THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER M c M innville , August - O keoon . ... 13, 1891. MAY A WOMAN PROPOSE? MRS. LESLIE DISCUSSES AN INTER- [ ESTING QUESTION. An Intercepted Glance—“It Slight Have Been”—She Blushes and Looks Down. If Tie Will Not Ask, Shall Her Life Be Spoiled? ^Copyright, 18PÀ, by American Press Associa­ tion.] LITTLE while ago, in a city thousands of miles from New York, and yet a city where hu­ man nature exists and develops very much as it does among ourselves, I caught a glimpse of a ro­ mance, a tragedy if yon like, or, if you prefer, a genteel comedy that set me thinking upon the question that heads thi3 paper. It was at a great reception, and among the guests I noticed a peculiarly sweet and gentle young woman, elegantly dressed, richly jeweled, and bearing the unmistakable mark of worldly pros­ perity, but with it the equally unmis­ takable mark of a crushed and hopeless life. She leaned upon the arm of a man whose broad, red face, sleepy eyes and stupid month made mo long to yawn be­ hind my fan, or to put it in one word, made me “tired,” although he also looked well to do, ard very well contented with himself and a.ll his belongings, including his lily of the valley wife. They passed on and so did I, but presently found my­ self, in company with a man who knows everything about everybody, near the pretty lily as she stood all alone looking sadder than ever. “Who is she?” asked I. “She? Poor little soul! She is one of the great army of martyrs who go through the world whispering to them­ selves, 'It might have been!’ ’’ “What, or rather who, is her ‘might have been?1 ” asked I, and my companion mnrmured: “Look and see!” I looked just in time to catch a glance from those mournful eyes that told their whole story. It was sent straight into the eyes of a man known to all the world as a poet, a romancist, an idealist of the first water and purest brilliancy. And he in turn looked at her, looked as souls may look hereafter across the impassable gulf dividing those forever Io6t to each other, and in whose loss all is gono that might make life worth the living. “Yes, I see,” murmured I to my com­ panion. “What is the story?” “Only that she was an heiress and he could hardly find butter for his bread before the world found him out. He loved her, but was too proud and sensi­ tive to declare himself, and in trying to appear indifferent so far overdid the matter as to seem careless. She fancied herself rejected, and all in a hurry ac­ cepted and married that buttertnb whose name she bears. Probably some acci­ dent, some unguarded moment, tore away the veil from between them, but too late, too late. They are both of them persons who would die rather than Bin against their moral code, and I dare say that little look we just surprised will suffice them for months.” “What a pity!” said I, as we moved away. “What a stupidity!” retorted my friend. “Why didn’t she speak out when she found he wouldn’t or couldn’t?’ “What, offer herself to the man?’ ex­ claimed I in horror. “Yes. Say in effect, ‘Why don't yon speak for yourself, John?’ Why shouldn't she?’ “Because she knew better than to put herself at any man’s mercy.” “When you resort to sarcasm it is a confession that you have no sound argu­ ments to offer, but think it over and see if I am not right.” I have thought it over ever since, but cannot yet say with conviction either that he was right or altogether wrong. As a general rule I suppose all of us feel that it is a man’s business to select his wife and to offer her his love, while she is lim­ ited to the privilege of saying Yes or No, as the case may be. The man conjugates Amo tn the active voice, and womanin the passive, and the tradition that he pursues, entreats, urges, while she at last yields a HIMSELF AND IIIS LILY OF Tlik VALLEY WIFE. nappy b.usnes will flood her face, she buries it in her bouquet or flutters her fan so rapidly that he cannot really see her cheeks, while she says in a languid, or a flippant, or an icy fashion, accord­ ing to the type of girl she chances to be: “Oh, Mr. So-and-so! How do you do this evening? Have you been here long? Pr ¡tty gathering, isn’t it? Mrs. Love’s rooms are so nice for a reception.” And all the while, if the little witch dared raise her eyes to his, the lover could read their tender story as plain as print—as plainly as she without looking reads his. Next he, wondering, poor fellow, why he never can meet her alone for more than a moment at a time, and why she never seems to understand his hints and half spoken words and efforts to find out her real sentiments toward him­ self, seizes one of those little moments and in so many words declares his pas­ sion and asks her to be his wife. Per­ haps half the girls who thus receive a fully expected and thoroughly welcome proposal exclaim: “Oh, I never thought of you in that light; you take me so by surprise that I —don’t know”----- And then the lover, alarmed lest he has been all along mistaken, begins to AN INTERCEPTED LOOK. falter, and to wipe his damp forehead, and to urge his suit with stammering tongue, and to seize a hand which very faintly struggles to escape, and so on and so on until the fortress capitulates, and after awhile the coy captive con­ fesses that she “likes him a little” and will promise to marry him, and then the years go on until after awhile it is she who does the kissing and he who turns the cheek, she who talks sentiment and he who reads the newspaper. Now this, I think all of us are agreed, is the proper and conventional mode for proposals fit marriage to come about, and our question is, May this method ever be reversed, and the woman do tho wooing and the proposing? I should say she may never do the wooing, but sometimes may give it to be understood that at least “Barkis is willin’.” Again there may be circum­ stances where a woman stands alone in the world, needing no protection, main­ tenance or counsel, sufficing to herself for all worldly or business requirements and uttering no plaint of loneliness or need of comradeship. A man seeing such a woman moving in her own orbit as a queen, and surrounded by admirers, might well hesitate before venturing to beg her to abdicate in his favor; to accept him as her lord and master, the arbiter of her destiny, the controller of her move­ ments; asking her to give up the very name by which she is so widely known and admired, and to adopt his compara­ tively obscure cognomen. Or it may be a beautiful girl in the full flush and pride of her first season, with wealth at her back, a powerful family connection, a wide circle of friends, admirers and acquaintances, a girl in fact with the world at her feet and an almost unlimited power of choice. A young man, obscure of family, undis­ tinguished in appearance or manner, poor in purse, perhaps a clerk upon a moderate salary, perhaps a struggling young lawyer or doctor, sees the debu­ tante; sees, loves, worships her, and al­ though he cannot conceal his devotion, he no more thinks of declaring it than he does of asking the evening star to come down and illuminate his humble lodgings. Now if the stately and self sufficing woman, or if the lovely girl upon her pedestal of sweet pre-eminence, should cast her eyes upon the silent and un­ presuming adorer, should look and lis­ ten and read the secret of his love, and feel that in that love lies all the promise of the future, should also perceive that so deep is the man’s self distrust and consciousness of the great gulf life has opened between them that he dares not speak—what is she to do? To bury her own feelings and not per­ ceive his? To go on through life with a sense of loss ever growing upon her? To marry another man and creep along at his side like a broken hearted captive, like the poor child I described first? Is she to bury the best possible love of her life, and smooth over the grave, and plant it to grain—good practical, mar­ ketable grain—or perhaps to hollyhocks and sunflowers and flaunting poppies? Ah! well, some women, many women, do one of theso things, and the air is full, full, could we only hear them, of these “might have beens,” the sobbing, sigh­ ing, weary moans of hungry hearts; very mistaken, perhaps, in their estimate of what would have made them happy, but not to be convinced of it by their own reason or that of any one else. “There is no cream so rich as that which rises on spilt milk,” says the proverb, and a very wise one too. Should, then, the woman or the girl in such case boldly grasp the golden fruit not offered to her; should she, instead of modestly pretending unconsciousness, tear aside the mask under which the man is trying to disguise his heart and force him to reveal the love he had sworn to die rather than to tell? Must she in one word make the proposal he is too shy, too proud or too honest to make? Well, yes; why not? And yet even as I write tlie word the deep instinct of womanhood rises up within me and says No! Better to die of a broken heart than to live without self respect! Now which is the true answer? The cold Yes of Reason, or the eager No of Instinct? Well, one why not is a grave doubt as to how such a course would affect the married life of a couple so brought to­ gether. Lives there a man so magnanimous that when the inevitable “little differ­ ence” arises, and she says, “I wonder you ever fancied you wanted me for a wife!” would not sometimes reply: "I don’t believe I ever should, if you had not put it in my head!” Or is there a woman, who, with a feminine capacity of self torture, would not sometimes say either to herself or her husband: “You do not care for me because I asked you to marry me. Yon only said yes because you couldn't bear to say no!” So after all we leave the matter about where wo found it, the pros balancing the cons so nearly that every weigher's individual feelings will give the scale its downward tendency, now to the right hand, now to the left, and each eager, anxious heart must remain a law unto it­ self only restrained by tho immutable de­ crees of good taste and womanly delicacy. WOMAN’S WORLD IN East and South PARAGRAPHS. Accomplished Girl Graduates from Cincinnati Technical School. —VIA— tlie The Cincinnati technical school has taken a step in advance of any of the other manual training schools of the country. It permits girls to take all its courses, even to engineering and carpen­ ter work, if they desire. At the com­ mencement this summer two young la­ dies received diplomas who were içore thoroughly accomplished in some ways than any girl graduates of the season, it is safe to say. These young women were Lucy Mary Riggs and Julia Bedin- ger. They were both of them bright, spirited Kentucky maidens. They not only learned architectural and mechan­ ical drawing, but became expert in the use of carpenters’ tools, and are prac­ tically familiar with the use of steam machinery. Now I hope they will go on and make use of their knowledge in some way, either as teachers, manual workers or draftsmen. Helen Watterson, the “Woman About Town” of the New York Evening Sun, one of the brightest, jolliest newspaper women, I know, as well as one of the most industrious, confides to me that when she reads about the literary women who are written up so much, have their pictures printed in the newspapers, etc., and a beautiful story told of how they work eight anil ten hours a day in an office, and have time to keep house, go into society, dress up in all the latest frills of fashion, have splendid recep­ tions and do their full duty as domestic women besides—she, the “Woman About Town,” simply does not believe it Be­ tween ourselves, no more do I. The marriage service of the Episcopal church is so beautiful and impressive, is it? Oh, yetfl Bnt it contains that de­ grading and monstrous word “obey.” It is better to live an old maid a thousand years than to promise to obey a man. The Michigan legislature has passed a law requiring that one of the professors at the state university shall be a woman. I congratulate Michigan on its enlight­ ened legislature. Illinois is the twenty-third state to pass a school suffrage law for women. Now let the Illinois mothers and other female voters turn out en masse at the next election and show that they at least appreciate the noble right of suffrage their husbands and brothers have con­ ferred on them. If Hived in Illinois no kind of weather could keep me home from the polls on school election day. Marion Hazard, of Providence, can harness a horse in four minutes and thirty seconds. The most accomplished girl of her age in America is probably Edna K. Wooley, of Chicago, aged seventeen. She passed the highest examination ever recorded for assistant bookkeeper in the postoffice of that city. She intends to become an expert bank bookkeeper. She plays the piano and church organ. Of evenings she studies Latin, German and litera­ ture. She also paints very creditably. Besides that she can fence, row, fish, box and ride horseback, and “just loves to dance.” At the business college where she graduated she did a year's work in six months. Miss Mary IL Krout secured her pres­ ent place on the editorial staff of the Chicago Inter-Ocean because of the bril­ liant political répertoriai work she did for her paper in Indiana during the Harrison campaign. In that state she had the whole management of The Inter-Ocean's political news dispatches and reporting during the campaign. Women must always be beaten when they come in competition with men in the industrial field, must they? at Southern Pacific Route M c M innville , SHASTA LINE. Express Tyaius Leave Portland Daily- LKAVB. j ABB1VB. Portland 7.00 p tn San Francisco 8.15 am San Fran. 9:00 p tn Portland 9.35 am Above trains stop only at following sta­ tions north of Roseburg: East Portland, Oregon Citv. Woodburm, Salem, Albany, Tangent, slu-dds, Halsey, Harrisburg, Jun­ ction city, Irving, Eugene for Infants and Children. RosebuTg Mall Dally. I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” II. A. A rcher , M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrha‘a, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promote« <11- Without injurious medication. “ The use of ‘ Castoria ’ is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” C arlos M artyn , D. D., New York City. Ixite Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For several years I have recommeny any other route. B-uJLlcLing' Vp. Boon Lots will be scarce and Command a Higher Price, ZBvfy XT ortt - IBefor© Too Ixoto. Price Ranges $50 up. For full particulars apply to « J. I. KNIGHT A CO., THE INVESTMENT CO., 49 Stark St, Portland. Or. Beal Estate Agents, McMinn villa. F. BARNEKOFF & CO.. McMinnville Flouring Milla. The Steamer Willamette Valley will sail FROM YAQI INA, FROM HAN FRANCISCO May 7th. May .'Id, *• lGtli, M 12tli, “ 24th, “ 30th. “ 31st, “ 28th, Passenger and freight intea always tliç low eat. For information, applv to C. C. HOCUS. Gen’l. Frt. A Paas. Agt., Oregon Pacific II. » Co., Corvalhs, Oregon. W B. WEBSTER Gen’l. Frt. Montgomery street San Francisco, Ca ARE YOU GOING EAST? If «o be sure and call for your tickets via the Headquarters for New and Second-Hand TYPE-WRITERS and TYPE-WRITER SUPPLIES Including fine Linen and Carbon papers, Ribbons, etc. General agent for D sbjc ¡¡ Mreta Railway, THE SMITH PREMIER TYPE-WRITER —THE— (Three thousand copies from one original.) w ra ara," EDISON’S MIMIOGIIAPH RACINE AUTOMATIC STEEL COPYING PRESS COOK’S jfi.VTClXA.TIO FOSTA.L SC-A.X.E, (Tells yon instantly amount of postage required for an,’ ni*Uable package ) Victor SI 5 Tvne-Writer. Send for Catalogue. I The One and Onlv Great X JX XL J_X| JX-1 SPANISH JDJAJSTCER. I The Bewitching Incarnation of Emotional Art. Appearing in Long Skirts. S^fcThe only pair of $100.000 Livinq TREMENDOUS HIPPOPOTAMI. The only Elfland pair of LILIPUTIAN CATTLE. The only flock of full- grown GIANT OSTRICHES. The onlv Wild Australian Utterly HAIR­ LESS HORSE. Dw arfs from tlie Flocks of Fairyland. The Smallest Boviucs ever Seen on Earth. Most Curious Equine in the Universe. Romantic Scenes from Mahomet’s Era. A Sahara Desert Pageant Outsplendoring all other Spectacles Sons of the Prophet in Prodigious Performances. Only Royal .Japanese Circus. Chariot Races that would have Daunted Nero. Stupendous Asiatic, African, European and New World Menageries Grandest Amphitheatre ever Erected. Most Thriling Races ever Presented. Three Rings ami Double Elevated Stage. A Mighty Maze of Daring Mid-air Acts. Classic Athletes of Herculean Strength. Whirlwind Bedouin and Berber Equestrians! Huge Blood-Sweating River Horses! Amphibious Monsters of Darkest Africa! Quadrupeds that do Everything but talk! Double Drove of Acting Elephants! Funniest Human and Brute Clowns! Reigning Turf Champions of Every Nation! Heroes and Heroines in Horsemanship! The Beauty, Grace and Skill of all Arenas! The Challenge Bareback Riders of all Earth! Pre-Eminent Charioteers and Lady Jockeys! The Racing Circuit of Twenty Centuries! Useful Knowedge Made Attractive to the Child! The Mites and Monsters of Rare Living Things! 3T- TX - T^E~E”TTOIE j TDS, 29 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon. ■ Q fA R ■ EC» Mean be earned at our X1.W liner, work, ■ fllaAIB W rapidly and honorably, by those of Jjj/S B B Ivi ■ either sex. voting or old, and in their 2 ® J | ■ I I own localities,whon-ver thiy live. Any 1 ■ B B a fci 8 one can do the work. Eaay to learn. We furniah everything. We start you. No riak. You can devote your «pare moments, or all your time to the work. This ia an entirely new lead.and brings wonderful auccesa to every worker. Beginners are earning from S25 to •50 per week and upwarda, and more after a little experience. We can fumiah you the em- ployment and teach you FREE. No apace to explain here. Full tn^rmulvn Uttl!. TRUE «k CO» AltlCST*. MA1S1C G. LUENBERGER, (Successor to E Johnson ) Keeps on hand a line stock of foreign and domestic wines, liquors and cigars. Also the celebrated Weinhard Lager, always fresh and cold. Give him a call Threshing Outfit for Salc.b^» And on easy terms with good run of thresh­ ing. one thirty-six inch Case separator, one ten-horse Russell engine, all in good run­ ning order. Enquire of II. P. NEWTON. St. Joseph, Cr. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given, that, pursuant to the order of County court of Ktateof Ore­ gon for Multnomah county, duly made and entered in the matter of the Estate of Geo. L. Woods, deceased, tlie undersigned will on Friday the Ttli day of August ls'.H, at tin- hour of one o’clock in the afternoon, at the frontdoor of the County court House in McMinnville, Yamhill county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highes t bidder the undivided half of south half of Donation landclaim of CalebWood and wife in Yamhill county. Oregon. That said property will he sold subject to a mortgage thereon for$1415, and interest from November 17, 1H84 at x per cent, per annum, and the right of the tenant on said property in the crop for the current year, Terms of sale; ten per cent, cash, on day of sale ami balance on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed. A. G W.\ 1.1.1 N< Administrator of the Estate of Geo, L. Woods, deceased. June 2; 27. It ia positively the shortest and tin »1 line to Chicago and the east and south and the only sleeping and dining car through Hue to Omaha, Kansan City, and all Missouri ltlver l’oint. Its magnificent steel trick, unsurpassed krain service and elegant dining and ilaeplng can has honestly earned for it the title of The ZRoyal Route Dtbor« may imitate,but none can surpaas it Ouf motto is "always on time.” Bettirq and ask ticket agents for Uck«u Celebrated rente and take non! W. H MEAD, Q A. 4 Wesblngton sUaat, Portland, Or from Terminal or Inferior Points Hit Northern Pacific Is the Line to Take To all Points East & South it It the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs Through VESTIBULE!) TRAINS Every Day in lhe Year to J. B. ROHR, ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO House, Sign, anil Ornamental Painter (No Change of Car«) The Only Sign Writer in the County. Homes fitted up in the Neatest and Most Artistic Style. Designs furnished for Decorations. Remember Paper Hanging and Inside Fur­ nishing a Specialty. Work taken by Contract or bv the Day. Ex­ perienced men employed. Third Street, McMinnville, Oregon. Omaha, Kansas City, CliicagG, ST PAUL, ST. LOUIS, Composed of IHII.MJ CARS (unsurpassed) PIUMAMDRAWL1SR00.USLEEPHUI (Of Latest Equipment.) WRIST SLEEP!!« (ARS Best that can !*• constructed and in which accommodations an for hol­ ders of First or 8e< ond-emss Tick­ ets, and AND ALL POINTS East, North «P South ELEGAAT HAY COAGIEX. A Continuous Line connecting with all -—A.T---- •6000.00 a year 1« being made by John R. Goodwin,’! roy,N.Y.,at work for ua. Reader, you may not make a* much, but we can teach you quickly bow to earn from •& to • 10 a day at the »tart, and more aayou go on. Both sexes, al) agea. In env part of |Ainerica, you can commence at home, giv­ ing all your time,or spare momenta only to the work. AH i» new. Great pay SURE for «-very worker. We start you, furnishing everything. EASILY, SCEEDILY learned, l AKI-JCTLAKS FREE. Addrea« at once. k