’A Well-Written and The Telephone-Register JOB PRINTING ROOM IS WELL EQUIPPED WITH MATERIAL ALWAYS HAS FINEST PAPER STOCK. With Competent Printers in Charge it is an Easy Matter to Guarantee Satisfaction. ht PROPERLY DISPLAYED ADVERTISEMENT In a newspaper like the T elsphone -R kgistib . IS WORTH DOLLARS TO A BUSINESS MAN. •• A »rep of Ink May Make * Million Think.’ Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. TELEPHONE ’Established Hine. 1886 Consolidated Feb. I, 1889. VOL. in. NO. 34 M c M innville , O regon , T hursday , S eptember 24,1891. * I I How They Won $50,000 at the Races after Business in tuc CIRCT PRI7R (~ip 4,10000 thev won was a good name for Square, Honorable Dealing. The Second Prize, $80,000. they won when they secured the agency of Yahhill County for tlw CEL^E^TED STOVES AJSTD made by Bridge, Beach & Co., of St. Louis. They are _ __ * ' an enviable reputation, which accounts for Opposition trying to adopt Our Stoves Trade Mark “SUPERIOR, by attaching^ it Io anothei line of stores. so well known and have an enviable reputation, which accounts for Opposition trying to adopt Our Stove’s Trade Mark “ SUPERIOR," by attaching it to another hue of stoves. ■ - Superior, “ ‘ ‘ And ’ when we sell Ten Thousand more of them, as we surely will in the Don’t be deceived; all stoves with Bridge, Beach & Co’s name are called others are counterfit. Third ------------------- Prize of $ 18,000 is what we have been able to save our customers by Cutting Down Prices and Giving them the Best next ten years, we will have our 880,000 clear. ” The ...------- Goods in the Market for Less Money than they could get them elsewhere, and that is what they owe us in good will. Now' we have -Accepted tlxe Agency of de artd. anarxg'sd to ZBvi/y a g-ood many Farm Goods in. tlxe East direct. And by seeking to please and bene- fit you in every way in our power we shall try to make the other 814,000 if life last long enough. o - tt - ktan a - kt MANNING & 'of a makeup that has not been seen be­ I decompose. The heat of decomposition fore, will sell in bits for a couple of hatches the eggs, and the young fowls thousand dollars, if its possessor knows burrow their way out of the mound, WERE ALL DIAMONDS BROUGHT Zxdlt. Ta’cor. how to dispose of it. People are not less not upward, but through the sides. It BY METEORS? ..Portland"« Mott Beautllnl Suburb- I interested in other worlds because they is a wise brush turkey that knows its McMinnville, Oregon, own mother, for the parent birds give Professor Henry A. Ward’s Story of a know nothing about the next one. For the treatment of Nervous Diseases, Mighty Bird’s Nest--A Plan to Culti­ espeaially those suffering from nervous ex­ Paid up Capital, $50,000. The most interesting man among the no thought nor care to their offspring haustion and prostration, chronic diseases, vate the Intellect of Apes—Curious scientists who have been visiting Wash­ after depositing their eggs. You can and all those who need quiet and rest, good News About Grains and Grasses. Transacts a General Banking Business, nursing, massage and constant medical ington is Prof. Henry A. Ward, the imagine what a vast amount of mater­ care. At Mt. Tabor will be fou d pure air, Deposits Received Subject to Check great natural science collector of Ro­ ial is put into one of these nests when I W ashington , August 29. — Of all the absolutely free from malaria, good water, Interest allowed on time deposits. chester, N. Y. He has spent his life in tell you that a friend of mine in Aus­ beautiful surroundings and magnificent Sell sight exchange and telegraphic trans­ curiosities which the wise men of the views. Ample references given if desired. traveling all over the world for the pur­ tralia made his whole garden patch fers on New York, San Francisco and Port ­ Association for the Advancement of For further particulars, address the physic­ land. pose of gathering material for museums. from one-half of one of the mounds. Science brought to Washington for ex ­ ian in charge. _ Collections made on all accessible [«lints. OSMON ROYAL, M. D.. The adventures he has met with while A man of large means who resides in hibition to their fellows, the most ex ­ Ninth ing, they cut a cylindrical hole down ' present we consume more oatmeal than President. because of some peculiarity of structure into the middle of it. Into this they : does any other people. We don’t care or otherwise. Every collector of miner­ get one by one and lay their eggs. As : much for rye, except for distilling into ft ft ft I-A It J I undertake to briefly Situated at the Southwest corner of the Sk ft J I I I I ■ |teachany f"‘‘ .y intelligent p.-rs, n of either als makes it a matter of pride to have a soon as all are through, they fill up the whisky, and so our production of it is W I IB I I ■•ex, who cun read nud write, and who, Fair Grounds. All sizes of ■Jl ■ 1 1 I II liaft'r in.trm lien, « ill work induatriouai v, specimen of every known kind of me­ hole, leaving a cavity shaped like a comparatively small. Germany and wF Mr Vlmw to earn Three Thousand Dollar« a Tear in their own localities, wherever they live.I will also furnish First-Class Drain Tile the aituation uremploynient.at which you cun earn that amount. teorite in liis cabinet. If a new sort washbasin on the top of the mound. Russia eat Rye, while all western Eu- 5o ntonev for nieunleseitucevaaful aa above. Easily and quickly kept constantly on hand at lowest living learned. I desire but vne worker from each district or countv. I turns up and lie lias not a piece he is Rains come and the water retained in have already taught and provided with eniplovmeut a large , rope feeds upon wheat. Go into a Ger­ prices EDWARDS A DERBY, number, who are making over *3000 a rear each. Ila NEW unhappy. It happens sometimes that this hollow filters through to the de­ man beer saloon and it is always rye Pl??’1 tr”* H,’r* FI< K- A.ldre.s at once, 41- Molli inville, Oregon. L. 4, ALLEX, livx 4)20, Augusta, Aluiue. one weighing not mon1 than a pound, posit of leaves, which are thus made to ' bread that you will find upon the bar. COTTAGE SANITARIUM! J. W. COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN J. L. STRATTON. President. Vice President. Cashier mchiui ram u FRANK WRIGHT, HARNESS SHOP! HENDERSON & GAUNT UHK TRUCK AND DRAY CO., D. -A. smith , 0.0. ODSOI. WATCHMAKER A JEWELER. WM. HOLL, Êb Red Jacket Force Pumps, Pitcher Pumps, Pumps of all kinds The People’s Market. Harness and Saddles. Paawlar tot: ui kg::, Arguì tot: u: Rugs, Sta ud Raigc: by Us hto M c M innville college , Livery, Feed and Sale ! ON SEPT. 8, 1891 Edwards à Derby, ÏE FACTORY SS GEMS FROM THE STARS. Cnina and Japan choose rice for their grain. So does India. The latter also is a large consumer of millets—grassy- looking cereal plants—which are only’ considered fit for forage in this country. A MILLION A YEAR. UNGERMAN. i Testing the Baking Powders. Comparative Worth Illustrated, by PROF. PETER COLLIER, late chemist in chief of th « DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, I>. C. Lottery and 1’rlze Schemes used to sell Almn anpular brothers, gold and silver. The rarest nieti.l— and it is so rare that recent discoveries have thrown doubt on its elemental character—Is didymium,and its present market price, if one may thus term the quotation of an article that never ap- pears on tlie market, isjf;4,.7OO a pound. Tlie next costliest metal is liarium, an element belonging to the alkaline earth group; its value is $3,760. Berylium, or glueinum, a metallic sulmtance found in the lieautiful beryl, is quoted at $3,375. -------------- --------------------- Jaeoli Steel, the oldest man in Penn­ sylvania, died at Uniontown, aged BH. Mr. Steel was Ixirn Octolier 18, 1873, in Springhill township, Fayette county, and has lived near Masontown nearly all his life. He has always lx*cn a dem- ocrat. He east his first vote for Jeffer­ son and Ids last for Gov. Pattison. He never used tobacco, but used whisky in a moderate degree. He was an early riser, and was noted for the easiness of his temper. On the day of Washing­ ton’s second election Steel could re- member lie was gathering hickory nuts^ When Jefferson resigned from Wash­ ington's caliinet to lead the new demo­ cratic party Mr. Steel was a boy of ten. This is the slighting remark that is The startling fact is shown by reports often applied to women who try to ap- of tlie Massachusetts commissioners of pear young, though they no longer prisons that during the last fifty years 1 look so. Sometimes appearances are while the population of the state has ' deceitful. Female weakness, function­ only trebled, the numlier of criminals i ary troubles, displacements and irregu­ has increased fifty fold. There is one ! larities will add fifteen years to a prisoner for every 400 inhabitants of woman’s looks. These troubles are re­ the state, and in Boston one to every | moved by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favor­ 222 inhabitants. This large proportion I ite Prescription. Try this prescription, however, includes recommitments. all you whose beauty and freshness is These facts are interpreted by Mr. W. fading from sucli causes, and no longer There lias been noted for tbe first time tlie appearance of a species of large P. Andrews, for many years clerk of figure in society as a “back numlier.” herring at Yaquina bay, larger by one the criminal court at Salem, Mass., as It's guaranteed to give satisfaction in half than tbe spring run, and very fat evidence that the “reformatory” con-1 every case, or money paid for it re­ and of a superior quality of flesh and duct of prisons has caused an alarming turned. See guarantee on Ixittle-wrap- flavor, much resembling that of mack­ increase of crime and that the substitu­ per. erel. They run in large schools. tion of reformatory for punitive treat­ ment is fast bringing us to state social­ Highest of all in leavening l’owcr.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, 1889, ism through the attractiveness of pris­ on-life. Mr, Andrews will contribute an article to the October Forum, con­ taining the results of many years' ob­ servation of the working of the two systems. ---------- --------------- The newspapers in the Sacramento valley give the temperature of the hottest days lately as having been as high as 114, but parties writing letters make the figures at least 4 to .5 degrees higher Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE