GO TO KAY & TODD FOR HARVEST GOODS. They sell cheaper and keep a better assorted line of i ! Gloves, Jumpers, Overalls, K. J. Pants, Cheap Underwear, Shoes, Than any other store in the County. THE TELEPHONE-REGISTER. DEMOCRATIC KENTUCKY. THE GREATEST ON LAND AND SEA A POOR INVESTMENT. The Democratic victory in Kentucky clearly demonstrates that the Demo­ cratic party in the South has nothing to fear from the Farmers’ Alliance. In the Legislator districts a number of farmers were elected, but most of them were Democratic candidates, the Alliance seeking to control nominations rather than to antagonize the party at the polls. The enormous majority of 100,000 in favor of the new Constitution is a real Democratic victory, popular not par­ tisan, for it was a victory for the secret ballot and against it. Trustsand the growing and oppressive exactions and tyrannies of corporations. In this respect the result of the election is espeeialy significant, for it shows that the people have not changed their minds since last November and that their political trend is in the same direction as it was when they punished the sins of the Billion-Dollar Congress. It is because the Democratic party represents hostility to Trust, monopo­ lies, undue taxation, sectional legisla­ tion and extravagance that the people are with it his wit, his time, Ills genius, his talent, his soul. Did the world come in to stand by his deathbed, and clearing off the vials of bitter medicine, put down any compensa­ tion? Oh, no! The world does not like sick and dying people, and leaves them in the lurch. It ruined this man and then left him. He had a magnificent funeral. All the ministers wore scarfs, and there were forty-three carriages in a row; but the departed man appreciated not the ob­ sequies. I want to persuade my audience that this world is a poor investment; that it does not pay ninety per cent, of satisfac­ tion, nor eighty per cent., nor twenty per cent., nor two per cent., nor one; that it gives no solace when a dead babe lies on your lap; that it gives no peace when con­ science rings its alarm; that it gives no ex­ planation in the day of dire trouble; and at the time of your decease it takes hold of the pillow case and shakes out the feathers, and then jolts down in the place thereof sighs and groans and execrations, and then makes you put your head on it. Oh, ye who have tried this world, is it a satisfactory portion? Would you advise your friends to make the investment? No. “Ye have sold yourselves for naught.” Your conscience went. Your hope went. Your Bible went. Your heaven went. Your God went. When a sheriff under a writ from the courts sells a man out the officer generally leaves a few chairs and a bed, and a few cups and knives; but in this awful vendue in which you have been engaged the auctioneer’s mallet has come down upon body, mind and soul—going! gone! “Yo have sold yourselves for naught.” as though you had nothing to do with tflat Calvarían massacre. You had. Your sins were the implements of torture. Those implements were not made of steel and iron and wood so much as out of your sins. Guilty of this homicide, and this regicide, and this deicide, confess your guilt today. Ten thousand voices of heaven bring in the verdict against you oí guilty, guilty! Prepare to die or believe. In tb^t blood. Stretch yourself out for the sacri­ fice or accept the Saviour’s sacrifice. Do not fling away your one chance. The noble state of Oregon has been YOU HAVE BARGAINED YOUR SOUL fittingly honored at last. Out at the I AWAY FOR NAUGHT. Union Iron works near San Francisco SUBSCRIPTION BATES. there is building a monster vessel, be­ $2 00 On* Copy, per year, inadrance......... side which the ships of the White Dr. Talmage Shows How the Foolish Sale . 1 00 One Copy, six months in advance.... Is Made and How It May Be Reme­ squadron will look like playthings. I died—Christ’s Blood Will Buy You is now known as Battle Ship No. 6; in Entered at the poetoffice at McMinnville Back. reality it is the Oregon — the name hav ­ Oregon, as second-class matter. ___ ing already been decided upon—the T opeka , Kan., Aug. 9.—Dr. Talmage HEAVEN WANTS TOU. first really modern battle ship of the reached this city yesterday in the course of T he advertising R ates or T he T ele ­ It seems to me as if all heaven were try­ phone -R egister are liberal, taking in United States navy and the largest ves­ his western trip. He was warmly wel­ ing to bid in your soul. The first bid it consideration the circulation. Single makes is the tears of Christ at the tomb of sel yet attempted by the government. comed by the citizens, who came in large inch. »1.00, each subsequent inch, $.75. to hear the famous Brooklyn di­ Lazarus, s, but that Is not a high enough Special inducements for yearly or semi- This vessel is designed to have a dis­ numbers price. The TL- next ...... . bid -.1 heaven I------ — makes — Is the vine. The subject of the sermon for this yearly contracts. « placement of 10,000 tons. That our week is, “A Poor Investment,” and the sweat of Gethsemane, but it Is too cheap a lakes seen: Jos W ork N eatly *A nd Q uickly E xecuted price. The next bid heaven makes seems readers may have a fair idea of her im­ text, Isaiah lii, 3, “Ye have sold yourselves at reasonable rates Our facilities are to be the whipped back of Pilate's ball, but mensity and her powers as a fighting for naught; and ye shall be redeemed with­ the best in Yamhill county and as good it is not a high enough price. Can it be pos­ force, we give her principal dimensions out money.” »s any in the state A complete steam sible that heaven cannot buy you inf The Lord’s people had gono headlong plant insures quick work. and her armament in full. Heaven tries once more. It says: “I bid into sin, and as a punishment they had • * * r. this time for that man’s soul the tortures Length, 348 feet; breadth, 69 feet 3 been carried captive to Babylon. They R esolutions or C ondolence and all O bit - of Christ’s martyrdom, the blood on his , uary Poetry will be charged for at regular inches, and depth from the keel-plate found that iniquity did not pay. Cyrus temple, the blood on his cheek, the blood advertising rates. to the superstructure, 42 feet, The hull seized Babylon, and felt so sorry for these on his chin, the blood ou his hand, the . poor captives that, without a dollar of com ­ is to be of unsheathed steel and she will pensation, he let them go home. So that, blood on his side, the blood on his knee, the A ll C ommunications M ust B e S igned B y the person who sends them, not for pub­ blood on his foot—the blood in drops, the have a double bottom extending from literally, my text was fulfilled. “Ye have lication, unless unaccompanied by a "non blood in rills, the blood in pools coagulated armor-shelf to armor-shelf and forward sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be de plume.” but for a guarantee of good beneath the cross; the blood that wet the redeemed without money.” faith. No publications will be published and aft. tips of the soldiers' spears, the blood that SOLD FOR NAUGHT. unless so signed. plashed warm in the faces of his enemies." That jhe Oregon is designed for hea­ There is enough Gospel in this text for Glory to God, that bid wins it! The A ddress A ll C ommunications . E ither F or vy work may be judged from the armor fifty sermons. There are persons here who highest price that was ever paid for any­ the editorial or business departments,to with which she is loaded. At the wa ­ have, like the people of the text, sold out T he T elephone -R egister , McMinnville, thing was paid for your soul. Nothing ter line there is to be a belt of steel arm* You do not seem to belong either to your­ could buy it but bloodl The estranged Oregon. A QUESTION SETTLED. selves or to God. The title deeds have been property is bought back. Take it. “You or eighteen inches thick and seven passed over to “the world, the flesh, and the S imple C opies Or* T he ’T elephoxe -R egis - have sold yourselves for naught; and ye feet wide. From this belt to the main ONCE LOST IT IS GONE FOREVER. The Superintendent of Immigration devil, ” but the purchaser never paid up. ter will be mailed to any person in the How could you do so? Did you think shall be redeemed without money.” O United States or Eurojie, who desires one, and the Nledringhaus Stamping Com­ deck the sides will be protected by five “Ye have Bold yourselves for naught.” atoning blood, cleansing blood, life giving free of charge. When a man passes himself over to the that your soul was a mere trinket which blood, sanctifying blood, glorifying blood pany, of St. Louis, have combined to inches of steel armor. As an addition­ world he expects to get some adequate com­ for a few pennies you could buy in a toy of Jesus! Why not burst into tears at the W k I nvite You To C ompare T he I ele - settle officially the question for whose al protection the coal bunkers will lie pensation. He has heard tho great things Bhop? Did you think that your soul, if piione -R egister with any other paper once lost, might be found again If you thought that for thee he shed it—for thee published in Yamhill county. ______ benefit the tin plate duties were placed immediately behind this lighter that tho world does for a man, and he be­ went out with torches and lanterns? Did the hard hearted, for thee the lost? doubled. It was intimated at the time armor. A sloping, armored deck, three lieves it. He wants two hundred and fifty you think that your soul was short lived, "No,” says some one; “I will have noth­ thousand dollars. That will be horses and ing to do with it except that, like the ene­ All subecriber» who do not receive their that the increase in the taxes was for inches thick will extend below the houses, and a Bummer resort and jolly and that, panting, you would soon lie mies of Christ, I put both my hands into paper regularly will confer a faror by im­ the benefit of American labor, and we water line. Approved water-excluding companionship. To get it he parts with down for extinction? Or had you no idea that carnage and scoop up both palms full, mediately reporting the tame to thie office were told that the law would create material will be fitted along the sides of his physical health by overwork. He parts what your soul was worth? Did you and throw it on my head and cry, ‘His with his conscience. He parts with much ever put your forefingers on its eternal blood be on us and on our children!’ ” Can fifty or sixty tinplate mills, giving em­ this deck. enjoyment. He parts with oppor­ pulses? Have you not felt the quiver of its you do such a shocking thing as that? Just The armament of the Oregon is such domestic ployment to 30,000 American workmen. Thursday, August 13, 1891 tunities for literary culture. He parts with peerless wing? Have you not known that rub your handkerchief across your brow as would drive terror to the heart of bis soul. And so he makes over his entire after leaving the body, the first step of and look at it. It is the blood of the Son But now Mr. Neidringhaus has made your soul reaches to the stars, and the next application to be allowed to import bis anyone within range of her gnus. She nature to the world. of God whom you have despised and driven A GREAT NECESSITY. He does it in four installments. He pays step to the farthest outposts of God's uni­ back all these years. Oh, do not do that laborers from Wales on the ground that will be supplied with the most power­ down the first installment, and one-fourth verse, and that it will not die until the day any longer! Come out boldly and frankly the everlasting Jehovah expires? Every progressive citizens of Mc­ there are none in this country compe­ ful guns, aggregating in all 631 tons. of his nature is gone. He pays down the when and honestly, and tell Christ you are sorry. tent to do the work, and the Superin­ There will be four immense thirteen- second installment, and one-half of his Oh, my brother, what possessed you that You cannot afford to so roughly treat him Minnville knows that a sewer system you should part with your soul so cheap? nature is gone. He pays down the third inch breech-loading rilles, weighing upon whom everything depends. tendent of Immigration has accepted have sold yourselves for naught.” is an absolute necessity at the present his statement and granted bis prayer. sixty tons each. They will be pro­ installment, and three-quarters of his na­ “Ye » BEWARE! BEWARE! But I have some good news to tell you. I ture are gone, and after many years have moment. For years the filth of the city It may be taken as decided, therefore, tected by seventeen inches of armor. In gone by he pays down the fourth install­ want to engage in a litigation for the recov­ I do not know how you will get away from this subject. You see that you are ery 8t that soul of yours. I want to show has been thrown on the ground and that American labor lias nothing to do addition there will be four eight-inch ment, and lo! his entire nature is gone. Then that you have been cheated out of It. I sold out, and that Christ wants to buy you he comes up to the world and says: “ Good and four six-inch breech-loading rifles, back. There are three persons who come instead of being properly removed at with the new taxes, except to pay morning. I have delivered to you the want to prove, as I will, that you were after you today—God the Father, God the sixteen six-pounder and six one-pound­ goods. them. crazy on that subject, and that the world, I have passed over to you my body, the right time has accumlated until, in God the Holy Ghost. They unite It will hardly be contended that Mr. er rapid-firing guns and two Gatlings. my mind and my soul, and I have coms under such circumstances, had no right to Son and three omnipotences in one movement order to throw more upon the ground McKinley imposed his duty of $49 28 The 8-inch guns will be protected by now to collect the two hundred and fifty tako the title deed from you; and if you their for your salvation. You will not take up dollars.” “Two hundred and will join me I shall get li decree from the arms against the triune God, will you? Is it was necessary to remove a portion of per ton on tinplates with the object of barbettes and shields carrying 6-incli thousand fifty thousand dollars?” says the world. High Chancery Court of Heaven reinstat­ there euough muscle in your arm for such the old deposit. The back yard of helping the Welshmen who are to lie armor, while the six-inch guns will be “What do you mean?” “Well,” you say, ing you in the possession of your soul. a combat? By the highest throne in heaven, similarly protected by 4 inches of steel. “I come to collect the money you owe me, “Oh,” you say, “I am afraid of lawsuits; and by the deepest chasm in hell, I beg you the business houses of this city, are brought to this country to make them. they are so expensive, and I cannot pay Nor will anybody assert that the design About 306 tons of ammunition will lie and I expect you to fulfill your part of the the cost.” Then have you forgotten the look out. Unless you allow Christ to carry probably in a worse condition than the was to help the consumers who are to required to complete the vessel’s light­ contract.” "But,” says the world, “I have awav your sins, they will carry you away. failed. I am bankrupt. I cannon possibly last half of my text? “Ye have sold your­ Unless you allow Christ to lift you up, back yards of the business houses of pay the bills. As it has been officially ing outfit. pay that debt. I have not for a long time selves for naught; and yc shall be redeemed they will drag you down. There is only money. ” any other city in the state. Festering determined that it was not for the bene­ The Oregon will be well supplied expected to pay it.” “Well,” you then without Money is good for a great many things, one hope for you, and that is the blood. say, “give me back the goods.” “Oh, no,” with torpedoes, carrying twelve. Seven Christ, the sin offering, bearing your trans­ fit of American laborers, there is no es ­ outhouses, loaded to the extent of their the world, “they are all gone. I can­ but it cannot do anything in this matter gressions. Christ, the surety, paying your of the tubes for lauehing them will be says of the soul. You cannot buy your way cape from the conclusion that the per ­ not give them back to you. ” And there carrying capacity, then nailed up in­ Christ, the divine Cyrus, loosening sons to be helped were Mr.Niedringhaus above the water—two forward, two on you stand on the confines of eternity, your through. Dollars and pounds sterling debts. your Babylonish captivity. stead of being destroyed, decorate sev­ and the other millionaires who have each side and one aft. spiritual character gone, staggering under mean nothing at the gate of mercy. If Would you not like to be free? Here is consideration that “you havo sold your­ you could buy your salvation, heaven the price of your lilieration—not money, eral back yards of the business portion expressed a willingness to hire the The equipment of lioats on the new the would be a great speculation, an exten­ self for naught.” but blood. I tremble from head to foot, of the city. sion of Wall street. Bad men would go Welshmen to dip tinplates at public ex­ battle-ship will be complete. She will THE WORLD IS A LIAR. not because I fear your presence, but be­ up and buy out the place, and leave us to have one 32-foot steam cutter; oue 32- If this city desires to prosper, all this pense. As lxjtli Mr. Nieilringhaus and I tell you the world is a liar. It does not cause I fear that you will miss your chance keep its promises. It is a cheat, and it shift for ourselves. But as money is not a for immortal rescue. This is the alterna­ must be changed and the sooner the Mr. Carnegie have just been engaged foot sailing launch; two 2S-foot cutters! fleeces lawful tender, what is? I will answer, everything it can put its hands on. tive divinely put, “He that believeth on two 26-foot cutters; two 29-foot whale­ It is a bogus world. It is a six-thousand- Blood! Whose? Are we to go through better. To the filth the water works in successful conflicts with the labor Son shall have everlasting life; and he unions, they can hardly appreciate the boats; one 30-foot steam whale-boat; one year-old swindle. Even if it pays the two the slaughter? Oh, no; it wants richer the adds materially. The idea o f a sewer advantages of a law under which they 30-foot gig; two 20-foot dingies; one Bal­ hundred and fifty thousand dollars for blood than ours. It wants a king’s blood. that believeth not on the Son shall not see must be poured from royal arteries. It lite, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” system was talked of at the time the are allowed to import any number of sa, while two life-boats will be carried which you contracted, it pays them in It must be a sinless torrent. But where is In the last day, if you now reject Christ, bonds that will not be worth anything in every drop of that sacrificial blood, instead water works were under consideration contract laborers. The Welsemen will in trim ready to be launched instantly a little while. Just as a man may pay the king? of pleading for your release as it would I see a great many thrones and a great in all kinds of weather. come in handy whether the experiment down ten thousand dollars in hard cash but it was then thought that the water have pleaded if you had repented, will many occupants, yet none seem to be com ­ and get for it worthless scrip — so the world There will be one military mast car­ of dipping plates in tin lie continued or ing down to the rescue. But after awhile plead against you. works would force a sewer system. As passes over to you the two hundred and rying two turrets. A conning tower O Lord God of the judgment day! avert not.—Kxa m iner. fifty thousand dollars in that shape which the clock of night in Bethlehem strikes yet they have not done it but they have armored with ten inches of steel will will not be worth a farthing to you a Ik, and the silver pendulum of a star that calamity! I-et us see the quick flash The St. Paul Railroad Company is protect those taking observations in thousandth part of a second after you arc swings across the sky, and I see the King of the scitneter that slays the sin but saves made the necessity of a system very the sinner. Strike, omnipotent God, for building two engines designed to con­ time of battle. Anelectric-light plant, dead. “Oh,” you say, “it will help to bury of Heaven rising up, and he descends and the soul’s deliverance! Beat, O eternal apparent. The city has the power to down from star to star, and from sume their smoke, to have no smoke consisting of three units each having an me, anyhow.” Oh, my brother! you need steps sea! with all thy waves against the barren cloud to cloud, lower and lower, until ho issue bonds to the extent of $5000 for stacks, to light the trains they draw by not worry about that. The world will engine, dynamo and combination bed­ bury you soon enough from sanitary con­ touches the sheep covered hills, and then beach of that rocky soul and make it this purpose alone, so something has electricity, and warm them by steam plate will furnish light. Electric search siderations. ou to another hill, this last skull shaped, tremble. Ob, the oppressiveness of the I hour, the minute, the second on which the been done. All that is wanted now is heat. Such engines would be a great lights and signal lamps will complete Post mortem emoluments are of no use and there, at the sharp stroke of persecu­ I soul's destiny quivers, and this is that tion, a ril' incarnadine trickles down, and to you. The treasures of this world will advance if successful. A serious danger a little agitation and a little talk and that part of the vessel’s arrangements. not pass current in the future world, and we who could not be redeemed by money hour, that minute, that second! ALL MAY BE SAVED. the thing is accomplished. It is a to harvest-fields would be avoided by A distilling apparatus will supply if all the wealth of the Bank of England are redeemed by precious and imperial Some years ago there came down a fierce blood. great necessity and the progressive peo­ their smoke-consuming properties, fresh water when the fifteen days’ al­ were put in the pocket of your shroud and KO RELIGION OF BRAINS. storm on the seacoast, and a vessel got in while a still greater danger to passengers you in the midst of the Jordan of death We have in this day professed Christians the breakers and was going to pieces. ple of the city will no doubt sec it fro m’ear stoves and lamps would be pre lowance which the ship can cany is were asked to pay three cents for your fer­ who are so rarefied and etherealized that They threw up some signal of distress and exhausted. riage, you could not do it. There comes a they do not want a religion of blood. What the people on shore saw them. They put when they consider the situation care­ vented. The Oregon will carry a crew of thir­ moment in your existence beyond which do you want? You seem to want a reli­ out In a lifeboat. They came on, and they fully. all earthly values fail, and many a man Just what the hop crop will amount ty officers and 430 men. The quarters has wakened up in such a time to find that gion of brains. Tho Bible says, “In the saw the poor sailors, almost exhausted, blood is the life.” No atonement without clinging to a raft; and so afraid were the On Saturday night of the present to this season is somewhat of a puzzle for the crew will be comfortable and be has sold out for eternity and has noth­ blood. Ought not the apostle to know? that the meu would give up be­ week a mass meeting of the citizens to the growers. The depredations of pleasant. Room will he provided for ing to show for it. I should as soon think What did he say? “Ye are redeemed not lioatmcu fore they got to them they gave them three a three months ’ supply of provisions, of going to Chatham street to buy silk with corruptible things, such as silver and rounds of cheers, and cried: “Hold on, will lie held and the situation and the the hop lice during the early part of and the coal bunkers will hold WO tons pocket handkerchiefs with no cotton in gold, but by the precious blood of Christ.” there! hold ou! We’ll save you!” After the season so completely upset all calcu ­ them, as to go to this world expecting to different sewer systems with their cost You put your lancet into the arm of our awhile the boat came up. One man was of coal. find any permanent happiness. It has de­ holy religion and withdraw the blood, and saved by having the boathook put in the will be carefully considered and it is lons it will be next to impossible to This vessel is one of the three battle­ ceived and deluded every man who has estimate the extent of the crop until you leave it a mere corpse, fit only for the collar of his coat, and some in one way and hoped that some conclusion can be ar­ the crops have been picked. Comment­ ships authorized by the naval con­ ever put his trust in it. grave. Why did God command the priests some iu another; but they all got into the NOT TRUE HAPPINESS. rived at of benefit to the city and its ing on this subject, the Polk County struction act which was passed by con­ History tells us of one who resolved that of old to strike the knife into the kid, and boat. “Now,” says the captain, “for the the goat, and the pigeon, and the bullock, shore. Pull away now, pull!” Observer says: the hop lice question is gress June go, 1890. The maximum he would have all his senses gratified at and the lamb? it was so that when the citizens. The people on the land were afraid the cost according to the contract was to be one and the same time, and he expended In order that the meeting may voice resting and waiting results. The lice $4,000,000, exclusive of armament and thousands of dollars on each sense. He blood rushed out from these animals on lifeboat had gone down. They said: “How the floor of the ancient tabernacle the peo ­ long the boat stays. Why, it must have are not decreasing any in number, but entered a room, and there were the first ple should be compelled to think of the been swamped and they have all perished the opinion of the citizens it is necessary the damage to the hop vine?» not visible the actual price for which the vessel is musicians of the land pleasing his ear, and coming carnage of the Son of God. No together. ” And there were men and wom­ that a goodly number turn out. yet. The hop men will not promise being constructed is not far from that there were fine pictures fascinating his blood, no atonement. en on the pier heads and on the beach Grace the meeting with your pres­ what the crop will be, some thinking amount. By the contract the mini­ eye, and there were costly aromatics regal­ I think that God intended to impresss us wringing their hands; and while they ing his nostrils, and there were the richest with a vividness of that color. The green waited and watched they saw something ence and in the meantime learn all you the lice will do no damage to speak mum speed to be maintained for four meats and wiues and fruits and confec­ of the grass, the blue of the sky, would not looming up through the mist, and It turned of, while others think the crop is ruined. consecutive hours is to be not less than tions pleasing the appetite, and there was have startled and aroused us like this deep out to be the lifeboat. As soon as it came can about sewers. fifteen knots. a soft couch of sinful indulgence on which crimson. It is as if God had said: “Now, within speaking distance the people on the While in the eight cruisers the gov- he reclined, and the man declared after­ sinner, wake up and see what the Saviour The American protective tariff league cried out: “Did j^u save any of them? The three weeks’ English naval ma­ boasts that it has ilirtibuted nearly ernment has lieen building, high speed ward that he would give ten times what he endured for you. This is not water. This shore Did you save any of them?” And as the had given if he could have ouo week of neuvers just concluded in the North eight million pages of tariff literature and great coal capacity have been the is not wine. This is blood. It is the blood boat swept through the boiling surf and enjoyment, even though he lost his of my Son. It is the blood of the immacu­ came to the pier head the captain waved sea, have been keenly watched by in the last six months and evidently objects seught, in the new battleships such soul by it! Ah! that was the rub! He did late. It Is the blood of God." Without his hand over the exhausted sailors that every government in Europe. Experts looks for a great crop of Protectionists these features have been made of sec­ lose his soul by it! Cyrus the conqueror the shedding of blood is no remission. lay flat on the bottom of the boat and cried: blame the admiralty for changing the I from the sowing. But it is much to lie ondary importance. The battleships thought for a little while that he was mak­ There has been many a man who, in courts “All saved! Thank God! AH saved!” plans, converting the tactical maneu­ feared that this sort of seed will not are designed to remain in the country’s ing a fine thing out of this world, and yet of law, has pleaded “not guilty,” who So may it be today. The waves of your before he came to his grave he wrote out nevertheless has been condemned because sin run high, the storm is on you, but I vers, and thus spoiling the Initiative of take root in the stony hearts of disap­ own waters for the purpose of protect­ this pitiful epitaph for his monument: “I there was blood found on his hands or cheer you with this Gospel hope. God the admiral commanding. In spite of pointed Ohio wool-growers or the Rhode ing the shores from the ships of a hos­ am Cyrus. I occupied the Persian empire. blood found in his room, and what shall grant that within the next ten minutes we the admiralty's blunders the evolutions Island farmer down in Little Compton tile enemy. They are to lie within easy I was king over Asia. Begrudge me not we do in the last day if it be found that we may row with you into the harbor of God's yielded results of importance. They | who voted for the McKinley bill last access of supplies of all kinds, and the this monument.” But the world :n after have recrucified the Lord of Glory and mercy. And when these Christian men years plowed up his sepulcher. have shown the rapidity of the mobili­ I fall for the avowed reason that it would capacity in that direction has been de­ The world clapped its hands and stamped ’ have never repented of it? You must be­ gather around to see the result of this serv­ lieve in the blood or die. No escape. Un­ ice, and the glorified gathering on the pier zation of the English fleet in reality, I add twenty-five dollars a year to his voted to armor and armament. its feet in honor of Charles Lamb; but less you let the sacrifice of Jesus go in your heads of heaven to watch and to listen, that the new complicated instruments j income from his tiny herd of sheep. It • The keel plates of the Oregon were what does he say? “I walk up and down, stead you yourself must suffer. It is either may we be able to report all saved! Young I am happy, but feeling I am Christ’s blood or your blood. and old, good and bad! All saved! Saved of sea warfare, like the warships Kans- I is not the glowing phrases mid theories laid some months ago and work on her thinking not." Call the roll, and be quick about It. “Oh,” says some one, “the thought of for time. Saved for eternity. “And so it pareil and Nile, can be equipped, man­ of political pamphlets, but the tilings frame and hull is progressing favorably. Samuel Johnson, the learned! Happy? blood sickens me.” Good. God intended came to pass that they all escaped safe to ned and sent to sea in a few days ready which hap|ien or don’t happen in act- “No. I am afraid I shall some day get ; it to sicken you with your sin. Do not act land.” ____ crazy." William Hazlitt, the great essay- I for action. They have also proved that ual experience that shape the tariff con­ Remarkable Rescue. ist! Happy? “No. I have been for two the 110-ton guns used on the Sanspariel victions of the American people. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill., hours and a half going up and down Pater­ can be worked rapidly and successful­ makes the statement that she caught noster row with a volcano in my breast.” ly, penetrating nineteen inches of iron The selecting of two soaring eagles as cold, which settled on her lungs; she Smollet, the witty author! Happy’ “No. treated for a month by her family I am sick of praise and blame, and I wish was armor and fifteen inches of any com­ a heading for the Republican ticket and but grew worse, He told to God that I hail such circumstances I pound armor afloat at 2060 yards. An­ , the humble chanticleer as a heading for physician, her she was a hopeless victim of con­ around me that I could throw my pen into ( other discovery made lias modified the ' the Democratic ticket in Ohio has pro- sumption and that no medicine could oblivion.” Buchanan, the world renowned -------- OF THE-------- accepted ideas of the value of torpedo , voked a controversy as to the cmblemat- cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. writer, exiled from his own country, ap- ' vessels. In no instance did a torpedo ■ ic merits of the two, and we are inclined King’s New Discovery for Consump­ pealing to Henry VIII for protection! She bought a bottle and to her Happy? “No. Over mountains covered i vessel succeed in attacks on an iron­ , to think that the barnyard bird has tion. delight found her delight found herself with snow, and through valleys flooded clad. The system followed against the ! rather the best of it. He is identified benefitted from first dose. She contin­ with rain, I come a fugitive.” Moliere, torpedo vessels converted the defense i with the honest farmers and laborers ued and after taking ten bottles found the popular dramatic authorl Happy? I To be sold in tracts of from 5 to 50 acres at $30.00 an acre and “No. That wretch of an actor just now into an attack. Instead of waiting for ' of the country, their homekeeping hab- herself sound and well, now does her recited four of my lines without the proper | upwards; one-fifth down, balance in I, 2 and 3 years, at G per cent, per own house work, and is as well as she the torpedo vessels the war-ships went I its, their provident industry, their ever was. Free trial bottles of this accent and gesture. To have the children annum. Most all of this land is under cultivation; over 400 acres now for them. Out of twenty torpedo boats loyalty to home life and the family great discovery at Rogers Bros’, drug of my brain so hung, drawn and quartered in full bearing fruit trees. All this land is within 3 miles of Amity. tortures me like a condemned spirit.” 2 four were adjudged captured, while two brood. He represents also the humble store, large bottles 50c and $1. Over 700,000 pounds of fruit shipped from this point last year. . A WORLDLING'S DEATH. protecting ships were destroyed and ’ household thrift by which nearly every I went to see a worldling die. As I went For particulars apply to or address Nervous debility, poor memory, dif- into family lives without aid from lobby or the hall I saw its floor was tessellated, seventeen attacks repulsed. The super­ Legislature. It would be hard to find dcnce, sexual weakness, pimples, cured and its wall was a picture gallery. I found Win. F. BREIDENSSEIN, iority of the active over the passive de­ a more significant emblem of the policy by Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Samples free his death chamber adorned with tapestry fense against the toqiedo lioats is there­ of home rights for all and special favors at Rogers Bros. 6 until it seemed as it the clouds of the set­ AMITY FRUIT LAM) COMPANY, for none fore held to be demonstrated. ting sun had settled in the room. The Take T he T elephone -R egister . AMITY, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. HARDING &. HEATH, Publishers. Fruit Growers, Attention! 5,000 ACRES Finest Fruit Land tfc Willamette Valley man had given forty years to the world— THIS SUMMER WEATHER “EVERLASTING », Those Best Shoes and Clothing bought of Apperson a AT ACTUAL COST” Entire stock of Hats and Caps. Neck­ wear in endless Varieties, Tennis shoes, All single width Broadhead Dress fabrics, Buchings, Full Line of Percaile Shirts. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Clothing (20c off regular prices, PARASOLS. WHITE GOODS. Ladies’ and Misses’ Muslin and Jersey Underwear, Embroidered Flouncing in black and white, Tennis flannel and outing cloth. TO ARRIVE IN A FEW DAYS FROM THE EAST A large line of- DOMESTIC GOODS Which we bought exceedingly low. We propose to give our customers the benefit of this purchase. T. 2LFFEBSO1T FRANK BROTHERS COMPANY Headquarters for all kinds of FARM MACHINERY ! « Call and see our Stock and Get Prices Before Buying Elsewhere. Wright Block; McMinnville, Oregon. WHY WILL YOU PAY RENT! I Offer You Lands in Large or Small Tracts, or City Lots at Low Prices and Easy Terms ÍÍ CHEHALEM ORCHARD HOMES ” t?e pla£>e f?r aJSma11 Farm; only three-fourths mile from Railroad station and on'e andTonXTf miles from Steamboat landing. uue-nau Acre Tracts within One Mile of Court I GOOD lersIalS2o^^paSflneaSCanbefoand in Chand NO EXCUSE FOR YOUR NOT HAVING A HOME I 0-0.11 glzxc L Ses z / - T- S tilthtleff . W. T. SIIURTLEFF, General Real Estate, Insurance and Loan Brokr. Collections Promptly Attended to. Office Cor. Third and E SU„ . McMIoorlile, Orefo„.