The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 10, 1891, Image 3

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10, 1891
From 7 a m. to 7 p. m
From 7:30 p.
m. to 8:30 p. m.
Money order hours from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Sunday from 12 in. to 1 p. m
Mail south closes at 9:50 a. in. Mail
north closes at 2:30 p. m. and 9 p. m.
Mail for 5:45 a. m train closes evening
before at 9 p m.
Sheridan and southern Tillamook mail
closes at 11 a in.
M ethodist E piscopal C hurch —Services
every Sabbath at 11 a. m and 7:00p m.
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m
Prat er meet­
ing Thursday evenings at 7:30.
R ev J. T A bbett , Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 p
m Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.
R ev W iley K nowles , Pastor
B aptist C hvrcii .—Services every Sabbath
at 11 a. ill. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at
9;55a. in.
R ev R. M c K illop , Pastor.
McMinnville Grange. No. 31, P. of U.,
meet in their hall the first and third Satur­
day of each month' at 10 a. m. Visitors
cordially invited. J. R B ootii , Master.
Mrs. H. A. H embree , Sec.
Who is the Best “Art” Writer?
ojiens a competition for the business
men of Yamhill county who do not
patronize the advertising columns of
this paper. Advertising pays, and the
business man who does not know this
is behind the times. We offer to pub­
lish for one month a half-column ad for
the business man who furnishes the
most cleverly written and original mat­
ter for the space. The cash value of
this amount of advertising is $7.00. We
do this because we want the business
men of the county to learn that adver­
tising pays when proper attention is
given to it. An original and novel ad­
vertisement will attract the eyes of
more readers than the stereotyped ad
containing great scare lines like “Bar­
gains!” “Below Cost!” etc. You must
please as well as attract, in order that
your ads are a success financially. This
competition will close on Sept. 15 and
a committee of the present advertisers
in this paper wlil judge of the merits of
the ads sent in. When this ad appears
we will open another competition to all
the advertisers in the paper and coun­
ty. It is not necessary that the busi­
ness man write the ad. He can hire
another man to do it if he so desires, or
enlist the efforts of a friend. All that
we want is the best written advertise­
ment of a business house in this county
that is not at present using the columns
of this paper. Illustrations can be used
if desired, but the business house will
have to pay for the plate. With each
ad you should send the way in whicli
you desire it “set up.”
Local and General.
J. L. Rogers has moved into his new-
Mrs. 8. A. Hoskins, of Newberg, is
visiting relatives in this city.
Hon. W. D. Fenton of Portland was
a caller at our office last Saturday.
The body of H. T. Bingham has been
found near where he was drowned.
Work on J. W. Hobbs’ new house
has commenced. B. Clark has the con­
Addie Braly and family and Les.
Laughlin have gone to Salmon river to
be gone some time.
Ed Warren of Oregon City is the po-
sessor of a little daughter.' It arrived
on the 25th of Augast.
Robt. Burnett, of Monmouth, has
been in the city for several days, visit­
ing relatives and friends.
Senator Dolph has been spending a
few days in "the land of milk and
honey,” Tillamook county.
C. W. Hodson and family of Portland
spent several days last week visiting
O. O. Hodson in this city.
The Morgan family is in the city.
They are singing evangelists and draw
good houses at the churches.
S. A. Manning will hgve a large ad­
vertisement in next week’s paper. A
late style ad. Look out for it.
A. H. Gaunt has purchased the inter­
est of Wm. Henderson in the grocery
business of Henderson & Gaunt.
C. C. Booth of Eddyville has shipped
three tine bucks to this city. The ven­
ison was sold as soon as displayed al­
School opened Monday with an at­
tendance or 250 scholars. This is more
than attended the opening of the school
last year.
Saturday- the Salem flouring mills
bought 14,000 bushels of wheat at 83}
cents. About (1000 bushels more w ere
bought at 82 cents.
If the cost of one foot of 12 inch sew­
er pipe; is 75 cents with 35 per cent off
how much will it cost to put in sewers
in the city of McMinnville.
Allerton has lowered the trotting
stallion record to 2:10. Direct lowered
the pacing record to 2:06. All this was
done in one day at Independence,Iowa.
The county and probate court will
not convene this month owing to the
illness of Judge Galloway. The com-
raisioners will hold their regular sess­
M. W. Tallman of Dayton, lost near­
ly $1000 worth of grain by the sinking
of the steamer Elwood near Ash island!
The steamboat company will stand the
The recruiting officers having an
office at Salem have left. One of the
non-commissioned officers debauched a
young girl and the whole party left for
pastures new.
Some one gives as a recommendation
for a state east of the Rockies the fact
that three pounds of butter can lie
bought for 2o cents. Not much of an
inducement for the farmer.
Clark Braly left yesterday for the
sound. He will visit Port Townsend,
Seattle, Tacoma and Whatcom. He is
looking up his investments there and
also a location for himself.
The S. P. R. R company is using the
old achedule of freight rates, notwith­
standing the commissioners arranged a
new one to begin Sept. 1. Only the
courts can settle the matter.
The ship wrecked near Woods is be­
ing torn up and the copper, brass, etc.,
is being brought to this city and sold to
local dealers. It is said that there is
about five tons of salable copper in the
The Brownsville Time» says that H.
B. Moyer has in contemplation the light­
ing of Brownsville by electricity and at
tlie present time is figuring on the ex­
penses and also the incomes to be deri­
ved from a plant.
Jas McCain is back from Tillamook.
E. Briedwell and family have return­
ed from their tour.
Ros Connor is or has been stuck on
tanglefoot. He had better swear off.
The child of H. Rummel was seized
with spasms Tuesday evening. It is
now better.
On the 28th circuit court will convene
and the stables and hotels will reap a
great harvest.
Wm. Campbell has improved the
looks of his buildings on Third street
by a coat of paint.
Nearly all the threshing machines
have quit. This week will finish the
entire crop of this vicinity. '
Elsia Wright, it is said, will build a
a brick on his vacant lot on Third street.
It will match the Union block.
8. P. M. Briggs, of the Dalles, former­
ly of this city, lost his entire household
effects in the fire at The Dalles.
Lizzie Davis, oldest daughter of Levi
Davis, is sick with typhoid fever at
their home east of the mountains.
J. L. Wright and Walter Link start
for Elk Creek early Saturday morning.
Adams and Underwood follow in a few
The marshal is now after the nuis­
ances of the city. The street commis­
sioner is also after the owners of poor
Persons wanting to subscribe for the
San Francisco Weekly Examiner can
do so through us and save money; call
and look the matter up.
8. Brutscher of Newberg was in the
city on business last Saturday. He
reports wheat of his neighborhood
nearly all in the warehouse.
Rev. Know-les has returned from the
east and reports a very pleasant time.
The crops of the east are bountiful and
the people are reasonably prosperous.
Messrs. Lewis and Holman, of Ore­
gon City, arrived in this city Saturday
evening en route for the mountains on
trip for hunting and general recreation.
Goods are arriving every day, and so
R. Jacobson’s stock is constantly re­
newed with the best lines of goods from
the eastern and San Francisco markets.
A man from the mountains reports
that the Indians are slaughtering the
deer south of Fish Lake at a frightful
rate, already having killed about 1000
of them.
Saturday the sheriff attached the cart
and horse of Bancroft, the picture en­
larger, who has been traveling through
the county. The writ came from Hills­
boro parties.
The boys have been tasting Indian
turnips brought from the east by J. C.
Cooper. The original Yamhillers are
theones that bite,the eastern contingent
got there years ago.
If you want a set of fine light or hea­
vy harness go to Frank Wright’s. You
will there find the most complete stock
on the west side. Also whips, brushes,
etc., in endless varieties.
Granville Baker will soon leave for
Whatcom, where he has property in­
terests. Several years ago he purchas­
ed a number of lots for $700 or $800, and
they are now assessed at $10,600.
M. B. Hendrick, of Wheatland, re­
marks that peaches are a very paying
crop. His orchard has produced 500
bushels of first class fruit this year. The
price of peaches is $2 per bushel.
The town now contains an auction
shop where $100 gold watches are pur­
chased for $20. Patronize business men
of the city who will sell you a good ar­
ticle for a fair price and" you take no
chances of being cheated.
While William King, a farmer near
Stayton, was oiling a threshing ma­
chine his right arm was caught
and drawn between two cogwheels.
The arm was so terribly lacerated that
amputation was necessary.
Rev. C. M. Hill of Portland is expect­
ed to preach in the Baptist church next
Sunday eve at 7:30. He will also be
present at the young peoples meeting
at 6:30. Services by the pastor in the
morning and evening as usual.
8. B. Cathcart is arranging to put in
a stone sawmill at the head of naviga­
tion on North Coos river. There is
plenty of first-class rock there with good
water power and stone could be sawed
out to order at very little expense.
J, C. Cooper returned Saturday night
from the G. A. R. encampment held at
Detroit. He has been visiting relations
in Kentucky and Missouri and has
traveled some 8000 miles, but has not
seen a section of country as good as
old Yamhill.
Dr. 8. A. Young has returned from
Whatcom and informs us that he has
formed a partnership with a doctor of
that city and that he will move as soon
as he can settle his affairs in this city.
He considers Whatcom the best town
on the Sound.
One drummer of the number that
comes to this city is now satisfied that
he is not the biggest man on earth. He
punched Mr. Bowers of the WestSide
on the ear and you ought to see the
drummer. His mother would not know
him. He has a very beautiful eye.
The slate mines near Merlin are at­
tracting an unusual share of public at­
tention at present. They are pronounc­
ed by experts to be among the best in
the country, and will no doubt be oper­
ated on a large scale for roofing slate of
high quality in the not very far distant
The road from Tillamook river to the
lighthouse will be built by the govern­
ment next summer. There is alxiut
$13,000 of money remaining of the ap­
propriation to build the lighthouse,and
it is thought that it will be an easy
matter to divert it to the road fund un­
der the circumstances.
It would please the people of the city
to hear the council estimate the cost of
a sewer system for the city and give the
estimate to the newspapers for publica­
tion. The expense attached would be
small and the people would not object.
The city papers are all right if you
want them, but it’s the local paper that
advertises your business, your schools,
your churches, your numerous societies,
sympathizes with you in your affliction
and rejoices in your prosperity. In
short, it is the local paper that men­
tions the thousand and one items in
which you are interested during the
year, and which you do not find in the
city papers.— Monmouth Democrat.
The following is from the Astoria»:
They are getting reckless down at As­
toria. Last night the council levied a
ten mill tax on a $7,060,000 assessment.
This, if collected, means $70,000, a con­
siderable amount of money. Of this,
sixty per cent., or $42,000, is for streets;
five'per cent., or $3,500, for bond inter­
est and thirty-five per cent, or $24,500,
for general municipal purposes. The
entire levy last year was $24,000, as
against $70,000.
A numlier of the Masons of this city
attended lodge at Lafayette Tuesday
evening. The first grand master of the
State of Oregon, Jno. Hull now of
California was present. He has the
honor of organizing the first Masonic
lodge on the Pacific coast. Multno­
mah Lodge No 1. of Oregon City. Mr.
Hull was accompanied by Mr. Edwin
A. Sherman, President of the Pacific
Coast Veteran association and a noted
Masonic writer. The 43d anniversary
of Multnomah lodge will lie celebrated
at Oregon City on Sept. 11th.
San Diego has given a bonus of
$200,006 for the erection of iron and steel
works there. The “direct” process will
be used, iron and steel being made from
ore without blast furnace operations.
The ore is to come from the neighboring
couuty of San Barnardino or from the
Mexican state called Lower California.
Crude petroleum will be the fuel used.
The plant is to lie operated six months,
and $366,060 worth of steel turned out
before the subsidy is paid. This is the
way cities are built, and property-own­
ers are the ones who should do the work
because they reap the profits.
A good joke is told of Carl Launer, of
near Wheatland. He was married a
short time ago and the honeymoon was
spent at the soda springs. His stock,
etc., was taken care of by one of his
neighbors. Arriving in Salem on his
return he concluded to go somewhere
by team, and walked to his place and
took his team and hack, leaving a note
pinned up in the barn. The next day
the neighbor missed the horses and did
not see the note. The sheriffs of Polk,
Marion, Linn and Lane counties were
informed of the theft and all were on
the lookout. Several days after Mr.
Launer and bride arrived home with
the team. They hail not been found by
the officers of the law.
Mrs. Galloway, who is in Portland at
the bedside of her husband, writes that
the Injury received by Mr. Galloway is
a comjiound dislocation of both bones
of the right leg at the ankle joint, with
a fracture of the large bone at the ankle
joint on the inner side of the leg. The
skin and tissues were broken aliout four
inches above the joint on the outer side
of the leg, through which both bones
protruded. It was only skillful sur­
gery and a healthy condition that saved
the leg from amputation. It will be at
least four weeks liefore Mr. Galloway
can lie moved. Mrs. Galloway reached
this city from the coast Monday noon
and left for Portland on the afternoon
train of the same day.
Samuel A. Clark is known through­
out the breadth and length of the Wil­
lamette valley. He came to Oregon
long, long years ago, and his name is
prominently associated with the liter­
ary men of the times. His published
letters on early pioneer life in this state
have given to the present generation a
graphic and truthful narration of the
penis and vicissitudes surrounding the
first comers to Oregon. Now, in the
winter time of his life he is stricken
down by the cruel hand of fate, his rea­
son is dethroned, and his once brilliant
mind is a wreck. This sad statement,
if true as reported, says the Corvallis
Timex, will send a pang of sorrow to
the hearts of Samuel A. Clark’s numer­
ous friends, who will sincerely hope
that the darkening shadows now cloud­
ing his brain may be rapidly dispelled.
Last Tuesday evening, while Dell
Cox was going home from his work, he
was stopped by the Hess crowd and the
saloon men in front of Carter’s store,
and Jim Hess, who was in a wagon,
began cursing him and calling him a
coward, accusing him of having gone
back on the saloon men and testifying
falsely against them. Cox gave him a
polite invitation to alight from the
wagon so that he could show whether
he was a coward or not. Hess declined
but continued his abuse, whereupon
Cox jolted him with a couple of brick
bats, one striking him in the breast, the
other on the elbow, completely laying
him out for a time. Cox then walked
off home, leaving the crowd to carry
Hess into Grayson’s livery stable, where
Dr. Carman was called to look after his
wounds. He revived so that he was
taken home during the evening. Sam
Hess had Cox arrested, but as one ap-
]>cared against him he was released the
next day.— Graphic.
Meeting of the Nortwestern Y. M. C. A.
Advice on Clam-digging.
George Barnhart had great fun with For the Week Ending Saturday, sad- e
1891 — -U. S. Signal Service.
the Yamhillers on his recent visit to the
coast. They came down to the coast to
revel in the “salt sea breeze” and
cloudless weather, with a
brought rather original ideas about clam
digging—they thought the bivalves smoky atmosphere has prevailed dur­
could be shoveled out most anywhere. ing the week, with fog at night and
George fell in with a party and direct­ early morning, the latter more espec­
ed them to a good camping place. He ially near to the coast. No rain has
also vouchsafed by request some advice fallen.
Harvesting of cereals is about over,
about digging clams. “Just go to work
except the late sown oats and barley.
any place,” he said.
That evening he went down to visit Threshing is fl nished in many sections
the campers and found that the men The yield of cereals has been unusually
folks had scooped up a large amount of large. The quality is good fully an
soil some distance from the beach, but average or more, except in localities
where some smut prevails, to no great
they had found nary a clam.
"Never you mind, you’ll find them extent however in any place. Clacka­
nearer tide water,” he remarked. “Just mas county reports wheat yields of 39
go down on the sand, drive in some bushels per acre and Yamhill county
nicely sharpened sticks and next morn­ 36 bushels in large fields. Most
ing the clams will have climbed to the counties have large yields in well culti­
top and you can pick ’em off with shot vated fields of from 35 to 45 bushels per
acre. Hop picking is in progress. The
A Mine at Corvallis.
The sticks were prepared, but the hop lice have done considerable damage.
campers were soon given different ad­ In some yards fully 56 per cent of the
Great excitement prevails at Corval­ vice, and that of the “Sage of Wild hops have mould on them, in other
lis over the discovery of a gold and sil­ Horse” was not taken.— East Ore- yards no mould or lice are to be seen.
ver mine in the very suburbs of the gonian.
The hop crop of Oregon was estimated
city. In fact that is all the talk there.
to be 36660 bales, but since the picking
SlOO Reward. SHOO.
Recently Mr. Leadbetter, an old min­
has commenced it has been found that
er who purchased a*small farm near
The readers of the T elephone -R eg ­ based on above estimate there will not
the Catholic cemetery in the foothills ister will be pleased to learn that there lie over 26606 bales, at the most of first
injthe suburbs of that city, was digging is at least one dreaded disease that grade hops. Fruit of all kind and
a well, and when down twenty-two science has been able to cure in all its melons, are very plentiful, canneries
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s
feet he struck some ore which his ex­ Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure and fruit dryers are working to their
perienced eye told him was very rich. now known to the medical fraternity. full capacity.
He sent it to the state of Nevada at Catarrh being a constitutional disease
Virginia City and Wednesday received requires a constitutional treatment.
weather with a smoky atmos­
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally
his returns. The astonishment was acting directly upon the blood and phere has prevailed. No rain has fall­
general when the assay, a reliable one, mucous surfaces of the system, thereby en. The latter part of the week has
read $251.40 gold and $881.08 silver, destroying the foundation of the disease been cooler.
$1122.45 to the ton. Claims are being and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist­ Harvesting operations are well along.
taken up on good farms, owned for ing nature in doing its work. The In many sections most of the cereals
years, and there is no doubt from the proprietors have so much faith in its have been cut and much of it threshed
reports, with reason, for the indications curative powers that they offer One In Umatilla county, especially harvest­
Dollars for any case tliat it
are it lias been struck rich. The mat­ Hundred
fails to cure. Send for list of testimon­ ing and threshing are nearly over. In
ter will be pushed, other assays made, ials. Address F. J. C heney & Co.,
Union county harvesting is in full
and if there is any gold there Corvallis
Toledo, (). operation, in this county considerable
Bfeg-Sold by Druggists, 75c.
people propose to get hold of it.
smut exists. In Sherman and Wasco
counties, while the yield has been good
State Reform School.
Better than Ever.
especially in the former, yet in many
B.J.Miles,who was elected supertend- sections of both counties the berry is
The state fair is close at hand. There
will be a big attendance from this part ent of the state reform school, is expect­ shrunken. Morrow county has as good
of Oregon. Nothing else takes the ed to arrive in a few days from Iowa, or a better crop of cereals than she ever
place of such a fair. It combines every where he has been connected with that had before. Smut exists in parts of
thing, the products of the land and state’s reformatory. The law passed Grant county, though the yield is very
hand and factory, the stock of the by the last legislature providing for the good. In Gilliam county most of the
country, the goods of the merchant control of the reform school says it shall wheat is in sack and smut in the wheat
and the speed of our horse. You get be directly under thecontrol and man­ is to be found in parts of this county
several shows in one, so to speak. This agement of the reform school board, con­ also. The fruit is ripening nicely and
is Oregon’s only state fair, and should sisting of govener, secretary and super­ is very plentiful. The corn is doing
be made a big success. It deserves to intendent, and it is difficult to see just- very well, some of it is rather small,
be a success. No where are bigger veg­ how this board can depute authority though on the whole it is a good aver­
By Nature, But Realize that
etables and finer fruits seen, the stock to the superintendent. But it will be age crop.
exhibit is always an immense one, and
U. 8. Signal Observer.
the races arc good. There will no management of the institution will lie
doubt be the biggest attendance in the successful. Rules and regulations for
A Wonder Worker,
its government are now being prepared
history of the association.
for adoption by the board at an early
Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man
The One-ders of Nature.
of Burlington, O., states that he has
been under the care of two prominent
The clerk lias issued marriage licenses
physicians , and used their treatment
Electric Bitters.
until lie was not able to get around.
to Anna B. Austin aged 18, Napoleon
Thibodo aged 35.
This remedy is becoming so well They pronounced his ease consumption
We claim to sell more goods than any other Imple­
and incurable. He was persuaded to
Anna Warren, aged 18, Henry Wins­ known and so popular as to need no try Dr. King’s New Discovery for con­
house in the Valley.
low, aged 40.
Electric Bitters sing the same song of sumption, coughs and colds, and at
Mamie Houck aged 20, Van E Brown, praise. A purer medicine does not ex­ tnat time was not able to walk across
aged 26.
ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is the street without resting. He found
he had used half of a dollar lx>t-
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all liefore
diseases of the liver and kidneys, will tle that he was much better; he contin­
remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and ued to use it and is to-day enjoying
N ewby .—To the wife of H. B. Newby, all other affections caused by impure good health. If you have any throat,
lung or chest trouble try it. We guar­
on Aug. 30, 1891, a daughter.
And we Purpose to Stay there.
blood. Will drive malaria from the antee
satisfaction. Trial bottle free at
system and prevent as well as cure all
malarial fevers. For cure of headache
constipation and indigestion try Elec
Real Estate.
H embree .—In Portland, at 10 p. in., trie Bitters—entire satisfaction guaran
Monday, Sept. 7, 1881, Nancy, wife of teed or money refunded. Price 56 cts.
C 8 and H White to P I) Glenn lots
W. C. Hembree, of this city.
and $1.66 per bottle at Rogers Bro-s
4 and 5, blk 16, Whitesoil ; $63.66.
For some time past Mrs. Hembree drugstore. 5
A D and R J Simpson to R L Stowe
has been feeling bad, and on Saturday
And Pay no Tribute to Portland Jobbers, who
Crushed under the Wheels.
and B Browne lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
last left for Portland for treatment.
for years have robbed the farmers of Oregon.
Monday the telegraph brought the un­
Benjamin Windsor’s place, in Polk blk 16, Johns'addition to McMinnville;
welcome news that she was dead. She county, about a mile below Lincoln, $566.
W and A Russell to Morris G Russell
was a most estimable woman, and was the scene of a fatal and peculiarly
136 acres in see 14,12 s, r 5 w; $1166.
leaves six children, two boys and four sad accident Saturday morning.
girls, to mourn the death of a mother.
While Mr. Windsor was going to Sa­ W and A Russell to Lizzie Perrine
A general decline caused her death, lem with a load of wheat, his son John, land in secs 16 and 15,12s, r5 w ; $1126.
Is too I^irjye a Profit on Implements. Port­
which was painless.
aged about 17 years, and a younger W and J Fiske to E M Olds lots 5 land houses have made even more than this.
and 6, blk 62, Lafayette ; $761.
Jos. Putman will stop his threshing brother went to the field to get a load
H M and S A Daniel to E M Olds
machine on Tuesday next. This ma­
chine will have the largest and longest ing, the wagon ran over a stump and sj of se}, sec 29, t 2 s, r 5 w; $466.
run in the county.
J B Moore to Geo R Dedman sei of
John was thrown to the ground, and
Call and get ours.
The success of the congressional party before he could move both wheels of sec 31,12 s, r 2 w ; $1666.
in Chili is said to have stirred up the the wagon had passed over him, strik­ Pansy R Wright to DA Judge 3.67
revolutionary ardor of the friends of
acres in Amity ; $325.
liberty in Mexico. Diaz is accused of ing his body near the waist. He arose,
being another Balmaceda, and it is as­ and, climbing onto the wagon, drove John C and Flora F Cook to Frank A
sumed that an armed insurrection is home. When they reached there he Cook land in McMinnville; $1.
the only way to get rid of him.
David A and M J Judge to Mary F
complained of being sick and laid
one acre in Amity; $160.
Just think of it!
Mary- L Hess to Jas Madson 1} acres
Dr. Richardson hastened down to the
Over in Union Block there are
Windsor home, but the unfortunate in t 3 s, r 2 w ; $50.
Hundreds of customers to sec the
boy had died of internal hemorrhage Samuel C Hess to Jas Mcdson 32.87
New goods arriving daily.
three hours after the accident, and be­ acres in t 3 s, r 3 w ; $1796.
C G and Anna Reisner to Peter
fore medical aid arrived.
Enough selection for everyone,
Schatz lots 54, 55 and 56, Dayton , $150.
"V cry fine parlor suits,
Wm G Buffum to Celestin Walling
Ministerial Association.
one acre in 15 s, r 4 w; $1.
Easy rocking chairs,
The Oregon ministerial association, of
Investment Co to Cora E Baker lot 5
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
N ice bedroom suits,
the Christian church, has set October
blk 14, Oak Park^$60.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria
6th, 7th and Sth for its time of meeting
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The meeting will be held at Albany. A Endless stock of wall paper,
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
good programme has deen arranged Now is the time to purchase goods.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
and a profitable meeting is anticipated.
Mlles’ Nervine Liver Fills.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
We hojie all the leading brethren will
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erup­
be present. W. R. Williams, secretary. Act on a new principle—regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the
A Golden Bullet.
tions. and positively cures Piles or no
BEYERS’ AND BUSINESS DIRECTOR. nerves, a new discovery. Dr. Mile’s Pills
speedily cure billiousness, bad taste, torpid
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
liver, piles, constipation. Unequaled for
Look at the good offers at Redmond’s men, women and children. Smallest, mild out of the limb of a prominent citizen perfect satisfaction, or money refund­
clearance sale.
ed. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
est. surest! 50 doses, 25 cts. Samples free
of Mount Sterling, Ala., remarks the by Rogers Bros.
at Rogers Bros.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
Philadelphia Timet, who was wounded
Corvallis wagon and carriage factory sale at Redmond’s.
The Secret of Success.
building. It is expected to be com­
in that member in the first battle of MRS. GRAHAM’S
pleted by the first of December. It will
School books and stationery at C.
Rogers Bros., druggists, believe that the Manasses. This citizen, Major James
give employment to about 300men. It Grissens successor to Hewitt Bros.
secret of success is perseverance. There­ Morrison, has’suffered from periodical
is possible that the wagon factory will
Money to loan on farm property at fore they persist in keeping the finest line breaking out of the wound, which was
prove of more benefit to Corvallis than 8 per
of perfumeries, toilet articles, cosmetics,
cent, and taxes by H. J. Little.
the recent gold and silver discovery.
drugs and chemicals on the market. They situated in the calf, but, though probed
When in the city do not fail to stop especially invite all persons who have pal­
Saturday night at 6 the fire bells in at R. Jacobson’s and inspect his pitation. short breath, weak or hungry for several times, all times, all attempts
spell, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, to find the ball proved unsuccessful. On
sounded their alarm and the people as­ stock of goods.
nightmare, dry cough, smothering, dropsy,
certained that the Mark residence on
All persons indebted to Dr. 8. A. or heart disease to try Dr Miles’ uneoual- last Friday, however, the doctors suc­ Is not a cosmetic in the sense in which
Collegeside was burning. The hook
New Heart Cure, before it is too late ceeded in discovering and removing
and ladder truck and a large number of Young are requested to call and settle ed
It has the largest sale of any similar rem­ the irritating body, when it was found that term is popularly used, but perman­
people went to render assistance, but the immediately.
edy Fine book of testimonial free Dr.
fire had progressed too far to save the
Don’t forget that Burns & Daniels Miles' Restorative Nervine is unsurpassed to be no bullet,but a small gold button. clear velvety skin, and by daily use gradu­
house. The household goods in the have over a hundred patterns of wall for sleeplessness, headache, fits, etc., and This was cleaned and was found to lie ally makes the complexion several shades
whiter. It is a constant protection from
lower story were saved. No water could paper to select from.
it contains no opiates
incribed with the legend “E, to R. the effects of sun and wind and prevent«
be had. There is no insurance and the
burn and freckles and blackheads will
Notice to Debtors.
Mizpah,” in small German lettering. sun
Guns of the latest model and best
loss is about $2500.
never come when you use it. It cleanse'
shooting qualities can be purchased
The button is perfectly round and the face far better than soap and water
Last Sunday hundreds of hunters cheap at O. O. Hodsons.
All persons indebted to the Grange about the size of a buckshot, having a nourishes and builds up the skin tissues B
were out after grouse. Several Portland
store are hereby notified that settle­ small link attached, by which it was in and thus prevents the formation of wrin­
parties were up with their guns and ex­ tickets over the Northern Pacific, repre­ ment must be made on or before Octo­
kles. It gives the freshness, clearness and 1
pected the people of this vicinity to sented by C. H. Fleming.
all probability caught to a garment or smoothness of skin that you had when a
girl. Every lady, old or young ought
furnish them guns, dogs, ammunition
watch chain, on which it was probably little
use it, as it gives a more youthful ap­
and an escort to good hunting grounds.
For good bargains five, ten or twenty tion of every 90 days interest will be worn as a charm. In all likelihood it to
pearance to any lady, and that permanent­
Favors of this nature should not lie ex­ acres tracts on easy terms, see H. J. charged on all accounts not settled at
was hastily crammed into the owner’s ly. It contains no acid, powder or alkali
tended to the people of the metropolis. Little next door to Odd Fellows block. the specified times.
is as harmless as dew and as nourish­
McM. G. & F. Co.,
If they want to hunt let them hunt on
musket when out of ammunition and ing as dew to the flower. PRICE $1 00. at
Wanted, all parents and school child-
By M. R ichardson ,
their game preserves.
and hair dressers or at Mrs,
in an emergency. Major Morrison nat­
; ren to know that they can save money
Gervaise Graham’s establishment, 103 Post t
Mr. Charles Nickell, whose biography
St., San Francisco, where she treats ladies
A Husband’s Mistake.
appeared in our July issue, was the sens.
has carried for thirty-one years, but for all blomlshes of the face or figure. La­
only representative to the National Ed­ R. Jacobson lias the largest and best
says be will return it to the man who dies at a distance treated hy letter Send
itorial Association, held at St. Paul, selected stock of dress goods, clothing Husbands too often permit wives, par­ fired it if he still lives and ean relate stamp for her little book “How to be Beau­
ents their children, to suffer from head­
from Oregon, as well as the first to rep­ I and gents’ furnishing goods in town.
ache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, the circumstances under which he used
Sample Bottle mailed free to any la­
resent the press association of that state
nervousness, when bv the use of Dr
Parties desiring to sell property should fits,
in any convention. He was one of the
it, which circumstances were such as to dy on receipt of 10 cents in stamps to pay
postage and packing.
I.adv agents
youngest, wealthiest and most success­ place the same with H. J. Little, real results could easily be prevented, Drug­ impress the major and cannot have wanted.
“ Sell Stacks of G-oods at a Small Profit rathei'
ful of those who attended the conven­ estate dealer, next to Odd Fellows block. gists everywhere say it gives universal sat­ failed to remain in the mind of his as­
a Small Amount of Goods with Profit Stack­
tion.— National Journalist.
and has an immense sale Wood­
Fits, spasms, St. Vitus dance, ner­ isfaction,
worth & Co., of Fort Wayne. Ind.; Snow & sailant.
The Dalles Umes-Mountaineer: We by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Free samples Co., of Syracuse. N. Y.; J. C. Wolf, Hills­ The button was in all probability the
dale, Mich.; and hnndreds of others say
are sorry to learn that some property­ | at
Rogers Bros.
“it is the greatest seller they ever knew?’ loving gift of some fair young sweet­ burn, sallowness, moth-patches, pimple"
owners on the bluff, whose names we
Emphatically and Undeniably
All persons knowing themselves in- It contains no opiates Trial Wiles and heart or faithful wife to her beloved and a’l skin blemishes. PRICE, $1.50,
did not learn have doubled rents, and
fine book on Nervous Diseases, free at
in some instances require six months,
boy in blue, who will be glad to recover
Rogers Bros’.
be sent I-ady agents wanted.
lease liefore they will allow the houses and settle their accounts before the 15th
the pretty trifle, which is none the
We buy lor cash only, and
The Druggist in this town who first
to lie occupied by the homeless and
A Wichita (Kan.) women who rides
it is the true way to handle goods econonicaliy for the consumer. We
houseless by the recent conflagration.
The residences of the best regulated a safety bicycle, straps her baby on her worse tor its lon£ hiding in the major’s orders a bill of my preparations will have
think it would pay you to investigate. “ None genuine
For the honor of The Dalles, be it said, families are liable to take fire and burn back, Indian fashion when she goes leg, though the latter is decidedly the his name added to this advertisement
My preparations are for sale by whole­
without this signature.”
we believe there are very few of such I up. Guard against it by insuring in out for a spin. The infant enjoys the better for its removal, and is rapidly sale
druggists in Chicago anil every city
first class companies with H. J. Little. sport and will probably lead a fast life. healing since the operation.
rtc TODD.
west of there.
The eighth annual convention of the
Young Men’s Christian Association of
the Pacific Northwest will be held at
Spokane Falls, Washington, Septem­
ber 24-27, 1891. Each association is en­
titled to an unlimited number of dele­
gates, and Christian young men from
towns where there are no associations
are cordially invited to attend. Persons
expecting to attend should send their
names to Fillmore Tanner, general sec­
retary at Spokane, not later than Sept.
26th ; otherwise entertainment cannot
be guaranteed.
Prominent clergyman and laymen
from all paris of the Pacific Northwest
have been invited to address the con­
vention upon important themes. Re­
duced railroad and steamer rates are
being secured. The executive commit­
tee will spare no pains to make this
convention the best of its kind ever
held in the Pacific Northwest.
Our Sin
glc aim is to merit your confidence by polite
and prompt attention. With the Purest
Drugs and Low Prices, as a basis, we solicit
your patronage.
Our night clerk will respond to your
calls at any hour of the night.
He that Bloweth not his own Horn, the same is
Not Blown."
We Deal with the Factories
Wallace & Todd.
Elder Flows
By The
‘ 1
Low Prices “ p