harm. It may do you much good. Here is the testi­ mony of one sufferer who has been made a “ a new man.” I had been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys when kind Providence sent Dr. Henley with the Oregon Kidney Tea to my hotel. It had an almost miracu­ lous effect and in a few days I was anew man. G. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. I It has cured thousands; I why not you ? To-mor­ row may be too late. Albany Local, Daily. Except Sunday. pm am Tourist Sleeping Cart, For accommodation of second class passen­ gers attached to express trains WEST SIDE DIVISION 77 M urray S treet , N ew Y ore . Between Portland and Corvallis. Mail Train Daily, except Sunday. ARRIVE LEAVE W Portland . 7:30 a miMcMinn’ 10:10 a m McMinn’ 10:10 a m Corvallis . 12:10 p m Corvallis 12:55 p m McMinn* 2:56 pm McMinn*. 2:56 p iu|Portland . 5 30 p ni At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Express Train Daily, except Sunday. -J ARRIVE. LEAVE. Mf- FEVER Portland. McMinn’. r 4:40pm McMnn .. 7.25pm b 5:45 a m: Portland. 8:20 am Through Tickets to all Points EAST AND SOUTH. V C old - head ■ Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it is A Quickly absorbed. It cleanses the nt rd, allays inflammation, heals _ _ E fl the sores. Sold by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. |Z fl DUG ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. DUG For tickets and full information regard­ ing rates, mans, etc., call oil the Company’s agent at McMinnville. R KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS, Manager. Asst. G F. P Agt THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREGON DEVELOPMEN COM- PANT’S STEAMSHIP LINE. B. S. CLARK 2 25 Miles Shorter—20 hour« lea« time than by any other route. OF THE »'•First class through passenger and freight line from Portland and all points in the Wil­ lamette valley to and from San Fiaucisco. Time Schedule (except Sunday*). Leave Albany 12:20 pui I Leave Yauuina 7 am “ ?orvalfs 1 :<>3 pm “ CorvallelO :35 am Arr*vYaquina4:35pm| ArrivAlbanyll :13am ADDITION ARE SELLING FAST! It jâjr.à KNOWING that the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR Is the Poor Man’s Friend and the Rich Man’s Idol; that the many have too Few and the Few too Many, after being duly sworn deposes and says: F irst , That he is the Sole Own­ er of the Goods in his Store. Is Su.ild.lrxg- Boon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price. Before Too HiSite, Price Ranges $50 up. For full particulars apply to J. I. KNIGHT A CO.. Beal Estate Agents, McMinnville. THE INVESTMENT CO., 49 Stark St., Portland, Or. F. BARNEKOFF 4 (X).. McMinnville Flouring Milla. Headquarters for New and Second-Hand TYPE-WRITERS and TYPE-WRITER SUPPLIES S econd , That He buys His Goods iri the East for CASH. Including fine Linen and Carbon papers, Ribbons, etc. General agent for T hird , That He Does Not buy Goods from Drummers. F ourth , That he Is Now, Has Been and Will in the future Sell Goods Cheaper than any other house in Yamhill County can do. Now Therefore in view of the fore­ going, be it RESOLVED: By the Citizens of McMinnville and of the County of Yamhill; RESOLVED: That as the Rack­ A wall decoration original and sensible, to be seen at one of the exchanges for wom­ et Store buys in the East and ex­ an’s work, consists of a large square of white wood with beveled edge that is gild­ clusively for Cash he has a Per­ ed. In the center of the board is fastened centage in His Favor that is not a round mirror framed in a braid of gilded rope. At each side of the mirror a pair of equalled by any. small gilt brackets, in a branching pattern, RESOLVED: That as He Owns and bolding cups for candles, is fastened. A gilded shelf edged with gold fringe is the goods in Stock He is not bound fastened at the lower edge of the dressing cabinet. The space on each side the mir­ to any Wholesale House, or in other ror is fitted first with a good sized pocket words, they Do Not Own Him. of old rose plush. A space is then left, and two open boxes or trays of the white wood RESOLVED: That as He Does are nailed in place. One box is to be used for hairpius, the other for rings and fancy Not buy goods from Drummers we pins. A pretty round cushion for pins and I will not have to pay him a heavy a covered box for hair combings nre nailed in the lowest right and left hand corners of Per cent, to Defray their Expenses. this very complete little toilet cabinet. RESOLVED: That He has Sold When fretwork is used across a corner or to separate a bay window from the rest Cheaper, is now and We Believe he of the room, a flounce of China silk a quar­ ter of a yard or twelve inches deep is some­ will do so in the Future; and we times used below it, instead of shutting off would advise each and every person the light by an entire curtain reaching to the floor. When there are many long to Examine his Goods and Prices draperies in a room a variety that is pleas­ You ing may be obtained by using the flounce. before purchasing elsewhere. —New York Post. 1 will find him Ready and Willing to The piles of huge grape fruit which are to be found on the fruit stalls call to mind the tonic value of this fruit eaten as a sal­ ad, or as an introduction to breakfast. For the latter, remove the thick rind and tear off the epidermis around each lobe; ar­ range the pulp iu a saladbowl and servo it ice cold and “nil naturel.” It is delicious served as a salad, with French dressing. This is the “forbidden fruit” of Paris shops. If you notice the depressions near tho stem end you will see that they re­ semble the print of teeth. This, according to popular tradition, is the mark of Eve’s teeth when she bit the fruit, which w a sweet orange before, but afterward became bitter. The ne­ groes at the south tell the same story, about persimmon, though they do not show the print of teeth. They believe it was once well flavored, but was the one forbidden tree in Eden, and when Eve Nothing, we think, is so bitter as an tasted it it liecame acrid and has remained olive freshly pickled, yet after they turn so ever since.—New York Tribune. purple and black hogs soon learn todevour Hardening Cast Iron. them. Some Chicagoans have lately been con­ A tea made of ripe or dry whortleberries, and drank i n place of water, is claimed to be ducting satisfactory experiments in hard­ a speedy cure for many forms of scrofulous ening cast iron by a new chemical process. Briefly described, the mode of procedure is troubles. as follows: The iron is put in a furnace Two forms of catarrh are dne to pollen; and heated to the proper temperature, one, in summer, known as “rose cold” or when the chemical is put on the upper side “hay fever,” the other, in autumn, known and goes right through it, so that when as “autumnal catarrh.” cool the under side is as hard as the upper A person making a calkshould not, while sido, and when broken the iron is as hard waiting for a hostess, touch an open piano, inside as outside. walk about the room examining pictures, No trouble is experienced in going nor touch any ornamentdn the room. through six inches, and the chemical can The physicians of Berlin assert that their probably go through any reasonable thick­ practice has fallen off 25 per cent, since ness. In Chicago it Is being used for hard Koch’s operations began, and consequent­ ening brick dies made of cast iron, where­ ly they demand from the government free as heretofore brick dies were necessarily made of steel. This is a great saving, both lymph. political advancement ot women Is rapid in material and work. Another use is for in Bombay. One woman has even been ad­ shoes on grips ot cable cars.—New York mitted to the senate as a worthy member. Journal. At the end of a game of chance it is curi­ From Travancore comes a quaint plant ous bow much more appears to have been called the “cerberus,” which has a milky, lost than any one is ready to own to hav- poisonous juice. The unripe fruit is used ing won. by the natives to destroy dogs, as its action One of the sights at Springfield, Mass., causes their teeth to loosen and fall out. is a handsomely dressed woman who never The first use of gunpowder as an agent walks out unless accompanied by at least in warfare was made in the course of the nine dogs. I Twelfth century. The Chinese demon­ Lady Harris, wife of the governor of strated its propulsive effects in the Fif­ Bombay, is an excellent cricketer, and was teenth century, in the reign of Yunglop, captain of the winning side in a successful this being fully 1,000 years after gunpow­ cricketing match recently held. der was used in firecrackers. 9: 9: Pullman Buffet Sleepers, Tour druggist will tell you about it. Ask him. Wall Decorations. Grape Fruit as a SalaA. ARRIVE. 5: p in Albany 5: a m Portland Portland Albany England’s Real Estate Loss. A mistake which cost the British govern­ ment about as much territory as there is in the state of Rhode Island has come to light. The error consists of the fact that the iron monuments at Blaine, and for many miles east of there, are 360 yards north of the forty-ninth parallel, which should be the next boundary line. Ensign Edward Moale, Jr., of the United States navy, and connected with the United States coast survey, tells the story. Three years ago Ensign Moale was on the United States surveying schooner which was op­ erating in the vicinity of Blaine. The au­ thorities at Washington sent out chart» containing the latitude and longitude, which are filled in with the result of the surveys. Attached to the schooner was Assistant S. S. Gilbert, who had charge of the party working on shore. He sent in a platted re­ sult of his work, which was filled into maps received from headquarters at Wash­ ington. When Gilbert’s charts wore plat­ ted in these maps it was found that the boundary monuments at Blaine, and for a distance east thereof, were 360 yards to the north of the forty-ninth parallel. “At first we thought we were mistaken,” said Ensign Moale, “and carefully went over the work time and again, only to verify tho fact that the boundary monu­ ments were further north than they should be.” ' “How did the mistake occur?” “I suppose when the boundary line sur­ vey was made in 1853 under the direction of the joint American and English com­ mission that a slight error was made by the surveyors in northern Montana or the Rocky mountains. This was trifling at the start, but kept widening out until it covers 360 yards wide at the Straits of Georgia.” "Can the British demand tho territory back?” “No, they cannot, because the boundary line between the United States and Can­ ada is fixed by these monuments, which are of iron and are placed every mile from the Kake of the Woods to the straits of Georgia. From the Lake of the Woods to the Atlantic the boundary line is fixed by the lakes and rivers. This fact has never beeen officially reported to Washington.” —Cor. Chicago Tribune. 8:00 a m Roseburg... 5:40 p m 6:20 a in Portland . 4 :00 p in . Roseburg. LEAVE T he C entaur C omtaxy , DR. HENLEY’S Oregon Kidney Tea. ARRIVE LEAVE. Kidney Disease —is the cause of no end of suf­ fering. A safe and certain remedy is I ARRIVE. Portland . 7.00 p m San Francisco 8.15 am San Fran. 9:00 p m Portland . 9.35 am Above train'« stop only at following sta­ tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon City, Woodburm. Salem. Albany, Tangent, Snedds. Halsey. Harrisburg, Jun­ ction city. Irving, Eugene THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER O. & C. trains connectât Albany and Cor­ vallis. The above trains connect at Y aquina with the Oregon Developement Co’a. Line of Steam­ ships between Yaquina and San Francisco. N. B.—Passengers from Portland and all Wil- amette Valley Points ran make close conaec tion with the’ trains of the Y aquina K oi tf . at Albany or Corvallis, and if destined to Kan Franc woo, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening before date of Nailing. Sailing The Steamer Willamette Valley will sail FROM YAQUINA. FROM RAN FRANCieCO September 9th September 5th " IRth “ 14th ” 23d •• 26th Passenger and freight rates always the low eat. Foi infointation, apply to C. C. HOGUE, Gen’l. Frt. A Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific R. • Co., Corvallis, Oregon. W B WEBSTER Gen’l. Frt. A P am . j Agt., Oregon Developmeit (X Montgomery street San Francisco, Ca from Terminal or Inferinr Toiiils lilt EDISON'S MIXIIOG ItA PI I (Three thousand copies from one original.) RACINE AUTOMATIC STEEL COPYING RESS. i». COOK’S -^■Ur’T’OOvC^TIC: POSTAL SC^-LE. ¡1(1 (Tells you instantly amount of postage required for any mailable package ) is the Line to Take Victor SI 5 Tvu>e-NVrriter. To all Points East & South T71- Send for Catalogue. Eurisko Market, J 8 HIBBS, . - - Proprietor. . ZSE'S'lSTOIulDS, 29 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. 7 THE STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. O pens S eptember 18 th , 1891. Fresh Meats <«f «ill kinds constantly on hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s COURSE OF STUDY arranged expressly stock to meet the needs of the farming and me­ chanical interests of the state. T hird S treet , M c M innville , O r . Large, commodious ami well-ventilated buildings. The College is located in a culti­ vated ami Christian community, and one of the healthiest in the state. DEAFNESS ITS CAUSES AND CURE! It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs Through VESTIBULEO TRAINS Every Day in lhe Year to ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO fNo Change of Cars) Composed of ( HIMMi CAIS unsurpassed) Pl LLMAM HI! IHlMdUMiM SLMIW (Of Latent Equipment,) TOUIIST SLEEPIMi CARS Best that can I * constructed and in k which arcommodationK arc for hol­ ders of First or HecoDd-cptss Tick­ ets, anX>. - " Women and Chilton Ftot,”lyC.W:.r x:./ / "Christ Leafing the Pretoria,” hy Cctay; Par Each of these pictures is reproduced i i photc gravure, size 21x2«, and eminently fitted for Iran ing, and will adorn the walls of Ute snort ;• ; ; home. The subscription price cf the “ Weekfy J.. n i ner ’’ is $1.50,and subsenpuons may L. seul cithet direct to W. R. Hearst. Publisher, San Francisco, through the Local Aneni cf the “ Examin-r ” ot the Postmaster. ST PAUL, ST. LOUIS. AND ALL POINTS -4 I'ast, North South — A.T---- GEO. S. TAYLOR’ Ticket Agt Corner First and Oak Sts. It Is positively the shortest finir- »hortest and fini») llne to Chicago and the «ast eaat and sotith an.. and tho only sleeping ahd dining car through line to The Royal Route 01 ■M.