The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 24, 1891, Image 1

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    ’A Well-Written and
The Telephone-Register
With Competent Printers in Charge it is an
Easy Matter to Guarantee Satisfaction.
In a newspaper like the T elsphone -R kgistib .
•• A »rep of Ink May Make * Million Think.’
Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County.
TELEPHONE ’Established Hine. 1886 Consolidated Feb. I, 1889.
VOL. in. NO. 34
M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , S eptember 24,1891.
How They Won $50,000 at the Races after Business in
tuc CIRCT PRI7R (~ip 4,10000 thev won was a good name for Square, Honorable Dealing.
The Second Prize, $80,000. they won when they secured the
agency of Yahhill County for tlw CEL^E^TED
made by Bridge, Beach & Co., of St. Louis.
They are
_ __ * '
an enviable reputation, which accounts for Opposition trying to adopt Our Stoves Trade Mark “SUPERIOR, by attaching^ it Io anothei line of stores.
so well known and have an enviable reputation, which accounts for Opposition trying to adopt Our Stove’s Trade Mark “ SUPERIOR," by attaching it to another hue of stoves.
■ - Superior,
And ’ when we sell Ten Thousand more of them, as we surely will in the
Don’t be deceived; all stoves with Bridge, Beach & Co’s name are called
others are counterfit.
Third -------------------
Prize of $ 18,000 is what we have been able to save our customers by Cutting Down Prices and Giving them the Best
next ten years, we will have our 880,000 clear.
” The
Goods in the Market for Less Money than they could get them elsewhere, and that is what they owe us in good will. Now' we have -Accepted tlxe Agency of
artd. anarxg'sd to ZBvi/y a g-ood many Farm Goods in. tlxe East direct. And by seeking to please and bene-
fit you in every way in our power we shall try to make the other 814,000 if life last long enough.
- tt - ktan
a - kt
'of a makeup that has not been seen be­ I decompose. The heat of decomposition
fore, will sell in bits for a couple of hatches the eggs, and the young fowls
dollars, if its possessor knows burrow their way out of the mound,
Zxdlt. Ta’cor.
how to dispose of it. People are not less not upward, but through the sides. It
..Portland"« Mott Beautllnl Suburb-
interested in other worlds because they is a wise brush turkey that knows its
McMinnville, Oregon,
own mother, for the parent birds give
Professor Henry A. Ward’s Story of a know nothing about the next one.
For the treatment of Nervous Diseases,
Mighty Bird’s Nest--A Plan to Culti­
espeaially those suffering from nervous ex­ Paid up Capital, $50,000.
The most interesting man among the no thought nor care to their offspring
haustion and prostration, chronic diseases,
vate the Intellect of Apes—Curious
scientists who have been visiting Wash­ after depositing their eggs. You can
and all those who need quiet and rest, good
News About Grains and Grasses.
Transacts a General Banking Business,
nursing, massage and constant medical
ington is Prof. Henry A. Ward, the imagine what a vast amount of mater­
care. At Mt. Tabor will be fou d pure air, Deposits Received Subject to Check
great natural science collector of Ro­ ial is put into one of these nests when I
absolutely free from malaria, good water,
Interest allowed on time deposits.
chester, N. Y. He has spent his life in tell you that a friend of mine in Aus­
beautiful surroundings and magnificent
Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ curiosities which the wise men of the
views. Ample references given if desired.
traveling all over the world for the pur­ tralia made his whole garden patch
For further particulars, address the physic­
pose of gathering material for museums. from one-half of one of the mounds.
ian in charge.
Collections made on all accessible [«lints.
The adventures he has met with while A man of large means who resides in
Ninth <k Morrison Sts., Portland,Oregon.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m.
traordinary was a meteorite with dia­ in pursuit of curiosities in one far corner Washington has recently declared his
monds in it Such a thing had never of the earth or another would fill many intention, privately, to devote ¥100,000
I. r. CAt.BBBATn.
been seen or heard of before; in fact, It delightful books. In conversation the to a very original purpose.
His idea is that no satisfactory oppor­
Calbreath & Goucher,
was the only specimen of the kind thus other day he referred to an expedition
Successor to H. Adams
he once made in search of an extraordi­ tunity lias ever been afforded for the
monds were little ones, but what they nary Australian bird, whicli has a com­ development of the intellect of the
M c M innvilu ,
O regon .
munal nest, a whole flock uniting their brute. Intelligence, like bodily quali­
signified was big.
(Office over Bralv’s Bank.)
The meteorite in question was one of efforts in its constructon and sharing ties, is susceptible of improvement
I nave purchased the Harness Shop of IT. many found recently in Arizona, near its conveniences for the purpose of lay­ through breeding, as everyone knows
Adams and will keep a
S. A. YOUNG, M. 0.
who has thought about the evolution
the canyon Diabolo. It was supposed ing their eggs.
“I was in the neighborhood of Fort of the dog from the wolf by artificial
by the discovers that they had hit upon
Physician & Surgeon,
an iron mine of enormous value, but in­ Darwin on Torres straits,” said the pro­ selection. This rich man proposes that
of Harness and Horse Furnishings
M c M innville .
O regon . people of Yamhill county are invited to call vestigation proved that the great chunks fessor. “I had some native black fel­ monkeys or apes shall be taken as sub­
of metal picked up had been shot out of lows with me and a lot of biscuits to jects for experiment, simply because
Office and residence on D street. AU look over the stock and get prices.
the realms of space. The place whence pay them with. Biscuits go witli them man understands those animals better
calls promptly answered day or night.
they were obtained is known as the them for wages as well as money, be­ than he does others. Let fifty of them,
“Crater,” because it looks like one, be­ cause they care for nothing in life but half males and half females, lie placed
ing a eiicular hollow 100 feet in depth, eating. If you give them coins they in paddock, suitably provided with
three-quarters of a mile wide, and sur­ carry them in their ears, and they are separate quarters for each sex. Then
Practicing Physician and Surgeon,
rounded by a wall of rocks so steep that more apt than not to wear no clothes at have them breed, pair by pair, as shall
the bottom is strewn with the skeletons all, save a band around the left arm to be directed by those who superintend.
of animals whicli have got in and been hold a tobacco pipe that is stuck into it Some of them will develop certain abil­
Jan, 21,’88.
The Finest Line of Confection­ unable to climb out again. Nevertheless when not in use. One must take care ities more conspicuously than others.
it is not of volcanic origin, as is proved not to let them have any ‘bixit,’ as they For example, certain individuals will
ery in the City.
J. D. Baker M D., 1 All kinds of Produce taken at the with certainty by the fact that there is call them, until their work is done; exhibit a superior understanding of the
no lava, obsidian (volcanic glass) or otherwise, having gobbled them, they commands addresed to them, or will
likely to lie down at any moment show a greater dexterity in the hand­
HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. other volcanic product in the neighbor­ are
hood. What was it, then, that made and go to sleep, though it may lie in ling of objects. Those who appear stu­
I Call and examine our Stock and the crater? The geologists say that it the middle of the road and the occasion pid are to lie expelled from the colony,
get Prices.
their places being filled by fresh re­
was formed by the impact of a single one of serious exigency.”
Office Upstairs in the Garrison Building.
“These particular black fellows had cruits. When a male and female are
H enderson & G aunt .
gigantic meteor, which at some time in
the past struck the earth and buried it­ promised to guide me to a nest of the found who exhibit the same sort of
M c M innville
self out of sight, leaving a hole which ‘brush turkeys.’ I had never seen one aptitude in any direction they are to be
---- AND-----
has since become partly filled up, sur­ and was very anxious to do so. On our mated. This process, carried on for
A. G. SMITH M. D.,
rounded by a wall of rock that was journey my companions seemed inces­ generations, would necessarily result in
CARLIN & COULTER, Proprietors
forced out of place. Imagine what a santly looking for something to eat. the development of superior characters,
Have associated themselves together, and
will lie known in the future as Drs. Goucher
Goods of all descriptions moved and care­ big one it must have lieen to leave a When opportunity served they climbed until finally, after the lapse of twenty-
Smith. Professional calls attended to ful handling guaranteed. Collections will
tall trees for oysters. The rise and fall five years perhaps, there would almost
day or night. Office: Two doors east of be made monthly Hauling of a 1 kinds cavity three-fourths of a mile in width
the tides in Torres straits are enor­ certainly be had apes or monkeys far
drug store. Residence within a short dis­ done cheap
1 where it hit this planet. The huge mass
tance from the Office.
mous, and the oysters, which are under higher in the scale of reason than any
A mity
O regon
there yet, of course. Perhaps it is not the water when it is high, being at­ known up to the present time.
sunk too deep to render mining for its tached to the trunks of trees, are left
These putative cousins of the human
I material unprofitable. Fragments of it ten or twelve feet out of the water when race have already exhibited a mental
I formed the masses that were picked up it is at its lowest. I saw two gigantic and even technical develonment in
kangaroos on that trip and measured point of intellect. Chimpansees have
1 by the prospectors above referred to.
Shop With Hewitt Bro’s.
That one which contained the dia" tlie leaps of one of them. Thirty-two been taught to bring things to table,
Charges Reasonable. Give me a call.
I monds, however, has opened an absorb­ feet the tape line showed for each jump, and the big Langun baboon of India is
M c M innville . :
O regon .
ing subject for speculation. It proves taking it from toe-mark to toe-mark, as commonly used in that country to-day
! that there are diamonds in other worlds the animal left them in the sand. It is as a servant for working their punkah
| than ours, but also it points to many’ marvelous to see one of those great mar­ fans, with which the flies are kept
other important conclusions. The dia­ supials streaking across the country iu away from dinner tables. Explorer
monds of the famous Kimberly mines, immense bounds, literally throwing It­ Stanley has given an account of apes
which at present produce almost the self through the air with its mighty which carry torches at night. This is
and Jeweler.
entire world’s supply of these gems, are hindlimbs, and hardly seeming to believed by scientists to lie an absurdity
Dealer In All Kind« ol Watche«. Jewelry. Plated Ware
all found at the liottoms of just such touch the earth in its flight. The beast because all the anthropoid and simian
Clacks and Spectacle«. McNINNVILLE. OR.
craters as the one just described iu Ari­ really looks as if it was flying, and I tribes are too afraid of fire to render
zona. It is believed that these craters, am not surprised that Captain Cook’s such a thing possible. It is a fact well
were formed by the impact of naturalist should have mistaken the known that gorillas, while they will
because there is no other first kangaroo he saw for a big bird.”
gather about a deserted campfire for the
“On our way to find the nesl I came sake of warmth, will never think of
conceivable way in which they could
Carries the Best Line of Choice Meats in
the City. Game and Fish in Season. Poul­
have been made, and for other reasons across a beautiful specimen of a rare keeping the embers alight by adding
try, hides, etc., bought for the highest mar­
geological. Ifso,thenitmust be inferred kind of lizard, commonly called the fuel. Nevertheless, every book on nat­
ket price and cash paid for same
attention is called to the fact that we al­
that probably all the diamonds in the ‘flying dragon,' because it sometimes ural history relates many an instance
ways serve the best meats to be found.
world were brought to this terrestrial appears to fly, supporting itself in the illustrative of these creatures’ thinking
Your patronage is solicited.
sphere by meteorites. In other words, air to some extent as does a flying powers, and there is no question that it
these precious jewels are not native to squirrel. This one whicli had an es­ could be greatly improved by the pro­
the earth, but have been fetched hither pecially large and fine ruffle around its cess of judicious breeding. Even a pig
with the dust of other stars. That ac­ neck, crawled into a hollow log to es­ can be taught to count up to ten.
counts for the manner, hitherto deemed cape. I upended the log, when it fell
The department of agriculture says
unaccountable in which they are scat­ out, and I told one of the black fellows that the recent extraordinary rise in
tered everywhere through drift of all to pick it up. He did so and, immedi­
market is not in the least surpris­
ELSIA WRIGHT. HOSC and Wired llOSC ! sortH, having apparently no birthplace ately carrying it to his mouth, bit off grain
its head. I was very angry to lose such
or definite relation to other minerals.
Carries the Largest Assortment of
“This is the third year of short wheat
Over a Thousand Feet Sold this Sea­
Harness and ^addles and also the
Some scientists go so far as to assert a treasure in that way, but when I crops everywhere abroad,” said J. R.
son and Still Plenty of Hose Left.
that diamonds, like coal, which is so scolded the man simply looked aston. Dodge, the most eminent authority on
nearly’ of the same chemical composi- ished, rubbed his stomach and said, such matters in the country yesterday.
Harness of all kinds Made to Order. Re­
pairing Neatly Done
iion, could not possibly come into exist­ ‘Good, good.’ Soon afterward my at­ “Not only has the left over surplus
ence without previous vegetable tention was called to a sort of ‘Jack-in- been exhausted, but what is called the
Robes. Whips and all the Necessaries
Will sell you better goods and at growths to generate tiieir material. For the-pulpit’ that grew in a little dell. Its
are Kept in Stock in Endless
Less Money than any one in town. this reason they infer that the finding leaves were somewhat withered, which ‘invisible’ reserve in the farmers’ bins
has been used up. The present wheat
Call and See Stock. Store on Third Street,
C all and S ee H im .
of the gems in the meteorites demon­ fact was accounted for when another of crop in this country is unusually big,
McMinnville. Oregon.
strates that there must have been vege­ my aboriginal companions plucked the and it must be drawn upon largely by
table life, at all events, in the place plant up by the roots and showed me, Europe, particularly by England,
I whence the meteorite came. If there hanging from them, a bright green cat­ which eats enormously more wheat
was vegetable life there it is a fair pre­ erpillar quite a foot in length. This than she produces. Hence the rise in
Gates & Henry , Props.
McMinnville, Oregon.
sumption that there was animal life, latter he coolly held up by one end, price.
also. All this may lie untrue, but it af­ dropped it down his throat, closed his
“Russia is the rye-producing country
fords the first guess glimpse that has eyes in an ecstacy of gustatory appreci­ of the world. The crop is very poor,
Fall Term Opens
ever been obtained into the greatest ation and rubbed his stomach also.”
and the Czar has commanded that
problem that mankind has ever at­ “We reached the nest at last, and it none of it be exported. The Germans,
tempted to handle—namely, the ques- was well worth seeing. It was a circu­ who eat rye and not wheat, are alarm­
Everything New
whether life exists in other worlds than
The aim of the College is to give ours. From tlie philosophical point of lar mound, eight feet high and twenty- ed. The soldiers are grumbling consid­
two feet in diameter. The birds begin erably at the prospect of being obliged
And Firstclass.
view the fact cannot but be taken for the construction of such a one by get­ to feed upon wheat bread, for lack of
Special Accommodations for Commercial
granted in a universe in which the sun ting together a big heap of leaves. On rye bread, this year. Incidentally, the
is merely a star of the fourth magni­ top of and around this heap they gather few millions of bushels of rye grown in
Corner Second and E Streets, one block
tude. Nevertheless, some absolute evi­ eartli by scratching it backward toward the United States, have advanced in
from Cooks hotel.
least zzzzrr’Ensrszo
dence on tlie point would be extremely the pile, and it was in this way wholly value.
To the Student. It has better satisfactory.
that the great mound I describe was
“It is very curious to observe how
Facilities for the coming year than Meteorites ordinarily are nearly all built up. All the surface soil had been the different nations eat different
iron, with a small percentage of nickel. scraped away for a long distance around grains. In the United States we feed
ever before.
None of them have ever been known for adding to the accumulation. When largely upon corn, which in England
For the last catalogue address
to contain a particle of any precious the brush turkeys have thus made their thought to be only good for horses. A
Proprietors of The McMinnville
metal. Nevertheless many of them are earth-heap ready for the season’s lay­ I very few years ago we ate no oats. At
worth many times their weight in gold> ing, they cut a cylindrical hole down ' present we consume more oatmeal than
because of some peculiarity of structure into the middle of it. Into this they : does any other people. We don’t care
or otherwise. Every collector of miner­ get one by one and lay their eggs. As : much for rye, except for distilling into
ft ft ft
I-A It J
I undertake to briefly
Situated at the Southwest corner of the Sk ft
J I I I I ■ |teachany f"‘‘ .y intelligent p.-rs, n of either
als makes it a matter of pride to have a soon as all are through, they fill up the whisky, and so our production of it is
I IB I I ■•ex, who cun read nud write, and who,
Fair Grounds. All sizes of
■Jl ■ 1 1 I II liaft'r in.trm lien, « ill work induatriouai v,
specimen of every known kind of me­ hole, leaving a cavity shaped like a comparatively small. Germany and
wF Mr Vlmw to earn Three Thousand Dollar« a
Tear in their own localities, wherever they live.I will also furnish
First-Class Drain Tile
the aituation which you cun earn that amount.
teorite in liis cabinet. If a new sort washbasin on the top of the mound. Russia eat Rye, while all western Eu-
5o ntonev for nieunleseitucevaaful aa above. Easily and quickly
kept constantly on hand at lowest living learned. I desire but vne worker from each district or countv. I turns up and lie lias not a piece he is Rains come and the water retained in
have already taught and provided with eniplovmeut a large
, rope feeds upon wheat. Go into a Ger­
number, who are making over *3000 a rear each. Ila NEW
unhappy. It happens sometimes that this hollow filters through to the de­ man beer saloon and it is always rye
Pl??’1 tr”* H,’r* FI< K- A.ldre.s at once,
Molli inville, Oregon. L. 4, ALLEX,
livx 4)20, Augusta, Aluiue.
one weighing not mon1 than a pound, posit of leaves, which are thus made to ' bread that you will find upon the bar.
Vice President.
mchiui ram u
D. -A. smith ,
0.0. ODSOI.
Red Jacket
Force Pumps,
Pitcher Pumps,
Pumps of all kinds
The People’s Market.
Harness and Saddles.
Paawlar tot: ui kg::,
Arguì tot: u: Rugs,
Sta ud Raigc: by Us hto
M c M innville college ,
Livery, Feed and Sale ! ON SEPT. 8, 1891
Edwards à Derby,
Cnina and Japan choose rice for their
grain. So does India. The latter also
is a large consumer of millets—grassy-
looking cereal plants—which are only’
considered fit for forage in this country.
Testing the Baking Powders.
Comparative Worth Illustrated,
late chemist in chief of th «
Lottery and 1’rlze Schemes used to sell
Almn an<l Ammonia Baking Powders.
A New Y’ork concern, manufacturers
of an ammonia baking powder, boasts
that its yearly profits are over a million
dollars. While, perhaps, none of the
makers of alum powders individually
can show so large earnings yet their
profits are enormous.
A business so profitable will always
attract to itself those whose greed will
cause them to utterly disregard the
effect their traffic may have upon the
health or life of others.
Alum baking powders are introduced
largely by gifts, prizes and lottery
schemes. A piece of glassware or china,
a child's wagon, sled, a pewter spoon or
some other article of attractive appear­
ance, but of small intrinsic value or
cost is given with each purchase or a
number is attached to the can which
entitles the customer to a similarly
numbered article or to a prize of some
kind. It is in some such way as this
that the trade in alum ami ammonia
baking powders, which has now at­
tained such giant proportions and their
consumption by the public which has
reached an extent which is truly alarm­
The highest authorities of all coun­
tries condemn the use of alum in bread
without reserve. In America the most
distinguished physicians, chemists and
hygienistshave declared that the traffic
in alum baking powders should be sup­
pressed by law. In England and
France, where the subject of pure food
and its effect upon the system has lieen
more fully considered and made the
subject of extended experiments by the
scientists, so serious a matter is the use
of alum in bread or ether food consid­
ered to be, that most stringent laws
have been enacted to prevent it. These
laws are rigidly enforced, and the sale
of alum baking powders would not be
permitted for an hour. Any one who
attempted to make for use in food, or
attempted to use them for raising bread,
biscuit or cake would suffer severe pen­
The ill effects upon the system of food
raised by alum baking powders are the
more dangerous because of their insidi­
ous character. It would be less danger­
ous to the community were it fatal at
once, for then such food would be
avoided; but their deleterious action,
liecausc imperceptible at first, is no less
The puckering effect which alum has
when taken In the mouth is familiar to
everyone. Physicians say this same
effect is produced by it upon the deli-
eatejeoatsof the stomach and intestines.
What housewife would take home to
her family a can of alum or ammonia
baking powder if she knew it? Such
powders not only undermine the sys­
tem, but it is pointed out that ammonia
into the system in even inflnitestimal
doses day after day, imparts to the com­
plexion a sallow and blotched appear­
It is safe to discard all baking pow­
ders sold with a prize or gift.
What a misnomer are the words “Ab­
solutely Pure,” as applied to baking
powders two of the largest selling
brands one made from alum, the other
containing ammonia, and both of these
drugged baking powders have stamped
upon their labels and circulars these
words absolutely pure; as a matter of
fact they are "absolutely poor,” as
shown by official examinations.
DODSON tk 11 ILS it <
Alum and Ammonia,
Above diagram was drawn and verified in all its details, by Prof. Peter
Ccllier, who is pre-eminent as a Chemist, and Scientist. The illustration u
ma le in accordance with his chemical tests of each bond enumerated.
The Carlxmic acid gas was calculated to get the leavening strength and
the qualitative analysis to ascertain the comparative wliolesomcness, purity,
ar.d general usefulness of the leading Powders. The result of Prof. Collier's
examination and test, reveals the fact, that, with but one exception, every
brand tested contained either Ammonia or Alum, and a liumlier lioth.
Not one woman in ten thousand would use an Ammonia or Alum Baking
Powder if she knew it. Such Powders not only undermine the health, but
ammonia imparts a sallow or blotched complexion.
N ote .—Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder, as shown by Prof. Collier's
examinations, is the only pure Cream Tartar Powder found free from adulter­
ation and the highest in strength. All authorities report Dr. Price's free from
Ammonia, Alum, Lime, or any other adulterant. The purity of this ideal
Powder lias never lieen questioned.
< Indicates the Powder containing cither Ammonia or Alum
* A Indicates the Powder containing both AmnTOuia and Alum.
While the diagram shows some of these Ammonia or Alum Powders
to lie of higher strength than others classed la-low them, it must not lie taken
that they possess any value. All Ammonia or Alum powders should be
avoided as dangerous, no matter how high their strength.
Noble Don’t Smoke.
A few days ago Secretary Noble got
so angry because a visitor appeared in
his private room holding a lighted ci­
gar that he threatened to have him
ejected by the colored Department
messenger. The Secretary’s antipathy
to tobacco is unconquerable ami has
possessed him since he was a very
small boy. An old friend tells this story
of his dislike for the weed.
“Johnny Noble was a boy of ten
when his father kept tlie old Dcniison
hotel in Cincinnati. The Dennison
was noted for its hot buckwheat cakes,
and little John’s chief duty was to trot
between the kitchen stove and the din­
ing tallies with smoking pyramids of
flapjacks. He was known as Jack, the
cake-boy. Another duty was to can-
for the big living room, where the river
men to the numlier of twenty or thirty
would gather in the long winter even­
ings, smoking the strongest Kentucky
tobacco. The smoke always made lit­
tle Jack very sick, hut he stuck to his
work like a Trojan. He made a very
solemn vow, however,that when he got
to lie a man nobody should smoke in
any living room he could control. It
is said the Secretary once discharged a
clerk for presenting a fellow employe
with a box of cigars.
“A Back Number.”
Trice of Bare Metal..
Iridium, a very heavy metal of the
platinum group, so named from tbe Ir­
idescence of some of its solutions, and
well known in connection with Its use
for the points of gold [tens, may be
Isiught to-day at approximately $73» a
pound. The present price of platinum
the better known tin white, ductile,but
very infusible metal, is on a par with
that of gold, namely, aliout $350 per
pound. But generally its value fluctu­
ates between its more |x>pular brothers,
gold and silver. The rarest nieti.l—
and it is so rare that recent discoveries
have thrown doubt on its elemental
character—Is didymium,and its present
market price, if one may thus term the
quotation of an article that never ap-
pears on tlie market, isjf;4,.7OO a pound.
Tlie next costliest metal is liarium, an
element belonging to the alkaline earth
group; its value is $3,760. Berylium, or
glueinum, a metallic sulmtance found
in the lieautiful beryl, is quoted at
-------------- ---------------------
Jaeoli Steel, the oldest man in Penn­
sylvania, died at Uniontown, aged BH.
Mr. Steel was Ixirn Octolier 18, 1873, in
Springhill township, Fayette county,
and has lived near Masontown nearly
all his life. He has always lx*cn a dem-
ocrat. He east his first vote for Jeffer­
son and Ids last for Gov. Pattison. He
never used tobacco, but used whisky in
a moderate degree. He was an early
riser, and was noted for the easiness of
his temper. On the day of Washing­
ton’s second election Steel could re-
member lie was gathering hickory nuts^
When Jefferson resigned from Wash­
ington's caliinet to lead the new demo­
cratic party Mr. Steel was a boy of ten.
This is the slighting remark that is
The startling fact is shown by reports
often applied to women who try to ap-
of tlie Massachusetts commissioners of
pear young, though they no longer
prisons that during the last fifty years 1
look so. Sometimes appearances are
while the population of the state has '
deceitful. Female weakness, function­
only trebled, the numlier of criminals i
ary troubles, displacements and irregu­
has increased fifty fold. There is one ! larities will add fifteen years to a
prisoner for every 400 inhabitants of
woman’s looks. These troubles are re­
the state, and in Boston one to every | moved by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favor­
222 inhabitants. This large proportion I
ite Prescription. Try this prescription,
however, includes recommitments.
all you whose beauty and freshness is
These facts are interpreted by Mr. W. fading from sucli causes, and no longer There lias been noted for tbe first
time tlie appearance of a species of large
P. Andrews, for many years clerk of
figure in society as a “back numlier.” herring at Yaquina bay, larger by one
the criminal court at Salem, Mass., as
It's guaranteed to give satisfaction in half than tbe spring run, and very fat
evidence that the “reformatory” con-1
every case, or money paid for it re­ and of a superior quality of flesh and
duct of prisons has caused an alarming
turned. See guarantee on Ixittle-wrap- flavor, much resembling that of mack­
increase of crime and that the substitu­ per.
erel. They run in large schools.
tion of reformatory for punitive treat­
ment is fast bringing us to state social­
Highest of all in leavening l’owcr.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
ism through the attractiveness of pris­
on-life. Mr, Andrews will contribute
an article to the October Forum, con­
taining the results of many years' ob­
servation of the working of the two
---------- ---------------
The newspapers in the Sacramento
valley give the temperature of the
hottest days lately as having been as
high as 114, but parties writing letters
make the figures at least 4 to .5 degrees