I YAMHILL IS THE BANNER AG- B g 1 ricultural C ounty in Oregon. | McMINNVILLE is the county seat g and largest town, and the TelepIione-ZBegister s Is the leading newspaper and best adver- g g tising medium. Try it. Circulation Guaranteed Greater Than That of Any Other Paper Published in Yamhill County. TELEPHONE Establlíhed fune. 1886./ M c M innville , Consolidated Feb. 1,1889. oreg - on , T hursday , august 20, issi. VOL. in. NO. 29 ORIGIN OF ORGANIC FORMS. phor will some day become a profitable i industry in this country. The arnotta : Prof. Jo«. Le Conte Talks on Evolution Tell you what I like best— plant has seeds coated with a red, waxy Calbreath & Goucher, and Origin of Life. Long about the knee-deep in June, pulp, which is dried and made into ’Bout the time strawberries melt PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, cakes, It is much employed by the The theory of evolution is not condi­ On the vines—some afternoon M c M innville , - - - O regon . South American Caribs for painting tioned, as many suppose, on its ability Like to ’jes git out and rest, O------------------------------ O their bodies, paint being almost their to explain the origin of life—to imagine The machinery of the law has not been put to work (Office over Braly’s Bank.) And not work at nothing else. Tlie Leading Normal School in the Northwest.—Healthful and only article of clothing. As a common so is to misunderstand the true func­ Orchard’s where I’d ruther be— too speedily against the fraudulent use of ammonia and article it is mainly utilized as a color­ tion and domain of science. Tlie do­ Beautiful Location.—No Saloons. S. A. YOUNG, M. D. Needn't fence it in for me! ing for cheese; butter and inferior choc ­ Jes’ the whole sky overhead, | main of science includes only secondary t alum in Baking Powders. Both health and the pocket of And the whole airth underneath— olates. From India comes the khus- causes, or processes by which things Physician & Surgeon, New building, new apparatus, full fac­ Sorto’ so’s a man can breatde kkus grass, the fibrous roots of which come about. Or, if we like it better, the people are demanding protection. The legislatures of ulty, light expenses, large attendance. Like he ort, kindo has M c M innville . - O regon . yield a very peculiar and pleasing per­ we may define it as the modes of opera­ Normal advanced, Normal, Business, Elbow-room to keerlessly Office and residence on D street. All fume. In India the leaves are manu­ tion of the First Cause. We trace these New York, Illinois and Minnesota have taken this matter Music and Art Departments. Special Sprawl out lengthways on the grass calls promptly answered day or night. Where the sbadders thick and soft factured into screens for doors and win­ processes as far back as we call. If we attention given to physical culture; p As the kivvers on the bed of adulteration up, and especially that of Baking Powders. volunteer military organization. dows, which when wet diffuse a re­ find a limit, that does not invalidate DR. J. C. MICHAUX Mother fixes in the loft, Those receiving diplomas from this freshing scent. Alius when they’s company. the previous explanation, we simply It will be in the interest of public health when their sale school are entitled to teach in any coun­ acknowledge our inability to go any THE EARTH’S HEAT. Practicing Physician and Surgeon, ty of the state without further examina­ Marcli an’t nothing new! further, but do not— or ought not— ' is made a misdemeanor in every State in the UNION, and April’s altogether to tion. A Great Difference of Opinion on tills Brash for me! and May—I jes’ imagine that where our knowledge LAFAYETTE, OREGON- Tuition reduced in Norpial and Busi­ Warm Subject. ’Dominate its promises— the penalties of the law are rigidly enforced. There is no stops, there also natural processes stop, ness departments from $40 to $25 per Little hints o’ sunshine and J»n,21, ’83. and supernatural methods begin. Sup ­ Many scientific men are devoting year; in preparatory from $30 to $20. Green around the timberland— article of human food more wickedly adulterated than that their lives to finding out all they can pose we accepted the earth as it now is, A few blossoms and a few A Year at School for $150. and knew nothing of how it became so; Drap asleep and it turns in about the interior of this wonderful of Baking Powder. ‘Fore daylight and snows ag’n! earth of ours. One of the interesting still there would be a science—physical E xpenses :—Tuition. Normal and Busi­ But when June conies. (Tear my throat ness,$9.25 per term of tenweeks; in pre­ Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is the only pure SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC problems on which they are engaged is geograpy— which studied the laws of With wild honey! Bench my hair the depth and geographical limits of its forces. When we learn that PHYSICIAN. B oard of R egents Ex-oflieio State Board of paratory. $5,00 per term ; good board at In tlie dew! and hold my coat! cream of tartar powder having a general sale that is free Education, His Excellency Governor Sylvester Normal dining hall, $1.50 per week; fur­ Whoop out loud! and throw my hat! frozen soil. The British association the earth has gradually, through an Pennoyer, Hon. G. W McBride. Sec. of State Office Upstairs in the Garrison Building. Hon. fl. B McElroy, Supt. of Public Instruc­ nished rooms with fire and light. $1 per June wants me and I'm to spare! has collected a large amount of data immense lapse of time, become what it from ammonia, alum or taint of any kind of impurity. It tion- President of Board, Benj Schofield, week; good board with private families. Spread them shudders anywhere. on this question. They have already is, then we study the laws of this grad­ I’d get down and waller there, county, Secretary, J B. V. Butler $3 50 per week. ual becoming, and we have the science told us some curious tilings, such as JAMES BENNETT, Washington And obleeged to you at that! makes the sweetest and lightest bread, biscuit and cake Polk County. Executive Committee J B. V Butler, J. J ' Daly, P W Haley, Polk County, First Term Opens Sept. 22,1891. —James Whiteombe. Riley in the Atlan­ the fact that excellent wheat lands of geology. We may be able to go no ARCHITECT. Jacob Voorhees. Marion County. J. C, White, ta Constitution. that are perfectly digestible whether hot or cold. It costs north of Manitoba overlie frozen earth farther—we may not lie able to imagine Polk County, Alfred Lacey, Clackamas County Students can enter at any time For I’lans, Specifications, Elevations, Details A. Noltner. Multnomah County, W IT.Holmes how the earth originated; but this does that never thaws. Personal Supervision of all work placed Marion County catalogue address UNCLE JERRY’S MUSEUM. more to manufacture Dr. Price’s than any other baking Sometimes geologists find strata of not invalidate the science of geology; in my i___ , ’ hands ’ a Specialty. " nor do we imagine that because our rocks that they are able to show must O FFicE ffice —Up stairs in ... Campbell’s Brick, P. L. CAMPBELL, A. B„ President, Queer Vegetable Freaks in the Agricult­ powder. It is superior to every other known and the North of Court House. have been buried at a remote age 20,00(1 knowledge ceases, natural process also O begon ural Department. D allas - - - feet under the surface. These upturned cease at this point. The attempt to go J. M. POWELL, A. M., Vice-president. standard for forty years. Tlie department of agriculture lias edges of rock which some terribis con­ still farther, and explain the origin'of J. W.COWLS. LEE LAUGHLIN J. L. STRATTON. just issued a very interesting and cur­ vulsion lifted to the air, gives us a the earth by a nebular hypothesis, or President. Vice President. Cashier Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is re­ ious list of plants useful to man which glimpse of the condition of the interior otherwise, constitutes—if it deserves the some way below the greatest deptli to name—the scienc of cosmology. In are contained in its collection. ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Successor to H. Adams * Shop With Hewitt Bro’s. Among the most remarkable of these which we can attain. The workmen all departments the same is true. It is IL^Cliarges Reasonable. Give me a call. Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the not necessary to explain the origin of in the deepest mines of Europe swelter is the lace bark tree of Jamaica the in­ McMinnville, Oregon. M c M innville . : : : O regon . bark of which Is composed of many in almost intolerable heat, and yet they matter to have a physical science, nor purity of this ideal powder has never been ques­ Paid up Capital, $50,000. layers of fibers that interlace it in all have never penetrated over 1-7000 part the origin of elements to have a chem­ tioned. I nave purchased the Harness Shop of II. directions. Caps, ruffles and even of the distance from the surface to the ical science. So is it exactly in the Adams and will keep a Transacts a General Banking Business, complete suits of lace are make from center of tlie earth. In the lower levels matter of the theory of evolution. In Deposits Received Subject to Check CARVED BY A MAD SCULPTOR. Watchmaker THE RIGHT OF KING. of some of the Comstock mines the men our explanation we go back as far as allowed on time deposits. it. It bears washing with common and Jeweler. of Harness and Horse Furnishings The Sell sight Interest fought scalding water and could labor we can. If we cannot do better, we soap and when bleached in the sun ac­ Some of Them Would be Called "Wrong The Wonderful Work of an Artint During: exchange and telegraphic trans­ Dealer In All Kinds of Watches, Jewelry. Plated Ware fieople of Yamhill county are invited to call fers on New York, Sail Francisco and Port­ quires a degree of whiteness equal to only three or four hours at a time until may commence, as Darwin at first did, a Fit of Insanity l»y Ordinary People. land. ook over the stock and get prices. Clocks and Spectacles. McMINNVILLE, OR. the liest artificial lace, with which th is the Sutro tunnel pierced the mines and witli four or five distinct plans of struct­ The King of Loango is not permitted Collections made on all accessible points. FRANK WRIGHT When the young sculptor, John B. surprising natural product compares drew off some of the terrible heat which ure already established, and show how to go outside his palace. H is royal brot Il­ Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p m. Ijcon during a fit of temporary insanity, had stood at 120 degrees. from them present forms might have quite favorably as to beauty. er of I bo may not step from his house was held in waiting at the Burlington JESSE EDWARDS. JOHN DERBY, The deepest boring ever made, that arisen. Tlie fact of not being able to Another curiosity is known in the unless a human sacrifice is offered in his N. J. jail, pending the results of inquiries at Sporenburg, near Berlin, penetrates explain the origin of tlie different J. 8. HIBBS, - - - Proprietor. tropics as tlie sand-bark tree and also stead to propitiate destiny. The kings of as the monkey’s dinner bell. It has a only 4,182 feet, about 1,000 feet deeper primal forms does not invalidate our Ethiopia on the Upper Nile were treated as to his identity, be obtained poasesHion Fresh Meats <-f all kinds constantly on of a common bar of washing soap and than the famous artesian well at St. reasoning, neither do we imagine that hand. Highest price paid for Butcher’s round, hardshelled fruit aliout tlie size as gods, 4>ut this did notallow them for Proprietors of The McMinnville stock. of an orange, which, when ripe and Louis, The result of this imperfect because we cannot explain the supposed all that to leave their own precinct. If the proceeded to astonish the jailors. T hird S treet . M c M innville , O r . With the nail of his index finger he dry, bursts open with a sharp noise knowledge is that there are more the­ primal forms, they came by miraculous kings of Sheba appeared in tlie streets TILE —AT— like the report of a pistol. Its juice is ories and disputes among scientific process. By profounder study and their scandalized subjects immediately liegan to dexterously carve the soap Into TILE poisonous. The South American men with regard to tlie interior of the greater knowledge, we now see reasons stoned them. To tliis day the sover­ the sliajie of the” human form divine, Situated at the Southwest corner of the trumpet tree might furnish a band earth than about any other problem of for tracing the organic kingdom back eigns of Corea who receive divine hon­ and within an incredible short time, Fair Grounds. All sizes of Carries the Best Line of Choice Meats in witli musical instruments, inasmuch as physical science. Some eminent phys­ to one primal living form of simplest ors, are shut up hermetically in their considering tlie* magnitude of the^un the Citv. Game and Fish in Season. Poul­ First-Class Drain Tile its hollow branches are utilized for icists, for instance, like Sir William structure. How this primal form orrig- own apartments, and never communi­ dertakelng and tlie unbalanced^conitiou try, hides, etc., bought for the highest mar­ of hie mind, liad produced a wonderful Thomson, have believed that the crust nated wc do not know, and cannot ket price and cash paid for same Your kept constantly on hand at lowest living horns and drums. cate directly with their people. attention is called to the fact that we al­ prices. model of an Alpine hunter. EDWARDS & DERBY, imagine. But this docs not invalidate of the earth is at least 800 miles thick. We propose to | went abroad in his capital all the |>eo- encircling tlie neck of a duck, which is THAT DODGASTED every 55 feet of descent—all igneous problem is so great tliat any number of razor-strops and are also used for clean ­ Goods of all descriptions moved and care­ ple had to stay behind these wooden ing and scouring pewter. Quite a won­ rocks must be fused at no great depth. failures is not sufficient to convince us barriers. The Sultan of Wadai sjieaks as carefully reproduced and as true to ful handling guaranteed. Collections will be made monthly Hauling of ail kinds nature as the figure of the hunter. In fact at this rate of increase, the of its impossibility. It is evolution it ­ derful tree is the calabash of the West from liehind a curtain; the Sultan of The left hand hangs by the hunter's done cheap Indies, which bears enormous fruit temperature of 200 miles is 18,000 deg. self tliat makes its impossibility certain. Durfur wraps his face in a piece of white GROCERY STORE that resemble pumpkins and grow to Fahrenheit, which is Prof, Ilosetti’s Evolution does not go backward, and muslin. A last relic of these curious side, holding a shotgun, while at his Pension, Postal. Land and Indian Dep­ redation Claims. be nearly two feet in diameter. Witli estimate of the probable temperature of begin at its starting point. It moves isolating customs may be seen in the feet Hi's the figure of a dog, wistfully Has not busted yet! They have I the pulps removed they serve various the sun. It is improbable, however, ever forward iu some direction. I n evo­ taboo which prevents many Eastern gazing at tho game his master holds LAW OFFICES OF a fuller stock, better quality of | domestic puposes—for carrying water, that this rate of increase is maintained lution, golden opportunities come but monarchs from ever quittingjtheir dom­ aloft. Taken all in all it is a most re­ and even as kettles for cooking—hav­ for a great distance, and many physic­ once. For example, supposing man inions. Several Indian Princes may markable work of art. Goods and lower prices than ever. [ UNDER THE DIRECTIOX or ing the great advantages of strength ists believe that at some unknown, originated by evolution from some low­ not leave India and it was with difficul­ — A Church Roof of Gold. ■w. rt. but not very great depth, the increase er form of animal; if lie were destroyed and lightness. (Editor .t Prop. San Francisco Examiner.) ty that the Persians recoilcicd them ­ WHY IS IT? Another queer plant in tlie collection in temperature ceases. One of the most today there is no possibility that lie selves to tlie idea of tlieir Shah visiting JOHN WEDDEKBURN, Three thousand dollars for an old tin Manager. belongs to the pea family, and is called wonderful things in the study of would be re-formed by evolution from Europe. roof would lie a pretty sb'cp price, but 618 F Street, Northwest, the “moving plant,” on account of the sciences is the fact that the mysteries any existing animal. No existing form One of tlie ixldest taboos, however the man who gets the Ixittered roof from It is because we give Honest WASHINGTON. D. C. manner in which its leaves turn round of one science are sometimes completely of animal is on its way man ward. They to Western minds at least, is tliat whieli tlie old Tabernacle Church, at Broad Will practice in the Supreme Court of the Weight, Best Quality of goods,treat or partly explained by knowledge have all gone out of tlie way. There is of their own accord, or go by jerks, forbids the King to have his hair cut or street and Penn square, which is now United States, the Court of Claims, the sev­ HAY FORKS, without being touched or in any way gleaned in some other department of none going right—no, not one. Sup­ to pare his nails, or otherwise to get rid being torn away, for tliat sum will be eral Courts of the District of Columbia, be­ Our Customers Cou teously, pay STRAW FORKS, fore Committees of Congress, and the Ex­ the highest market price for coun­ disturbed. Sometimes only one or two study. It is thus that naturalists who posing mammals to have originated of any useless part of his sacred body. in great luck. Home years ago the jiaint ecutive Departments. BARLEY FORKS, leaves on a plant will be affected; at have investigated the fauna and flora from reptiles, as they probably did; if Tlie Mikado, poor descended wretch was scraped off'the old roof and yielded We obtain Pensions and Patents. Indian try produce, have one price for all, FORKS at all PRICES. other times they will all perform jumps of scores of Pacific islands have learned mammals were all destroyed, there is was never allowed to cut his hair $5,900 in fine gold. It is almost certain Depredation Claims and all classes of no pets and sell at the very lowest and gyratious simultaneously. It is how far south Asiatic types prevail and no possibility according to the law of or even wash himself* The Frankish to yield as much this time. Tlie gold Land Claims. Mining. Pre-emption and Homestead Cases Prosecuted liefore the possible Living Prices. observed that the movements are most have added great weight to the con­ evolution that any existing form of Kings wore their locks about their comes from the Mint. When gold is General ¡.andOffice, Department of tlie In energetic when tlie thermometer marks clusions of geologists that these islands reptile would be transformed into a shoulders, because it would iiave been lieing coined n considerable quantity of terior and the Supreme Court about 80 degrees, says the Washington were once part of the big continent mammal. So, also, sup)>osiug life to wicked to touch them witli tlie shears, it volatilizes with the smoke through ___ have orignated from dead matter and and endless other instances could easily the chimney, and as soon as it strikes Star. The “dumb cane” is so-called north of them. Executrix’ Notice. physical or chemical forces; if life were be quoted. because its fleshy cane-like steins ren­ on tlie air it falls. Much of it readies AN IMPORTANT BILL. NOTICE is hereby given that Maggie <’. swept away to-day from the face of the der speechless anyone who may happen — the roof of tlie Mint, so much of it that Redmond has been.* by the county court of The reason is, in part, no doubt, that —DEALERS IN— Yamhill county, Oregon, duly appointed to bite them. Ail interesting specimen Tlie Royal Baking Powder Condemned in earth, there is no possibility that it the whole l>ody is divine and therefore the officials save even the water tliat executrix of the last will and testament of the New York Legislature. should be relighted by any natural to be respect«<’.; but even more, in al falls ujion it during a shower. All the is the pippal tree of the Hindoos which Ellenor Redmond, deceased. All persons process, i. e., it would not be relighted having claims against said estate will pre is held in such veneration that it is Last Monday Mr.Kelly introduced the at all. The golden opportunity of fav­ probability, because tlie eviljuse that an drains from the roof are connected with sent them to me with proper vouchers at considered a crime to cut off one of its the office of Jas, McCain, in McMinnville, The Finest Line of Confection­ following bill in the assembly. A care­ orable conditions is past forever. The enemy might make of sucli hair or nail large vats in the cellar of the Mint Be­ branches. There is also a tooth-brush in said county within six months from the ful reading of it will show that it is a condition under which so wonderful parings if they got into his power. For fore the water finally gets to the sewer Plain date hereof. ery in the City. tree from Jamaica. Tooth-bruslies are it was a well-known principle of magic, it is strained through many blankets Dated this 18th day of July, A. D , 1891. very important one. a transformation could take place are so in all times and places, that if you want and sieves, which retain the gold. Not made from it by cutting pieces of the MAGGIE REDMOND, All kinds of Produce taken at the and Wired AN A ct to prevent the use of poison- Executrix. complex that they could occur but once stem to convenient lengths and fraying Over a Thousand Feet Sold this Sea­ ovs and injurious ingredients in baking in the history of a planet. Nor is this to make spells against any one you withstanding all these precautions the out the ends. It also supplies conven­ son and Still Plenty of Hose Left. ought if possible to possess yourself of gold that is annually washed from the powders. iently enough an excellent tooth-pow­ W hereas , Baking Powders manu­ law peculiar to the living kingdom. something that one« belonged to him Mint into the Delaware is worth thous­ Call and examine our Stock and der, which is prepared by pulverizing factured in this state, known as the The same is true of the organic world. or above all, of an actual relic or part of ands of dollars. Every particle of dirt get Prices. the dried stems. zzozdso ^ t -A-t Ivit. Ta-loor. “R oyal ” alum and other Baking Pow­ Suppose that what we call elements his body. This you can then use as a swept up alxiut the Mint is carefully H enderson & G aunt . The snake tree of Guiana Is so called der are advertised for sale as absolutely had originated from still simpler ele­ fetich or charm for tlie destruction of stored away with the washings from -Portland's Most Boautifnl Suburb- Will sell j’ou better goods and at because the seed is twisted in a manner ments in the primal nebula (as seems tlie person to whom it originally be­ the roof and every year it is sold to the For the treatment of Nervous Diseases, Assignee's Sale of Real Property. Less Money than any one in town. to resemble a coiled serpent. For this pure, and, W hereas ,Official examination show probable to be the case in the sun now) longed. highest bidder, as it cannot lie used especially those suffering from nervous ex­ ______ C all and S ee H im . reason the Indians employ the nuts as them to contain ammonia and other yet it is simply impossible that we haustion and prostration, chronic diseases, In the Circuit Court of the County of Yam­ at the Mint. hill, in the State of Oregon, and all those who need quiet and rest, good ■ ---- ---------------- an antidote for snake poison. Another injurious ingredients; therefore the peo­ should be able to prove this experi­ They poulticed her feet and poulticed In the matter of the assignment of Geo nursing, massage and constant medical her head, Suffrage in Japan has recently been SUMMONS. curiosity is the papyrus of Asia, whieli ple of the state of New York represent­ mentally by decomposing and recom­ care, Bt Mt. Tabor will be fou <1 pure air, W. Sappington, insolvent debtor: And blistered her back till ’twas put to a novel use. A village waa ha­ ( absolutely free from malaria, good water, State of Oregon In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, yield the substance used as paper by ed in senate and assembly do enact as posing these elements; because the smarting and red, beautifnl* surroundings and magnificent County of Yamhill) 8 for tho County of Yamhill. source of all our heat and all our chem ­ ancient Egyptians. For this purpose Tried tonics, elxirs, pain-killers and rassed by a midnight robber, whom no follows:' By virtue of a general assignment for the views. Ample references given if desired. one could detect, so an ingenious in­ Section 1. — Every can or package of salves, For further particulars, address the physic­ benefit of all his creditors in proportion to J. <’. Streeter, Plaintiff,| ical work is the chemical aflinty -be ­ the wood of tlie reed stein was cut in the amount of their respective claims made ian in charge. (Though grandma declared it was habitant proposed that each villager baking powder containing ammonia tween these very elements. The forma ­ thin slices, whieli placed side by side, C. E, Mayer,Defendant! and executed by the above named G. W OSMON ROYAL, M. D.. nothing but “narves.” should write tlie name of tlie man he Ninth